R I I IS SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT (Continued from first page.) "RECEIPTS AND DIHiU'IISEMENTS. OOUMW Fl'ND. DK To balance in fund, Sept. SO, 1MB 7614 4tj Received from Sheriff (tax account) 391K6 .17 Received from Sheriff Mileage Fees 24 80 UeceivMl from Sheriff acc't Hondiman'g note 104 00 Received from County Clerk as fee Ml 00 Received from County Clerk an a forfeited bond. . 100 00 Received from Assessor an poll taxes 15 00 Reo'd from state of Oregon ( booth rent L A C fair) K 7(1 Received for Liquor Licensee . l.MX) OU Received from Harney County Fair Association 25 00 01 Hy amount paid for warrant prin and interest . . $14791 19 Hy amount paid to state of Oregon (1ml state taxes) H200 00 Hy amount paid to Harney Co anil L and 0, fairs by order of county court 400 00 To balmier in fund 561 S n school rvnv. DBJ ft balance in fund. Sept 80, 1900 2628 98 Ke.fived trom sheriff taxet. I0M6 94 Hi i .ived transfers from n In Ml districts, refunil on order of school Superintendent. ;I7H (Si i l: Hy amount apportioned by Co school Sup't . 3992 00 To bnlancn in fund l Ail HCIIUOJ KIND. HI To balance in fund Sep't SO, 1908 190J1 HO 01 Hy amount apportioned to school dist by icb Suot. 'I'o balance in fund COlNn fftulTVcHOOL. DH To balance in fuml Sept. 10, 1908 082 M Received from Sheriff taxes 3480 22 Rrceived from proceeds of lenefit 31 85 CK Hv amount paid for warrants .... To balance in fund MM Mil Mi FIND nu lb bhlance in fuml S.-pt 80, I BM 98 I;- . ive.l trom SlieritV taxen . . 1085 66 lit Hy amount paid for warrants To balance in fund ROAD KUN1 DH To balance in fund s-, i 80, 1908 .... I 1907 37 Received from Sheriff, taxes 2137 2 Received from State of Oregon .' per cent IS. land nates 3137 98 i I By amount paid for warrants 1282 29 Hy am't trans to K.I .list No. I by order Oo oourt 5U 00 Hy .no i trim- to Rd dist No bj niler of Co court 1500 00 To balance in fuml STATE OF ORKUONj ,R County nf Hnrneyj I,. I. If, liilton. nrtify that all the foregoing are true and cor rect statement of IM blIMM Sept SO, IW6 the amounts received and disbursed ilnos and the balances remaining in the t'ountv Tressury March 8Wt, II Wltnt iiiv band tbif :'.lst day of Maroh 1900, i M DALTON, County Treasurer. 14891 2.-.39I 19 125517 20 118762 8 $ 9770 87 lo:, .'si 86 4191 -$ MM i;:. $ 2372 22 I 1661 H $ Ml Of $ i too i; THE FARMERS INSTITUTE. A LOCAL "PUSH CLUB " Dr. J.imi-. WHbyOOtnbc and A mass BMttiBg was held at Prof, Kinsclv of tin- Orvgon Atf- tu- Court House Tuesday cven- ricultiit.il l'nllej;e arrived in this jnj, (m the purpose of OrgMOUriog city -ieiii.i ,inl will be in read , board of tiaile, ilevelopment hMM tO btgin the farmers' insti I ajpM, W MMMthiag 00 that oi -tute Mond.n evening. July I, at'()eri (ht, objOCt bttog to "boost" tin lout t House. The Times-! ti,,. (ir(.:lt Harney Country und llei.ild i- MR that President Newell oi the Stale Hoard of Hoitu iiltiio footed i". impossible In DOOM at ihe l.i-.t inomenl. This will be n (liippointmcnt to fruit grown, bill should bring IVof. i 'ordlej "up out oi the WMUp" 10 tak Mi. Newell s pl.ne. I lorti, ulluie will not lie Mglected at Ml) tate and our fnrmef .unl d.i kmen will lirul this, iti-litnlr must prolilable and in-M III li i . Dr. W'iIIim ombe hoi expressed j s.),,,!,. himaell a- b ing delighted with out big, beautiful valley and pre du i a groal futuie. B sun- tu attend Hie mstitnle well worth any sacrifice upon tin part ol "Hi people. AllMIMSTH ATOM NOTICI Notice i- herebj Riven that the nmler slgnnl ' M been ilnlv sppointe.l. b the Iloiiprsble Coiinly Court of llnrnoy ( 'mini lrgon, I of ttie Will ml Iniinistmt'ir of tlie I'Htato of Kll- Merrill aeand, awi haidaly qnulifli'il All i .T-i.ns having claims Hirsinet Hie sin. i estate ate hereby n-fpiireil n pre tenl them within six BMStki from Ike dni' hereof, del? veillieil iiml nioninpnn imi with proper voaeben la the County Clerk. il the luiirt House. Hums, Ore Bea. Deter) lliis June N, I0OS, 1 M. Mhhkitt, I'.xei ntnr nnl Administrator, assist in bringing in new people and otherwise promote the devel opment of the county, Incident ally the orgnaitatkM win look af- tet the intciests ii( Hums m any m. inner possible and 10 lake up the mattei of railroad p. it tu ii- larly. Hutu- is going to be on the railroad that can be posted in your bat. A temporal) MgaadMtkM effected and i i iitiimiiti e i unsiat ini ol Men mown, j. i.. u nn , )i. V. I. Mat di n and luli.in Hyrd was appointed to outline pinna and make recom mendalions fm peimanent 01 amliallon A nutting wfff be held at the I ouit HoOte on nl in, to perfect plans, tu B brj CONTEST NOTICE. I'NI 1 1 n M o I.AKI hi I Hiiriin. OrajiuBi Inn .v. in ' iufrir1ni i iinir t nitiiUii hsvlee fctei Oik nllli'i' In .linu'uli II. I. ml. rental ti nwilni I. ntrj Sii ir.'i, nude i .( i .. Sr, ill . Ksnici. I I hi WIIIni I iilrli It ll,.k-,.il that I UIBIm lias I..UI1. i..lni10ilrrt i rtitri mil lis t:ri ii iii ri hi Ihsrf from fof i: -I MUHllll- i.rini !. Hi., ilwti-,,( nai. I iiml li. Imlrt in rnliiniii mi. I Im I .1 Ititid Hn bi tin, ri iiiri'il. nii.I llm' ..I nli.i nrr Ir.mi lli Mil Imiil m ii im' 1 . i to hi employment in Ihl unn nij i.r Murine eornnnl Ihe r.s.ni. n ntlvnip mlillfi. . teamen, m merlne 'In rlr.tr Hi l-l lull' i ft, i, If HI ii-i nirrr .. in 1..111 ril n n 1.1 nil "i ii 1 1 iiii-ii.t in pi. !.. 1 r I'.ivl'i. 1 1 nii.I 1 'III. In llntn.. ii. I In- rill. I 1 mill ml lull tni I .1 It, lie 1 Jntii Ii , .' " Miei s II it .In -IIIil. . I nor iii- .1 II. IN null. 1 fill 1 .1 Ii- Iilftili.. II III hi ilpn ! mill .lln 1 l.sl 1 liel 1 1 I V liftio Hi'itl.li r. CONTKrV SOTICK MORI Rtll.ROAl) PflOfll property owner and chiaeti Born is urged lo be pet this meeting I I .n 1 ,i...' . 1. 1 in., nun S eilffll Ik. It lift! ... I Hi.. I n Ihli .iii.iniii ftl'ftll ' hO Nil ISJI, Iilftili' IN'f lulu 111 . . 11. in Hi, . I Ii ' Ihell ' ' II, Kill ftlfl Irftt I , n. 1 ' t. "II ftn I lift. n. u Hint linn On HIKDS AND BU0S A. H Cordlev. profeesor of .uoln $ HI 82 $ 3282 2't I BS00S6 Ho.M' DIHTUICTNU. 1 DI To balance in fund Sept 80, 1606 1 Received from Sheriff, taxes' Received from Supervisor I trans from ltd fund by order f county court If 06 1214 62 4'.t 4. .'O0 DO i i: By amount paid to supervisor To balance in fund $ Ihl 8 773 M I 1070 44 NOAH DlhTlUt I NO I HI. To balance in fund Sept 60, 1 1 Received from Sheriff. t4xes I trans from Rd. fund, by order of county court 24 13 1)2'-"." i 1 SOU 00 H amount paid to supervisor To balance in fund i $ 2447 03 I 1740 13 si'lliiUl. 1USTKICTS DK To balance in fund s..t 10,1606 I 54 4U Reed from Sheriff taxes 3330 60 I,', ii Ir Iieiifl lo pay coupons 348 14 transfer from ouuii schiwl lund, appor'U 3trtt2 OO Rec.d trsii-ler from i lb M bool fund appor'ts 1606 60 HI Ry amount paid to diet clerks, apporlionmeuU 6001 60 Ry amount paid tu dist clerks, special luxes . $ 220.'! '.I I li amount paid for coupons! interest on bonds) 302 00 lly am't trans to ptbool 64, on order of Co S Supt. 378 00 To balance in fund Cm "I BURN OK To balance in fund Sept 80,1806 Received from Siterifl, taxe. linn. I l Wcathciforil. ol Albany, praaidant ol tha iorval-j lis v ifnatarn Railroad, paid this city n flying irleH la-t Monii.n, accompanied b) i W, ralbot, n tad tfnlaaaolngj and his i of Portland, both icntleaien leav- H,,t i r. .t w.T Sbaw, of tin Ore Hegngnlnthe Mine evening brlgon Agrinohaml OollegB, arritd ns,.M here overlilliil Weilnrsibiv ex.niiii Tl.e ave out n.itl.mu I.. The 'accompanied hy Kn.l i.titln. I Tloaoa-Herald foi pubtieatioa, but student of that I lUtnUon , i ,i. ., tfcnll.nn'11 eiiine across me i a-, nui I OII I I -.1111111 II W ,1" II. II III II lllill - moiintaiiis bv way ol irinevnie an in, i.i Mill. . ill' I lift. mi.l Out unlit tlnl II H, lltil III lln' i iii l . NftVi . in ft. ii 1. 1 IVftlv III" I I . ll'll lift, .ftnl imit ti. I ,, nlnl ..III i ixlfl ' I limn I lei H ha if ihl. ' in I iln NOTICI ft lllill. ' I III.. I . Km: s I tsee. Mi IM l.l n l ION in the hail i nine ovei liom Alb.nn on tin i v i. rightofwnj and wen- following it throngh to On It I- tin impreaalon ihat Mr. Talbol U connected with the H. imin in railroads and that .i esilHi ii i i . .i , il.henpo I i. nil Hi pi.., i.i. i.-.. i ... ft, ., ,.i i rill spend some tune in the b tin ty of Harney ami Mallienr lake- They are on a oolUatlna. tool M 111 on itig si imeii- .if "birdH mid hugH The party spent Thursday in Ihl city and expressed surpri- BI .1. i i HI Her. sale ol the Old right-of-way is now , delight upon llndinjj snob it va'.l' lindci Way. I low evei. tin- is e we have, and eseciallv tie meicK COnjOCttaro. He that as it variety of vegetables. Iroit.et., , MM i,, pomt I,, produce and ar- Oiporiaaantlni inininliaie wmk on I transporta- '",,' t'rol l orilley visiien a nuinoei in gardens and younis orchurd- in tin city and slated that our plants nl iik isiuiii i . im Ik. S.i .HI. M i i eoriehi .. i . i I tion hue int'i the Kri"'lt Harney country a llure is minli actnitv nIiuwii at tin- line. look much healthier and m ureater variety than in Corvul- Krancis Reiinett, a brother of our lo iii, atu.nlion was cnllud to esteemed MjaO MOnfMiM B, P, UlH grPe a,,h, practically the Bennett, has leen .uil- ill at t' ' only eat with which we have to home of the lailer the past few coiiwiui an, it was .ertamlv are weeks. Two sons of the sick man, 1ef (() ,,1()i, i,lt,.r,.nf l in Wajaa V T and James Hennett. arrived ofllilu .hrubs ami fruit lo lind hm i.i-' iron. t!-ir homes in te p,jH H.is not an saafeMM as we Washington t" bo with their father. imly ,tljll, Both youn man an pleased with The party hoped Dr. Wit by combo i. in. .I-.! ii i. i mil. r. an. I I na. Mill. I ml ii eat. ri I.. I Iftll . ft!.' . . . .1, , .i l.. ., , I "Si I i.r Iftrlur.'eelfl Dili. la. a July i W s ' .im. Ii. B ASSIGNEE'S R. L. SABIN, SALF Assignee. " The Qeer & Cummins Stock of Seasonable Goods is being: closed out at prices that will insure its quick sale. PLOWS, HARROWS, DISC DRILLS, HOES, RAKES Field and Garden Seeds, Garden Hose, besides all kinds of HOUSEHOLD HALM E. Call at the old stand, Burns, Oi NOTICI. tOH PUBLICATION I'NITKI' -Till I 1 Mi "I I I I . Hiirm. Urease, Inei II I I s.illi.. . Seise! im" H'ft' II" I" iiaim .1 ,..llrr inn I ""II' " "' Ihell Hill " ilenlomaki Seal emn iirtmrl ( I hell . Imi.ift. ami Ihal .ail i.iihiU i, III l ma. I. I--ml. II.. KPKlalrr alii Kei . ... r ft' Hill i. nil . ..Iinnlm. Hear, i.i lliirn. On .. ii, ' l , m ' ami SH', . i -,l. ir n n Maintain, lie . kin "Iftll. Iftlie Mm II....I l.alt.n i .,.. II I V" ll.l Im II" . .1 Ml , 1 II" I Nl ml I ..I. -ami II, -. . I l I Mlnnm link. , ii.iir.nr Mlim.e Helm l II i i ii. i... n I - . The. nam. Hi., loll. .Kin i II in I" pro,. llilrroiiniiu"uii.l.l.ii. iiain am' nlloa in .11 ..' ..nl lam I, 11 i m, n" ii. i.erelil f.iinn h Mr, Man f.riit.n a...l i M, K, ..... nregrm lain... II Hun rani. I ee M aai. if a ' i.e.m, au.l Imilfl f oi" ", laaio i:.i-i.i nrenaei nrf, i ii M Killini.ri' Cliii'l tha li.md-iiiii. Ktiinibirdliri'il iiillion ml; mulo' th" stand nt tin' hirgfonndaln this iitv ibis wiiHoii Til..- lutaraatad all'iillil mil on 1 1 K llnwlnv for parUenlan the Hum. -v rmintrv and may de ciile I" Imiil" lion and his associates would reach ban Thursday evaainc but M thai did Blue Mountain Rapid Transit Line I KANk METSCHAN, rn.pt Opcraliot; Iruni Austin lia I'rairk City. Jehu Day. Canyon City in Hams. Oregon i ' doy- hum ll.ikfi t'ily lo (turns, Oregon. (imiil, comfortable conveyancea Cnrelnl driven Piral i lass Station along Iherunto Hailrond in llorns nnlj milea. Poi rata oat L. WOLDENBERG, Auditor CLxriS, Oxogron Burns Meat Markei North in I'uM Of lice mi Mnin St. Port, VI RologiM Livef s.iib Beef in yiiiintiii hur palronaxc HeWset II. . I HANM1N, Prop 2mm W Mm - eeeeeee I 1C rluCL DUKJto DUt m BIIHV proprietor. 'm Wino-. Liquors and Cigars, flints fnr AWqland Club WbiskiJ. CLUB ROOMS IN C0NH1.CTIHN IVRY!HING flKTa- Courteous and olwt Muoloiiit'; see -. ve,i A 9 Mlloball wagon for sale not, they departed bf Um l.ises In. pni' ut thin oflice. ; yesterday morning I UNI M 01 By amount paid to ritv treasurer l"' 08 To balance in fund 844 -, INBTITI IK rUNO 2 Hi: To baknoa In fuud ienjl M W0B -'2 00 it. . t from o Si-hooi nnporlntendani 28 oo 60 OU To balance in fund $ 50 (JO HIUKATOHY HTOCK KUNU UK To balance in lund S.-pt DO, 1006 ... 71 40 To BOlenea now in fund I 71 4H Total balance m hands of County Treasurer Mar II, laotj, MMM 02 RECAPITULATION. .'.'.:.: I 700 yo rrrrl- lyLJkgLaanOAM BentR :.. (H loitjiM : ImVF T- ! I K .III: tin' imnvenielici' of i-uetooieri llyn I lPr l.fwn, we pay parliciilsr alii iili.u I.. ll.nikiiiK ,'v."' I rJL l,v Mail. You ran null ) our deposit In in. Iruni M.f'' I f Qf i ii ,1,1, I'oet.Ultii'e. HtatiiiK on wli.n folull- ft . I m w Inui- ml lerin- 'u ili it left, ainl iiiini. - "gOJ a m. . . . v . . IrT a. Sa. - f 0f.)l haPffeV. ibat.-l) upon reivil ol ll ii I erlillcal.nit I'e m a ...ki. iw aWH rv .S. Sal .eH f loo.) .in fmjIU m mi u- I.-- .. I .in.l M.ni' i i I aarr a aV fSpaBBBBBBaT. fia a II aa....n lfj. Wf M iKr l lllllilllje,lllfell liniliri viimk . JM77 HoHwV IIXkMN COIVH 1SANK Jl wtt6o; flHS,fv5s i IL II a. .IIP minis, iirejjon jsv hi . i Lunafaurg I Dak's SPKINO AM) SLMMEK UOOUS ARE NOW ARRIVING V .- xi rt now able to show you a larger ami more cunipletr stock than ever before. Our prices are as low as they can he sold. Our lines in DRESS GOODS and TRIMMINGS comprises the newest and most beautiful things out. We have also a new line of Ladies' Misses, Children Hats and Caps. tteBUSTHL BROWN The Largest and Most Complete Sto. of druu mexUdnes, druggisti nmdrii parfumtt, itttloncry, books, school su; -pli . I'vrt brotiRhl to liurns. TI J iitu'st uini's md llquon for rnttdtciiial ipuipotwi ..iv. .i on hind, Agnts for Any Periodical Published. ; voLK uotioks .Khii.ii'imN mm siuial atiitwl t THF CITY DRUG STORL. I H. M. HOHTON, Hropt THE OVERLAND HOTEL F. A. COLF, Propt. Burns, Oregon Hhosriiig the balani'ee in the various funds Sept 30, 1906. The cash i. u. In .mil ilirl.urei.-ii.. hi- includiliK transfer of funds, ami tin iiuUncer. itawdlm to tin- i-redit of the several funds, Mar III, inufi tluluiin- It. i-.-i(it- Total Disburse- Balance Sept. 90 1 ' ' i. menu lch 31 'or. Count T.til-l -Iii M1.W3 93 48,tK 39 1:13,391 19 I2&.517 20 County school 2,588 93 11,233 94 13,703 87 3,992 00 9,770 87 rv me school 1.903 80 1,90880 1,903 60 ;iii High .School 082 80 .(,." 1 2 UV -1,194 87 1,822 06 2,372 22 building 582 68 1,088 50 1,06 22 202 Oft 1.40G 17 Ituad 3,907 37 6,275 18 9,182 5ft 3,282 29 6,900 20 Koad dist No 1 86 08 1,768 95 1,849 98 773 54 1,070 44 Kuad dial No 2 84 18 2,422 80 2,447 03 1.746 18 700 90 School districts 694 49 9,674 80 10,168 79 8,485 41 1,083 38 City of Hums 28 77 89607 1,023 84 179 02 844 82 Institute) 22 00 8 tO 60 00 60 00 Minatory stock 7140 7140 7140 18,04(i 90 77,184 90 196,231 80 845,837 78 149,394 02 18,040 90 49,394 02 95,231 80 196,231 80 tf N 41:4 - RtJOLVC tJ THAT TN BUSTIR BKOWN VOCKINC Il5 A BOON TO MOTHt-k S a.0 A 1NAP vJAHIfH tLlJU - OK'JWN The Home of tle Stockman, Fann er and Tourist liltblS MOSi UIIKII.UISLV W First Class, Wall AppoinVtid House I i-nliiilly Im.itifl, Well im iil-ln-fl la . i-ijiiifurUblr ruiui- .a.' .1'-'. tK BI MM! lS4a I IXle ML) aa KKJVJ.l Jl HLU uaP tu srletyfet.ssiv, MH .i'aTaa'EeSr' - - DUJTB; fel&'VSS 11 a fcaa r n SiifiJ CSS JtjPfceT 7VaeetaeK epeeeraw W .' H-.-I . . ti.ilis iiml.- tin . iiMii' In cull i. n as snil i iiml Ijil mil en i-i-. U i- gnarajUee buli-futlii'ii. 'i Iiml t up niir business and propose tu iln it with -r "HI ifntxi-ur.- lu-i. I,, LOW PRICES -SQUARE DEALING. 4 th July Cai-oiJ tlemen: How an-.ni iiat-.l '"i clullniig fur UeSitbl In MM yuu wml. In have aoinetliiiig Jour coiiie and eee uie the tiinu ie ehurt .un I ivvn if you v ir-l i to liavi- u BeMS suit SC4!i WS5KI I STILL DO CLtANINO, KtCAIKINli ANU PKtSSINO. DPricos ISsisorLSL"bl. t A. SCHENK. Merchant Tailor, McGeeBldg. Burns, Or. ; The Lawen Draft Horse Company will stand the IMPORTED BLA K PERCHERON STflLUOiN POLEDOR For the Season at the D. S. Graves Ranch south of hauler. Good pastxre and mares will receive the very best of care For terms see D. 8. GR A V E S Lawen, Oregon j BURNS LIVERY AND FttO STABLE ii M 18 I . KRKT1 I,..,.! " SfM fin I nl I, nli, ...,..,,...,,, I ,,M I nil renhi .- i,n. ,. lim.sr.s Af, hy tin MSI CUM ivlki im mi llllllll our Mulroiiaga aulioiaai Houlh Main Hi , Burn v" i j MA -xr I Special Attention Given to Conducting Funerals m AND ACCIRATL MA SCALI.S IN CONNECTION HUH BARN. BURNS IVIILLINC 0 HORTON & 8.YRv Propts. Rough and Dressed Lumb Rustic, Flooring. Mouldin Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Good Lumber Yard in Burns.