Lm-s-J-raldJ I Mtoicsi .W - 'VPS' I TUB I kt rmrtttATioH or r iHTHiBdoinrrr. AY. JINIt in. 1 News. bMNMENT FJR.M tinr 1,'rrtit Harney nrir imposed -!. Land it level t The First National Bank of Burns, Oregon Why a National Bank Is the Best REHSOK IV: A national Bank la required to submit to tna uovsrnmtni sna paoiisn in ira cy n Re if - .ui...i f It .A..I(f ltr, ffiA llmot A Zsat n eaoci swniwin ui no .ui...v.. .... .. - , . . ,.. i. ,.,,,. -,- ,, , ,.,, inoi !m rwn duly mfMiil.-.l Irimin itrtri ..i n, Ktat of TwaSMM II. nl, fcrnwl b an order ol It.r i JVT rJilUMi , A.,,. .. .,, ., u.TIAMAl 11 A NIL' IM MaDNCV mi INiTV l """ ' only . rrKoi, r . f ULUtBl, LAKUK3 1 UUIM.I iyaiivial, un.-.iv 11-. rssMs ww.-. . ( VpH .. .,, u, ,,,,,, aii pors.ni- n nn 1'iiimi nini .inn --- M.I.I.' It. npuht ri ire. I In i.rnMiif ' ' I ' ' . U .1.1 - nmi. Him i..i-i mm ners. wiiinn si i BANK!1'? vour h,'Ktlunl' hy c,""''k "'' '" mi" lw h,ve v,l",1 i.t 'or tb smount thin paid X " yon are not patron of Uii institution, let this be vour invitation to beooois on Mr- I' Hvnl liie n w-n .-on- aigtiuient of . .1 1 1 1 i i r . Including hnin! Inti noil lint take orders f.i tailormadV wpar for Iml in. 'IIKOWN'S' THE SATISFACTORY STORI:' BROWN'af AI'M)i-ii; v r.'i. SOTH i u n , Kf9 ,: I V oplr I IT C' !i fiber. Hoine- Supt Gilcrest of the P. L 8. Co ie at present in this city. A tf. Mitchell wagon Inquire at thin office. Jtool Indemnity U,,K ... .., (nniv, Mi ;uie Robertson is vi'itins Innds.-Tarnei Rnk ,n oar oity n i 'J rat i on oo. ,, , ,. Fred Otley and wife were Op ireurge awinoiu ww u from Lawenone day thii week ' Narrows yeeterday. are constantly com for location. Htill unty Bank ie li..r Host ie over from Htli in up from tin' I... in win Ul rom mo; teetcrday. ill euneral millii.ery lieplay Mr. Unlit. rghUMiii ImildiiiR. ie homo from I'ort- wetit to ntlcnd the I IiiiIk-tin- iiiHiiraiio- and In, i over on Oliver wn over from the a few duy tin weok tippll'"- and Houring votr.e l i i ate w tr,. Jc ire V. h ita pi. i Mi on ii Clv .1 iirie ie Nee He he wu leir y It M. he tr I'ioc ' Jane in M Harm l.ni OAtim home ye- iir valley wnfro no tiling eince fchool Igor ie Nit u nuvi iik Ipuvmg lh' IHgneei Any reiorl to the lfl in I over from Crone I UlTlllllpltllll'll I'V IIIK leee Mary and Ada m mill wne wore uvrr loni" nnnr iiiirno.v guexlH of Mr. and lllktt.lt"! rley iiliout Fillmore tudardlired trnttlna rill hIiuhI thi enaHon in i ii t lh Kaplit Church Morning Hermon- In Mope of Glory." i: "Which i Kae- Up-to-date iuh printing at reaeon-1 able prioee. aie rt. i. Nil ano lanmy wm tip month' mi the data o( thla nettw from I.awen a few dav during the either t. d nn.lrrMni tt be reei week. Jim Helton and l,on Ricbardeon frnm I are hack from a campaign tour of I the Hreweey and Tine creek sec tion denre nnr Drewsey, or t ibe Hint A 1'ii.v. Bar , Oregoa late-l mI :i. IMS J Hoe mil. V.lininltrtrii. THE SATISFACTORY STORE. We carrv in stock at all times the most extensive and varied assortment of the latest and best merchandise. NFRRY F.VFRY ITEM THAT IS NECESSARY TO EAT. WEAR AND USE I Ik trrrnt' t variety and Inrgeet stock of attractive gondii In Marncy County Netu Dress Goods, Nclu Gloves, Netu Undcrcucor. CWLib AND SBB OUR NEW FJHLTS AND COUURRS .omathing tm and Stylish for Ltadias PRICiS THE LOWEST SEND U5 YOUR MAIL ORDERS. Mies Blanch Terrill ie offering from epotted feTer. Robt. Mettlemyre and .Tame Krandon were in the city yeeterday Frank Klli i again in the city after working enmetime with the eurveying crew. Hnreemen should ee the pedi gree of Fillmore Chief the trotting etallion. Peter Carmer, the timber cruier and real estate roan, ba been quite eick the paet week confined to hi room. He 1 improving we are glad In state. Jason Bennett was in from his 1 homestead ., K Welcomeville ranch Thursday He the rouuiv SMICJaS. report crop looking well in hi section and hi neighbors are all happy. The First National Bank ad thi wenk contains the fourth and un doubtedly one of the itrongeet reasons why a National Bank i het Read it. It is never too soon to liegin saying trv our Saving Hepart ment Harney County Hank. A.I. Johneon ha been in the city the pt week feeling the poli tical pulse. Hr W.Q, Brown, Dentiet Cffi' in the new stone building north of the Poet Office, T J Shield as over from hi Silyer creek home a few dny thi week A. I.. Hunter left here on tha Prineville stage yesterday enrotite to liend, where he goes to look after the sale of some limber land He will be absent several week. J F. Kllnk and K.I S.mthworth hve hfn doing general repair NOTli : ,,; m liHi. rrn.T.i i lliun. ii Soliri Mit. irit.-nil" . lain. V I i in, i. If you wish to lie located on M. Jordan, a are I m tr roliy notified in re puMHing upon my rth aSSurus. I shall pro Knn found Ireeiiaeeing (ii.. SiANrl.OT. id it I itiinueii imi tin- past week Hiif liralgia. The bright of yaaterdav ha had Ipiui Iiih uiliiuMit unit I out on the Htraete iiit r it. -li.-t mill tin- of the Okluhoma leekum have gone to In to look at liiiul ling iiuile a thorough If the ci.uutry before Urn ipri wu ill dr .aii r pr Saw Mill, Roy Bun- Ir, ie ready lot tin- Ordere of any siie at any lime All r.l and rough lumber ihiuglee liood ruad on large or email O. W. Porter the old time sheep man of Kaatern Oregon, i nyer from hi home at Huntington. Mr Porter' health is still poor, al though he look better ihnn on hi former visits. A. (I. (lotohy returned the first of the week from the railroad sur yey enmp where he ha been wnrk ing. He ha accepted a position on Jim Mahon's Cow creek ranch and ha moved nut with hi family You want the heat medicine that can be prepared, regardleea of cost. Come to the i.'ity nrug more with vour inscriptions and you will always get it and the coat will lie reasonable and fair. The weather hss turned quile warm since the big rains of last week and yegitation i making a fine growth. The proepect for fruit are quite flattering and the grain crop never looked lieller at this time of the year. I. L Puujade oaroe over from Cow creek Monday, bringing in Charley Lamb for medical treat ment. The young man had the misfortune to out his left thumb quit eeverelv while splitting wood Miss t'layle Burrow arrived home Wednesday evening from Baker City where she ha been teaching The young lady will remain in this city indefinitely and possibly teach in the public school during tha com ing year. Messis Carter and Scott, two of a large party from Walla Walls, Wash., who came here looking for locations, have started on their re turn with a hunch of horses which they will market there. They will likely return later in the aeaaon Others of the same party have filed on laud and will make their home hare The Klectric Light Co., has trans ferred the plnnt to the grist null and now use water power. Thnee knowing theineelve in debted In J. L. Situ are requeeted to call at the More al La wen and set tle on or before July 11. Bill Burrow ha been sick at hi home in thi city since last Sunday Yesterday he was ahle to lie about Mi lan. I work tii the telephone lines through- or.a. n.v ii in out this county during the mt week or more. We wish to thank our friend for their kindne in our bereavement in the lo of our huahanil and father, respectively. Mr. W. W Johnson and Family Geo. Young and eon Willie left yesterday morning for Huntington i where they go on huaineaa. They will bring back freight on their re turn. KOTICfl FOR PUBLICATION D n nn-iu Miiiiib. in. v.. ii Hi !. l It I .. . , .. i roel III hr hule 1,11.1 I. . . I.." I. .1.1, . ii wv, tt hltini "i in. iMioa.all i W h wvri "' w vjjfcpisiswsk nv asa JtivggBaawS BURNS. OREiaON. ui res r I .a. I i - FOR i-i ii I0ATI0H. i I til- HI I III .1' LIVERY, FEED AND SALE Fillmore (?hief, the handsoine ktandardhred elallinu will make the stand, at the fair ground, in thi city this aeaaon Those interested hould call on H. F. Hawley for particulars I. N SMI I II. MKnOK ;ili-. I nkr.'n lie.-, nib Dydragrapaac Malksai rVaJaal Lanil, Irrigation sn.l ."Oersl Nnrveln Watei He pat sn.i Msaaas in unlit I 'raflini: Jaok Luhbiiiga "Happy Jack,'' wa hare for aereral day ilurmu the atreet but hi tep wa not o ' the week looking after some legal sprightly as of yore anil hi" clothe, j mailer partainine to a suit for The Busy Corner Store" K BETTER 5TORE FOR YOU. ntinual-v wi-rkinn to the end that this may be tlu- betl place lo traf m Harney County. tjiy varieties; satistactory quallH?; fcausfic satisfactory store service is my in. reas;naim. to aid me with suggestions and criticisms YOUR STORE. Say what yi-u think. JRINGS IN AIL LINES ARIL !WULY am c btedl titffcv rices; . you his it DFPI don't seem to fit him. Having .1.1 the furniture hui ne, 0. A. B.vnl will now turn ln attention to imillting und pier hanging ami solieitl a xhare of your patronage. He will alo oon duct a cahinet and repair eb Sf The many safeguard we provide ngaiiial possihle error. uppleroent ing the extreme care with which we alway compound perecriptions, insure the pn.itiv.-iv accurate KKiHTNKSS of all medicines pre pared at lloiton's The weather has nun I era ted the pat few day and some credit it to the near approurh of the election ThiiiK are warming up Home polit ically and every man is confident of victory what a difference nest Tueadey when the return d Sum Mother. head and Joe Rec tor returned lent Saturday from a tour of the southern part of the county i ' th. interest of their can didacy for clerk and judge respec tively Botli were well pleased wilh the prospect of election. They have gone to other jaiiuls. Mi. 'I In Morrison and little son aud Miss Alice Morrison have been over from their Canyon City home yisitiug friends. Mrs Mor rison lis gone out to Melachan Htution to vimt. Mi.. Alice remain ing here the guest of ..1.1 time friends. Married John ' (' Peterman, poalmasler and husiness man of Henio, and t'atlieiyn Roth Lance of Portland, were married at Sucri mento, Calif, on April 28 and are now at home While in California Mr. aud Mr. Peterman visited the ruins of San Franoiauo. Mr. Peter man has been in husii.es in thi. county for a number of years aud has many friends who extend con gratulations aud beet wishes. water. Jack is an old time resi dent of tha Pueblo district in tin. county, living adjoining neighbors to the HefellhallgllS John Vance and I I. Pmijad were in the oily a day or two cot ferring with John (illrre.l on mat ters concerning Ihe estate of the lat John He vine These three gentlemen were appointed the ap praiser of the estate tu. f Engineer Waggeuer of the railroad survey, and his draftsman. Mr Young, expect to leave in a .lav or two lor liend in order to l. nearer the surveying parties. Mr Waggoner slated thi morning that he had no particular information for publication, as lie hail uothiujr definite as lo future movem. nt other than the general survey. It is quite probable hi office will again he iqiened in this city later I HI i ITV HRIti STOKK HAS Ill.KN I IKiKtM (.III V Rh NOVATED AND BIMODILID. aud our iuiinence new stock has ar rived, therefore we are butter able lo accommodate the public than ev er before No matter what kind of drugstore goods you want, this is a good place In buy them ll ..u waul pure drugs and luediciuea: if you want toilet articles and sick room necessities' if you want per fumes: or if you want any of the thousand aud one different thing. carried by a first-class, up-lo date drugstore, get them of u and they will be good. Every thing is good in this store. The quality is always good, our service is always good. We would like to have your drug store trade, and will do ovary iIhhk we cau to make you enjoy trading with us. We try never to let a cus tomer go out of our store dissatis fied. Our aim is to please witty one H. M BawaTfa, Prop CARMER & SHAW Burns. Oregon. Real Estate. Timber Cruisers i I hi. .lay, ill. ih rl.lsilt.s S.IVSI- 1 I" ' Hll. .ll w raaaa. BM McGEE & SMITH, Propts. We look charge of thi barn on M I tad have SS)U pe.l it entirely with new rigs and fresh, w I . ,- Ws are in a position la ai ssniodaw taa pabbs n rarj partiaalar i ri..'.. . . mm snees and pirti.l I . . ntrally looaUtd and aonvonl nt to I All .lock It ft in our can . Iltirscs iNNinltMl hy th daj, s'ck or moiuii NOTK 1 FOR PI HI n IIN .timtmuHtuuimt i :::iiK:ii:::.::iiittmnmi . i. . i .-. in I CITY MEAT MA KET. A E YOUNC, Propt mi i..r I I MODISH All AMI DIM HI I ixalmiis MsaV.'. Meats of ail Kinds I . r. Il.li. l ,..... ! Burns Flouring Mill oeeeeeeoee o s s s SALT FI8H Butter and Eggs Lard. Tallow, Lunch lioods it : e I II o JOB STURTBVPNT, P'opt. i M0DE8N I0LLEI HILL PKOCESS IS USED II o Fully i-'iniird in tvtry particular 'iml sniji, iml capacity to tupply the country for a radius o) XOOmlhk in bread atuj :....... nvurtv iiaI.iix liall lain I rLUlK, KULLEU DAKLCI, UIUI , AHU : All kinds of Mill Feed always on Hand j TBI Ull niliHIM iAKatT MIU PAID WU aOUH XILUNIi HUI j CUSTOM WORK DONE ! Good Seed Wheat for Sale j l.vrthing on hand uaually kept hy all flrat claaa marketa. jaw gi -a. For sale at reasonable Prices for Cash tiiuiuutuiuiitiiuuiuuiintttuutiuu tttttumi 1 New Goods at Your Disposal m White Duck, Tan, and Black Oxfords all sizes and widths. pndergarten Shoes for Children Batiste, Voiles, and Chambrays--Beautiful Suitings in Large sst)rtment ine of W. B. Corsets just arrived. CHWARTZ. awns ovew CW m i V 'BBBaaaPV Mm I ' ll I V -i iiataat Ideas in Ready To Wear Garments Kioui Kroatest suit .hours in .otiiilry bee uea saioplus UK. OUS. WILSON, Karat, mu Reserved for 1 1 1 - M.CO. E A. FraseRi Manageri ( tartaric, c Oregon. KOTIOI FOR rTBLICATloS I M1S1J STATES I.AHMOM. r... Suras, orcieiii, Ms I, liw i Mail I afreet la ibai Iks lailoeisi usaMd MSllsf has Slss uuti.-. ul klslalauii. i '. ii sS ll U.I L.I.M.I III .Ulipurl ..I III. i 1. 1 1., i, ti.-.F -ul l ius4. Uiloi I, ll w . i u.n...... .1 . ... ,1 I .. . . k.i I, I . 1 1 - I It ,1 k.lil li. Oicji.a .ii. ii. an rs.fc.ru r wii.il UIi.i.i Wui Uilwr sll i.l M. In iu.Ul a a lii. a.gisuir. .N.-lll t III UNAI -J I II I agar , gST sjaW HP JV ' - m lI J 1 H aamlaamfaE Km wknn v p Th.e u uie aL.i so. i.. i !uuc; jagjj and bSat S Si h - F ;S Carl Jceeph & Co., chTcaoo h "jS ProcLuius yotie wd dicsied as P-TOOAT , "m SUITS MADE TO : Lili"252 B ' m . m hi llir tJ unty our! oi His Mate ol Ore fci.n lor llarnut i.uuly. lo tbe in .titer ul ilia wstaU ol V illard. N. JiugHuseu, iHxiuassil. I l.e uii.l.rsiiiod rxoctilor ol tin- last will aud toatnuriit ol the alao e iisbkhI deoadeut tiaviug ttl.u In. rvin an. I liual account as rtxjuirt-d by law N..I... is beivby Kveu tu all alioui il may concmii that liou. II. ('. I . . i . - Judge ol ttit; above eutitlcd court as appoiotwl Monday the lath day ul June l.KJOat Ihe liour ol 10 30 o'clock a. ui fur the hearing ul objecliuu. to sucli dual account and the ettletueiit llu-ieul v aud tliat lliin uullue 1st publislie.l in I In 'i'iaiea-llerald ouce a week lor 4 eucc a)ag weeks. Dated this lUtti day ol May lWutt. W I MAMMilMN KxecuUir. Carl J ttph & Co., oi ProcLuius yoii'io wef riicwed a: U P-TOO ATfi SUITS MADE TO 00 fSO-OO Don't (My usieu you are Ii I ELY SA I Samples bitown and Order .ako by HA(.KY, FKNWHK 4 J M'KSON. L-V (iOODS, I UMSHIMiS, SHOHS, HATS AND CAPS i aw u as ..UU Bnll fleirsUa SrtnfMr- tioner, Cigars and Tobacco. tnaio St., Burns, Oregon. The Orefejon Hotel All KI'Mr, Managif Kirsl'class awoipinodstlous ssiSli aeal t t s an i cuwlorta room" Kuu imiic In liiciuls tu sioi. willi ala Hums TabWwoll luriiisln-d. Meals cuuts. J Ihe Drewsey Draft Morse Co. will tand MM hiroiiiiiiHiik nminiio-iiiiiin BRUylAUNT l or the season at A. I. JOHNSON'S RANCH tileven miles above Drew. Ouod pasture for mares at Si per niondi. Single service $10; season $lg; Insur $20. A I JOHNSON, St