The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, June 30, 1906, SUPPLEMENT, Image 3

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Pi t
Thr (Jimrs-iurafd.
Oil Yr ,,
-".I Month.
rtr. MoollM
the firm week in October. The
; Times-Herald regreta it inability
hi punuan tnr niogtam tnia issue
i on at count of scarcity of apace
In all thr association will put up
about $3000 in premium and
TMfi UllfllfUHiN
Commissioner Milk r anJ Beat
re here to assist Judge Levena in
.Hiding up the .ill 1. ( of the old
o-inty board in order to give the
WW court a new aheet to atart
usineaa wit ti Commissioner
dillei and Judge Levena both re
ire thia time imd tbey deaire to
mve ull poaaible huainea aeitled
11 to date in order tbat the new
tficera may have nothing but the
ew bubineaa to attend to The
Idcouit will lertainiy leave their
ajaaajaji .1 good auhatantial am -ilua
in the treasury on which to
vork, aa tlie ante
nenta of the county officer, in
Ilia iaaue of The Timea-Herale,
how. Alihouch theae atate
ni'iita were rendered at the cloae
if business March 3lat, the hooka
mm ahow today even a greater
iiiiuiini of reaourcea The trr Ma
iler's honk ahow $36,108 Mi on
1. Hid thia morning with ouiniand
j WMrranta not yet pteaeuted to
he amount of $700.
Benatnr Oiwi.n received a tela
gram Similar from hia ann Frank
announcing thai ha had uoos
fully .n -.-, I 1 hi- i 1 am matinn to en
tar the Naval Academv at Annsp
olia. Thia was mint delightful
news to Frank 'a many friend hara
who sre mora than pleased at hia
surer. Ha enters tha academy
at Mat a a midshipman and il la
llkel) hia Aral .1 p. in 1 will he a
."Hl-ilav cruise on I ha old "Conattu
ll'in." Our nung friend haa work
oil long ami persistently and haa
finally attained lh goal. May ha
arm III- tugheat hoiiura
I'M HlubhleAeld mnl famllv lafl
for Willamette Vallav point ye
terday morning Thev arc. imp
J. II Hyerlv and family who
hava been up f r . .tn aaa the past
fata weeks viailing Mr Hluhhle-
iiel.1 haa disposed of hia mlaraaU rowan of Una cily that h
With the exception of a few
minor detail, the program for the
celebration in thia city next week
i complete. The Timea-lleiald
haa ordered regular 4th of July
weather the kind that makea
one appreciate a ahady apot, a fan
and a big diah of ice cream (or a
beer) but will not guarantee to
deliver the good. However, ev
ery thing indicalea ideal weather.
Kvertbody that can, will be in
liurna to heip make the Eagle
tea m and ilmae in charge of the
celebration hope to bring thingi
off on M induli time.
The Timea Herald regreta that
neither Senator Hart nor Cong
ressman Kllia will he able to at-
:tend linth gentlemen have aeut
regreta, the former having aome
important caaea in the 1 in oil court
at thia time and the latter'a term
aa circuit judge expiiea on uly a
and 11 ta neceaaary that he remain
at hia n,t of duty to wind up the of hi office.
However, Congreaeman Kllii
alaled mi a letter to Keieiver
According In Foreat Supci ms
r Ireland, of I'rineville, attK'k
lien miial gel pel nut to grace
in the reserve. The impieaaiou
tad gotten out that thia wm mil
leceaaary thi season, hut it doea
mi set in to have come from any
Puree of authority. The Timea
ei .tUI had auch an impreseion
itid may have led aome of ita
traders to believe auch waa the
aae, but it ia a mialake. Stock
men ahould look into thia matter
aa it may aave them annoyance
nd trouble.
here h the ese-ptuin of hia hr- Boon In pa) the H.itney . iiiiiiv
, a inn. 1. it uf arhirh tie took a viait. Senator Hart haa an-
ariih him tnaeil. Mr Siuhhlefleld nouni ed hi intention of viaiiing
has deeii ma of th nrgf.tia work- thia county during fair week in
er 111 thi enmity for a number of October
year, anil hia frienHa hara hop ha i, u.ik.. i at j .
. tlr. Wiiht "iiilir, the diatin-
may pi -! 1 simuio ne tenia 10
remain iM-rmaniitly
Went of III.
gumhed gentleman who ia to de
liver the oiatioo on 1 lie- d. of thr
1n, ia aireany lien- .mil ill aa-
J C Hteven. the civil rnuinrer .. , ., . . Bl
ami the good people nf Harm y
counts to make that day both
eounetileil with the (I 8. Ke. lain
linn hpviiu. Iim at niMUUi m Am.
sue to mm a c.l,e. of thi. I P1"'"" "d P'""b,
oily and discus the propoMMf Irri
gation law tu he tiaseed liv tha naxl
l.-..l.i..r.- TI.h Tin.M.H.Ml,"r """"fy '"k near from II
urijea the HuportaiiCM of .,ue
riMiina, tier uf charge, at any hour
whan there are 'no ooiiiga'' at tha
The recent rain haa been bene
ficial to the higher land but the
irrigated portion of the valley
needs aunahine One of ..ui Kair (iroumla Children aa
farmera infurma The Tunes- Hn - aa old one, are invited,
aid that the crop on the lower1 Dr j w G.,rf nM n mm.
landa along the river are at least flnBd hii 1 th- pi-i wk ,ld
30 day behind the uaual growth baa Buffered a great deal. Hiaaiuk
at thia aeaaon of the year. j o aurtad from grip and it ear-
sass9ss tainly bad a Crm grip ou the l)oo-
ia Prtanaats aaa Parses lor ,,ul De ' """ bailer and bopaa
Mra. Iltllia Ha tie haa moved
h ai I "' "'"1 '" ""'"'" '""' oeriuan
iberefora a,k- lli.t our paupl. meet "'"' Hh "'l" y '
Mr. Hire.... Ibis ' brother, Theo Coleman, who will
Recorder La...' ufllce .1 8 o'clock '-"""" " U' M "' ,U'"
iKJCiipiea the building where the
A pleasant and inalruotiva H4gm mm bjsjsjlgaj .ban Mra
hour can be ep.nt during your visit Vaughn bad charge.
at Huroa at ike races and feativi- .. -...
, Z , ... Mra Hiory hhendai. and daught
Ilea, at tha Native Hon's and 1 l, -
u, u .. . ,ra. Miaaea Avis, Kihel aud 1'lnilis.
VY. Parriah Muaauiu. The public
fMliiAi lit HatalardaU .. tliul Ikoaaaai
wuav 0 w - w '( II' fill V
are cordially invited to vlalt these ... -,.
, , . at Hols, Idaho Tbsy are gueala
at lb bom of Judge and Mra II
0. Lven ou the farm ur thi
eity. Mrs. Hberidau is a sister to
Judge I. vena
Carrol Cecil and wife war over
from their Hilver crk horn this
week Mr. Cecil aud daughter
are at home from Poitlaud fur tbe
summer aud they were in to tnov
of tbair housahind
7 (tob.oullooklofi.rlla.l. frelh.if clJ tidmu tb.
I ne narney county rair va- 01 oioers raioer man urooaing over ranch
Frd Oakarmsii waa in from hi
aocialion haa already arranged the hia own.
apeed program for the aecood ao-1 Up-to-daU job prii.Uug at reaaon-1 Hi, w k bume a day or two dur
oual fair to be held in thia cily able price ! u.g th wk