lic Juttrs-caCd. LAY. M V II, IK. .. ! ITltIN II Huving sold the furnitiiM hu.i-1 Himln ol i ich month it 11 I . MM, C. A. Hyrtl will now turn Ins am) , 80 p III .-.ililmth HJMOl .it ;iMiitinn tn painting ind pwr 10 a ID IW! -' till moniltg. lunging and solicit, it sliHrr of your piitronugc II will also Mtl duel u rnliinet and repair shop. Om Twi Sll Month. Mnnthl I 1.00 IOLIAN MTBtl - - - Manor -ilnoti Intl.. UnriiH. .Ktt I. -I. on right .1.1. nark, crop ami nn(lcrlll Prop ami Miirirr hall rep nfl tlelit l.ilm Bftteell H'liti.. horSM, liar mi llfhl 'It. rafllr, .limn I liai mi lilt hip. murk up) It in rm h mr. i attlf mi Ill I . lui, ,.,,, V,M , . .,.,,,,, Sll1(lnv, n,::::::; Slllldnv I.K.mi riant lil. mark i n . npperhlt enri in H-rim in riant rai .1 MlllUm. Vt. Ii.'imn, 71 har mi tllli' II mi It-It Ml. murk. mitlt-ntl hi !. iiiitihii ninl evening xi'liutil svsry Hands 0 Mi in prayer mMtins. even . huredey evi'inni; I he pttStOI n pri ftCtJ ill . " il.iv iinlll In rt h' r t customers were permanently cured ., ' . , , ,. I- I V ' Mlll'lr ntomption bv Dr. king a N- 11' ' i I hi squibs that aii going the ronndt ol the coun tr -, Oltng widow be- i i..i . . .., ..,1, . .,.. .. ,.,,,, x :jju ,,, Wfts trying to aell In- 1 'j '' m ' fT00" , property tad move to Arizona. I.ut '" ""u '' .: aetllfl New Discovery a short sndhedo trfog; I've ,,,,. M faej jt eeeanrr lo the Bjontiflj I regard lr King's NtK ft.iv mil I I'lMitvcrv if the moat wondii- , lul inedioine in existenrr " Sur- a 111-. hUlbattd I'll quil ' CoOflB and Cold cure anil Throat and l.unn healer (iunran- tint liv Uruggiata .VV and I 1 ll'' I w m, i",! , ,'. .. , . I oUta (ret ried homestead in tin- arid reuiona ol Is inn is: , . . . I i-i-datr mil printing at reason- "' ' ' 'I From .i neighbor, it , ;,. prtooo. n .i post-offi e, :: miles f i olll .1 I. nil n. nl. I j mi ii mi- l-u.Mliureh Christ sclent-steer-nocral, half a mil v , . , , , m utliv Kveningaer- I. .( niajmitlani ."..... .w.v i .-. -, lirilVl-r II.,. HI. llT . lllirHllnV t., ,ll,l ! ' I " II : nil, Hiirna hnn la, in . ..nihliuM ... M'l,.... I ...... .. .Ir. ....... i .i I ;. -..-.. "till. . mil. .- mi li (I t.l. . mark, iiiiil, ........ nn ...UB.-., .. .... . Mnitm of r,h" i ' in hall part I,.,.,.. : ,. M. ,;. T I n-..o. ,.. llx,r ' '' "" Hiiro "iiii' .- , , - .nun. .'in., wrileii I. J. liwyer, now , , , , .. ., ... , Hit' inonllt. .mil ill nil tin- III) Sun- -. -' m.loftah.mH. r ol dravsvi e, Mo., "three of n.v , I""- '""k. rr im , J f ' .1 . i . ... .i ... ....... 1 '.. ,- A hi. f i-n.i. ii ii' il i-ai iii.ih-r . I I,. l.. ..... .1.1. II Ml I ..".111. .... .. ' ., 1 ' J Jaiti ii-. .i.. Illlci. raitli. ot.arnnlri i h marka, wall.." lurk in rliihl . ai, apili h, , riitll. I k . .II..M.I...I .... !.... . . . ry. and are well am) strong ' ; Phtt Times-Hald ;;,",,IV.',1I1',T"!! J-"1'1' '" ' '" "'"'" "'"' '""'' i u dihkctoha v ' i amplH'll. Nam. ... Iinrata, NOforjMm -1 rotnblne.l marl i .. ii i rop in i, ,. . Johti Htiti)-, Riirna, l...t.. . . .'Hon l.-rtahmiM. hip hi .nil., mark, r ii.-l. in tlylit m" i . n.iKiii-i. ..arm -ining rait I. ... - k, Maud tmrlrr rblt- ' I' . n , ., , , l". .."..., ...iiiii", ni.iF.-r. . j mi in. !. r I .i'l.-. mark.npiii In I'. In tlirht. u i; intiinn- Kcli(ioa Scrvlcci. to hell and tin- line dil Wed evening meeting at -iimlav school ID am, in tin' !i Kiog hiiilditiR two door norlii of The :u-. I in --llxrald oflioe. I. I A -I Irwin will premli ft ll.irin Hi.- 2nd Hundav of each vatc prett) lawoa will be kitere.1 month at 11 a. m. and 7:!k)p. m. d to know that .i libel uh achool every sabbath at 2 line to dandelion, r itatna and othei vraeda wil i in Ilnrney Hundav school meets them aad arill not at 2 o'clock each Hundav and I , r I,, I invitation is extended to oil shook) o ittend to meet with u- At the Preshyterinn church will iroe. Rev. A.J. Irwin pastor. x in- acrviees the third and fourth it the ------------------- lound, aftci ig man other mbatani lali- l'i . v M i mi l..r. .... lumbal Moor J M i k.niiaii J II 1. Hatn, Sam Kln(, lliirn, i-attli-. t7 on left hip i i nip anil un-li'ii' mli i'r. wtttla, Jau mi rialit hip. it klfrrop .-it tiKi.i ,H .i w mikk". liittti.. I m li-ft nliti II li aimmm in mark, '! ami miller half roii In I. ft ear in h n it in 1 1 k l.r . dfwlsp in. I. r tliniai, J... II ll.iHar.l, llilliir. hotHM. har II milt.fl in. hi, , t, in,., mark. I m.iiiiuv il " l rlshi til l.i'..i'.i I W I) iiainin, Hiirna, I. -in., lull anil ' attl. . ...- hip i.i.rk. rr..p nfl ami I .. Ilallr. W. E. HUSTON Dealer in Groceries! Provisions. Tropical and Domestic Fruits when in Season. HE ALSO HAS A LINE OF GENTS FURNISHINGS, Hats. Shirts, Clothing Underwear Get Prices CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. All kinds of Frosh Vogat-bl-s In S.-son, GIVE HIM A CALL. Durkhehner Ituildinir. - PROPK88FONAI. CARDS. Main Street. iiiint i i . irrnii i on, i in. far. awall.iM lurk In Irtl; raith'. , I i.t im li ii hi p. tiimk..... l-.i. t.Tk I.. liti rautnau, Itiirn-. rait I - I I. .-it , l, tt !-!.- ..r hip. mark. Crnp an. I lilt In i I Kami sodiill In Irfl I I ' lark. Narrutai !,,. ,.ft I, , . , .,..( . i II "...kill. Iiiirn. holMS l.ran.l. MMtoMtaSI ' Ilia ' Kl llnlklri. 'l.ii. , -'!.. 4 1 ..ii I. ti pan. I I M J.T.I.. .... , ,, I, , , (w, lull! I ...,,. .' I I I :. I ...hi .... ....... . .... - -..". . .- n r HI Kuli) l i I'h. i li i, ah... ... 1 i i . ikl.. i V i Mini i .in .'fin Ii rt . ti.. lellsl I it, mark la I. in. In Irfl ami . m - rinhi, al - .i i i. I n-nfc -. h... I.irk I ' A ..I MIIIlT i - .ii in Jatinat. ibtl ati-l I .M- il I'arn .1 Woldri . . r Jr., Iinrn.. esltla Ihn. rti mark orop nfl rai h tari ii.'t,. . aatni' bra i i.'l i ittit atith -hi,'., p .. i attii- l in. , ,, ,,, lip. i-arinark. iuar. . n.. I- Ih.Oi i-r. ..uh i hi run in it f I nn. I. ri it m rlaht ni fair.'. ,,,. nMKt hall -,,,. nhi S ' Ki I taint i in I.-:., alxi T -tiilf. alau K mi i. ft hoolilrt '.,','' ht- Irft ., lul,. i ..ii rial.' hip mark ni.-l. In rar, iliwlal .... .Ian harliun ' ' ' "ii ' P ''ip iniitunti I mark, i f..i In l. a In riaht aar ' Jan li ,.' ;.l ...i lift Mllli ninl ami si f ? ?.' tfiiSBSLikfe :. A mr. " 4Hkwaal l ' a- ywvi' '6 fiftV and Hair (Jl H Mart Hi ittir.tii::i:::ii:in:iiiini:inimnuiiimnintTinnnnmmnmiuiinttii!iii::r:iii n! I llSkhrlor Extraordinary 1 1 hhiHi'l - I I're. Ill: v (iil.l MN iwcmg r i oposirion wi:iin tn have othen 1 X '"'U A g llirt ing with would. an imp iperti- when her Wit .; h .1 in in inure A -.:il if tin. woa,t when there A riun Lfa when the . ni'l u.t io gel .1 a ii are i ct married. be a lot more fun n .i in n ried Hoatmuter kobbcu Tin- TuiitfH-IIrald. the l(o public ninl a i iv one of tliilol liiwinj. iiii'r one yeur for 8.00 il paid tliiHinoiitli: Th Semi Uifklvt hNfOO Joomtal ilaiul. tin" Wei'klv San Kranciaoo IImihiiii.'i-, Thriin ;i Week Now York Worid. The I iim Mt-ralii Iuik d pided tu inak.' this a btugain iiuiiit li anil offer aoBM excep tioual iiiiiiiiiurruti'M. Toali who ni tiifir ubteription on.- i-ar in ailvanrc faring iiontli HI will Mod the Tuii'.'-u -Wi-'k Hepuhlic of St I. om- a'i matin vear I'm-. Tbia ill be iv,,n "'" -t-b" cribtn and old ont'h who n DM diirinu' tin- month. The Tim Tler-WI, Mm U- public anil WVi'klyOrepinian on. year tor 98.00 U puid tln.- month. DO IT NOW. Mai i i. i . r. Iliiina. i-afll.. . . llllin. i'tt!. ln inai hi.taaa. aamv i.-ft Bin rlahi al4 II rtsblatllr. .ik VMM . IM lid I. ' III mark an. I t. . rpllia In rllS n II -. II, attl. iilnn.-l. . har l. 1 1 II i..i) plm i . Ii.-l.. I 'an i r. liunn. i alii i k .ml. i hi :. r I.I f III lU-lil In. I. rk rropaml aplll in Irfl t in n. I la . . ii .. i Brr t5i L DROP IN AND LOOK i ti in. in. i, it . iniark. im li II mara I'. U MK. Till iTWOIITIIY MM tea a.imi s I.. lrat I ami a Ivotli-i t Ml )uUlln ! bouai I -' nl lint- mill ir and ex penai ill payable in eash .N- ft.iva- aiii ii-iiii,i-ii tut. i .ii it ii.-.- anil rn close self atjilreaaril iin'ii i'i. i M , 0 CjxI.iii Hid- Cbieaae I am prepared to furnish my customers with iln- usual high deM goods and invite the public tu call when desirinir ANYTHING IN MY LINE. (,'iuiunitr, the Goods a l Prici's Solid tiolil W.ui Ins, I-.mcy Clocks, Jewelry of all kinds, Silvi-iw.m . IChonyware, Cut Glaaa. Ilundpainted China at Cost, Take a peep at my windows. ::::::::::::::::::: We MILLER. ATTORNKY AT LAW. Burna, Oregon. Office first door west l Hsn J.W BIOOS, DAl.TONMl Biggs & Bigg ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW, I. RNS, - - OWWO"' Practice in all the courts of Ore. Collections promptly made. ti.ARsa.oLD o.w.raaaaa PARRISH&REMBOLD, Attorneys-at-LBW, Harna (and Csnyon City.) Oregon. Ill prarllrp In the ronru nl Harmt ainl .rant ronntlaa ami In Ihr uprmf rnnrt nl th ate. ami alaoln I I land nffle. Tun-. H. Lsaoiiard, Attohsky-, (-'nrsful attention given to Ooliao lions and Henl Mate mutters. Pita lli' I Notnry I'ulilir BlIKMS. Obkoon. (JKO S. HIZKMORK, ATTORNEY, EttJRNS, OlIKOoN Ctillee:iOD. I.and b-StMSS, ami H'al Ratata matter promt I U aMSMH Bl DR. M. J. CFRDES. (lenersl PlMtaM of Medirine and Surgery. Call" promptly answered day or nllit. Prewssy, Oregon. Ontorio-Bui Stage Uin lsyea Htirns daily nt ti :.'W n tn. Arrive at Id ly from Ontario at B m Tim only through u..nJ trniisfer rottte ffin liiinJ railroad. rtlrst-olass aoenmmi A - 00d eating ntalion distnnceH along the nun,. S. S. WILLIAMS, (;, ( Drawee I,. Woldanbtaj Jr., Agent, Burn. Hl d. LU. CBARY rhyiii-iiiii and Surgeon. Hums, - - - Oregon. Office seeund door norlii I r. n. i Hot. I 'Hione MsinK.'.. HI see mm . a OREGtl 3H0lri 1 1 ret W. .1 (MILKMAN. Htenogriher and Notary Tiihlio lllHNS, - OIIHION In lllUcm Hank Rlllhllnif LU. It IWARSDBN I'iivaiuiun unit Mirireon. Ill-KNN, ofitt rn pwMmea oaaaoa. Don't Overlook the Special Inducements Offered in tlio interior who take the trouble In iNime to n. for anyllniitf llo ni.'.l in tln . i.i.ik i . ia. on J Our ara I I i" M"-.i I i . i .. . . rn srei . nun Him wiiii- io start u .iiimatf, payinti mail ardef lu-no- lalll vol lnt to ii.. ami liow lo d.i 11 .'l.-.-i'.-I'll'. . 1 l- .III,- (i.,N mil Mini yiiti llo liotiL. and a i valuabli ui. t ll v loaniai m ve I Cbnti io l'i iii isms 1 1 Kit IN I.AM -INN tVi in. . .. in ... a Una aad si price- that Mould oi.-i-. na, m.hi re ir..inili Hileinlil in Describe what you want ami ae at. -.ii Jim" J. H. FARLEY, Ontario, Oregon Lamest More , Bel waeo Portland and Hots. IUBI., . I. II . -, aid.; lai . DeWltt's Btt Salve For Pilo.. Burna, sorss. i v I - li ' I . I mm; IM i. i. h v I'lON - If ittiua . ( I niiiit-i h nl ti i Wil. FAKKK, 1U-. I Periodic Pains. l)r. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills ,i most remarkable remedy fur tin- relief of periodic pains, hack.i he. nervous or sick heail- nr any of the disti Ing Bi bee and pains that t women so much surTerin' As pain is weakening, and leave the system in an ex- haueted coaditiea, it is wrong iter a moment longer than neceaatry. and you should take the Anti-Pain Pills on first in dication of an attack. If taken as directed you may entire confidence in their . . neea, as well as in the (act that they will leave no dis able after-effects. The contain no morphine, . chloral, cocaine or other dangerous drugs. Km i, lona tin. I have .urT.-ad with .pella of tuickachc, that annul luurn than I can antiur. Hi icka iuma on .very montli ami iii two or three day. 1 hate . ei.i.- to get anything that t...ul I . mil much relief until I Da lae of lr Mile.' Ann Puln ma they alwaya relieve me In a hoit lima. Sly aimer who eurr.ri .in.- way. haa uee4 them tauli ti.- b.iin.' reeult." MHH PARK. 721 ti 8t . BouUi lle.ld. Intl Or. Mil..' Antl-Paln Pill, are aold by rour druggist, who will guarantee that h. first package will benefit If It fall, he will return your money. .o, 25 cm.. Never aold In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind BULLS FOR SALE Yearling and Two-Year-Olds in Quantities to Suit. THE BURNS HOTEL H. E. THOMPSON, Propt. Reasonable Ratea, Qood Clean Meala, Comfortable Room, Courteous Treatn.ent. Special Accommodations for the Traveling: Men. F1KBT Vim IN EVERY PARTICULAR Your Patronage Solieited, H. S. Brewniun I. K II Hihbuitl ,V lll-iiwiilon, I )i;'i'is'rs. nffli .- Aral ilnoi aaal nl I he III m Hank Kuril. (iri'KDii W. C. BROWN, DEUTIST. lit Hva, Oaaaee Oeta In iifv..laiiil olio a liull.liu., iii-xt tjuor Dortli ol H.t offlee. and IJNIOJN PACtfl sae Peaarl for TI " III Intl. H Irnin Hantmata S H Chit'Sio-Silt hfiki .Mi'iivi' ' H I'oril ml Worth, Omaha, I 1 Hprt-iiil . VH IIJ8 t'l. a.sfl s. a ' . imm Atlnntii- tli l.sltp.lti t Kxprcai. Worth, Omaliii K 1 i. i.H in Clin . B itlea SI I'imI ,11 W HI. I K t Mail Inn Spok in I ' .M lluili Milwauk. 424 Jfajjo ami I ey id, at (Kl Witntl ItlVCIl s- H toad this ui an l-'nr .-- '. I'Vf) fi day. I "H - . ! him nin..iu in.. .. 6 a in " -"" " ' t Ion . Halt in in., v l Baadai l..,.lni' irahlt Partial- l II, itoi IKTIKS. HAHNKV LOIMiK, Nil 77. I II U V. Si-.ii.i.i) art. in.) an. i it. .nl, aalenUi in eeaaaeiouiii ai.m inu n v, It. ,.11.1, I ti Jat-kaoii. Berreurr. t U BOOS 7 a m Nlllaeieli. a t.i.l.lllH ...' I.I... OlMi Ieu'd,u iamb T'ihnl , u.iv-l.. . A Sat ' '" B aal (i a. m aiHataelle I U is Tumi!. iv Ml( 'h. - I. , lrMU lliisris, BasM I '.'li a m I! 1 1 I aiiBNSUUHJKNo 7. A P. A- H., Meclaetei) Butau.l aaturtlat in eat-h ""ih s i i treeai.r, h m i 0 elioe, serretar. INI.SMH1.UUIIK No :u K .1 I lrlerryThuraaay..ulualu the am.i, II m II 1111 I M Bio.,,. K K . ai ilic"r' I. pfsraaas ilasirina lo l'"i ski ni'inir I I II ll,..-l, A.iet.iot m ra. Hanaaar, ho win (aralafa lainsniaHen ea In priaea ami Mill sail llo- .aim . . I KtNCI! GLENN LIVE STOCK CO. Cure Your Cough stop your Lung Irritation, relieve your Sore Throat and drive out your Chronic Cold, with the only cer tain, and striotly lOlentlflc.Cure for Coughs and Colds: DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY FOR CONSUMPTION Bt'K.NS LOIMiK No 17 A O I'. Vl M..I. every etou.l .ml fourth Frlilav i N. lorhrau, KetorJei OHUKM Or WAHAISoroK. ll1rU""' ""'"'i'"1 '''!"' Bi" ii ... v ,i ' ' ' Kuih.ilorJ. frr.i.len r.arl ulmur. . SeereUT) BUKNS ( HAHTKK Mi 40, o. K. B. aassaWilal,M,d i! ''"""' SVtVlAKBBKKAMOtiiUKK N ,. Steal..!, utaadSv eYedaesila) .iikiU,.,,t":,M!"""""",l'Nu- JOHN McHULLEN, THE UP-TO-DATE PHOTOGRAPHER. All thf stylrs and improved photography In list- lo I), Profile I'.tnel.s, Artist's Proof atari I'...,. .-Lui, iiiki I'liotiis lini.slieil in up-lo-dulc Il upon ipi'lu aiion. All sixes trom the smallest lutkei piiiun- up to an 8 x io finished in Aristo I'l.iin n oi on an of the American papers (lull i v opp . i I irst Bank. liurns, IUBNKVVALLKY I AMI- No Ml.W.ol H Keel, ev.ry Srat au.i a, mi ued) V A oot..,,, ,,; B "'"'"... TUUtriBiLB No. lai, w of V -eat. every fourth Tu...lay lou.vh,..g.,i.,k ""T'l'.Ho,,,.. H it. n( in th 1 Ball .., r m A ' iliintii A I I..,. ! n tas A I. M'Hll.l i: r, -thar o coo Forest Reserve H For S. rdlM i '"! aci f a i itansa use ami uai.ini. laud Will I' y agf for aar vi um wH. B. Compsi V Ma in MflkouaM SbOC uu0 s . w j LB er aic rd an jith L Oregon. Scientific flmorifl t t Co.36,B-- M A tin i i.i.i i i r , . m v m.. vfntt. M eTYBVBwB--t- , L. I EWIS aWy-"1. Aliuurst iu Despair. "Our little daughter was given up by two physicians with consumption or the throat, and we were almost In despair, when our druggist recommended Dr. King a Naw Discovery. After taking four bottles she was perfectly cured and has had no throat trouble since." 0B0. A. EYLER, Cumberland, Hd. INSURANCE. Hll LKMIirKllM,, Jeweler. Optician and ttarrever. I Fine Watch Repai.uio A S,)L.. laity . $1000 Re i. i it, will pa. oil I do ii B cuu .ilk U, DtU HUM1 id be at kin. tan li.. i ii . I .t. I, .. Addition, I I Fries;, soc and Si.uo TRIAL BOTTLES FREE aacossMBsioao, cuahantbbo AMOaOLOBV The City Drug Store. ... Represents the.... tiome Insurance Co., of New York, Liverpool, London & Glob, Fire Assurance Co., Philadelphia. OFFICE WITH BIOOS BIOOS. Bti. as, Oregon. Coraer South ol Luaatour. Uallon'a. B- W. HAMILTON. Stack laspectar, Harsey teasly. tloiue Btldrtes, Kur,, Oregon. DBronaj: '.rraut Tliuuipaou A. E. browu H. A. Smith A. I.uudiu . Archie McOowau - Laweu Venator Andrew. Deuio . . ii iartiaa iutaodio. lo ojovaattwiiV .1, i ia Uia Iosuaetoi or i,ea,Mt .Upta, t Jays' uoiu. - HI r... II vialil. VI i.i i W II Iii i U HI. I DoWItt K For Hiltta, Burns,