h Yimt9tralft The Ollloial Papvr if llnrney County, lias tho largest circulation anil ia one of J tin- Ik'M wlvprtising mediums in F.Mtcni J Oregon. She mimt fieMfc trt, trrnt Mnrtirtj eXowiiIra J CotWl nn srrs ol fl,4?,i00 arrs nf J Isnil. ,Ttl.ntcr yi t vmnnt mt.j -t to r 1 1 1 r v nii'lrr tin- entitle lutit l at J 11,.. I i.it.. I tot a IL, XIX. BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY. OREUON.jl Nfi I, I NfX a8 ....T rf3 THE UATPDH'"' ooght to object to excertinK the iVIUb I UWIN Irlti WAICK I m well aware thfct many of two poinU which I have dipcuiel. )F STATE LAIN!) BOARD UUVfcKNINU WJniKAWia I OR RECLAMATION UNDER CAREY ACT. rntf the Carey Act contract were pad ded, expanded and stuffed to a de gree which (twee an enormous pro fit to the construction company, merely from construction alone but this oertainlv was not the intention . . will U.L. flJ ... Dualr.ni.nd if nf tVw ('mrvv Act mill if voll will PI- fall) tmprovemeni mmpim wm nac . ,-..- - . , tfules State Board will ask (or Approval of Ike Contract amine the Hnrnev alley Improre- Otherwise Ihc Company Shoeld Surrender Contract. , ment Company's contract and take the estimate of any parson laminar with the country, you will find that it it a businesslike contract, just as if it were a bid for a construction of Yours rery truly. ( K. 8 Wooo. $35.00 REWARD $45.00. iar 1 a (oar t "i flan N tlO' whlc ir ision or anil tb tng in fo le will till I ,n ire nr pat te a til Halem. April 17, 1901 s Waal, land. OreRon. : Yours of the 1 Ith at has had tho attontion of In writing you M tho It that a i-oiitriict had liHtwpcn tin- Htate and Yallcy Improvi't t rlookeil. The new con- k. course ot i.riipnriuioii I will he the only one to made will I'ontiun the nutliiieil 1111 eiHMOHtMi Mil so tar as snine are Iy law mill as many 01 will lie required under 1 tracts us are authorized mill I'ontract, I enclose 1111 conslilnraiion. )i most important things reafter lie required un- the old or new contracts, ownership of the water lilit'iitex of reclamation be made by the Htnte .ml Koanl in unlet to oh- will not he made here- m a clear right to the re- jut.t of water is shown to jtiim of liie Hoard anil 1 1 . loi 11 the cnutraci- ly shoulil have nn right kr and it should In- so de- secured, and its transfer of owner ship to settlers specified. No lands to he sold until after the data of reclamation and the a part of a railroad or canal ay e- nearnees of oanals to the land epeo- tarn. In fact, you have already ei ifind for such proof of reclamation. "mined into the estimate before the The manner of sale of land and 1 contract was appoved form of contract for cash an tia I doubt whether capital can be payment, being specified. enlisted in private reclamation The transfer of title to land bynoheroes for merely the ordinary the Bute upon release of Hen. I profit on contract work, and par- Transfer of possession and man- i haps it would be better to leave the agementofcanaltothe watar ua-1 whole matter to the government, I though my own experience doe The measurement of water and not lead ma to that conclusion, and charge for delivery between lime of my own inclinations are toward de sale to the settler and transfer of ! velopment by prlvata enterprise, management. nut under suitable restrictions to The limitation of area to be irri-: prevent the exercise of anything SHOU.I) MAKE IT A HIMMI k" TUP II I FBRATIO CAN BF MME A HOWUNU MJCCttf mi nn lio are III til" - iria- ,1 1 iti in lie I trvotrxitT-'O a -cawO- " " " -.-.. 1 . . Pi.att, Aimt. Cnlr W M l . liliUM. I'Hl"" Wa. .l.'Nrn. V ii I'HU-iio 1 A IVIIMH I'M I lWKMION Ua t. Tkt R.ilsmi. s ol Rant f. filit As Isirrtst-- lank I'riic tar 1st Hail tttsrturatttlit llssl. Notice is hereby given fhat hunt ing and shooting upon the enclosed lands of the American Land v Live Slock Co located In townships 3tt r 40 8 Range K and township 39 8, R 36 E W M. Harney Co Oregon (better known as the Trout Crank and Colony Kanches.) la strictly forbidden. Any person or persons found hunting or trespass ing with a gun in their posossion on above described property will ha tkSABaitiitml In lka full a.viinil nf im liiipvuuajrmi aw was the law. A reward of 12.1 is here-! ?" " by offered for evidence lhat will the eniir. population Bf Harn.v lead to their arrest and conviction. 'Count to hi present and we should American Land A Live St.i. k Co, gteaiaatn sverytatai In .mr power. By K. B Hut. Rani 11 at all I Tins can pa ieM it Mm bn . I men will enter into the 1-pint of Iba An Alarming situation I occasion and do llii-ir purl A Mi parade has been planned with frequently results from neglect "f ,Hnv , ,.,g featun- Ii will clogged Itownl- and torpid Mf ,, ,.,,, , ,j , , ., ,rB n,. l(, until consfipatinn become-, liro.,'. 1liirx , Br rl japgtlnilWaT. "f This ironditio'i is unknown to those ,irpr ,1(. ,v ,, n The Tiniif-Hi raid wwtlM nggest that iboae in oharne "t tln altbra lion l.fogrsiu for .lull I otl. r a llii- Btanris cash priie t"r the beat and I OBoel representative lloat gotten up 1 d balnaM houses and taking part in the par.i ! Iiinn eliould make an e 1 vear gated from the proposed canal, and like a monopolistic privilege. who use Dr K'ng'a New Life I ills ,, ..,nir,. ,d t. ,,!, , the method or enlargement, If addi-j Another one nf the conditions the beet and gentll regulatorn nl ,,,MIV g .,. , a m,, ,, , tional lands outside the segregation ' submitted to me, which I think j Stomach and Bowels, tiuarauteed ,,, (, , n,., , The en, mitt. ... . . !..! J .., I. .......,.. J 1.. ,1.. Ur 1... I'.,.. It.,... Ul Pri.... ''.,. ...... ii. Will lie servefl i;uuiu iniv we (.i. ,... ,,7 .... ... ") vnj 'K ''. . " ll-ki'l (lie .-iimiiiy scuonis III (lliril- Rf to note that for i.' Ii' n.nth made In the n of articles ,.( iniiior iin nor! in, in ,1 the more pop ular il d "ijneil to liemtil 1 t '"lllar ocndilions, and 1 1 1 tbt t in- I hatha r lieen ii, I lr. White Klei'tric .Inn I 'W Thus wondi ' '- pnaitlvely cure 1 t.illing out. sick and . Tin! sins aawAl with I'r White's Klei trie Hair ',i 11 I, lit sij guaranteed to m 1 utU in H days I liniinaiiile of these li . Ill, 1 ,iinli I M" l"'o sold ill In varion . : aa el law I'mmi, and the demand is 1 mslanllf incieas- nts are rapidly k OlHBIIlg rich sidling these combs Tliej posiiivi Iv sell on sight. Send for sample M. - -1" I k , ladies' .'hV (half price while we are in R t in ) The lr White II,.- )i W MM I Ml Htl I -mli Co., 'III. Ill FIRST NATIONAL BANK ONTARIO, OREGON. intiMit rnui on Tim 1 , mii Wi Solicit Your Banking Buaincaa. STOCK HOI.HKBH M Ale inder, W m 1 1 1 I K-nv mi, II Ueiandar, Katate uf Mmei I: Miller. Frank K follin, TM hstaWW Ia"Oaa ca. .-t.v oeasL" .. .- Teal, f - William V The deposit of a aultable sum ney Valley Improvement Com-' with the Clerk of the Board prior pany, is that it must make proof ol to contract to show good faith and the payment from this fund for nee essary supervision during construc tion The forfeiture to the State for non-compliance with plans and specifications The description of lands. The detailed estimate of coat. The peicentage of cost to ha al- kfter the ditches had been 1 ,oww f()f r- of oonilructlon nd ! exists in this case the reclamation would (the opinion of the Hoard lie to the water is just as the construction of the lore pioi.i ol reclamation and if there is any bout the right to It, it sale of land. 'I'lie lime and manner of attach ing a lieu for this amount wilb In terest from the dale of reclamation until the lien is atlafied. The release of lieu and end of I duties of the construction company Hi IBU tie lion Latter !,. .Intern. d before the , ,,, .., pent lor consilium.... , . . . ., ,B0BiBrv lo lUtr..m..nlH indicated onl...- . , ,. fl limitations of all parties to the con tract as above outlined in general, and which are in accordance with the Aula of Congress and- the rul ings of Ihe Secretary. ay Ms tbar. inclos' v of II Ua aat ay Imi are r. j, tb 1 ding a Sucrut. root, l 1 memorandum, or as cm us arc found lawful, sfuctory M thu Hurney rovement Company, and illlug to comply with loard with that under k for the approval by Portland. April 1M, lllOf,. n if ii.. Inli-riiir of Lin 3 ll U.uau 1 .....I 1 1. ... r. I r If unsatisluclory, if tin " .will surrender their oopy halem. uregon. ruct I'ltweeii them und ; Mr. (1. (!. Brown, Clark. the Hoard will ask the1 i)ttl.r Hir Yours of the 17lh inst.. f the Interior to disup- m lUM mtLiU)T 0f the Harney Valley reject it. its ownership of the water it in tends to use. What is to be con sidered proof' Is the Stale Land Boar going to act in a judicial capa city and decide who has auperior water rights, or la il going to refuse all contracts where the water rights are disputed? In the latter event, every contract can be defeated by just such an arbitrary dispute as We have filed upon unappropriated spring flood water. The decisions are numer ous, that any surplus or unappro priated water, no matter lor how short a time it may ruu, ia subject lo appropriation We think we have a good appropriation which will be sustained lv the courts, but we expect lo bave lo fight the Paci fic Live Stock Company in ibis matter, as we have met their antag onism through this entire contract Is the State Land Board going to decide this issue, or is it going to sock lo aunul its contract because there ia going to be litigation over the water-' It bad its own eugiueer make bis owu examination before the Slate approved the contract The failure of ibe Secretary of the Interior lo promptly approve this contract ha played directly into "" ci pale and will have a chariot for For Sale Five choice lots 111 ,,,,,., , Mrtha Washing Ontario, 40 lot in Lawen, 111 lots i'(.,. Sum ' and Columbia will in Burne; IftO acres of good land a an lllVl. ,,!,. M, .i. line ol part of il natural meadow 10 mile- ajMAwa aaat of Burns, unimprwd 110 T,. paajpM should remiiuher acre near Saddle Butte with pre that we will have a distinguished aent crop of wild grass standing mlcinan as our guestai.iloi.it.. hasahouseandgis.il fence Par j ,. ,.,,, ,,f H,i .lame- ticnlars can be obtained at tbi- Willm ..lube, who Mill be I. mo- I several days The gentleman will hold 11 farmi rs institut. Tk. I II.., .1,1 .ill ,,... UO.U 1. I... me. s ii.s, ...... .-. K tbi.. bargain mouth. 1. the wav ol " ' , - . lion, tin fori 1. mil of the foil subscriptions and has arrange, I , , , 1 ' u .. 1,1 day and !'" bl the evening of 10 a m nwuiriiBr.iv .- iwuir ., . 1 , ., . I the .Id faruiersBi.il stoekr.. Republic free tu all who pav i . - from every p.nt oi tin county will arrears and one ear 11. advance In ' . I. a .ABMttl I.. I i. kr as aiivui.lani, .it Mil. . inj pit pi 111 iu laarnH ihi.iwb' i subscih- r I Opportunity I" recelvi l.istruell.ilis from this 1 ciiiii'iii eutii'inan. . 5 y w : xt-. HOW U I growers sr' invited to call mi ,.r mi, ' W '. ., "'iln.au. Bums and M' te. Bf with the , mi Ii, MM ordered ' The Tune- Herald. New era who pay iu advance will receive this great ualint.al semi weekly 1.1 paper and family magazine 11. the I'niled States The Iwo papers one yrar for '.' for this 11. in. il. only. TM Lmc Star RE8TAURANT t ho , I i,-i lor. 1 I -1 reels. Menus AT ALU HOURS Bakery in aonnaation. A Sftcialty of Storl Oraen. Table fun labed with eieryihing the in ran 1 "ur patron age soln lied ttssu smiidini w.a atanci. v.c 'aiacwr ik. a a cowoin, csbmiim A first national Bank CALDWELL, IDAHO A (Icneral lianklnK Bunineai Traimacted COKRIUPONDRNCR INVITHO Jk --- Look Out (tet the safety Incu bator, now it runs without a lamp. Km W. T. Smith about it. Bums Oregon. the hands of the Pacific Li ye Stock Improvement Company just at Com , 1)og the Sute Land Vary truly yours, U. II BlII.WN, Clerk State Land Bourd. , ,MWBr for the corporation, aa logood lU ttppropr,aUoii of waUr by ! whether all of the suggestions i'.v ,,jldl. ma and canals. Ufore it baud 1 am merely the attorney , Uomfd expecl .ue Haraey Valley .for Ihe company aud could not ; iu,prov-luaut Compauy to make I ollawlag Th Flag. When our suldidrs went lo Cuba laud the Philippines, health was the moat important 1 meiiieratiuii Willi T. Morgan, retired ',.. mis sary Sergeant I' S A , Route 1, Concord, H II d 11 he ,d Ml the Us itrii (I risk baa a complete contract and uutil il begiu lo take the water out and appropriate it, no one is objecting I h. fair Association is working in eoiijui.ctioii nill. the cit uulm lo luaki 1 ( the III, th enj,,ahie and aktlafactOf M tl,,n . mi alt, i.ii!. i h nor . i The af'.erinioii program nf horse and nil, ni nude, the 1 utile iiiiii.ageliit t ol the asso ciation and the gates Will lie Open all n le, 1 omo to Burns to oelebrai' ll.. I in, -II' raid wants it distin. lly in.d. r-i.i I that M charges will Imi made on thai !.. ll lire nr..ii,.,l. 1 lie . .1.1 tlllf lie grand si. .ml u.il lb pavilikM itll its haiidsoo nil. ted of Bural "" ' ao'iuals ami I ay: "I ' " '"'' '" ""' vl"1'""" i THE CARTER HOUSE. Aril'HICAN BfJkJI ONTARIO, 0RBO0N. Fire-Proof, Modern, I'l "it. Ratca $j.oo and 3 a 0 ptr Un All Outside Rooms Near Depot This miMlrin new Intel was iml .1 to tin public. I I.H ncy t'ou.iH people nil vi li ortM anil i Diiileuiisly i.ueil Im A Irat-l'laai b.n M i onneitu.n LIVERY BARN IN CONNECTION. PaijsM Ki I a ' aaxMlJal ' Jr)E sjj nTT. I 5BB Mmm ktracte hereafter to be on- vou would be satisfactory, or not n the Stale Laud Board Of curse, you understand tbi is Ithe lollowiiig general na- the eMiii vuIbi.1 of making a new mliiig upon tin- aataka af contract, and 1 would suggest that A t,e record now stands, we bave -(ieiiural that th. Buard, it would be better for Ibe stale lo luadeour appropriation ofwnter and icessitry authority I examine the contract aireauy en- 0 one , objecting toil, therefor, iral The contracting or ! tered into, and the law applicable prjui( ci m a figbt jt .. in ...:.! ..... l.u..ii. ui..l .iMii.r i.i ii... arliMttiHr it is - it . ion coiiipuny win uunu im- .....w, ........... - - i uui we iranaiy say we eapwoi a own expense, taking all a contract of any value to the state, couleBl wj0U we igiu lo uae tbi incident to such coiiBtruc- or whether the slate feel it ha waU,r l'orhap we may be diaap- )n nroof of completion of made a mistake iu entering into y0ited in this. But we oauuol set lieu on the laud reclaim-jibe contract, aud if so take iiaown wor,. UM( it uut)1 we v a cost of construction plus course to remedy the matter. I do coulracl. profit for the risk, sud not think the corporation will sur- My owu private opinion 1 that lemon from the dale of render lie contract ami asx to nave tuo y ,u tuli matter has been mi will be attached by the it cancelled. That is not its poai of far more serious iujury to tit a II'aI Ya t tkat it baa -k .1 a a. oaV. lean iiulucemeiii to sen tiou us poainuu is .ui .v " state ol uieguu lliau il uas U tne L , ulttr, luainteiittiiee ! made a contract in good faith Harney Valley Improvement Lou. le to the company for the j That before entering lulo the con- pajy, and my owu private opiulon of water U bona fide set tract Mill, ihe Slate it carefully ex -u UlBl tB delay baa been largely certain period will Im- niniued the Carey Act aud the due to a belief in the Interior de- At s., Imi time and Slate laws applicable ami irieu lo parlmenl inm everyiuiug in uiegon ieil in. .no. i, Hie ownership l.irmulale a contract airicin in ine is a gran anu tuai mere are no uou- Id, un- cum.. - and water spu it ot those laws, l ou will Dua . est men in uregon Certainly lue will be lr..nsfrreii to a tlie Harney 'a'ley I iiiprovement co;.l i act is there for investigation, n composed of the settlers Company 's com tuci is not a epecu Ibe hind I. there for investigation, system und thereafter lative contract. Perhaps not as j and the people making up ibe cor lion and management will much so aa it ought to have been porutiou are here for Investigation the water no. re. i It is a closely calculated contract, All Ibe Harney all. y I mprove- lll The conliaci will bewitb a very small margin of sup- uienl Co.np ,ny asks is for u decis- ilo only mnii p.oper ttp- i posed profit, so small that it could ion one way or ibe other, and it MaMMaaMd by m-ceosary he eusily wiped out entirely In any i was believed that the State Laud tusund engineering dalu miscalculate'. i ... in, -Imp. 'Board, upvu due examiuallou of Was MM aaatfa in Cuba aud two It is also l.elug arrange. I to.. years iu the Pbilipoii.es. and being mni the Harney t oiinly m.a- subject to colds, I look Dr. King's Naw Discovery for Consumption, which kept me iu perfect health Aud now, iu New Hampshire, we dud it Ibe hssi medicine iu the world for coughs, colds, bronchial trouble aud all lung diseases Guaranteed at City Drug Store. Price fa le and Mm Trial U.tile free WANTKD- Agents, Hustlers Salesmen, Clerks and everylnxly who waul lo enjoy a good hearty laugh to send 60o for "Tips In Agents." Worth 's') M any per son who sells goods fur a living. If not satisfactory your money back. Circular lor stamp 1 In Dr. White electric Com). Co . Decs tur, III. Aeaociaiinn during thai in... though possibly mil on the day nl M ,.,y o nor proin.n. i.t stockmen will ' 'I receive a h.iti-vel l.euelil p' nil I'l S ilhycotnlie's InaiilUt and ithas ON YOUR HUNTING TRIP i . a i ;3 .. a. . .. -il l J. SrtVKKS BUS AND TOOL 00. r.i,. sw.v a a. E. N. NELSON Ha tkaal HaV i ar ,(! Watchmaker and Optician. Second door north of post office. 23-u.rn.e, Oxcg-on. froui which a cio-i jute ol coal can he and pro- Bcilicutloi.s rtrilt-n in the ball specify u detail the is aud ch.ti o.'lur of coo- i ana tin- in ..p win ti.uae a coulracl My uiiderstund.iig in lhat the the connect, would see thai it was contract was thus made ou the pail to the tuterest of the slate lo have of the Humey Valley luiproviuent this matter settled OoMpaa U-ciu-e it expects lo I don t like, on myoan r.spoi. uiake a leg'tiuiule oiitn.iiuus pro sibillly, lo say that ih Harney In Horn ihe sale of th- water and Valley luip.oviiiei.l Compauy it wan ibis long tune element which would be bailer off to be out of the il looked to lor ns toward Poesi-' whole affair, and 1 do not say so. Bard lo refuse lo enter into , bly 1 am in brror about this aud j I do nut say anylblug which can raol until the uecessury pusaibly the Carev Act itself re- ; be coustrued into a leiiueal that tbt) kd ilala, upon which the quires that ibe recluiuiitloti system coulracl be annulled or aieappruv- l be based, are furnished. be turned over lo the Wuter Users, ed, bui I repeat that we would like paoiliuH ol the canals and j but unless it is required by the law, a decision, oue way or another bt lor each ucre specified, j I believe this condition iu the ache- I Will say, speakiug for myaalf, soessary proof of ownership dule you have aent me would be that th couditioua which will bere- furnisued, by the com-.distasteful lo Ihe Harney Valley after be made by the Bute Laud iir.-.f of reclamation. lmurovement Com uaiM . because it Board iu tueac coulracl aeem lo iht of way over all but ae-; would wipe out that element of the me iu the pdblic interest aud some i kd Uoveruuieut laud lo be ! contract froui which the real pro- thing uo rigutuiiuded corporatiou Hot-Breads Light and Sweet are made with ROYAL BAKING POWDER MMMMaaaaaV aH The Finest of All a MARYLAND CLUB WHISKY l-vr Sak Only at Hotel Burns Bar A ents, Barns, Ore Roth Dislril Orrfon attaypaptlci May be eaten wlthatu tacwavloaca avaa by aaraaaa with aallcato ahjMtlsa ahai auauaiak MoaaMMM aoL. aaai wMaaa apeFa aaa ryweaa sj et vrawerei blTTLB AND CEij?S THiK m STOKE )d ' ENMuLIJ B7 V KLEMTiSToAS A mCT1CALL!a iJL SBBBBBBBBBBW MB Ovar BOO BBBMBBMI aWiaM,il IUiIbiii aM H il pa uinj for Prico Li.l Circulars. li M I MiaLiAiiriklj av MONOMtNTAL BHONZf COMPANY, winfrT "'" vji a M. L LEW B ill at ejaj le faraita PARI ICULAKS and PRICES Iu an j oat: ocalriaf INFORMATION. '.in Haaimm DESIGNS. Iba .i'a Nrro. Napton 8c Boyd Real Estate. Mines and Mining. ic I 9 W I I TO I'osttk, laaaa i . ilaauo.. eaa i ii.isrto eeaee Ma. - s - - r THE CAPITAL SALOON, I KIM II MM l-.opn.i Burns, - - Oregon. :iv.lce Xlxlo X3Coa.d.q.a.iaxteiai. Wines Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables. Club Rooms In Connection CHAS. WILSON, succtaaoa to.w.isoa f Main 8t.v BlacksmittiiiiR and Horsshoeing. Wagon Work. ALL WORK GU AR AN rCED. Burns. Oreo JOHN DEERESULKY PLOW Benicia Hancock Disc Plows. Kraut LUAUHINO PUOUiS OP AiOVH II1HKB Tooth and Disc Harrows Thomas Disc Drills. Oall and get orioes before purchasing. C. H. VOEGTLY, Burns, Ore,