The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, June 23, 1906, Image 1

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The Official I'sprr of Humpy County, .
line tin- UrK't rirrnlntlon anil ill one of
llir lt nilvrrtidiiiK itiprtinme in Kaatorn
! fun.
Wh Brtaal finriifi) r oiitilrt
J CriM-rn an srsa of H,W,W n- J
Isn.l. 4.:.M.ii)ii M .nt ntihjn J
tnrritrv inul.r tin- iml'lii Innil laws of
..... .... ..
a imp iiit.ii -iirt
t'OL. MX.
NO. Jl
llstjalshrd Men of Our Stilt to
llpate r..! I mik Ovtr Vtllcy
The Fsrmerd' InMltstt.
Ill" i
ENT WEN ARE COWING I mK Harney county.
Anrl thin iti not all. "White
I Chief" Marsdsn of the looal Piute
BRATIOfi WILL BR A MEM- i IriJw of Indian Iim promised the
0R4BLE ONE. MtlN Indian "push" will partici
pate with nil their ponies, war
paint, K'i'Iy feathers, blankets and
oilier accessories the considera
tion being a Mr feasi on the day of
the 4th and a horse race for Indian
ponies on the afternoon of the .rth
with a liheral purse While local
people hi-" accustomed to seeing
the Noble Reds almost daily and
do not evince much interact, they
have rarely if ever teen them on
"dress parade" as Dr. Marsden will
have them on tbe day of the 4tb.
Another thing the Times-Herald
n.l Imrticiil- w""1'1 irnPreM upn the people of
Harney county is that the lam. it
institute is free no admission
charge whatever also that the
Fair Ground are free to the public
on the day of the 4th. including
seats in the grand stand. Tbe
pavillinn will be open to all who
wish to take their luncheon to the
the. (i(H h DEMAND FOR HORSES - - i i ' -
if Hum in BBBSOB
Mi" iiiir Asuociatinn are
If! lor tne iiiol nieniiiraoir
in in Ho Malory of Har-
ItV- It Will tl" Iwilll plPB-
jrolilnlili- aJaea wl arc In
limner- niKtiiute ai me
hi- with at lessl llin-" iirom
Hciilturists a
I no I it
dim Wil lr. iili', who hv
ran (invernor Cliunilier-
tiiinnt in the recent cani-
i jul written In lr. Ilib-
iniiiiriug thai nimseii,
N, w. , preaidenl of
I ...- r I ol llorlii-iiltiire.
rrniiiiilj II... 1 ml u. una iltw
A. I- Kni'i'lv, (lnMinst of
)ii Agricultural t.iiiisgfl.
live iii tin city aiiout
km) tli" petty will remain
pveral lay I lie" gen
III certainly lie welcnm
play of taximermy that attracted
so much attention and brought
Harney County fame at the Lewis
ami Clark lair will In- there for our
Hastes Pastr (liven is lattlliftst Bevk
Of IBs Slisaltoa-Prket PaM tor
New Wssl Vsry WMcly.
Harney county sheepmen will be
interested to know how the Oregon
wool market and tbe wool situation
in general is viewed by the wool
journals and trade reviews of the
east. The following review of the
general situation i (rom the Shep
herd's Bulletin of Boston, a conser
vative yet fair wool and sheep jour
nal: The woolgrower and the wool
buyer eem in he getting a little
closer to each other in the matter
of price (Irower have to ome
extent modified their ideas as to
wool values and some of the luiyer
have slightly raised their limits on
aoine of the l'gheet shriuksge wools.
The result tin I won that approx
imately a million pounds nl wool
nave been purchased in section
tributary to Ilawlins, Wye, and
pdjgueststo view --everything free on ahout ,,;,, .,,,,,, pounds in iVmll..
The forest officials interpret
decisions to hold Ihst the secretary
of agriculture had nut been empow
ered to enforce any penal code, but I.OCAl BREEDERS TURN OFF MANY
did have the right to keep the re Af OOOD PRICES
serves clear of stock or lease tbem
on such reasonable cor.ditions as
he should preHcribe. No appeal
has been prosecuted to a final bear
ing in either case, but the officials
Mieve their right in the sphere i-
I1-aLxwI id Hj,v,..,.l all .HtriMililn .ll-f-
. j-.i. rerognixed center for all kinds and
tion.andsav that court decisions
will have r.o influence upon the r "1"" "f ,"'""' " '"
rules adopted for control of
lUrem Cewt Freai sll fstau el Ceases
Mltr Oer taats Stack WMcfe art
Sklsse I set Mttsecet.
( rook county is becomiui a well
Will Help Csltk lada.lry.
er come here from all over the
-cuniry and far off Canadian North-
wi hi Territory looks to this region
ii better grade of stock
Last Sunday a band of HI head
K I niled Htate Senator T C ol orOM from the Houston i Me-
Power of Montana, who is heavily Lane ranch up Crooked river pa-
iuterested in cattle, in an intetii ed thr oigb I'rineville on their way
takes issue with K 0. Hagenlmrili to Shamko From Shamko they
relative to the effect of the BBttM will Be shipped by train to Medi-
iiujuHtrv of the president OOUoo I list, Canadian Northwest Ter-
on packing house matter II" ritory.
ays there may be a temmrn Brown has contracted for
effect on range cattle prices and the delivery of MO dry mares and
contends that belter inspection gelding this fall. The contract
methods will in the end reborn .1 price i snl to le frtii.
to tin- bem-fil of the industry and C T Lillard last week sold 24
the public besltli BSOBM und mules that are to he
shipped to Ox nard Southern Cali-
knpl" nl lliiri.ey county
the day of the -lib except the fire
......I....- ...... ..l.nnl fc.- t. M..1-. ....
ho long desii.d Informs I '- ' -'. - " - ; the buying ba not. up to tin
you iinns nr inner sucn reireen-
i II
if Hiibjii-th ol iigroulliire,
Ire. dairying) oil
Ining setsloa of the iuti-
belil iii tli" court house
Hung of Juh '.' nl s OOloOO
will oertainly take ud-
lf lb. iii.i.i.rt v Pro-
iui ot tin- eoiiiitv have
Ui ii intention to b pre-
biirtuipiil" in tb iiisti-
L ts bund will lurnih taaaioM as
Herald male
ini ioeiil people will aasist
tio pfofram betk taltr-
HiHtriiili.. Slercopti-
ral 'I lecture will la- a
tin evening .
il luvltation Iiiih Loeu ex-
Imtli Coiigri'MKinaii-elect
Again: I-! very thing will come off
as advertised and even more. The
committees in charge will see that
nothing is omitted that will add to
the pleasure of the visitors. It is
going to le a celebration fur all to
Ft no inner.
(ieo. Winhorg nur harness mak
er paid a business visit to Burns
I.iiiit.v Hill and J It Hunyard
em. i" in from the road on Saturdsy
wi'li freight fur this place and
II 1 1 (ioodlow started on south
Stale Senator eleel Hurt er trip tn the rail'oad Sunday.
Itlu- wci k o lib in
laud learn Koinetllllig of
und our in eil in ordei
may be betiei Ihieil to Marui.llu Shown and wife who
tun in tin i. -1. .live pom- ' are living at the ilil Horse rancb - iiilormaliou obtainalile at this writ
ing, most of the wools running to
medium would upear to have sold
There was an attendance of 19 at
Sunday School.
ton and Hepnuer, Ore, although
ing, Iteen free, by any means, and
moat of tiie lar e houses are still
doing practically nothing in the
new wools, and supplies in I he ter
ritorial section conlinue to i.i urn
Some of the large consumers
stale that they cunnot nod will not
pav prices baseil on the level of
tboae asked by the growers, anil a
some wool merchants who are usu
ally large sellers to such consumers
cannot one their way clear to gel
hack a new dollar for the old one,
if they pay the grower hi price.
they are simply waiting
The prices paid fur the new wools
at Hawlins thus far are within
quite a wide range, according to re
ports received, some of tbem coil
ing, it is claimed, as high as 7U
oenU, clean, for the fine staple
wool, while others grading modi
um. but of good slsple. are iliotil
as low a ii (' 70 c Accordiug to
Fortes In Close
As a result of the electi i
saloons will be forced to close in
Oregon through the adoption at
county prohibition.
The returns show that Benton.
Lino. Lane, Tillamook. Wallowa
and Yamhill counties went lr
Partial returns indicate the MUM
result in Sherman, tiilliam and
Lincoln COUIltirS Coos cnllltl i
dry except in the larger losn
Many precinct" m wet ombMm
were captured hv the prohibition
The net .hs to the liquor inter
ests is estimated at 7fi0,000 I I."
breweries are the h"iivi"t losors.
But two victories aere faine.l h
the liquor tut- Will both in Mult
nomah county. Ex.
idi tb.- have bam elect- have been visiting hi uncle J
-gentlem. i. hown and family this week.
"b- b in all llkull r i..d Tregaskis came home tin
will if ib" 0M possihlv ,.,. fmm tl(. Sur Kancfi whkra
ill tin v. a iiiohi distiu I,.-and his father have been ol
l nl public men with uh work for mui.e lime herding sheep
lid will ,lo much lowuri! ,n. t.,,(,i ,a,p weather has ailed
lliirin coiiiiIvm ciindl- -J Mr Ueo I'reuaski so he will
retynaai futon conm home in a few iIhvm
Mrs. A P Culnmaii of Burns waa
visiting here taking order for en
larging pictures and rbturnr.l home
I lay.
bunch of horses bought up by
Mr. FihIut went eastward Monday
and a number were added to the
Saa Francisco's Oel.stUea
The real San Fraiuistn is her
capacity fur Hn u I m the DJOJ
inci.c ami mlcn.iuiM- nl hci wide
t-nvuuiimt-nt. .m I i.inn-ni ha
luM sunn- nl In-i inslruincnls of
at u clean coal of Tu (u 72 c, al- vi v in-, hut tin- pt-opir w husc acr-
lliough this slaleinout may have to
forms lbs mules brought III'
each sod the horses .'
Carrol Cecil last week sold N
horses sod mules at prices ranging
about the same as received by C
T I Uteri I'rineville Journal.
M5o kIWARD $J3-Oo.
Notice is hereby given that hunt
ing and sh. siting upon the enclosed
land of the American Land A Live
St.'ck Co located In township 'M
A I" i Hangs 86 I and township
M S. K N I W M. Hainey Co
Oregon (Letter known as the Trout
I r.- k Hn. Colony Bnnches.l is
strictly forbidden Any rsoii nr
ierous found bunting or trespass
ing with a gun in their posessinu
on iib.'ie -lescribed property will
he prosecuted In the full extent of
the law A reward of $'h is here
by olb-red for evidence that will
lead to their arrest and conviction.
Aunn. I. ami A l.ivf Sti I c.
Bv K II Him Bam ii Manaokii
terwm arnrialng that such
nl n -h- nin ref-T"d to are
not He : ' M I i
I P printing at reason-
abb- ptlCY-S.
I ollewlng The I leg.
ben "ir oldier a nl t.. Cuhai
anil the 1'hi pi". health i the
most Impot ii i melioration.
Willi T Morgan h H'"l Conimi
aary Sergiemi I of Rural
Bout.' i. ftew "i.i, ii , ihn
Was two year In Cubs slid two
years in the Phllip'iinea, and being
rawbjaol I I lool lr King's
New Diaoover; hr Con-umplion,
which kept no in .r rl.-i I In sllh
And now, in Kt II .iiip-lnn, we
11 ml il the b-i no. .nine in the
world for cough-v cold, bronchisl
trouble hikI miI lung diseases,
tiuarauieeil .it i n Ihug Store
Prioa 50c and $1 Ikl Trial bottle
For S. In. , hot. . lot in
Ontario, It' lot- in l.ns.n. 0 bit
in Burn. M s us of giHMl land a
part of it natural meadow H miles
essl of tin i us. unimproved, (10
acres i.esr HaddH) Bulte with pre
sent crop of wild g'sss standing.
has a house and good fence. Par
ticular can at obiu'in-d at thia
11 w .
.sarv raar- ar -iaas vaa ! -aaar rar -Hr
M Ai.stoora. I'assiiisaT. ' hir
Wn .lox. Vics-l'aaatiisNT
W l'i rr. A set. Ceshler
llttITt I 'iinl on I mi" I '- ..-
W Solicit Youp Banking Business.
HTOCKIIOI.DKRS M Ale, under K II. Teat,
Kenvon. H Alexander. Kstaie of Ahner
Miller. Frank It Coffin Thoa I urnbul!
lo-iatwi uj--jja cv l j-aH
Us Um Star
I... ..
Bakery in connection.
A Specially af Soar! Urdafi.
Table till i.i le .1 .III i cr thing
themsik'i .tl . 1. 1 Your patron
age solicited
Mosssno aaostct. eseeiniNT w. n atasttcvici iw
S) a COsVOIN, Csersite
first Rational Bank
A Oeneral Hankinir, IIimiio Tramaacted
Fire-Proof, Modern, Iilcant.
Rates Sj.oo and 5 5 per Usy.
All Outside Rooms Near Depot
Ibis iiumIciii new I I was ,. l to the
piililn . Il.itncv t'liiiniv peofea avail v ekotae
and cuuitcously . mil (or A nrttkm.
I'lm Bin' IL r. ild hopes that
men iiiny liuU it
ajBB) con us It Will lie u
ll.11 11. 1 country
H.'h men us und see
PHl - tll' poHSlblll
B I'll. I owe to thell
Ht- lo .mil luinili-
,, tlwil enure lot from this vicinity.
Hti'l "" better lime could '! j Viokers and sou Lennie
inn on tin lib ol July HtHrll lui-edvy for Ontario with
gc number ol our cii.-nr I ,wo , llorM, tMn1( for Im)re
tbei-.l logi-the.' illid dis-'ffmyj
n auhjeoU ul mutual in- ., . . ... .
I t t I. in. iii n- a visitor here
1 . Tuesday
lliiiney count)'
: .1 closer relation- Thus. Houser oame home from a
ur in. 0 who in trip to the roaU this week .
Mr. and Mrs. J. W Shown, Mr
ttuyr. Mis Kiiiuui lioyer, Mr. and
Mis. .M.inellus Shiiwii npeni Wed
nesday in Hums
A J ('uuiiiiiiis came in from the
east with a load of freight for Setti
Hoiy.-r tV Co Friday morning
1.... 1 ...A ..., ... u......
1, ins .1 gnniie- ". ..uu ....... ...... . ..u....
ilbyoou deliver I Wodtiarif esi ttted as a home-
ihe -Uii. 'ete.ul claim uti Kock creek we are
be modilieil if esliuiates of shrink
age are nut substantiated.
It is dillicult to say just how the
...tin.. M..II A. .all. aku.u. Itmit
,, , . inn-, -nil liw .mil love
If the snsbourd mnrknt continue
... , - . , I 1. 101 I-.., in .11- lb ill ever.
as dull a they have been lor sever
al weak. .met. hover, will ...tur.l- Sn I "arR-iat O a opl M
l.y n n.l lull, encouragement to uke;""1 ,v "M '""""" NestSSI
hold of the new wools in a huge dors il detract hum lb. splendid
J a me II Wat who resides
neiir Msrysville brought lo this
itur.lni s poplar limb to
vi. c b..ic in. iiic her Mill live hIiicIi wa suspended by a horse
.mil hue thru .ity. .mil hair, an oriole, that all si
who, sH.iiiri.-.l over a bll e)sB bob ho! accidently huog her-
nf land and seas, h.nk in h.-i I... "Habile she was bu.ldn g her!
ty ot ca.-os at least,
little 01 linn great
BJBB in liii'i iie nave no
S ol coiuliuoiis here. '1 hey
if US. 'OK like Kultoll.
ft; up Hi ! In-li lirsi Visit
nl mil k i anything
v bear
;i deem
ib '.
Mr etson inlormed the
llin.- Mountain Ksgla that tbe on
. with the bird suspended by
it, ws. louiiil III llie lop 01 one 01
lie smell poplar treee al the rauch
on which he realties
hcuiism ,l be people m preset v- , (, ,,,,, hanging of a bird
ing courage and hop in a lime u.1(ll.r ,,,,,,, c,f0ua,,unoaB la vary
ot danger, surprise and bereave- ,,,,,. Itl ,ss been observed by but
1 iiienl, to ..limit that h i upliiiiisin , people However, the exsmi-
I rests upon yixui grounds. San nation of so oriole's nest and the
Kranciaco's optimism is bused up- u.uniier in which hair Irom a hr
I on fearlessness and cleai -headed- .
ileus, She triumphs iii her
BSCSOSO she has neier (or a gfj
ment lost these faculties. Tin-
solid ojfsipelhiaea nii esi b
her trial, but li.v is Ini BJSPf hi
hci tiiuuipli. The woild will lie
KU II . N -oS !,
uM Real Estate. Mines and Mining.
PsJK 4 UliUfS. .is- Ne W llN Brio.
IW a fc i 1 . . J3sh "'
k Vft VH rB . . . a
-v.; . ; "
f," F't ' jl
I ; . ..: I i
Last year many of the wool lost money on their late
purchase, this loss being offset,
however, by the profits made on
their earlier contracts, nd their
contention is that they cannot eee
their way clear lo pay prices e.juiv
alenl to i host ruling toward the
close of the woolgrowing reason
lost year, tu say nothing of paying
a further advance
TbeV believe that top pncee for
clothing wools have been reached
un the other ride of th water, the glad, loo, when il knows illi
citly wool at the Loudon auction facie, to ionn;i.tul. itc ..n lian
showiug any BjOteworthy advance ciaco upon the Bill Bile 001 nl her
beiug the low wool, and that any app.n cut cat.iMi uj.c, anil latci '...
further rise of c..iie.Ubiice iu the rrii.utr vitli ht-i in l.t i -in ;aiaif
Mm . 14 sun HSHSMi
Watchmaker and Optician.
Second door north of post office.
E-saxrajs Oiegon
TKISCH .V IHINKOAN, i ...prlelora.
Burns, - - Oregon.
2soUce Tlolm HoacLq.-u-a.rte:
Wines Liquors and Cigars.
Billiard and Pool Tables.
Club Rooms In Connection.
intori stlug
ol uiei
.ttiro o
I um ul the
that il.iv heeid.s the D H. fjColeinau went over to
peed proKiaui of the af-1 Burns last Saturday to accept a
II be Inch and partieu- pajieSel the Horlon Sw Mill.
M...I i..- Bortea will .. .
. .Misses bva und hthel Kussell
I liu i t I r.all
"" I " ... U -.-..I-.. L'.l.l.... .
ni'i.i io ...nor tuunr nmiiji iu.
rhadoMruph and oilier business
prices of domestic wools will place
the latter on a level which will ren
der it a.ore eeunoiuical lo use for
eign wools, large ipuatilities having
been bought by many consumers
during the past two Bjeealaa
teatiii. ol'tho day will
ade Utrough tin Maiu
thif- .it v to lb Ktt.i
i the uofuiug ol' the Ith
restoration. W. iJ. Wo .d
The l'.i. ilii Monthly (or June fj
V'ool growem an- iniili.l
on or ante W A (ieoatajee. Burns
and Kst terms for shearing with ih
new ,,1.11,1 he has or.l.
Ciifforii I'luchi.t. chiel of the for
estry service, has v . r i . . I the
prulerl ot' the 1'iustlila I .unly
W',.i.l U r. . . u ' A kUi.i-i u I ., ,, , ... ll.M
, . - . Agent '
matter of chaining a gr .mg fee fur
the HI ue Mountains fore.t reserve
Mri- Win Kiir-.ll i etill ciiulin
nl iu her room nub rheumatism : range this eeaeon, says a W'oahing-
I I.i a double and in cuuaeiuence she has not ton, 1' L ., illspatcU I tie wool-
lariifrit uuiiiber of brase leu able to can- fur the patroiu of gmaerri also protested that tbev
. one tune lb Harney Hotel f..r oftetO lima war not aaaigued individual rang
eoiiutv The bunds will! past The department explained
V I be liberty earn
An AUiinlug dltusllou
)e tnalili-e ol l.llierl. ,
.mil Miuil.iv -Cliool
'I n, 1. ,un and Miss
will also In in the par
B ami Qrsorg W ahhing-
iii a l'i,. n lot ul their own,
m . . ... . .. a. . .
itinuuiie olli- win. use llr. Kings ISew Mle l ilia,
liny. lite llnp.ii UueiilM
l' oli' results from neglei I ol
clogged howeli- und torpid liver,
until constipation Income chronic.
This condition is unknown to those
UAYtK.) riaauu, Ii
HslaaMI I Kri ami . v. i I
who w.. nl t i enjoy u gmel b.srty
lautch to send .Vic lor I
1 1 n ll i.. any per
son wl... mII good for a living.
if not satisfactory yowl oaone)
back CircuUr lor .-:..inp. Tbe
Dr iVbtt eh oli o t l'i a
tur, ill
sji The Finest of All
For So vely ai.
Hotel Burns Bar
A jents, Burns, One.
SaVKothci d Broa., Distributers, !' rllana, Orafoti
Job priuliiig -'1 he Time- llersbi
The Li. Herald will uiuke
If nolhiiiK Interferes
tut pluns several icpre-
a hi in in the pur-
up by business cun-piM.-.iii
"'it' repiesout-
tbat it was out eualuiiisi v lo ueslgu
particular tracts to :.udividuul stock
men when reserves were tirsl crest- tbi u burnaui inontb in the way ul
ed, and il is not yet determined .uUcription ha uuunged
what plan will b followed iu the to give ihe ,. on-U e.sli Ul I '.ill
Blue Mountain.) Republic tree lo all who pay up
The association also oalled utteii- arreuin and one year in adv-u
tion to recent decisions by the C'al- The Times-Herald. New subscib-
the best and gentlest regulators ol iforuiu and Washinglou courts to i ers who pay in advance will uh-o
.Stomach and 'foweis. (.usrunleed
by City Urug tore Trice
A oA Mitchell wagou
iuiiuiie Ut this
for sale
the etfect that the secretary of ag-1 receive this great national semi
ricullure is without authority to ' weekly m w paper and family
impose a tux for the use of forest uiagu.iiiu in the lulled hiuti -reserve
range, aud without author!- The two papers one year for -
ty arbitrarily lo regulate its use. for this month ouly.
HatiLiiLIt 2jg IT01E
Ovssr BOO MsfiB, Setid lo
BMautifut i List
P ln. I Oiroutmi:
t Bxel V Ltel
V BbMLkMbBsI v
y w
jtauoemaz. oojh.
Idl bc glti (a (arBiao
Ta tayooc acalriag
Si hi miaJscuie
sue citsoa IO.W I ISO 4 Sin i
BlKbrnitbiif Mil
Wagon Work.
Main St,
Burns, Oreon
Benicia Hancock Disc Plows.
cflsxBi '"'
' 4'.
Tooth and Disc Harrows
Thomas Disc Drills.
Call and gat orices before purchasing.
C H. VOEGTJLY, Burns, Ore