rh rim-wriia The Official Paper of Harney ( 'nuntv, . has the lnr(ii'l circulation ami it on nf J the het ii.hi! lining medium in Kaatern irrafna a She pmlleMiX ' Vf rii ff urntq eTountrv CniMI n area nf n, I'M.HOO acre of J lnl, 4,721,000 arrf vt vacant talk) to stitrv under the nMIr th t'nitsd Mtete Inml law of XIV HURNS MARNKY COUNTY. ORKCiON, SKI'TKMBKR I, 1908 NO. ,. :.I"DS BOOSTERS j 'he amount actually anrcl the state for firat "ntiit" work, and -UKtO.oon with $1.200,000 the lat- E MAS BEEN DONE IN tor being what ia aaaurmi the atate Will KNCIRCLE CASCADES They ar of rhamoia, fringe and M;v WATER RKMT LAWS alaahcd, ami reach to thp elbow. .tnaquin Miller who writea in had MARRtkUN INTEtEST PLAN TO RS- 'fl "" n"11" M"'k T"io CITATION TO Hi IRf tJ.4; ::::' q B.AMA1I0N Wart If The Cklrt Cast at lhi-. at H Share tuition Isad II rl MM Ml leen icople of OrcR"ii to Interior Uepnrtnient reclamation project! aav thf Telegram. Ban-i.-.- 1 ngiiiccra have Hmiiiinatinu in sever- ". hy 191, I Nevada affords a more atriking example nf thia apportionment She haa been pledged by the Inter ior Department for "firat unit" work II time an much aa the atate will lave contributed hy 1008 and M timea aa mii.-li aa ahe will have contributed by IMS, for other ap proved project work. California will get but H.'f per cent of her con tribution hv IIMis for "first unit" work nnd 17 per cent of the atate 'a contribution until Itfirt for approv ed project accepted Idaho will CAPE HFAVY HUT He begin to weave romance and write poetry after I reakfaat in hod at s a m. and doe not drew until Rectal acaaltltleat Wak Tat Paraaat at noon, when dinner ia eerved with Oecritleat OavleaaNtw tlat hia family During the afternoon Will ft Flrat MM. j ha goea driving Supper time it 7, IRRKIATIONISTS OF ORHIos 0ATHFR IN SALEM. Will Utttall. Will t HM Stpttwktr Teala Aaa rsjv.atk--i.tll WIH at Itt.t witkt a Ft ni lunl v recointneuilinii I llj lllipllRllllf "". hin aured 1C ,.er but ibroitgh aome cent of her contribution for "firat a . a - . tit. 1' wiiet un.l f tri,n aaaa ...!. a ined itie Secretary 1 "", ". -i.r muun never provided ft I m "'' I"" "' fnr work in but two tH P " "nlil Wash ington will gel M er cent of her have never ki:owi. contribution for "firat unit" work iti e 1 r ittle iork wiih done here '""' ' P" wi" 01 ner total lor rvr beer, gathered lhe Jpcedjng work until MM" Kfatt ot organisation to BT enroparing Oregon' allotment Hbn wbnt aeema ro on Percentage haaia with the other Kiimtmn 1 n ally an Co"d '",', another light on the fvMtt of painataking ! "" injustice I revealed, Oregon rK new projecta whiuh Baling but .!1 per cent of ber con tKt of),, mix have never Irihutlon by I'M: for other apprnv- IklkL. . 1.. ed iirnici'tH In Im i ttii t,lMlf.tl he Ibui m fiinviuciiiaiv lire ,..-, . . r.... - ..... Thai Harriinan will encircle the Cascade range from Natron on the eaat lo Pram on the weat to Weed and to a connection with the joint line of the Santa Ke and Southern I'analic from Sao Kranciaco to Ku reka, i certain through hi acijui aition of the Cnlifori.ia North eat- tern Railway The line extenda r" Shor' '",''' who h"" h,,', into the Kal.math c.notrv from head,nr,er at Rrn.l dur.ng the . 1- . :n 11.. H1a. .-L Weed but ha been con.tructed ! """. ..r...r. - .. tMlj pari of the way. Krickaon A and the poet retire at 10, He ae nuicli of hi beautiful little daugh ter. .Inanila, throughout thi ilav. from the time ahe carriea htm a daiotv break tal anl freah flowwa until her aweet Scotch ballade jutt Iwfore bedtime . 1 heif Kngineer Waggner of the Petteraon, of thia citv, being now en gaged in building the connect! n be tween the terniinil nnd KaUmath Fall, a distance of I : mil? and will n 'jiiire another vear The road wn started hy the Weed I, umber Company ami ha lieen to Hums about September 1 Oheif Miller, who recently rttnrn ed with hi crew from MVtftnj in the faacaiiea weal of Odell. hna tak en about half the crew and gone lo Riley'a ranch between Hend and Burn about 50 mile from Morn. He and hi crew will work from thoae who onn- i million. Save time No other atate in the entire reclamation group ia given auch a dalai damn rotation made by the 'ow percentage, the only other one of I Oregon delegation 'approaching it lieing North Dakota, !,!, f neoaaaity which ha teconJ place in point of Hon general reK.rta oontributiona North Dakota will than, no effort luriher receive for "firat unit" work iHfor examination haa "' "f '"r contribution hv HO m-d, , ,ii. -tale 1"1 f"r oher approved project IB90n .'!(, JHSI.IHHI at "' " I"' bav baan expended by In rea. lung an estimate of what Hrii.irim. in recla proportions the respective atater nrfcin I. -tale and terri- ' will maintain in IWOSand l'1! thi Bai. It 1 ' 1 :: ir i ' I I propositions maintained between lor the same work 1901 ami 1906 are accepted aa the w ill approximate bast for figuring In computing PpMl.i.H require that what the fund will U' by that lime, iPkf Interior must ex thi wat the basts Uken hy the ex- peri nf the Land tiflrce, and it is fair to use it in determining what proportion should ! maintained ha not act epiad hy the Interior Department in utak- law. which seeui to ing allotmenle ao far ahead. It the r stale -linn .1 ! i.roporiiun ot conirinuiiori i ue- Rilov'a tnari1 Huron at raiirbleoimr uaed largely for logging purpoaaa . , . , ,, curve and doing other work on the I nougn a passenger service was ru augarated and of lute aggrmn.. i.t- wrrr iiimie 10 neigui nnnip j tii' teriitmuo in'.. Kalamath hall The plan is to connect with tha , line from Hum toward Kind. j Hend Hullilen tomb Bay Caltk a than hull f the i rPks in the states ala ol interpret ibis law kntrii.iition at Inaat, but cumplies with ...I. t ill lie Ihruugh exH-inii i'ii. of diapropurtioiiata lunm of law by holding thai , tt.oney in the tale lo make tin arid land salable, which ia na much of an injualice to tiie injured state as the primary complaint nf Ore- it ol a stale's . onln- ita own " patmetit has the remaining -HI I gon of at u ah of apei rior l divet ahUbsar it wills If Oregon haa inherently aa aloat tin ugh the atmutltt I KruuK e'jiutive in the reclamation iJH 1 1. i artment is b. ct um nt Nevada or Arizona, her loaa Ln considered in fig- is plainly many mill u.s annually B tin-. giving the If her c(uilien are equal lo Ihoaa of a of i' Washington and California, roa4 to the .inous stale- . ,t is ,i,, h.-..ih If this atate B ailliOUUcetl b lb' eil !" i oer cent of her i9Hrti:.i iii shows that hutioua for "that unit" work, aa loasjisi ou the entire list, Idaho will the money expended f&esiirc.l but ;il pel here for development would reach tril.utiou unl.l lim ielw-i. fs.iKi,iK. and fi,tHj0,(KJ0 iPKit work now under b l'HI instead of $',000,000, as II par oant "I I oiilnbuliun at preaent promised and if the state Lii.l. l. 1 ' 1 ' lor Ibe Mere given the aame equities as pMJrcln that have been Idaho in ibe additional appin,, auu ai inn. .. . d hj the in- project work following 1 90S, the ex California Northeatlem at Kalam ath Fall wit n ibe Oregon Kaatarn which ia to be atarted soon from Natron ni.d proceed through the Cascades and thence aoulb. also forming the liiat link of the (Cast- and-West line beta Nation and Ontario The primary nbjeci in taking over l he Weed road wa evi dently to escape the heavy haul through I Ii- Mkiyoua. The Weed lin. promise), i ' give eompnr.. fjfMf grade atol little curvature. while tin same is expected of the route being surveyed f..r the Ore gon Kusteru. In connection with that plan I the deteriMii'it i .n to make IM liraui-Marshlield road a firat class piece of work in every reaped It ! will connect at Marahneld with the , Coca Bay, Roeeburg A Katrn, the , J D. i ..rub hadacarcely return ed from hi trip to Haker with a bunch of cattle for the CarMcm Rro't of Seattle, when he went into the lower John Day and Wheeler counties ami picked tip a bum h ol 'si load, ateer and cow It re- piired only a few day, lea than a week, in complete ihe deal Mr c ,.n. paid $22 for two year old ateer. :" lor three-year-old, and verying price according to .pialily, for cow He aay the atock waa not in every inetance of the heal, but that he seciind MM splendid animals He has not de termined what disposition Id make of the hunch mi and may feed them Mr. Combs is usually linth a Oliv er and seller, and ionke at the mar ket from a aland point of both Skitr.. .... i.i.iiu.rl, wl.u'li wtmm r..- .... .. Hence hie operation t th tuarkrt cently tak-n over by the Soulhoru Pacific From Ihe I. riniiiu at are watched with . good deal of in terest hy grower in the valley (iranl tin hi New tarvfag to nc.iii Mvrll. p. int. mil-s south of Coo Bav, the line will he extended lo a connection with the California Northwestern, which i in opera tion from San Kranciaco lo Sher-! Uecauee her at.nuach waa ao wood, but lb. n. Inn will aUil al weakened by uaeleaa drugging that Willite and be carried north lo .. could not eat, Mr M ry II km It Is iiodelsbsid the lal- VV alters ,if l I imi St Columbus ler stretch will be urd (ointly by O , wa literally stniving to deati. tl e -. iithern Pacific and Santa Ke Khe writes Mi stomach waa ao Like the I'ai die system south ol rak tiuiii useless drug that I San Kranciaco 1 1 : ui b.-r n Pacific could not eat. ninl ins rn-rvea ao will then hive a MM and interior wrecked that I oiild not sleep and lot the entire dialanoe frou. Portland will mJM Mm advantage .I two made, while from Corvallia north lo Portland there will tie practically three track, two ol und not until I was given up to die waa I indeed to try Klecirlct Hitter -with the wonderful result that im ,,etil began :il once and a complele cure follow Beat A special diapatch to the Journal from Salem aaya: A meeting of the irrigator and water uera of 'Oregon will he held In thia city SrptemWr 10 and 11 for Ihe formti- I mug a coda of water right law which will ha preeenled to the h g islature next winter, with rwoom mendntion for ite paaage The call for the meeting will he iaatied in a few day, formally by the Portland hoard of trade, and Ihe matter i now in the hand nf the legislative committee of that body State Kngineer Iewi haa heen re commending something along thi 1 line ever mce he haa baen in office. 'and lbs propoeed meeting ia the ...it come of hi labor K H. Newell, chief engineer of the recla nation aervice nf the 1'niled Stale government Mnrria Bain, legal ad- viaor lo (lie department, I'. Men ney, supervising engineer for Ore gon and northern California; A. IV Storer, the government eipert who ia now at work experimenting in tin- Willamette valley. State Kngi neer lewis and other well known expert will lie preaenl at the meet ing. I.usi .Saturday evening Mra I i .ink Sela received a ineeaage from the home of her brother, Cbaa Lewis, of Vlbany staling that Mr. Lewi was dead The aad new came unexiiectedly aa Mr lwia waa ill but a abort time The diaeaae waa congestion and hemor rhage of the brain. Mr Lewia waa i rmerly a reeident of the John Hay valley and wa married hut a little more than a year ago (iranl County Newe Deceaeed waa iuite well known hare, having been a reaident of thi aeclion fur several year He wa at one tune a member of the local lodge of Knight of Pylhia. Ibe limes-Herald will make this a bargain month iu the way of subscription and haa arranged to give the Serui-Wevklv Ht Louis Republic free to all who pay up arrears and one year in advance to The Times- Herald. N tubaulb- ers who pay lo advance will aleo new tin great national aeioi weikly newtpaper and family magazine in Ibe United Hlate. The two paper on year for 12 lor thi- month only. part agent m ui.- ascertained by cootriboUra from -niliUires here betaneu HHJ'', and lilo would lie from J4,00l,uxX to IJo.OOU.OOU If the auoluieul pel preaenl time a ceutage observed in Washington wr ii:, in an.iaai.vivai, anu were applied in oregou. me expn- Ht it will continue on dilure for reclamation in Oregon H until I'M Tncri would he from "..iMHi.t r to i0,- Hi the perc.-ntuge ol ilOO.OOU hy l!H)h, and from ri,iHi,- moug ibe stales un- -) to . ,ia;,i' ior tue succeeo- Kahall nol continue lo lug live year K the lead, as tbere Btrui ol public land g V. Will Exlcaa Iv Prairi Cil) IBbich would be mole IKng.ai If Oregon ice-l'residi lit Kccle. of lbs Br piopi.rlion of the HUiiiUri alley Railroad, was in IB). whei it.e loUl iporiland yesterday, and stated that ipro.v. . OO.tKaU,- I jir.prliona r going for theex IHdii share would be t,Blo 0f the road from the pre IHL or 17 percent, m terminus i'l AusUulo I'ra.rie Ofortiui. ul the pre- c,t Work will eoon be com 1 'akinu the existing menced on litis new construction id ibis esliuittted to- and n is hoped to have a large pari suite anil possihlll- of the Work completed will, n the Ihe next si lUODtb Oregonlai, BMaiviug for "firsl times as much inon rtiou would be ui woik is lo U- ci. m- Ireuou were rewurd- Hcr ihe lumls allot- I lirst unit" work. Powerful lungs means powerful LtwMl.lHK). ru s creature How to keep Ibe lirealh- irding lo the June ing urguiin riglit sbou'd lie man's Iniern.r llepurl- ciiellent study Like thousands of lion il funds lo com- others. Mrs. Or A Mephens, of projects, following Port Williams. O , has learned how jrk is 9 0 times as lo do this She writes I uree bot- ponlributlou will be lies of Dr King's New Discovery this work is to be stopped my cough for two years il Oregon were to and cured me of what my friends ceding work lu like thought consumption O, its illoiio.nl would bo grand for throat and lung trouble" Phe wrong done Ore Ouuranteed by the City Drug Store parent by compar- Priot 0c and fl.00 1 rial l.oitle 0 with 2.000" which will be no the east sitle of health tonic M wMteV Me" Oauren- ihe Willameit. I,...,, Woodburn teed by City Drug tMM outh, and frou) Dram to Weed i there will also be three track, wilh ' 35 OO kliWAiVI) $J5.0o. two leading into the Bay Oat Ibe Shasta Route is nol tolas N0Uoe i hereby given ihathuut- abaudiimil nut will liecotne a local IIK ami shooting upon the endowed line, all freight and passenger busi- , lamia of tl.. u,.ric.an Laud A Live Te Care a Fla" say Sam Keodall of Phillip burg Kan "Just cover 11 over with Huckleii's Arnica Salve and the salve will do the real." Quickeat in 1 .r Hum, Hoilt, s.,iet, Hcalds, ouils. Pile, Kcem. Halt Rheum, Chapped Hand. Sore feel, and eore J' Only 26c l the Cuy Drug J;,' -1 ire (iauraiileed. In Un 1 BWatj i ."irt of the Ht ..( r .gin. tor 1 1 unty In tin- Mattel 1 laa aWtata) , "' t Jacob tlrneiidlke. )is-ese.l' I',, Mill, hi It Hod. MM Mart Knot, Marll.it M'ls.tt, Charles Al-hott, Frank i,i.,,ii 1 rra w ii.ta-ii. Mi sinitb, Mis Lattte Kllrtea, Mrs Vlnnu- llaniil inn, P a lirwawaiae, Mwla Phillip, (lllrsrrt i.ruen.like Mrs t arris M ladd, K .1 Ituell. II loiien.lik.'. OfMwwIka, PetMa QHkMwNw, Nellie lirtieii.lik. 1 :ti II r., I Kills t KfBeO. Wan.r I ai . "' ReMfcwMM .liii-nl, l . 1 loi i.ruel.illlis, John I'.rnaiiihkr, Ir , I Iks, I'raerit , .... 1.. 1 ... 1 .... ii w lav is, m niar.l itrt.aaw . aunu ii. d.dhv, i llesstn llrvai, Frank W AShntt. l twMM I Oaat, and llsrlssrl Pisnt I MM I I eels, . linden S, Minnie A lUlt.rilg.-, Kuel II Oruea .like, Kit II lil.on. NMMHI (Ireun dike, Nsllis i.ru.iMlike Wallnti, I rr.l It Ortienilik. Praahkl M Davia. Iltrbart K Ii x't, Willi.. .t I llr.ikaa. C. N Ab bott, II wMeaeafl Mrs. I rank Abbott, Clrirli.tle tilers. I liorna It. I.aeay, A. IWttlette l.a.rr. John I l.arey, I. Id A IVsibttle, and lledellr I. Prior, the known lislri. ami to all lbrr heir UB known, 11 mn , nl Jacob loin ndlke Da eeaaeil. nntl t.. all whom It may eoncera, lireeling Hv ordrr of tl.v als.vu mlllled coart, a I. and all al ton art hereby oitss.1 aad re,iio,il 1.1 aajpaW bMNwMM above en titled Cart 41). I Judge theretif, at lb ( o.intt ( mill Ibsiai. at Hura. ursgoa, n in t.lser lil.lvssl, at two o'clock I'. M llisn ami tie re kj tlioa cans.', Il any you have, why Mill l King. Adnonls Irator of the Katate of Jat .b 1 .ruandlk, tlereased. Willi Will nneletl, a tlli'h administrator, mil. r and lit virtue of certain agrrement ladween JaaMa K. Malum, ol Harney County. Oream, and aid J, oh i.nrnmlika, ilecnaceil, idalail lebrnait P.. IW. taiiriW July I I "is. on MBMMw. 11 -'. ui taaa A' ol Ml cellaueu lleiiir.lt in lb I Urk's tifltee In llarnev 1 ..unit OMJMl i.selher with an order af -aid tountt 1 mil ip. proving a certain ioenrninle between aid Jarnet I Mai anil aid Admlol' Irator, li. 11 I.I aal ' sml deliver In taxi James 1 Mtli.n, .1 aBwl anil iilfl riei. 1 dt.d as an. Ii administrator, to Ibe folbiw ins' d. ril.. I real .roH'rl 1 . altual tl I -i of VV illamatle Marldran, in Mar nev Coiuiiv. nregoii, kawM "i I M. - It 14; K'g 1 Hit, an I N'.. S K , he, .11, V ' . U , NW ', , H '4 ol KK4 ol -VV ', .,1 .1 SVA i, NIC', nl ie,- t, H in I. -s. Ik It at . ' ), and VA ', ol HVA ',..1 e,. H ; NW of N . N vv , . .11 H', ol K',..i .ec. .in. all iu T. Jh, H I M ilnew, lbs Hon. Jnsepb lta lor, Judge of the I oil id t Court of II. met I mini , 1 in-goii, Willi 1 aal of tald Court affiled, Dili mil. 'lo ol J. lit , IMS, ( ..unit 1 unit -,-al UAH MoriiaaiMktu, If Cletb Of llarusjr ' ounty. Ore. Wo 1 It. KiMo, Admiiiittrslor HOTJI - t IH.ICAII.iN t.i. 1 , aii or, 11 1 1 . . t .1 .1 1 , T Mowaani acawcr 5;- f f t f f f ewcaroiNT w r. aeawff . wier " 'arotarr a a COWDIN, caasata first national Bank c ai hvvii 1 niAHn wnui " i-i.i, iirrtuu A A Oeneral Iktiiklnjc Bulnesi TrntiHacted COHRESPONDHNCH INVITBO A sii- THE CARTER HOUSE AnmncAN plan ONTARIO, ORHOON. Fire-Proof, Modern, Elegant. Katcti $ j.oo and $1 $o per day. All Outside Rooms (Near Depot Thi modern nev I otel wa tail) icirnilv opened M wM public Harney County peiile will hr always welcome and t'ourtrimtl) tareilfor. A Inst 1 las b.ir in t..i LIVERY BARN IN CONNECTION. tc MMM eT.. I.-ITI Napton &, Boyd Real Estate. Mines and Hiatag. A l'arr. lnMo, laauoa. A OBiamiisSc New Wimmm BHab. ;:; S THE CAPITAL SALOON, 1 . .O ... ss mm u I s 1 Msansl HMI leaiak. ' II. si s..l y 1.1 ai .1 1... ,i .11 11. 11. ..I taia . Kal,a t lll.'ISU llv'H IU.'Ii. Ol Mm . 1.1 'iV ui S ,o .i.J ai,i. Mil HI Hll I'lltl.K Alios TltlNCII luiNKi.AS, lr.iirieiora Burnt, - - Oregon. Wines Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables. Club Rooms in Connection. Mollis I '.si I M I of a through nature heing route.l eitli. 1 al-.uig the t'oaat or hy way of Klamath Kails. hue through the Siskiyou Stock Co located in lownship 3i I itaioje M K ami l'jwuhii 30 H, KK W M. Harney Co Oregon (bulter known a ihe Troul ha proven bolh expensive and c k ald j0ol,y Kanvh,) ia diilicult to uuerakti luring the itricjy forbidden Any pereon or 1 ol.slatles in the way of landslide and washouts have made it pfjpoaaihle lo maintain schedule MfMM found hui. imp or trespass ing wilh a nun 111 their pose. ion 011 above described property will often lot days at a tiu.e The last ur0eecuU-d to the full eaieiil ol blockade causud by the cave in the law A reward of $H i h ' and tire at tunnel Hi, proved di- hy otlersd for evlden will as.rous, and even lo.lav a: oo,,,. , lead to llieir arrest ai HMli operating around ihe tun- Amkm" as 1'as" a '' H,'K '" Ml .. means of a temporary track Hv K B '" Kan'" I p grades and bad curve have nut been culiductl v c lo last Lime, but with the opening (' ihe new coniioutlon hy way of We J, it is expected the running lime will be materially reduced. Telegram Well Worth Tivlac. the breath of Ills It's a sigmticenl fact that the strongest animal of it's sie, the go- Juaasia Miller Kttliai ti Sarai.x W II llrow n the popular p nsion attorney, of I'lttstield 'l says "Neil lc a good Hlisl -n, the Iss-sl thing lo gel i r. Kings . w lib I'lllr ' Hi ttiile. they keep m v faim'y iu splendid heabl ' 'iiuA cur for headache coiisiipan n and hillousneas Ja- tiaiiranle.il at Citv Diuk l..re .a) a Saratoga l'iwlt h in the New York orld Joaip.ui Miller 1I1. poet of the Sierras, ha joined Iii family al their collage here. A friend who asked the poet to go to the races received this reply "Piano, piano softly. ' -I th. ...en here wear shiu- y01"' M Mf "' "'" ttl "'" llig patent leather shoe. The ' Jl"1 u cabinet and r. pair shop luLut iifMuru luuif MikiikM fianrlr lir:iWti ' lw nv.w w, wVa.v aja-ajaww - ( (J W. C'levenger ha the uiocl . -1 tensive and well ae lee led atock of wall paper vr seen in thi county. The variety and deatgn, ar well a uality are all that one I desire lie I also receiving 1 oe line of furniture ud baa one of the neatest furniture ditplay ever een The adverlieing uierchaut 1 Ihe una that doe th business in lbe day of puab and enlerpilse There are more newspaper reader today l ban ever before III ihe history of the World ill newspaper plade your business under the eyes of the buyer He see what he waul and, knowing where to nod il, look up the wide awake merchant wbo asked him in com aud see bin. Success iu these day of sharp competition call for eternal vigilance Vuu 1 au't keep a buatler down Kx Job printing The Times-Herald Having sold Ihe lumiluri I.usi nee, C A Byrd will now turn his meaning Softly, attention to palutliiK sir. I 1 .banging nnd solicits a slim some black, hut all r.-aching to the knee. Huriug the dav he tucks his trousers into the boot, during the evening he wear hi trousers outside of hi boot. The poetl wear gttuutlels iulad of glove. ( See Geer aud Cummin' ad Call and see Mrs lialtie Hasln just east of ibe Windsor and r. led your millinery and have it triiuiiii.1 to order Ike Lmk Star RE8TAURANT Cliioe to orgs, Proprietor. Mala and b btraaU. IUHALiS AT AUU HOURS Skpy in cooowtttion. A Specially t Start 9t4m. Table fuinishod with everything j th market afford Your patron J age aolicited . in ill... I M II. . ul In. Blltll -l.lt. I .! Ill 1 I .,,u.i .. iwa. kt lutiu.itis . u is Sjir n.s HsatMsl and -' ,' .1 ul Htlllil ta"- w. r.-.k CHAS. WILSON. occtaaoa lo.wuiut 4 msiut Blacksni.hio ao. HorsiMig. Wagon Work ALL WORK GUARANTEED. W lA bL "B JsIIl I I ftTl As . LaAsvtsta s y . - . Sk Nlllli I. lull HIDs Main 8t.t fto EklMJlLLillT KHITllTia Matin I hsr.by arven thai Ilia Uoat 1 .1 IUmi. .1 I'otiuly will rw-elv fliCTKALLT Mtlt-.l I'lols sU III! "SI .'Old . lll.s. body JiiuiMir or H w..l uc lo HapH Mh IWUUal I ..M.Mk I'. M al whkb llli.s said bid. will Is- opened lit llir 1 ourl ilid shall tlat. l..il,.i Hot luuiMrr m l'o 'l.slourl re aarvea lit. right to i.-jMct aay ur all bills 11) . 1 it I V,,iUKMMB4l, 1 oualy Clerk aW irmiaii kaEAfunii I mtnsm m W itoii MUUM Bl-rsuw Del A lsMi(n. fl I Otroularw. pi rov jHi.i-niiii ss aaAXaK.aT.vx. Burns. Oregon I. L LEWIS till k cU. la itfMa. PARTICULARS and PRICES U mmi anlriag INFORMATION. imkk Iihi'iibi IMSIdiNS. K-AwY, ES'.Tr ' 1;! t. iaviim 1 xuul oo. vtf The Finest of All MARYLAND CLUB WHISKY Hotel Burns Bar Ants, Burns, 0i. gMRolhv)i d Broa , Uilnbuter, I'urllaud, JOB PRINTINCTHE TIMES-HERALD