The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 24, 1906, Image 3

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kROnBT rtBri'LATIOB or
IrATFR i THincouirrT.
The Overland i thafiopolar bo
te! in Born.
I nking for enape?
& Rudelman'e ad.
Ladies' velvet topped Bhoet Fred
Haiotw A Co.
He Sohwartt J not like finding goada Bokwarti
i -
la Y. MARCH M l
cal N ews.
Homiir, pick led pig foot and
liintierger cheese at Fred Hainoe A
I A Rod el man' oowt ea)e.
Horaemen ahooid at
I hereby anoounoe myaalf M a
candidate for conimieeioner of Her-
CimMiirr, nflr.r rkMMn n.n. ' Ladle', Miaaaa and Cbi
-. Journal nntil July 1 for $2 Sea " " P" Lnaoort
r ' . - - . .
h. .ti i T county, aubject to the dedfion
"Ls.i.- - .1- i.M .1 the nri
tree of Fillmore Ohfof the trotting ; -J TT"? . ., .gflT
Ullin " B-,w-nae ,
J. R. jRNKIMa-
John McMullen
k'....i, ui: i rw.ii rv.t.v.1. E1 1 U.;.v. A
ikiir nnuni alio ixii k-'iuwe I raw ....vw
noes mr men mm mu . i
i ware over irom Nlver creek, a couple laoiew io can ana ewe
of day during the week. Paiay good.
A few nice custom made gar- Dr. W. C. Brown, Denliet. Office
mente for men and hoya left that in the new atone building north of
will he pold for eaeh. rred Hat nee the roei wmoe.
The tentle rain of
1 1-. ii
shoe Fred Hemes
for the Designer, re-
loanta a year, Nchwarti
Ntwell wae up from
It I'o Mountain thie
Ming huaineit.
assured of e
mif .rtable room if you
rerland when in Hume
A. B. Win free concluded hie buei-
Co invilr the
the line of
, VJ
me pas way
I enbmil my unt as a candidate for
at imiiislrm- on the nemetralie
- - . . an eet !-
and aliar myself if eiectaa w ifn
. .ft - ft . -J ..... kililft l ".-
ua " i w i """".
knag .aat.iBBi la Harney County na
-. me an fomeaato .Mwlewe of lb.
aaaaanf it meiH pofwlelloti set! aV
-.ia. riirM awd I will at all mors
time strive to aet wtth the Warn la view
af aubnrdiaattat paraeoal latwreem K
rmbUc eood. Ae a meather of the cone-
1 hereby announc myieelf a "-an-dtelate
lb oommieeii'iier "f Hetnr-y
-0ntv, enhjerl to the Io'om t.r
the repnblicMt yotere at th prima
rieelo '" held April "JO, IfH.
A. I. Ji-
Wetlri hi Wnby dim 'h'
. ..t tlW k "
(ftii 'M i. " jftTCj
MaMe et.alji'Wae. orr
. 1 b I " v
i . . . .
'.(.Ml H IkM Jr ''" lk
, (Ml .v tain Tw
I ut Ml
flamlMiif ilon li4in T
Tatw to Ml) lMl Wton 1k Ha1H "I
aeerr ( tiu iaw iir
Maftwlat Id- mlh J al Aartt. M
Ht ain.' -. w nn f- nv'.i. n.i
neee in thie nity and took hie de
parture Tcterdey for Baker City
Mre. 0 W. Porter left laat Toe,
day for an extended yielt to Sooth
em California Huntinvton Her- -
re ar invilril to rail , ml(l
A (locwliimii. Burns
r. -i : -iik ik. M Kit( hae returned from
nir nu-ifti ni( "in, htt
hae ordfrcil
It court I wooM tr U make y r-
. .. .l ft L- ft Lca. - -- llial
or ao te lael pntlinx ine enow nana una known on an aaoiana mvr-
outofbuaineat by m, raaarda, aattoa J;,
A comfortable, home-like place
for the people when in from tbe
country The Orerland.
1 herahr announce aiylelf a
for the nomination for the oaMB af
t iatare of Haneey Toaaty. Orafon.
If you wieh to be located on a aabtrvt to the aedeton "f .he repnbliran
good homeetead. mm P V Jordan, eater at the primary election Ui ba bWJ
, rthe anrreyor.
Maiiit aaa
, i Haaja rt"
n day Kf" i
4 nwWaa.r i
AB nil ponmaa rlalailnc l
MvBrrih.1 u.toartaaiillla.ili
, taint la ii' fkc an er kaMra mM Bnk .Ut
o4 A aril. !
Wa Inn Raalitrr
ni:w spkino 00001 on DISPLAY.
h. Miiutiin I .vvns Hutivt,-. ( himbfiys, silk Hem I i ttol Tfitis
DS mi,-. Amities, Ntifn I ;-. I hams
Ih, Alkiennrs, I'oniT.-s in Hli.k find I !
i-nnn,s in thf tvt ,,u:iiif -j mi thi I , the marktl
v UlrM-lWsMm,,vNnVlkrair rM clans goxlt
,ii 0g,
We will he ojn, t stntl -ample, to our out of town cu-tom. r or rqi.t
I I 1 1 PkMCI:S POt Bl . I UK aKHMkS r ok CASH
Malheur county where he waa call
,ed to attond court. Tbe jury in
-(let th eafety Incu- his caee dieaiireeo
I rune without a lump. , tu.mH . .
tli about it. Hums
; (guaranted), can file on any
, laae than li acre. Add
Mothnrahcnd ieeued t'lriflin, Narrowe Ore
lio the firt of the f.L. j.m- , PI,., la a can
Oeo. Hill la orar from tbe Jen
kina Broa atock ranohea in the
Stein Mountain aectinn
a riwitotli day ( April I
tabaaM I receive euch nominal ion I make a riforoae, anftl honor
tkrle camaaiffB and
ItetocMd lll naali'v and pledfe my
enlflugivr the office a v
i v 1 1
M irifs I
iim Kiel a. iii
ta ma Mi"' p" ,n m l
ll.l all I-'. ' "I'llflni'li
All comradee inyitod eyery Hon- , taction at all time and will alwave fa
aw i ha i
i ki i ftftailaaitaa raaaaw i
vary aeet ' ..f ant unt
ilioaavs i
tllrn til IK tx
30 next door to Tbe
All intereeted wel-
Mtana .iiH wwirgia, j-,.,. f ,miniaioner nm in
Mullii nr i-i.nnti He hae tbe right
vor iDanafinf Ilia affair of the vooalv
opoa jiorely baninaa principiaa n an
time hewing to the line tattlaf t In
ch i pa fall where thev may.
Witboot raeting aay reffection oa
other. I aelleee II in the Intoreat of a-
day night at
Chee Smith hae gone to Tono-
...i. k.vini I. It liara ThuredaT i
1 ... .! mI m.Am .. AmiA.' ilia . ..i.i
He wa accompanied ae far aa tbe ' .
CninKv- and Mre etnfl'in him to make a good officer i railroad by Mr Clark .irrtrd iaor a ditiaion of roed dielrn t
Fillmore Chief, the handeome i Tom Arnold and family look Number I eu ae to ladode Prewae. .ad
Ji..ft- .-iii man mawLfti. j .- .wi- ,.iM for Mn Creok pracincU in one roa.1 d.
-i in. .I. ., ,. i t-.i "in - ! ' int-ir nrjaiiuis uiw -.-
the etaml at the fair ttroanda in thie ) their home on Pine creek after
rin thin neeeon Thoee intoreeted I (pendini the winter in Burn
lailon -
s ), Rtar
irr all up tmm Mir-
in attend tin- fun?-ral
rli-y about Fill more
liiiiilMriinrfM trnltiitc siiiittiit call on
rill eland thi anasnii ' particular
D K Hawley for
lr Mnrailen wa oallnd to Buck
1 1'arriah ha l n-.l (-rcek yaeterday moniing to eee an
-B'lililw'-II " si.leiic- in ,.,! I,..,. i,- of Shei.nard
.. -- . , --- - "-- - rw
n be cniiifiirl-
llls inntiv Irti-nds
wae up frntii Nar-
vniiHK i.i .'I. ... t vr(ir
na niflViring from
mil Unite.
Chns Wiii-oii lius
samples nf the in-a-
euiliriinliricii lin-
lllltlnleri, also t It I ll
Ci.l'inil linens.
mil- Cal! and see
nlin is reported
fat Hale A Clydeedale atallion.
weight IHOO lb; ac-
tlie diri-cter nf I he climaled In tbia inniilrv and a
iuuk llen-turiicil ,.,,,,,1 f gMltBr- Addreee tbia
1 iirtioa.
arrivni hern From The Windsor bar i again open
M 'ii"l hi "" miller the management of the old
(ieer A Cuninri- i, ,,.,....!,,, mm. I.e.- Cnhlwell He
i ant looking w.,,,1,1 ha i.lued to have hie friend
sts ..I" Hie . cull ami see Mm.
Cba. Cninegy wa in from hi
Wagontire ranch the hrat nf the
week hnvitig been called over on
account nf the sudden death of hi
father Cha ha returned home
to look after hie atoak
Judge Miller
mi Tliureday' Canyon stage, re
ft, i turning fmrn Vale where he ban
lmm I
iiet-n uttniiiling court Judge elated
the term was abort and no parti
cular cams af local inleroet were
Two eiiaea of scarlet fever have
jUNt ilevelniNxl here, unt- in tbe fam
ily of Clai I.uckt-v and Iha
ml 'bun Itntliiigbam' Both
hit are ill the Miune block and
are under ijuarautirie It i ruiu-
orad that several have Urn expoa-
ad. s
At a meeting of the director ufj
(In First Naliniial Hank of Burn
Tliureday evening, J. I.. Ciault waa
alecleti n director and caahier aud
N I C'arpeuler waa elected vioe)
previ'leni No other change were
made in I he officer. Mr. Uault
i hi. . - ti iBJ M-mluii4 nli. re bj iienl
rt like siitiuii and i an experienc
oil bunk man He ia a very plaa
aant gentleman and one who will at
en by the Ladies' onoe command the good will aud
or iiie i.ei.eiii ii iricndsliHi nl (lie- many uairoua oi
public rending the 101 bunk. He la well pleased
ing very attlisfac j witli Harney county and believe
it lute a bright future. Mr. Gault
.in 'i wife ttud little aun uow occupy
the Carpenter reeideoue.
The wood aaw and barley roller
of Austin l.nndmen l kept buy
with order ahead all tbe time.
See to it that your wood IB aawed
and him eil before the etormy
weather eete in.
Mr. I, Coinegy and children
daaire tu take thi method of nl
i tricl
1 am in favor .J ro.l ,,,..1. gafj
liii.lcaa and in .wiilrmtuig ahnraer I
pnaeibln all work an.l . -onalrn. lu-n thnra
on, all contract Io be let to the I. .-t
bidiler offnriog a good and eaffb-ienl
Iwod . bat believing we have compel, nl
balbtem in thi coaniv would Uvor
home lii-lilei where iilile
(.BO. FBT.
I hereby announce mreelfacau-
Tlailsi I an. I i J
- TTr'ii. raavaarv av laat. i
pratain the.r noare gratitude t did ate for comiaaioner of H.m-i
.u r.iftftJ. -l.,. ... ...l-.t aa.ioolAtv. ubjel to the deciaiou of
lir UIB.IIT mrmir w,i .... w-
IM etf Ih, fj.
'., ...... , . .
awl -
tia '
if , fc-laaj
a, an Ti- ' - It
" I ila I Hiss i
i .
raa, Raalatot.
-aaaaBBBaBBai V!!bI ' aPjL 'aaVaat)j)amaaa.
km v it IbtJ
UN IUH ml NM slttVOh
.iimtintmiuiiti ::
Nolii i- In it i-v given that there
am m I be ..irnii tr asiirv
hi of all warrants
rgiai i. l leii'i. si mi tin
will i-e, ... fnnn this del. M u. h I
i m Mm rag
Treaaurer linn Ij
KOTil I i"K r iius
KET. i
Ihe democrat voter at the pri
mariea to bn held April 2ri. VMM',
l. S Htai t AMi
eistaiice and sympathy during their
dark hours of bereavement
J F. Mahen haa been in the city
the past lew days arranging a bum- , . M--m, mrmtl .
able plant- in which to houee ume or t, uffloa f fount i Judge of llarnei
Jack and a etallion which he wih- jt'oaaly, r , subject to lb.- . Inn. - ol
a to Ball Mr. Mahon atate tbe le votor. at thn deme raUv primary-
1 ..-.I kaak iLafni
caused In in si, UK '...'... .. . ....
II aimin l i win mmwiui ! hi. i.a.icft-
reoent storm ha
loea in atock, but to what eitenl h
ia uuable to aa at thia time.
by the Canyon alage a handeome
anei linen of the celebrated l)K UK.
NJ .. LJ.J ..r .1.. Ifiii l.l.n.L Urn
ia rare i i n in nir ... . -
u.y . - n
.ft Mr, flft mMnft IIQ.-I . ..
i waa over
ii weeg, navtiig ;
Ihe wedding nl
hull took place
lmm III tin cm
In mv slock nl
mill ludie" si-
itnemnde i imdie
i-rs fur them or to
sum I
llntlie Hntu ,
Hiirncy Dregnn.
ipcn n l cl head
slaughter l,uu--
JohtiKOli kind
ii' his fijot ijuite
ig Mevi-rul stitches
bloat- the wound
ling by the aid nl'
raid is informed
lis for tie enler-
kg good is in alore
lie vicinity early
the dutie ol Uie offiea imrtiall . am -'eg
t give th nli. ile paoplv a s-juarr
i l u j . . , .. i- j 'deal". Cuoductiug iiill aanraot
John Budeluian ha. ju.l reoeivad , '
-tea a aw- gaaaajaaaaaj maaa a." a aw a a a aa - -
Burn Oregon
Real Estate, fe
Timber Cruisers
Mi I.. It
HUHLSmi Ant HtStnl
l aval MasV.
, ...i r
,l I . i Nrgl.l. i
R. F YOUfH' lPt.
eats of aM inds
. . ftXTawH'v,
Butter and Eggs
Lard, Tallow,
Lunch floods
l:cr thlii", nn hand
tmually K. pt l all
flrat fln in. 1 1 i. i- ..
--. w w...- ...... ... . I .- ft
For sale jt raatondbtt
Prices for Cash.
f? '
ha it on eibibit at tbe alore where
ha ia quit an attraction Tboee
not acquainted with thi wonderful
bird should make it a point to viait
the store
Carru Ceci I borne from a viat
to his family in Portland and other
point. During hi abeenoe he via
ted VY H llogan at All. amy and
report Bill aud wife well aud hap
py. From a poem from lb veraa
tile pen of Ku Wyatt it eeame Bill
ha the hr Ml of going to tbe raoa
track uccaaiotially.
In conyeraation with Geo Crad
dock over tbe 'phone the other day
be informed Tbe Time Herald that
thiuga looked rather blue in Bilviaa.
but they hoped for a change in
weather condition that would af
ford relief for the a lock men. The
now ha been rapidly diaapi-aar
in. n 1 will ie constant attention I"
II. dalle of Ihe office , being ever rand)
traoaacl lb dily routine of laitine.
and will not be "nut of lna," alien
beaten of aurb nature ia to In- Iran,
acted l.l.ia inc 1 will cuedaet ll.
mnamaae of Uiia offtos aa aeuaoniically a,
may be coaeietnnt nub Hie alflcisnl and
practical administration of Cowaly af-
lairs, looking always kg tiia aellaia and
I I V . . .J !.. ftftft.ft Maw
beat internets ia the paopls.
lit, 11. llo.Sl
I s
j Burns Flouring Mill I
fully ruiiirtl in every -ui tieutw
" ' capacity t supply Ht- noun
j. i iniiiisii tOO milt in ii, i ml stun
Kesri veil mi llx
I hereby announce myaelf a can
Ii. late lur indue of Harm v count I
. a I ftm a .a, a llsa .iftft.ssi-.. I. . I .. .a
I fa wit. lHrfa ai nir r i iiini ir-p mr
held April 'M IMJo
J. I- I..
I hereby announce myaaif a can
didate for clerk of Harney count).
aubject to tbe deciaiou of tbe repub
lican voter at the primaries to I
bald April l'a,
C. W. DaiMiwAigev.
All kinds of Mill l:ucd always on Hand
: in tu. mwBbi lAtkPi uit: rtiu low ijimiii mi i cj khui
j Good Seed Wheat for Sale j
M. M. CO.
E. A. I K Mai . r.
( )ntario. ( )rem n.
I hereby auuounce myaelf a can-
I hereby announce lovaelf a can
didal for heriff of Harney count
eubjact to the decision if the repub
lican voter at tbe priuiariee to be
bald April 'Mi. ltfUO
W'alTkK (iaav.
ill Remind You of our
in of Partnership Sale,
inge iiu- name oi our Mitt,
kuld not reduce the price..
but we
ing .nice and will Ukaly go more .. . . . . , ,MflMlv ulllllr
rapidly in the ...i few day. iubjw;l lo ,b dcUjon of lU .,,,.
C. C. Hankins waa down from lioan voter at the primarie ml
Hilvie a few day thi week. He held April . 1!.
liiCiiiui ii. Iliiftl Ik. ruanl ann llBANT
alorui will cause some In of atock
in that sec n on aa bay ia scarce
and stock cannot do muck on the
range at this lime He did not
think the luaa would be heavy If the
.no did not liuger.
gafamt, At. Brown, Cothier
( tltf Harruy County Bank hereby announce myaelf a can
luiM been appointed resident ! did at for treasurer of Harney oouu
uijjrnt of the Mttiumil Sure- .ty, subject to the decieiou of tin
ty Cmniany of New York, republican voters at lh primarie.
This company has just de- u- u held April . IVhm,
lieered Ihe largest poliru W. K Huston
errr wriitenin weight 50 --
pUui '.v .securing ttte Jideli- I h-reby annouuee myaelf t ran
ty o SJ.UOO employes. 7ldidau for jou.i repi.s-1,
yOU Want (I bond lull OH Harney ami Mai in ur uwnlu., sub-
Ittm. In' d ciri-.ii -.f lb. n , -i'iIi-
.,.,., . . . . iiiaCaii v .lets at the primsrie to bt-
N. U. Carpenter and family will f Y
. u l - t a held April i, 11W6.
leave for baker City nexi Monday Km" C Haowfe
wheie they will make their home
Mr. Carpenter haa associated him- , )ri g
self with iheCitiiteoa bank of that u.j... ..-.-.. .j u ...
Vlll.w lui aueii.i ' ..M.a.v. v..u,
sulo. cl Ui the decision of the dctuo
cratic voters at the primaries to be
held April J. IUO0
dvantae of it now-
Good to last much
. a a
er, ana it won t.
LBMiyHil.flPi-ii- lE-ll .Ell 2 ----- ---m.
m3 mrtmm ftHHHH ., .. a, o
I J It 4 l $ .lUMIN mi.U I F.LiN,
wr KYY tv V I liOrio-DAii: PnuiiHiiupiii.t "Jft I
faaaaW f I-Ksel W ' laaff A '' ''" ''"'1 ?
aaaai 7 -kJ. ' 'aaa. W TM - MM '" Ih ,umJ-
B. I f 7 rgM l .aaaaat ' '""' ' '"" '" " "" ''"'tlal III Ul qf
BmmaaVsa aaaw aaaas aa aa as aaaamnaamVV A ' f'tHst ml style UMja) applltilluai. All si. yf
aj Gtve the greatcm deaaa ol aalu I B 'iB bakel x V
lection bece t m bum right, I (H A '' rUliin.
Sryie, maiariiiiii. and pafoa fa ml M afl f u II r eaai I k.i m ! m l
every awfamni. IV Vj rJ. if
Don'l iy lot s tut ol our iUIs. M jV .1 i i " ' .-'
maril )OU ale prdrflly Hlisklil. la UalS ii i i -
at A.L . .A tlk mJ Ban. J"l
rm " aaa suaaa wi vm w B k 1 aaaraaa
& COMPANY kl 111
i a aamai lmm-mwmimMmmmWmmmmmvmmmwmmm SiWp Jp ft H
Merchant Tailor, Chicago Tw aaJ-aB "& I -M
city aud will immediately aaaume
tbe duties ol cashier of that eetab
liahuieiil WuriuK bia reeidence
bare he gamed tbe coulideuoe of the
business uieu of Harney ootiuty and
made the First Nations' Bank of
Hue city one ol lue atioogeat loan- .j
tutione iu eueiaru Oregon and ha ia
coueidered one of the eafoat and !
uioat ooiiservalive banking man io
the elate. While wa are aorry to
aaa him depart he atill retains a
good blook of atock iu the local con
cern and will have the boat interests
of the Haruey country at heart
Wa will have a friend in court at
Baker at leaat and hia many warm
frieuda hope he will prpepar.
BeniciaiHancock Disc Plow.
A K Kli MAIiliaOM.
I herody announce myaelf a can- prUje, VOffetableS, lloft DHnkS. ConfOC
late for ahfcritf of Harney county -
tiooer, Jtar ana iodbccq.
CTimin St., Burn. Oregon- t
ubecl to the deciaiou of the repub
lican voters at the primaries to b.
bald April A) HKNJ.
M H Bhkntom.
aaaanH SalVati- . .
- skatF -saaaTaaaar aWeV ew
I hereby announce myaelf a can
didate for sheriff of Harney county,
aubject to the deciaiou of tbe repub
lican voter at the priuiariee to be
held April 'Mi, 1'JOO.
W- Y Kim.
; "' Jaaeaammmeenaa.. -ssaanma
it fTl-o Orecron Hotel
AH TOY, Manager
actnuiliioUatioii sllli USat, clem snl n uiloila
Toy invites bis IrieiniaUi stop elib lmu wi.un iu
Table well luruubed. Meals t'n ounts.
i Tooth and Disc Harrows
Thomas Disc Drills.
Oall and get orlcea before purchasing.
JO. H. VOEGTJL.Y, Burns, Urt.
. -aw