. JV.1.J ' Ihu 1 a b A. .es-Jferald.-i BT f'lKCiH.ATlOH Of i:k nTHisoonMTT. i . i MMMIW. BTT9I1TESS GhS VXTTJaC OIT ; The First National Bank of Burnt, Oregon J In II IT. Jfl.V 14 teat. il News. f,f romiri-g " ; ffni nriiroiuilrif this nrir toiru-' b, fhuns H ml irslrr Hiiildingi he. ('. Tl'LYEr. , Sales , 'fri t ii tlnnilv ntl A. .Irnwn bv lti fUtBnt to th (invernmertl etitee ct.eriaif'nremfflBt of llminea .Tune inth, 1H05 Jnly litth, IflOS ...fB4,47M Feb. 6th, 108 95,.VH.4 Jan. 22nd, 1904 llfjW.18 Jan. nth, 1905 $136,779.72 Jan. 2flt.h,.l!XW 1149,381 April Ut.li. MM tjlM,814.N2 June 18th, 1906 $ioiA)o.qo .ae.aea.aaae . 'v i h: t 1 Fred Oakeriuan wu over from hi. Silver Creek home yaeterday. a htialnn titttnt uring tin- weak an down from Sil- rvrr from bin Watt- week. nrr now (lie order ' Ladi' n I rip In , nini'li during fct the Inrated on a K M .Ionian, I Ht'P yor. It nil' I oin .Ii 11 k 1 he ip ahearing plant! I ratiT in firal aaaiat- I gural (lurine the nthlan hsf ic tin v if n t iiE on UK hurl lux loot in Up-to-date ioh printing at reaaon till, ttrinria. Born To Mr. and Mr. Knmtl Reed. Tueeday, July 10, a aon. Tom Cleveland mi.l Ihi citv a Hying visit Monday. Or W ft Brown, Uentiet. Other in the new atone huilding north of the Pont Oftioe, Richard Hainea and wife were i up from Narrow ymterday after iiiHin. Dr. Marndrn wx alighlty India pneed Thuraday, hut ia again abln lo attend hi dtltie. J amp Mahnn paid u a brief vl it dnring the week. W. W Prinkwater ia aaaitinr In the Chan Vilon hlarkamith al i:ib over It.. in me the (irnt of Ion R. A Millor and wife were m-i from lrewpy I hi- week on laud limine Ray Smith and family are again home from the Jenkin Hnm heading plant Mr Tom Alien went up M (Spring cieek yeaterday morning, lo mil u few day with Mr. and Mr. I. Ttiornhurg. Look Out (let the aafety Incu bator, now it run without a lamp. Hee W. T. Smith abnul il. Iturn wa ovi-r from MMMall a phy- kmg mun i- millir- Ml Mr Haiti. Haiti." indaor and tried ' iml In v- il triii rdon ha a DM of la from hi Or. ,'nn. Syvctr Hmilh wa iii the ctly a few ilavH t It tat week on land bui. neaa. He waa accompantpd by hi liltlp ami. (Jen. Cradilock had hi left leg broken lal week, cauaed by a how falling on linn It wa a I'oil' fracturr. The Harney County Rank i a &........ ..lit nil.... Iii ! ! J ... t I... iliiilic iiipiii iin'Mi. mull atru in tiif lug a Imrn for hini.uy.,,,.,..,,. o i.rB, tjountv and oliottfl the luiiue of Harney uiity ieople. I, from quartet i judg(, Keotor waa n. thia dty a olh.r .MitH in prn H(irl lllll0 vaaterday, hayhigoome I'mtMff, I'roprirtor to ,.cutm ,,, rtrtaairat to liia hay uiakiiiB machinery. Ha re- i. r ml Tliotupaon turned to the hay llelda a aoon a h i. ilrm-rl vaater- he art-und the nrrenaariar. A. (iiiihIiiuiii baa relurneil home after oMiraltnK '" aheep bearing pluut through the eeaaoii. He ia well eatieliod with the amount of work and tii" plant i moel rati. factor S' I Arnatl wa a hur'nes i ;itor iluting thp week. W. K. Triarb haa been indiepo ed for eeveral week, but ia now im proving. I' H Cray , the l.awen potmaa ter, ant doing huaineea in our rily during the week. Mart Rrenlon and Andy Hrhoff tier left thin morning for Ihe new gold atrfke at I'uehln I' W. Hamilton and family now occupy the Newell residence adjoin ing 'be Overland hotel. John horary and wife are over from I'r.'waey on a viait to the latter'- parent Hmiili of the R"d Front llarn hurt hi buck during the cele lrtin ebieb ha eitu-'- laid him up for repair ( ii.' nftr, the fun.ii ore d.'al.r, n MM v. rj Iw I iiiMtr. ed linoleum, that aboulil lie MM lijr the linuewieB of thia eection. CI O lleodrick wa up from I.awen velerdav aecuring ellrai. pr. pur M going into the bay Held Job printing The Timea-Herald. for aale. ,M lei : Stoll. I.v Wal A r.'l. noiiSaw to re ipiiKiung iipon my lurim I -hull pro- found trenpt bjj .. i n i tk. M Mk-Nli ilnvc durinu ivar tii.- ..iiiitv Lb on. t. i I end will lib U-. Iiiinlv NfttM w repiirl Hi Ha The many aafeguarda we provide aHiinil poeaibla error, aupplemenl ing llie extreme cure it lib which we ulway compound peracripiiomi, iiiniin tin. pimitively accurate RtUHTNKHH of all omlicliiM pre lared al Hottun' Thoe Hewell took bin departure jiuni-iir mid higblv (or Kurn Wedinticlay with a load Iii of Prairie I'iiy 'of aoda water from the Mi Ilea n Inn'rinii. Il.ceaattd aoda apring The pimluvl of theae Ii i" inuny ot our aprniK ih nitfiiiy prataeu, iar ex ho MM piiined laa II. ,i- tu oalliug the fauioua KhaaU water ii in. in California Rlue Ml. Kagle (ieary Cleyeuger, tln little ou ! Mr. on J Mia. ti V Clevenger, ha i reaily fui the l)en tjuite aiok for aevural day Order of any aiie Ipou tho. advioe of Dr. Ueary they have taken the little aulferer lo the mountain leaving Thuri.il uiornitig Mr I II Holland took charge of the furniture alnre during Mr. Clevenger' abaeuce i'il ' i Mill, Roy Ruii lie ori iit uny time All 1 1 Bd and rough luinUi ftliingleK (iood road. ft on litige or Hiuail Be Busy Corner Store" Imparisons Are not "Odious" to Us. ten s.ud by sonic ooe sonic wltt-re at m me ;onip.tns'jnS are odious." But that wa- a Ion; orr! the days of modern merchandiiinir, and lo sud it probably knew nothing of hu. to run 'ay. you to compare the Jul 'Iuh;, offered at htn those found in othtr ures We flaim to be greatest array of July Bargain "ver n iiiun We ask vou to i'l..iii . Surpnw ll- di alfalfa -i-ed can now b ol.tuim.l oi Smii.ri l.ewii al the Rurna l.ivory ml Fii..' Ratn, or at N Rrnwu iV tOm Ml till rllV I,. M Rroun of lit) llatopv t ..oi' iv Hank, i n Mirii-d a doing a well a could Iip eliectiMl II n. "lough enough" to lie well litis hot weal tier Chatle Kaier i i-iitliug meat for II J I lao-io in the Hum Meat Market. (ha ia an old hkinl at lite biiinea and can . I way a pleaae bit cuatouiera Mra. 11 R. Mace and Mi Julia tirealt'N rnltirned home Wedneeday evening from n vim to re I live and friend in Nevmla and ('ali- f..ri.i. A 31 Mitchell wagon Inquire at thi oftice. C. 0. Hankin wa in lb flaowj RilvieryeMerdm J. t' Frtteman wa in from Warm Spring Wedneaday. For African water hag go tn J. (' Welcr.ma A Son Oeo. Hixemnre haa heen over lo Canyon City the pant week on court it. niter. I'enry lialton now ha ap with the Harney County Rank, lie will remain there permanentlt Horn In thi citv, Mondav, July 9. to Mr. and Mr (ieo Caalli. II, I aon. A Wiiileriiiinr mud K (' Bulk ley were ikiwii irom rtiivte a lea day (hi week fct A K Rrowo, the Barren V. haapman, -.1.1 Iml bag of v here Monday receiving t cent. JV per mmiihI Ontmio I . inocrat. I. M. Davt and mm Percy Wi i over from Dr-weey M md .v and l"'1pt UNMl their reluro were MM ied iy Mr Wheeler. Mayor Lackey ha apHiii'ii.l Dalton Bigg city attorney and la itplKiiiitmenl nteeta with gem in I approval Ontario Democrat. J J. But bridge, the Onlat eatata and loan man, la again it, Htirna, having juet returmd from a (rip tn the l.awi m M icbl.nrbood. Mra Hatlie Haatie ha moved h clia-k of Millinery and Notion into the building junt HM "I kaal W Itaa MT Mai i prepared lo trim in ll. iateat atyle. Call and ee h. - Bert l.a'ukin nnd A W. I .I Piano, III, brother and I. roth, t in-law respectively of Mr h Deoaledt, are her on a vi.it to tin Mm, liiUlretourt Preetnrt of Hraw lrre i ..mitv. tlai tlttgon i N.ii lrn, .1. B, (taker, i t lellt Barkhy.DaaVatlaal ' t Harklev the altnre named de- mt In Mm nameoT the atata of Oragmi You r lierphv re.piirerl to appear Md ni 'lie abova complaint Bled aajaln.t. n the above antltkrd a. ii.o wa ait aaaka Ivaaa the dale of the trt I'lihliitttion ot thi lummoii and N you fin i tn an answer or appear do want tlre,.(, pUintift will NkMM ainat yoa for th nin of (foai S(x' ' (lit dollar and interact thereon al a ran ..f ft r cent per annum fr in tin Irt oi Innr IWft totrathar with ati.nnev Ma and rnta aad diabaraamant of thi I ln amoanl ( th demand la plamtlffa' .-.unplaint herein. Tlii.t tn i aon t it pnbliahed by ordar VT. P llaker a Jaatlea of lb Pea. (or lrey prrilni-t, fount v of llainet Mint' .I OMJM, italeil July I", IWil wbi h mder require thi aomni.'.i- ( he ililmheil in the Timea-Herald a WatkU nenrpeper. publlhed al Piirnt. Oregon oatee a Week t ir a parlolol tut I I he data of the Bret publication .it itth, iaw Carl Hlley. Not let ard J. K Bakar IU in tiff. liROWNS- "THE 5ATISPACTORY 5TOPI "MHOWN AFTER THE FOURTH if you uuorit to save money on your purchases call and qet our prices. We are prepared to fill all orders for haying and are able to show a COHiv-CrX-ET-E: r Country mail Orders Solicited. Tltabet lM Art JaB i, lara. IKK FOR PUBLICATION i situ. Ttrn i.AiD orrn , aaraa. io.ii, j.m , laat i r3 rv m fmvs 9JL BURNS. OREGON. i. Virt, I i (I, .a I hat I ,.f Ik. art M mr , l.. inoii-.l Ak . -'air. ml HI.-I II tia.fllai.i 1... Ik aalr ,'l . Iiatrnia or. ii l.rrm.rt, .. I'l -'.I.. In .11 it th .im. Iklf a.. ill. i aauif til .aiBfoia. t..r aianataat rkaarul Ik. ai. aer at. .ii... i ataBtl '( ' nrraaa, mn .laiptaaio - ..... ,'l III. ' .1 !,. V, M V. ..I HMIUi . ...11, al nilt1..n .W.WI. MatoMMil 1 1. i ikr vat.Ha. m. KOTICr ill HMi i i ii i;mkt I .inn ill lmt!itlt. Il -...- .'f III. II" hill. I. . ..iinir al I H ' , S: latatr fro.. I. hi ah., in. I Hi. . atart itmaktafat Ik tlatSti i ih.n i. ..rti uliaraJ earfjaaaa. . I. lata ... I i,..l i ai. (Iraatta. atrial !. "' i..i.ina. al .1, .. m.iii.u, -r atk i.r ' wllarax. ."atMi i-ili . 14. " tad ti.. I II Near, K.n. .i..l karle I. i loavt .nnum. oi aallt a..hlaa 1 .11 iirrii,. rl.initaff aitv.rarli .at ni.i Ui.il. ar riaa.wil lo rlalat. ia Hilt naVt . .w Iwlnr. aai4 .at. a. r.aaa. Unlet at. i i" . mm atat The Time- Herald taled lat weak that Hon C VV Parriah and 0 O I 'nl lard. tli land oflioe in-apat-tor. had gone to Canton The gentlemen went to I.akeview by atv nl' t ha dpaarl a ai ii -- - it.. M n i',iii nipt, iiii.ii ! iiir w mill i itiaeil J W. Saver to make a flying trip lo uur city Tueedajr Ha racurad Ihe nereaaiary repair In a abort lime nnd returned lo lb mill (' U. Auamua and wife were tip (Jeorge Maraden i. the laiaal ad ; ditiun to I h Time Herald foroe and i going lo he a "cracker jack." IB will have charge of our art de partment in the neai future aa be In. la fair to br another Davenport. I l'i. .f . (.'. J. Mclnloeh and wile look their departure foi Canyon ('il' Tueeday luurmiig Prof Mi Intoab MfjMM the e lio.il of bia j county in a mol iroperoii' roudi (mil Adam H.-orgt- nnd Wife and thru little aona H.iit Tburaday in lb -.ili They inform u linn I.. crop i good thia eeeaon, but th. fruit will not I. up to the aviagi by any mean. 'i tin uf the lineal rain aturm Ho. I ' i .ml. Art laa i, 1.7 I KOR PI'BI.ICATION. 1't.tr.a1 t.taa l.t.e orrn a i tiiiini. uruti. Jaa. la, t t alflilaa U h.i ia , uatftlianr I Ik. art al uti.,w ul - - .1.0111 tltrll 11.. aalr ul tin. I.n.l. .1. 'i.. .Ul.. ul 1 a it,. o. ia. Oi .. I. .ti'i t ..tilaaiun Tanittt. ai 1,. all 11.. I .11.11. Uad aiaia. k, art 111a unial liaatra Ii 11atrrtk.ll . ul ll.il.r, I uUBl) al M.I aw. If v umiI). at ll.rnrt . 1 aili.l, ,.l IU. ... -.- ...I. M.I.Bi.Hl ' '. s . N't '. . ... s. rl i.i.a.lilai K.. .... ti !..,, 1 uaaii uf II . . .i.. Nw M aaat, at . at, ai.l ..I ll.iaai I'utaalt . ..I irara, i.ura atataaaaal Ma M6, tSEl ;:.;.;' -v.:: , , .1 ni tread te aaya il.ai ik. i.t.i. Mti.ir 1 alaaU har tita ilataar at I.. 1 aa'i. ultural turrJaa n.o rl.lata I.. aa44 laail I- . , ul llai I.r, I oulili uf I ia nmt taiaataM Ma ..I tk Wl. iffitTttM laaattaa a.. 1 i... .!,',. . I. I.r. 1 hi given ll.at Ilia iimUr igni.1. .titiiniiiaii ,1 . , il.r. a.lair John vVHgkt, .1. ...... I. I,.. r, I ,, final a,. ...ml 1 Hi, , linlio. trail. 11 ul aa I K.tatr. and all patMM lnl.tr.li ,t aa ban In 11. nil, I 1. U. irHti,t at Barn., drag aw, ua thrinS dav oi Aug ttat Itaai .11 I ah,, a anae, i( any rilata ahv the aaina thotiltl 11. it Iw racaive.1 and tlte Vliioi.l.liatir .ll. Iianratl, and aid Katatu -r I and vim war 1 1 B alao take iHitirr that ..11 Mundat the Dili da) of AtrgUBt nl Hiiiii.. orefuii, ia the tlaaa 11.I .la:te fix.. I In 1 !,. II noial.le ti.iinii hi.ln. 1 Ha. iii.) ('..unty, lire grtn, lor the hearliiK of aal ! Baal ar cotint. Dated I una nth. I'm. J si mi u. n;iiT. LIVERY, FEED AND SALE McGEE & SMITH, Propts. Wa look .barge of thi bam on Mat I and have tpina entirely with new 1 iga and freah, well - We are in a poaltlon to accommodate the public m evarj pari ilar with comfortable conveyanoe and p i mi I lie Rett Front I . entrallv localetl and convenlanl 10 the leadinir hotel of the clly. All (Hik bfi in our care IMMI HorSf's Ixuinlril by tin d;i, week or inoiilh Admini.lratiir Wila-ht. I id., ratal of Join NoTK 1 nin rriti.h i ihn inn 1. 1.1 1 1. , ...11 J ..a at. iav 1 Vi.ll. . ia tin. ....... il,al 1 kailra A Mini I .IMII.II tar. i. , aa eeata III! I U. , I, .Ml I, . . . tl J. .11 MM I A ail arajlatn Mill, h KOR PI'BI.ICATION 1 .1 MUea ia li.r, w .11. l. 1 ... . '. iMrr a, n. ra.li r.l I. all ' 11. 1 I !.' Ik. Ibla .1. ' M 1 1 f.tl .arli 1 1 rlalata u.i K...H -.loi'la, III K... i.r, al Iklaaaae ai ik I... . II I .a.. a ai. I K... '17, luf Oi. I..aa.hl. Riaata - N lui laa in .1.1 .' ' ia(. if av.i. K .1 .... ..i. a'alrairat No .. .mi. I.', air ... Reserved for the M. CO. E. A. Frasek, Manager ( )iU.irio, ( )n im n. ... ...,. 1 '.U.I I I lU.lll I i.f Auaual . . ...-.I 11 i. I l.ltal.f a4,taul. .1.1 uaaj r aa) ajajai a ' a.. M at w a I .aa. aaajleUt from I.awen NVeduaaday inaking'ever happened rlaitad ibii in KE US PROVE IT tyk.5, Vurieiieit, Quaiiliticb, Qualitka Hct-s will stand the t st. Some of the small, so you'd better hurry. M Nl) IN V OUR MAIL UkDr k-S CHWARTZ. proof on aome laud. Thay ware at aiaUd hy C T. Miller a 1,8 Fred Otlerv The latter waa aooompan ied by bia daughter, Miaa Mary. Phil Smith haa taken one of the aorrel peeing atallioua from lb la land ranch and will pul bun m shape for the racea during fair week The raoea nromiaa to be the beat ever held in Harney county, na the puraea are the moat libera! yet hung Alva Dote and wife returned from Bi.ritH laat Saturday Alva aaya the Fourth of July crowd at Hum waa ihe largeel ever aaau in the city. Tbe raoea, however, did not come up to (lie atandard of tbe John Day raoea, Wade Hampton won the fi mile daab on the Fourth. Fid red and B. C. Green alao made in. n, g Playing the ratiae did not iirui to he a popular oaa- lliur with the aage hrueh poll John Day lakt the bi. cuit when it uoinea to that line of buaMteee, and the avenge John Dat valh-'ite bad rather be a .port limn u fii.d egg. (ir.tul Loonly New . The coiuuiiltte appointed at tbe maa meetii.g leoentlv lo auggeal li) -liiw and onioera lor a uaitt i.rgani.a'. ion of Lueii Tlnireilay aflernoon. It waa btdlv needed hy the groaing en. pa ami doubly iiiaure one of the grealeal crop for yiara in Ihe In alary of t!.e country. Tbe many friend of ilia family bare are pained to b-am of tin death of Hiram I'niu, ai. . .aaed way at bia home in lUna Cali fornia on June : '. Ilii- youua Ban apent a part of laat yrai In r. with hi mnliicr an. I hrollirr Mart. Ha took eick here and Hi. figgHj I returned to California in tin 1 of II iNMietillug hlr In-., .11 "11 nm ad waa a nephew of Mr und Mm J.M.Parker of ihiauout.it 11. waa unmarried and 'U yaai- of a,. Hiraui waa an eaemplary man wbo bad many friend in th. county. The bereaved relaln have the aympalhy of a large mm. beroffriendaii.liiiar.il i SBSSWSB- j . .-- .-, tvLW n.. 1 1 in i can -.a. wu .liif.la II I ..... . .. . u . ... . I, a.14 lllk Jai ul ... a u ... aagtatat aa. aaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaa Ptatnaa R & SHAW riorni, Orafloo Real Estate. Timber Cruisers MlblUD AKD KSOtt Latest Ideas in .,!.- N. SIITI. MIVHN aon A Stock Company ig . ("llUnl lt ib-e l .. I. )at in elarleti laat ytkjy I. a Irf-air Tin- atalem Wll"l .. i ll. thickly populated dl.lntl ..I llai nay, Mall., or u. and other lioea ill lit- p. it in aa bun uaaa daman da Mr I tltrii.. au jibiu'd if anaraiiti i- in UM tii. perma- .u.-j,,) irorld, that of u 10 kU BMMa dividenil (mm the time the uioiiet nl thi.tily, mulTur-d.) ..igh(, but j, jj j,, ,,,. ,afllft, ., i nui natiiii mu uiw ui eeture ui-iBli.m ,,..,, ,(1l,--.r;-.,i ,,., kadij To Wear GafiDPots """' " rri.ai grvaU.t ault lir.ur. in . ui.li. I an. I, Irrigation alt. I tivln-ral Wnrvetiug nae uaw eauiplea ms. ciav wum. iMM, Water M.aa.i, aired iufoi mi iii.. I alum the "'".. uyoUel ho deatiealopla. organuat.on u poalponed. A j j . .fe ,, p.y, ctnp..,a.i..i, ...rime. iecll.-u- for Fnday, July ud mhUk ., ilt.v,.iul ul own country will do well to eee Mr .1 20, at tbe city hall. The l'i Herald In.pea every properly owner Uw ,, g. pi(Mj,.uUfl, lu Hurna will be al UP, mealing und help make it a aucceea. 'We muat get together and puah for re cognition of thia aeotiuu. Wa cau do much toward tbe advanuameut of tbia valley by properly org.nk iug. Ramemoer the date, Friday. July 'A), ai the city ball. Job printing The lioien-Heruld NoTliKM'ASMM, lluntiug ia forbidden upon toy preuiieeii Tit-apaaai ra will be proa evuled 11 .a. Burns flouring Mill JOB STURTSVANT, Popt. ! MODERN K0I1EK MILK PBOCESS IS USED I iiltji fniiititi tn - 1 1 pa) In nlm iiinl '. xujjiiieiit mmritu lo utiffily tin iimniiy urn rail in h of 100 utiles in In, nil .., I FLOUR, ROLLED BARLEY, CHOP, AND i All kMs ui 1111 Fee1 always m Hand nt vim Hrbjhsr lAiitT ma rut m mi millin. um CUSTOM WORK DONE j Good Seed Wheat for Sale 1 H vteaHl I M II I 14 lUva I.S. . ii. ink MaW. WllltMa a la'i.ai. ..4 iii , aavavaati aa . i rrajuaaaaal r. aiaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaataaiiaMaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaa. i ' . .. U I....O.. aaaljBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH I t K mm - m&Pw. aaaaaaaaaaW VWa l-dc0 I . .-.jMr I 11 9 Givaa a graataS oWm af tana 11 Mil V M t.B Uan kaatinaa M a UaS ngbl. 1 - f 1 I H .VyW, ilmrln. aa4taadaabt a. If tJ avtwy gawaaal IV JT1 V V m M Doa'l par It a aM J ow tlabaa ualaaa voti are uaaaWsV aalMabad. I ( Hi B 11 taJAAtoAMaaaaaaiaaaTllty L M CARL JOSEPH K 11 11 H ; & COMPANYU B I :' MarxkaatT4iWi,ChitA.-ul LsJ ll Ll U oairras taxin amd UHMBMBflHaSsMMHL.1 AMfLCS SHOWN SV f . . a .aaa I Iran. ma a :- a a a a HAiKY, KKNWirK A JACKSON. DIY UOOilS, I llaMSMIMiS, SBOtS, HATS AND CAPS Fruit, Vegetables, Soft Drinks. Con fee tioner), Olars and Tobacco. Olain St, lurni, 0egoa- L. Vlxo OreaTon Hotel AH Kl'Ntl, Mau.igrr rlrat.VUea a. .oui attb aaat, u Tablaa,ai,i (urnHtaa) aleaia