The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 21, 1906, Image 3

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rwr ik. t i.atiiib or
it. m.y -'i
tl News.
rV. r,,mivs City
tfarney country
this nctr totrn-'
vmrkil. Other i
v. Bums ri ml
irstir Building
Snlrs . I '4 ' at
ro it m present
I Woldenberg in
s-ctsx3st:e3ss csneoTrra ar
f l, VSvm.4. ltX4.;. 1 Tl, 1 X - m i I
j x iji si xntxvuu.x jaiiiui ui sums, vri'eguiA J
.ia iniiwn oy it hikshiu io ine twveriimeni sncf maBorfnmi or wi.inf. Jniw liltn, IWf
Jnly 16lh, lf H,47M
Feb. 6tb, 190:i 0.1OS.4B
jid ::nn. i:hh lli,W!U.' ,
Jan. nth, ipos $126,77972
Inn. 2ith. 1 9143,884.74
April ;th. ! fl84.814.8S
June 18th, 1906 $191,630.96
Hunting is forhdibn upm my
I're.passera wil' lie pr.e
Ct. il
See Voting's ad.
E I.. Perry is in the city 00 laud
I. H. Gray n up from La wen
Kd Southworih is over from
Rear vallev home.
Cbaa. Waid tw in the citv a few
day during the week.
Gerald (.riffin and wife were up
from Narrow yesterday.
Al Soulherland came orer from
the 0, O. Ranch yesterday.
ii"tle t'mtrt Precinct of trew
ssy, llartej iniinti. state of OatflM.
jCarl 1 tie third, J. K. Mr,
1 Its r Falls Rerklsy.lvreml.iit
lw I Harkley the there named de-
In ll.P nmir ..( Ih.- -t t of llreeoii
Yoti nr. 1,,-robv roptirsd to appear and '
an... iha abo.e complaints filed
Our ladies department offers unusuei bargains in
Summer Goods. We do not want to carry any
light goods over. Remember they are the latest
and unexcelled in quality.
Archie 0mm el over
Trout Creek home.
Mrs. Alva Springer is
her home al Narrows
t. f local. .1 mi a
see F.M.Jordan. The addition to the Lewis
e.or. warren 11 very nam is annul com-
of the job printing '
1 Baker City. Henry Hamilton was over from
lit'.r yesterday.
Mr- Hattie Hastip
Windsor and
mi have it trimmed
the Stein Mountain section this
0. W, McClaio and family left
here Wednesday for the new gold
strike at Denio.
irg had his collar
ui two r kwtl Monday.
fell til Up i.
y wtAl
leltswe -.1 .iiarter 5
11 r and
A K oanag Ptoprai aw
at MApI
h"i. :,.:. :z : .....
.miss twrina imam? is vismng
at the Jr. Mahon home at Ander
son valley.
Judge Rector waa in from Crow
Camp Thursday attending to some
probate matters.
Mrs. W J. Altnow, who has been
suffering from appendicitis, ia improving
H J Ham.... i.f II. a Rum. Un.l
Market is running a delivery to all
the hav rumps in this section.
Ja.nn Bennett and wife and little
bit air..!. l v. n in the above entitled action
H' -11 weeks Iroaa the dale of thp
flr.t 1 ui. I (cation of thi. summons and
from it 1 o answer or appear for
Sat thereof; plaintiffs will take judg
""in n.-amst yo for lb. sum ot iHi
For African water hags go to J Har. and intpraat thereon at
Welcome St Sons. H" er rent tr annum from tlir
.. a. .... . . ,, let of 1 inelMtsagaUaw with MkMMi
jfii rnnnirr .rriirwiiiy on, mv- ju. ... i .,. , , . . . .,
' 'i"ts an 1 ilinburtai-.utiit. of this
quaintances in thi city. , Lou, il. .n,..ant ot in .lpm.n.1.
Ras Uwis is in the city havina '" ' '' """"' "M-Utni fcjjMMI
just returnetl from a trip to t'.li- !! '.'"tT" " "
ot w l' Maker a Jasticaof iheP.-
lortua. , ,
fien. and Hviya Clnthinjc-- Ihe vh.le line t drought ut at a Mjf reduction.
Our new fall and winter clothing will he shipped Aug first and we muet
have room.
Country mail Orders Solicited
precinct, IVnntv of Itarney
'r W A Hoi.kins is in Hi. citv. s"" '' "". dsts.1 July 10, I'.si
1 "-M null Thursday to
.' ftr o. ...n of W. R
r. ho i
('. W. Irinkwater made a wf
trip to Ijiwen Wednesday, reliirn-
,... i"K the next day.
Ora Hill and his mother are in
fr. ih. r...rh Thr, .ill h- ...' noighl.orh.H.d Tuesday
companied home by Mia Rnhv H W Hamilton has purchased
Burrow. aws Joe Tupker reridance properly
in this city ami haa taken poaaes-
having returned from a trip 1.1 On
tan. 1
Rey. A. J. Irwin returned U0111 I
trip to Silvpr creek Thursday even
it gr He has not yet fully rtvwtrt
ed his health
Mrs Geo Baker, Scott Haley. A
son were in from the Weloomeville ! McKenxie, Sam tiraves an. I Ml
Or Hopkins were up from Itie lake
section yesterday on land bejsine.
uhi li atdei requires this amnions to
N iibli.l.e-l in the Times-lleral.l a
wevlly new. paper, pobllsheil at Hurus,
Orag n oiu-.a aeek fir a peri. si ..I all
rbeeaw l the flr.t publn-ati..n
baaai 1 i. lal) Hth, lBOn.
arl lilley.
1 I Raker.
Ntmri in us m -11 n 1 .11 m
Hle. urinn, ia
ViiiR the foundation
Brm hIihi
bi has been
Maaaw I
ha ia ii
ft rWr
urn.' peo-
1 pnieiii nf Huruey
ant on in auooawd
heli ynu and aolioit
Harney ',.iimv
thr I
1 tail
I.i .v M
HllliW N.
e tW-t
was kicked by a
and suataiiipd s
lire ..1 11. . right arm
The accident oc-
aide of Narrows
brWafM hack here
tin- tir.ikfti hone
I'.arlletf, Mr.
I ' ' I. ere
" . Iii.-i!av Bling
I laud .111 -linking
I ti. - ...
lanil in ll.ttt vicin-
law Mill, l: .1 liu.i-
1. ready for the
n uf any site
It liny time Ail
.ui. I raajajk lumber
lli.ulee (mod r mil
on laruo or small
P.. A. Manner ami lauiilv are up
from their Nevada home on a visit
to relatives and friends on Crane
I It Out the safety Incu
bator, now it runa without a lamp.
See W. T. Smith about it. Bums
t; I Ilemliree, accompanied by
Mrs LaVW Hembree nnd little
daughter, was over from Riley
Monilnv, leaving fur home Tuee-
Bur. ami Mrs. M ritzderald were
pa'sengers out on Thursday's Can
yon .tag en route to Portland
1 he lady will he treated al n
Mrs. F. I 1. ..liter and three
daughters were over from John Pay
this week, returning home Thur.
dai The ladies are old tim
friends ore Iteari of this city.
John .-week and hia grandmother
Mr. Sweek. arrived I t evening
Mra. Sweek will remain here some
time visiting her son C. A. Sweek
and family.
I ni'le" (ieorge liuncan, who
haa been visiting relatives in this
county left yesterday afternoon on
bis return home He expected to
go by way of I'aisley and will take
bis lime
Harney Coufity Batik offers
to tbe people of Harney County ev
ery facility consistent with utmost
conservatism. If we can do any
thing for ou duriug baying call us
up l' phone or write us
I .s M. Bruwn,
It is reported here that almost
tli fut 1 r . n'M inc fnrce mi the P.
Ranch have uil and gone to tbe
mines at )ni..
S Cleyetigcr, the furniture
dealer, has some very fine import
ed linol. uni, thai -h.iul.l he seen
hy Ihe kOw Uni.
A. B Macpbersou of Ontario, is
here in the inlere.t of liie Malheur
Mercnnlilf C I Mr Marpher
selling vehiolea anil marhim-rt
Choice -.irpriwe alley dry land
alfalfa seed can now be ol ! :i .1 .l
Lewis at the Burns Livery
an. 1 K.p.l Bam, or at N Brown A
Sons in thi. ny
Frank Met., iiau is oyer from
Silvie. lonkiUK nfler his etage l.uls-
no!. A erv dwide.l mcieasa in
both passenger and freight l-uisi.ess
ia noticed on hit line.
Mra Hattie Ma. lie has moved her
stock of Millinery and Notions into
the building just east of tbe Wind
sor and is prepared to trim in tbe
latest gtj lea Call and aae be'.
Mr and Mts Chat. Wilson. Mr
and Mrs. A) Welcome and Clare
Swain composed a fishiug party
that went lu Spring creek last Sat
urday They wars quite successful
and report an enjoyable lime
hu- 1
jn of ilie county.
IdoMu us far us the
but Stale, be found
)il that is a good a
CI. a. Johnson and family, Clar
in.. I.ut-k and family. Mr K. N.
Nelson I. eon Johnson and other.
have gone to Logan valley to camp
during the warm season Their
friend MM them
J. II (iarrett, tbe Kuiigraul
from 'creek pioneer, ha. Ieeu down tl e
the ' past few day arranging for grazing
Messrs Allierl Reinbol. ol North
Oakota ami Henry llamman ol
New PI vaii 111th. Idaho, have
in thi ecti..u for .evernl data I
ing over the public lands This ll
Mr. Remind', third trip here and
lie is most favorably impressed
He dr. mil to aee conditions al var
ious seasons, coming first in I
ruary, then kj May MM trip thi-
minth has convinced him of tl..
adsptahilily of our county for sgri
inllural pursuits. These pei.h.
men represent about twenty rwawil
I tiermans all nf whom will
likely come a they find Ian. I
situated that all mat ill. on ad-
j iiung rlaims II. -v stale thai
we will see mans p.-ople coining I.
our valley to locate as aOgaj M IM
harvesting sea. on is over
The home of CommitaiMMf Bast
and his wife was Ihe scene ot s
bappy festive occasion on Wedm
day. July l at IstO; when
daughter Mabel was unitsd iu mai
riage to li I. Heruhree, the
peruu. young 11.. of Rii
Ore. About twenty dye relatives,
and friends were present to sec the
young iieople start on lile journey
together ami to extend to them
iln-ir liesl wishes Rev A. J. Irwin
of the Presbyterian church of Burns
ofheiated. Mr. and Mi. U D
Baker ser.ed aa bride's maid and
lieat man Mr and Mrs II- ml. re
were the rripients of several beau
tiful ami useful jires-nt., as follows:
A dinner .et hy the I. ride's fat
N In s i bereb) ... 11 Dial III iiii.ler
iiipil, ,1 , ,. 1 1,. ..(ale of
Mm Wright, aaMMMSJa haw lile.l hit
-Mi.MttssMs m.i, r,'.";";"""''1;; Umu"T":
Barsa ntrrm Jm..- r ism. I I """ Astalr, an.l .11 -iun. 1 11 1 e rest t a!
- that 1 IwlM I Sir. 'are hei.lo ti .liti.-l Io I.. i.nw-nl al
...1 il.lm Na .. l'lirn-, "1.. 11 on 1 1,-t.t li ila, ..( f.
tTa" -' -" v Im, i " ' '"" "'"'"'"'O 'SUM, If Sill ..1...
-! I .... why the .11110 .I1..11M nl he reee.v..l
Ji'n'. .'.'.! sii.l Hi. l.ln.iiil.iiat r .11.. Iiarfs.1, ami
,;'."k' asi'l I 'l"t an.l yon will al... i
,.,.,. lake ii'li.e that on the lllh day
M I'ARRK a-IM.r "' 'M '' Ihi'n., I in-run, i. Hi. time
ami pla.v M fie I Io (In- II 1 .,..1 1.
y.nuili In.lgr ..f Harney t.,.int, lrr
K'"i. '" " 11 I tin. I ar-
lHat 1 nns 1 ith r...
1 tool itotn
I'h -ti.t " 1 Hi- MM f I'.lui
ilk-iii, I. 1
1 .! let Jus. t. l
I klTSB' I M ossii . I
1'iiti... iirvtaw, J.i. 1.1. IMt I
lye that I roathliaarr
In 1- ' il. arl ii i,a, 1
.... a ... . . I iM ,,,
I Saw - ' rnui ...ti.i.i
1 .lata. 1 ... ill aa.
i- ... aaasai 1- ..... 1.. n
i.ffi, 1. ..,.ri, il.ti
. mnili al Mar
" , . , s'. st
' M
... 1 win 1 1 I II. .
McGEE & SMITH, Propts.
We look BwwMja of I Ma barn mi Mm 1 an.i m i i
entirely wild new nga nnd fresh, well gar-
a pawtlMD to miciiii late th public in every particular w.ih
MaSMtMrk IJ .ice. and spirit. The rl Front
is centrally located and convenient -line; hotel of tbe
ajtj All .iok I. ti mi our care receiyi 1 .11 , . r.-onl
Hors's iM-iinlnl hv thr dv, week or mnntli
'!.' -.1
. . 1
Reserved for th
, . uuaii l Ha.
, K. w , r ,
tl. Su
ul II.
i.i.airtit No MS,
. 1 ... 11. .11 No
S- KM.) W M
i. .h.. 11.. 1 Hi.
l-l III. llu.l... ...
i.l'ut.l .nf-..
!. aal.1 -.
al Ihlaiaps SI
is. jrat 4ay t
ikI t.
1 hi.
ul. ..
O. I'llrM.
, at ttl..n 1
ii .
i.iieial N
M. M. CO.
I-.. A. Fkaser, Managen
( Ontario, ( )regon.
' miasm;
I h.llr. II 1 1. I.
1 aail l(. ..
1 ,-., a. rial. a ..1.rtlt .11,
I laixl. ar. raUP.UI I"
. 1. 11... ia 0.1. nail-, on or latlarr ..I..
uf aufu.i naa
wa r.aa
I Baa s. A n.luSaAii an uih ..L.yau. f
' !.! IHIill.i f aiaf l.f kiluas laasa stasjaaaiaaaa
u r i.h 11,. ...;.fn.i.,n. "'" ""'""-
' " iiwu mi' aa iri nun ,
it iio-oriue plater, Mlw l.ll.. I
HM I' !
to have hia teg broken laat Tuesday
at Silvie valley, by being kicked
ly a horse He was brought to
tin. city where Or. Maraden re
duced tbe fracture. Tbe physician
atales 11 w as a very bad break
privileges on the forest reeerve
Mr. Garrett i almost if not entire
ly surrounded by the reserve and
it if uredlaas to state is not very
well pleased with coudilion.
Jasper Davis and wife wars the
guest of Mrs. Haatia Thursday
Tbey vara accompanied borne by
Mra Haalie and children yesterday
.J Mr Davis will moat likely attend
the irrigation emigres at Boiae tbe
first week iu September aa a repre
aeiitative of the Harney Board of
rhe Busy Corner Store"
Are not "Odious" to Us.
nd by some one some where at some
kompa: isons are odious." But that wa-a long
forr the days of modern merihaiidisiriy, and
stid it probably knew nothing oi hem to run
be you to compare the July values offered at
ML those found in otfur itores We claim to
lie greatest array uf July Bargains -ver
is town. We ask vou to
set of silver kl.iven and forks I
(irai.dma Mutter, water set hy tin
groom s father and mother. I.
eat by Wood ie Best 1 of ..
table spoons by Mrs l.aac Foster
silver spoon bolder hy Kl.i- Hem
brae; cake plate hy Mr.. B D Ba
ker, bread plaU- l.y Mi.. Maud
Savage, sugar shell l.y Mi. Huso
Smith, meal plattei . Bu hard
and Mabe! Savage a pair of portiera
ly Albert Oakerman u.llvafoold
meat fork by Mi., l.-ona I l.oo.p
son a c w by Mr W I. Il.-.l and
five dollars in cash by Mr
Carter. Mr. ami Mr. ilstubrss
went at 01, ce to th..r I1..11.. Bilsi
where Ihsy will U- gin I '
many friends
Burns, Oregon.
Real Estate.
, Timber Cruisers
.a.i . w .
.an,. if
w a
ii 1
aa. laniii .'.I... ,
Hi u . .
..1.1 1..
. ii 11. ui. ,,,,, ,,u r I- 1
Ml. 1 101. 1.1 ..I a
. 11. aiai-'
Uutlisai lasV. HKKS'KX MIV ilinN
Mas, Varieties, Quantities.. Qualities
Ices wit) stand the t st. .Seme ol tile
p small, so you'd better hurry.
Our old friend Win Altnow was
quite severely burned one day this
aeek while robbing bees at bis
L a. . .l. ... ft. LI- L-J
Notice ie hereby kivi-i. that the
erea 1,1. i.ea.i anu Dana wiib inus eoUlll auptrinlendent of Harney
iiuiio ue lung an.i ma mower usee county will nolo the regular exam-
fcaoswoketbe ueea beirun 10 bum inslion of applicants for slate and
too freely. Mr. Altnow raiasd it u,00"0 !" ' Bur"- ''illowa
bis face to blow it out and in doing I r"H ,rrATK '
so it caught tbe wtappiug he bad 1 1'"" W'.lne.ilay. August
. , , at a o clock a. iu and continuing un-
; I till 1 1 lit. !... I, .r iir,ilMilii.ii in t.1. I . . .
.. K. tl, Maurdtyi AlUa, luu o.
temptintt to smother the blass out J' M
with hi baud tbe coverings on Wednesday -I'enujsi.aliip. In.tor. .
tbe latter caucbt Ore Mm WuL- I spelling. 1 bt sical ge.ora,l, ,,
m i :. .. t.
ly came to bis rescue, but ha bsd a
fury narrow escape, hia face and
bands btii.g ijuite hadly burned
He fears it baa ii.junil his eye
i u
l Mai m ilk.
U lm Iil r.;',:;,','"'' ,;
11 a 11 I..,. 11
II ill
fin I 1 VL . -- - .. -
I 1 V V
U v)
Nm i 1 I ui; I'IM.I.U I n
it a I Be 1.4
Hu" wa. , MM
r ', ul ... .... 1 MaMa
W. m
..... ul Mail r" " -- 1 11 11 - . 1 11 1 1 i. 1
. 1.. an. 1..,. vMBR immFNiwHI jBmhKIIpI all RJIklf M
I LMlL :., AMJ i. '. - jV . XawB laswawii
alil. "i - flat "A VltimW'mmmm ' ''fillaKHBajIWBB
MIL 1 V' if, IrmW -aV a T agK vKi
1. .aiiru I ffflBBr Mmmm su JMT mmmmwy''mmmm tMfXH
.wflrMswK. Ml mmW' WL aWJawawb -
r.f. la .aua lhali I . IfW"' V H 'iHH SV M
' ff 4 1K if ymP
... Mm,.... IM,' I . yJ 'U- cs mW it a.
1 w 1... ii ( n ateat Ad '. 1
I fill. ' V
' ' "ruetuw dasyss of taiu IMJ I IV V
it 11 luik rjM- mtrW 1t?li
1 m I' . m -tawlwtot
l L j 1 1 Y 11
7 I Wt ,-y l.a- , wnt U .... kai-, M - M
SF' km II
ii a u. , m li
J Ak to see ..-a 1. wi 1 1 1 y Zteb m ' I
..I B .. .... .
& companyEImI I mm
Merchant Tailors, Chicago fl kai IJ
H: ', AND MMafl
.. uauir "'
ti ... .1. ...
.1 ii.. '. ... ...
i. .....
a .... ila1
' I. I I
'i.Ui '
. I.I , I ,' I, .
, ' hi all
. ,. ... .
1.4. u
ii saa
it. .., i
........ fcWI. t 1.1.
. .. I M...I II Mualli
la. alilM
Fruit. Vegetables, Soft Drinks- Confec
tionery. Clears and Tobacco.
mayi'i St., Burns, Orsflon
J a iues Ma bun arrived here from
Outsiio U'enJooeday While
out there he suooeeded iu netting a
aattieiueiil in the Grundike estate
with Attorney . K. King and tbe
mallei ia m.a practical!) wound
up o'ltsid. of some prohaiiug Jim
left bis wool io Keoyon'a rissr.
bauds to diap i-; of the stipulation
ing iNiycbolugy
Thursday Writte..
lbeor of tsscblng, giaiuiuai
. civil t
Kr.iluy-i'iiy.i.iloK) , geograpb i
loent. ! arilhii.clic eoui
Haturda) -Lotany, plai . g oietr
general history, Knglish hlsratun
School law.
Liatsat Ideas io
Radq To Wear Garments
Kruaa auii ktwi u. aMMMI
He us aamplis
MB. CIAS. WHSM. loiii. Iniw
Villi ii(oii
Hseeutl M-ll,ooi I
lud, Irrigaliou an I lit 'al Hnryeyiua'
Vvaler Htipply a ii. J
Men I .railing
' rv '" "' Ve",ar'il ww,,rvsssaii
OreitTon Hotel
ill ri m. Htniajri
i ,. i
la aisnailaaialtoiis stilt seal, ala.u ah-l
Intila. hia f.lesais lu plop altli bl )..
I a bias fuieithtal M.-aU M neals.
lu. I'allHS.
OotuMaticing . iloesday, Augual "I
at 9 o'clock, s. to. and SMstiouin.
until l .gust 10 st 4
p. Ml.
. I.K'llll. A lS
CITY IVIEAT MARKET j Burns Flouring Mill!
for Clean, Wholesome Meats
being Ibtit ehould C'bailey fell for Wednesday -I'tuui ui.hin historv
2J oeute Jim was to buy two i'aoa- orthography, n ading.
ma bals. Ha had to buy the bats
before be left Ontario, the wool bav I
Ihur.dai Written ufHl.u..i
theory of teaching wrainmur, ph.
ing orougbt 20g oeuts per potiad Krids-f.oogrsphy, mental aiith
This ia one of the top notch piioes luetic, school law, civil gofsruu
and Jim is to be congratulated. It rglgtH I tuiui. atks.
paya to run good Slock. Mr MaL Wednesday Feiimaoship, orlbog-
on also dispoeod of a large buocb 'aphy. arithmetic reading
of boraea while there He left for '''- Art of .juestioniug
hi. Aoduraon valley home yeaUr- l0 of physiology
"l,v t'ounty Hcbool Supi
K kapl iu cold alorage aud iql l.oali from u , unsl.
Wl 1,117 on tin- blocks or haaglUK around lb. ruoiu . ...i. i . I. rat and
dieaylbe slauahUr hooae is lean.d and .ii -,i. . i. I aft. .
enag ......
M0li:. KO'ihK MILL I'HOt.CSS IS (Mil S
rWaal ipis.ler heef but, ueli vtrod f..lln. u.,at I Io cl. I at Mackerel
waaoked i lal, but Pickled uui., cbya ahos sad iSSaa oliyea in bulk
iaUucli Koials, ebeass aud picklse I sni uU'. ass- Hay riiatp
pride, 100 bar hoi M.OO Hwitt'. ajwiug DSwdst I lb. b., uc
Kverytbu.a '-lac iu n. portion aud
Fully rijiiifjt 1 itin in
"Hi, n''ty '
for a turf i it ol 100 tuH " breud stuffi
Sold at 1 0 per cent Margin.
I during ths season.
tail auti x Kuoda aud price.
..agon run to all vamps during ths season.
All Mods of Mill Feed always on Hautl
mi vik, mufti MAkkki ni tm lev ouu aiiLwe nur
: Good Seed Wheat for Sale j