I 1 c I i a il I I II n tl t c it il r ft T r n i a I b ii i i i v I I $k f mc0-lftafd. ATUROAT. MAl II IN. UmWRIPriON KATKH Ml Montha L l Thn Montka. ., . avlian rmn - - ataaaam Rundl ii iniinlli Ht 1 1 in rind 7:' in. t-nlilmOi "i-i-onl nt 10 a. m i-vrrv Rabhttlh moroinf. A WONDERFtl, INVKTin It is interesting lo note thut f- Iuiih nrt fn-uin-nth ui-mW Ij .1 ,, , , ,. ,. . n Prtwelunjr arvn'i h at tlio l invention of article of minor Inv ,.i,r,,i, ,....,... u. ,,,.,1 .! s Uv, jportantv Many ..fill,- morr ,..,,. mrnjll ,, .,,,1,.,, . ulr iIpvi.-wi are llioiir il.-vnl ioL0lf ,.v,.r Bands 10 Rl ImrmtU iimiplc anil mert prr , tinp; "VST) IhuraSSJ rendition, nml ont of tho mutt ir-...J, Tba SSStOl M MS B terwitinK f iheao thathao ever U..! w, i r,.Pk the third Hund According to the eminent phy sician and surgeon, Sir Fri'drk Treves, we ought not to compl.nn of sneeiing, catarrh, coughing, and the gener.il discomfort thai ordinarily m vomp.inv a common cold They are not vmniom of ... tiny invented i tltd Mr White Bttetrtc Comb, pstei.ted Jiin I. '!! Th woiicl'Tt'ii' (ciinim uitiveiv run jdnndrnrT. hair foiling nut. iek ami WTVMt inailaehei. :nil WRSfl D iwilh lr Nliiit'o K!.. in.- Hair MM are positively gnsrasl to muKf iiriiisiit iiair ruriv n. ' lime. Ttioiininl- nf tlt nin. miii nt Van II rl ly until fnrth r noli) Hal ;tor. iting Tha Tlmi - ! ! left i.. ui. an ft ..SCat. oui prowisinai me system H-otrir SSSJSI hav- bran -old IB is defending itself The eltoris the various .itiiM sf tli. Unit, a..i of the sufferer, says the distm- the isBMM intl It guished authority should not he intf ihir agents an' rSpidh St due teti to stopping them dim ilv ooSfHBg rich MWng lbfa romltf but to aiding nature, which is put- Tl,,, I aWJlj Ml ting up a hr.ne MM auainst dan- '"' """I'1' ' ladies gerous bacteria. Indeed, a cold " " ' ,,nlf ,,r whli ,J ... .k.. J i . troru-iim th.iii I i- hvj...,. ... ,.i, ll.llflll prove fata! if these s iL-siMiaiice were noi present. I lie preseiue ct mleition would not lie Vnararad until the baru-n.i wen so numerou that the light w.im he hoeiev A medn me that merely stops coughing ni allay intl.ini.itn.n BMJ M Ihw.i-tmj; im turi' i-tl.irf tu t ure. VSUM Herald. Dr Win" l'hi Il- U'liiln t- i.iln. I ., vmptiim- of , ... ' ' itur III. Rcliftaa Sr.i niRi - 'i! -MTI .ill" I - n tf. ., I J w i II I Sapraai ln-la I i . .. NAASaV I I Smll eii Jn.it ii i II... '.ii..- W. E. HUSTON Dealer in Groceries. Provisions. Tropical md Domestic Fruits when in Season. - ttl ALSO HAS A LINE OF CENTS FURNISHINGS, Hats, Shirts, Clothing, Underwear Get Prices CHILDREN'S CLOTHINC. Aii kinds oT Ffh Vegetables in Season, GIVE HIM A CALL. Durkheimer IJuii.' Main Street In l' tunc a foundation f.n BSSM breeding apan show, the "l,,n,h ' n" "'"' same dnpo,.t.on to Inrgin with the ,,b,h ''""1 Ml,bth lest tha: can be obt.iine! tha: has p n' characterized her effort, in other ! The Harn.v - , aj directions. Repr- MM I ,: - "v,,,ck " i,v mi " BSn sent to the different count, . ll inv,U" to see lor themselves the wh" Md "' let .f the hoises raited i, Al ll" I'r-.oyt.- ,i .hurei amis isadistnu' compliment lo li,,r"" u'v- A J lrw"' I1"""1" the I 4 ,he rn.te.l State- "',V,! ' lb ,"r,I ,,nd fU,tl that this country was selected M :e Is draw on for Inundation MM It may he noted, loo the gi eater part of the horses r chased in tin. countu b) the Jap Mae have Ven trotting horse., ught some thorough Brail io HM m building -ip the cavalry hortes, hut as the general purpose horse it seem, esident that the trotting Ved horn- will take the same prominen Japan as it ha. in this countn . Firs' t'hiir.'h Clir nl - inn. ftundai Kvi I. W..I i .inn.- Hondat -rlio'i! I" i King building tn door nortc. nf l'l l imaa-Harald i K" A .1 Irwin will i . tu.- tati Bnodsf 4 each . auRNt. oaic N. . ii. nn- rrui : 3 .' 'IMIL' WIN DSD njj ULs tatqaa itand (feir (u ttintT - v immammtmmxxttmommmm$tmmmui::iiin:txu;tttua;:::tiix DROP IIKM mi i daiion j . , , :;.'::: Extraordinarij Clubbiod Proposition . llMw''- IN AND LOOK Th. methiHl. o( ..ilt- h whi, I the iau- of Idaho realues fr.u 3o to $41 per acre JS it. -laml is in sharp and p.uuiu trat of Oregon's tha mi qnandenng of the nation . the birthright of her children. And the greatest shame for Ore is that thr thamc still persi.t. Time and ohloijuy fail t.. en. abuae. Mud tin rich timber .return wnuh .oul (or T..iioo m MsM lain just across the Snake river it would have brought the meath turn of $1000. Sixteen hundred dollar for Oregon girls and : or tw thousand dollar.. for Idaho children. Truly, cat sour grapes aod our chitdcn'. teeth are tet on edge for tin tinrti and fourth generation When Idaho distributes dollar, per capi ta for the education of coming generation- Orages will bv rs. portioning centa. This will be a heavy iiandic.ip for the ) oung cWsSBt of Oregon to :arr It u a heav pi ice for the .:ati to pa) for the p-esent materia! wealli. I 1- on a par with the political economx or tn southern .dvaget a ho ate the seed corn and work oxen supplied foi p proiiucttoii In phil.uitinop- MUJ. Greeds laud barons m.u in ne.C!sary to the development of tin- stale The police ii.is p.. vailed, however, for fom . and the Mala, the peer of ain 11 Hit- llorlhwett, tWcnl live v ahead in ears, 'w.-n -11ve .3 iiehui.l in progr. Timber land bouont ast suin iii'i frwm the state at j 50 p. r acie is now selling, it ii reported, at $62. This is a clear gam of 400 iei section The lam) is in tin- COMMJ ( Grant, near Aus tin If President Konruli, Seci taiy Hitchcock, Senator Fulton. lioveruoi Chamberlain, Land Agent West, or any oilier person cm turn that increment into Ike. little children fund. Urate child ren will riae up and c ill him bleated. But if that person can secure fioni the timber hogs the full value at in Idaho the lull ones will take hit mcinori still closer to their hearts and call him a dando." Grant County New. The Timet Herald tb H public ami any OIM of 1 1n fo liwing pAMrs 'Hi- yi at tut fl 0OU paid thismontl Tin Bemi W kiy 11 .1 irual nf Purltmnd, the vk)i l-'rami- .. ssk Neej on. w Tin Tan. i lei u. : hit (k eidsd to 1 liarjrutu taoiiih uiul . ii'i'M -ttotial riiililiiiigrut.- 1 Willi i.l ti,. :ii advance .1 this iii'iinli m- i ill --iii tii-! I'w ! . I;.'.iii.!i. Louis, an litiif uf ! This w ill i- i'i .! n.. ut.. scriben uml obi u- ii. 11-w dariag Its. month The Timss Hei aid, U U- public and seklj ' ': -n niiat. oui' yi'itr for $."!. id 11 paid tln I month DO IT NOW. .-.. ill. the SWsl pubis t' 1 deas in ANYTHING IN MY LINE. of nil kind.. I lamlpainted t'hina a' G-epa.TseiT re g- .mmwiiiiiimnirrmwnmaswiiiiisiiiiiii inttngamn' . Don't Overlook the Special Inducements Offered . . t. 11. I.tr anvlhiny X7" i xnitu.x-3 ft.. ! Mall is tra -io. ' J. H Apt iiS . Ootl in . nrejfon ! trj.si .t..rtS(t;,n l urlUaJ an l K r ,. Salve Suits. Neuralgia And Other Pain. All pain iii any disease is pain, the rt Hi o4 tur kslcst condition i the 1 The itabbiug, darting, burning pain thai inent nerve kran 1 -or ne is the "big broth, r of all the other pai: Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Tills rarely ever fail to relieve these pains by toothing tkeac larger nerve'i, and restoring their tiamjuilitv Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills leave no bad after-effects, and are a reliable remedy I kind of pain, such backache, stomachacl ica. rheumatism ami t They also relieve Dizziu Sleepiessneas, N'ervou -.. Car Sickness, and Distress af ter eatiti". UA M V k BM a Maiaia j& r Imd akte BILLS FOk SALE Nearlings and fwo-Year-Olds Quantities to Suit. 1 .1 can Ur Mii a' 1 tn.: ..n.. FIENCH-iUNN U . CO. Cure Your Cough top your Lung Irritation, relieve your Sore Throat sod drive oat your Chronic Cold, with the only cer tain, and striotly solentlflc.Cure for Coughs and Colds: DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY FOR CONSUMPTION THE BURNS HOTEL H. F. THOMPSON, Propt. mi v lean Merits, Comfortable kms. Courteous Treatn.ent. 5p .al Accommodations for the Traveling Men. F1K8T (Lass i. BVBN PAHWDM1 in Your Patronage Solicited 1 L IVEKV, FEED AND SALE LTWB & McGEE, Propts. -.lTt..u. ; oses receive .he best of csrt m -xperienced hands. Flegifi Son livery turnouts uling 'ai'tie Mccommodated i h hsai Doughr ond Sold. PROFKHSIONAI. ' W Wm. MILLER, ATTORNKY AT LAW Barn, Or-gon. Oltler first .l r west nf Ttnk. i.. Msrn Biggs & Bigg ATTOUNKVS-Ar LAW, B BNS. Prtrtice in all tl SUSJIl OMsfJ0SSJ irrnipt!v BsSSS ... x Rtti.n w.rasaisi PARRISH & REMBOLP. Attorneyp-at-I'w. .1 . . in. 1 Otajron - " . ii - unlln nii-l In ih. " - land tBWt Ubaa 11 Loonnrd. niliSKV-AT-l MV, snful altciitM'i: fjivei i ('II.m -tinns and Real Kstnti ni.ir I n In-':' I.' RlHNS. Ontofio-Bari Stage bine. "ni dtiJv for 10 it m. Arrive at Rnr Ii from Ontario at 5 m 1 1' r.iuKii ritrani iranner n id. fnmmndstiorn ' distm I " Hun i& Hi h.ns. ZKMORI, at: OREGO short III VniQN Pacii ...m. I ami '" fmuir main" DR. M.J.CPRDES. Mfdieii .inpllv ui. r. 'I St) i ..,, v. Ol -K' n J. UU. GEARY l'."i. .in mi.' llurnt, - - -Ms. naaad tV mH 'PI M 1 ilant 1 1 .rili. (u. . B.J IAK, H RNI - ' ' .IB LU U MARSDBN l'l aii i.tn nil ' D . I'.aat mid III III v ii . Bl KN-. (far, 1 aar I I I ,l.l,:ir.l I)i ;'s. lliir: W. C. IJiVON. DEUTIST. 1.1 , Ofttff 11. 1. laaaalil ' ' 'II. 1,1 HMll ufBOU. I I ll Js . at'sstuioui Staaatrary Aral a. ii. .- M I.I..-I. K. K t Forest Rest For . MMia an Wuu.l a , 1 ' BSSSS trU Cf) I.:, , 111' faafl Vuli ... M H H. E. Lonipsoi 1 tTLVU SSSBSAS osua Stttaavai i, . Knantil Im 1 Uuwau A. L vwwwvvwy i:wis- s aaaaaal . iiriml J 'lit Paal Bf. aaal am LaaaH , .TaaaaK frtavaii'.un aaaaaa. a, J 'Ht Ukut iituvfieai A hart ' jS jj " h M:B l M Vi . yara I bav Imcd a con rr from n iiMi luv aiavar V rtltet rraaa nrloua el.e Daavara ana rianlaa until .... I 11101 !. MU Anil -Pain mila. Taaj aiwaya cur my aataSttka la flva mlnum Una" KRE1. It BV. UiOttY. SthWr Ut Nat. baa AUUuoo. Ncl Or. MiIm' Antl-Paln PIIU ar atlc by yeur aruggiai u will guaranua tnat IH trat packae will VanaSt If II falla ha will raturn your monay taaaa. Z6 hhu. Navar aolu in bulk. Milca Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind Almost in Despair. "Oar little dsughter was given up by two physicians with consumption of the throat, and we were almost in despair, when our druggist recommended Dr. King s New Discovery. After taking four bottles she was perfectly cured and baa had no throat trouble since." COO. A. EYLBR. Cumberland, Hd. - affiee, soc and ti.un TRIAS. BOTTLES FREE nacoMttf moid. cuAaaMTHlo ano aoko av The City Drag Store. FIRE INSURANCE - I met Cn., uf New Vo'k Livi pnol, London & Globe, i . Assurance Co . Philadelphia. OPl-ICt VUlfl ; KImS d UllKJh. Sunt. Oregon i.uuaSuiK S Ualtuo'a. iiaM(M6ll!WSrS Ok Hiiini MXPOWPW?1 fansitloi iiii;,:i ltl,.i rise Watch Rrssjriaij a ialty. B- W. HAIW.li.TON. Sleek Ussauir, iianc twiut. "if- "" AdSftiu- nlilr. - LH'I TIKH: On III 141U 1 : - it,) .uu A. h. I.1..WU p A.unll, I I.UIllllu archie Mdiowan ltttiil l 1 ti . . -... 1H.OUUIIH! to Bin, aitM-k al.nul.l llivt ! Inauuclor .., u.-ar,., ,, ,,,, ,,. I j m UW.IVC. Lataaa VSsttSs Aialraa - i'. al buil:r 0Witt'8 .? all o. Mcf; faere Q w