Tli Vtm-Mrnia The Official Pars-rot llnnicr Count), Iiiik thtt largest circulation anil in one of llMlMM mlviTtining iifiliiims In Eastern Orison. : fhe VtiMfc lleMa : "h Mrrnt ttnrntrj fouurrrj land, 4.721.K1CI art. tofntrr nn.i.r the iml.ll, Im.l law of lbs lulled stut... I. HURNS. I1ARNRY COUNTY. OK 1 JON, JUNE if. I BliTTIiR RATES JPHIPIP COMPLAIN OF H1 TARIFFS Citizens will t Bsfere nmmcnc CosibiImIss care AdsMBirat. i- lo make an nrgan- n rtduotton of rall ItkIpk and with this w im association of u now lining formed mriti before the inter- oommlwioA, lilt Herald ret laws follow tl II 'I'-'Ilt ill securing inure Juki freight rnl" m tin- 0 'V N ropoaerl to urginio iMWtl ol tin' citv ni i in oil' iln i t 1 1 - nmt ht to the in- mmmm1'' i ointiiiMHioii Mu tely aS" I li' piiMr'ajfii of tin 'ulflB)i' I'll' now pi'inlinK the Mi"' for linal wljii'licn- 0 (III. Tl'l In It" Hi" ItlllV I, I 'I i III IliC U lull hi. irests of Hiiker City I nt Iliad io. ttnit in, K'IiiiIi lire ri'iiHoiiithli' ki:il In Mm nmt uiven hi illlll, I'.'llllll loll Slew luu I li" iiilerslulc ItlllSHIIIII OKI l'OIIIM'l itiitaiiv iii itdjtlMt the n- i' mil' i ii v ri'lii"'" "ii liiiiHNinii run siiIihii rli ur.' NMOnthM mill nroiiii no inn io H ii showing thiil there HfttioiiM Maker ft lllllTi- I III llll'T Krc" will i hi do ship a bearing LAND RESTORED TO ENTRY' I I','". H"0 election who, until recently. never eaat of Chicago, preached at the Sunt n I'ri'Miivterian Church in Syracuse Sunday, and offered a prayer at thai SEVERAL IRRIGATION SCHEMES AW consecration of the lying of the cor ner of the New South Church yes lerdny, having traveled across thf continent to he present on the oc casion. For the last six years Mr. Irwin lias boon the missionary pastor of South Church in Kaatern Oregon His work is largely among cattle men and co who vs. He spend h many hours on the aaddle among the people of the ranches. Bl ten drops in at night in a sheep shearing camp or in a sawmill, and holds a song anil praise service with the men, Then other times, after telling the gospel story In sheepmen on the ranches, he roll" lip in a hlanket anil sleep on (lie ground among them, with no other covering luil the starlit heavens. It is said he will anon return to Oregon, FINALLY ABANDONPO. Dalle as tnroaat l tat Karat Laea Mi. trkl Will he Saaftct la Fatrr la- ar Varies las Law. mil rail ids ii heitriiig and if ii fctPiii"l thai Hi" rules are iitipOaf-kiiii'" with oilier local- ltaker.ill ) u a hatter it tariff n iifitWi it rata which this action I aseeA linker would secure loraUS proiiiliinncii hs heing I the gat cii ii - to lake nil van- Hr" go iiiimkaafii'i' n redBOttOB il H u of eura ago Hk iiinl K. i. . .r . to iaf ii i 'il in t inn win read flBb Spukuiii I" H iidjaueut Tin- Oregonlan says: As private parlies in Oregon are Itecoming in terested in irrigntion lands with drawn under the following projects, and as lack ol funds will for some vears prevent di velnpment hy the Govern men t, it if damasW inadvla ahle in obstruct private enterprise ! :. tinning withdrawal, and the Secretary of the Interior haa there for" restored th following lands to Hittl'ii" nl i" i" i "in" subject in en tr M ls.s after notice. Mull" or project Ahout .'..". I . r..'i i mi . lying in township l.'i lo 20 aoiilh. ranges II to 47 eaal, ChewaoOM project Town -hip ,'il "until, rnhge 18 east, township :!'. mngea 17, IS. If; township It, Whatever the outcome of ihe r"",H IT ' '" range Is lowiikhip :'il, ranges W and L'H Owvh" project Township 2 ami 1- rung" IB; townships 'Jl. -'2 iiml .'" ranfi M Silver I ukc project Townehipa g rid St, nioges 14, 15, 10, and IV. Utwneblp , ranges l.'i and 14. atWMhlp It, runc Itj township 2S rang' hip -"'. rungea 12, I.", iiml I I. loaiiship "i, range I Y township It, range III Ann lliver project Township 21', riine- 17 and It; Inwiinhip ;H, rani I'i 'i"n'hip ".ii, rang" I" j' Itj township ll rang' 17 in connection with the Si: I pr.."ci huve heen Carried lo a point where it is deem Tl,..t ii...nv latdlifWl uti.rir, , ,h; ,,i, t entry all who ll.iiu-i thcmsflvi". tluit tlu I,,,,.! ,, ,, necessary to the develop- s .in- i iimplftt'ly ulirt'iiat nl ment . : Um pr.'.rci The Hecre- tlit' times, tailed tu fi(;li nil nl tnrv ol tin Interior lias dirocled llu'nc mallei-, i- cntinly hkcl. laWI taM I 'llowing land, title to limcicl, il may hi- suid, il ulumM '"' "" l'""" oul ol lD'' ii'iinrL'(l a specinhat to ir.uli TOO MANV AMENDMENTS. clci linn may othcrwiae he, this mattct ol proposed amendments to the constitution ahoulri he tak en up and ejiven serious eonsidet ali mi, Mt the I'nillanil I'Aeniny Tdtgnim. In addition In in enormoiii numher o( eandidale", Ihe wilcis are tailed upon to vo'.e on elexen diffeienl ciictions of proposed laws, amendmenta lo '.In i oiistitution and refet ciidiim petitions, tl- title tn mini nl which is Mated with definitencaa aTUakci peifrt'lly i lear Its ilieanin That all the people eoulil voted mUlhjjently on llie-c .pic linn- il is ridiculous to assume. dearly defiaiM ooMlMioafj on the merits ol ull ol these iuesliin presented to the yenrial consider .ninii of the voters. It is ipntc evident from this i h i nun thut: First, the tille Ifl every one of these proposed .iiiiciiilmenis tu petitions should be made dclinitc that no L'liiii-il StatM I" iininediately re llel to sett I. iio'iit Township N, ruuges 20,27 and Mj lownnliips II ami M r mgee 27. 2-S and Still !l I I 01 I U'lNWTlHES. siiimiug, as i,y law raqairsd, lbs union . oi . hnma prsseittstl, filed and re iimleil uitaiiml thu Coiiuly ol llarnsy, Mul. nl i trefoil, an. I tin amount ulloweil hoc ut tin rugiilui May, IWsi, Urin ol the Will be led m dotiht us to what ""'") eoart: the really propose: second, thut peanseaiiw tin i c should he some definite ,. 1 1 Jen n f iseiuore, judgti limit. itions to the number of ipjes- (l ,, g nuis Hibeaitted io that ull people .in.. j r i urrn, ni" i M'la'T At'WD . t tl.. .- ... I It 'rinuuve rule umi '"") " ...... ... ..v. .., ..Illll I,...'. ...HI..I ...I .-I I... .'It, .- Al. pp.. 's very nearly as i " "8fcu 'e. "", i trihutary t Maker City. This it. f Lett, r treight rutee JJ.s.OO KKrYAKU .-.0 lislunce of what the . .a . .a. a " ' .,,, iiiiiio' lor llaker huhit m uoreny m'n uiai iium- ., igo u looikl man- mg and shooting upon the enclosed ,.M1 art "i a in S lUuge .'' K and township M. I l,, .on i- I l:.iiulul!,.lii I. n. in. II I. .!, iln I. I.. I'.'lliailv, judge o( election I llll.k I il VI-. Jlt'i Kuasell, lilt.. I . link ol iii and i ci limit!" baa i.mies, etatl oi Won ... W M. Harney Co AIIiu jVW ,, ull i.'i ItUrelilleeil II carl'tuil lUlnlHol the Allierieun l.ailU ,V Live in lacniisiii The Stock Co loeuled iii townships 31 aoonaln imhi hun, hr uli. mi . I '-'.' t ii b I ' Li" Ii... i Citl he wuh Oregon (lietler known lie the I rout j.( ir,.,ii , ,,. . .iiiiioi lilil lor ii-eiL'hi (..'reek and Colony Hunches,) is ele -tiou ii .ii.. times tin- orii Htrutlv forhulden Any perron or "' ' '"''. ' the goodi in W'lacou- paraoea found hunting or trespusa. Kl,.rU) ,.lBrl, iug with a gun in their iMisesaloi, ,, ntlnn i.i uttnUu 'l.tunri I iui I iimiuirl t u. I i I ... Iluilim rale on niiiull "' - " " l""i ' "". W.H i;.,kcr, dim fi. i . ,. i he prosecuted to the lull extent ol . . . ril,i .tin, roiu Port uud to Maker ,. ' . , ,, ,, "" A "ngtii, dito the law. A reaurd ol '. is here- . . ,-... ....,.. luj ion. mil the rule iron, b-eieradfcl evidence that will 'u '',.."!! ' l.ul.. i ir '.i I el nib pi'i rule lor slook east klioni 'is . oaf lna l hun ik r OUj Tfaa dislri- Hrniii Mak. . i'ii is nil II no rcu "' ... wiiul'l lliinli Haines t lien our went I dei Ho rig u ul the I'liillppi heulth was tin- tii most iuiuortHot coiiHnierulion. VI li-ud to their urn-Hi and conv Amuip i I. ami A Ln i I My K li Hit i Kan. ii Man I ollowlPf The I Iaf Parrj w las, dito illfo Jack .Mil . clerk of oloctiuu Ni-ttull IUII r.lurniiif box 1 7ft aalaaf N I . UaaaM m. judge nl el. ctiiiii illlo e in. i. hint can aell Willie J, Morgan, retired loinm..- i..u. . Wrk o( -iln.p in Hui.tii.glun aary Sergeant V. H. A, of Kural '1"" ' ' '"'" "" K A tlaMra.i.fl .lit.. r i um wiiilu Ktuiir I, N H-.tnyi "J .' ud Oiiluio. thu liolae W'us two years in Culm two jt. li. ll... , judge jl il shut ihe linker ycarM in the I'hiiip'jlliee, and heing eluctiou oause Bol i dm- aubjeot to oolda, I look l'r K...i;r ' ' ! '"" l' which re. ichus u l..r ..w Diaeoverv for I'onnuaJtitioii iiiiibion. which kept u.r in p.i ltd healli. Would .supply the inlor Joe llaiuen, till i ,la) ..'.nil. .'In. Ami now. in New, we Joe Hill, diuj ol 11 must do ao i oluge lind il til" h?ei li.e n.i" III tin- I I. Jack all, all truin tin.- point, world for couahf. Holds, hriiiiehiai rein'" b..x .ot .uiiiioi rilup to trouhliw ami all lung disease or Uni.uio and then CuiirHiin cii at City Iihj K llilei lor fur II lit- Hlnp.- lo I'nce .Hie ami I."SI Trial m i 1. Ol I.UO m i. no I. U" 600 is. m nuo I, INI li (A) l.UU I. Ull .. aj I. on sou JUI ;;ou .;uo 17 60 : i.i U0 i.i jauo kUU aj .; 0" 5 .. i.i.. i. on i. On i.uO on 600 liOU I.ISI il U0 1.00 tllsJ DUO 600 eon J 1)0 3 00 300 SOU 8 76 300 3 00 3110 woo 300 ID- 300 3 0 3UU 'ohnson, dito . . i Hendricks, clerk of election (' It. Ansniua . 0. W. Orlnkwater dito 1) R Thorn, judge Of election and rr-tnrn box I 0 Dibble, in. Ik- of election Thomas Mutton, dito A .!. Johnson, clerk of election (J. I.. Hembree, dito T. J. Shields, dito Aha 8 ringer, judge of election A.McKlnaie, dito A. C Shaler, dii (iarald IJriOln, clerk of KUctloi. and return baa Tom Clereland, clerk of election Si.l Comegya, dito Walter I'ross. judge of election Wiiiterniire. .1. Frank Metahan, lit.. .l..lni Winterinire, clerk of elertion Archie t'ross, dito Kemp MardisU. dito and return box Win tra, pnlge of election til", dito IK enator .hto C. T. I'arv. clerk of election . r, C Kialer, dito and return box at Drake, judge efelci Hon M II. i.earhart. dito .1 A. Williams. I iln ami return box lil oner Kngle, dark ol olecthtii C. J .Iclilisi'll, lllli. Ion llradtMil, .lit.. Cal Mcl'lieeUrs, judge of election and return bus I'eler Clemens, judge of elect ion Frank Williams, dllu I J laniialiiii', clerk of election A. A. (' 'Ming, .lit" V m Hi. wail. 1I1I11 lleo. A. Smyth, judge ol election und return box Dean Morton, judge of II II r.rowi, .la I'rea Smyth, clerk of rlo. linn A. L. Hunter, hto Wtu I unIm, 'ka, aliases grand Jury l Jaiiifxiu. Ma Kd Hiaemore, wilneaa en. mi lurt. . Ubart Aitnoa.iiitu W. A. Kobertson. dilo J.N Iu.mli, dllu Mai Mvar, .lit.. W. f. Kubblits, .hi.. F. M lipUin, jur.o ur- 1 nil n.urt James Variau, dllu Mill. lit.. J I . Kak. r .In.. I I. Iliuiteu, .III" ft. II . Johnauu, ilit. ley, illtu 1.0. Foley, dito W ACappa, dil I m 1 Maa, .i.i" ('has A King, dit.. W. K Crawford, .lit Frank Williams, diUi M. I Una..., ditu 1'leaa Ctienay, dito Lsaaa llorlou, dito Chaa Auderaon, dito I I' llltkenaoli, .III.. red lieuateadt dito C II I'sria, caiivaasing lection ri'lurna l.erald iriltin, 11,111.1 iag electors i (I Han. In. kr.canvaa- iug election returua 1 Jsmoaou, dito Glass & I'liimleiuiiue primary Maf plisa Weloume 1'liaru.a. o.rdiciue fur 1 uuiity poor and aupl'lias I' t) Laud Otter, plats fur aaeeaaoi l.unalrg.v l.allon aui- pliua tur couniy pour. Ketiaarls s. KudUmau aupphea fur C o puor 'liuiaa-Heiald staaUoe l.ppIlM uii. r 1 itai 'i.-i"'iy In -.dill ..liner M J Usrdaa, nurvicaa JOUguifl iiujuuat II 1 1 lioui.aou board of prieoitci F J t arlr.ii., r. lulu uu 800 1 Irwin - H..U. 1 g blauka JaaSes (illberl, aerv.uea 300 6 JO atlea , .judge of .11 w 11 Maoris . dim m.uh- 1,. n. 11, ayn lliii.-U i'i. 1 hlghei than the Muse to get to Ontario. free An Al.'irilling Situation LALllraV UtIS IM fglNr. lr.-iiii.iut1 y raauita from uegleot of clogged bowels und torpid liver, Until CoiiHlipatiuu bei.'oinen chroic Iliis condition is unknown to those llsoulcli lloin isi incuse Ciruuil rider mid luiri- baaobar of tba goepul on who ue Or. King's New Lif Tills, and in tint camp und the best and gentlest regulators of Row A. .1. Irwin, of Stomach and lloweln, Cuarant. ed a uutive ol thu W'esl,) by lily Drug Store. Trice - I rod il ohark .if ot, K'U. Ceil .. 1 .1. I . Mahoii, judge of election J. K. Jti.k.ur date J. IV. look-y, clerk of eluctlon. 1'uUl lollkll.f, dilo. .1 Hevadge, n-iuru Ikix . Fred Utley, Ir . judge ot election und leturn baa lj a oo 3 00 100 3UO 3 UU S00 300 :i u 3 'Hi 3 00 3 00. 300 300 100 1100 3 0U 8ly 3'jO :;uu l.UU as road auj.i road diet No I Ueo W Hayes, I. gal aur- vice Malliciii claim Martin M. . dilving laam, Adam U inqutvl 'I'uu. Allen aerviiw of subpoena lu Malluur 0a, Turn Allen Mouths tor uluctlou Tom Allru, auiplieslor pnauueia . . . lum Allen jjiloi ices Malheur county, cots (ulaell trial m 600 600 600 .10" soo 3110 soo soo soo :toa soo I BJ SOO sou 3 1)0 :t on .100 3 00 SOU :ioo :11m :: ..' 3 00 I.I INI 3 00 Oo .100 :iiki 1 .. m 00 :tisi 31K1 aa 1 .1.. 3 Ml 3 00 xoo 3 U0 18 00 j :si JO 40 17 40 17 40 ll.lBI in eu M uu i:uu 4 aj 700 300 1:1 ao i.'i u suo 6aV uu t 00 Il 011 U M) a so ivoo is 00 oao 6 'JO 740 SOU 10 UU0 l.UU 7.'. M sou ft ; . 40 .100 .100 .100 3 00 300 to 00 10 00 :iM 3 00 .100 SOO 300 soo :ino 300 '1 ISI I Li SOO SOO 3 011 ::.i H00 tlSI 3(S) 3 00 1.1011 3 00 3 ISI ORttiON LEADS THE FIGHT oev --- - w rxiir.-iir r isrxwrxvk CUT IN M'l'ROCKIUION MENACES UIMIUTIO'S PR0JFCTS. Parllaad Rearg si .. . . i ill I in 'lie tili' 1 1, lo-vern- tneiit ni(' was recoin- 111. ml. 'I l.v the UoiiHe coinniittee, lit is understood ollh the under- Treat Tskts laltlalKt ' .R,., ,; thit il re- M At a ANnra.l,aKiiiKNT ff, Johks.Vu a-CaasmsaT . Miller ' ITT, Aaat. Cashier AaS ra4 art Clrtalar--Ta Fallal in rM Wsitrra Stair. 13 00 13 00 The Telegram says The inllis liTe In tn effort to enlist all the rid Western States in a united right ngsmst the reduction of Ihe Qovrrnment appropriation for the I'm I' -.. of gauging streams and deter. 1 mine water supplies, has la 1.. n hv the local Hoard of Trade 1 trcular letters haee Iteen mmercial nrganiia tinn 11. Oregon, urging promt action in the matter and the cummer. ml organiralions of other slates inter esied will li communicated with. Lstters have Iteen sent In Oregon 'a representatives in I 'on greaa, and it II expected that Ihe rspraeiiitiv..s of all other Western Rtataa will ) ske.l to join forces und seeb to hate the reduced appt" priathtn n -1 ncl to the original tig ire, that the states affected by the appropriation may not la forced to so ll.r from ihe lack of funds to 1 .rv on this important work 1 HlifiaU nl the Hoard of Trade declare thut if the recommendation ol the committee on appropriations that the amount for the gauging of stream" and determining of wat er supplies be cut to the extent ol 1100,001), carry, it will completely t 1 up all private and other power itml irrigation in Oregon ,' I ..ther arid Western Hlatee. thai lo not coin, directly under the head ol liovernoienl teclamatioii soo projects In oilier words, all water III rights, public and private, it is claimed will Im- hit in such a stale 11! unci rtaintt that all enterprises involving Ihe.e rights will he block -rd nob linlt'lv i be slnt.s and territoriea ailed- luOO ril by this appropriation are Ore gon, Vti.ahiiigt I Hllloiola. Neva da. Montana. Idaho, W'vomini;, ('tab, Colorado, Texas, the ll.tko las, Arizona and New Mexico. An effort will be made lo have ait these slate unite in one determin ed light to have the original appro prialioti restored in Ihe Senate. Should the reduction go through 1.- 11. ii.eiid.oi. Oregon would be amst seriously airmted, it la said, bv ollicial" ..I lh. Hoard of Trade. as the e'ioO.OOO contingent appro pn. iii. o of the state would not lie available unless an eijual amount is forthcoming fnuu the tlovern ment The stale appropriation wag made contingent upon a Uoverti iiient apiiropriatiuu of eijual amount and unless that tan Is aecured, not a 1 nl of atale money van be used The result would lie that the slate wool. I be left without a dollar for -t ,11. portent worb . Mm I. the same status of affairs 3 00 , .si .1011 3 INI I suo 3 00 17 40 2 30 30 40 1740 17 40 IMS. III :-o ;i in, aiaraatlnn fund i available for kbo eeote purpose thai Ike sitecisi appro.' I'll. '- int'inlid to he I ligaiing this 1 pitin' " 1 . ' ril of I Trsib iei I .inalioti approprlsl nit 1- made for a speci lied iiml i.ii M- purpoea, beaaa M -..I for nit ; thus leaving the gituginr i" ' pleti .1 condi tion Willi ' ' l-.'ieol-b- ing. A letter i iior (learin an- noim- I Mod. chief of iriiKiitioii dr image investi gation that the appro priali" ' work will be mcr.'.i ed 110 I Ibnt he wii' he in , 11, .1 .il h look into Ihe sit uation hen Km I re I In.ii lots in OliUti... ID l-.l- III I. SWen. HI Iota 111 Hum- 160 o 1. - oi g.Htd laud a part of .1 natural meadow III miles I loiim-. unimproved, IflO Idle Tulle with pre sent crop i'l ,'ni-s standing. has a house and I tence Tar- ticulars .uu ! 1 unci at this FIRST NATIONAL BANK ONTARIO ORSOOM. Ilil'ii-I I "ui.l 011 T im. 1 ItM, We Solicit Your Banking Bueineee. BTOOKHOLDKRti M Alexander Win Jones. K II Teat. I Kenyon. II Alexander Ksts William Her. Krank K Coffin. Tbos Turnbull, le-ajree Joa uoo- taoos-ao4c-sv .ea'jii, c Mills I 4Jxt- y how V w m a alar w a ataatg, wicr atecwr cowoin, cuius first national Bank t CALDWELL, IDAHO A Ocneral Banklny; Busincst Tmntacted COPPMPONDrTNCH INVITED -: Ike Laat Mar RESTAURANT 1 1.1 treats. MEALS AT ALU HOURS Bakery in connection. A Satxialt) u( Short Ore.. Tal'le fur. 1 I .1 it Hit .1 ei thing the ejarhl ' i "ir palroii- age soli, i'i THE CARTER HOUSE. am Hit an ii tv ONTARIO, OlM.dON. Fire-Proof, Modern, riliant. Ratce Sa.oo and j , . par day. All Outside Rooms Near Depot This tiKsletn new Intel was Mil nicntl . .1 tn the pilblu . I Isincy I '.tuntv people . 1 I und nun trniisly t.ncil (,.i A in -1 , I is I..11 11, ,, LIVERY BARN IN CONNECTION. 1 - s Nteros i.'uu . to 700 :: BJ U m. UUO 11 ao ai 00 SI U' 11 -' uao HUO ISO II no IHUO uao uao 740 l,(l 8 10 SOO ., aj . .it Ikai I I I Mialf Uatb -i . I T Hal I ray WWW. Vmmw m aExtMLMri mm ItWa. Wmmmimmmmm '' Kp1 ffti '' '1ttS5 1 A tanf ji 1 Napton h Boyd Real Estate. Niaes and Wiaiag. ON YOUN HUNTINOTRIP a. rravaas akms t'sirrr" ' 'l 0Q. .. ,u a a. Inula tani. satwa. aVJ V . iniaii" ..m. . Kae rtleae i I'.m ... E. N. NELSON Watchmaker and Optician. Second door north of post office. Bums, Oxogron aj , , as 7ft .4 SOU a7 40 I until 4s ao t' .1 a; ao .I ... ;iou 15 00 aoo m 146 3a 00 17 Cont'd j The Finest of All MARYLAND CLUB WHISKY Far Sale Uely al Hotel Burns Bar Agents, Burns, Ofc. eajfiioihci il lime , DletribuUri l' rtland. Oregon M. L LbWIS l.llic r.ieJ la furaiak PARTICULARS and PRICES la aiyaaa eaairiig INFORMATION. Sec hit, HaadaMM DESIGNS. ,,, EaftlMDBT V BETTtlAaD wnmm a mmmm thai rKlXTICiLLy,fji AS :i4,0 lUMrvtiAle JCSbBT mn ,ftou Otsareoo aaanOler Beautiful Bivio. Liat O Igne. MrltaBl Wromare. """"' M it Mai I m LS I ' WOO vk I I y t - amass- a .. THE CAPITAL SALOON, TRlHt'H . IKIMI. N, I- . ., Bums, - - Oregon. l-Toilco Tlila Hoa,d.q.iLXt Wines Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables. Club Rooms in Connection CHAS. WILSON, aui iiiaos to.vaii aoa a a..,i s m ! i. - -Ga-Kfe' Main St., Blacbmithiag ui Horssaaeiag. Wagon Work. ALL WORK GUAR ANTEED. Burns, Oregon JOHN DEERE8ULKY PLOW Benicia Hancock Disc Plows. 8001 1 1 uiitiuueJ ou page luin j MAHI.I.'1'..l' av MONUMtNTAi. BHONZe COMPANY, Muisaaroax. am u. 1 .eaW .asa Batflar mii : "" aaaavaaaaaaaaaaesiaaajl LUArlfJO PAiOUJi OP ABOVea CTiAKB Tooth and Disc Harrows Thomas Disc Drills. Gall and gat orices before purchasing. C. H. VOEGTLY, Burns, Ore.