'imes-Hcrald. iHOKHT riRCIlI.ATTOH OF PAPKR rNTHKCOUHTT. AY. M Y 19 IHS jal News. r.MENT FJRMiZ The First National Bank of Burns, Oregon Why a National Bank is the. Best 1 REAS0H II: THE bHWS OF THE UNITED STATES GOVERHIHG NATIOHAIi 815 R6 VtKY SI Kin. t For Sp A Cv,b nllii la.l!i.n. climntfii in this roiitttn fin I f.oil Hiirr. .blt an Ibis M'M'M-rilM'.'l: - Nona BANKS Bcuiti 95 per cent of the world's bueinwiB in trnactp(l on pnpfir Why not be in the N per cent olase' We cordially invite you to become patron ol our institution, assur ing you that your banking business, if entrusted to us, will receive prompt, careful and intelliirent attention )ir open In settle- he drear navney )n neir proposedl Land is level Be sure to attend the timber. Home-, ball on June lat. ihool Indemnity m lands Turney wii ration Co. OLDEST, LARQB5T AND ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN HARNEY COUNTY tr-trrtttttittTTtttttt-ninttt- W. S. Rardwell ia oyer from his home at Warm Springs. t. l 1. ..... !.. UBdowanis reported ill v narney i nureiiay evening. ' New freight for the furniture Woodman Mrs. W. A. Uoodman is suffering; Frank Dibble was over from spotted fever. Silver Creek yesterday on fil..l.oll -.. fnr ual. HURII iMlllliril eSVlS ' aT-WBIW- , from land AH to W. Dance on June 1st one. and Frank Metney .i H : i. n inn immigrant orroi Uant. yith a on r " n is here again from notlier black I'erche- a J general millinery rr nldisplay Mrs. Robt. ti;Kr()iisfln building. was over from liar- wo this week looking ntile business in ibis ing to some court. kit is still buying paying the highest Any report to the e. the I it wii merchant iciated with J. I. ity on business. He by (Jeo. Irwin. wlev aiioiit rniniore iiiliirilbri-il trotting ill stand this season nds arrived here yester- IMIselllllll gOIHlS 01 D. Harrows Hilly in ili" lit-i of the knie over irotn urn- bringing a Mrs. daughter over, that mewl, If an, in iriai tut' lad I 1 pn iliibu. looking for a considers Harney place he has Keen desires some land I sons we have it Bnw Mill, Hoy Uu.i- ready foi the Orders of any aixe It any time All and rough lumber pingles (iiuui road on large or small ItrnuH little lire oo- Jert S, minima Kag Wednesday morn- he lost his Htnokf nit $l.r() worth of was started while id the wind being Book heroic wi;rs to from reaching his ITarrish and Geo. home from I'rine- ly where they bad the Miller trial a witness, the lal- Uii the case. They ini Miller preceded tow ai his ranch in luring his absence led some interesting ouno collection store has begun to arrive. Paul Blume and Tim Donovan are down from their upper river homes. i .i.i Horsemen should see the pedi- hmh business visi-. 'eree of Fi more Chief the trot tine Mmm week looking after," ' atul inn IKnt'HH Horn To Mr and Mrs. rrank Welcome Thursday morning, May 17, a daughter Hen Mutter has lieen over from Silver creek a few days. He left for home this morning The Woodmen of the World will live a dance at I, order's hall in this city on Friday, June 1 Alfred Johnson and J. L. Hem-1 bree were among our visitors from Silver creek during the week Those knowing themselves in debted to J. I. Sitz are requested to call at the store at Lawan and set tie on or liefore July 1st Newell Hall leaves today in com pany with James York and another horse buyer named Sitnma, for linker City where they take horses for shipment Fillmore Chief, the handsome htumlnrdbred stallion will make theatand nt the fairgrounds in this city this seiison Those interested Mhoultt call on I). P tlawlev tor particulars Miss (iussie Hoberlson ia in the oily the guest of Mr and Mrs- H K. Thompson, having come up from r might receive medical l-swsn yesterday whore she has i been closing uti the old account L . . . books for J. I. n. igawil ix n recent arrival lorn Cleveland and family came over from the Sod House Saturday, spending Sunday with relatives and friends and returning home Monday. During their visit Tou tried his luck at riding a oertain i lodge goat with no bad results .1 II Neal, the Happy Valley sheep man, is in the oity fin the purpone of taking hia two daugh ters home tor the vacation. Mr Neal has been suffering from rheu matism a good portion of the spring and 'nuke altogether like he had not wintered well J. A. Hartlett waa over from Drewaey this week, haviug come oyer with a team lor the oursoae of moving the household goods of his son, .1 (.' Harileit, back. He left yesterday afternoon and was ac companied by Curt and wife and also Mm Henry Welcome and lillie son. J. Frieman, accompanied by bis little granddaughter, Hsgina Schwartz, left on Tuesday' aUge via Cauyou City for Juneau, Alaaka, where they will spend a couple of months with relatives and friends Ike and Mrs. Scbwarlz are now rather loueeoiuo and are trying to borrow a baby from aome of the neighbors. le Busy Corner Store" A New Stock of )RY GOODS ir rived and is ready your inspection CHWARTZ. Inqnire at this office Orent Reynolds was a visitor our city during the week. Dr. W. C. Brown, Dentist Office in the new stone building north of the Post Office, R S. Settlemyre tins been in from his ranch a few days nursing a severe attack of grip M. Dexter, representing the Rankers Life Association, has been in the city the past week. If you wish to be located on a good homestead, see F. M. Jordan, the county surveyor. J. L. Spencer was in the city yes terday to take bis family to their ranch home for the vacation. G W. Clevenger has purchased W. C. McKn.ney's interest in the furniture business in this city A good six room residence and four lots, also a two sestril covered hack for enlr Impure of Mrs. Robt Drink writer, Harney Oree Hen Newman waa up from the Island ranch yesterday Hen drives one of the nest teams in the coun try and that counts too. Watch the First National Hank ad for the next eight weeks for good and substantial reason why a National Hank is best. Simon lewie ia in receipt of s letter from W. M. Harvey, the I.akeview horse Inner, stating he will be here nln.nl the first of .liim to buv big horses and mules The cold simp of the present Week has done sumr iliitnage to I'rnii It is not known to what . x teut tin' i rop has been damaged at this time. Dr. Marsden called to Nar rows Tuesday to see Mrc. Fred Brown He found the lady iuite sick but not serious and left her improving Frank (ioodman is again in Hums visiting the scenes of his boy hood after an absence of ssvsral years. He will likely remain here permanently. J A Robertson is looking after the shearing of a large numherof sheep for the Wm Hanley Co. The flock is beiug shorn by the (ioodmaii machine This bunk is pleased to plaos at the disposal of its customers the facilities gained during over twenty years of coutiuu us servicu and growth Harne Comity Hank Choice Surprise Valley dry lend alfalfa aesd can sjajsj be oliU.m .1 faj Simon Lewis at the Burns 1. ggsj and Feed Hani, or at N Hrowu A Sons in this n Adam Cieorge can furnish you with nursery stock of any kind and quantity He has nursery stock from the Blizzard belt section that people are invited to inspect He still sells school furniture. Ike Holland arrived home yester day afternoon from a business trip to the railroad When asked what be bad been doing be said be had been building railroad. Mr. Hoi land was aocompanied home by Miss Tbebo, of Klondike, an old time school mate of Mrs Holland's, who will spend some weeks visiting her Prof. D W Voder, principal of the high school, look his departure this morning for Baker City. The I'rol'es-i.i is undecided as to where he will spend the yurution lit may go east io visit bis brother, or possibly to his old stamping grounds at Salem ami Portland. He is well pleased with the work of the Hgb school students during the past -ar the examination showing a good percentage Mrs Stonewall Motliershead ar rived hert Wednesday eveniug from her home at Kdmond-, Wash., hav ins. been summoned on account of Ihe illness of her father W W Johnson. Wbill it is a matter of regret that she arrived too late to see her father, it is nevertheless a great comfort to her mother to have her daughter with her. Mrs Moth ershead reports Stonewall well, also( his mother, Mrs Naiuv Parker. I Heury Cheatham has been suffer ing from ill health during the past winter and spring, but is improv ing The lady'e stay in our oity is indefinite. Court Stenographer Coleman was a passenger oot on the Canyon stags this week going to the latter place on court business. Mrs 0 A Byrd has a new coo signment of millinery, including band trimnsd hats. She also takes orders for tailurmade wear for lad ies. tirant Thompson waa in the city the first of the week on business and went home Monday tie n- "; tinned again vesterday to take c rb family out to the ranch for the va- ',,''m- "' ration. The many old time friends of Nnlli I Miss Jnsie l-ocher will he pleased to learn that the young lady will soon be at home again. She will teach in the public schools the com ing ysar, taking the room formerlv presided over by J C Bartlett W C Byrd had the misfortune to fall down Sunday while coming from church and breaking his right srm near the wrist The fracture wne reduced by his physician and "Daddy" is trying to forget it. He was M years old two davs before the accident happened and was re ally old enough to know better, but nevertheless has been syrapathi d with by hia friends ott" rvh) given that Ibe nutter stgnsrl has besn .Inly appointed Mmln istrslrix of tl.s Kstale ol ll.oms line I I In n unlet of the ' Conrtof Harney (oniiM . ureaon. dates' April i ha duly ipisllDed All rterii- having claims against i.l I estate an erebj required t.. aeafMM mem, nun pnivr vnueliers. ailhln sis BMths fr.mi the date of llii-. netta, either !. I . nn.leralgnel at her reat tlenee near lrswasy, or at the orrlee et !! " I Kiirns, in. iron lHite.1 i ril i psn. y mii ii .i ii..' dtninilrstrix BROWNS' .THE 5ATISFACTORY STOP! "ms Call arid. Sscarrixie oxx ItROWN'S" ore. NOTK I l.K ITItl I. lb' i t Ntfc l I f Vssls. -. -' h M . ttstxr. II ... . altussw l-very one the Latrrtt nnd rnont Pashlonnble. OUR LINK: )' SUMMER TYI S IN DRESS ' NUPIlS if . rtii trw tit nii'-nis of vmir timf. (Mir Prices hit the ljowtst For .he (imlity at (v IYe Be) Wi' .if.- Ouecn Quality AKcnts in l.nhtv lho ! ind Ui wfflHng th' Packard 5ho iiiiMi. Prices Oil these gouds ah f Call and get our price, on anything dc.ired before purchasing elsewhere. W rsr K. tl i. i Kim. pi in CATION Hurt' i it 'gou, pr i ' 1 1 tntle ' ins If II. I Vm JrV IMft, 1 M . t M i of i l It oil, ii Itolnti'l llanklna, Pi- lUtt km IP M.fM r Inj. i , sit i , Mil . -ilt ire or. t W I ... pi , l t. v. smi i ii mim mis' gaMHHHHpBVn ijgVaHHMUHksl mvnleyil BURNS. ORE ON il- t i iucoii My ll.li.vra..er Malbem 1'mi.ft l.an.l, Ir.-iKalt'.n anil lient'ral Han lal. t IHiasl and fwj M! IH POK I.IQt lt I It Hr, I lis undersigned Isgal voters .if Pueblo Precinct, Harney ronnty, atatf of t tragi in. respectfully wtlttui lbs Hon i '.nt y Court i1 llarnev ronnty stats .if iirsfon, to grant nimw u. I ( man to sell Hpirituous Malt and VlMM l.lqnors in less quantities than ooe iial-i-.ii in I'tieblo prectnrt Harney t'oiintt , aisle of Oregon, f..r tin- I'eriod nl six iin.iilbs, ss In duty IkmhuI e mlll't.i prsy. Names Adam Adrian Frank Adrian I.. I' I Mer ma ii A Dem.. John Traverse i ' W (annald .losepli Callow Krstl I. Allen r'red llolloway I rnest Holloas.. N.itiii- Is lieraby given thai on "-slur-dsv tbc Jnd day of June. ItsOr. tin- under signed will apply In the Count, l 'nun ol lbs Hlate ol Oregon for Harney ronn ty, for tbs lirsnss msnli .nisi in li.r f.r. going pstlUon. II I n: M is NOTICK FOR IM HI.ICATION i Mint sTATKsi.AKit urn. r..i Hurus. iil...u. Urn, t, IMS, i S..1I.. la hfr.br sitss that tiSMtsd ssltlrl lis niml busies ul Ui sjsss Saal in.-'t Mi'M-ui. insni Israftlng l ai..t .. i KOTICI i"i: i-i HI.ICATION. i fait l.tSli in i i- . 1 . IKS. I . 'II ll.nl will m I ..I ...'' . I h.l -.1. FBLOINTT LIVERY, FEED AND SALE ..i ... n. i ii. i ... ...ni.- I I Hill i: t.iliisoi M. J O'Coonnr James. J. din V. liesr) l.dw Callow J l.utibniga ii II Hose C V heilds Helfeiibsugh (ARMrR & SHAW Burn. Oregon Real Estate. Timber Cruisers nOMtSTUI AMI DKSWT 1 ovsiiogv Made. sfli ' IiiiisI .!.. I.. .l'l ..I .l It..- lay, il.s MS I... .. -haw a . sl.1 W limit Kawia' Mil Ii I I 01 ITHUCATION I anil . i. I isi'tl (,.ii. .rll . .. i . s : . . . a II. - 1 U.l'l ' i. a i iraRt.s, tlatsi ... I I. malar an. I I i I'm kri al'tl i 1 aal'l I II lam S wl". tl' M all. I II W I SSB Hsgl.lr. McGEE & SMITH. Fropts. Vi' look i litliiti i I Ibis bam nil Mm ; entirely wild near rigs anil Ireah, w a iHwilinii in ii late tli i. i ...ii.!, .it. ,' i , ia centrally loMla. a. .it. All Stock t - S in Horn's boarded by thr ia. wek or ii.oi. .uumiiuini.mn:! -i::: i::ii:.ii:titt::tttt:mi CITY MEAT MA ET. E. YOUNt.. -'I opt. Meats of all Kinds I Burns Flouring Mill; JOB 8TURTBVANT. Piopt. s M MLB MILL PKIICIiSS IS USED l: I,, in,,..-... Ul. li.UMIinS f Ills .lalM an. I II WII ' etui ttfl m every tarticuiar nnl iflicient oapaeUu to tuppiy ttu country ui a radius of tOOmilt fa broad ttuj FLOUR, ROLLED BARLEY, CHOP, AND j All kinds of Mill Fed always on Hand Till UN IHtiHtST HAKatrr ruci. paid iok OIMID MILI.IN. WtAl SALT FISH Butter and Eggs Litrcf, allow. Lunch (ioods Everything on hand usually kept by all first J.'iss in irkcts v5si is I I t.. ,. ... . .. ' UJli.aa. al U. I'. ..OJUSrU lw. Ill flaua M iisrislU.Krsjuell.R s;im is. . i. w . - lot Uu NW'at, usUSK'.. ssc il. f. i k. is B.. wT M Hs ussass liis tullowlu olluusssa I ! ' Blsssa.luuuus rawi.ls.a Uii suu lUiiiasiii'H - a. w JSRSnssfjuK-assi i Good Seed Wheat for. Sale i Wa Pass. agissr CUSTOM WORK DONE r; For sale at reasonable Prices for Cash rmittntuinutii::ttii!iittttnuuut P ssssssssssseeeseeeeesssssssssssssssss sssssssssssss NOTICK OK KINAI. Hi III K.MKMT la t l.e County Court of tlss Mat. uf ure- guo fur Harney County. lu II. r inatlur uf lbs .-stair ul W lllsrJa N. J..rgsnseu, llseseaail. I lie uu.lsrsigosd eetulor 5 IIm will soil testiuisut ul tlie abuvs Jscudsut bsviog flUsd bis report suJ final sciount as required by law Notice la bereby gi.au to sll wbutu it muv concern tltst Hon. II C. I.rtens Ju.litt uf tin- above sutitlstl lourl bas i su.inl..l Mi.nJst tlis IHtl. day ul June l'-sjn a! Ibe bour of 10 ) o'clock s. ss ' fur tb bearing ol ubjsctiuus U. sucb tins! account anil Ibe aettlunisui lb.-r sot and tlist tbis uotioe I .ublilisu io The lianas Hsrald oaes s week tor 4 sm nt- weeks. Ustsd Ibis Itflb dsy of Ms. l'ss. W. I.. MAKeDBI, Kiw ulor last K- a? ' P1 WA ,lMi v BB7i w MTl Byj swfa Miwmti 1 Lf saaaaat s M I M ml MA W m HBI HaBK aaaal L V m. aT f ILViBBBBBBm VHHbibI -I " ' WWBkwtmwmvM aft There n lliC; B PR and ilui BB :? wV H & Carl iph fft ' ''l,!oT'a- H m. ProcUn. Vie wee d P-TOOATap H tJ SUITS MAOR TO ' H ' W Ui i ' Reserved Un the M. M. CO. Ei A. 1'Kasi k, Mai ( )ntario, ( )ijm m. LfaTB, Sample. LvwWa oiid Otdt HAl.EY, FKNWKK I JAl'KNON. DKV (iOOUS, FtKNISHIMiS. SMOHS, HATS AND CAPS Fruit, Vegetables, Soft Drinks, Confec tionery, Cigars and Tobacco. in i The DftWfQy Draft Horse tu. will .taiid Hi maio St., Burn. Oregon. Uataat Ideas io Ready To Wear Garments Pr:su greatest suit Uimlcs iu country See new saiuplos Mb. CMAS. Viim, Ivu, ten tsreswirsv'e--ssrs-s'-sr'y- ItXG Oregon Hotel All If I NO, .Manager Virst'clsSS kccuuiiiiudatiuus sill .luita loom. Kuug invites bis frieinls lu slunwitli biui w bun in Hums. Tsbles'well furuisliuU. Meals Hit cunts. J IMPOHIi:iiHlA(kHiKlilllHiiMlll BRIJVIAUNT I or the season at A. I. JOHNSON'S RAN h Rleven inilc above Di. Clutul pasture for mare at Si p-r mo Single service $io; season $lg; In mi A I aOHN5(iN, 5. s s a S e s e a