R sold tin- furniture husi- Sum! a - ol ' n ill month lit 1 I 11. in. A. Byrd will now turn In and I SO p m, Pabbela mhool nf 1 to (minting and SSSM 10 a St. WMT) Hnhhath morning. cabinet and repair chop. v f -iinoi. 1-cwls Hump, 'tllf M nn right n ir. murk, rrMi itul nmtrrMl In kfl rtlr, until 1 hulf rrop oft right John WlUtt.. Rnrna, hone w r M light -ttrt'- rattle, dlaniotnl lr on ?a.f hip, mark mill in Mi li tar vt aft f unrti r rtiln iiilinp(e. Ill will 1111! lull- ........ , , ,,... u 1 . . .., 1, ,.., i 1,1, il .,, ,,,) a, Mr.-. i-iiii ' i-i . !'.': i 1 -i urn .nn .iiiumv. , I Vnrlrli Hint , I.oifi. I nn llghttlfl;ptltc tnnriiltllj nnil evonitlkr ."Mllitiav I l.r mi nam iiic mum. 1 me niitwrnii and nn I school cvrrv Bunday al 10 a. 01 Korlunato riUuriant. j ,,r.lv,,r ,',, u, 1vr, rinirsday levealng ri" paotor will proaob si Silver ( rtak tiic ihinl Mundav gf tin' month, and at Van Mm IthSun il.i- until I'm rl hi r until Hev A Ball rro In rlrht hi, undcrbh I aJ 1 11 Kllrv, cattle, n I ar on Irft nio . Wnakar, I', ,,,, ,,n.. t.ri in rihi ntTip tinlp hnii., 1 :. . IK . omlilaod i,n Irfthlp iinfl rlnlit car. two li'i (ml under 1 and ii'i'tovi'il Kttliriian 4. MM. tl nl (""I ineilioiim in eiistenre " ten I k a lriiagit at l.iv- tlo.." write T. J. Dwycr. gee rayaville, Mo., "three of m mera wert permanently cured laumption bv Dr King' Haw very, and are well ami NIUII .v. One was trying In aell ln rtv ami move to Amona. SBI 1 using New Discovery a short 1 lime lie found it unneceaoarv In in Mi I regard lr King' Ne li-.nver an the most wnnder- Sur- tlahteai .1 William, Van, hnreee, Tl bar an auric raulc, bm ll.nn Irfl nt.a mark, iimlt'-hlt In ly'i i'r . nnriei alopa tn tight Itiinip lior.i it. II 1 comhlaoa1 on Wt Ftllli' rattle, L. on Irfl aid murk nnili il.hl .i l.ll at, lit In halt !ii , r ..art Imu., 1111. liti. nl hoa.l 1 D Johnaon, n. IwnaO, BJ an lift ahonl,!... ! i-inrk, iron n.l under 11 1. 11 ! iii- Times Herald ,1 I'lllVi IlilO OrBif dull llletl in hiKoffloe on 1 lira Ml Cough and Cold cure ami ' I lirotti and I.ung healer, (luaran Malac,M?.inutur. . . ,, iy I)nl i(,l(l fe ,,,, , ed tn n top of pai I i In . aeeonlan.-e Willi law, .lomninlmu that .. n"' oUle fre' etl itmoii'itii.Mi t tri la l ! Cp-to-daU' ioh printing at reanon- ! 1 in tin CoMtltaU ill ptiOMi Section 1 1 r-MiMi- nuii I t. tl,. ,. , eati-r nl On Bl apt !. 1 ' KirM Church Chriat acientiit eer taJmn 1 I ,i n. .Sunday hv-ningaer. I 1 ''' "" Rellfloan Service. i ". i.mrli 1 1 I n wintMMaa, I 1 mnf.ir.1 1 NambrrlatB I 1 . Iiimliar. MiHirr i II Irkrrnmii .! I IN llkll-v Dirratcr in-.' Y . Inn i miiphrU, Nm i f, Xi eoMMaari mMi 1 1 attlr, iia M 1 .on 1. 1 !! . mark llppi-r half rroi In leftWIf J'lhli It It h. Mil, 1m ram. , 1H on 1 tx tit hipm aMf mark, (roa ell ir, t.i-t- in tight a .-llr. iar ll murk, wallli Irr rlnn. John lllpFtnao. Karaa, aonm UJoattMltll raltlv, J on right Fi,l. . mark. nll In If n tar, two iirt'liwNiiF In right in Kini-. HiirtiF. rattla, : nn klai mark 1 ni. ami nnili h , ar, m altlo on Irfl Jaw I. fiFlillr ratllr . on right hip. mark, nppi r halli ropofl right rar. J a iMggF. rnri'F. I .. hi; .,v iin atta. II H Immi n N 011 l.lt ill,.. p In lfl tar. nn iroal Howard, Baraa, ttorara, bar II on Irfi on nip. tONtk. rropoff W. E. HUSTON Denier in Groceries, Provisions. Tropical and Domestic Fruits when in Season. HE ALSO HAS A LINE OF GENTS FURNISHINGS, Hats, Shirts, Clothing, Underwear Get Prices CHILDR N'S CLOTHING. All kinds of Fresh Vegetables in Season, CIVE HIM A CALL. Durkheimer Huilding. - PROFESSIONAL CARDS Main Street. I I Kami mill- 1 att; t w M Ipllt III right I l.conat w , naniai. anrna. hotaaa i . v .,,, i. n .n. hip; mark. ruii -tt ami pip In right par, awallnw lork " Irfl lalllp i- 1 1 niark.Fwall.iu lork In both an! ami Flit I I Wed evening meeting at tt tit otial aturn ! t. uni I, -1 Jklal - : iaaft ;iii, I" .. kto of Oregon, ImsIiit. 1 aaiil act MMtabowra Srti oicni. hereb) ake and kwai lb it I'l toopli ' I iog Ilia Ureynn baa tilv.1 attd ini.i.Uiv i Basda, achool III a m, in tho King liiiildiug two door north of The :uii'--Herald ollio. I A I Irwin will preach tit HaRM, tin' '-'ml Snndav of each numtfa at 1 1 a. m. and T.:iip. 1 ih achool every aabbath at '2 i. m The Hiirney .Sunday ichool meet- -lock each Sunday and a or-linl invitation ii extended to all 11 1 !! n. Mol ' M imii, .11 rdan In 1 .' 1 liiaai J A ..I ,1 la 1. 'iff ar.l Qj v , 1. I 1 inn. Nirmwi, :jc led shoiiMrr Wpi. lJ0Z THIWIMISOK 'f I II UK-gill . HlltllF llrrr rrtrg: With 111 r. , itrit.' numb tiri ha 1 in attend to meet with n Meabtnltb , , limn- the Presbyterian church Rev. A J. Irwin paator Extraordinary Clubbind v Tt ' L Mrnonirinn I UUiJILlUi( 11 ' , . ;in .ervioea the ihird and fourth htl I ro 1 ! ainrinlnifii' I a gen. to be dealeiiii' rJltullon SaeUoti li ! ' lit! ' IF 'I (or till' nlliat . aWF ' a- I lrl.il lai n.. I.I. : .tinl II aball I gaaiad in the cooaiituiion or llOi ' 11 ii r , 111 lb.- aaoi' annrr in aattcianl agal - ' a rl'ri..lnti, pttll a till 1 iXilHlltlll ; of ill local, ipvctal andt.i "a ol avr char.. 1 Hem.-. I m Karri- o ..i . 1 iiinniiri. I 1 I M J..r.. 1 II. nl ' tamli rl c 1 ' ' ea, 1 attlr, tl i Rffel M ' light nha. mark FiniKith , r.., rarh Ml 111 I'M alltf. rr. I ii... ,, ,h till -. .,, r y r or Flirt.-, a If. i i J making nn N ..in, plai , Mill! net I'll ' nl.r 01 nn. mark t i In ilgln alto two In -ai Ii ! lurF' a - I. nbtri J: . . .' nip. mark . rvp ofl ra . . hnrar.Fai t. .1 ,. n,i hi right hip. i-.tin.ik. .(iiarr rrop In l..th rara win, in 'lrri.it in rlahl . ami H i In I, It Inn., . i, - ..- ,,l,i e Iff II K pa mi .nil, rl i'3yiiK-s -y vf ' ) iSkldnd air (u ttii ,.!,,:,';; '' '"""'' mam ii in I Wm. MILLER, ATI'ORVEY AT LAW. Burnt, Oregon. Office flrat door weat of Hank. . Ontario-Butt Stage Line. J. W BIHIIR. DAI.TON BIIHIH Biggs & Bigg ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW, H RNi, ORKOON. Practice in all the court of Ore. Collections promptly made. U. A. Rgaaoi.ii ' H.PaaaiiH PARRISH & REMBOLD, Attornoya-iit-Law, Horna (and Canyon City, Oregon. AMI pracllrf In Ihr roil Ma of Harn'i ami .rant ronnllra ami In Hi' .iipr'mp mlirt ol Ih' taf an.l alao In I'. H laml olflri- ham. 1 1- I-rf'onurd. ATTOKNK - AT-I AW, f'anil'ul nttention given to Collec tions and Real Kstiite matters. Hire liiant Notary I'uhlh' RiiRNa. Orkoon. Leaves Hums daily for Ob at 6:30 a m. Arrirea it t Hr, ly from Ontario at fi i m The only through passeii,jPr1 tranafer route frmn Burns tu railroad. Firt-clnss aociunnioiliitin,,.. i .;.... .i.. ....... ... gimu rnuiin .no n mi. COflTea UttolMM nloiig I he rniitii 8. M. WILLIAMS. (., -,, M,, I'rewaet . ( ir L. Woldenlxirg Jr., Agent, Minis. OnJ i'S i i;i:o s. SIZKMORK, attohnkv, Bihns, . Ork.ion I'ollrctliina. lnil Ini.liieaa. ami Id'al Kalalr inalirt promi tli atleinleil U. ... S iaM. Imr iif. rattl,- : I. ,,i, ri.hi hi.. - rulll lar. I ' i ; i. mi I. ii Bin1. " i iiirihiitf ' ' noni-gat - -It ball rrop In i i . llltAMl IH. I MN i i cilia mol iowbi niui'l "' cl tail . I in.' a if. or tn ue at t Tin- Tinifri-H.'rnltl. la- lit--ptlblrt ami iinv one of thefol lowing popSfl MM vi'iu for 18.00 if nti(l tliiHiiuilitli: Tin- Si'iui-W .wklv t rregoD Journal ol Portland, Um ffeokaj v.n I'luiiriMii Rrsminer. Tinn. . W ;. N.'W York PTorM. Tli.' Timer. Herald Imt. tl.- iil.'il to iimkr tliiM u banrttin lUOtltl. iiinl iifler BOOM 8XCtp- i Kiiiai clubbing1 rates. Tooll who pay their subscription oueyeor in ndTnaeg during tliir. iiniiitli we will mkI tin Twiea a w.i'k BepabUo ol Bt. I. miii.-. an entire year lret. lanm . - :i li'irara, I PI ' hi- ini. , an M . ... Mas in- ia iigi.' aan iiitii. ; I' Ian I in,.. Iiral wll ttlrl II II M 1,1 all., I' II It ' liar I llll i if a. ofl - ii 'in aar iiorta) DROP IN AND LOOK "! an! in. irr hall arinar.. nn W VNTKIi - Til iiv IK)t AMI. in Irani ami a Ivertiae foi old ' " .4llll"lll"l llnll- ' nl IliK'ltlul Itandiag .s4lar "mi a year ami e- IMC, all naval. I.- in oaali. No 1'a.ivaa -nij: rr.Uirril (iiv. nli-rrn. and OB- II a.lir.'.-. Addr.aa , . ( ijlon Hlj; Caioago light I am prepared tn furnish my customer with the usual Inyli class jikmIs ,hkI invite the public tn call when desiring ANYTHING IN MY LINE. Guarantee (fir Goods a tl Prices Solid GoM Wati In-, Fean Clocks, Jewelry nl all kinds. Silverware, Kbonyware, Cut Glass. Ilandpaintrd China at Coat, Takr a peep at my windows. 0-e33Q."toerT 1 n g. Don't Overlook the Special Inducements Offered to II...... iii the intrt: ..r ni lake Ilia I roil I. la In r.iua In na (or anylliiiig III. ii Ihr DR. M. J.CFRDE8. General Practice of Medicine and Surgery. Calls promptl) auawered day or niylil Orewsoy, (iregoii J. LU. CEflRY I'hvaii'lan and burgeon. Hurno. - - - Oregon. llllns' aeiund iiir norln l-ronih llolol Tliniir Mai M aV JA AND OREGON ShoitLini union Pacific II.-. rl I,., TIWl M III 111 I I- li II ii.tingtwn llrr (Jhioogo- Ball Luki l b I'nrtl ml Worth, Omaha, Kan Hnecial ass Cily. Si I, ohm 12:811 Phii . i and I NEW HON sen t In Mat' 1 fr. say nm ue t nooi en I tl so III nun P' fr t I.- i in tl. a n. Atlanin Hall Laki .hi an I 1 Kxpreg. World. Omali.i l u :' in Bt Lewis i in Chi Kaat, lgtUl' rfiki tauBB i :H SlgV"! gfMhli 11 m di gm in St P.ml Wall Waila i I K al M nil lull. Hpokam Minn.. r4fi ii - I. Hi Paul hii lull, MiIh.iiii.i-. . Chi ii nil L . W .1 COLKMAN, Stenographer ami Notary I'uhlic Bt'HNi, - OSSSM ilStrr In iinirn. Hank Siill.llng ended a of On ot an ion b wasU OCCANiiiiiI 1(1 V Kit Till III lI " itiou p llmli I a in i W. ll IVIARSDBN I'livaivlan mid Suteoii. son Oficr ill ooaM nllH.iiS BT N --- I H s Mrwwnioi. I I HHibaril I 1 1 lil mil I cV llrnw mini. 1 i. TISTB. Olllrr mat .loor raat o' Ih,. I llla.-oa Hank Hiirn- ()r.k'i)ll W. C. BROWN, DEITTIST. Ill IIV. UllkloiN otricv iii iiBMiani aOso MIMIag. issel d'sir nortli ol miI oilier. I I " I ram I'nrllaail All tiling dates sab 8ao I ran rvei lalaanlF Hilar '1'iarr. r' I A.i.iii.. laliiril v . Ill iiilut.i l m , ,, n.- 01 l.nldiinj. iinia.li. in. 'i l! a Di " Kxi'.pi l,rr' 's'' '" "A-" Sunday 7, Hi. WlllaaiFllr a taaaklll Teuada (,. n,,,, c,t, luyti Mi T'lhrd A Sat .inn WaLs i J Will. ..II. I.,.. . INooaias i-,,ni.iii.; i .,,.. . Tlmr. .v. ,, ,, :, Tliura Rat I Ul Fl.-l" r in. Irl Kill in I il MuNKV N tun lot u i- iii ii i ;iit in ; OMMafttJ UI4H who waul- I- l ill a 1 lr.'illlujli- Immiij IU4II nfil.-i I ii-iura.. ll till. ftM wlul In do in. I li m I i do U oaacra.iulK Srnd u. 50i- d .Ja ' I Ykluji... ui. 1 1 taetaai oaa freo t l'i in lallis . ,,y ;;i lira iv 1. 1 v . - Wi if' in i lele inn- and at pric that would mi .- raw Mali order. 04 loiiih ationd.d tu. Iktecrlb what you aunUii-l aitnv .nn "Jim" J. M. FARLEY, Ontario, Dr. K,.ii Largest MorrkBtween fortland and Bia. Mgnaal I I ) fostmaatcr Robbed Tliib will lw given tii'u glib aeribera am) uld iniex who re i. Una I ii.'. during tin- montb The Times Tiers Id. Um It. public ami 'i'ki, Oregonian i nn year tor $.00 if puid tins month. '. SOtSOSra on ii.t. DeWitt ,l-.V Salve For Pltoo, Burna, Sorea. W H. ii rding 1 I r. kd li .' . ii ?U I ami have kept no Mil-; H, Neural Liver Kllllie A IV.lllllel- i . ii.- A i I 0 i . . niii U Inirii- i. roe PI BLI . DO IT NOW. Mi Iff aU-. Hi M healer I er MUl hfo . . Wm. siuu, Hi,vifcifi. Periodic Pains. llr. Mile' Anti-Pain Pills arc a mo remarkable reiiKilv lor the relief of periodic pains, backache, nervous or sick head ache, or any of the disc ing aches and pains that SMM women so much sufferini; I'.nn is weakening, anil leaves the system in an ex hausted condition, it is wrung in suffer a moment longer tlun ntVtaaary. and you should take the Anti-Pain Pills on first in dication of an attack. If taken as directed you ni.r- have entire confidence in their - , as well as in the fact that they will leave no di- ahle afier-erlects. They contain no morphine, opium, chloral, cocaine or other eroiu drugs. "Kit a Ion Um I hava a offered Kfeall) with apclla of backacha tliat r-iri. altuuat uiora toari I can endure Thear allark. coma on ovary month i ' tbrao daya I have batoa able to gt anytaliuj that Kive no- much relief uottl 1 be ... of Dr Mllea Anll-flti ..I tl.ey alwaya relieve ma In a hurt um.' My aialer who aufferi me mint way. haa uaed them Willi iin- h.iu it.ulu WH.S I'AHK. 1 ill- hufaii Ot ctoulb Head InU BULLS FOR SALE Nearlings and Two-Year-Olds Quantities to Suit. a' llir "I"' Haiuli, and BOM rMj i.'ill.l imiuire Ihrre of I II II. .11. ,t i0 i tlaaasTi H'" wttl hiraiah kaJoonsaUoa aw os pi . 1 .um I RiiNCU UM SN LIVE STOCK CO. THE BURNS HOTEL H. E. THOMPSON, Propt. Reasonable Rates, Oood Clean Meals, Comfortable Rooms, Courteous Treatment. Special Accommodations for the Traveling: Men. FIRST CLASS IN EVERY PARTICULAR in Your Patronage Solicited, mnlKlIKH HAKSI I llll I u i. I Mela avert ar... u.l au.t lu.irll tl OOOHonili at I.jo. ui ii VI liainilii.a I 0 Jarkaon, kvorrriaii atiasaLoiMiKNo.it;. a r. a m. Meet. c.r, nralaud liilr.i aalunla. In rail. "OB III N I I .riarulei Vl V I M alcoBM, a. I. .-av. I. Mil I liparia - -I' a in Km i ilga tt ; I a 00' !-'-K i abet law o 'nil.it ,H loiora i tboatii i waw riTaMe dine t wdot cotnn lion b Friday Ul INI IM. iiimiKNO.N K.olK. ., 1liur.j. . laajallaa Hrown S mow..,k.K. " U """"' Cure Your Cough stop your Lung: Irritation, relieve your Sore Throat and drive out your Chronic Cold, with the, only cer tain , .u i u strictly scientific, Cure for Coughs and Colds: DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY FOR CONSUMPTION !a.ililil JOHN McHULLEN, THL UP-TO-DATE PHOTWiKAPHLK All the latest atyles and improved photograph) In use to he had Profile Panels, Artist's Proof ami Pnacelain ptocvas. Photos finished in up-to-tlale il- upon application. All sixes Irom the smallest loess. pMUSe up to an 8 x 10 finished in Aristo I'l.iiiiin 01 OS SO) f the Americ.ui papers. nailery oppoaiic hirst National Bom. liiiraa, Oregon .m&mm&&GG.mm oua.Nh IASM No ; a. n. v. w. Mooia aver) a.. on, I ami i.miiii, Krlday ..N.tork,tu,.ae,orJ, . W. tiuiikh ot eaaAieoTOM -"! "J "aia.-.l 1I....I r.lJ.i, in In.mi. hIL.i v..i ' ' Hulh.rlor.l, l-raanlrn eal olgauiorv, Met-rriar BOSM i li A i-i y. i: ao . JmStfiBB."" VJ ''""'" ""dan. la IT... . Uelnora Oowati Vi al Mallei areiiur, r,-, ., , " SYLVIA KkUKKAK klaalaaver lat and ail e.luea.. K u "Mo'heriuea.l, Nil a Alli-e kiua. Man Mm- i luasKv vausi . aar a m, urv. SS0OSfr) till aad aaxvattd lueada) s., smm, mm s""" '"" TULKi'iarLK No. to, vi ol Vk MaoUevet) lounu Tueadar Marll-a naiion. i cte I Vr 3F vur m uniug, t iria m x. t: ' m i '-' sk; A N. Ih il until ; i KA1 (ien. Pass Ag't, I'ortlni I A I. .Mi HI I I ' Forest Reserve Scrip For Sle Foriajl teaervr .-, ri t ,, 0 octwaand aswaul , . uaaaud gasiaaM Wl1"' .- gtoto l.r lOf-lioj in all In.liai, wr. ..i. MM- -ml War , H. B. Conipson I,. all W tion m ll MK0Ua IkDO '10 OK 1000 " " "SaWaWSOJOOWakaaHOBVaaavjaaaaiBaja-aaBa Mmam. D0 years JoM ttXPERIENSa aaa ffBa; aakacc in . on run. ,1, ,. , ..... .... ... '. Truce Marks DcaiaMB Corva,QMT8 Ac .-.I ti... aaat lUr U . Ok " -. M krll-P u itCIBr. 1 Scleiiiific jfiniericai. Ai,iii4iiuiirir.,i,.,a,i l. , . hi .f ,. . ,., j, iT.i;: v, u si im lno,.--..;NewfJifi last I I llll Ism baet i all imid i we -htg uio d i tlia etfli L. I! EW1S Dr. Milaa' Antl-Paln PI I la an aold by inai If it your druggiat. who will guarantee, that mo virai pacaago win oi falls ha will return your m 25 doeet, 25 canu. Never cold In bulk Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Almost in Despair. "Our little daughter was eiven up by two physicians with consumption of the throat, and we were almost in despair, when our druggist recommended Dr. King 'a New Discovery. After taking four bottles she was perfectly cured and has had no throat trouble since." 010. A. EYLER, Cumberland, id. INSURANCE. JOHN UKMBEKLINU. Jeweler. Optiuiun uud Kittrruv or. Fine Watch Repairing A Specialty. $1000 Reward! I Mi. a. , MI1 1, Will ,.a. an.l . on kin , .all III I "i. mi i , nl ..I Sin lallou ud.ll Price, joe and Si.oo TRIAL BOTTLES FRCC SJHOOJ nSUOMMOMOOD, OUAHANTOOU OOBjaBOJ RaflgSB! AHOOOCOOV VESU The City Drug Store. ...Represents the.... Home Insurance Co., of New York, Liverpool, London & Globe, Fire Assurance Co., Philadelphia. oi'l'ici WITH BIUOS BUMS. Buna, Oregon. Coram Huiith of I iiatMnrg a Oaltoa'o. B- W. HAMILTON. Stsci lasssctar, Harscv Uaaiv. Home addrr-r Hrgg. Oregou. KKI'l'TlKS: .a.uo Addition il Krwartl. In i. iraul 'lli.iuiaou A. E. Urowo It A ..Smith A- l.undin Atchi Mcliuvvan - tawon Vonator udrawe Uolii,. bums II....I !. Jl. . . . m luutnuioo lo.tuuvo dock kbould givo Ibo Inspaetor or BMtOOt dupnly tan daya' until ffc a.ai ll trald I. Una -e re U'ienhoue I'lygon. ft ilOU uii i a lUti I Go i iiol laid UQl iVt lU i iie Utl OO OeWltt's fBSSt 8alw rwr fiioa, Burns, toreSa