The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, May 05, 1906, Image 1

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    a m
! wTlmee-DlerwID
The.'Ofnctal Paper of Harney Coenty, J
lia the largiet circulation sod i nn of
tl- lieet advertising mediums in Eastern
Oregon. J
Che eSrewi rlnrnetj Country j
enter An re of n,(3R.)4)n sere of
J land. 4,75(1 ,000 sires y( mtnt 1 J
li entry muter tie ul.t Isml !mr ..(
lb tnlte.1 Star- J
' M
(PERIENCED EARTHQUAKE in 1868, arriving at Salem, this
t slate in the fall. The following
veer Mr. Altnow moved over the
NS 80V AND WIFE HOME FtOM i mountain! to what iu then Wmoo
SAN FRANCISCO county and in 1882 they moved to
Canyon City where the children
were in sohool for general yearn,
later movint to th nreeent home TW Sckaal Rett Were 21
la lb MMit e( Pallia, ami relet
RalMlsff-Oet Separates tcr Seeie
TIJfftclre' SHfkt lajarlrt.
sefcrts la Lee- al
rheeter Carter and wife, the lat-
wae formerly Minn Myrtle HatiJ-
bk. arrived in thie city lal San-
evening direct from San Fran
co, having leu tne wrecseo. city
'the Sunday afternoon previous
near Pre wee v
Many old-time reeideiite of thii
and Grant county lament the de
parture of thie tnoet estimable lady
who wa loved and reepectd by all
Deceased leaves to mourn her a
husband and four children. W. J.
and Albert Altnow and Mrs. Iva.
el BveN--TW
Wsstser Hart
Britlingham, of Prewaey and Mm.
hey are the first and only peo-, MIHa (ileun or Vale. Tbe eldewt
who have related their nersooal daughter, Kroma, died at the age
rtence of the terrible earth- " m years.
The bereaved family
ike to the people of th:s place.
wae working in a large build-
and hie duties called him very
By in the morning. He and fel
H employee had juet gone to work
Kn the firel shock came and they
Be in the act of leaving the build-
H when the second ehock occur-
I Ae they etarted out the door
I brick and plaeter from the up-
Bj portion of the building wae
At the field meet last Sunday
afternoon al tbe fair grounds parti
cipated in by tbe B. A. C. and H.
C. H. 8. teams, tbe latter were vic
torious, leading the R. A. C. boya
! by 22 points.
It was a moat disagreeable after
noon, the wind blow a gale, causing
tbe new plowed ground in tbe viol-
have the n',v l Pand stand to raise in a
eympathy of a wide circle of friend
throughout Eaetern, Oregon.
Five Mamouth Black
Kentucky Jacks, from
cloud of dust The unfavorable
weather caused many to remain
away, but a good crowd attended
The Burn Rand rendered a few
selection on tbe etreet before going
14 to I'-.
after using New Discovery a ehort JTrlE CELEBRATION AT BURNS
time he found it unnecessary
do so. I regard !r King Nee
Discovery a the mot wonder
ful medicine in eiietence " Sur
et Cough and ('old cure and
Throat and I.ting healer. Guaran
teed by DrnggiM .VV and 1
Trial tattle free.
ANNO! 'VI n.
Ottleilt Hair IwMMj ' Fraei Jams.
likrcj We will Ceseect
Fsner latlllatr Htrr
1300 each, raised in Harney onon
tv AH guaranteed good cover
and safe. AIo a stand ard-tire!
n, pon the pavement and they pUlion wjh of s j
Be compelled to return insids. !.,,,, m at lh Wh Front
v Mthered in the oenter of the Barn , lh rj,y horp-mt1 m
bull'litic where ihe upper portion invited to call and see tbem.
wae supported by heavy timber
ami fortunately none of tbem were Mark Twala ee Advertista?.
ban A portion of the roof and
upper wall fell but did not crush ' Mark Twain, in the midet of a
tbri iKh to the Moor below. panegyric on advertising, told a
Bi eoon a be could leave the remarkable story.
Bding ('be hastened to (be "There was a man," he said,
BP'' where they were rooming, "back Iowa way, who was so pleas
twite hsd not yet gotten up
i the shock came and is some
. confused a to event. She
not know whether or not sbe
thrown from her bed
Bjheir lodging house wa a frame
Bvdint: and h another strong
BadniK adjoined it with only a
Bjarow alley wav between it was
50-vard-dash Jameeon. B AC.
bands high, weighing from 1000 to I fl,t) Ooold and Miller, H. 8 . eas
ed with an advertisement in the lo
cal paper that be wrote tbe follow
ing testimonial letter to the editor:
"'Mr Editor Sir After selling
all I could, giving barrels away,
and stuffing my bogs till they
could eat no more. I still bad,
last Fall, about 200 tons of big,
juicy, fine-flavored apple left on
nnd and third.
High jump Thorn peon, H. S ,
first, Jameson, B. A. C, second,
Gould. H. 8. third
100 yard daeh Jameson, B. A.
C, first, Thompson and Miller, H.
8 , eeoond and third.
Hammer tbow Smith and Sayer
H. S , first and second, Mace B. A.
C. third.
220 yard dash Jameson, B. A.
C, firt, Miller and Thompson. H.
8., second and third.
Shot put Smith and Sayer, H.
S , first and second, Mace, B. AC,
I third.
Pole vault Jameson, B. A. C,
I first, Jordan and Gould, H. 8., ee.
lond and third.
440 yard dash Thompson and
Ruck, H. 8 first aod second, Mo
Gee B. A C. third.
Standing jump Jameeon B. A
C. first. Sayer H. 8.. eeoond, Mace
B. A. C. third.
Running jump Thompson, H
! S., first, Jameeon B A. C. eeoond,
Miller II S. third
I In-plan for a bin celebratioti
It is interesting to note that for- tl ril,, mrrt , n,,riw taring
tunee are frequently mada by the the week of tin- lib fll Jnlv im-
invention of article of minor int in- and is now iurd Mini wi- will
portance. Many of the more pop -i-li-brate on a large s.-aln with
ular devices are those deeigned I. three or four day' program nurse
beoefit people and meet popular
condition, and one of the most in
teres ting of these thatha ever been
invented is thd Dr. White Electric
Comb, patented Jan. 1. '.HI These
wonderful Combe positive!? cure
dandruff, hair foiling out, sick and
nervous headaches, and when used
with Dr. White's Electric Hair
Brush are positively guaranteed
it ml priie aggregating T'lti or
thereabout. IVtinito date cannot
be set until .lame Withycoinbe it
heard from It hnd lieen planned
that gentleeMM n-i-eivr-d ill
nouiinalioii I'nr n-ivi-rnot, lor liltu lo
bold a farmers' institute ben- and
al. b- deliver tin- oration on tb'
I'lii' Fair Ab,u nttio.i desire to
to make straight hair curly in 25i'n at least two days, sport i:i ad
daya time. Thousands of these din.m lo the ea.-ell.-ni program ar
electric oombs have DIM sold in '""H"1 !" li.- Mi, DM aWM n-i
the various oitiee of the I'nion, and "'' l' o(,ict with the dales on
the demand is constantly- im-rcas- '" ' i'1 Withvcomlie will hold
in. Our aaenta -are ranidlv fta '" larmers iiistilul. '1 In-. It i-
I coming rich selling the.- comb, reallieil. will be al gr aj in m lit M
They positively eel) on ight. Sen.l IDs far rs and -i k raisers id
ifor sample. Men's site ::.V, ladie' thin - ti,n. 1 1 r . t. . r il.t
60c (half price.while we are in- attraction will be billed for those
trocuoing them.) The Dr WhiU date The entire program will lie
The Dr. White Electric Comb Co., announced as MM a pMM
elv toppled off it foundation my hand I inserted in your valu-
and thrown over against the other able paper an ad that I was willing
Lotldihg. Fortunately no fire start- to send free a barrel of picked fruit,
nBud Ches wa able to make bis freight paid iu ad vain- by me, lo
B to the room Mr Carter was anyone who would npplv, there be-
Bill v ii niri-il from broken glaas ing, of course no charge for tbe bar
B falling plaster from tbe ceiliug, rel You will hardly credit it. but
her arms and shoulders being some- that little 40-oenl ad. oleared out
whei scratched up Tln-v took a my whole stock of apples, and I
few ruual effect with them and could have disposed of five times
Bu to another portion of tbe oily the quantity on tbe aame terms.' "
Bare Sam Wert, auother Burns
boy was rooming M rs Carter re- i NOTICE
maii.wl villi lb land-lmdv and
K drove a carriage for tbe . ''"' ,,r'" "f
. .. 'have made an
BBSSS oi r.-r iti, iii. tn tin. Iiosiii..h Imr.
efof the city While absent be f"r ll' l-"t of their creditors, of The fellow found about 2.000 iu
an ineir sum oi iiiercnauuise iu- iim exprnss uoi aitu rivcu loei
getber with all notes and accounts $100, beeidea a gold watch aod
.1.. . i.... k.; vi-i.:i ..ii ;.. it : ..
!!. returned al once but could ""' f -; "-.-.......
nd hi. wife He was told tbe ; J D' Bu'hn11 bw n bber wm oaptured, a4 hear...
e had all mm to the park, so I ? in " of lhe "f' "f J - ," U 1W. ."'
'Ike. fir... ...! sill neanna H.iLtdM1 k ra Vstak aa. .e...! .-.:i;.
i m iu auu sail fyvirrvite Mi't'vw UUU t IMII, IKL pV(U leDUJIIIMr
to them are hereby requested to but tbe highwayman had forgotten
call at their place of businees and where be bad seen it, and Filch
make payment at once said nothing about tbs matter
While Tom Pitch, the orator and
polltioiar., was practicing law in
Tombstone, A T , be had occasion
to viait I'buruii On the way
there tbe stage wae held up by a
lone highwayman, who not only
Geer A Cummins I robbed the mail and e k press bo i.
assignment to me but searched all of the
Bf1"'1 that the portion of tbe city
Bare In left his wife was all on
e had all gone lo the park, so I
,-ured a bioycle and made a
I' the park but found no trace I
of h - missing wife. Tbe uext day
BV-'s informed by a frieud that
bia ' if was safe and where she
wue located
Bin- loss of life will never be
Brn," said Mr Carter, "for I saw
wsjodnii buildings that were filled
will, people break out iu flames
Decatur, III.
The Hood rlyer strawberry orop
will be short, but prices will lie
very high.
Several stockmen
house in Ontario
rill build
Poatmasier Robrx-J
Tin- Timee-lli-rnld wishes the
people lo understand that the lair
ground will open free to all visitors
on the day of the lib. the pavil'mn
open, and those from the country
who desire to bring their lum Ins
may have the use of the pavillion
for a dining room during the din
ner bom
It should also lie rememben d
that there are no diin-ii'ii ehaiges
lo the farmer institute nnd what
ever ex (tense is meiirriil will be
thai i1 ntirsn of
rtaek it I reegsej c v.
'- emu ( lil eoiii-
- isjtUetlv sjeMMai
llll III ollilllx'r oi ijnlnrse
I iiiibns that there
hsli he - nLmii I.-. I In the lel eleotur
oi the - i i.nn l
" i- alai ehviimi lo tie
hell ee the 4th day ei Isjm, p urn, said
hi being the I---- Mi'ii-Uv in aul
niontli. lull to iiommm by initiattve
I "A bill i" ayngeM
Mew lii for the ab
ii Hi Monet Hood
i ayiniaw Ml Ml
pun-hs I i . .,.. lo lhe Htali- of
Sjd efleit o wllieh
oil-nil i. ra ilii.ii the Se. rotary of
Man- to swrahsee tbs Meml lliaidand
Harlow Ki ad Iroej the I'amfli- AWtraol.
imaraii'y A seseaWg, the
er Ihereol, ( i mini not i-itsilln
"I M)M hM ! salil nim-
-i ihi i of Saptemtier.
Phs., ,.i m ., . ,,, ion may become
ii l, it - irrsnl noon the Mate Tree
able -mi ' ni moneys la the
il Inn. I ol II. Mate of Oregon not
other-' ; pimteil In lavor ot sakt
eotpassjllea i.e- th- sum of f44.O0U la)
ii-n -telni-i i SS Hie slid Serrelaiy of
Beats ol h iil ajajvWI ' to Hie Htats ol
I SaM roa-l ti'itother with all
righta, Ii am In-. and pmileges of ntery
klad ii-l i hr ter rl lining thereto,
li. I as sisin the Pile lo ald road Is
ionveye.1 t- tin- aisle all loll of every
I iharaeter are I" Is allllsd
mmI sate! i sJ Dee la 'he iim of th egg
I at Halem this dav ( l-eliriiary. A. I)., Ivsjri
iMgwedi litco. K. CiMKRsai i,
IU il . ru..i
. i ' : in .
I Mai ir ..i DM
' IIN H HAI.Y. I'aa
i I SAVLT, I'Asaiia.
' iswtsa.
First National Bank
.. t ss xr m
'A ili'ii."' I. 1 1 nlfmli l tit MSjsaaM rrvrf i iiilNSil eSW
ml sM lag
Special attention Riven to out of
town cuatomera
11 you contemplate opening a bank account, we
ifutl be pleased to have you either write us or
call in person. AD inquiries cheerfully answered
Oldest aod Largest Bank in Harney County
M Ai.aitinaw, I'aaaiiianr
We,,Vii I'aaaiio i
O. W. Kc.uts, I'ostmastei al Iti v
erton, la , nearly lost his life and
was robbed of all com tort, according met In tin peagsV aWkTM
to his letter, which says "For 90
years I had chronic liver complaint
which led to such a severe oaae of
jaundice tbal even my finger nails
turned yellow, when my doo'or pre
scribed Klertric Bitters, which Mr
ed me and have kept me well for
eleven yeara " Sure cure for Mil
iousneee. Neuralgia, Weaknees and
all Stomach. J.irer, Kidney and
Hladder derangements A wonder
ful tonic At Cily I drugstore M)
K I. Sabik, Assignee
Tbs late election in Orant county
is doomed to go down into history,
says the John Day News, as the $500, but I'll agree to get you out
"What will you defend me for?"
be asked.
"Well. I'll tell you what I'll do,"
aaid Filcb T'll defeod you for
pokiest one ever held.
A Mountain al Oats'
h spread so rapidly that it
simply impossible for all or
Kl a few to escape It was a ter- 00uy ot orillK M h. happiness
experience and we are glad to jr, Lwcia Wilke. of Caroline,
ui with our lives ." w, M did one 25c bos of Buck
bee saw ih. Woldeuberge after . leu'g Arnica Balve, wbeu it com
eoi.rlagralioii and so far as he ' uieU,y curwi a running sors on her
Bd learn no Burus people were ieg wulou UMd tortured her II long
Hred or last materially. He bad yMt Greaieal antiseptic healer
a John Sweek a few days before 0f p, Wouuds, and -Sore i.V
H lhe latter bad intended leaving Bt lu. uily Drug Store,
tbe i ity on Tuesday tbe morning
re tbe earthuunke Whether Ifor Sal.. Viva iKm.-. lot- ii,
id or not Cbe.r is unable to Ontario, 40 lota iu La wen, 10 lou
' in Kurua, lt0 acres of good land a
Mr Carier m.d Mi-s liandcock pari of it uatural meadow 10 mile
married on January 6 and al- - ur MU unimoroved 160
HM their Ibealricul venture with acree uear Saddle Huile with pre-
Hrbxttiii Comedy Co was a failure, MUt crop of wild grass siandiug,
Mad beeu in steady employment Uas a bouse and good fence. Far-
V arriving at MM Framisco and H,n,r, ,.MI) M obtained al this
H( very well They expect to utlnr
remain here permanently.
Draia) frosa AesatndlxUla
and free on a writ of habeas corbus
for 2G0."
"All right, iuago."
Tbe fellow told fttoh where his
mousy was oouoealed, aod tbe at
torney fouud it. As aooo as be had
it safely stowed awsv io his grip
sack bs started home for Tombstone
and left the robber to take care of
himself A couple of months later
Fitch was nearly frightened out o.
bis wits to see lbs robber walk into
bis office
"1 see you recoguiie me," said be
"but you ueedeo't feel alarmed.
Y'ou robbed me ."
"Yes, but you robbed me first,''
exclaimed Fitch "I was oo that
"Wall 1 didn't oome lo reproach
you for anything of tbe sort I
have escaped from jail and all I
want is money enough lo get back
to my old home in Feiinsylvauia,
where 1 will lead an bonest lib."
WANTKD H men in es-h
etaU to travel, post signs, advertise
and leave samples of our goods
v. MMbbj Ms aMswMr ! MM si to-
Mali- ol irngon I, a- noil lied no- in w 1 1 1
ing that pur in. n i to the provision ol ai.
Act entitled "An 1. 1 msltlng ehWliye
the initially uii.l referendum BfSjaMsSM
of Meetiun I Article I ol Hie t 'oustilo
lion of the Slut of Oregon and regtil ii
Ing Ut-tioea i ...I providing
pelialtie for viuliti.nn ol pr.n i-..m ..I
this aet," apptokiil I ebruary Jith, l-si .,
a ooaiiuiUaa ol i ilu. in ul l la. kauma
ouaty.t' t . kvriis being the Chan
sssn liiereol, del) Hied in hi oltliei.ii
January .'.'-I. MM, an mitialiw setll
lontainiog r'tll slgnsliirrs, properly at-
tachsil to .i . I ml in. aaure, .-.iiiii
l in aeesfdanee with u. .Isnuniii.,
I be Low Star
t bins lieorge I'ropeietor.
Dais sri'i II streets.
Bakery in aonnaatloo.
A puiall sf Skart wTMTV.
Table fun I nit everything
lhe mark' i itlird our patron-
llfe SOlll ItS I
- I
oae -rsa r -aw rt ae
i .
u i'i.. t.t I'sihlsr
ImMWMM I'ai-l on I inn I ' p..- Mj
Wa SollaU Your BajnWm 4 Business.
C. B. Kenyon, II Alexander,
Miller. Frank It Colli, ,, Th...
Alexander . m
Kstate of '
1; .I.'
II Test,
cMl UhM
a. oetsV!
CC i C--vfj
Mowano umu
si.ichi w 1 ..enss.visi
n. a cowdsn. 1 1 isasa
. l.tNT
first national Bank
A General Banking Buaincua Tranaactctl
Halary IT'iiKi js-r month. $.1 11 1 tt a atafaaed tow, Me iHIa, laser aad
rr da;
day for
V I'o.
Depl S
Notice Is bersby gin that the Mass
lu.l IUrd will receive sealed bids un
til S o'clock P. M. on Mav a, 1
tbe purchase of the following deecrtl!
paleiilrd Nnaaup I amis, lo wit
riii.v ,111.1 m1, a
S3, K1,. .N', of er'4 and HK'4 ol HJ ,
of haction 8, and all of Hertloa So I M
H Sit k
All bida must be accompanied by a
regular application to pur. has in
seed sate with ib law lor tbe sale oi
vamp land and l cash or check for
the tall amount uf the price oflered.
No bid for lass than II 00 per acre will
be considered
TI.M ril.l 1.. rl-l all, M.ul mII I...I. 1.
sx 1 v wjT- vassy bkv '
Applications and bids should be l
MmmI to 0 ' BrewBi Clerk
IUMt Board, t-ak-ui. rgou, and mark
ed "ApplicaliMii and Bid to pun-base
Hwamp Ijii. u '
1. ti Bhk-.
Clerk suit I and Krd
listed tbi SSlb day of March, I'O..
tleet ol wl 11 I. 1 I. r 1. o. .in 1 j-arllculirlr
I.. ill., shall be iibmitlMl loth,
legal voters of lite Mate uf Oregon lor
their approval or rejection at th gie r
al election lobe hslil in said slate OS
ilh .lay "I . I line, bating the ! ret Monday
in June, I s.,
N.. I herefor, . I, io. t. I, i
lain, iiovvriiur uf lite Mate ..I Oregon, in
olaeliemi to the provision of aaid art
h ir Itbefure liirliliii.i-.,;d.. I.on I.) UlSkfl
and issue Ibis pn.. lamatlun lu 1
pi 0 1 tin-Mat- "I in, -gun, aunouitciug
BD. -, r-w v 1
ssVM sal "M B f I l I
- eu vi
Tfetlle MeS
j. arxvsa asms amo tool co,
flat Sails, Sam, 0 a A
Hat steel sear Mftltl MSl'isi s 11
Watchmaker and Optician.
Second door north of pout office.
H3a.rr-ts, Orogron.
Fire-Proof, Modern, l-leant.
Rates. $a.oo and $2 50 per dmy.
All Outside Rooms Near Depot
This rniHlern new Intel an mil) in BMSti lo th
public Harney C'nunl people Mill ter gMwj 'tne
and courteously cared (or. A first class bat bMMMM
el VI Alias Disd si f-aaiU nsw
Near Ureaasi April 2.
"Win- .-.rliAiii I v mw " Am.
decrease m Ibe saute ratio tbal tbe oUred j,oh .w,jt ngb, gaj
use of lir Kiug Ne Life fill in- j ,. go l0 tbe bank and get it."
creases They save vott from dan- Kilcii returned a luouisnt laUr
ger and bring quicx and painless wilil ibe .Uriff and eared 1100
release from cnstipalion and tbe gBU Kram isco 1'oel.
ills grow ing out of it Strengtb and mmmm
vigor alwuy loliow tbeir use.
Guaranteed al tin City Drug Store
Try them
Ire. Matilda Altnow, wile of
Altnow, of Isessjfljgf) died at
Iboiue on I Mik creek April 2V at
p ui. Tbe iimuediale cause
tr death SMS bearl trouble.
boeaaea was t- years auu six
libs old and bad becu married , iv A NT"! au,.- U.utl.t.
40 years rihe Lad been a lov-, Salesmen, Clerks and" everybody
wife and mother assisting ber i wuo wanU to el)joy , KlA(tl lM,arty
ana in making a taume wbere , jauKu lo aeud 60a for "Tips to
bboisand even straugers fell j Agenls " Worlh $50 to auy per-
ome, enjoying ber society and :tou wk0 -..ii. utMAu for liiu.
m- - - D
Light and
The Finest of All
rer Sale valy al
Hotel Burns Bar
A ents, Burns, One.
faT"lt i. I llros , I'islriboi I'ngoi.
!HoeeruM ftUiwe. r c uue Dora W
Napton &. Boyd
teal EsUte. Ilsn u4 Miliar, I
Paisrra, InsMo. um, B
in.iaru.iJl. New Wllaue H
Tbe "matilla County Uevelop
luent league will issue 60,000 book
Ir. auu Mrs. Altnow and their
e unuguler came lo Ibis coast
ray uf tbe Isthmus of Pauama , tur, 111.
'Wbeu I was a druggist, at Lir
onia, Mo," writes T. J. Dwyer, now j
of tiraysville, Mo., "three of my
customers were permanently cured
(f not satisfactory your money , of consumptiou by Ur King's New
back. Circular tor stamp. The j Discovery, and are well and strong
Dr. While oleetrie Comb Co , Deca-1 o day. One was trying to sell his
mmm i '
IQEVTimil jgblElfULlUi
piiCTiciLirBjfl II iVT
Send for
Price Liai A
Circular a.
i ssayDa
wlUeet Iscasveaiasca
evea Dy yeraaaa
arlta delicate
! property aud move to Aruoo. but(
WiUiUXl-uai. cut, :
!. I - 1 1 HIS
s.ll be glad Is lirsiifl
Is uysM Mslriag
Sm bis Mmmm
TR1HCH A " fraprieioi.
Bums, - - OltgOXL
leailce Xiii ZZtdCDq.-u.avxtexsa.
Wines Liquors and Cigars.
Billiard and Pool Tables.
Club Rooms In Connection.
soccsssoa ro.wueoa a
BUcksniitliiog ud
Wagou Work.
ANTEED. Burns, Orator.
Mala Ht., -