f hr (Fime-lrratd. ATTRDAT MARi II M. IW. irBDCRirTION RATB: Yr Ik Novum - JktAN mm. viea preaidant. Nnil Smith; aacrr- Th. frame building standing on tary. Frankb' Kins. Joa Thompson the lot adjoining tin- land nllio la traaenrar. Hnnry Daltnn. IrvilMj batHf moved serosa th itrpet nd Miller iningtmYl U llwil A to fo The program fnr ilif afternoon wrt where it will Ip occupied n n r-nniled of: millinery store. Preparation! In Song lv Society tn. notion of a Hone 1"" dlnf b The (iuui Tree Canoe I. . ' ildwell on ill. - Ml Heading . .tvn Jnafcaan I oatad t ocni ."oio .siyra King -I MMHN-. Torime by Sayagaa. In ih Olreu ' ' " "Spank of I he torture to which pin, f..r lha ' bJ "i rlarnajr. ,n. , ,, " Philip, hai. npM Bam P. Wei ktnil mi mi il inlaiir ntlaring ."i in the J rru,r ii see Iwrab) Nqatrnl In appear ah I aaasjar n the ! .Nor.' ftilitleil Mill on or nemre un nrai Kaeay lMiiglaa Hnwle Instrumental Solo I.ea Hnbii IVhate Heohi That J'or.-i Kaaerve are more hem'th'ial than 'i.'V.Tntm'iit Irrigation All rma tiva, l urtis Smiih. Uivmniul 1 more ami Agne Cawltieul ngn tiyp. Will (Joulil. .Inh.i Bill and Malnd Crow. Tin- erltla wiw RiwwpII Hamilton, lha jmig- " tm Tboaupaot t'w Mamontl: Mamie Winter- and Sail Htnilli, Kentucky Jaafca, ami Hugh are af- Moti H iui w. art pkMa I In ii i' kaMh aw lining w.i Some ooe really ought to go k to Washington and wake up fee of the departments that the) - aee where "they're at." One Jek Secretary Hitchcock writes that it will Ih- impossible to e up our initiation projects fur indefinite time, although m.inv Dusanii KKI art withdrawn fnt ia purpose and tied up from art ment by reason of it. The next they decided in favor of the nega- hand- high, weighing from 10 Jck a forest reserve of million live. IWP aacfa. ulaul hi llarn.v n.iin- ucres is created for tin-p;utr, ii- Bowj by s.i.ihiv Me. i, and Lowly -v All auarantid aa i purpose of constrvmg watet Pharactar Bkateh and Ml n standard-bred T these MOW irrigation PIW tails Unawell Ramllti ' with n record of - s Tl r r that then lUCCCaa depend a -3st entireK upon this move. It ly ne consiitered impertinence County Health Oiliecr 1; Maiiagr af ibaMxticawlarlaraat the above ida professional trip lo I entile, d emu before tha ir ,i,.. .; - - ii. HW aarl II rod U' to ling two aaaar of MMlal (arai i Iba fimilv of Mr- Hallia roa Bit Black from I o apt I iwar, WT n.uit I llaintifT ill lakr Juitgmant again (ar tha rallal prajrad for in i niiiifl'a Kit For la Iroai tha t ( taint ami tor an ordar irlis ii I -' ami ii . -I Tlti - li!i..i in tin- i San i 1 I Inflamt W v "nothi alaotrii- whiel, tha wpi h-nlth (.... t t ii.iiiIKb fll.tl. ' Ill'lll'll 111111 "ays ,1 I'll-: n. until I tried three buttle nf un d M ' t'uraa ; i -ia. Iilood aria and rastavaa. -..ii- : ; ' :t Drug tl Scaaal Matrkl IlllUI.'h nt Vocal Snln Current BfrniM Raadlng I'll.. tirM jltl.uil ' I ! . ' l" ' i we ii iiki to know i! this i , . ,. . . (uiiihl. t itl.inl K-H-il ' ril ihiu.( ,.l fl... - .....1 ten ilu- pmpir ii riMht Myliwil Prldj W ndJoarnfd nefit from ii Ut rv He.iiin ;; ' ' th lK1 rl1l tl.it lialaritt ... ..... j, fc.. , i itwi i-vaii. i . Atllttllf' lltl.f in iII.t I hail tin. flit . .Will .(.....,. 1 . i . . .. . I .1 i i ut- inr 1 a nii.mk a. .. I.ir jMrnrP imhiii in nuriMi in' rri r-1- - r " It-rin of or. -in' roiiri. pnfl " nI OtWg MMIM .1 t . i I li. . i. -mi i. ...- .iil.i.1 i .. . lnw.laMa i tav luian ian e wit itiif aaamaaa . . i in- i-'in -i . niiiFiiiiu n in a - . ' ' ' "II' il" IB .til' W 0 uey selection of the Haruey lh.. ,.,, ,. .. , llley Improvement Co. that hai.., , ,h).v , , .lfaa aa mav I hi in- 'ting. I' G Sv;rn. Pn-. ..In. Rtlbj linrmw ii.iinal" af" at the Whit.' Prool Irvini; Kf lllvr Man In thi 'ii ami hofaamai inrti" Mini inl Invited to call and aaa than apxiint'il Will OTICK TO PTOCKHOI.DI l A Mating of tin- MaoknoM Um llarn.'V ( nntv Pail - bald in Horn- at llu Sh-ntl Allan italaa thai h I ' " ' -- "Wad w De hrought lo the attention the proper authorities is the r.utiur itiati leave u' .iik.h tifct.-r the circumstance.. ("hi-re i M doubt hut stoi'kmen WOU heavy loan if tliev do m.i i.,k pa- .sjc. mi KliWARl) $25.0... tu'lllar eare of their .1 en neui up tor four years, re dinj; the development of one of ; most promising lections of the tat Th. -e are matter- of real mi-! rtance tn u. Imw.vi" mrigniii. """"' raaiit oe an impoainoi n v nt the ma annim t. theai "' toemaa them for jnr . .1... . ti . 1 11.. 1 , ..1 ... . .. . ... I imp appearances the juiiri' I'liw oy puon- viMiern , , il in Ion ami talked nvr th- iiiiiti.u. ,' B Bangl 1 ami t iwmhip 1. 11 Jtidgi liiirns. II irnei fii , : !.. of th '. llillv ,'....( .( II 1 ami 1 1 rii.' ill . ; in 'imujia, Alt 'ill. vi ! ;.;.. mo It 1 : . adv of Ihe ilepaitnirnl kn H t little of the working of then borduunta. Ml that a rertifl I aunty , On II till' -Itll 1I1IV tlic jhoV a. whrrala it i -Dl . : : i.ia i' mlna- .inn 1 ! . I . .ne ' ma II It th bo r "I l..r lha who I- M i" We have the 6wmIs f e make ihe Prices We fd the Trade. JOHN DEERE PLOWS DISC PLOWS SULKY PLOWS Harrows of Every Description In fact Farming Implements of all Kinds. COOK STOVES, HEATING STOVES, Camp Stoves. In various Patterns. Sizes and Prices. Shelf Hardware Builder'? Supplies, Doors. Windows. Gl"ss. Paint?. Oil, Y.;rnish, Etc. PEER & CUMMINS, Burns, Ore. Burns Meat Market v.. ' - dBSi N -I MM The deciaion .f K L nuth. B promtnen Hood Rner frit' m, to enter the race for V. S. ttator. seems t :rm k ter- the hcarti ol the I'onland iclune men who conaidei the natorahtp their special and e aite plum. Senator Gcann, . present incumbent, will have opp. union among the demo- .. the nomination, while it pears Out every faction of the mhiican party has a candidal! lootl Ruer" Smith doean't seem belong to un ol these (actions rrefore ajasjfj hkeh carry tin in pendent toie of his part whah IV ie sutiictent to make him the oice-- iini. e tiiee tear. - Il I u M Harna ( . '"""t known M Ih- aijr Mnnahi will b from dut ;., bantlitf 1 ibly enurt wili mereit mil ; a Km in the r .i. adjoin . " 1 r "iuiiiii.ir uraniiaimn mni : I . . - IllfOl ii( . arrest nn. , 1 iiuriuH rfiiii. n 'III i-' Ili.w NO! I 1. is r- fl-rad in i- will applications arr. balMfc arangamenta wan' mail-' 1 t-r mealing to i.e held ajasl Thur. ilsi i-vening 111 the old ball Tin' lolii.wing oflieer- n-r rn. II I. Hr . J I' rarr.. A'i ksmd H..i."r V.J B II K Fallon, I. orl I H- 1 km M'atobman II II trv I. I. Hibbard, Ch 1 ami Kas iiiith Mat Amkmiian I i. Bill Bad Assessor l.nggan mlornis The mea-Herald that hr intends to uble ttit- valuation of real aataaj this year'a roll but. personal jpert will likely lie placed at out the same valuation as nen -ore l-and haa always been teaaed too aaj in Harne eaaja but the aystcm under winch titt le le is made is r. a great measure for the lo illations throughout Oregon. ia bard (or an asseaaor to aga l.tKl ASb PFKSDNAI rly list real estate 111 tin- counts the laud ditfers very niateruliy vaiue In the allev t-nuntiea e acre is just aiicui as valu.iok unother, wlnlt- liere it i Tcrent. Frank M Saxton, the liaker atloroe . uroilu-! ot the John U Saxton ol this ut, looseiiicd lo become the Can ute of the democrats fir joint- utur lot Haraey, Malneui and kci (.ountics Hi? pcittion v.i- ulat.il here during liie week. very popuiai man , ills home louniy and 1- favor. 1 koown throughout the satire - Inct. . N. Hart, another .11- m- ul thai clt, will Ih. the u nlican nominee I 1 1 I'lie announcement nl A 1. maun, tm Hrewses biiiiajaaa 11, a- .1 i.iudidate lor counts 1 nmianoner on the republican tei, .1ppe.11- in mis isauc nee loiiir iiec-n a resident of mty ami has the reputation of ng a 1 unservative business man. d candidacy will meet with the 11 oval of u large number ol his ly vsho 'i insider linn a strong n. He Mould make a good cei A Slfiik aiiii . rivals from I., Miami Mr iiwi. a tailoring - rentii tii M ' . naar the old Mi- I. ami wii: soon In read, hir 1 u-n imaa Herald 1 1.. ajajjaj tbii auiiuuticennnt ana bi tl.. K'-nti'-man will do wall Ih a imiimrti mmmmtr, Sy cA4 0tm laaaamm pftmtt mm mrim. mil ml tarn tmWMmn mmtti mm mttaliltly iaf SBui.nttJ mrn'mtrt tArmuf m tarn 11 ttlmtay, mr tltjmittf cTuwn y mm jrfr mmjf rem f mm mnn mmtm tm mmtm--niy if out lAroupA tmu mmmk Ca rtlunta rAtejti art lfml rrtmiftll for titmry it yau jtmy Jfmrmty Cmmmly JSmm SSu'iu maaaa Married At ihe I. m- .,1 In - parauta in tln S'aliieda, avaning Mr Adrian ami i- Aln , Haju Jattiaa Jaaaaaan i g th- eereiii'ins i)n; iha (ami f ajna Maaaa vitt reiiiuin Mr . iient tiMjk man of th part of Ih. i.ir d tile 011 i daughter 1,! Mr ,i,, Mr It V iliilllllii. and ..lie of tin ' girls in tin feutloti in very pipular and m.j .'. - :i . will ol 11 wide circle of friandi Tiuiei-iiarald tore ., unowledgt- I some wedding cake and jol lI8f KOTICE U 1 vrn that the I 1 alatiaf A Ih.-k. . . ! If H "I n. Ihi milling i.n- Mi H ird raliring from Mi- nit- du. ' the 1 I ' II. I ll.i.i ard ! ir 1 i.". NOT I PUBLK a. in iha I art ..I lha Mali K"li. fur the ( '..0lit ..f II r riini'ifl. , TS. aanasl nt I ! U. I'nririi. Is-lsmlant. ' . : 1 1 "i i . 1 1 1 1 1 In l n n 111 rin. ial.' nl llrvj;. l'l-ur unit aniwi r I 11' lllrnl laaoi' i "ii In Ih" lor- the lnt I .11.1 II vDti full le ao appear aad amwar, lor want II ilintitt mil; uke jiidttnierii air.illist ,"ii IntlO'i ini.laint. ( rce tiiii ...U anil ih niiiinioi 1 11I1 n 1 Tlrtirll.r..l . .- ; ah llsl.ed in llama; rawsjahalm eervlca. pabtleaUoal 11..1. r 1 ij.vwii. )u.ik lufvaviuH 1 .'i-uri, ol Haraay aounl 1 im'KOB, aMde and ant iMnl day ol Nonary, luOu, tha I'.iirih ni l'o. ..' 1 L- .r palrnnate salt. a 1 atom ! I msd" ii the Jlth, o( I 'hruar- 11 Attorney lor .lamlil! THE HOTEL ;!:; ClUF I v irk, icmia. :i : i'ni(i ss ' .WOlgglJ in jihv QoiDtitv. r'lOpt a Mi-h. : . ,?uttuiwm;nattua; II . IMOWH J.' : LflU i 1 '' s V-stV Vlfwla, VTi i: pi BI.ICATIOK i Null I ::: it County liank. ol Burtii,, Oregon. Aglharizta Capital. VMM. asaVsOOOa'n ts Solicited. UTI h. HI AN ESPECIAL ILaIIMI -t. :. imrmtssm r . V-:'.- I ajaaaMaataaaajaaaaj lull Krvitl v.l'lti.S - . -I . - . . , Mm : NOTIC1 K.K IM Itl.K ATKiN IMsas BCI7BLII Lunaburg I Dak's SPRI V : I1LK (iOODS ARE NOW ARklVINti Wt iiow you a larger and more .1, . 11 111 ever before - ue prices are . It ; he sold." Our lines in Dl GO' US and TklMMINOS .1 newest anu must bcautitul out. Uc haw also a new line of Ladi isses, Children Hats and laps. imp Bit i'i. :k j i t t t t aMv4.tu.itv ,4yaC Ihe Larg K perfume . finest ivim i AgOtS hf ! .oik ntitiuk'5 mm hov THI CUV 1 . . ropt. vssv -tttttttriiii ! BURNS LIVER. . LI . LC. I.EM G9t DRCyN NG , 1 1 11 "inl 1 - ... 1 TSmflDClVi! fr ,. I REJOLVCPI E P Am TiiawT nw &SWi Mown irc:Kis 4k rat JAWTA CLAUT - aSliBata Bt,yTSBBQN goou winiiei-extttmieu oy llieir uiair. ineml- '1 h, ha).s aapa villi aide in Ih- southafii part of Ih. MOTIOi r'K PUBLICATION aajMta at Mr Adrian 'a big st rat. 1 I Tlsil- BOTI ... . aud our goods I h- a. VI o j... Id apaar kMiaaaa si . ..ai. LOW PRICES-SQUARE DEALING. lajaaajaaajaai wf, :vjFr; 5- w j 'Special 1 Given to unduttm?. i un AE AND ACCIRaI! IN CUNtC!l;i VUlil L Jh ft UTE8AKV SOCItT. Tbe High School I.itarary Socie niat yaaurday afternoon at - 16 jmx lha roll call and the readiug .be minute of laal meeting the owiog nominations wera made widaiit, Mason Huiilh. Julia Hill DJSflOLUTIOK NOT1CK Notice hereby given that th. Hspsrtnarahip heretofore existing MsssWmj I'rc I. Marxden and J lien.'y has thia day b. 1 ail by mutual consent All narti.-.-kiinwiug themselves to be inn lo t.V firm ot Marsden ,V Oaail are requested to trull and maki aeltlenient at once. W. I Mars.1.1,. J. V. (ieary. riiiniiJiiitumajutimtunttmttaatuuumr;::;.u.ii;: . G. W. Clevenger & Co. RNITURE, PIANOS, UNDERTAKING. .Ur .ii 1 k ',ii. oil 1 I "I II. pttii I I. J. Willi. ' r S1 UmJtt W rlsluliig a srr.iiitldi..ai. "i utotMH Wth J., Me Ii.il k4iir U. I .. Wl 1 .i.i I UlffclS, NATTIWiS, HALL PAl'fcR, (jU QMS, MA 1 1 RhSbfcS. HEUUItLKATOIS. BULlMNfi aud CARPET PAPEK, R0OF1NC. Our Stock is complete in Every Particular 11.- 1 1 rat and Ml nriaaa. Main Kt . llnrn- n, ., - "" tuuit utntnjrmmiimttiiiiliiiiiiiiiittiiu....;. ion n;;nnr.;::;agauniium BURNS MILLING CO. HORTON apt8 Rough and Dre sed imber, Rustic, Flooring, Moulding, Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawm.l, to Bums. nf. ,.- Lumber Yard in Bum ul