The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 14, 1906, Image 1

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    Vh 'o7lmen-lvel
i MUM Paper of Harney Cooety, J
li tin' lura.'rt Hreiilation ami is one of J
the hift mivertlaing innlium in Raster n 9
ffflje pmi$
VM Hrent flnrnotg 9 onntrq
M UN srea of fl.4W.iW iifcfva of
lsnd. .;f 1,000 srrea ) vmnnl nbjwel J
fosntry ttniler the public land lews of t
the T'nlted .Sletes J
. :
NO. 34
rlotles I r it-rat lea Will k
lA.ionliiii I IttMrt"
P Will Bl SH.
ition iMitrrtnini'ii DT
.1 . .i r -I
FiitH1' mat i no .-.or hi
rnilrond would be the
I into Hend dram
li"il, according to
Th" nnnouncemonl
dny thai Iho exlen
il nver the Cascade
to I'.nxtorn Oregon
11 Hip near futnre
nii'ii' iyiih mmm ny
resilient nf tin- I'orl-
RTrn(1i. Ho has lxon
r eeveral month in
of the 1 n iMTtive
rut ion. M organixa
for il object he
Hue in I a.'lllfiiiante ill
o oniriilion 01 s nno
hit frdeialion in to
th lli' orvalli A
Itin Blii"' month thorn l.aa
iUrta BiMt I if" in tl'' 'or
Si Kr" .1'iitrn) Mana-
ami Vic-Pre-udeiil
kpil through Bend
B ins-iecting tho sur-
h mi extension of
Id ln tii ado. They
tiunv through nanw-
Deny papers connect
general inanagoi
iho vegetables and vino, are grow- j MINES CAUSE A STAMPEDE
ing thriftily, corn waa green and ,
healthy looking, while new potatoes
aa big aa a hen's egg were tn every
hill. A fine field of barley waa
headed mil nearly breast bigb.
This land waa tnoiat and in good
condition, and nearby waa a well
22 feet deep with a good supply of
water in it.
J W. Haling has raised potatoes
with no irrigation whatever, and
alfalfa is growing thriftily on the
A ('. Crawford place that had no
water at all. This
raped froen William X. Rurns, of
the Secret Servtoe. waa probably
dMilher cause nf his undoine. H
FAlUtOUSLV INCH STWKB IN THE t sent that Hie original ut.oer
Waa necktaa Tkare Free, all
Teeseefc. Baktr ss4 OaM PlseJs-
II It Six Mies Frew
A II Willie and V R. Parting,
two mining men of Raker, arrived
here Wednesday afternoon en route
ndicate- that 1 to the southern part of this county
the Furnish lands which will have ' wnMr a big mining strike haa been
abundance of water during the n)R1r a. Kill of Mompter
spring months will prove to be the .baa struck an N fool copper and
most valuable in eastern Oregon.
If crops are raised under such draw
backs and difficulties aa confront
the settlers on these sand-swept
plains today what will the harveet
be when rivers of water are turned
on the lands in a scientific manner?
NEW Kill IW) ON HUSH' 1 nii
A recent ruling nf the land de-
gold ledge of fabulous wealth joet
across the line in Nevada, samples
of (be ore outclassing anything
found at Tnnnpah Assays run
from fit'.", 'o llSo 1.1 the ton with
plenty of U .in sight Ooe man
hand-nnrtarrd 4K) in gold in one
Messrs Wills! and Darling stale
that hundreds have loft the ruining
ramus of Rater fur tho now Kldor-
partment requires thai limber land asjfc, K,iimj ,,. ri , ,.
entrymen .hall know the condition ,,.,.. nd ,.(flljg p ,rom ,h.t
of Und aa ascertained from person- w.y whil. otWm m poInmf
al examination near the dale of t)irough thp ilU,rior
proof The department baa not Tbf nlkmw )ofl hnrs ,eUr-
mane ...own ny uocis.on usi now dif wlh m ,r(() PI,01IM,aniw, ,, j
near the proof date thia examine- . M.llK ri,-. -n-f 1.. 1I-.1 1
lion mtiat be made Tte evidence thing(( jVB,y down tbeM wn
at date of making proof, must show , bough ,By wi he almoet the
the condition and character of the 1 6rgl imM ,,n ,. fn.0Bd T,
land at that time, and abould be itrlk ,, houl -1 m(w ffom ,,..
based on an examination made suf- L( -lii( (, r,y , tKrtto of tb,
tlciontly near the. date to render it I ,,ub,o nMng dplrcl of tb, mn.
reasonably certain what no charge , .
tesiWrt .1 lk DiNmmI DtleteoM rt
Fsrla Caaeas. Bol Naat Waal
Ts Caaeislss las Ceaes.
standing was that If he would tell
all he knew the indictments found
Buheeqoent to his conviction would
he dismissed , but there waa n
promise made regarding the pern
alty for hia convietion Hosrevef.
after his escape and becoming a
fugitive from justice, he virtually
forfeited every obligation thegovj
sfwejoBt felt toward him.
Puter still stands accused on an
indictment charging him together
with State Senator E. P. Maya,
Horace O. McKinley. BmnM l
Wateoo, Marie 1. Ware D W
iTarpley and Robert Simpeon. with
conspiracy to defraud the finvem
ment out of land, and another n
diotmeiit returned January SI
1905, against lbs lets Msfctot
Mitchell, Ringer llerniann, llorsi
tt McKinley, Kmma I. Walso.
i W Tarpley Klbert K Rmei
Mm Nellie Rrown, Henry A. Younj;
Frank H Walgan.oi. t'Urk I
loomiK and Salmon It (rinl
cbaiging 1 ti-jii with the sann
A Tragic 1 inUh
I'll. Telegram says:
Hgilslir-elect from
gsere , nimnat
has beer made in the condition
nil null other suspi- The local land office will hold that
ts with the poeaibil- (to to IK) days ia not "aufncienlly
diihiiiii. I ins recent ( near the dale. inasmucn as
licluU. oouting just I there is an uncertain time limit It
announcement by would he well fur entrymen to 1
Iho ext iihioii would prepared to preeent positive tvl-
Several local fieople have claims
in this district and some have al
ways uiaintained that it would one
day be a great mining ramp Ren
Brown, of tiiti city, has slways had
great faith in (he mlnea there and
lia ronoHti'dli' made tlie aaserlion
lalrmente and donee aa to the condition of the lhlll w- wou,j har (lf j,,,., .lrikM
A watcliman'a neglect pernntii I
a leak in the great Northerr Baa
dyke, which a child's finger oouhl
have atoned, to become a ruinous
break, devastating an entire pro
vince of Holland. In like manm r
Kenneth Molver.of Vanoelnro. Me .
permitted a little cold to go un- ,,, , h,rd,hl(
noticed until a tragic finish ws- tt-Mn, f0r( ho ffom
Among tho
n thai Iho ilanae permilliog
v slVidavlt should be abro-
f at .1 No one la prepared at this
Pus, however to make the deolara
I that he will champion (he There ia a feeling thai this,
will ss other important mailers,
lioulil le considered by Ibe delogs
tinn in 1 hi, cus.
After the vBcation season- the de
legation mil arrange for a oeriee of
. ill tihii-h a policy will lo
uilineil for liie work to be aectmi
pllshed lit Salem Two bills will
. Iim'ummhI in pa.'tirulsr These
ire in leapt 'lenient sj th, present
insurance laws and the affidavit
iiarl if the election Isws
For 1 In' purpose of rouiedying
ibe election law and to prevent fu
Hire ItWfal oting by nnn register
mI sJhIuis, the delegation will
tit' r disfl a new clause and sur
round il with precautions against
running in Hosiers or else cut out
tho present net-lion entirely, per
milling no one to vote who has neg-
ected to raaister The loiter
on iiisnv
Lg tin, ' ''iiliiful- land at a lime not luore than two
week prior to dale of taking teali-
irview in I uesuav s imony. I his may lie a precauuon
Niihliiaiil: M to date which may be consider-
luls for Iho financing j ed by some aa unneoeeeary and a
tberv. Kroni the iuI.u motioii of
Moaars Willie nod Darling, il has
corneas Mr Rrown predicted and
Harney county will liecouie famous
not only aa the slock county of t
have boon made and ! greater length of lime might inter- !ut( bul u of ,h, tiobtmt wilM
I'Xtensiou nii'l lbs
lm.Mii wittiin a very
ion if the I'.irvallis
1 i, im-w line will
lying ol 'Jll'.i nillos of
t . have al
nli I..1 wiihii. ihree
low ora 1 leanieu
it gpgfll 'I fne "iree
will proha
1 ..iiiiMctioiis with
k an- tin- eeewsaww
llilt roinl, Mi Hie
vein' between dale 01 examination
and the date of proof, and the
proof be acoepted by the depart
intuit, still there is the chanoe that
it might not be accepted, in whieh
eyenl the matter of additional affi
davits, trouble and expeusee is sure
to pile up Hood Hiver (ilaoier.
onl Hj Years No-
in all the wool.
nnlv averted by Dr King'e
Dkeoovory. He writes 'Three
doctors gave me up to (Mg f lung
inrlamation, taus'd by a neglect I
cold, but doctors King' New l'i
ooyory saved my life." fluaran
hone at the tune the rrgUtrslinn
tiooks sre open The problem is
ralhei difficult, on the ourface, and
'rill have in be threeheil out by tbe
lelegiiii'.o When a course is do
leriuii "I the loll will lie entrusted
thi abii" ihat the section woo
siiieml'ii ordering ibe freebnldera
to un.-' ii uiirti-stioos of only
Ibe SI know personally
and ' 1 in (he presence of
tllO 1 l( 11 loll i'litgeK.
fa5.n0 kl WAkO $23.00.
bf given that hunt-1
ing and upoo tho encloaed
o . .in I..1111I ,v Live
lownolupo SB
A 40 S Range ;." K niol 1 iwnsbip
'WS. It R I M. Harney Co
Oregon known ae tho Trout
Creek and Colony lUnchee.) la
atrii II v forliilden Any peromi nt
nil hunting or tieeasa-
Ing with n 1:1111 in their possesion
on above 1 I nroiierty will
lie prosecutt il In the loll extent of
the lite ii Mini of U.'i is here-
nee that will
lead to fheir urn i nnd ronviotlon.
Amiiiimi l.tMi .V l.ix k Stu. k Co,
liv I 11 lln 1 Itsv. 11 Manaosh
II." I lb raid will oiske
till- 1 i' 11,' ..1 mill 111 the way nf
ri'dloni and bss arranged
to give the S. ini-Weeklv St LouU
Ropublic free la all who ay up
airenrn sod one year in advance Ui
The Tinn"' lli'islil. New aubeolb
em who pin 01 will also
receive this great national semi
weekly newspsper and family
mags i no in the 1'nited Statee
The two Upon -teal v,,sr for $7
for Ihie in in . 1 1 1 only.
at. Aimiinim PanmnssT
Wm. Jonss, Vics-laasiiT
-m -flN -ra r -4-tw -rt f.
V. R. Koaio-i, Oanhlor T
l'i tt, t- (hler
teed hoot cough snd culd ,
the lily I'rug Hloie SI cents on. I
$100 Trial bailie free
"I am only H2 years old and
don't expect even when I get to be j
real old to feel that way aa long as
I mm get Kleciric Hitlers," aays
Mre K II l.Minsi.n. of Dublin, l.a
Saturday's Telegram aays: "I
got a doae of medicine yeeterdav.
that's all I've got to aay," aaid S.
A D Puter, io a sour, sore voine,
when eeen in his sell at tbe county
jail thia morning Tbe king of
land frauds is in an unhappy mood
Ho ia disgruntled and a scowl
covers bis lace, ibe prospect ol
I Si ale
the bat king of the delegation.
Su much adveree comment ha
leeii raised through the palpable
fraud al Svllnood precinct by raa
" nf infractions of tbe affidavit
ldio I. !. V .Ijaow axeaa
u..p-i... ...... .K.. -,. Mu ,., Mu, inUni0. U
t-tte m W
I)..n Carlos Boyd, cl n Readily glowing against tbe use of
haa filed notice with the , ,.,iir,r,M for VO, ft was be-
luiginccr ol intention to h, id when the law was amended
approriatc for irrigation purposes 'to have the froehoidera eign in lbs
100O cubic feet flow per second 1 enue of the olectiun judges thai
of the waters of uppn Wil- ' I- "ilnlilv of fraud in this di
low Creek 111 Malheur countyj " ""' "ss eliminated. Tbe law.
The -water is embraced in the h" ""l Im-" i'vk- uP lo
tiovernment ...mromialion ol r,",ly -frooholdow olguod
TBI Loot Star
1 1.1. 1 lieutgS, l'r"iiielor.
lata I It Mtroets.
Bakery in onntlon.
A Spaull f Shorl frfJoTt.
Talde fin 11 died nidi everything
the maiki llor.U N'mir palron
age soliei
water withdrawn from entry three
years ago hen the Malhuer
piujri 1 was first pioposed. Mr.
allniavita without going near the
g plaoo.
In former eloctli im the affidavit
a'.n-e was tlaaranl Several diva
slaying in tho baalile of MulUio-1 ' iso nice on 1000 cunu n 11 , (lll (turly tr,jri Wou)d
mah Couniv during two long years I ow per aecond .! the" vlcr ki ,
is one not lo the liking of this man, Malheur livei foi
minrnlv' h in,! liinu alaa keene
, . .. . ... . ,i who, in days poet, rolled in luxury purposes.
in. .. 1.:- -..v 1.. the old as young and makes Iho f.. r . ' . . r
,11'- IMI IMP -J
... 11. ...I ih.t ho aaw ""K - .'- u,n'1-
lad gradois at work
it tin' DeM-huleo.
pineru iiraugiiiouiun
h.i who liar charge
K i-tiin from
Mid in the crew that
'rtcilic and Jim Hill
Veiu.g crews at wore
of liurns
l he Oregon Kaalern
running the survey
.. . -1.. .ii
1 11 iioriuwi:Bwtrijr n-
i.i' lliev
medicine DHieiMia. torpid liver,
inflamed kidney or chronic consti
pation sre unknown after taking
Klei'iru- Itinera a reasonable time
tiuaranleod by druggist. Price 5c
Kre.l II Kiek a young man
elaimiug Weetfall as bis borne,
waa fined 120 Monday by Judge
(oodrioh 011 a charge of defraud -iug
Landlord GrifTeth of the Hear
and led a life which waa one grand
Street oong, uutlll Ibe governnjeal
otlioere got after Lim a few years
How are you feeling, Mr 1'uterT"
waa aaked. after the laud fraud
leader and hero of "1 1-7" ounspira
cy, hod referred to the hitter hem
look of tho day before
"1 ain't got a thing lo say," was
the reply
Puter was yooterday eeutmaod
to oerye two years in tbe Mullno
msh County jail and lo pay a flue
nf 7rUU The attiileuce waa im
l..,i.l .ml itf i Ji ,rtil diit for lu ard
L-..i..., 1. j t. poaed by Judge Wulverlou shortly
am koepiog The c see was heard by a jury uom- , , " ,, . w
und ae possible und (KMH.d f y Kooe. P. (J. Freo-
nd to run the survey luail Marion (ioodriub and It H
Kin l'.i- Thm crow c.Hey , and alter lieunng tho evi
in ibe vicinity of denoe, returned a verdict of guilty
east of Hcnd al.oiil (jo the r. couniiendalioii uf l'ruae
ODlor Mid'ulloch the floe was re
duced lo 1 Lo minimum
After the court room had i-een
I t'tek Burpriied everybody
. mg his line and beating s akidtH. " Kisk is a akillel
workinau al aevural irades, owl evi
dently he didn't enjoy this latest
role of a "horrible example "
ml Uull.itin
l.Mi I AKnlNU
egtBUii ,i.lliinltes llie
ol I'lf-i'lil lurui-
uuder Ibe Kuridab
it irrigitljoo projects,
turned on the land
1 ,i '- Vale t.a.etUi
undei 1 he "urnion 1
tut projncU loog oar-
riling l a stranger,
knows what poeei-
sandv loum, (;rirtah a, ,.., (iue tb lodging
pad witb water, the I boua,-. Vale tiai;iu
kpear be uiiUrtt .'ipetl
kuieiit recervoir site is I
belore leaving i r n.ieiia, at on I ,
and it waa a severe jolt lo the man
of many land frauds, although be
waa most likely expecting some
thing approaching the maximum
penally, aud Le lacked but 260 of
gelling il
Puter ia allowed two u-ouiha re
duel ion of sentence a year for good
behavior, and he will probably ho
released at the expiration of one
year und eight mom he Whether
be will be able lo pa) liia fine ia
I In. Iioldere sign do
irrigation . 1 blank ertirlcaies. The
certificate won Hern taken to (In
Anothei tiling has been in.nle 1 and wheu an ui.regialered
on the waters of Willo t'icck by volei , .n along, all lie had to do
I I M. Kinney, ol Wcieer ""'" l',",r " name Hi the blank
Idaho, on the Hood wateis and '' "", W ,o1" "" "
ordinary ri..M o! Willow tuck ' In this manner Host
totlic ,,n.,u... of ,sooo tuhii H.y thoaoore.onduopro.
, waa made It waa to Correct
feel flvw pet second. 1 ins is
more Mater tliun could evei ps- .
ibly How in WilloN Creek umlei
tbe moot extraordinary conditions
Twenty live thousand cubic
feet is almost as much water as
flowed down the Umatilla K
during the great Hood. Onf 1
Interest! -iul on Time I '
Wo fnoliott Your Bonking Bunnsit
ftTOCKROI.DKRS -M Alexander. Wn, fonee, K II Tset,
C. K. Kenyon. H. Alatander. Ketate of Abner Kohl ino, William
Miller. Frank K Coffin. Thoa Turnbul!
Psimtsr WW oiaacf.vicr- 'sieiev
first national Bank
A (lenorol Banking; BuMlncnii Trnntacted
Fire-Proot1, Modern, .:l?ivnnt.
RaUa $j.oo and fi 5.1 per Un
All Outside Rooms Near Depot
Tins modern new I otel waa only '. .-nilv . oenrd to the
public. Maine) Counts people Mil he ulwit wekome
and courteously i.iinl fur A liiai 1 las liar m
A IfouaroM NsrtDS), ! l una lauv W
I Napton &. Boyd
leal Estate. Uses and Mlninr.
A P'tBTTa, li4Bo llaaiSMi. A
"i iiniari.. oV sjoWMoanll
! .
an 1
1 ant tu aire so
1 iwi. mso
' 1 .
tJasf sjsjgn-
Mm uS 14 r" "
Sheriff Klkius and party whan in
tbe Hreen Mountain-, were serprtl
od at tbe nuiiibci of Itori-ea thai
onto found in different pitris of n.i
mountains. Howe srers hohhlo
some were staked out anil s
were found in two cunningly cm.
trived corraie found 10
(Mils of the lUOUItlaiim I
oonala huil olngi looaali of liwjji
Watchmaker and Optician.
Second door north of post office.
xxeljb, Oxcgron.
TRlHt II A MHfMAHi fioprietnra.
Burns, - Oregon,
T4:e3c Xlxle Z3:eaclQLxartQ3
Wines. Liquors and Cigars.
Billiard and Pool Tables.
Club Rooms In Connection.
. fl'l l I a
not xnuan I no i.ov.-rnujeui may ,,ru,,, friU) a ,,u-ru., ,., t (-f .
lew upon any of his i..oorty. the , i,,,, A ,)f a. ,()1JI ,.,
sau.e as hy an extcuiiut), Out if be i -k.,--.! ,i, ri...... ,. u.i, .,( r,i
I. red Brown uf Bums ha. le.s bM ,l0 property, he may. afuK 30 ' d . lilt, ,A ,ter Ullc Vwm
the dining room of the Heoa Hotel d.y. iu jtti uk. a "piur'a oath"! w j. Vef, ua ,u ,, pilB
.ud ' ' TV" "U . "!:. l'i be released. I ,. Iro, . ,, .. TM m . ., ,.
Kraucia J lieney, aaalsUul lo I wr. ..a i,-,l I-..,. ,. i The
the Attorney (.ei.eiel, tbu morning Loullj m ,. ,, ,..
MlllCK 'u Lt PuUr would U uu 'way bf four ths Ulc Tins am
Witueas ia several oases to be Uled .. .. h..i-l.i Cn .-., ...A .. i
The Finctt of All
hr Sek toly ai;
Hotel Burns Bar
A ints, Burns, Ore.
Koih.i 1 hroa . Dislrihut. i Poiliand, On
L and s hen uumnleted Notice In lw
that the - Summ-r. and that the trial of
.. iuioousc amount of un derailed has ieu duly ai- lOOlni"-- - J.-"-" against
Lung ki retch of plain puiuted sdiiiinlslralui of lbs JisUtt -- -- "4 uk lne uoul of-
,11 u. the cuuyon i. ufjohnl. Newmam. deoeaaed. by ! '" - -" " r
lo water, which shonaoroor ol the county court of Uv- ttoney was uoaoie W aay wnetavw
oul the Uinaloouaid-.,,v IJreMnn. daud Mav2.i--Jr lue laroeslill peiKllog
e done with pumpe
alfalfa al tbu Tom
nMi. aud has duly .ua!iued
oersoiis baviug olaiute against
AH againal him would be dismissed.
There ie little doubt that tbe so
had a nartial i.u r l,Mrel. r.....ire-J to ore- verity 01 rulers Was
Maxwell ditch mm t1P,. with proper vouchers, biougbl upon himself, by getliug
will. in eix months from ihe date of into trouble wilu tbe elate of Oregon
I . L.: I .inJ .1 . .' . 1 a, .:.
(' Tetiiplulon place s" ". w "" m.uiniiirii aimusi immeuiaieiy auer 111a ooo
.'. r .-r.U.. truck ""'tee in Hume, llregoi. lluu ,lul uoj ft fu-JUve
IO Wl ... laAaSl 1 II. U: w
II1LCU al 11 1 ID . lirvnj
un iniguted hut once y l.awis
wiuibi oviiuow, yoi Auuiio.Biiaioi
from jualioe The Boston
wheu be drew bis revolver aud us
be uiede ue-f t e . 1 iter or
l'mievillc Journal
WANTKU Aget.u. Hliatier.
Sales men, Clerks and ovoryUsly
who waul!, lo enjoy a good heart)
laugh to send MJc for ' I
.1 ... . j..
Agenis. vrorin von lo a.
sou whoMella goods for a livilij
If not aalisfactory jour mom)
back. Circular lor slamp. Ths
lr. While electric Comb Co , Deca
Job printing Tbe I ime lleruld.
wman W
WdWiili 1
BojMigsjMui J-bIbioboh'
- m
one tor
Price Lie!
Aau.ui'iu; a,
1. 1. LEWIS
ft ill ht gU. U fi
( uyoM oWrng
succtssos lo.w 1 toon ease ib a
fUKkMilkisi as.
Main at.,
Wagon Work.
ANTECD. Burns, Orojjon
- -
Benicia Hancock Disc Plows.
fLrSoHoa. M
Tooth and Disc Harrows
Thomas Disc Drills.
Call und get orice before purchnlng.
C. H. VOEOTLY, Burns, Omt