soee....... . Th' ?ine-!Hrrnlft Th Official VftplSf.IUrnflB,1 ha tlie 1T"I circulation ami if nt of tb hsst ailvertisinf mi-llrn m KiMotn III ilHMI ' m m. , ! II III I 11 HI II m ".' " ' "' " Mssjam.eaveaaj , s- am. ' o mU'vu -. - - - - - - w m iH ihfa iasw T aasssm .afjev-vaHiBBw. j .m. .av bt e bbM-m ser m &. ici,Hv PuiaSHaK CH vol. XIX. . .,. iiftnv .---. ft JL . wk t a-l I 'TJfTi 1 JJJJJLM.LilL.L- I f .ill p ,,,n LR ITS LSfcl I -a 'f wi1 IVXtfr MimU " , . ST", caewie fiwrnrq ejotmtra . H.I.. l)lntrr ii I 111 I int..! ri r r Ihe i itnl suit s, HARNEY COUNTY, ORK(.ON APRIL .. 1901 Ma insasraasy t.ia..uK LNNINO BIO CELEBRATION tempt, to Krt . branch Inn 1i EeotaSn Orai,t,Bt sour citiien residing near Salem EENS OF BUtHS AND FAIR SSO- Invoked th oeraStipAir la . lb CI OWN JOIMTY TH I LNESS nmfttrdttS ntd 4sA Itiaw Mill r fai ! fSSs k lkll sjbfjf sita? i hi eonrt an. noctefl ibt tfift lit ti thoriiing that institution. , , The approved practice seem, tot l Ii HttJ L) iu .- ii .i . ... im hi iimiiiw me roriKiitunon wnen nt Oftttct M la rsMHj ; it pleases to do so4 Uj disregard it h tt per.-, g-ould ane looiifiiruii n oomaiasja mora , Vol TkM adniiairtion ocJ law it vary lai-ia in tba tame oon-r Mro ,n ditian aa that (rmim wlm-a VratrlMa tW LaSJies , Burn Romeveii a re line tbavadaiii.-iiaadj)ni tba 4 .i . t.t. - lJinB T .2l W IDlX I t t have one m me paimi n n . w uwkjbi mww. nwy.'nmtnafraumi celebration in ita history even in thin campaign are hare san- I of tba Club .with Tin,e-Hraldi not advised as "" r Ute traawuror artualy UVraWi f$H, I . i ..! : : .i '. .. . .. .... hoi la "" '" mi iTtr oi a iw iu unuon to one feature which in yoor irrqair U torniag of laltM kfAat arliflianiotj omitted to mention I n lastllaM. CaaaactH by Jaaxa Tcaak. Nra Ratrlaf. Atktotlct Tkrce mt Paar Day. th" plane made at a meeting Ihe stockholders of the FTarnev tv Fair Association last wd- lay arternoon mature LAMI qWtie. and one of Use ihMt in f ihewe thathm ever swom Hiithil IV WTte KlertYr JWCMLC r6mb, pUir.wd Jsn I. 'W These fwoetful Combs ioaJjvelv urs daAsWui). hair tolling, out. ajck and ! hsrtoos hsisjohrv 4 fhsn usoii i rank IriUt Vt NMMt hist trio Uir ftruah am aoaiUvelv mnnsjri l w LMmkmm Jaw.,JPJMawBMbJMk - aa,'i,,w"1 k taalte otraight hajr curly in 2." days timv Thousands of thsso slwsUic combs hsLre bsso sold Hi tksft rioa eitis f tW I'sios, and sort Fs ctwiwtisntly ittcrwis- CANNOT GET WiSIRED (IP AIM RUIRIHH ltilNFFR5 UND MfN Toil Mile SM.I been allotting space to ub, but as yet some flrnbo obitcU referenos to the desire to call at- particular program, of a bis time. was suggested by some of our "l'"1 lurtds into the state trsnry, wneri present law makes it a enow I la atari a for a public officer to racaj ve fciw)r I qadkon est on public funds' Tha geM fti tkjs totTei interest, sratuity, diw ,,r craft thrt a .sst April the ladies dsterminsd tat I mirai Cm! Pas will CirHW) Krt4 It ffssit l SI sll I rnlMt -IsMs aawM at Sar- i men who attended the an- meeting of the fair association the business men of this city ritb the association in a cnle tin tor tbe -it ti u was re verv favorably and tbe dl- what make tbe office of elate treaa- ri ot ins association nave oo """r eo iai. t loiaiion oi me con- to give the use of tbe grounds stitution is what makea tba aUte now? Violation of that law i Minia N rodl sve Mi vs volumes of juvenile one of we voted BaM Times-llersilil has il frtni a felishle sonrciMhut iliecorp" i-f r'1 fowd aoglAeers now working oi. t fhir agents are rapidly tia-1 J ii,- between Hae Hen and ih. Pilrer Uteek seotion are ftndlng it I if not notttwlv Imposialbls to it the grade deelotl Tliin may anan th ahsinlnampiil nl iliii i. . l.. . V .. .V ...a.. arocwrrnrniem.j ins it niie)fou altogelhrr ami another nur-1 The- Th While Electric t'wmh ('., vev t the n,)r,, lecatur, ill. Sim. iI.h f a saata -,.. -J - ou( tbnuuli the at tin- head XOTTCB ngii.'.h sellina Ihess combs j ixioitively sell oo sight. Send pi. Mens sis Mat U'hew' Je (hftef nrfew.Whih we gfa in- ice lU n Oi.tai '. 1" lotfl in l.oeei . I" IwM n i I g,.-"tl Isnd a part idoa l mile - uiiiininVPil . 1011 avrc- a ill pie ,' nl wild grass slaiiilmg. Iiao i Iiuiik mill gtHMt l.'ii. ! l'r ticilare csn tw- olitained at Una i -in nling The, Tunes-Heal. I (took On " t tha ssfi Im i MHM MM il run- eilli. mt a lamp. Kee V T Mninl. nh-uil il. Hums trt (mi V. Ill 1 Ml l M III I VSI'S Ttassirm ef feeer . ", have mif an asslgmiirnt 'of Kmigrant freek ha- bM hroughl "" '" -'"P ' ""N- '" ' i .- (,t nw , ....I M.', .iHaattau inrjiln" I.', n.l Hk(4 el Ktt to mrl,,nrge. it has cauaed nitons eftn . , , (J ,,., idiJperXShi lMJS Bace course free of charge on ! secretary job so rich tbe eoosti come members of this library rlar of the 4th and devote , luiton intended that the tee allow m ever amount of money raised ed should pav fur the clerical help ir husinass men to prize, in tbe office, but tbe legislature gB and eipense of the celebra- pays tbe clerks and the secretary B that day Ihose interest- iiocket the fee 1 circulate a subscription and So what's tbe use of reforming witb the directort of the as- the phases of the laws if their en iVAiun on Saturday. April 1-4 at forcement la to oontioue to be B time a program will be ar- merely a matter of pleasure or fa- H vor' Bend Bulletin Tiw times Herald has heretofore rrat "otioe upon other towns of uot' that Burns intended to be m the entire Harney county paying 25 cent a qoarter. th making it possible for any bay At Mraoraln con- VIBt WW lilT" m . tr k m A t ..... . m . . wi . m m it n.iiM i .-a i ivmbi a irr the tnetit ol their creditors, I TlIM,.. ,, . " . . vesligaleti and if f.Niii. alllJ Uiir slock of iiieriilieinliiw ' vJwwi ... ... j . there is liltlf donlit of ;gther With sll ntttSM and aocount I'V rmili . ii..- o On WisS lliein . . .-.... . .iliret lilt-en I. im ar.l llit-ol lol(re l tirtv glrrt. thai Hie fwate I tnl will nvslve xeslv.l hltls ua- i m ..ii Mm I, Ma f.r ( Hi lull.. wing ileacrll-tHl .... A. ... "HN p Daly. i' I I 'Aftt. fwla, First National Bank OF BURNS, ORECON. H Special attention Riven to out ef town customer) vs: If you contmpUtc opening .t b-nk account, we hull be pleated to have ymi either write us call in person. All inquiries cheerfully answertcf Oldest and Largest Bank in Harney Gouty tba railron.l ill i.. ..1 - ..r !... .rr.:. ..t '" '""' i"t . , 1'iniT-M hi i iinigc iii iiit- 1 1 is 1 1 tii gul to lcoms. member. "" lh'e A(in ,lld WNB1( j "' - '-I - further voted that all moneyed I U)lW4ii u u ting ... th. ,.,, in by children .hould be invs-ted , i. .irouW necessary ar..u,l ll. Il, k in children Inviks I uuotefrom' . i Moiiniain c.nintrs on tint r.mitt .... " i in at wat ta t'lnain at i nwm i IKiK'LAMATIliN Whereas, tbe Saaratery of Huts vt the stale ol Orasoti ban notified me In writ SBSH 4 and Is dCetrOOC to repeat ,n. thai t the l.rovisiou of i. Kain and imprea tue good ct eotulfd An Art making fTectiv Into bait way of reading, or pre H with the fact that tbey are "a Initistive ami refersnUnn. provisions veotad them from cultivating the tha President's address, read at tb business meeting. March l(Hh 1906: "With our juvenile library ws arc particularly wall pleased We have chosen tbe most interesting, insttucliv and elevating hooks we could And Tb lack of good books for the juveniles in our town has doubtless driven many children and invited to psrtn i't of Met lion I Artit-lr IV ol tliv t'ttoatitu- ti.ui of the State of Oregon, and regulut reading habit eo essential to them Mwill give value received for ,, .,.,,,,. lhKMon,,., mnA ,.i,i,... ln fu,r Ur l " can place with Knd boving a celebration for penaltie for vIoUUom of provision of i 'D their aaay reach a class of liters Ariner. the slocaraiaer, the this act," approved February i'4tb, lt, I ture which will win them back into K. horsemen and all eoatniiMee of rititen of Clarkauaa right palba, and atimulate in tharo a already been arranged to "'y.- . iK; w" u-f'ir" , a desire for good books, Tb Ladias' . . . I Saaa tbafaal, duly Bled id Ins ofB.-e on .A . . , . Bt a farmers institute here j J(1MWy lM6 , 101ll.lM. p.UUoB AfUrooou I lub will not havt- l.ved t date Ir Jamee Withy- conuiniog TTOl slgnatoras. properly el-,in " bead of the r i periment sta- Uched to a eopv of aaid BMasorv, eertifl- Last Thursday a number of coiisec'.ion with the Oregon ' "' rdauoe siUi Itt, dsaModiDg , Udles mat and organised a Moth- ISMl Collageat Corvali... I '"" " '. r77 L.i VZ. " T. -h ' PP 'i""S lytfortb. .hall be .ubantted u,tb,ial" e juveniU library. All Itigal voter of tb Slate of Uregon lor 'u"(1 collected by them sre to a their approval or rejection at ths genvr- paid into the Annex, and are to be al .-lection tot hel.l in aaidstateoti the invested exclusively in hooka for make payment at orrce R I. Sabin, Assignee SBn.luct this institut- This Hrovs vary instructive and Psl to the people of Harnei iibtf who canuot afford to miss o pp .rtuinlg of getting informa c frt ii a acieitlific man who has i4csil culture a lift- study and ho ill. .lay of June, in ln. lont: Now.'Tbarator. I. (iwa. B (uan,b. cootribuw H J bava tba the flrat Monday , young people. Ix return, all lain, Ooverutr of tbe State of Oregon, n a I .ich tune to the practical obedience to the proviuom of aaid act aa 1'r ' . ..... .1 LJ k t .. ri ,j . m i i wt -..ri... ';.- i..u Barwuj inanv oi int-nt- iimiiiiiira in privilege of reading tba book in tba library for a period of one year. The Afternoon Club i working to give an entertainment, and hope with the proceed to buy mors book for tbe ua of tbi public reading room in Buma to which WANTK: Agents. Hustlers Salesmen, Clerks ami every!. .l who wants to enjoy a good hearty laugh to aend 60c for "Tips In Agents " Worth V to any par son who sell goads for a llftsf If sot satisfactory your money hack. Circular for stsmp. The Ir White electric (' Co., Deca tur. Ill Human !., u.i rtaras. I ml n g eurvsyed. The Timet Herald ha found Hubacribe for the Des.gnsr. n "h" '" U,u,Ur wi,U ,,,n '"M,"' duoad to ft) cent a year Schwam, r "f ,,, h,"r""1 (r"k ,l"",, Budlman lh'1 ,,"t" """l !- ' e. y that th. route i feasible. The article in i recent ipSM ' The Tine Hral(l regarding this iiistt. r brougbl out a general discussion among I1 pie and dleclosi and favorable feature to thi route i ' ii of Burns rh-uild take an inter! in thin mailer and take pain to aecme a much ml..r iiialion as Hjilie It now hxiks iiioet favorable con-nh ru 'I that the line now lieing - mt proving nalofactorv Mr Ml M.U mmi lie iii'cuiiipaiiieil dy a otfiilm I na to pnr.-liaaa in ac it I in. t ttiili i lie law for the tale of i "li or iherli fur the full niiio.inl ul llie pure oftei.-l N t.i fm lea Iwaa Ii M has rr mil ill r.-.l 1 1.. akjM m rajaaf any a. -i all bi.U 1 re-. mI pplicsiion and hiila nhoald be ad dresastl t-. Q i, llroen, fieri Stela I. in. I i o.-l. rtalaai, (iresnti. aotl inarh-e-l ' tpp'.ieal It I to pun base Ussfsp i.i. ii ii u. - i Isrk Mat land Ifciard Itrtfr-I Iliii '-", I. I M ... I I am A tale of horror was told hy mark of human blood in the boms of J. W Williama, a well known merchant of Mac, Ky He writes; " Twenty years ago 1 had savers bsuiorrhsges of tthe lungs, and was near death when I began taking Or ( 'ing'a New Discovery It com pletely cured me and I have re mained well every since '' It cure Hemorrages, Chronic Coughs, Set tled ('olds and Bronchitis, and is the only known cur for week lungs. Kverv bottle guaranteed at Tbe i lss Use Star RE8TAURANT rim . Main itn.l It -r MB A UK AT ADD HOURS Oraksry In connsetion A Sscvully ( Sberl Orgen. .1 iiiLh LlculuiUaV ' rv -Ooev r trisr-rtsrrt W Altl.MlSH Itmii'M I -lot W, Joaa..Vtji k'aasin.wi fMsM FIRST NATIONAL BANK ONTARIO .id JON lnt !- i I'.M.I ..ii 'Iii... I j.. ,i W Solicit Your Bipk n ? Dustnes HTCKH0I.I'I--K -M. Alexanl I' C T. (Teh von'. IT ATetand Mllrer. Frank ft. (iffn Th isav iJsl' -vaovv g, v teao i ' K-tate .. Tor- i.,,i; H Teet. William tb mark, i .i!.,i. Vmir patron- Wagoner, llie chief engineer. a" "'' City Drug Htors. Trisl bottle I .Mi.- Wltbvcotube bas aV m.. of .1 ln.Hi.iu. i ml '"U'- lhU P'HUmaUou to tbepeo. B pis ul the Stale of Oregon, aanouucin parts of the .late the lU ,. VUUimiUm , ojUmu. ul tat his servioes are in con- (la.kama Osaajaa, Uragoa. f W. maud during vacation lime Kero being tbe Cltairman of aaid ooni- Harnrv countv is now in a ' "s nled said iuiliaiivs petition j w can donate our fine collection of Hf development and is fast '"' "' "'' nuwhw U uatur i m.klIlg ,, nut..Ui mboo, . , , luerwiu aiiatuau, iiemtiiuini inal ti.vre i,,l t from uu exclusive stock- .,,.,, . ...,. .. , " . .,..... "'"ctl aingt. ction into agriculture r u,v etete of Oregon for tl,ir approval say the older resident have or rejet-tiun at the regular election to be Ami money experimenting '"I'l on the -Itn day nf June, IISJo, aaid r crop, low to prepare ' b",' " nr Monday in said . . . inuutb, a bill to propoae by initiative Auid and what l beet adapt- ,, . ., .vY,,,,. " petition a bill entitled "A bill to propose r dlherent Soil Mile pn. i., m,!,,!,,, ,,,., . I.- f, , .,, in.tltution le intended to oilsbiusnt of toll ou tbe Mount Mood ljrorslve sbeep breeders, is spend- V am h work. It will not be da- "" trlo Hoatl. and provi.Ufor the '"g a few days in town this week. ISdajoirelx to agriculture, how- pu'1'" "' ibe aa by tbe State of i Mr Cochran slates that be has com- BsBYbe stock raiser will also nU " U" Uuor mD1 '"tl "' w,,ich n-od lambing and the out lKk in urn i i. iu uiroct to awssalary ul aiw much inttructtoo in tbe Mate u. purchase lb Mount Uoudaod and handling of slock , barluw Koad froru the J'aoifl. AbeUaet. itiou to the usual palriotii uarauty a Tru.t Company, the own- , boree racing and other ' "'""' '" sum not rxoeediuK old register Dalau.e ram sheared S'l UU III n.l In Hli... .,. IJ .t- I. M Lis celsbration will havt ","T 7,7 ,"7 Wm UO qU1Uj' ijfcDV ttelure tlie l.t dv of SMit-nlr . ..... ... nctive feature of Im-ii.v in- .TT r ' wool uuu sleo slated Ifjat ou ol bis in live leaiure oi oeing in- piotp ur .. ,,01, aa ,Blu ol ..v k,,;.,.,. ...ii a.;.i . 1- -1 . .. ... - yearllUK sraue Oalaine bucks uro- ..u ...DUw... vocvrry ..-...... ..rrauv upon me Kiate irea- - -- . . . . ' aeaawaSilJlradltUr. ai.J .ve a.u.,. who attend The Timee- aurer payable out of any otooey in tbe "uoea a noece ol wool Welgblug a 4 u, utpayer I'oluit-al n. was . . I. .1 here l-fore thin il is learned that he ha Iteen .1. laved bv tbe inclemency of the' Wt'ilhei and I. ad ro.ul. t'e .I.01J.I take niivsutst: l.-.m 1.1 I.. 1 ter infnri.i oiir.e et. aa to ihe at In al eondltloMaod poasibililiasof tbs route up Kmigrant and also Willow 0r-. k Slid diliriiiiiie wh.ther one ban advaulagea ovei the other It Would Hot be I "llilv, to get OO or two local men to go -ground, t like elevation-, nheerve the lie, make mile of the tl.i,' X . ' : I - C : ?m siaaart - MOWtSO araetf eat urn,; a a r.ijiotei first national Bank CALDWIILL IUAM0 iti A Gutter! LinnkinK HslMN I rwrrincf w! Ii hue I ci.' , m. . . w"rtuwwqs in vi 1 en BTM EMS public library worthy of tbe name may be gathered. A MEMBER lasts lag tb Slrais st Sat Emmet Cochran, una of our uioat is promising for au excellent good par cant H- bas also sheared bis grade and thoroughbred bucks, his vM fOI and II 00j paaarai character of the country and other features that have any bearing or Hitet.-i 10 Ihe lailroad u III lll.ll III ea I. idvi ' ANTED ' 1 Irsvel, poet Mlgii. I arul lei e sample of our g. lHaUrv 4. 100 BSf no .nili I j pel day for ex.iie ROTAI SI Ii I , fjg li.pi H Chicago, llll HBT L-" Spf Si ' I PS I V WHEN OIL HOOT q'pne esrtil . m m I Tool Co., US a. Maaa.e 11 rxr " gn m 'spsV tiisBij( W1LLIH H DI'MWAV CANMIIATE HM STATE rWTBI ti K.uUi M Htmwi tfi, KM "Tits state printer anould sveii uu- ief rai lope tbe people will rem """' ,UDU OI l" MaU' Un,S- u.a .......I ,. -I.. . .!-..... ......i -"""i'i"i.ii.iit..Ui aam jar uociirsii bas lor a uumber of . - ..-- ... .u .r,.u corporatioa lor the euaa of tH OUu no . 1. .1 j. . Itbrwe da, s ,u Burn. .1 that ' .pTa-li ui Ue, ad heitr, a. !"," "T ! ! Zl '"' It will mean much toward I Stale of a deed eoovevios to the Slate ol ""T '" "" "" "'." !'" mcement of t hi lug ooun- O'eauu aaid road logeiber Willi all hp regardles of price U has be profitable to all inter- "'""' ""'"" " priviiega of every ajwav got llie oeel, and hy careful kiud and ciuvracier prrteiniax ilteteto, breeding he bas improued his flock "1 T" "."" "" '" ""' "J " I lo very high standard, taiual to collVrted I, I .e alal. .11 loll. .. ..' ' tt.o.o, vtuaiw kiud ua character are to b. atatiiabed "' ttock '" Kfu Oragoo not aud aaid road froe lo tlM uae of llie pub- ul,lv hi be improved hi own tiook, be- but baa been a great factor in up- Ooit at the lapttol at Kateui lut buildn.r: tbe .Ualii of sbaep iu Una r..l. , ..t M.A. A I. - - - "i uaj u. I Utu.l J a. I'., lava). I -i" ' HaaiSBai .i. lioveraof I r gaed 1 F I. IH'SBa, Seal 1 Swrelarv ef Mate. kutfca row 1111 laws? tor liars no tuiataua to eagag in ploit.og lli oil ice aud au nl.t x,, a iliviaion of iu euioluoiei.U I 1 ..-.lga an .-.. ri..ii.ical bu.iueaa Ilk adiuiiji.traliuii Willi s lioaiway "Mr l'umea 1. a brainy man. a broad maa, a upruylii man 4 lean atau." Sanest Bte team an riarald will make! thi a Imrgaiii month ... lue wy of WO umt ,0U,M1 Ur Kluw m "' subetriolion- ...d l,. arrant I Filta baal remedy .he ever lO gll. Itie .-. li.i-W.eklv Si JxMJia f the use of a constitution- milioii for Oregon? Our law is somewhat anti- It ib true, but il is pretty disregarded an v way, so nothing lo be gained by re- lb formal phraxe of that liii-truineiit The -l.ig- lon was abrogated l the lit lo ihe federal conatitu- le limitation upon lb- pay jflicera la acarcely of the if a joke tbeee days, lature enact "Mat aalarv irelv in the nl uoiiStl- prohlliltion and even the the supreme court a ill su lfur hidden pay. How many it Oregon give any heed to libiliuii of indebtedness iu '$5,000 Why are not tbe kiyersity, soldiers home. ritullursl college aud tbe ohooU located at the state Dr. W. C. Brown. Dentist. Office tbe conatitu tiou reg urea? in the uew stone buiidiug north of years ago there was au at- tbe Post Office, vicinity, during the past year be bas sold about o.OO of the high grade buck all oyer Oraut county Monument F.nterpr.t A Lucky Mrs Alexander, of Cary, Me Hoi-Breads Light and Sweet E.N. NELSON H hJ wsar 14 Watchmaker and Optician. 8econd door north of post office. Buino, Oxogron. j The Finest of All MARYLAND CLUB WHISKY rar Sale Ugl) at Hotel Burns Bar A ents, Burns, Ore gtWl'- '"' 1 hns l'itnhiitt-r Portland, Oregon ' r 1 1 iA irte CAiVTER mouse. I: 1 k AnaKtCAf puan ONTAH10, OWN ION. Fire-Proof, MfKlern, lilvnant. Mates $2.00 and $j $o per ua .nil 11 All Outside Rooms Nettr h-pot -. Tins modem new Intel wus iniK and c.iintc. hi.Ij rared for A lirsi I i,o. LIVERY BARN IN CONNECTION. 4 ;i lloieroM Narros . rH I ..s X 1'isnaa. A j. 1 'iiimh oatee Niw W ilaoa hriafc. Napton &. Boyd Real tstite. list i llilr.(. I'.ivi.a, writ ll'-u u .11. iwjiui 111 in . in II Nlm pat up arrt-ara and one war in advance to rbe Titnea-Heruld . rs who pav in advance uiti reosive tin.- great seui tried for keeping! the sluuisob. liver 1 aud bowels in perfect order You'll agree with her if vou try these pain- ! anliKuib- ouriurrr- mat iniuae uew lite fcl0 . t'uaranteou at f be City Drug hlor j rnc zoc. weekly newt-paper and family uiagaxiue in tbe I'uited Htates. Tbe two papers one year lor $2 for this month only. A ttO.DEMf'UL INTENTION It is interesting to note that for tunes are frequently load by t ROYAL BAKING POWDER invention of articles of minor im portance. Many of the mors pop ular devices are those designed Lo beuetit people aud most popular ( tasttaSyarortlci maybaaataa wiiaaat iacaavealaaca vwa by srsaa wltk Salfcala Sbsaatlaa L,.JUBLU BT KliJTBT. AS fSACBCALLT jk r" M inTiiAHD iJsSK iT W luanm V mu Over SCO ! k waiid lof Baawtlfol ' to j I (Mew Llwt a ITnlena H I OfratiUr. !Sa& aaaK as" etY. M. I. LfcWIS Sillk tti la fttraisb I'AKTICULAKS and PRICES Is mjmh ivsiriag INFORMATION. THE CAPITAL SALOON, THlNtil .1 imiMi.w. Proj Bums, - - Oregon. eilee Tlle Xexd.q.xsVXtKBss. Wines Liquors and Cigars. Milliard and Pool Tables. Club Rooms in Connection Sscaii hamui Arr sbo if DESIGNS. CHAS. WILSON. Uli l0S 10 WilSON A in BUiilsnitbiug aad ii.iNltciog. Wagon Work. ALL WORK OU AR AN re to. Main 8t.f ' Burns Oregon I ftsiA W W bbbbbbI HbbbbCSKbbU I ' s I iJH f WI j