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About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1906)
. he ifiwfs-rrau. I.ATK.- I I .IS For Sale Five chc lots m Ontario. 40 lot in Uwes. 10 lots in Burn. 16 acrw of good land a part of it natural meadow 10 miltr mt of Burns, unimproved: ir0 arras near Saddle Butte with pre op of wild grai slat . has a bonne and (rood fonca. Par ticular can be obtained at 1 office. Lraa Baraa, i .w nKt' . w a, jim"' ' maf,rnrir hlcrr.e Jhr M lurll Itorao. hnraao. W tar in tlr . I! SSlsS lever had In nlaint ... Q i. h would be a inJ mat - "Ct It Aaam Caoraa can funiih with nnroerv stock of w.f kind and quanti'v He has nutMry from the Milliard hel' section thai are invited to Inspect - chooI forme FOB I I I .lun . U ! ' id it minji :- .: ' i - an ;'. tm . cd, Ij - U :ald tl- public au'I W.kl I IllO! DO IT NOW. . UVilJ ttealtsaa keg" d tj :i:ra U '.:''ti I haTi- not ICE WUUltl .-n or tb i uc wuofe Urd I gW l a dcatroy icd nub oilier In a pas id oc being returned ta art asa and bitten I Jui. r . u I I - ,uct au arruns to ta '.uaii t help at rk But. Every Heart-Ache Every pair, in the breast, - no-: to ..crp in motior.. -or r: of lite hear., and it will stop. terrible strain a: It invigorates and the hca- anii muscles, stimulates the hear and relieves the and misery. Take no chance:-: make your cw.. m M-mjni aruo :l..m-d SMU par of the tan H put . and in aoaaasttaa r.ja er..aicino ha '-iai Boar of pm. SVw li i of Si Lu: a our u Uu fcaari r u littl .iiowBam . L'enpbu. whoa I aoadintoa :, try ii, and ass ataaaad to my thro, botlloo . .rl n i GOODRICH ytaaaavftW. Or. Mum' H.o-t Cur ! told by your ovunj .; M guar.nt tnit no firot boll wi bnat. K it talU ho Mtli rotui i yjur n.My Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart, lad ui'i uooth at a. .. .., u. rablath school at "" ? JO a , . iiioriiiuo tia roll). tln...t..l ; .t. Iei hl. mm, . tain la oaea oar, awwst avast ohtn. rWbing s. I UN Baptist J "J-i agapgg&j , , .',.., Sundays. - - w" " - " Vortoo Hruo.. horaot aMrniiic ami eoeninsr Sumlav i.r .n ri im m-i . . apoorbit n.i i aorai: In rurht r -Ul.dav at 10 a tlhow. Von. hiw. n hot . Tihr. hai II. oo Wit fiho awrk. aoaarott in .er ihuranat . ,..,wrhi - chat , '.wV,l4JS,t2lrS,.' Mindat of J?'- i, 2.1BJ2d' ""'w k. : at Vail til- Hli Sun- "lertoaaaiui .tii-o Bv A oollr'riaisSoM.owlrhriHX Jooaoot. anl. JK roaibJaodaa Wft I T.mee HeraM . . . M.inoiith Black nion in 14 hand" high, wtigliinc from 100 12tm each, ralsad in Harm IT. A!. gunranl-.l ftk anl aaf- A -o a utanri tallion with a reaord anininU are at lb tt'hiti i - -itv and horoeiuer are vited t. call and aee tbem. tcrvkn rriri i iJoha M t ration , laou. h.iu -. flnl uadvrori la oarh ror votSwoa . .ZZZ B r ,Vm . r .an. a-aaraw w alaam, Boroo. hillio. nt u krA otin. - SK W. E. HUSTON Dealer in Groceries, Provisions Tropical and Domestic Fruits when in Season. IE ALSO HAS A LINE OF CENTS FURNISHINGS, Hats, Shirts, Clothing Underwear Get Prices CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. All kinds of Frh Vgt.b1 in Seiicn, GIVE HIM A CALL. - PROFESSIONAL CAW' Ontario-I Stage Wm. MILLBR, ATTOKNFY AT LAW Boroo. Oragoo- ii)i.t i. ".I t M a est of Bank. Biggs A Bigg ATTORNEYS AT-LAl . RNo "HUM' nrpj rractiee in all the court if Ore.. good eating aW . J Collectiona promptly mane. ;oim.c S. B HAMHA a. lon fn' at 6.80 a in. It from Ontario at S Th only through transf r re i railroad. ... ftiaaocr PfiRRlSH & RENBOLD. Atinipys-al-I.itw. Itarn (ami Cm In thr N.u-tr "I Hn-' "t rwari ..I thr . . Iom.1 : I VYoldenherg Jr., WW t sisw I . V I u Firm t'hurrh Ch-i-i n.-ient.ot t . ; a u. "unda? Kremng eer ! evening meeting at 7:80. Snndar acbonl Id a m. I wo diair north of Th- TimaaHerald oflice '.-wr w:l! jire.. Harney the Jtid SundaT of each uiotith a: 1 1 a. m. and -aiibath school evary sabbalb t I l u. Sunday school mat ! liock ea' h Suuday and i Xl-lided In ai. who can attend to meet with u- At the 1'reahyterian cburcl Kev. A J Irarin pastor. (ferine ear- :.irJ and f.-nrtl; Extraordinartj Clubbioa proposition TiiueeHranJ. tii pabUe ati'l niiv one of tic I g I i sT id tlu: .nil. Tb ,'t riT"ii .Iu i .ami. th- W ""Llv Sad v. ... v m ork 1 orM Timesj H- . 'luliliiturrato. T- .. ' - ir in u-iv iiiv dui - in-nth m. will nod U I - I :.:. -Ill- - : : Dg tbd liU'lltU )e. i; 2 t Sustv 1 1 'v' Str.-t I T"' ' w -fui afkantion i HmN a T (ions and Real 1 - ,,r NMIa r. i i. J. rUMLSUS auaxis W ICON THE WIMiSOK ?:- t a ' r 1 - SIZKMOKK. ATTORJtatT, i. i. Oaow 1 I Boa t ia Katatf ni-teT.r..n:i n j jmo miQfi R are'- .1 .- . . I liaroi a aoidaahoti boron Mar mimm aoosha. aan. c .r oo ton n :-.n inn ..r-M . Cfaieafiii DR. M.J. CERDES. .tJeneral Practice oi Mfdifina and j Surgery. a. n. aiasassst) sjsiwaal I I- r M o 1 M n ..:.. .:-... :: saassl ., ban i I MN ' - DROP v.. IN AND j. rjrj. ceary stssaa and Mirgsoa. Burns. - - -itlfice second d.r nrli. I - I Haji I r Mair v. - I LOOK MM .n customci -Mtli the IM "t.e public to call rd fc Wim IN MY LINE. it il Prt w .' i "I EM ajraplaaf ai..l Notary 1' Baa, - Oai ia I'.oh DolUlas CXI b MARSDEM -argeon. rT.ttl (M I W.n.l IJI V! xd rroa l-i All ' For Baa rihe MS) auc i l-aik kWoa Mrarawo1 WN- Tai r-T nlTI . UMlh S 4' ','.'.' l '". t"'" ' ''"I j liLy4 Jt. ,atn. all j ai saM '.: .! i ... '. 1 1 lll i..ot. will a . Clocks, Jewelry if.. Silvci re. Cut Gla. Unndpimtcil c'tuna at Q-ezsa.'beiT r g. :: ... ....': :::"UC Don't Overlook the Special Inducements Offered i.. :.. n I Funxiltu.x- Line. eoa that a i.ld - :rot-rila aha! HI Itv- OBEOOX. KMT" .llbatJ : I ibbsuv iNc ii ..w nt. mi. Deni r eatt. r i Uaaai hm -tfn urn a W. C. Hk'tAN, DZITTIST Hi .. B tMnlJlU;- ... .. . li. ' I ,,Mt. .IIJ I and V - MM w ettaw ta 4 irr , . '.m" J. h TAKLEV. Onisrit). oit-nn La ,Hctarii VurtiaiMl and Hob.. THE BURNS HOTEL H. E. THOMPSON. Propt. a i !) rbaoa. aaotoiM bora aa it ...jpk volar II at asL.w. v, 7- i . . k a pal Forest Rest cull oi P"Vf . '. DeWiti's .;vr Salvo v' nbt kates. Good Clean Meals, Comfortable f .. - .ii lj. .,.., sor. . Koumn, courteous Ireatn c-nt. ara-1... i.. i u aaasj rcuiiO .. iui..-.i. mj. a . i- .. . Haka) ?. . ai lUet.rtWf oakl in U a 4 BILLS FOR SALE Special Accommodations for the k Iraelinjf Men. PIK8I I LASS I EVKKV PAKTJIUIAK il.vt. ,.. f. . . (U.,; or BtKN H.II-III H. B. C Jta I MKOtlsa IX Nearlings and Two-Year-Olds in Your Patronage Solicited. Quantities to Suit. sssi ieaaas if II II . il Manage! alii will : . assse. EECi1iLE live stock ca 3 jS- .-a g JOHN McnULLEN, Btop v our Lung Irritation, relieve your Sore Throat and ar:ve out your Chronic Cold, with the only cer tain, ana striotly gelentlflc, Cure for Coujrhb end Colaa: DR. KINCS NEW DISCOVERY FOR CONSUMPTION HE I MO-DATE PBOTOiRAPHEK AD unproved pbotutiaph In ' had I I'.mrU, Arliat' Proof PhsssSI tiiimiicd in u '. date i All sizes trom the smallest ii 8 x 10 finished in Aristo any uf the Ainericuii p,. O II rjrapg farat NwUa a! Rank. I ur- Orcgoa. -'-ii TirVV VVVVisrSrS M. L EWIS Alinoat in Despair. "Our little daughter was rl veu up by two physicians with consumption of the throat, and we were almost In despair, when our druggist recommended Or. King's New Discovery, after taking; four bottles she was perfectly cured and has had no throat trouble since." GMtl. A. EYLEB. Cumberland, Ed. I at i JUU MaouL.'!!.!' " ' " ' rwiii BsE bsbkkoi waavastsssU ' " aootoo.., im .. wSaH aYflaV i aaa ' AUc" k JaV aP EEbE-VEEsB jaw-wjawjawjaw-w-wjawjawjajav. S P J J aJTlH Oft; " - Iha1as-Laasas-S-S-I M, a-n.r, t. "5BJ BEBsT as ! If ... J MT ti -bi aaEEJ jt.ev X' E nt ' - 3e T v Mmu., Tu .'::; T: , at " Bk baliu.. ..i !.. wab a I .- ti : 'Sclenv.c jiKi.riJ a ' I rHUNN Zk "'aH I A- ,lUI -.u iT, I IHIil rU'WM t V Vv Alv.ll oUH -wwaso-N 'ptii-utii :ilKj Za Pn Watch Kfuuiniiu A s Efl sa. a .9 INSURANCE ... Represents the. Price, tjaw TRIAL BOTTLES FREC sjsasa ascoMasfjioao. ouaaAaraao gaggsfj BBSVs-i MSSULSBt The City Drag Store. Home Insurance Co., uf New York, e s. i m.ju. x. nuk Il VCi Jt"", I.OI1UUII k VJIUW, r Asburancc Co . Philadelphia. MII.H wsjbj i.iuui. a bioos nt. M. tim&m, Corner humiIi of Lunahot. t a OaH.a . 8- W. HAMILTON. Sted Uspsctsr. Marsrv Usah Hutu, udilr. -, l'H Tlr-: 1 iiuUiMju ' t'luon A I.uiuiiu Aicbut Mvtioaaa J m i p .ti '.rti. ,nl.uai0( , ,lotk guuid : VrTVV'seVVel! tVl-uJraT " " ""'" ' BoW-Wl IS-t rer PaWa,