. 9ri Vtmta-lttralft The Official Paper ol Harrier County, ha the largvet circulation and it one of the beat adrertiaing medium in Kaatern Oregon. She imts Mtfmh " 9h rmt Wnrn Totirt(rq j CtN n (iron .t , r. .1 a Isml. 4.721 .uOTIs. ,nt nlij. I lr ntri nndci llir i the I' nited M!. of ..! JOL. XIX. BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OKI HON, MAY iq, 190ft NO. I iBUS ARt IN A TANGLE '"Burn Young People" STOCKMEN ARE PROTESTING new irrigation leqisla- I HON IS UrfOED illy aty hf vetoeai l.tstet Starli bat te Prsesrt Law (lltlsr. lata Ballet beatral. from Pendleton to the says a routing, meeting latilla County Ptvelop- lue was hair) in Pendleton inoou ana tonisnt. ai- rernot Chamberlain was present, as he had in- il Home other prominent absent, yet there was kn-iHHiii at the meeting. agineer John II l.owi from Salem and spoke question. He ahow- lle of the Oregon irriga- md how the irrigation the state were hamper h pointed out the Rood rrigation laws in other Ibly Utah and Colorado, ted that a state law drafted whioh would out ot ohaue. He rec as one of the strong It'll a Ih l tint wnen llie certain stream for ir- iri been reached, the refuse to grant permits teuent applicant Tor nrmiti- iphen A. Lowell intro- Ht uf resolutious which laimisly ndopled. pro- cu-iiHration of the the Portland Board of Kverolt tiling a comprehensive l.oggan entertainment "Ma Sweet" entertain ment Mrs R Irving Fourth of July Com. . . Seth Bower oV Co. sub scription R M Everett W. L. Nail A Son J. W. Buchanan Otto Armack Mrs Samuel Mickel . . . A. J. Irwin ... . Dorothy Irwin .... Millard Irwin J. H. l.oggan Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Pirie Mr and Mrs. I. L Pou jade Mrs Thomas Vickars. . Charles Davis Henry Boawall .1 V Shown Roy Bunyard Roland Hankins I) W McKwen J. I.. Lowe A. K. Richardson I.. M. Hamilton Eliza Hamilton. Thos Bain Mary E. Mower "Diamonds and Hearts" entertninmetit 23 4(1 12 20 OPPRESSION OF COMMISSION COM 1 80, PANIES RESENTED. 1 88 1 in IV Ca-Oatrailaa (.Ifntoa Asset lathe May 5 00 Ortaatsaa I HaasSs Pi 1 tail . -.,, "i 1 at iraa is. rara 100 100 1 00 Stockmen of the United States j are protesting bitterly against the 2 50 ' oppression of the oommiasion cotn- 2 00 Pn'M the market centers and 55 in order to avoid the exactions and 5 00 unJa"t demands of the oommiasion I house irnst, tbe Amenoan National 5 00 1 Livestock association has reoom- I mended tbe formation of a co-oper- 5 00ll've commission association, for 1 00 '" puroose of handling tbe stock 1 00, from lne r"nR". thus relieving tbe 50 ; growers 01 me oppression 01 the 4 mi 'ruse, says tbe Eaat Oregonian 1 60 200 1 00 proceed promptly to an investiga tion of all the facts neceaear? in order to enable them to perfect tbe details of the foregoing plan, and make such preliminary arrange ments as may be necessary; and that said committee prepare the charter, by-laws and all papers snd documents, and make a report of their investigation to a meeting of the livestock associations here re presented to be held at IVnver. Col., May SO, 1906. NO PttMITS TO BE ORANTEO NOW. Slack Will Oraic la tar Mae Maaatsia Reserve a Bid HORSE DRIVE IS DONE OVER .VSM OF WHO ANIMALS iiUHl Kl II IN. ARE Twa rlss4rf fi Brlaf tkc Ureal rtN 0 Camel wiwrt It will at Cal Oal. SoM is. Ststttres. Total received MM Total cost of bell Dickenson, lumber Richardson, shingles Dickenson, lumber Bunyard. lumber carpenter bill carpenter bill At a meeting of tbe executive committees of the American Na tional Livestock association, the 1 00, encan w oolgrowers association , ,, am I other kindred organisations oo "''I in Denver last waek, a com 1 00 mitle o( three was appointed to 1 00 Simulate plans for this oo-opera-H ,x tiye commission oomnany, with power to appoint committees, call 18 18 m,"t'n"" tid have general super vision of the formation of tbe stock men's association. Another meeting of the eiecu tive committees will be held in 22 14 Denver on May 2, for the purpose H 21 of finally deciding on plans of or- 15 00 uu stockmen s co-operative commis- 1 80 einn company may be able to han- 42 50 die a portion of this season's ship- 44 .'IN oietits A Special from Kphratn. tab to the Oregon Sunday Journal gtVM the full, i ning account of III. S I.I li,.re round np which ha been In progress in DgsjfjM oouut. Washington gff the past two weeks: The nundup left Middle Water A Baker City press dispatch yeaterdax morning and says It was decided today by through the sand hill and tierce Forest Superintendent Sheller, in SSStStSrSM for the lat several charge of tbe eastern division of hours with a compact !.! of tbe Blue Mountains forest reserve, bars mi half h mile wide mid a that no allotments will be made in I'l" of miles lung, says the special cattle and sheepmen this yet,r. They are camped tonight at Went Applications are filed and allowed Lake corral-, the goal of t luir as satisfactory conditions have pre- hoiee. vailed here and the iieople will I Now the mi. idle hnri will Kit allowed to grate their livestock in tbe same places as heretofore This I orient Main d the mora p nlitr ih h -' deeijnsH to meet (Hipulsr ccntlnioii i ' m ost in teresting uf tl c-e tlmtii i-. . ver been lint Dr White Klcctric Comb, pM i I, HO These fill Combs p.-ilivelv cure dandruff, lr.tr rolling out, sick and nervou h -, ajnl when used will, lr Wlii' - Kle trie Hair RrOh .(re pot II uiteeil to ni ik . n- u in H day lime. I ti mikiiiI id these le. In have leen sold in the vuri-iiK , i';r ,,f the Union, and Band i c'iitantl.v increas ing. Our iLenis are rapidly be cuminif rich -.'lling these comb United j Th' I "II on sight Send for sample Men's ie .'l.rn't ladies' MV (liali prtaa white we are in- triH'u.H k- lb. in i I'be Dr While I l Dl W lot. Klectric Comb Co., Decatur, III ""MMMaWMMMB"" "t. '." "rHMH rv-caaarvxTna-ine-m ?. M Ataxtaaaa, Passman t v n Jombs, '. it rassiitsaT i 4liler FIRST NATIONAL BANK ONTARIO, I nton-i I 'rii I i mi l'i in, OREGON , 1 1. .j .j, i- W Solicit Your Banking Business. T00KHOI DIM M iex.i..,ler v, i u Teat, t' E Kenvon, H tlaxandai Eatate of Abner It, William J Miller. Frank R t'ofiln, Tito. TSrsSslI ''' ilr i9 - miftM,r( ! Howano sxanti eaisieiNT v n a cowotsi, '. si aensttt ibcmt rtiHiia Jk first national Bank $1Rb U kfler a i-ureftil study of h from other states. lutioiiH aekeil that the hiiihh a law giving the tire control of all water revoke nil franchises kxpliiilain hi, mill further llmt the water of all reams be equitable dis lln beneficial use of kf the state. It was fur kd thut u committee uf Six joints stove pipe Seth Bower oV Co. bill for nails etc . . . Coal Oil for entertain ment Bills for entertainment 1 80 more reel, whn-b they n.-.l badlv. Most of them are in a bad cn.li summer Mr Sheller will personally tion. The la-l two da - were the make an inspection of the country, hardel of all No feed in the aml- and next fall will call a general hills and no rest at nit(ht hi.ve meeting of the stock and sheepmen played the brute to th. hmit of 'for tbe purpose of making allot- enduranct mania. ' '' esiimate, of SSMM at the This meeting includes delegate West Lake corral i. might i '.Mm from all part of the territory af- I'art of these will have to :. nlgsl fected by the reserve. At today' herded, a tint, k) m,t rtSSl in the meeting Mr Sheller received and corrals for i he sssB hunch. II,. Mead unon more than 30 amiliot- I'unch of rider al the wet Lake ganitation and it thought that the itjon, and hj, aoUon lh mUng corral number nearly 100, ami was in hearty accord with tin wishes of the livestock men who wish tbe bill to be thoroughly c- oliAintml with .-,,i,ililioo here be- On the first day of tbe praaent,for, ro.king ihft .olnj,nl. t year all the commission companies -1 10 in the large cities advanced the commission chargea 92 per oar on " hogs and sheep, making the preaent 1 80 prices $H for single-deck and 912 for double deck cars Tbe stock men fix the prices to lie charged by the new i-o operative company as LAKECOUrtTV STOCKMEN TO OR0ANIZE. follows: Sheep and hogs, single-, deck oar, 90; double-deck car, 910. ! Cattle, Q cents per bead with Total expense lh- Geo. W. Hayes received a letter Tueaday from a Mt Ma.m in Portland which is considering the proposition of establishing an au tombile stage line between Vale and Burna. Iet the good work go on, aays the Vale (iaette A movement is on foot now in int.-il to work in bar- Lakeview to call toeether all the iniiiim i,.r,-.i iui...... -- - .. . ,. - -r . . - ywt VSM . i L- i i tin m I t Mai I r. itt i . ...L ... . .f si... ........s.. !..- a 1. .. ... fi li a . .. w.u.u... .- HiuiDii iii um i:uuno on me pur- i ne loiiowing resolutions were pose of organizing a stockmen's as unanimously adopted by tbe joint souiatiou, for the protection of each meeting tf tbe executive commit, member's interests A similar or- tees in Denver: gamzatinn existed in Lake county Resolved, That a commission for several year and only died out company be organized oo co-opera-last year, after a long spell of im- tive principles, viz , that after pay munity from "stock rustling." It ment of a reasonable dividend on ems that as soon as tbe old organ- the stock, the baUooa of tbe profit izatiou iheil out, wanton stock rue- Ih divided among tbe petrous of tiers took it for granted that they said company, that it have a capi- were at liberty to rustle the range lal stock of 9100,000 m bares of a at tlteir will. par value of 910 each that said An effort will be made to get the slock be subscribed for snd owned stockmen together at a most con- by actual livestock producers and veuienl season, and court week baa feeders, and that no stockholder be Iweii decided upon as a dale. permitted to subscribe for or own rllaad Bimnl of Trade, and contSiaruial, industrial and .ion bodies throughout tbe in preparing n draft of a law on In the next sesi-ion alure ulo tsued for a pro gress, and a com mi t- inted in name the time holding lite convention. I Llli., Dr. W i. II Lewis, uf Salem; Murray, of Portland , , I. i:iil adviser for the Service from Wash- utiil several other Thr great productiveness of tin-turns of liabylon in the way of ancient coins has aroused the suspicions of visitors. An Ameri- four cook wngnn with ii!ut" I'hey are Tom IturginV l npsra Bin Hut -Inn. ,,n' and llarv, Mite's A mat, joineil the ,,ultil at the mouth of t'rsl . r.-. k Sutnlny alio had Hot ii bore and otilfit at Kllenl.tirg, and the herill iiml deputy .might up with nun M lav and n.'il.l.i-il him mth the BMSf He wa taken hack In th. in am I now in jail at Kllenaburg. tin Mnnilnv McCurly iiml I'ohii seed will bring In a tisin load of tioree lath They have I bouuhl from 4 BafaY, Hen li n t li iusi'ii ami I', ni, i A 1'ierce, and will aggri-Ksle about Jft These I. .Il printing The Times-Herald A Mnuataln al (lold coil, I not bring a much happiness In Mr- l,i,i. n like, ol I'sroline, 91 ,li'l on.- Mt Imix of Hnck- len' Arnn w Salve, when it com plrt.lv mired a running sore on her Nag, Which Iiml tortured her '.','1 long year it.Mtei antiseptic healer of I'll.-. Wound, snd Sores 75o i,t tin- iiiv I'rng Store. CAI.DWhLL. IDAHO A (Icneral Bankinp; Bunine Trnnasctetl OOSRRSPONDRNCR INVITED A ...rF Tk l.ase Mar RE8TAURANT t "lot , I ,. . ti, -lor, Ms ,, .,, I H Mreels. MBALS AT AUU HOURS Bakery in sonnsotion. A Specially of Short OrsNt. Tahl.' fnrniahjad wilb everything the inatk, t .llord Vour patron age eolloiu .1 ten made aUdreaaes, It is urged that every stockman more thsu 50 sbarea; that aaid oom d itction throughout in the countv attend tbe meelinir iianv. when orvanixed akall ,),.r.. v m m , -' - , -.HVSKW aud voioe his sei.timents in the the following commissions fur tbe movement uml join the organization eixle of livestock : It is tbe munition to organise oo a Sheep and hogs, single-deck oars, firm basis, and a large standing re- 90. framing uniform irri Judge Kill pleaded it) of action on tbe l.'M-lopment organ ua- BMsttSN iierlainiug to ward will be offered for tbe appre- Sheep aud hogs, double-deck nut or udvMuceiueut hetiioii of "stock rustlers." cars. 910. He urged thut pettv torgoUiu uud that tales be indirectly u.l. .uuon would help ilat.-'l the experience ligation legislation and While such an organisation was Cattle, f cauls per head, with a maintained here stockmen were maximum uf 910 per oar. practically secure from (be depre- The rales fur tbe sale of calves datious of lawless men who seek to and mixed carloads, and for pur prey upon the results of other meu's cbaee of feeders to be eubeequeut industry. detertuiued It is necessary that as many of Resolved, That in order lo car ea will be fell in. .1 I- .. I, .,.!., i... can who was Lfoini' uround with a , , , , in " about I and will then hi guide became distrustful of the (l1 ,i eaae with which these rel.es lould , ., !k,. ,,,, ggjajj,, ,,. be disinterred. Accordingly he j big drive I he ssffksVssi ISO remarked to his guide, while they will lie the rutting out ami throw were searching about the Tower ing in of small herds near the i of Nimrod, that be particularly , ral AsWMssisj ih" sill h one coin with u Un the one side wished to find special design. was a horse's head, with eome sticks placed roughly bstSJSSB (he eara, and on the otlu-i hull and a fowl in the act of crowing. The guide requested linn to draw oo paper a picture of the two ides of the coin winch the trav eler did. About a week after ward the very coin cuinc to light There was no doubt of its BSSaV mew, for on the obverse was a mare's nest and on the reverse a rooster and a Sull. Toronto Mail and empire. roots ,i, ti,' , ',rrl- lor tbe home (hen-, and tin will do away with night herding It has been a but.) two week on men aud horees, and all are glad lo lie aide to w. the l-egmuing of the end. A WONDKHrlJL IN V KM ION It m inlereliiig to note that for turn are frequently made bj invention uf articles of minor in. P9JgfBgiL?eateetSjflR THE CARTER HOUSE. AH MIC AN PLAN ONTARIO, O.M (K)N. Fire-Proof, Modern, filvnnt. Rate $a.oo and 5j 5.1 per day. All Outside Rooms Near Depot This modern new Inlel was onl rt ,1 t,, the publn Harney Counts peop and courteously i.neil f.n A in. ,, g coSSSCti LIVERY BARN IN CONNECTION. t i '46 Huvsmim Mtrrui iPafSSSk 9JMS1 'isi.ai.i. OSBWMi O Ontario ..1ft. Ne W, JWt0S:t.-e::r I K IMapton &, Boyd Real Estate. Mines and Mining. ON YOUR HUNTING TRIP ii . '-.. II. lV. 'iseee . tu'S i ni - , ,. i aTSVIMS ASUS AID TOOL 00. ckuwpw rit. ii.m ,oti FOR HALK Kive Mamoulh Clack Sampson Kentucky Jacks, from 14 to Itt bauds high, weighing from li" lo o irrigation bill tie tbe stockmen gel together for ibis rv out lbs purposes of the forego- iijo each, raised in Mart i tt iiiestuitoti to the Lugis- purpose a posmble, so that the lug resolution and to uerfect the t.y th.- united iutlii- ( membership fee oau be made as ueooesary details, a committee, oou- urested neople. This, light on eaob one as eipenaaa will sistiug of Murdo Mackenzie, ureai- woultl lie the only (M,rujit. And also the views of var dent American National Livestock a comprelieneive law , ,0us stuck men are sought on tbe association, Dr. J. M. Williamson. Ileynln.i.,. subject of couduclins the oraauiza- vice presideul National Wooleroai. lie ii.ir ver hurmon- tnni ti. the beet advautaae of iU ers' aaaociatiou. and A. I. liim league will lend it memliers Lakeview Kiamu.er. president Corn Belt Malt uroduc- l active und eO'eulive of the cause of irriga- tcipls aad OinburseSMSta - ere' aasuciation, be hereby appoint Look Out del tbe safely Incu- ed, ailb full power to name sub- bator, now it runs without a lamp, committee lu aaeist theiu in tbeir Sue W T Smith ubmt it, 1 urn duties. Oregon Resolved, That said commitUe iing statement givea contribuled toward of the Presbyterian riiey. The vaiiour a ere made from May ll 20, liMJO. I Msial at s'. ;s 50 fur June al for June 4 10 mated fr'i SjJkjJB diu icklea' uo-uulertain- Makes delicious hot biscuit, griddle cakes, rolls and muffins. Aa sbsolartcly pais, cem ol tartar jajajsjaja. oval aaaiaa euwoaa oo naw voaa. icy coun ty Al! guaranteed good covers aud safe. Also a slaudard-breo talliuu with a reooni of A Theee animals are at the White Front barn iu this city aud burseuieu are invited to call and see them Deads froas Aeci4kUi. decrease iu the same ratio ihil ' lie use of Dr King's New lift- Pills In cresae i'bey save agej from dan ger and tiring SSlgS and paisksW release Iruai constipaliuu ami the ills growing out of il. Strength and vigur always follow their use. Guaranteed at tbe t'itv Urug Store 26c Try them WANTK.')- Agents. Hustler. Salesmen, Cleik and everyllv bo waul to enjuy a good hearty Uugb to send M for "Tips to Agents '' Worth 9'jtJ to any per son wbu sells good, for a liviiix If not sativfeclory your money liuek- r'ir..,,la t'om u. TI... . -v. . ,,ii ,,.,, ..auii. l lie Dl. While electric Comb Co Uena- i tar, III. Wool growers are iuviled to call I on or write W A Ooodmau. Rums and gat terms fur sbeariug with tbe uew plaut be baa ordered E. N. NELSON Watchmaker and Optician. Second door north of post office. :Ba.ms, OrogrorL j The Finest of All MARYLAND CLUB WHISKY ler Sak lialv al Hotel Burns Bar fl Tents, Burns, Ore. Kothcl J llr, s , Distributers I rll ,i i.goii I. t. ItWIS will he tlii l fsrsias I'AKI ICILAKS and PRICES lu aajMc dolriag INFORMATION. Swhi nsisjss THE CAPITAL SALOON, TRISCII A UONKOAN, I'roprLtor. Burns, Oregon. 2v9jjc9 X3a.ias Hoad.ca.-u.axtero. Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool Tables. Club Rooms in Connection. CHA8. WILSON, uccitaoa lo.wn so aathiu BlaKksmilhiax and HorsshciOj(. Wagoo Work. ALL WORK GUAR ANTEED. Burns, Oregon r i s Main St., L.uUJtO BT W BITTtlt AND EUEMTISTia fc CHiiPyf IflAM f&icTiciLLffli m 1X1 JOHN DEERE 8ULKY PLOW Benicia Hancock Disc Plows. Over 0OO aautiftjl Pwene. ond for Price Llel A Clroulitre. I y ' M '. iS .MH a Vv-k. n --'SeH IL, mi . See . SW i.nti MAMi'fAiTi mmv av MONUMENTAL BH0NZE COMPANY. JUUfiOJCfOMX. OOJSi: DESIGNS. U1AUH1NQ PliOUift OP ASOVa OlAISB Tooth and Disc Harrows Thomas Disc Drills. Oall and get oricea before purchasing. C. H. VOEGTLY, Burns, Ore.