The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 11, 1906, Image 1

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    rij r linen -tlrrnlo
RMMal faper of Harney Oootit. . J
Urit.-di circulation ami it on of J
M advertl iig medium in Faster n
h Wrant Wnrnnj 7niittlru,
t.ner eit it '( n.tva.non mn nf
land, 4, 7?l ," acre J' varm.
tnnilrr un-l. r Ih pvbMf lnd Is
Ihf lulled MUM,
Salem, Auguat 1.
"t-tr Kilt ore Btaslll TW
sal W Sletka
I W VMter.
.nd xwodn
ABOUT NEW IRRItlATION LAW igation for Ita high! Biiiliaeaial
If Oregon i not tt rvadv for
modern cod of water law, when
PNOINEER "ill " H more riv i ne
greater the nuaihei of axeDWtatlvW
anil qneationahl water right
claimed, the mora opposition to the
J. n. LEWIS.
Aaaeaaor of Harney County.
Iar Sir In reply to your fav
or nf the USth in.taot I beg to aay
that the Supreme court in deriding Taw SakkKi TrtaM la a Leaftky Wr paag of auch A law will be ha.l.
. .mi
CMrratie ky Irrfcrafer
The Time-Herald i it. receipt
(food '
great area
ireai ami
hrt tarry
n in the t
kd for are
in. iiiiaw
iralor in i'
i an attar.
nan grow
Mrt pnmpt
the ease nf Wall are. et 1 v Faltin Frlk Weca far
et al., on appeal from Josephine
County, declared the law authoriz
ing the Houeeholdere' exemption and void. of a letter from State Enpinewr
While I regret that auch ia the llewia in which he endow the fol-
The old ,06. and endeavored to sustain the lowing, which hi- explain waa pre-
Eastern com- exemption by preparing a hrief and pared for one of the local paper
farmer bring Parenting an oral argument at the The Timea-Heiald gives it in full
i1 nf (Ka tmmt I al tM nf that nllifl- . h. l...Al a Itat eaa.laiVa in j
iii 'i ni' -re-s , a biiii oi ' ,,... mr ilir l"-IH III tM up irwurir ia wi -
n' Ian ,,. ,i U l ... Ji.iv l tin nfRnrm I . at... .1 m - -- tLA ...U
'll " I aire tinaj wi aapFwaa - yrr tllNI HIT J tile en mix Mir r-war-
fslteftt porker. riift iv,- law as rlrUrH bv ,.m Th ArtirU r1ni n..i sntlttaiv
it mm -"-- -
cl friakieft colt, the court, and Mnce the court ha represent the eentimenl of Tie
ewife bringing declared that there i no valid ex- Timea-Herald. however
f jam and eruption law. that no exemption The dicuion before the
eke, crarv ahould be made.
Very reapectfully your.
A.M. CkAwroRD,
Attorney Genera'.
mrx sucn an
ral Kant i al-
d to with plea
pant and i a
own way. It v tor the
the fineat com
52500 REWARD $25-00.
commercial nodie of Portland on
the development of Oregon' irriga
tion and water power reaoorcea.
and especially the application of
irrigation to the Willamette valley.
hich xrat unanimniialv urged by
the p mIiiihI Hoard of Trade, ha
raised the iiueation of legialation
When but a few right exist M a
atream no difficulty anaa the divi
aion of the available wawr i bad,
but a anon a the appropriation
exceed the aupplv trouble liegma.
Numerou ditche are now
conatrncted to utilize the lloml
flow for o-alled "winter irriga-
ti.M. " t'onatant nieasiiren t "f
the water and poiaM control will
lie neceeeary to indicate hen theae
canals ahould be closed and the re
gular flow go by 10 satisfy prior ' rp.ratioi.a
vested riohts With the construe I"'"" " l,,f
tion of atorage reeervoirs, ihe i(u.
tion 1 still further ct. implicated
leHtr Praai latrrtar DeaartaMal Wklck I
lalaaatary Taat SaaaM it
Ira ky alt letaraatta.
following ha been sent us
by the local land office and will be
of interest to our reader
sis Resolution of March ID, is
a fo.l
Rewind, That the Secretary of
the Intri..r be, and ia hereby, di-
lo furnish to the Senate, on
M ulav in IVoemher,
ntmdred and aix. the
:uin' of the peraona, firm, and
M convey or relm
1 iovernrnenl of the
I'niteil State land within the Inn
ii of Government foreat reaerves.
Notice i hereby aiven that hunt
In to tell hi lea ing nd shooting upon the encloaed ,, aW 'Ik encouragement The law
ret of hi iancj0f e American Land i Live ' propneed by the Governor1 corn-
tell b In did it st.K-k Co (M-ated in townahip 3H I tiiiaaion. which failed to b passed
I llbKI I'l lirnill an -iwinj' a- aa a a 1 1
naalBtkCBof pi .wing, aeed- . j0 s RaaxM M K and tinrnahiii '" ! ' g"l'ire. baa been, . .,,..,
" M. Harney Co -tronglv urged as a b.s for '"-J ,,,., ,H rHlrvr(, , i,.,, ,
11 ! I . i.nv.rsauoii at ,, , i.... l ii.- Tri cueaion. a 11 1 in line un me
1 'r-(Mii piriwi Kill nil r tuw m ..
Thi Muetion will soon arise on the "'"' "o duly recorded the aame in
I mat.lla River a to how late w, ' ro,n.r , .unlv prior to th- Act
the apring Ihe tlovemn.ent will I '" Mn"b third, nineteen hundred
permitted t.. take water for it- -tor- ""' H '" "'" hail prior to aid
Mr Kckles " ",,IP" '" w,",r oln"T I""""'
age reeervoir
reorts a troub' la the
(irande Iton.le vall.-v. ahi.b i - 1 j
ical of nearh all torage prajaou
me RHpfcod are compar- rrHk ad tlonv lUnohea.) ia
eaolta afted. -aya anas- ..triotlv forbidden Any paraoi. or
ieraon found hunting or traapa
larney pountv fair loba ,ni: Wllh a gun 11. their poaeaaion
H ..,.L n (ictoutr 0imb0V1 .Jeacribed protrertv will
ir in the - manner and t proaaoutad to the full extent of vice, alio is I a leading
t atMa Hiu-i' W are the law. A reward of 925 ia here- authority on irrigation la It ia
Klicv 1 if the tioverument and in
if irrigation by storage i to lie an
I tnds in lieu of the lands .. con-
axaj M reiniuihel, or who have
t 'tied, through no fault of their own,
i obtain patenla to landa eecured
in in lieu o( lauds ao convey
ed or n'lnifuished, as provided by
1 I Ihe act of June fourth, eighteen
n I mm j -seven, and who can not
on account of aaid Aot of March
mpj ih f !" rtlftt il hf
tl e Ri colder i'l I1'.. I ,.f the conn
tv in which Ihe land is situate will
in I abstinct if title will,
iaxan ib" reqaaal of Ihe (artv tiling
the same, be r.t'irn.-.l after ibey
have been exiiniineil and noted lv
the Coiuaniathwier i( iba Oeneial (HI
ll , raaajt linns and corpora
tions h I hiTiin a'" ixpreaa-
id that
while the si.iirimi.ii nl mii'inp
auving prs herein des.r il.ed inav
be filed for tranaoilaal i. 10 the
Ceneral I iml Olb. e, in the local
laml otVn-rs, and thai while the data
aanialnrd ia all atalaiwaiita received
in ih" (lane ral I ind OAoa at a
time when u ir-.corp .ration in the
report la H I" "b.l In re
ill Is pi 1.1 ill le included
in such report, nil responsibility for
the filiuu of such atnteiiieiii and
acconip inving pnier in the man
ner herein provided, iela with
Ihein. and that they are hereby
directed tO in. el lb- return rata nl
herein imnlr al lb" earlust dale
he Kntl of The World
HOtaraao ataaxir. eatamiNT w. a ataatt.vicrr aierr
R. A COWDCN. Caestiia
h ataaatitafa lv ..llered for evidence that will f,in,,., upon the expern
1 roril Tlie stored waters were
hamm.iv ,.! .be federal l.wa ., , f , , , ,,
Th rnuni.tii wnn f.niritrt in lUl . . --j m:,i,
PtirnilJ t uniiii'i wnrn Kwaaw wiaai
the experUtinn of !r"' "" " """"" "
due all... ifbf laaa, ",k- ""l -''' - "
at bit dit.-b diversion, bul .he r. g- P-'l the uumlwr of acre, so conve
ular flow and aaafJf - "' ,"r "''.n,i..she.l
prepaiiti mi by Morri Rien. the le
gal adviarr of the Reclamation Sr-
than ''l ""' '', nn convici.on. wrr lhf$ fun,nlttf.,, t 1
uWdo Wnii. an I.m. A l.i - principle have een tried and I
baa kta- ' K " "" ' Kan' " M ",,Kn- i f lH1 , aaawaaafai s,ii.staniiallv
lukawthi m- with MrltM iux '" ,,r,,rr '" ',r,,,,lr, "",'
ggggW ' 'of
ts tie
H In e
1 .11 wtaaxa 1 farm-
re waB ijuile aucceaaful
ua ajaaaw ataaM hm
at bow
1 a Sea Wall
make lib n a safe in that city
aj m tin bigheat uplanda K W
-nles .in Dutton Si.,
ill Waco. Tex . need no aea wall
(ii for aafety. He wrilea; "I have
used H. Kin' New Diacoverv for
r. ilia Bin
"I" -'
praduea larger and poeti
tlar Afeta l product means
, the aavuiai! :t means
.oar lad pro-
1 oiisuiiiptii.n the paat Ave year
unl ukeapa me well and aal'e He -fore
that time I bad a cough which
lor vear had been growing worae
Now il'a gone.
Ca,mai tkaAMtn
....!..... I l.riattt. 1 r. tilt. lifMllW
4 tilled acreage '""a"- ---rr -r. -
, mdendent mg congt, a. ,0 preve,,, pneumonia
rjaaaani 10 iaar t.rrT nw
guaranteed at The City Drug Store.
Prioe.r and i.uV TriaM-ntle
n i
jpie; a
and de
Hfe -al fair a an
Im- Harm y cou -
be e00 mice
al aaaat to
IwravatM- rder
ndtOff; aat tiers and 11
r aea at "' ""
t what Cm i"' done with
uluvatl the HariirN
Wa V .in itioe tbe
aai inafcx -.1 ev
t ha aha
the aajM law wa recently
I .rib Dakota, South Dakota
I and Oklahoma, and. with the addi
of a few additional detail, ad
opted by 'tab Tins Uw is chief
! adtiiiniatratie A ayatematic
OMtbod of eatablishiiig and rec rl
ing yeaud right in accordance
with the eetabliabed lawa and de
1 taioli uf Bal ' ktaftl MM pr .vi.l.-.l
alao for the acquirement and re
oording of new right, with the nee-
eaearv proof of in plat ion of work
and determinatuiii by a qualified
1. Hirer of the amount of water put
to beneficial uae. Title to watel
would than ha aa definite aa title
to land and &u abstract uf tbe wa
ter records axataVUk ! linite title,
tuade .
A 1 lain atatemeot of existing
ualion the Secretary of the In
ne,lll iaani wi-i m v
.. h.,lgat-. Tbe dillicultv wa " r,..r is hereby author. aaj and di
Um,H.r.rillv bf MWUlltg ' i"-.- all such ,H,rao,ia.
u. ,:. .hi and "for ami corpora. II bV
irnKulnigatadiaadvaii. Ifl I baW ' ' I'Tln.-nt. with... a tin I
illajM .. l,v ,'"" iB BBBef. MMhr
Ml ..... other -tales, w: - -yance or rel. ........ I.
laws tiraran-lol a- !,. ...ay, and I,.
trativeay.le... -v. r its The i- further authonsd and direct.. I
atored al.r fl I I cb year. '" "' " orders, ruler,
and each owner t.rt... .d by tin lUtiuns as may I liM.ll-
Slate in U. uae at anv .J,.,,,. ary t pr... ore the information here IBM atfW w'b dm- allow- ''V '!""
auoe for loaa by lJIIlln ai nrauanl to the proviaiooa of ib.
aeepage, regard lea. aa to the nam r.a.luti..ii all peraona, firms
berof ditches dixit... .., iH-twrnn1"1 crporaliaiii who conveyeil
the rr.ervoir and place if a
laml. n. the lulled States Govern--
... II l. -
min Mibmr wi.uni nic inline m
MHHajaa MtaM uld.abl foreat reeervee by deed
Before an individual, aorpof itioa, duly uted. acknowledged, and
State or Giiveri.meui ran mill 1111) re. I. .1 in the proper county aflat
degraa of certainty enter into tbe ajpriar to March I, 1 '.mi.., wilb a
construction of worka iiimlving the lide intention ol thereafter a-
Ma af tratara, two tbingi null ba lasting other public land in lieu of
conditions of State legislation ir kimaii First, the summit cal Boa th,. tod aa recouveyed or rel.iu
A apecial from Salem lo the found in a message of Preeident at different aaajm at lha pi 1. r .he proyiaiona of the
Telegram an 0 .tnorCham- Rooaevelt of December, IWiI, where point ..1 diwrsmn, and. evn. .1 the act ..1 turn I laxtl I'M' Slat
iH.-lilum be u amount 01 eater which is nejresary alio acta amenuawiry inereoi, ami
bcrluin i in receipt
I,. t tb aajajaaj ol Jame C'olwell,
aervin. r in nriaon Im ibr
The aecunly and value of the
bomee created depend largely on
t .1 .1.... . I lil l a . asM k a as as I . 1 A
.... ,. 1 , mr siuoiiny 01 lines iu wbki, wii
ktllin of Warren Curtia. 111 H... ' a ,.
and ever, "' L.nnly, Maich J2, lOOJ. He . founUtlon ot eourt de.
In Harney valley a jointly indicted will. George oWoo- , ordinary aj.t.
L mi do rai.e S. Miller and Burl Hailey. vaIio With a few cradiubla ax-
and fruit that will wete mounted. Ibr petition is mjo,,,, tbe arid atalaw have fail-
ith ai oaaa beaded by former SherifT Tom lo pfovide for tbe certain and
do it an Aden, who niiidc the arreat and JUpl division uf a tree mi iu of
but do t testified againat the ilcfcndantk scarcity Lax ana uiuertam lawa
i wan ahot by Miller dunn; have u-ade it poeaible to eatabliab
an altercation oei tbe poaaeaii.m rights lo water iu exceai of actual
uae or neoeaaitiea, ana many
streams have already paaaed into
private ownership, or uoutrol eijuiv-
uty Fa.
- luiaaii'
lit facto
uly in l
n.euf l!
1 1. 1 WB.
to aatiafy the veeted right baloa who fallat" aa make any eeleciin
tbe propoaed i-unl f in ss':-f. lion of the landa by them
Tba State, io oo-operalion with ihe . liibad or whose selections
(joveriiliient hr undertaken lo aa. under taxi pi.ivinoiie of the afore
cure record a to aiream di.charge, aai I o 1 of June 4, IH'.iT. have fail
which to be of mm b raja, must eb llinugb no fault of the party
extend over a period of two to five making auch relinquiabineot, and
ears At present it is impoasible who raaAxM of tbe approval of
to determine what amount of water the ad of Ms are m.w
is neceaaary lo aatiafy vested right, pr.v id from making an. aelec-
aiLinki ii.r.riiialii.i. m iiaAaaaa a v I11 lii.1,.. Ml at 1 ia rati V A I ti ' 1 f I lit filata III
HIiIVM IIHJi ! y, av a-s.. . 1 av w . www w" -asw ...
itl'UII will
1 and be a most
in briuging about
..I ihi arclioli
i hue. bul we can
t stock ever
and the alock show
aihar will be the
of eome lioraea.
The Harney Saw Mill. Roy Bu
t .1 ulent lo ownership.
yard proprietor, ia ready foi the "' "
Whoever control a aiream prac-
of troubles lb .1 robbed Y. II Wolfe
of Urn l. , of all liseflllliea,
rmm nhna ba bagap taking Klec-
tn. Blttal i I Ml - ao Kid
ney trouble run-. .1 1. ureal suf
fering. v Inch I would never have
snrvur.l led I not taken Klectrtc
Kill. 1- Mill 1 I htj also cured
me o' I'. bih. j " Sura
cure for nil Stomach. I.iver and
K lil . 'tils, bli.Mii ducasea.
Iiiit. I 1. I ' i'"l W'rakueaa
-1 1 1 ib II. I'llie Mi
( al lb. City Drugstore
The Tin M id will make
bargain month iu ihe way of
.ml hna arranged
ll,. - .1,1 W.eklv St l.ouis
. .11 win. pav up
hi. 1.- tl d year in advance lo
II,. I 1 ll laid. New aubaolb-er-
who pax in .ulvum.' mil alu
this great national semi
weekly nawepanai and faintly
niagaiine ia be l altaa Htalea
The two puM-is one year for ' -fur
this liiontb onl
A Myetery Sejlvee.
II. . I., k II p. in -die attacka
of bih ad liii'i.n il iiinati-
pan. u wa a ajyataaj that Dr
Kmg' N-w UA Pile solyid for
I rib - John N Pleaaalll, of
Magnolia. Ind The only p. lie
that are guareiilen! U give perfect
. ,nt., .1 .to aaaaj andj aj .m....
refund.. I D0I1 l GttJ Drug
Having .:! tl..- fui'.iiure buai-
lly i.l will m.w turn hi
it. ni. aa 1 painting and BBfJN
hanging and aoholui ahare of
),'iir patrol igi Hi nlll als.
ilm-t u oahlnal ind repair ahnp
kr ho
first national Bank
J r
tA General BankltiK Btislne Trannacted
Fire-Proof, Modern, Elctvant.
Rates $a.oo and 50 per day.
All Outside Rooms Near Depot
Thi modern new I otel wa only recent I) . pi mil in the
publn llmncy t'..uiit jw-oplc will ;
.111(1 1 milt. oul 1. mil fnt. A hist chtM I'll HI in'"
illocama N rtn I
Napton & Boyd
Real Estate. Mines and Mining. X
I'SYMTTB, I '''. '". W
i.utar fBee New Wllw I
THISlll DOM . in. P !
Burns, - Oregon.
Wines Liquors and Cigars.
Billiard and Pool Tables.
Club Rooms in Connection.
know if any aurplu water exial 111 tin- Hoe of the Commissi. nier aj
a alreaui to be put to beiieticial una lha '..neral l.i.nd Ollice on or be-
Capital s -iking iaveatasanl .. Ian 0 ndier I, r.NMi, an inatruiuenl
this line is Iherel i .uiaged, in nting de.rribiug the land re-
and the value of legitimate right lu , bad to tbe Government prior
very luurii lessened beoaun I - to March 3, 191)5, and containing
uncertainty h.iiwi,r a inuit r.pi- .iitallons by the person or
aa hu tega nannjatad il m cii ration win. uiade the ralu.
hi fact patent . pro-Juctu. and tiia doctrine of pri- ba upael at a later d tie uoleea all uisl.ment, that no aeleclio'i m li.u
lagh lha ' naocielion la , vale oanerahip of water apart from who claim tne right to tbe u.e ol thereof I. as been mad. m iu rase
on hand als . shlngies i...ocl roau ' '
I '.a- i. anooor- .. Und cannot prevail without caua- water were made parlies lo lb. an. ! .-lion wa made ami the ae-
I VlMBti lied amount of . f V mg eudunug wroug Tbe recogul- suit, including ibe Stale , i.,t aj I. a failed without fault of
I U0 4e i ilt pav of auch uwiierrhip, which baa of Ibe surplus waters il any, (uf llm pail) making the rlin.uish-
ruiiuaja on .. .ri 'luole and waNTKIi Agent Hustler, been jK-rixiitted lo grow up in tbe future uaer. mnit a reference to the selection
BannW ' ,J' our cu.i. ..A arid reicioii. abould give way lo a All present vested right will ul- r aiteuii... d aelection which will
.irruinii, vivi.v - w.. --- w
that ib premium. . araajaf it atehaf a good hearty more enlighlened and l.rg.-r recog- liiualely coujo ' able the of the
We would advise , jau (l lo (ij ,,h. for ,liitt to union .f th- righu ol the public iu water become more veins!...- a. a neral Land UHlce to readily
lucre lo keep null .. Worth 'aJ to anv per- the conirul and dipoel of the pub- mutter of self p; idetlf Ibe satoe upon the il
ooee ttieir iguorance ljUWhoaell goods for a living, lie water auppliea. Laws founded ready .xp.-rii-ii.ed i. ' bll nltn and that Ibe land n.
If not eatiefactory your money upon oiidiliuiie obtaining in buui- kon si. earns i , n, relinquishment lias
Laa Dxaaular lor s'auj. The iJ regions, Water ,.... , abu..- ''" att, AxaaAW thai deed of relmi,uiab-
l.a. k I UCUlnr lor e.aiup. ue e ,hi ak i i ,c .1. .1 t ., tin .
a hied for record, been
i in auywiae encumlxred by
Tall slid - . Mrs Haltie llaatie
-i t tl.. ii.dsiir and lei t
ir m.. uei ind h n.' .1 tHatBMxl
lo lltlll I
I p 1 . pMiiting at reaaon
able I-'
.u llial ibe
mii liv 1 l.r IihmI aaao- . . i iA .,... i,..,. .ii i i,iii.. '"ll '"" "'
lo almoal thoee giv- D .. . . Vumh Cu jj. d.t u. juatify hoarding ll, have no , .
lot fair in tba wei ....11. ik r applicalion iu a dry 0OUO- L11. 1.. 1 l.e future ui... ,.
some atale
uch as
ir.r Id would urge
Is' this section who
taaHicemeul to lake an
try. ai. .w will pi'L !.. ,.11. 1 atulr. I I.M ulilv riislll vide a s st. II. II. 1 nf deli I
'"in. -" ' "- . . ,
lo waler which should be recogui-
. , 1 I .. .. I ll.u ..A Lb .1.1 mI i.ka I. iBiudli(JI ll.l-
.-.OlILC in i.rir. . s.. -. w. .- - , j-rt o tliK ,.(,, ,( ,, 1,
uuderaigned ba 'sten duly ap- right ehouKI allacb to ibe laud re- i.a.d v.ilue would imoifv Hi
'Im par. in or corpoiatn.n making
the ralm. rudiment lo the (ioyern-
mining ll
lug uliil protection I r V. '-'i ll
kisi 111 making our ,,.1 admiuietratoi ol ;ti - Kntale claimed and be maeperable there- expense The certain1, off 1
gm. ..oaaible We , , , . vBVUIIIIII deceaaed. b) from (irm.ui.g perpetual waler right il permtMe.i, wul.l grei
ir pi Beta and tbe aaec-ia- .,, ,,. ,,.u,,ly court of Har rlghla to other than Uat-re. WltLoul 5T82FS Cl! bei'iencial ' 09 '
li pari toward making ,(uy countyi Oregon, dated May T' the public, ia open milicuu t,e,rcould- p!?' BBreditable on. lmi, UcJ baa duly iiualitied All to all Ihe -bin- ions which apply lo Willi Hn wa'.r law of th
ape. i a; ; -lures fur . havimr. claims againet aaid giving awuy perpetual franchiaea lo era .Slater unit ;u, ll i i.ei.t to tbe U .ver.iuieul ol ilie
r for tbe particular NUhsr hereby required topic- tbe public utilities of citle. A few Ueatious of ii.ier.Uu- rigbl. . I nile.i ,-tate , executed and re
I u.M.
Tbi staUment ahould Is ad
dreaaad to ihe i.'oiumisaioiier of the
I .1 Land Ollice, ahould he
.ivied ami briefed "Htalemenl
fofajanbb 10 Senate KeeoluUon,
M ...I, 1 ' IttOC." and must e ac
eoaanauied by the deed of relinu-
irnn-r will he an ex-
.. a.. . i
.. -.L ... .. .k-. ' .t.ii'..J. j... i . uw enuiinairo
7 , ' 't'u, u,euj w,lu V'"' ""r ; "' vue ""-'" "- "" I A. lb -I a larger pari i f
pumping aevicea withn. aix moulbe from ilie dale of recognized lln., and have incorpor ,, Kll., .ii (fcl.,.,. u,i
bolh euginee and thia nolle lo the uuderhtgned at aled iu their coiieliiution the due- irriaation. which iu turn it d
powei, fanning mill, .. oftioe iu Burn. Oregon tnue of perpetual Male owuerahip denl upon laws providi .g a carelul
h aud other practical, luid June ' l0u of water." aduiini.iraiiou over the waters to
machinery Ju.t M L Lgwia The criUciama aud auggeeUoua of jiuj',,l" tU ""'-"'-'"t'- "' .!'-
.alio., up and it will Aduiii.i.trator ,Le prtt-ideut ,re .ppl.o.ble m Ore- H. I 1 ETZ?"Z.?: Im '
m J "ilicrcu ma. line eui'll VI HIM a-
for your benelit aud gou aa a whole, aa the Willamette caive careful couaideratmn bv tin-
lug il fSae Gear and Cummiue' ad valley ia now admitted to oaad irri-l uaxt legialative aaaeu.i
orded prior to March I, lB0i and
'ii aUtrai t of title duly autheui-
ataid showing thai at the date tbe
deed of reliii.j'Jlabuielil wa raOord-
d ihe title to tbe laud wa in the
l.eraon or corporation making the
leliu.jUioliment If the deed of r--huiini
ha oven loal or for
any reaaoi: can not he produced, a
The Lane Slar
l loiia ' leiarge, I r j . .
I ireeU.
Bakary in oonnnntion
A Sfuially l Short Urfcr.
. .I with lerylhiug
the mark. I sib mis Your patron-
occiaaoa io.wiiaoaaa.Ki a
Blacksmithing and
Wagon Work
Burns, Oronon
Main 8t., -
EnJbi. J BT W hiTTEI All
KIDmiT.Aa jLcHiifUTHAl
lAaxttttUlil 1 ITOII
Ovar BOO H wnu lor
wautiful jKRjI Bnvtow Liel A
tweiiie. . Okroularw.
mmmm aV BU mwi.v
Mil Wkle)
' nCaaXwattxB
I ' i. IT
Billk jUa I (vital
tt eeyisa- auhatf
sou .
t aiavaaa ajdh a no row.
rajiin " .. 0- a. a-
ait The Finest of All oi
rwSaa My g
Hotel Burns Bar
Agents, Burns, Ore.
SVRolbci d Bits , I'lslnbulei, I'orlland, I