The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, August 04, 1906, Image 1

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    fK ritm-Wril6
The Official Paper of Harney Coontv, J
the circulation anil I one ol J
Ihe Kt sdverthviiK nicilinm in Eastern
! fh Orviil Wnrttey rntmtr
l ers sn srn id n,4':.ii
IsWll. .;!. tWO ST? ,
tit iilry
2 the I'ldted Hlsi.
NO. l7
A LEASE LAW cut. when th time comes to use BOTH ROADS MAY BE BUILT be ' Huili and urtiviix n the
the limber in three rescryee only
the liifi man ran afford to bid on it
IUS INTRODUCED mill it mid take it out. It will he COtVALI IS RA5TPRN AND HARtl-
8W Bll L. done o openly or under over.
The bomeelead laws, the school
land lawn, the swamp land laws all
Ll Stock Mtecietlea have resulted in great land mono-
Skft--Wllltaan pfiMI Pecretlv obtained The one
IMrt- great salvation of the Utile fellow
WB that th llraal Piil.lin llnmaln
It'lf ha been aeon
was a open 10 him aa to the other
Hit of late ... ... . . . .. .
i'1"'". mir un win im nun lur
lh. public riiKe. what he had free. He cannot af-
Ofien an act are torn me lax. He cannot compete
king Senalnr Rur-
ith the nrganiied and wealtln .... T:n..
- ornnni" 111 iinnti
men and surely sooner
will lie run out of busin
PresMest Hssjss4 Start I
Trl ii Oarrlelecrl Drat' I
Asetktr fr let Hi
Tie Oregonian says: Kxlen
lon nf the Corvallia itf Kastern
Railroad aero Oregon from Idan
ha to Ontario, and hv the Astoria
A i' .him liia K i r Railroad from
wok, as announc-
pTojecte already mapped out will
probablv he noti.'oi MgOb
Thr surreys of the HamMOM
interest offer a shorter rut
the etate than the projected r
of the Oregon A Kaetern, he-lih
entering a belter settled country far
I modi th entire disisncc. nilh the
exception of the Klamath emotion.
The oOMRftOttne of ihe Oregon
Kaalern i being handled fron
Kianoi-co in the office of Chi f I
JMp fast ne; IsmwssIs.
Itessll l CassrH see IN HraN
Tiinc person recently convicted
Crime, incident to the Iraudu
Mnt .1, 1 1 n i.itinn r.f till In 1 1,. t.nK.
gmecr Hood, of Hau Francisco, ami .
RRtVOtuaui appealed in the rVdeil
.I iv and lial il in
hill on April 3 .... .,,,, w, , !f( h 1' II, and
latei n
, n.trol of graxing '""- "" -'" ' run "' " " printed in Th Or.gonian yesterday
in the arid elate "- w, o rrguinwon or nun. ..... nmlounlp(I: ., W C(,mBI1
Thi lull ha been " '" r """ half eo juat M n..t . , ,,
looked ovrr, and thnt iluring hi
1 : iL- .1 M a
immilt Ml public T,n ,'"' u"a,",n "n "na rom- atootl that the gronnd i no
mon lo all, the poor man our
teer will nfuggle jut a hard for
a living aim have jut a good a
1'hnnce to win nut a the rich man'
herd nf a thousand and there i no
r-al reason why he should haye to
go to a government official for a
present viit lo Portland President
hi I i" miking plans for ac
tual construction It seems likely
that the Hammond interests will
beat the Harrison in entering
tral Oregon
tiltv W ThIIi ' ri pnl minmiir
Common Domain Fnr myself 1 f ,., iit rHufneH
do not like m much power in a rpr(.nv ,f m ,,,, ,,,, rMlern
W aalungton utrcinl and hi suhor- ..,;, r fh. m.v.lli. Rkraa.
on of t
N ?raz-
B' 'ii-k Asocin-
Uen up the licht in
lf Ihi ninil irrowers
. thi office a copy of peTmxi l0 hxmon th" pl'1,,''
a. I ror-
NI III" tlbjei
Brrnld hat not suffi
Kive this lull public
kie features tlmt are
pl . if we
B-I'iit as a wbole it
BrrNlnp. A law of
Hint l passed that Sonator C. V. Fulinn.
K 1 lo the -mall Washington, I). C
ML Therefore Wwl rtenator Am enclosing I ,ir 1 it-I .
Hlilv commend Mr. you a copy of a letter to Mr. Tom Tl.n I'tesibnt Hammond mat
B. and although we linson. 8c'y of the National Live milk, thia aame trip to deKimiiie
Km 1" " "I tbe cur- Stock Aseocialion. on bill No 5511, for himself the fraaihility 1 u.e
at "ibets of hi i.'ii.- which explain lUelf. Now. I can Urvet alreadv made seems likely.
Av.t nf this law. we My tu ym wiiiioul anv iUeation I . - I will
Bat r will Ik con- that our people are unquestionably go rvalli A h 1
while the announcement of Ihe at (.
propriation authorised foi ibe
building of (lie lir-l M n;il.U
made by Central Manag r ll
of the Hsrrim hi line in 'lie i
weaV the hMl nffloe hav iMahirf
definite regarding further plan- in
building lb' mad Like the letting
of the contracts for the Cooa Bay
exlension. news frou. San Fr
in regard to Ihe Oregon Kaslerti Ii
expected at anv lime.
It i known to be Mr. Ham
mond' plan to comnn m cuiisti ie
tinn earlv next seae I Im car
1 mms. They were: Martin
O. II e. f,y Attorney nf Medfo-I.
wt 1 vs found guilty in conjunc-
.Hi. QkaVtlH Niokall laal
lny night under an Indlol-
liiirging him wilh conspiracy
to defraud the (lorernment nut of
i' public lands, and Henry
Miller and Frank K hincart.
I' ib of whom had pleaded gutlty
l.i the same offense Tbe two lat
'rr were 1 ich given one tear's im
niieiii ,il hard lalM-r on Me-
Villi's I'lnlid. while lint;, on to.
city nf labor make i!u beginning ,,, , 1... . . , . ... . ,,, ,
(ounlot in physical (nndlliou and
I 1 liit I Internment l'rocu-
dinalee, eo much red tape substi
tuted for Hod's fn,-d,itn and only
to work an injury 10 tbe people and
a tax on the business.
em, where he rod on horseback
I I' and into oen-
Ital Oregon jiniii; tin 1 ule the ex-1
tension will follow. His report on
the practicabiliiy of the extension
was iniulc personally to President
Hammond on his present visit in
of work iii.i" - ' v this ver." h
aaid. In n. bliu in t.. 1 tie large
nunibers ot men Ibe r
cninpe in (he lale mi, I, lbouaud
of laborer are demanded in Ms
1 work of rebuilding Sun Frami-eo
We will probably commoner R
xti nsions next season."
Although Mr. Hammond is u .1
ed above in the Offonlan, tl 1
.lournal print an interview a fo'
I lo re will lie no exlenwioii ol
an of 1 ur road- in OVOfO lbi
year. What I ai I 1 ll. .Iniirniil
mi Uatw suhjeol wa oorr-i 1 W-
tor lleuej interceded for leniency,
is given a much lighter nentei .
1 line of ."HO and four month' nn
I menl in the Multnomah
unity Jml being.lhe extent of bis
piiiiisbuiii.i NsekoH had already
'lained a stay nf execution until
Moudav umrning, August l, hencr
action wa tsken in his ease at
rdaj - pri ceedillg
lii pronouncing sentence tiKn
nlprit Judge Hunt el-
I mideralhtn for the
'lance nf ih'ir respective
i-.' 1 1 ' c.imiiieuib'il Imlh Mil
for 'I " ! I 1 ! c 1: I, ( bleb
it's goti 1 nn ' rhrublo
W lloop.
nig miii, ml
rieasanl io I ry 1 ,tie
lnm Smre
I I.IX' Tiinl U.llle
Mf.00 KI-WAMI) $.t.oo.
M bat hi
ing 'ii. 'I .-! mlosed
litnd-i of I , hi 1. 11. 1 iV I
Si, 1. k t led in UtlihiM !I0
A -4H K It iwnship
H, It I I M, M-rney Co
1 1 1. i'H 1 1 no a n n. ibe Trout
Ore. end t'o! Mjeb ) i
slricth for I i. n Any ermii or
person' fi 1" iiespass-
Ing wii. ilo u lo'eseion
on at 1 it wili
lie pi x 1 nn 'I In lh" full lletgt nf
the In-i I n I nt Ml i here
r.'.l for , 1 Idence lliut will
lend lo ibeir arrest and contiotlon
Ahmni a Ljra4 1 im Wfm . t'o
iu I I 11 Raw .1 iiMM
Howaoo otffMtc. PatfMeciT w. ). otonri. - iosnt
m. a cowots, ciimi
first national Bank
A General Banking Btixlnosi Tr.-ntsattetl
mm before liual acti.ii, .pp.i.d I., lb passage of this bill atr .. wr.k. U..v;ng Portland to- " '"" l"""'nK consirucim r nn,l K. marl for their plea of
an. ynrt feature c fit Uagainat "T mnn fg pilule Ml ua I lour ' wo,k '' lilty, sml admoniaheil them in
ftiill provides for the Interest of our elate, ll would not f , ,, .tint will include ibe ' '," !", " said A U I1 ke their punubment to heart, so
ricolturt '. OOOtrol ,.iy add a tax that I have spok- n Astoria a Columbia Uiver Hail- "'""" wuo '" " r ""'""I""" a lie,, ibey emerged from the
imlnr rules a nf upon the stock business, but road
reserve, would hdd the chance of develop ih the announcement by Pies-
'or tne iiumuiit inerti ol Die counlry tiv Hi llirnai. nl. nt llininoii.l of tin i.insiruc-
-privileges suan tiu-it makr all tin pto iion u,.iioi:h t cntral ( iregou
ding and helping for the dear honest aettler, trying the hopes of the Christian C
..which it i lo make an admiesioti of his area! en.wve r b ran. 11 10 build' a Im
however. IS alter riirbi. as a develnner of tbe conn alonir this same route frmu Idaiiba
i.ntroi- nn- orvailiH .v Eastern Homro-n, ,,. ,hr wou,' p
ami the AStoim i.tila III v r
railroad -
' How hImiiiI l,' repot thai ,
ill extend the A A t l to Tills
Oiook llll'l I lie I A I ,-.-.,
in. oireau has been try. it would certainly put a stop go glimmering. Representatives of j well I Unln t -v anvil, mg. dni
j . l.aiiiii it liiewi a iasliaiav at m 1 I. Aaanialin s-ta! awa In oiae mil
fai'T VIIOHit fiisoj aisiiiif , see .111 in auisamm g '
mi lap- piece ni it would not only oauae him lo gel any stateiuei.t in regard In the fail- '
knds to bono A I ibo perall and pay fee for a pri.'ilege ajg of ibeir plat to carry out tin
Id, 11'. 1 11,. ml. 1.1 1- he nlreadv now has for nothing, project, although it has I eeu form-
- M.ppnrier nut wntiKl compel rum to seep nis eriv ui.n miliceii tnai an option was
tl -1. ' Ii- lp slock 111 bonds, that would m im- held on the C it K. and lbs
1 , - ,1, to heed the lessons ol
II nit advised Huge to re-
-im lo Medfonl after serving hi
- litem ' ami i ndeavor to lite down
lo nffi iimi He wa lelurned to
iiutv Jail after sentence had
im.iue I, and oossiaaeticwi
"Someday "
And Bliolbei reported extension
build- '" ll,e "-.orvallis r.aiern
ho doe. undereUiid Kmil.!e tod.-, when turned iim.i. u.g of this line wa t.til a matter if ' l" 'lan i goal glirnma
g aiil.i.g lo take the o,-n range. a shorl t '' For a long time .1., gar
CelltrB,,' u''" Vfll' maae. ami
Will you extend tl ..-. line .1 ,rrw,, ,.., om.P whie Mill
ai. ! K 1. art were taken to McNeil'
l.l.'ii, I !( night Oregonlan
1. 1 iiow Mtaiid.
an iiddiiiniiiil tax
It. imt bun nil ol
kg b tl. rs written bj
kve im- view- on me
N our very truly,
Hammond activity iu
A dispatch from Meeteetae, U'yo .
S 11
in-on -
Hi liVer, t -i
NVv Hamiy Oregon is expected to hasten iha 0I ID" W,0P""' " f " fbe aroatgo of an entirely new
building of the Oregon Kaalern. the grant exiendim; ' stale. ,,. , ,, ,,f ,.,,,, w(h 1M -gSj,,,,
oirtoON SMEEf EU WELL p..,,..-. I line from Na- fu ""'""K l"ciica.:- right . nring an animal aitb
iron to Ontario and from Klamath of ""J' il ," hide oloawly 1... n.bling thai
A Chicago disal4 Fall-, to Madrar Pi hat. exi. ' ll .1. .- Iing alUmple.l by
A lot of grass mutton from atruclion b.w l.-n made fiom "" J Mr, Hn j ,,,. ,,f lM)K, (,.r
Montana. Idaho and Oregon got in Ull,e t Harriman officials. ' "u' " " w " l"1 ' ' I .
aa Im a- I. i. wnllii.u I., u.. 10 aMi
. .. .. ... wm m ... n ,,,
today Tbey were moslly veal- and surveying parties, euppooad to
pKing to MUireoi ling and turn arrival broke hall re pre, nt other big transcontinental
x tlmi I have fat. farm-fed yearling 2o oeuia. rysiem whose rails have not yet
OBeeial statein. nt
theae roads have bi
to go III
He aays that
n extend. .
II 1 bum to have discovered a
1 icing such an animal.
and 111 fact 15 head ! the new
dm.- ,.r ibe lnt Oregon grass yearling, made ti 40 been laid in Ibis stale have made ) "' u run. r many time, but i,,.., ,.,, HuffU.r v may be
them rtid Idaho sold largely at . -' , reconnaissances into ihi. vast, uu wsi laws 1 iningaoiug.
!one baud fetching (b Montana developed and isolated empire As
Arcliie xtauowau wants to sell
ave just got
opM Ol our state are ewes ami e earners aoiu ai
naie bill No ''! I Rpriej lamba are steady;
wet bard to sell
kuntrui ol grazing Up-
is in tne arm states
ua a' the present
very great doubt in
In ibe justness and
'i (i'l vn the a.uji-arid Central Oreeon
beavy eediou bar not been penetrated, , '"" ""'mproved sage, bniah land
sin! the locomotive ahistle baa out
frigbteued the coj ote fiom his lone
ly haunts.
The Central Oregon country is
Major niuio., eoivor ai.a maoaK.r prol-l,)v lhe UfgMl u.rriiory of the
la Self Urfeiiic
pobcy ofth,for.try of the Conslilutionalist, Kminenc, Uoud um ouUule of A,Mk,
Ky.. wti.-n be was lien el v attacked,
Ml 11
ll cured
no trouble
no in.- imiinri. leeiina ,
, lh.m will have to f-irye.r. ago, by Piles, bought a
. box of hucklen Arnica Salve, of
This bill would not r',,tu "
but an additional "" u"' "uu
. t L .1 -- - ..t Ii
i ii... ,fMii;rt.i iirsr ui hum
o. niPR3-o inv;
ii.t would mean Cu "d NVuU"d" l ' 'ily
of in. of 1 o.b 'J,u
would also
A . I K li AgeuU, tl
me ii,
ilhuut luiirusd facilities. Tm
Kiting atidr of N4wOMXl by the
Harriman VVOtOOJ Vgw ai.nouuced
late last year for ihe uousiruolioti
of the 6 ret 1 Vl miles of the Oregon
Kaalern from Weed, al Ine baeeoftil Saturday, August 11 Ot 4
Mount Shasta, to a no. nt north of I M
Notice is hereby given tl, it the
count) superintendent of Harney
county will bold th..- 'lacn-
inalion of opojllnanli I- I atale and
countv pipers at lofiM a- lolloortj
inn si v 1 . para as
tlie colonel ranch al r.m
hsr. in this county.
I I 1 iey ha IkwIi Uislly
eie riiuenting hi the propagation
of Ho vpeclae fnr several years st
',,.. I. mbar ranch and al hia raltle
f.-eilmg ranch near liaaeett, Nab.,
an I alille bis receul imporlallOU of
, cat loads of thoroughbred
-, ithnms and Polled Angus cattle
ha been loeuiioued in the picas aa
an slleiupl to create a hornless
111ml Ibe leal purpose is the
Commsiicing Wednaaday August 1 ptoducingoi' buffalo hid
at 'J o'clock s. 11 ulinoingofi
been. 1 ii
las ' " ' of Hie
y , i.'lr UJ
ilo range
tuld am ' i- ibe rsuge
re favored with grax-
, lOOtOJ ul lb whole
Ian say to you that
re wouid lie a very
lag-- of tins class of
state, who would not
I farther complioalious
for tu on the block
lull 111 the past history
sly profitable.
You: truly,
. ! M added the
liliieii! 10 tbe alone
Weduesdav-Pernuanhip hi lory
pelting. 1 b) steal geogrsphv read
Saletn.n, (J.erks and everybody
a 1, want to enjoy
laugh to eei.d RM for J iua to
Agents " VTorlb t5U U any per
son who sells gouu for a living.
If nol saliafaclory your gMRftf
back Circular lor stamp. The
Or. While elidi' ( Uvcu-
tur. Hi
tbe Klamath in Oreguu
This was tbe first link io Ibe pro
jected line, which would connect ling psychology
with tbe Nalrou extension, making I huraday Wriltei
goial hearty gajgeji fro-uj tlie main Um of th Ibeory of teacbiug, grammai
-ii Pacific, taking iu the keeping, pbokl
Klkui. h ui.lry Fnday-Phriohay
..scent a'nig ibe Willamuiie gagfstol orilha
r an J crossing " I an sdee 0 - R
the Bash ri. On g 1. pi.,'- , 1 lan . Moll "'
made bv the Natron .a it g I .
is slated, on gradient- not eaoeed-
ing I per cent, although tbe first
nil ail! have a maximum
grade of 8 per cent until such time l J o'clix I
41- more costly permanent oonatrue-1 "' Fridi
tioii will be autborued The urad. o u
will be 1 iici jut. fed from NaUon lo
lh summit (af the Caniade, where
lite divide will be eroaaed at an
I be Pulled Angus, so animal
with a heavy coat of blank curled
hair, i crossed with the Hhorlbom,
a Urge percentage of lb offspring
boeOJ I a dull brown olor, with a
bide closely reeeinbling that of a
Five of I lie lo Itufftory bn. i
have lei nll v dropped calves al ihe
I mbar ranch, and every calf is the
ei 1 1 oloi of ita mother proof ab
solute io Colonel Torry that within
a few years be will have a herd f
he Hntl ..I The World
ol trouble that robl I I II oli.
ol lb o DfO In , of all usefulness,
oame when be hogon taking Klec
trie Hit 1. 1. la,, ytaia ago Kid
ney trouble . aueed in urSnt uf
fering. a hi'h I woild never have
lirvii.', b 'l I not taken Kleclrlc
Hitti IHtti r- I lo 1 ,... i-mni
me of ii. neral DeMltlJ " Sure
I .'-.i.ii I ii.-r and
Kidi 1 0 ili-esse.
hnadscl I I' .k
o ' dilv ib in,
ttuarsnte. .1 at II 1 I "it I hug Hi. rt
id Mill make
till a barg tin 1 1 Ii in lb way of
pi mil lis- arranged
In giv. lie ' alv Si I -nil-
! i"i lie fi '" ill bo psv up
1 In advance lo
The I II- I lid H Hllb 1 ill
ere wh p ij In will also
receive tin national
weekli ,'ioi In il v
mags.,, 1 1 in d Male
The la 1 lor t!f-
for tin- month only
A Mystery gvsg
How hi keen H i" M- do sttacba
of bill USIil and bilitnil emisli-I
lialiiiii Bias S o. -I. n thai I Ir
1 ...
King'- I ' l'i!l mlved for
ll S I'll a-alil, nf
Magnolia i I pill
thai ur., guarajMi l le git
sn-l... 1 . 'o . ,, money
refund, it 'in I'rug
Having -,,!'! ilo loiiiiloi.i bn-.
I I I will now lorn his
Hilling and paper
hanging I -Inn- .1 share of
V III pit'.iliUKe . wtl! al-.
duel a .'.no 1 hikI '. pah boi
Call ami llallie H-lie
just eal ol lb W11.1U01 and .elect
your Ml III II ni' il III 0101
A C M11 In II wagon fnr . .
In, pun al Ibl ll.
1 --aa-aaaaaaaaaaaa-aa.
Tbe Loot Sar
,rgi l'ropiilor.
' M ,.U.
tumnus at auli hoop.
Bekony In ooonoetlon
A Sfsxiilly f Sbarl lkor.
'1 a Ii- fori mIo, I nilh i'Vsrlbh.g
tbemaikl ll-i,. Voiir patron-a
urmmcm nt
Fire-Proof, Modern, i ! ant.
Rate la.oo and $2 30 ptf ftfgj
All Outside Rooms Near I), pot
This modern new I olel wa unl)
public. Harney I 'utility people will
and courteously i.ireil fui A Iimi I.i n
Heeatow Sem
Napton &, Boyd
leal Estate. Win.': anil 'Unirg.
I'tvarrs, In,
I lilt. i oil
TOUCH -t rmsi I or
Burnt, - Oregon.
aaVaJc Xlxla XZoacLqLcxrtazfgu
Wines Liquors and Cigars.
Billiard and Pool Tables.
Club Rooms in Connection.
u. ussos luwusoa a
Blicksmiiliin? and
Wagon Work
I I 1 I at fi 1
lain St.,
Burns. Oreon
i ANp 1
VMii,i 1 la 1'. 1. n. -1 1 1 -tury
t and
hiiuiiopo' v either openly
er The limber lavs j
Hht Ixmelil ot' Ibe big
o will the forest re
let au lui a. umber is
Sotioe is berei.v given Jhel lL
under. igned ha ' , ,. duly ap
puiutad admiuiatrat"! gf tin Ketale
of Join, 1. Keeniaw .bi -ed, by
onier i.l ihe uouniy court of llur
n. i....l al
,. jr VUllllir, ...., -.- - . .,.... , -... .. . . ,n, M. . , . ,., . . ,..!,...
IWd;. and bus du.v uu.liued. Ah" " "-' " " ' ' ' '.
I iirr. 111 j.p.-. ..v ...... ..1 .... 1 i,,i,i.,i.i .v in. ii ii.i'iiiii
ruu southerly out opon the great thtoiv ' I tsaebing 1 u in 11
plain of Keetere Ocegou suuth of eiulog)
U'alkei- liange. Kriday-lieugrapii aritb-
If tbe Harriman system would ' luetic, school law, civil g-vermmni.
safeguard tbe advantageous puei iklMaav n.i
tiuu it now hold in this atale, tbe , ''-- -- " ' mil
j - r ' --
Central Oregon country must be
Adminialiator. tapped by these oouoeeiiag lme
with tbe Southern Pacific. The
t'p-Udale iob printing it reason- advent of other powerful lulaieeis
ni-, . I uiily the eiual of
school law olbeia for iiaef. but Ibo kddes of
1 I iin.MV i-Aimr which will bnng biiu twie the
CoiuuieiKii.g e.lm aioouui reeofvea for ihe beef.
a. m. an I ennui.
Augurl I11 .1 1
1 - iieune ......... ..:.... :. .;.!
lerolii Hilling cittiuin iK..ii.n, p.111
in Ibis act, ll would attmlmmam , , ,.)1V r,llui,e(J u, Uf.
, that every la. b-jn V0UOBWf
gggoor and aiscretiwi .......,. f ,kj.,i
Wlllllll SI A HIUIIlll. IIWUI ll u. i.
io granl priv 1 leges al- ' ,. . - , . .,
tlklM lil.lli-- L I I,,. III. ll. Mill l.r-4l al
-l -111 ,w..ll in
,m,r -..., . . - aW.m U.. An......
. ass Taraasw- 1 a itn r
stiongeat men ,, . , . .
able pi 10c.
makes il imperative that
these I
arithmetic reading
Thursday- Art (f .pjest;
theory of leaching, phvsiology
M K liidHv,
t ounty School Su,i
oyer Bros, bave purchased lbs
25-foot lot 00 Oregon street, from
V. Mi: 1. 1 ' ..ii.ideraiioii MiOO
ln. bit will giye Beyer
Bros. 50 1 - i freed tW their nsw
bru-k building a'H.ii in l construct
ed 'nt. 111 1 Argu.
(lalvc.ioM gee Wail
life now as aafe iu that city
Mou the b'gbeel uplanda K. W.
Ooodloe, who residea on Out ton Ml.,
in Waco. Tea, needa no sea wall
for safety He writea; "I bave
uaed l. king's New Histsovery for
t oiisuinpiii.n the past fiv years
and it keeps me well and sale Be-
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The Finest of All
Nr Sok vol; al
, 1
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Hotel Burns Bar
Agents, Burns, One.
jMrbVribel d Bros , Dislributeis, '