The iJtmrs-SttftM. Mm l-awla. ataa. SAtrmDAT. jri HriWrRltTION l.ATRB On Tear ix Moataa . Three Month. t. v J.SU .. . Bar. h..r r a thriM imofiil fr .. r'' hip; aiaft-. a ui ,. .. :.i B 1 . 1 .1. -. -, acres near Pacini pdw wnn prr .-uibwt iicii uium " " " mart n w m.H ..... .,......- ..I.I ..... ...... I,.,., ,-..,.. ,,. SalihAih achnol at! '' 'wp"f '! ha a limne and good fsno. Tar- 10 a. n m rning. UotOafl MM I obtained at Ibis Pnaebim - at the Hapti OltlO -Si, I H.iiitlnrK ' morning ami evening Sunday i.r .-... ... , ...... " .(IAm ueorar can lummn vu rnooi every runnay at in a ni. tan i- ni an i . . II i nureaay r, ,,. II I IA MYKP - - - - Maaaaar Stems mountains, the scene of the new gold mm) copper nth itemenl i in the heart of a been kaowi pi. inert days a. the great cattle range i tern Oregon and Nevada. Iliy ledge have been known there foi man) years, buf the ore not of sufficient value tv admit of haulmj the rail and the addii penscof - mi'iv In r.iil to Iht smelter. .V nd if repo anil a rich n il up Bake with nursery atvs oi any mm ami ,,r;v.-.r lurtiug quantity, tie nan nureerv iocs ,.., T,, ,..,. ,. ,.,....h . .-' . .1... III......I 1-1. -..lin It. .t ' " f"-- invited to msr-cl Hi s.k the third tfundat ol JStfgJ still sel! schon furniture tho month, and si Van the 4th Sun Malta rattta maa. rtoav uwaiMt and . h.wwa. "I faH kn nba m.. II KIIkm: Mm; aaa FOR BALI. Kive Mamonth Black Baamnaa Koriinoky Jacks, from H to 16 hand" high, weighing: from 1 ISDO each, raised la Hamev cmiii- All guaranteed good ami Also a standard -hr stallion with a record of I s The iii.imal are at thr Whn- PfOOl Barn la lhi -ity and aWvSea Invited lo Sail and BBS th-n. I MM'. Ml ... I4 intil further Bailee Rev. A :' '. iiiai Nor, .1 1'iif Tim.-'" H'-raid aw ntai am I.. MbM Hard l.t. w MilMn M raafurd HaaiVrlam A Kail tl: at : a ... Friday I A B ' I the Heat met quite Severely burned, an.l it wa sher :' mind that saved her lift. The i lren having trouble lot i MM time arM theii cook, and Mn B M into the kitchen abt o'clock to hun j m " Finding the fin in thi ver; lurn radilv with the Ul she reached for the and poured sonu on to Iru in Its flame e m in . lire i the hea. and forearms . n li cnntend with. ring I d liver and bleekaded -- Vue awake., them la pat aoliaa with Ir King's :'illn the denantet and for Caaat They preeaat apindicitis and lone ' up Um "V'tem '.'V at the City Rlifoa Servks. N ' rt h;r ' '. a '.. Bam. Maaalsa i - :. H fa - W. E. HUSTON Dealer in Groceries, Provisions. Tropical and Domestic ' Fruits when in Season. iE ALSO HAS A LINE OF GENTS FURNISHINGS, Hats, Shirts, Clothing, UnderwearGet Prices CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. All kinds of Fr-ash Vagatablaa in Season. GIVE HIM A CALL. - "professional CAfcDB We MILLER. TTOnKY AT LAW Hurt.-. Oregon. irffiei- bM ilnor west f Hank. Biggs & Biggs ATTOKNFVS-AT-LAW. r rks. - - - - Practice in all the enurts of Ore. good eating stations at tlons promptly mi Ontario-Bum Stage Ltine, "H fill rri dai at 6:80 n in. Arrives at Bi I, from Ontario at fi p m. Tin only through lraawier . in IMirng railroad . Fir.t-c1ass apcoinm VM I. RMlutr , M.l'tkaimi PARRISH&REMBOLD. Attorneys-iii-I.hw. distnrces al-mj? tin 8.8 W II I H fj I. Woldonherg Jr.. Agent, Miiin Street . L0LM4N s Harrison THE WIMiSOK S -a x IM.K -J nreh Chtiai seient. ! a ii. ItMataj Kv.-n Wed evening meeting at I 'imlav school ! a m. in th- kin l.i.:i.linp ,. ilniif luirti ill'Thi- Herald office. A J Irwin will pmi Haraaj the '.'nil Bnndav of ea : i a. 11 a. m. and ahbath school every sabbath at 2 Tin Barae, Baaday chool nie.-t k eacb Sunday and a invitation i HrteaaW who can attend to meet wit). At the Presbyterian cburii. Rev. A J Irwin ..itur services the 'bird and fourth Extraordinary Clubbind . MM aas I "' ' ' ' . Miller M. irt airiia l.V Brat Wc.lneatar la. . " Jaaaan Vank liar Jalr antaaikar - ' laust a WaMaaaata Jr.. Hutsn. am, ir ""' "". way. 'aif. paataaaar saaiuai-. ,4- , kl- ,.tk aasaaa aaa . araad o1 a. rnn aaraiark'aqoar. ajj.,aail,ptkfl . "' IK.. ... , ' . Ti - . n.ri.f ka " illCldlui I Irt f (ui 0 v Hll, . rrmmrrTmmmTTmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMniiiiiiiaiaBJaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiii Jsa Taaaaaa w "fMMtliai MLill OtU MN NtM . inr.t . ! ! , :.! SaaMa ia aeaatae .faiaik it : U r..'lrl..: . Ma i. 1 tp is MMBar DROP IN AND LOOK num. ii 1 ,:' ri. Atthhsi v-a: 1 tW, ' ir. in', attention l (mns an ""rs. !"it In-:'- irv I'uhlic aaa, OHMia EMOBE ATTnKM V. I.. DR. M.J.CFRDES. Iielierai I . Mir (P. irinill hi p 11. d. Ul. C-ARY i'i Iturns. - - - Hotel 'i ' UNION PACII l.rt far IMI .( II 1 1. 1 T . , ... aaatmfta r iL a ir Atlanttf i!l last '1, l P" Walla. n ami W .: EM AN, ililic j tn and II I SJB farlU' : :aaj awl iuu aaa. eein u "la; eara old and . rsav hal way ae kaaa ae III, K II. 1 I I srvak a air. 11 fc tin- r aaaae h ; ' '- 1 ' W.vtbi. Tat .ttt....... . .- .na --.... m. ar..r I..r4 11 iUbilh'i 1 , elaasUag Sijr 7- 11 ait Chicago i'i at la Wit r . 1. -a Tlbr -. proposition I i ;,- Il-.ll.l. til- i;.-pillili'- and nitv one of llnlul l x intr uiH?r mn- vi-ar for MM! HI1 tlilr.lll.iniL Tin M-niiW ,,-klv 1 rvagon Joun P tlavnd, th- WewWj mi. .iniiii-r. Thi w . 1 . urk w rll Tin- Tim'- Mi'tultl Inn. bV 'I'l'il to n.aki' thin u liat-iraiii niODtll Ullti offer axilll i-- mal iliilihinjrrat-- I -all who p. .. r aubacripi i t in atlxunc- tluiiiii. Ii we will wail tin- Tv Rapoblii . . - will Ik- iriv.-n Bfaj f.ul,. - ami nlil injf win. mm during Um month. Tin- Tin. Heruld. tin and wwkh Oraj earlings and Two- ear-Olds Ih Quantities to Suit. DO IT NOW. I .111 furnish . ... mers . h"H invite the piihlu In i:il! a flHYTIIN6 IN MY LINE. 1,1 f,'im,i.s a ,1 I'm; . ,'l.K'U. . ' ire. Cut ( na at ll rn Wlild.iw iniiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiniiiiiu Ui li MARSDEN All aaiiir Maaiau Iih 1 avary asaa wi. i' 1 - It 8aad a sad . wili Don't Overlook the peci.-i! Inducements Offered ''rut . aaaaaaak . '-. I I 1 W. v. Minw l DEUTIST. in 1 1 1 ..I. . in 1. . . a 7, a MIlUaMtlra ! ... '' A a. Hi ill... ' M .m" J. H r AW. E . tntHr.c ;)i .n lrx-st aOrs.Hatwan t'urtlan.l an' Itula . A I. ...1 . .. UeW.ti . Kg Salve for t'atee, fliima. I Bl'LLS FOR SALE THE BURNS HOTEL H. E. THOMPSON, P. opt. WeiiMuial.k Kat.s, f iood Clean Meals, ci mfortablc knnms, CurleuuA Trcatu cnt. Special Accommodations for the 1 raveling Men. FIBS CUS8 IN KVEKV J'AKTU I Ui in Your Patronage Solieited I.S- .. .,, Hull aia s. . oaaan Forest Re I For uae a I 1 I . U D r1 That I M NAU .m cd mn I 2 not .we tale noal 1 tra .il I rniea f a .Id 11. hs and . larai ntC 0 Mil 1 ii rvi . of o op ' i.iar a 1 T1 ..Had . m H 1 11 I until to he wmig -iaa ie. i annas t waa litias in pm IH aav at wh . ii at law I ' ' new I anal liaaa ti with rU" j lauta iumd I fajw rJ& eat ai.J paraooa ! iid iaqain- laaea u( I It II all. luri.u) 11 saave. ili I wr.ll i car battle "I V. I allir will. 1 Ar I i.y OUfibg I and ll'ou ,.'.rI " 1,: .uiit iiuiid. t in. rtii 1.1 u 1 . Ofiae. Fur .SaK Kiv. U in .rio, 40 lots 11. L&areii, l in l.urn-, 160 aotaa of good land a lssrt of it natural lueadua . cjb of liurne, uniiiiiiruved' ItiO ' Every Heart-Ache :r lain i llutt- ihat your In:.. self keep in eotimv 'I i. igrosja. iver excr. completely exhaust the aei or rapture the walls or ar.criei of the heart, and it will at ..eve this terrible ttraia at once with lr. Miles Hear: It invigorates and strengthen !" heart 11- and auaaclaa, itimulate-. the heart action, and relieves the pain and misery. Ta: ;iices; make your iin! vigortNM with Bilk lia' aaar 1 aaa u,n Uaatad darnt phyalciana tor my IrouiJa HilU 1 want I., a . 1 . il-.-.-..-.U. wUu canma.1 ol Um bart li ma, aad In oonaeatli ' iSSS. FKfcACB-tjLfcNS LIVl STOCK 10. - - Core Your Cough top your Lung irritation, relieve your Sora Throat and drive out your Chronic Cold, with the only cer tain, and strictly scientific, Cura for Coughs and Colds: DR. KINCS NEW DISCOVERY FOR CONSUMPTION JOHN McHULLEN, Jj DATE FitOTOtSRAPMEr .'.1 unproved alintoa.Hilii in It. ;., ' - luiished 111 U -n All size.-. Iroin i! Ism fun.iird in a ." A 11111 1. ti 11 rj opf. lu.a.lar ' i tkaaMgatfl r"aH WNaBalfe'1' """al aw J '111' ' ILLaaaaaa! oaaejas from tra. . ' . . .. ,t Sciemific ifmerifl A Ul . .i.tlr tHUNN Nallo a! RaMfc. - ; , Orctcmi. SrSrVWS-'.'a'-WiSrV' M. L EWIS tiaaa U f Ut Loula niy an JMIn aad rtciwaajiii Ur UUaa' Ha Cura to 10. I cava It lllUa atUnUc un.;: B1V I rnaoaas 10 a.. lUaa rt va It lllUa atuntion um atcmphia. waan It. and am lanwl m rurad aaa. 1.K8 OOODR1CH Cni.u.ravlli- il Dr. Milaa' Haart Cura la aald by yaur druggitt. who will auaraataa tnat t.ta 1 nt batt.a will banaSS. If it (alia ba will rafund jtur manay Miles Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind Altntstst In lMpalf . "Our little daughter waa given up by two physicians with consumption of the throat, and wa ware almost in despair, when our druggist recommended Dr. King's New Diseovery. After taking four bottles she wa, perfMtly cured and has had no throat trouble slnco 0PJQ. A EYLEB, Cumberland. Hd. irioe, 50c 1. TRIAL BOTTLES FRCC aecosasesaoao. QUAaaaiTiaB saeioiaa. The City Drue Store, INSURANCE. MWMM ntiinq. jeweiea Optician or. Watch Kt-paii,,,. 1.1.O . unci 'to IMh4 ' aw f) i afad 'hH Adtfitie 1 1 Ken .-. Kept seiits the.... Home Insurance Co., ol New York, Liverpool, London & Qlobe, Ftraj Assurance Co , Philadelphia. 3- W. HAMILTON. laspUir, luraey Uoslv. KS: ' I'i , ' '. mi iiioos a bioob. bu .1.1. I 'ICKull Lotmcr south ul t naaaii.g a Dahaa's. A. I. . I: A.tiuii), A l.uinl.j, 'art, u.i, in 1. Vfi.alor w Aii.lft . Hiiilai! llaK lo !, abw.l, -1 ' ' .i.'U.II aqerSfS VVVVV VXT "fc- ? ft Far Meee aVsro, aadi Mat