Wtr Cisnew-ftrriil Tlir Official Para-mf Harney Coo tv, Iim tl Urfjl rir.-nlatinn en.l ia on of th het blbwtlsing inntinass in'Kaatsrn I mt xmti- tf s hIPI s I . '' V v ssssssssss fha wars Ht Hnrnffl trounlrtj J a f'ovrrs sn srs of t.4'.n.fi0 mi lrtl. f,7!l .000 SfS yrt srant to sril '. ths irM of I J rilrjr imlr ths pihli. lairl la. 1'nltml Mat, t VOL. XIV BURNS. I1ARNKY COUNTY, pHI (.ON, APRIL at, i.j. N'V 2J MT. FOREST RESERVE m.ll stockman the pwfmM, for term, not exceeding fir yars at a rvntal to be fixed by the ascrstarv. FiBtCREiSED OVER 4O.N0 ACRES At the expiration of the Inm the m THIS COUNTi eecreUrv is to mdasaify the land and exclude from the grazing are tract, which are rabject to horoe kt Uer ariai Reecm rr Dave .lead or other form of entry ftiivtr Crk Sscts--I Mile It The proceeds of grazing fee. I m "i?" UW bm" lurnd in rsclama- ,a .. f t ti i (i"n fond, to be used to carry on aB. therefure, I, Theodore work upon project, which have Wh- r"""d"" nf l "; "' been deeirable, but for which there B America, bv virtue of the ,. ,.-,,.. ,.,. .niuku i. a ar HHIVIVH IHVHV J V V 1.- I n me rested bv section the reclamation fund four of the aforesaid Act of In submitting the bill, the in- entit'ed "An act to re- "nor nepanroent ranea attention . .. . , , t- the fact that a number of irriga- mherrtilture law, a. id for . " . .. . ... tion enterprises bare bean toond 2 sea, do proclaim that ,.,.. , fesiihle. but that the reclamation :e ln-n hv reserved from en- ... fund is not Urge enough to provide ittlerusnt sod el apart as a . . " fV all an. I Ik ttma;n la . a . I m. KI'M Mil, KIIU kir- rilKHrfMUII IUBUC assrvation. for the . " that the proceeds ol toe rental or ( grazing land would not only pro- i.l. allot, torota lint w-miM tnil In ntaui diagram m,rve lb rD" od a"" PP- tunny ior us improvement. BURNS TO BE HOST ON 4TH SHOULD INVITE THE ENTIRE NARNEV COUNTRY TO JOIN. . rYsfrsw Teat wilt a Issrsclass by RstsrsMsa f Occa o i.lic I beajetit of the people, all H land, in the slat' I ftwn as the It I n Mmmti Bicnervr on the mis a part thereof Ass ca a Bar ry RtM.tm" from the force and , .,,,.- Tft .. ..,.. -lv, this proclamation all land ar have been, prior to the The Tiroea-Herald has received a t. embracing in anv legal er tntm A g iregrMi rore, covering by any lawful Supervisor, slating 'hat ranger ly of record in the proper cjT, penrjo, examinations will he ilasj Mate-Und (,-. . ,.r u-h... h1,,, M Portland. Roaeburg, I.a Any valid settlement has ,;rilnH. and I'r.neville on May 14, Je pursuant ! and VMn The age limit is 21 to 40, V111 I" within which that is applicanU must U 21 years oalu entry or fiii: . rl 1H aod not ovw 45 Hara ia a , B lird I. that rhance for some of our young men m ption shall not continue to to .,.. ,b for-t . of oor 4ya,,ny particular trad of land ,1(.e ,. " We know nothing Btie ei.tryman, settler, or as to the required qualifications or ouat continue- sjy with "bat the salary may be, but it will law m.der which the entry, f.i- ' ihoaa who enjoy outdoor ..i life. Bjiw-ajsiuemeiii wax mint H whereas, it appear the fad r e, tl ll:iKl.Al4TIO entire area hi uld te knoan Li ..ne Wberva. the HacreUry of KUte ol to title, "The Baker M -'.at. .! (iratoti ha notlfiad roe la writ Haaerve " abolish- '"' u'l lrsoaot to the provisions of an Ku - Art eotit)l "Aa Act making effctv gafjMbe reervnt n :.n..i-li-d lb initiative and rfranlam provUiona A pr.Hcl.rustl n -h.ll be , Ha,.,on 1 Arl.cb IV of tb Cooslltu era the Bio Mountain Forest t,ol, of lb Hute ol Oragoa. and refulat TV i elsrtiona IhentooJer, and pruviding Tha land, heretofore within The Paaltss lor violaUons of provialooa ..f ta e-..,..i K.r,, al,l, "'la a. t. ' approved Kbraary Mth. IH03, fcieret.y included tli;n Ibe a cosaraiua of ritiaen of (.'uukamaa louatv.C W. Kerug bain the Chair- oiiutam- r. -t oj.ii tl.rreof. dely fllcd id bU otkwoa Vestoreid to the public do- January lid, 1H08, an laitiativa psiition m Ba!l t op. Itlament ""Uiataf 771 ii.atursa. properly at- uHwdate hereof, but ehail nut l"t,"J ,u P " 'd tmVw' " ml in aecordaiioe with law, demanding uby. t to entrv. lilgtj, ,., , ,., uu., , ud , t I after W d I - by j ttx., o( w,.ch la harsioafter parUeolarly k pajl ication aa the Secretary ' ly et forth, shall br subantted u, the Klerior may pre- l,,aJ voters of tb huto of Ursgou for .,. ,. ,. y ,..,.. thai. appral ot rajacU. at the (rier- iiji to make al i lection to lie bald in aaid tale on the ... ver.Kuue Ul . m-.e 4U, ,,,, , Jone U( flr Mooamy Hnt upon tb- lauds reserved , June, lvatM, .hi .roclaiuatiuii Now. Tbarafore, 1, Uao. K Chamber lain, iiovernor ol tb Hut of Oregon, in bore is a portion of the pr.- fT; to " ,"" f , , hrraiabwlare DnUooad Jdo Itereby make "u leat.nK mwX iasD(. th(a pro4 ,.,. ,. J, p Blttr ,.;, ul the htatr ol Oregon, aauounctiut Hrs as ruianeutly drawn that the aaid comatitla of eitiasua of aba received at :: - afMatJ I unt. oragoa. V. W. I orl r and Regieter r arre ha k'ru" "", C"Uir!UM "f " ?T" llla l.aa Al,l akawij '-- au.tlSiaK IMMkCW, ! MIVKJ HIU IliUIBltrW Slli' II d the wirk of making ibe iii the requisite iiuaiher of aig nature B' otberwi-e .nlerint: H of thereto attacbed. daaading that tbera Hi. linal line uicreaee the ball be aubm.tted to Ut ksgal elaetora Lver the tetij(K.rarv reserve "' ibe sUU of Oregon for their apfarovai 4 reiertiuB at the regolar eleeUo.. to be aaawwei me im uay in jyor, ihhi, aaiu K rci- an 1 bring the reaerve lay being the first Monday in aaid am to Miv.r v reeg o lar mat UlUlllhi bill to propos by initiative I la very little if uny limUr ol -titi-u a bill eotltled "A bill topronoa Ota. mercial value in Harney ' initialiv laatitioo a law lor the ab t.crea.rvc oh.bm.nt ol tolls on tb Mount flood K. , j and liarloa Hoad. aod provide for tb '"' ..,w , .. .......l.... t ,i .. l ., au-- A pun uave oi mr aaaue uj um aatr wi mailer particu. -uly and Oregon ' the unor aod eltart of which Mini y tiie u Ink BO auch an in briil ia to direct the HacreUry ul if all our liu.iier baa tale to purcliaa the Mount Hood and While at yet no program hat bean definitely arranged for a cele bration in Burns the 4th of July, it haa been decided to oalebrat. The fair association haa taken the mat ter up and aa aoon as a conference can lie had with a committee of ' btieinee man of this city relative ! to the nature of the program on the day of the Hh. the matter will he arranged. The Times-Herald hope it may be a creditable program that will attract the people of the entire countv here and the business peo ple of Burns exert tbemaalves to make it a red letter day It is not neceeeary for a large amount of money to be subscribed for the pur pose, the right kind of a program is all that is neceeeary to make it the most successful celebration ever held in the county. Let Burn be boat to the whole Harney country on that occasion. Dr James Withycombe has prac tically promiaed to he hare during that week and conduct a farmers ' institute, beside delivering the oration on the day of tba 4th The Times-Herald would impress the importance of such an institute up on the farmers and stock men of this county and urge them lo so arrange tbeir affairs so aa to attend It will result in ineslimshls benefit lo them Those who bare never attended one of these institute do not realie tbe good accomplished Such meetings hare made many sections of the west and been the means of earing moch time and thousand of dollars to farmers With a proper analysis of the soil and practical suggestions from experimental farming is uuueoes aarr. This should also appeal to stockmen aa much information can be gathered The fair association will look after the racing and sports for tbs occasion. Tbs fair grounds will bs thrown open for lbs frss us of tbs public on tbs day of the 4lb aod it is tbe intention of the directors lo arrange large tables in tbs paiUioo so that tbe people from tbe country may bring tbeir luncheon and spend the entire day on lbs grounds if they so desire There is no rsasou why ws should not bare a big time in every re spect if lbs businsss men will take the matter up aod co-operat with the association It mean close, relation with tbs people of tba coun ty and briogs buainsss to our city. Ths people become bolter acquaint ed and tba exobaogs of greeting result in good to all who ptaflici- stook of I100.0H0. dirlded i.Vlo share of 110 each. None but bona fids stockmen will bs sllowed to purchase stock, and these will be limited lo V) shares It aaa d will ed that a committee should visit lbs rarious cities where it is prv toaed commission-houses shall be established to studr conditions and report to the meeting of the execu tive committees of the various lire stock associations scheduled to In this city on May 15. THI WORLDS SHEEP AINH INS I .N) ON BOTH PACK K Ml AMU. OCEANS. AMI A WONDERFUL INVENTION. It is Interesting to note thst for tunes are frequently made by the inrsntion of articles of minor Im portance. Many of the more pop Matt lr INS Saeart Mile al Kaair 0.i 7MS Sktra a Waal clip It Willie s4 Halt Paaaa. The Vmerican Sheep Breeder Hire the foil wing icoount of the sheep king of the world, who rnl-s ser 1,300 square mils of Urrltory and . .,- 0,000 sheep Ruler over a territory ol square miles, with s frontage mile of wind-swept sea coast, tl I.. n. the shea! king of the world, now In Ihil i,nintrv from ilea Mel it the city i be last I ths St ik from I'milins He lf f'i Portland Hatnnlav M a btisines tiip l'i mal. K.., .--.I, i i ch.'ice lots in tntaii". i" lt" in I -a wen, IC lots in Itiini' l'ii sore of giaul land s pirt o it n itnrsl meadow 0 mile saol t Burns, aninprorsd 1(0 - trials ituite with pre- lenl rt - 'M nrs- itntnliiig, I I good fei I'ar- tlnsd st ibis i 1 1 aines dr Co for toi let and -biviog soap ita cheap MTrn;irT utar osvices are miosw ue....r,. ... ..U(jonm , .,,,,. ,,, r(l, ni k beiietii people ami meet popular conditions, and one of the most in teresting of these thathas ever been invented is thd Dr. White Klectrio Comb, patented Jan. 1. VI The, wonderful Combe positirelr cure dandrufT. hair foiling nut. sick and nerrous headaches, and when used with Dr While's Klectric Hair Brush are positively guaranteed lo make straight hair curly in 'Jo- days tune. Thousands of the-e electric combs have lieen sold in tbs rarions cities of tbe I'nion, and I the demand is constantly increas ing. Our agents are rapidly In coming rich selling these comb They positirely sell on sight. Sand for sample. Men's sits Xlc, ladie. 50c (half price. while we are in trocucing them.) The Dr While The Dr While Kle. tro Comb Co Decatur. Ill Kluded in Bwiug tigure abuw where m bow it baa aBsctad coui. b Burur land d.e'.rict barlow Koad from tbe f'aeill. AbeUacl. iiuaranty.v I rual oatpsay, tit own er tberaof. for m auu. uot - - hoe hav.- no reaetd ibe guooiMj, aod lo deUver lo aaid ooru Kiu tbe reen in tin county ny belur lb let day of heptembcr raj... or a soon a said bill suav become a law, a aarraat uooe iba Mat I raw -i.f.-r pasblr oat of any ssouaya in lb gwaesal fund ol lb blate ol Oregon uot .U.erwiae appropriated in favor ul said hll ..'-.-uti..u lor tb aum of filOUOUn apoaaeiuery lo tl.e said haicUrj ul Mate of a deed oooveviag to tb rut of iregon aaid road logaUier will, all rights, frai.chlaee and pnviiegae of every kiud aad cl.ara. Ui. pertaining thereto, and aa soon a tb title U aaid road is . BMSM4 to lb slate all toll of every kind and character are lo b. abolubsd ..i 1 -aiJ road free l. tle use of the public. U.i.rat Ibe I apitol at Haleoi this .ti. da of iebr.iar. A. . IMJti. iMguedi Oso. fc Ch.iu.iii.n, Ooternor lly ll e I jovernor gWed i I I OvKSatt, I eMilarv of Male. TO LfcSt I lltg ii ji i K - :B3 Net ,i. reaae ii. area bsaiea we decAMaed in linker HtU,52o acre ii. (iiani the Hs was Br 9t,01'J Thomas Hlinger, of Portland, who haa located a large cumber of settlers aod timber ssskers io this couuty, arrived in tbs oily tbs last of tbe week with a party of eight Tbsss will fils on homesteads io tbs southern part of tbe county near tbe bead watera of Crooked river w lie re a large body of government laod still remains open to sottle- -I'rinevill Journal Interior department ha sub tle ooiigrt.Be ibe draft of a kridlUg a plan of leaall.g the graxing land of ibe I in led and recuu.u. i.ded ll pae- ' i be bill, as drawn, aulbur- socrilary of the interior to tw from public entry laud by bin. ad v iebl. and lo for graiug purpoaaw, giving I'. C. Brown, Dentist Office i. the new i-lune building north of the I'oel Office. WANTKD Agenu. HusUsrs .Saltan. k and everyUaly who wauls lo enjoy a good hearty Uunh lo seed 50c for "Tips to Agents." Worth $50 lo any per ojii who sells guods for a living. If uot satisfactory your mousy back Circular lor stamp Tbs Dr White electric Comb Co , Dsca lur, ill. A Lucky paatawasUta is Mrs Alexander, of Cary, Ms., wbo has found Dr King's New Life Pills to be the best remedy ab srsr triad for koepiug tbe slomscb. liver and bowel in perfect order. You'll agree with Iter if yon try thess pain less purifier that infuee new life Guaranteed at Tbe City Drug Hiorc Price H ULL TMiai OWN UVtSTOC XtiTK 1 Tbe firm of (Jeer A hare made an aigument ing iniltiatrv hs arrive) in I H Angeles Mr Waldron, in addition . -up rrWtaf In- little kingdom. Hirlion of which be doe not ate oflsnei than once m tbrc. years, also hn- two packing boii., employing :' men and liming an annual capaci ty of ID.OOU -liit-p tb aire of each vear slaughter The great ranch i -dilated on the taHiring Hiint of 1 1 nutberti coiititirnl, tun along the coast of Argentina In face the Atlantic, Umicr the -Iran of Magellan, mid on the l'ariti mcltidi a portion of Chile In tddlltoa, iml of the lalan.l ol Tierra 41 Kuio. with h,ihni acre of tin Falkland ialands, ia under lbs control of t hi man lie i tnanager and large! owner in lbs Patagonia Sheep Uaiaing oum tiKjn whose preserves Ihree-quaftJVI of a million ..J, and w hose ''ummin "tltpill ol wool Is lrOO.OOO pound to rin In all lbs wide -tret, b of Iwrtl for tbe benefit of their creditors, of K'ry there .. not a citv, bin seven all their stock of Mil ill II Jill Ii " ''""" "'- I'1""" ''" gather with all notes and account ""oe n. Il.r,. iths the herders due them gregate Mr I D Bu.hiiell has been ""'"'K iu'r W,r "' - placed in charge of the affairs of I"U1 -uiiIishI the Kngllsh army lbs firm and all persons indebted l sires thai the Slate i m i Beard s I iM bi.ia un- il l m la I, IW, for the pafShMS of Us lollowing irrild patented -aainp I and", to wit - I ,a.id NKM of Setlloa I -I , an.l Ml i4 ef MK'4 is I. ami all f eeIOn U T ISH I I. 01 bid- inii"l b. i iiiiinanliHl by a n-gular ip lo pun base in ao- B wMh ths Isw fur the sale ol I ht ab or .hark lor the full aimmiil lb" BJtM oflsrsd. V M4 I". l.- I ban l IS) per scrs will I" IiTI .1 I bs righl ! jj t any and sll bida I reaerti I pplu atioiia am! bola -l.oi.l.l be s.1 drssssd to irottn. Clerk Stat I .ltd Hsard. Wabf, irevn and mark d " tppii.'Slion ool Hi I to pun base RfM. . I .., I. i. i. Ilaowx. i lerk MM land lbrd. Ibi" 'mi- lat of Marsh, tt. JOHN l lM , i,. I I i. l I I i ttaiaa. n i i utri.srut. ,.. pa. ' M ' "Ml Aa.r I tasraa First National Bank OP BURNS. OREGON. JaUstia ia a... 'Aa flRMM ribH ii . tf.lt i- . . ea mtlh icn . i ,- v Special attention Kiven to out of town customers If you contemplate opening a bank account, we ihaD be pleated to have you cither write ua or call (n praon. All Inquiries c h rfully answered Oldest and Largest Bank in Harney County .). m oaerv -oear- r M 4iiimii. 1'i.tiiMii Ws. JSS,,Vi a I'umiuim FIRST NATIONAL BANK ONTARIO OR ION Intsvraat raid on lint toM We Soliait Your BnWir j Buainaaa. HTOCKIKM.UKRH M Alexai.d II lest. 0. K Kenvon. II Alexander, Kstate oi Itnbl .-a Williasn Miller. Frank It fnltln Tlioa Tumboll I I i 1 i !.'' eM.-C -a Ml aa with it fresh meat At the pre sent tune the .old klorage mi of preserving meats has been done away with and tlo ggapaaf llMM putting up it" in ut Ion io tin, to bi sold in all parla ot tin . it ilixed world Mr S aldrou i- on n tour uf the world, having already t iaite.1 htig- Salarr ITTilW per month 93.UJ Ui.d, Africa, India and Jaiian par dsy for exiens. KOYAI. From lo Anuelea he uosg , fcg lept w t hicago, .. ... . , ,. r I ran il anion, ami from there to Chicago to study Ibe methods of Hlood lark 'r,"Bt l'''"g boUSSS. aaaaa aaaaaa Tbe l.uet Star RESTAURANT I r.'.ulor. ireeia. MBAUS AT AUL. HOURS Blery in connaation. 4 Specialty al Sbert Gran. furnl lo .1 with everything ths msia ' .'l.,rd V"iir patron a(e ..ii ill .1 r4i5i..-C-- C- CXC: a a star w y iae.i. COSOIN, SlOSStT to them are herehv reijuested In oall at their place of business and make payment at onos. It I. Sanin, Assignee WANTKD: IU men in each state lo travel, post signs, advertise and leave asrnpls of our goods. SUPPLY Co III A tale of horror waa told by IV I flrthl will mak. marks of human blood in the home Half a baricain month in the of J. W. Williams, a well known lubM-riptioni and baa arranged me re ban l of Mac, Ky He writes; In give Un- .-mi eeklv Hi l.om- "Twenty years ago I bad set. ,1.1k free tn all whn v up hemorrhages of the lungs, and was rrsara and on. year in advance tu rear death wbeu I Iwaan taking Tbe Tims Herald N -ul- WS. 'km first national Bank CALDWELL, IDAHO A ikneral Banklntf BuaincHit Transacted CUMHESt'ONDINCK IN VI IKO : Dr Cing's New Discovery It com pletely cured me and I have re mained well every linos ' It eurea Hemorrages, Chronic Coughs, Met tled Cold and Hrunchitis, and i the only known cure for weak lung. Every bottle guaranteed at The City Drug Store 'rOe and II ki Trial bottle f. KOK HA I I five Mai.iouth Hlack Mampaon Kentucky Jacks, from 14 lo US bands high, weighing from 100(1 to l'JUU each, raised in Harney onuu ty All guaranteed good covers aod safe Also s standard bf.. stallion with a record of -' Tbee animals are at tbe While Front barn in this city and horsemen art invited to call and see then. en- win. pay in advance will also l hi great national weekly newspaper ami family niagatirie in the Culled Htalea i t,i two papers tea yeai hi for thi month onl n .ii. i aa J SrsVfNS ASMS AMU TOOL OQaj A ileuver dispatch aays: lndrpen dent comuilasiou-bousss, to be own ed and operated by tbe growers of the livestock, will bt; established at Kausas CUy, ouib Omaha, M Joaspb and Chicago a soon as the j preliminary arrangements oau be . made Hucb was tbe dscisioa of tbe joint commission appxuulad by Use National V oolgrowers' Associa- tioo at their recent meeting io this city, which oommiUss met at lb Brown I'alaoe Hotel in this city to day. Murdoch Mackenzie, prwsi deut of the A merit .u Natiotiai Livestock asaocialion, was io ths chair. Ths plan of action iucludss ths f formation of a oo-opsrativs coos. mission company with a capital ( Hot-Broads Light and Swoot E. N. NELSON Mat fcsd wear i4 iiiri aae'i. Watchmaker and Optician. 8econd door north of post office. Ba.rn.t3, Oiogcn The Finest of All a MARYLAND CLUB WHISKY isr Sale Ualy al Hotel Burns Bar raaSa with ROYAL BAKING POWDER A ents, Burns, Ore. 'Itotbei i '' I'li-lril o.goi, THE CARTER HOUSE. AHI aflcAN l'i AS ONTARIO, OREOON. Fire-Proof, Modern. Bttffftflt. Rates fa.oo and S j 50 per day. All Outside Rooms Near Depot This modern new I otel was ul) rcientrj orsnttjd lo the public. Hartley L'(iunl popl will be ikn. welcome and lourlrously cared fur. A lirsl i lass li.u n . .Niuectkin. LIVERY BARN IN CONNECTION. TL W lloi.n.M Naswaa .1 ,iAjm Bulp W I Napton & Boyd X leal Estate. Miaes and Mlaing. I A I'arsrra, fitas. ' Unlet. uVe Ne W lla-rti I EbilluUDBT aWIAI FUCTICALLT MPSfl'ci away bs aatsa tsltkeat lacoaviac by ssrasaa wtU eatUcais S BETTU AND f CUT All Hal! 0 ali laasttpfriltlr 8T01E mmmmmm, ' R ' Ovarsoo lliB wtwlior tWsut.tui W lfBP"'" Umt Bawlajn. B Circular a. ijilai Ve " aP alas.,i a . s M. L LbWiS a.iik glaa- la fareiak FAR I ICULARS and PRICES I lljt afesh-Ug INIOKMATION. See hit THE CAPITAL SALOON, TRK( II A r0tt Kt A II ww. Burns, - Oregon. IfctCaJce Xinio X3Cowiqi."u.etxt Wines Liquors and Cigars. Billiard and Pool tables. Club Rooms in Connection. CHAS. WILSON. etMOessos ni.wuau ttni DESIGNS. MPssUMCNTAl NOMZECOMHANT, aakaiSaa'OM. COS I I ua, . Main t., Bldcksmitbiif ui Mtrssfetdif. Wagon Work. ALL WORK GUAR ANTEfeU. Burns. Oroon