The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, July 07, 1906, Image 1

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f rimse-Wrralft
TIim Oillolsl ruperof Harney County, J
lis the largv.t rirrnlstlnii nod it on of
the lwnt ii'lv.-rHtiiigmeillumt in'Eastsrn
(trefoil .
L. X!.
Vhe asreal H arneaj sT.ountrtj
Covers sn wn rl H,,iWO acres of
land. 4,711 ,000 acts vet vsrant
to sntrjr nniler the ptihllr land law M
lha Cnite.1 Stalet
- 'i -
9tmK '
(Pinon h ihf Pteplt al aar
!) BBj Rtrthtd Verv ValssMt
oa 4frlcsllart.
not tea thorn nut the sacks, hut
aupitoaed they were the guilty pari
ieii At their preliminary hearing
Tuesday Afternoon, Justice Good
rich held tiiem under f S00 bond
for their appearance before the I Ta Psrsft a Ssccttt Witt Savtral rfaa
Itttla faith!" wasal-
IrHl utterancea of IV
be in opening the
Ituti- ImI Monday ee-
)in visit, hnre will re-
gooil toward a morn
Effort upon the part of
there in no doubt. He
MB "'III Ml enthu-
" fariBjf' institute a auc-
grand jury. The three are now
languishing In jail.
Ware and Oebore are from West
fall and have been in Vale sinoe
Sunday. Kilhurn was until recent
ly the Proprietor of the Bnrnt sa
loon. The wool belonged to a Mr. Jen
kinsVale Oasette.
sssw Floats. Etctllsst waik it
Flat Patriattc Orsllos.
lie, I
id p
MI:RS' INSTITUTE! with them, but he refused HedidOlIR RHi FOURTH OF JDLYfmt NowarcaaS
fully wagfti without hog
If the mikado ( W MrM Wi
BEST CELEBRATION IN HISTORY Of people to grow larger all he has
to do is M feed them gicase and
lots of it.
Steamboat?, railways 01 Ml v
clcs cannot be run without gTMaM
nothing goes without grease.
Doctors tell us t. eat liuit and
keep quiet during dog da (NB
notion is to eat href, mutton,
poultry, lish and hog meat and
jfet around lively. Kat meat,
spread the butter on thick, and
drink cream, you will live to
plant all the dOCton
pu with gram in th 1
butter in the tillin' and cretin all
over it is the Amen, in
Think of pie without grease.
Prophets and statesmen of hl
not only filled themselves with
grease, but the) poured it o ei
them; and when the fatlici ol
Ksau wanted to the he idled lot
I venison potpie, so that hi-t unl I
die gffJtvj aXwS h.ippy.
Reinor the TWM (loin .1
woman's hv and you ilestro) tin
microbe ..I leva .m.1 bolWl ki
injj. Then- i in ba nothing in
A Tragic Finish
A watchman's neglect permitted
a leak in the great Norlherr Sea
BBBBBJ is nothing else to be 1 dyke, which a child's finger could
n tlia-l,i'i ii'ir any other
BBBBBB to might
I 1 o re, actual till-
the fll. gfMMl hud they
ed tbifi Vix benefit ti be de-
ThwiiK-'-unc did mil lack
owcvir. fat the court
iliil with men and
have stnped. to become a ruinous
break, devastating an entire pro
vince of Holland In like manner
Kenneth Mclver, of Vancehorn, Me ,
permitted a little cold to go un-
noli 1 until 11 tragic finish was
only averted by Ir King's New
The celebration was a success.
The people were here to take in the
festivities ami Hums made good.
The parade was a most interesting
feature, thanks to a few a very
few patriotic and pnblie-epirited
oitiren who took the time to ar
range it.
It is said to have been the liest
thing of the kind in Harney county
and yet with the assistance of the
business men it could and would
have been doubly the success. If
selfish iersonal interests did not
predominate on all such occaeiune
Hums would Ik? letter oil Tins is
not 111 tared as a complaint- il is
just straight Roods If we are lo
nvile the good people In isil us on
I si Carittlaa la-Oat nilea Ftdtrillea
Vtr I rtltla--lttllrMt ta Fatttra
"rttea Win kt Bath
The Oregnnian says Wallis
Nash, president of the Portland
Board of Trade, who has oaTM in
New York for the past several
BmUm in the interests of the (
opiilive Christian Federation,
made the announcement yesterday
kat work upon the extension of the
1 on illis ,v Ksstern Railway across
the Cascade Mountains lo Raslem
would liegin in the near fu
ture Me also made public that an
ndent railroad was lo be eon
strufted from Portland to ronni-.-t
vat.- 11 11 ; ' sod lha free h.-oiina
n Tin. 1- n provi-
I Isnds have
ol Imiimo fore,
sight for Rtaal iidviiilures In cor
porate civiltrntion We need to ha
reminded, perhaps, that ihe famous
ciliei of lha antiiie world ware for
the most pari founded upon prae
rr : itrafl snd nursed in lha
Th il ol I ssbi vjere cientlfir
eiiouicli to I 1 . 1 i 1 1 1 - landa
Kgvpt ami l'i'i-lloe Asia Minor
and Bytif lha land of the I'artha
genisns iiml lha Moors, of the lurss
and tin V ii The simple fact
seems .' ih-it il.e soluble plant
foods polnsh, lime, magnesia, sul
phuric si id mi I so on are in lha
conntr I'liiilsnl rainfall,
insinlv wsli. I i'iv and wasted,
while in an I 1 iinlries these els
no 1. 1- sccumiihiie in Ihe soil an In
exhauslihle hank aivount to lie
.-wr riar raaar
M Aiittsoas, 1'atmnasT
Wa Josra, Vie-Iaaainisrr.
1 I Kbmto, laa'der
('. W. Pui itlilar
Discovery He writes "Three
ke mi mi. 1. n in this ,1, .,,. ... . . ,11. nf Inns I such iMcasions we must all do our
imisiug section Dr miin,,,,,!,,,,, 0liui,.d hv a neglected part to entertain them
Ml thoroughly rami-1 oold. but dooto,.. King's New Dis--uhjeet
and gave hislooy(,ry aaTe1 my ife - (uran.
8'""1 ",,vi " lir"c" teed best cough and cold cure, at
the City Drug Store M cents and
$1.00. Trial battle free.
itiou uieil hy IV
was brought l his
Bonnt of the vaetness wiKTE'i- Hu.tUr.
of this great valley ', s.i-amen. Clerks and everybody
Ismail acreage farmed who w.nlI t0 enjoy a good hearty
line was most positive , ., l(, j W1, for ..TipB
lent- as t.. the proline- Unls ." Worth ftO to any ier-
ir oil and -I. .wed . e.111 who sells bihkIs for a living.
bund that tin- section )f )((l Bllli,fanlorv yoUr money
I I opi. ..I to farming ,(M)k CrruUr for ,Uro,. The
While there were a few disagree
able feature such as the oppreaaive
heat and more or less dust, pleasehis ... RsMBaaWf M u"
The mote ol it you absorb, insule
ami 1 in, the longer you will live,
with tie lorvslhs A Ksstern nt ' 'Irnwn on. without Hissihilily of
ii.'i-i Ihrongh the irrigation
lit. baa I here i expert testimony
lo lha e.. I tloit "the soils that lie
w.'-l ..f il..- hundrrdth meridian In
lh' I ml. .1 vi it' .1 1 ompared with
list lie ea-l of the Mississippi
contain mi the average shout three
remember The Times-Herald or
dered the weather and is to blame
fo- that and also remember that
the burden of arrangements fell
Upon I'.i mh millers of live or six
men who were willing to neglect
their own business to spare the
refutation of Hums, th-refoi.- 1
use. I for h'W short coinu.i"
Mr Wilh coiiile inado om- oi tin-
finest patriotic orations it has lieen
termviii when aeen at bis ..tine
"The extension of the Corvallis iV
Kasteru and the new line will re
suit in the lsvini of L'ti't miles of
thcsweetei you. llliU(iui, lha tr(,k ,, W0 eicl to have all
more lomg and loveable you will th(, Work ,,,ln,lr( Wllmn lhr
'" years
Pile i a liattle. To light the Ve fj New York I leamml
battle and to sunessftilly OOOqUOl (hat within that apace of time three
the woi Id the Bath aaaw the il. l il transcontinental lines will probably
Milinma Mr. Nash relurueu
Piirllaiid yesterday morning
"Arraiigi'iuenta for Ihe finaueiiig
of the railroad have i.n made and
work Umii the extension and Ihe
new road will liegin within a very
short t most eiilhuaiaatically
remarked Mr Nash yesterday af tmos .. mil. h potash, si limes as
mo h 11, .1.-H- in 1. ml II times as
mm h 1 1 1 1 1
So the mm cities of the "(J real
American t - r t are going to
have soli. I . I. iiH-otsI imderpining.
National Ms;-axine
Intetvsxt I'aWl on 'l'itn 1 '.KsiteJ.
W Soitait Your nking Busincca
HTtH'KIIOI.DKRfl M. Alexander Wm J.a, K II Test,
(' K Kenyon. H Alexander. Relate of Aimer Kohlins William
Miller. Krank It Coffin. Thoa. Turnbul!
tsxtsssjac ii
ISSII SMIIMSf W.S) ntf , Vict - -aiotaiT
si a cowocn, oiKiis
first Rational Bank
A Oeneml Banking Bunineiiii Transtactcd
coamapoNDatNtK invitro
we must
li.iv 1
1, , 11- hav n.ade connections with Ors
goo I bay are Hi- eslern Paci
Is here m iihlindlince. . ,. u'h.i.. r,o..l. C. Ileea- the lileaslire ufoitr oenide to li-l-n
. . ......... 11 . , .
lo lii Wuhv coinlss had insist. -il
llih. hinl sevenil pliilile tnr, III
farmers m this vloinl .
' l"""r'' "great Th(l ,-, H rKd will make
U ver l.irge Hi also ...;.., .;.. ,.,ll, i ihe wav of
11 bj
1 hi
sol.scrii.tioiis and has arranged
sxafjsjswtad drain- -u .. aj.Walai Ht I.ouia
i. ...,- -. .. -
Republic free to all who pay up
arrears and one year in advanoe to
The Times-Herald. New eubecib-
ers who oav in advance will
receive this great national semi
weekly newpaNT and family
nmgaxine in the I'nited Stales
The two papers one year for 'J -fur
this month only.
It was nut luck ol water
It h
1 how tin1 overllow
ling utilised mill where
nil Drops nu" lost each
ii I. m. 1 iim are now
suggested to him
'pun III eertiilli portions
trimeiiinl to crops In-
lit Unit we hii ve no
ll thill il tt.nihl he only
H11 roots lo iM.netrate
hard pun in lliia
'eimllie i-olisuinrs Iiar-
, 1.. hud ever
M njasa I ' B bile its
ugh iiiui mere nre oc-
1 ii- irosis, we
lioii more cultivation
Will nut occur. He al-
pd iitin 1 favorabla oil
.. I, 1.
lion- Unit would rutin
lei aoraags of euiuva-
he would be a ilisapiHiiutiueni as s
4th of July orstor, but he was tn too modest and waa a most
pleasant surprise lo bin friends
The music was line and inspir
ing ami much credit is due the
boys and girls who so nobly did
their part .11 the baud. Mrs
lie. lha Mnltott road, and the 'In.
sgo ,1 Nor ihweatern
I he 1 ipanv that is to manage
; ml MpsriatasstWari I n '" fominUtmd ft uiH
ol lha -impter alley railwuy v be nlhhn.e.l ,. I, the fonr ,li v.
terday received a letter Iron, Frank Christian ! .deration, which will
M.i.hai. ,.in..,l Ih, n.w atsge ""lr"1 lh of the ,l, k
I, . o,,.,.,.,,, I ,.... usl.o and IT-vnl-l the.riangemenla aa now
Hums, dated June .'.:. in which ... I'1"'" "' """'" u.iforseen
em. the following ,,.rlinent par..- I he ( o o,H,rallve Chr.a
nan reiieratlou prMara to have
The Laae Star
I'ropi ..'tor.
r... Mum iraxsaV
Bakery in eonnaction.
A Sfcwially sf Snarl OraVi.
Table .Mill everything
the mark, t nflorils Vour patron
age sol.. II. -.1
Firc-Proof, Modern, Elivant.
Rate $2.00 and $ j 30 per day.
All Outside Rooms Near Depot
'lint modem new I olrl was only irrenllv, i.penrd lo the
publn . Ilarne) I'ouulv people wel he ,il.iy welcome
and courteously t.iied lot A toil l.i-.-. I.o m itimi.
- .. t )
. r. ... , . .. ... a irniili tlml iii nil llaelf
alao -uauus singing 01 uie .ver npang- , - ; .. . ' . .... settlen.ent. Ih.iI. in the Wili.,,.-ite
I. ... "I tai 1 II twm. ..I anal 11 ulm II IliSI --.- -- ...... .
led Hanner w greeted wilh en- Valley and KasUm Or.gon ai.d all ,
" "- l. .. I..
ii'M. (hi iir-i raif in MLrarti 10
i" w w
35.00 REWARD $25.00.
Notice is hernby given that hunt
ing and ahooling upon the enclosed
lands of the American Laud A Live
Stock Co located in townships 'M
. I" I lUnge M I and tjwnship
those who had charge of the oel
those of your city ah in l" ha a
little cold II. the . uhoiit ih
iug any business from up lint way
My wagons are runuiui.' . . ' I ' (11m.11 OHj thia way. and
tin rt.. k are feeling tine, and if
they don l . t eomething for them
Meat and "..ease arc things to1" ''" """' ' "''-11 " ' "
brstiou for cousei.lii.g to aaeisl on
ao short nutu
The results of the racing cards are
given on another page.
in I he route of the new lines
hiw all lieen surveyed and tin
rifbl of was
Wc Mail Have Urease.
eat. Nobody amounts to any
git stout bins with which to hold
.1 1... I f. ...1 ,....! v.-.,-. "'Clii
:i8, RST.K W M. Harney (','" r. fc $km (t .,.,,,.
(regon(batU.rknowi. as the Trout '' here is not enerKy th,g shout in- Ira
Creek and Colony Hanohes.) .. enough in a amg.xi load ..I fruit lir ,,.,,. a r, ,
strictly forbidden Any psraou oror vegetables to i;ivc one M idea u l,w,.r..rB11,. , ,u Mmor
persons found hui.Uug or trespaes- alMiut .1 ookheny. People who
tOtrlAMil TAX LA
little out of life .oul they always
1 well ""' a guu in tueir pueeesiuu uve on Iruit uua garden iruca get
in iiitn-f . igir 111 liriiiMfriv win
tine visit of Dr. Withy- , 11MMliM.ll.ed to the full eateut of
the law. A reward of a5 ia here
1 1 Krii.n up oca di stgr land
It is 1.0 theoretic fancy on the
part of the writer, but a plain,
iiidisptituhln statement of scialitili.
facts It means that while Ihe ram
I. .'d Sella e! the Atlantic stales
are now pratticallv worthless, that
the tolling prairies of Ihe great
middle Weal wil! some day lose tin
1 t 11. 11. rial elements so
-iry for Ihe growth of crops
and will have to be artificially sup
I by so-called fertilizers, our
Prof k 1 nsul v and cer-
gralelul to them for the
v. il hi ill hiriuer friends;.' of the oppor
hi- in virii will And
)!' homes uud pr.'Spetous
Maruey country
ihnilld its be
of p-ople ins
by otlered for evidence that
lead lo their arrest and conviction.
Amkkhan Lank i Sm. k to,
Ify I li Mil 1 Ham 11 Manaukk.
look ilain-lishy and
watery in
rba Slate lax ciiiiiilasioi, will " ' " practically inaihsiistahle.
t a bill In the legislature hi
The desert lands are the best in
Life is lo short for one to tux Ilia
it n.-xt session which if enaeLed " iii.try. but they mock al pri-
, .
(ha miik. 1 ttlords Your natron- I , v
1 - - . w v w xm itpavs w v av pw
sfh At
... a. e-
KlI-lJj Hli IMaPton & ooya
iSmKmMmmM f Kel Estate. Hies Mi4 Miliar
s '"'
rrfT'7 - '!'? ""srrs, Una..
Wwk0& ''fcM H X m.urtosatss: New Hllsus) Itrls-.
A aawf i-B iPrT Vn' I tfBsftaTBBjBBaksBBaaaTaaTkaT' i-
ji . r itii xu 9 i- nsVfa.
I. II I ' 1 ' " -II I MS
I .
1.1 Ue
I. STatVIMl AAMft AN1 TOOL 00, hj kHimiu
stomach with the work of ti
ing what little gicase there is in a
... , . . 1 u. l I
v reclame uiei. rwa iiieuun .
lo the hogs and eat the hogs.
i in
j . i .
I tl
sv in ruuu i it or.ier itnu
I'liis wheel is
ling .1 UUUIp "o'1 "i de-
1 H. . oi r I ; .ilnr to s
40 feet uud covers every
tisi uiri - this laud be-
will make radical changes in th.
lax laws af this stale. 8oae of tin
principal feature.- of the bill u.e u
Taxation of railrou ami
I am ouly 2 years old and Hogs and latlle have nothing :em.,rlc, d xsfaaaai p
don't exMH3t even when I gel to be else to do but lonvni . orn, grass 0prting in more tl... .. count
real old to feel that way as long as uud farm piuduils into grease. ou basis ot net earmi.' . apitulueu
lean gel Klsctric Hitters," says Tuke a carload of green truck, at a fair inn-net rata
Mm M Hruusoii, of Dublin, (ia. tajJHjaaa the water out of it, und ' Taxation of I. anka, nl ooal, aiaU .
Hhurely there's i.olhiug elae keeps (l (W asatalBxl left but a mass 'd private, on cspilul l..k, sur
of fibrous stuff that would kill a j P" -nd -"divided ,.rf..s
Heductlon of the household e
t eaaatieafro ..'hi
I...... . ..... l.l I., u .1 -..,. -uv nil- '
I I U'l l IIVI III .U -M M..J .. M .
ill it begins to decay, OJ to get
ripe as they call it.
Kat meat that is fat if you waul
to enjoy life.
If ihe baby is puny and
Hon, a ndiable source ehl "Id as young and urek.
l. -, ii ... . i 'but has been j k aa strong as this grand ksxw
htraotioil lor some tune uieuicnir. iytu-.s. ..i.u ......
BBBBk.- nver in- u Hid. Keiry mliameu Kidney or euronic cunei.
th. Portal roueh of WM) aatlaa are unknown after takiug
KU cm. Killers a reasonable time
(Iiiui. n Iced by druggist l'i.
Kur Sale Five choice lots in
Ontario, 4.0 lots in Laweu. in I..U scawn) , and baa pains oraches,
in Hums, Itin acres of good land a ive il fal incut. Hog meat, if
was put on u was prucli- part of it natural meadow Hi ajUaj you please- If
bless uud today it is east oi nums ui.impioveu . ,w ihe north pule lake gi.aac
( ounty in aourei int. oil '
ill lo be tux inlleclor
Wathiiigtun syslein oi.
of tax deli , hi tin' i
of better tax title
Htate to Hajjfa I" I ' ' " I "f "'I
liijuur licensee
'I'ax e .iiiiiileeo.ii of live lie Hi ' i.
you ere going to to hi " d f ' pmi-
.nil I"; I ' Ulll.iJ ".. i . i
P neinhhoinooO ol IUU acres near Saddle Hull, with pre- lt.a -lol)t;. ( oU aM to
sent crop ol w.iu graa. stauuiiig. eqialoI ttbjure
Iian a house anil goou leuce. i ur
Huntington ll.i.ii.l
BJ MklOl S CHAKlil .
Uoitlara ean
be obtained at this
fruits and vegetable.-, if ou would
a diet of thousand-legged worms.
The less load ou have to eat the
less you have to ran
Milk is not a fit ill ink when the
...-1 . i-ing all ooaaaaitu nls in the
IfranchisM not to be -
taxed, but lakci. int.. euosid
by the U'ui.l in i. . . ...ining the
taxuhlr valu ilion of a pu'-h-
riKiriit.".., accoidn.g lu lha
ystnen in Mulligan and WieooBs
Kl.rl u-r. -nineiit in,.!' i new
method to be lu I I
Hat he aaar 14 yaara BBBJBBH
Watchmaker and Optician.
Second door north of post office.
33-a.rxxs, Oxogrorx
oat The Finest oi All
ler Sale Daly al
Hotel Burns Bar
Agents, Burns, Ore.
Koile-i I lir.s Mislribulers. io Mian. I. Oregon
TKlMtil a IMNRQAN, Proprietors.
Bums, Oregon.
aCetJce) TsrsaVlxfj ZZeaxa.q.3.arti
Wines Liquors and Cigars.
Billiard and Pool Tables.
Club Rooms In Connection.
I .. . .
1 im f
suilissus re.wik.aoe 4 aaafoa
Main St.,
Ilol tlOClOj(.
Wagon Work.
ANTEED. Burns, Oregon
Benicia Hancock Disc Plows.
ll.iiu: loin Wan- uud
Kirn an in jail, an used , AUfcl 1 MSTKATllK M0T10I
llinif iiiu'i. ih. ivool eui:k of J.
Kool who . am. lo Notice ie berehy kJ'VBII that the glCUSC IS skimmed oft
K.i.iN (laid was taking undersigned has hast duly ap- Pst arc BaB xwJaaMstW lhc.ur
BBBL, Ontario and slonped III pointed administrator ol the KslaU) full oi oil.
Br oik liver laMfl for tbu of John I. Nuwiiiam. deceased, by No man who lues on n.ciit was , first levy and taMaslian Ie UK.
Bd Tuesday u.orniug he oui. r of ihe county court ol" liar- ever known lo lick hi wife or ffc new oixie will not lou II as
BBBa r-.i, I, natly iiiulilaled ney county, Oregon, dated May 211, aalr for a divoiif. Adam jjul in
BBBL(, Waa dc.-iioycd The MIOli, and has duly .inalitied. All . .,,.. ,;t.l awav because ht
BBL 0 ul the uck were rip- j persons having claims against said , d t h mta, buUel OJ b,acW I" be taxed hy two initiative laws,
i .X a.L.J I .- a. 1 ... . ..: J s .... IMIiMilHit lis lti linlili'li ul llit- IiuUh
bbaiiU inottu wort) pnuiicu ertittio ure uereuv ruiiuiroii w c- , nj.I- Wt U ,.rl K..; " ? ' r-.... -. -.. ,
uaao. iiouuivwi vei mvnv uk
ir in. .m'lii.u hhiiI (if in with nriiUkur VUUCDerfl. . ... uii juii i
r- w . m .'uiuh Ills :t( lull fii i.iil ti.linri
id ihe accused had been within six mouths Iroui Ihe dat ol "
together in the evening ! the undersigned at tor breakfast the morning of the
, ., . hie othce in Uiirue, Oregon fiht. The French had veweta-
ntKiu lueae mou weuv o Dated June 2, IVKXl. ,7 . u . . ...:..
wh .. he sleut und uri!- M I. Lkwi u,c uV j "c BUUl" "au lu '"
go uguiu (o the saloon '
I lulut. I. ...... Iul..r .. ..1. -I.... I. a
lin v.... ...,.i, , wirg.u.i. r. j'-.-n
car and oil cuiuimi.ii .-, mI.i.h
Wool growers are invited
on or writ V A (iooduian. burns
and Ket terms for shearing with Hie
Administrator. " at AppamattoX, they were ouluew plaut be has ordered
t- 4t
kimtist8iI jtmmnm
rtlCTICALLYfi A.i'
lii:iaL-.... MWm. ,'"J"B
Ovtar BOO B SsmmI for
Bwautilul BTHrlc List a
P i,na. aWllHi Csroulera.
I. ) . I BEE I
V sxwBjl f"'! I bt
Sxls: BasBBp T
will tx Cla la ixvsars
la usc xVealrisg
Sot ! Miiiiajjj
njaJPoeroaT. wmu
"ffct- TW fSxwBjxv A
-ttxwaaxaTfl ' .wall-'f'
eaTAreH xcr'wWaEttf
uimtiao PUOUJa OP ABOVB mHI.
Tooth and Disc Harrows
Thomas Disc Drills.
Cell and got orlcos before purchasing,
C. H. VOEOTLY, Burns, Ore,