The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 26, 1906, Image 1

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    h Tim..-ltrail6
The Official Paper of Harney County,
lias the Urn.'! circulation and it one of
the beat advertising medium In Rularii
Xh rm Unnifg r otmtrtj j
e Coven tn w of r,,4v,Hii sera I
J lru..l. 1,711 000 MtM yi
tneiifrv nii.)er ItM pibli, lurid laws i.l i
the fulled Males.
.... :
c Utter Show Dissstlsfsctloe upon the Part of Both Parties to Cootrect
BrVlih Inclination for all Concerned fo Qolt Other Letter of
Later Date will Appear la These Colanat Next Week.
eaeb I
itr aV
m w
llowing letters written by
bb of the Mlate l.nnd Hoard
I C. K. H. Wood, attorney
Barm-v Valley Improvement
mailed to The Tinie-
ld Iv Wm. Ilanlny They are
irariat to the eople of this aec-
how 'In' position of both
tin' contract to a certain
owevnr, two other letters,
rnin i Ih't gentlemen and
tea, on iIm name subject
Jbrr liulit utiot' il I bene
re m
be published nnxt issue:
Sal.-m. April I, WOO.
S Wood,
i l.i ml. Oregon.
larBn Your of March 27,
HB to tlic Governor and the
d Hoard enclosing a clip-
i tin' Hum nnwspaper
letk k' lb' application of the
IBalli'v Improvement Co.,
aH' rnr ilir reclamation of
MB mri'H of land in Harnoy
Hpil'T tbi' Curry Act.
I anil MOM ha had the atten
aB Himid and I am dlreot
advi vim that 1 1 1 - - conttact
HLiri'iitlnii between the
jBtbe Hun Hecretary of the
Hftas signed by the Hoard
forwn ili'd to tlif Secretary
tub ll. IturiiH Land Officii on
the growing of ordinary agricultur
al crope, and while the Board agree
with you that Oregon needa more
people and more bomea they are of
the opinion that they had better
not have them than for the settler
to find thnmaelvoa, after large ei
pmitliturea of money and labor on
li'iini-H, without title and with ao
inadequate aupply of water.
The State Engineer baa been in
Harney Valley and it might be ad
viHiibli' for you to hare a talk with
him in regard to the quantity of
ing. the soil will become so changed
and there will be auch deep dopoe
ita of moisture, that everything ca
pable of sending out deep roots will
flourish, such as the small fruit
and fruit trees. But that ia all a
yet problematical. The Harney
Valley Improvement Company has
never pretended that It will reclaim
to a oertainly landa to any further
extent than to produce a hay crop
and cereala. In point of time, it
does not expeot to have a prior
water right to any water aupply
sufficient for these purposes beyond
the end of June. I will not bo cer
tain on this point, but that is my
personal recollection. If it fails to
produce these orops, if it faila no
matter what the reason to change
the desert land into crop-bearing
land, then it has failed of any right
to iu reward. This I believe to be
the law; certainly if not, it ought to
Whether or not the Harney Val
ley Improvement Company can
and a special exemplification of the
initiation was given by the Degree
Huff in honor of these visitor and
the work waa very pleaantlv given
without a mistake on the part of
the participant and affording much
enjoyment to the visitors. Refresh
ment of ice cream and oake were
served aftr the work and all en
joyed the occasion.
Will Smith came in from Hunt
ington with a load of freight for
Fred Haines and a part of the load
will be aent to Fred Haines A Co
at Burna.
! Stnlra sot "Tsasstr" la
Per )issl rfirsn
Pill I V. ltd kfr Ntlthker
water he thinks will be necessary
there, and the time it should be ap- make good its title to water, I
died tn the land, also the available question for it to contest in
supply of water and the Company's .courts and to be decided by the
right to ll. courts, not by the State Board or
In order to avoid the troubles ! by the Secretary of the Interior.
that have ariaen with the other 1 he Harney Valley Improvement
companies these matters had better I Company expect to Lave to light
be adjusted and an understanding
arrived at now, and until they are
1 1"' hurting i m i m "f i I. i.k.
HaiMiv .mil l.akc l'..imt. aj
wWfog hswj MoskM count m Cat
hay. orajMUJcd a Live
StCK'k Pi.itt, ti, Bjrft i ition, wild
hl',l(l,U,,lt'M it LllWcvi.W, f..
tin purpose ..f preventing the
k. III. in .f i'nlll.i itt.1 lk .....I
p, ,. ,.. ...... ,i,, -Ml .111. i
contractit.g parties at the residence of hmsc, entile aasa HI festal
of C. W. Crawford, Sunday night II ha been aaVtrtaiaajfj
May 13th at 8 o'clock. The knot then- ia a well nnj.inii-d b.unl nf
was tied by Kev. H. K. Carter and dorse .in.l , .ml,- thtc
The ceremony of the marriage of
Hugh 8. Tudor and Mis Agnes M.
Ward witnessed by about thirty rel
ative and Intimate friends of the
the Board feel conalrained not to
urge immediate or hasty action by
the Secretary of the Interior on the
Harney Valley Improvement Com
pany's contract
The contention of the Pacific Live tion of water right by the Harney
Stock Company before the Board I Valley Improvement Company
was, that the Harney Valley Im- It for the board to inform it
provement Company bad no right '! whether or not thers is any poe-
.. . M . . ...
me raoinc i.i va moot tompanyon the j,.UMjoni, Th proJBCt of
.1... ..i...:... ..r ..... .1.1.1. . it: .
... .,...... . -..-. . ik"', u trecUon of a Uriel Mill was present
it '- leai t Day have t., Imte Itn
entire contract, but this very delay
is simplv strengthening the band
of the Pacific Live Slock Company
and i weakening the appropria
te operating
in I.ikf. C' .mil ll.irmv iniiii
Ijfa in Ortgnn, in, I M(.1ih ii.iiniv.
in Californin. ho ha c been steal
ing stoik in ayfftotajMsi ajajaajbajn
aWwM lln- Ifaal r.n. It is kuovn
The Harney Board of Trade held that these thieves havaj pajftJl
a vary profitable meeting at the ij,,,,,.,) , c .,!,(. ,,, .m, ,-v ,
City Hall Saturday night May IM , ,,., t.IVl. , ,1,..,,,,,. ,,, slli k
.,- uuuM.-r , M,.rrrP,-u ..-,,, , ()
tors were i,r..Mi,i,i u,,l l . , ,k i.uri ,.,
Mr. and Mrs Qail Barnna were in
attendance The bride and Mr
Barnes wore white silk and had or
namenta of Orange blossoms. The
griiitleman wore conventional black
"wnei s
u one
,m also iliri'iti'ii in imvim' you
jBiniri! have, during the
few ni"iitliH, t.i-cii having con
able evpiirieiicr with the State
looapting the C'aroy Aat and
jntr, i- imt'Ti"! into under it.
rubor ,i questions have arisen'
Bli the contracting com pa- I
even tn flood waters of the Silvie
winch date I River, and not that the land wa
I i beard j ""' desert in charaoter.
Very truly Your,
O.O. Brown,
Clerk State Land Board.
Portland, April lltl.. 1900
State Laud Board,
Salem, Oregon,
G. O. Brown, Clark.
My dear Bir: Your letter of the
tat on, case it will have to
Hlhe courts
a ma
sibility of the Harney Valley Im
provement Co. having available
water and being able to oarry out
its conlraot, ao far as the physical
existence of the water is concerned
We have expended money in de
termining this fact for ourselves
and are satisfied
The stale sent its engineer and de
termined the fact for itself and was
taliafied A contract has been u
tered i i,ii, by the State which eeeois
hung up in Washington without
any action whatever. We do not
So iiu i-nscil ,ii e the M,, k
(I tliese nullities tlut
ed for action and on motion a com- ,s """ '" ""' '"" '" '
mittee conaiating of Fred Haine. "u'1"1" "' lm' Lu ' S,,H k ''"
(too Marshall and J. P. Wither '''l ,u AfslOl i.ilinn, but li.iv. ,n
was appointed to take charge of tin rficnted their willingneasj t, d,,
matter and pui-h the enterprise erjtliin p'lssilile (fl BsaaOffM the
In regard to the subject of Irriga- lav. aatsst thtaH roWfaJtl
tion in Harney Valley a free dis- i bj i,, I., btflgal in Hie m
cuasinn of the subject was engagel lpri,t ,,f ,,, ,,N il- livci,.. k in
in and on motion the following res- duv ,,,. ,,,,. ,,,,.. , ....,,,
mile licit Inr
i hi pientl .i id. b the
j. itr, ..I minor im-,
porlatu 'lie mure pup
1 nlat dosignsd to
and meet poimlar
Icendiliono, and im-nf the most in
teresting i,f ll ee tlintha vr leen I
"i i- tlnl ir While Klei'tric
Cninl,. patented .'an I. "H These
wonderful i atlv)v euro
dnni'i'ill. i , k and
narvOUl headache, and when used
with I'r Win' Kle.ine Hair
Hrusli are positively guaranteed
to tnak, imiglil Iibt curly in.''.
day time. I l,,'nml of thes
DMA s.ild in
the van, in , it.-, of the I'nion. and
tile llemilli.l I islll'lh tneieas-
ing. ti'u .,,, ,ts are rapidly be-
e.itntnn iicli silling these comb
They ; -ell on sight. Send
for sHii,ile Men's site It.V, ladies'
MV (half prio while we are in
trocuoinit ) Hie lr White
lli" In W Im- 1-lc.the Comb 0l .
Ilecatur, III.
A Mountain of dotal
c nl, I imt bring as iiiucli hppinss
tn Mrs l.ncni W like, of Caroline.
Wis pjfl di.! ,ine Hi box nf Hnck-
len's Arnica Salve, when it com
pletell cur. ,1 i niniiiiig sore on her
leg. wl, tortured bur 'Jit long
y.r (it,, it. -si antiseptic healer
v"iiinls. and S. re
al tic I ili Mmn Slnrr
.to--carv rv - oro -- owe .o
M Aukvuh. I'aismisT
Ww loaaa, Vrri I'sasmitsT i ' ,'i,
lufiMv-i I 'iii I on Time liepoo
W Solicit Your Banking Businn.
sTTOOKHOLDBIIl M vuxumIt w , ii
C K. Kenvou, II. Alexander. Kstat- nf U il
Miller. Frank H Coffin. Tims Turnbnll
' -Utjr
.- ' - -c , J
Howaao iiisii SMuoiNi w. a iiisu v
J irsf national Bank
A General Hanking; Business Transacted
- -
inBlie Hoard do not agree f)th inat. just received, and I am
Kjore tlian likely thai in much nlilmml in vm. mid the I ...ird
I) for vour full ..r,...i..ii.m of thl, " much what lbs action la, as
board's views I gather that the
ilillereiice between the board is in a frame of mind
id the Hoard is that t,at it is not willing i. take any
nflh mpaiiiea claim that definite action one way or the other.
B have delivered oil tile
all tie water they can get from
lUroe shown tn be available by
ma and plans Hllbmilted
lb gallon was made,
lor ll i,e miicli or little they
Klud wall their uari of
intra' ' tassel the Slate oflicer
kke the certificate
J by tn. Sooretury of the
P obtain puUiut In
I uow'-vor, have taken the po
that it the quantity of water
ithad i- iiisnllicienl In reclaim
id m that it will raise urdi-
and that is what we complain of in
Washington. We are entitled to
have our contract rejected or ap
proved. If the Secretary believes
that il be taken promptly, and we
be permitted to go on with our con
trad and perfect our wafer rights
and reclaim these lauds if wa can
do ao, or that we b turned fra to
do something else with our money.
The Harney Valley Improve
ment Company ia oertainly entitled
it ought to be rejected, lot him dis-1 W ha" U """ PProvd or
approve it, and if the board, uoon
being more fully adviaed, believe
il entered into the contract unad
"" . visadly, it can act with the Seoro-
Ul lUrv Mild lirinir mIhhiI a rt,,Mclii,n nf
,n. j ... . ...S ww.. m .WJWW.. -.
the cnutracl, but it is manifestly
unfair to expeot the Harney Valley
Improvement Company, in these
time when so many cbaunels are
otleied for money investment and
je.-i-.l ; that la the real point
Yours vary truly,
C. E. S Wool.
ulturul cr.q.H, the recla- i business energy, always to lie keep-
( Intended for last iaaue.)
Mary Oatioru Uuuthit presented
the affirmative aids of the Kqual
Suffrage question at a meeting at
the church last Tuesday uight and
'! complete as contem- jIlK capital in readiness L. proceed . , ' ' Fr"""-
La-Kl... I.a ..f and L..1. ... ..... -I ,i. ... " tt"d ""-tJy lllustralod A.
w-y . ..... ... ww..v. .1,11 1 If, 1VI VTIiwtlvVw, ll.V UVlw , ,
Ate le,w and the contracts
kbseuce of any actual ex-
tary sees fit to act. What I want
ed to bring before the board was
K the locality of these seg-J, ,ut necessarily that the contract
H I" lli" quantity of wat- should be approved, but that some
By to reclaim the lands,! Motion on it should be taken I do
Hhave been guided by the t know what position other com
wfttio, by the State panics may take, but speaking for
who l a very capable of-1 the Harney Valley Improvement
Haliu in arriving at his Company I am very clear in my
I at Ukeu Ihe ! jasjaja) a, tatss- following proposi-
olutions were adopted as expreoslve
of the opinions expressed "Heaol
ved, thst it is in ths sense of this
uieetitig of the Haruev hoard ,,l
Trade thai the decision of the State
Land Board March Jnd ItOfl based
UKn the report of the State Kngi
noer requiring that 1 5 aero feel of
water per aeaaon for irrigation ,f
lauds in Haruey Valley selected
under the Carey Act be furnished,
is not compatible with the condi
tions of the situation of this vsll.)
Some of our most experienced crop
raisers regard that amount as
oessivt. and in many localities ruin
ous. We therefore think it would
be more compatible with the devel
opment of the resource of this val
ley to have a further investigation
of the conditions Ibis valley made
by a personal examination or other
wise by the Engineer and other
autboriliee '' "Resolved, that we
believe that Cj( acre foot O m. b
o) of wafer after seeding has been
doue will bo an. ply sufficient for
the growth of crope in Harney Val
cr be ,ut nut nf business), but for
I,, iksj nf law .mil null i anil i i-
if limbic ., i, in--- t ci ,,l
engaged in tin nefarious
BBwSBps- sln'iil'1 be I nub il in tin . Lski . I
Ik Link Star
t "tilt. , "i,,,nelor.
i it tin o "I II streets.
Bakwny in wonnoetlon.
A Specially nf Swart Oren.
Table famished with everything
tat mark.! ,,ll,,ris Vuiir patron
age si, lint. I
Fire-Proof, Modern, I I ant.
Rates $2.00 and It ff ptf ii.
All Outside Rooms Near Depot
This modern new Intel was rjnl) ned to Um
public. Il.tin C.iiniv people . ,
and courteously t.ue.l ,.i A In-
'.i t t
If,, i aiua Mirrns.
Napton & Boyd
Real Estate. Mines and Mining.
jH near a possible ro'iuir
H similar in quality utnl uoitdllloli.
L late experiences Uie
lions: That laud to be earned un
der the Carey Act must be reclaim
ed. The preliminary measurement
of water supply is merely a mode
Htol so favorably impress- f deleruiining for the eulighten
in . belteliU .o be derived I uim 0f .jltJ auu, a,i lne Secre
Bi" from tie Cany Grant, ' Ury nf ittu Inleriur whether ur not
u.,l, p.niiuu!rly under lln- ibe project has a probable chance bore Tuesday night with a ooupls
ale law and coiuracis, uf BUCC,as. It is a preliminary de- f nil horses and went over to
termination that there is merit iu Burns
11, but It cannot atlcci, in my opin- .
ion, the vital and fundamental test
under toe act, that the lauds must
B iuteud lo outer inio any
uuutruots under the present
-hLi. materially .'banging
and at preseul adviaed,
the close of her address a collection
was takeu for the benefit of the
Kqual Suffrage cause. Following
ibis came the organisation of a
Campaign Committee officiated by
the followiug ladies, Mrs. May
Crawford, chairman, Mrs. Kva
Crawford, secretary The commit
tee is to meet weekly to discuss Ihe
question of the right of Franchise
for women The first meeting will
be Saturday uight
There was pretty severely freez
ing weather Moudav and Tuesday
nights and many fear the fruit
injured as apples were iu bloom
James lilauloii from Ontario waa
Thursday morning Kev 11 I
Carter discovered that bis black
boras belouging to his match team
iu some way had bec-me frightened
during ths night and jumped over
its mate ditloostiug bis neck and it
was dead when he went to feed
them Mr J. W ribown with whom
Ray. Carter had been slopping the
past week realizing the disadvanta
geous circumstance in which the
minister was plaoed generously of
fered lo furuish him a youog bay
horse to put in bis buggy team
The matter w a taken under ad vim -meut
by a oouiiuittoe of ladies com
posed of Mosdamss W K. Crawford
T. J. Vickers, A. K Kichardson,
Clara Wioborg aud Halite Hasiie
aud fooling that il was hardly just
thai Mr Shown should sustain the
i, burden of replacing the burse viaii
ad around ths lowii wilL subscrip
tion pspor and iu about twu hours
raised about thirteou dollars which
was given lo Mr. Hhown as a shsre
of the cost of the new horse
The greatest off
modern-time helps
to perfect cooking
Used In the belt f em
Hies he world over
asfksuaai poaiaa im , oi
1 -.sawyB
I -' -a-as-l
tal Bp"ar
' -v
Lilian.. ..flic. N.
I'.a wi i a. Ii.iu.
1. BTK
Geo Wioborg and Rev H. E.
Miss Zella Irving return. ! h'iUM
Carter made ally iug trip to Burn l1"1 ,roUJ ""':-' she t,.k
iskfd, are ut the opinion that it actually be reclaimed If not re
Bkioru delriuieiital to the
I and the people's luleresls lo
into former contracts like ex
BJPS lliun it wouid be to re
I do any thing, as iu lln case
pPjpiu company I hey have
PP& knowledge or consent
Ho.: i aold must of Hie laud
PPJtlie aettler'.-. money, for
part nf which liiey will pro-
OPJr be able lo give lille on
PHthere being ili-Utlicieut
An winch the
1 PJae settlers who have set
i the laud in good faith and
PpVieois lo the company
kiisg Hutl urging the
Squire the Company to
em by requiring saiu
furuish an ample sup-
ir, wbeu necessary, lor
claimed, 1 care not whal the reason
may be, the contracting party un-
on business Wednesday morning,
Jasper Davis presideot of The
Harney Board of Trade wont over i
Ibe fttb grade examination
-teat. Iross AafWudtcuU
Mm kaS saw '
Watchmaker and Optician.
Second door north of post office.
Qixr.Q, Oiogron.
ssssmam i -??:
The Finest of Ail
rar Sale Only at.
Hotel Burns Bar
fl ients, Burns, Ore.
aa9rK"thci J lims , Distributors, Portland, Omffm
TRlscn ,v DOIfM Ul '
Burns, - - Oregon.
.bvtXsjile Xa.lo -E3Coad.q.-u.artxaBi.
Wines. Liquors and Cigars.
Billiard and Pool Tables.
Club Rooms in Connection.
suctitsoa io.wii son a msiu
Main bt.t
Blacksmith in.; and
Wagon Work.
AN.EfcO. Burns, Orev
der the act hs failed of his consul- to Kurns Wednesday afternoon to , decrease in ihe same ratio thai lib
eration and eannot irceive his re- sssM the stage for Baker City to at
ward. Of course, reclamation may tend the meeting of the Oregon Do
vary in different cases. For exam- velopuieul League at ."ortlaod on
pie, the Haruev Valley Improve- j May --
meut Company does not expect to Cortes Elliot and tauilly are vis
be ble lo give a coniinuuus supply jtj, raJativos heie this wee:.
ul water through ihe elllire sum- . .
A. J. Cummins arrived from the
mer, so that orchards could be .. ... . . . .
. railroad ou 1' rid ay with a load of
groin.. U admittedly deals only -. ., - -T - . '
required I Wilh the spring Hood waters, but
, with these it e.peote to a certainty. Mr Byer ftnor ot M" J- w-
because the matter has been pri- "uowu auu miss xHiyer, ar-
vately demoustraied, to change riv-- iroui Wasbiugtou Friday on
what is now worthless sagebrusn lue "uKe froIU OoUrio.
desert lo meadows producing aifal Mesdames Hubert Irviug, A. K
fa and other hay and fields produc- Kichardson aud Uattie Haetie went
ing wheat aud other grain. It is bo.
iieved that iii due time, with oou
tiuueil cultivation and deep plow-
over to Bums Wednesday afternoon
lo attend tbe meetiinr at Habokab
Degree Lodge No. 43 1 U. O. F.tur-Iu
use of Dr. King's New I tfe Nil n,
crosses They save tun from dan
ger and brill .juicV ad pninlerf
release fioiu constipation and the assVTiST.
ins ((rowing ..iii iii ii. Mr.i.tftli ami
vigor always follnw their use
(luarauteed al the Cily Drya Stnr.
2fic Try I hem
WANTKD Agents, H,,,,
tialesmeii, Clerks and everybody
who wants lo enjoy a good heartj
lau.b to send 50c for "Tips to
AKonls.' Worth 5U to any per
son who sells goods for a living.
if not satisfactory your mouey
back. Circular for stamp. The
Dr. While electric Comb Co., Deca-
iS s-a-asW GHLiJ'lJI THAI
I ' I' sfOUE
Ovor BOO H sloiid tor
aoautiful f ' BTit,e Llol A
P lno. M I Clroulara.
wAMU.M u tSU ..
imiixi-hisi. ovmv
willk kb. i laniwb
T U)eat. dcslrtaf
Sw hi MassiissM
Benicia Hancock Disc Plow.
ft- 0la,sB '
ami m,
"aissW -" '-'
.-a, i a --
Tooth and Disc Harrows
Thomas Disc Drills.
Oall and get orices before purchasing.
C. H. VOEGTLY, Burns, Ore,