tht &tuw0-$n:aCd. ATITHUAY. MA. UK. INF. HIBH!KirTH)K KATBH: On Two Mi Monthi Thr.- Month! I'O 10' 411. IAN HTRIl - - Maa.t.t will not have inert'. ncd i.' extra NMMNM when ohhrt District Organizer Alfred I. Cridga hi trying to hnng Bums ll In AMI HI Wno.liT.lft .lllil is meeting with oui'iditahic tnc ceaeaaions our titlaen, A meet ing Ins been called (oi Thin: sd.n evening March ltd In the OLD i Masonic li.ill. All Wocdmen ol PI Rill IIR-MRV Tii- Ladle1 Ifu rneaa Ohih of il.t- i-itv in BhUHlinf mother enl-T- lainment which "ill be given lb ml nf noxt month. The M Ihe nlrtiiimn-i'' h M n A BBJe public. I'm It Ml IUI la BB a good on imil one llMlt will ' '" The lihrarv ha made I BBMl I MMUNS. Torture by &. In th. ! "' "I '' gnn, lor i; Harney. MrdN M " .t. PtatatlS, Beat P. Writ, ivi-ii lea ' i m . -i. I t.ii.Uut In the name of I "' - '' ' hereto to appear Hint aaWr ,k .it tlw torture to whioh MM i the -.iv igc trihea In thi Philippine sujeel iheir eapthree. remit ' i ' loBetlni I endurrd for tlir- month" frntn Kidni j I '" ay V M f 'it.-in. "i Cashing, Mi The stockmen of this counU the worm, resilient or aojourning, rtlfyinf growth dorian ihr pat itnl ill vvlin ih-siri- In liit miir .. I .-. i .r..l. rir l.'.l - -w ii iii" .-i-i-i are partictilarh fortunate in h.iv- , . , ., '..,",, , nieiiibi-'- oi to make iuiium lea roluntfs on lit sheleee, now th-r- tnc suftkient lu foi the tinusuil . . , . ,, ,. , " ' concerning the order, ere urged in me ol wme oi ine snow storm and col.l snap of the .. . n , .. .,, ,.,, past week. len- f iti.ition oi MCrl OfOfh, .mil the new me at hen will be obligated eovt rlef a aide range ol mi i - w.-ll t'..r the energy of Hi. having abatgeef Iht ilTair In dlaaaealag Ihe aaadltlan at ihe library with one ol Ihe mew face the government still hold- nu , tut.IS t.itVtrii ,, the tent von site in Silvie anil i.iken to put ll.irnri V.illev Camp has uoi i est. ii eil it to entry umlii ,, tiu- its at -i leading ft iternitj the public laad laws, it may bejel Hums. houlil the Hartley The ni.mifei' advantage ot an VaaVrj Impnwement Co i'.ir ,,i,., i,ke the Woodmen to selection be cancelled the gov- ninir' are main . The home rrnmen' Ml) agtJa take up the saved fm widow .mil orphans, project. In view of the tact that (. f,i, given them Whereby I not and dltlom we are m. I.i' (mm ti .in-portatiiin ti,,.N ,,, ,,,,1, th.- mean-- I .n.. I DM beretefori is anred ." an rxcawe for not go edui itina and keaphui the famih aiven publioil la tin- maal worth! ,,, . -- -- will, tin. Silvi-i .nek I,... .11 !,..!.,. tl... ....Ifit.- .1 work nl' the lad project, it ma j be the advent of d,, general public, beaide re- the railroad vMtlnn two . ai- will dudng the eXaCtMMM upon the briag .ihont the tmdert.ikini; of ,1, irilahle. the BihhM prnj. Ct This un. at 01 R PERMANENT EXHIBIT il. nj lfl 111 HIV i..i.ii. - - ill ... -. iiiedrit "notbti i hlpd me Haiti I ,i. i-rm ..i laaobtve elect IHilere, Ihree liottl of Mtllliil cmrt lo-wit Onot IWfirp tho hlcl i in-" OaTM '.'n.l. I... ..I Anril. I'M., in-l u vu tail l . , , , ,v,wiH. ,oml . .. livpr ( ii.ii mhihi, .... iir nit innrvni. i ill mil 'iiiiiiii.i huh rPHiorei" tl,,- h-mk .inil r.pryou In rolmst i,. . mil .il by t'n I'r-ig pUlntil fur tin i-iinlift' ol a I i!,.- .1 I i m' ,, nl,,. . m in. I dMMrm ... in Th- rbeTimea-Berald laarns thai ,""" iilioiili' ill' ri-giiiar iiu'iii-rii.' Nllc at Silt at SchMl District Btdt i niu to ihe i library aanea Thli a imiiii mrwr. ; by the i ui.ii. . nblch iniv poMibly many taint should hi leluweda oon - -ihle and Mr llanle should meet with M at an eatK gate The? development ol the Harney country demandimmediale action in these matt. t. ounty Chrrh Motharahaad i in receipt of .i letter Irom Aiun ney General Ciawford in which he nes an opinion legerdhlg the nrnnition nf whelh-i -i voter ren' "er and rata at the primran- , the i i-ii'- Hi- " ,l" that il v.m be done the ime a on the dav of the geaj non by srcunny .ill'ulavits and jdaaaaj hi" atl'nli.ition. This will Mtthl e contention of laaaj Maaahag and tmpiify nutters and assure .i much larger vote at the p:imu thaa baa baaai aaah ipat In .i -I an I) tattled c ant) hke Havttaj the raarietration low is a drawback and cause much delay an! trouble. In fact r h a lot ol retl tape of BO earthly good whatever, a the provision are siul. that than can get around it. Some Ha i' the people of Silver Croat petitioned the Sec retary .if tin InletiOl .i-kine; tint the Silver Creek irrigation pro ject be taken up a early a poi ble and ignifing then williny nc" to "i'n i onlorm to ihe coodiiio4i of tin irrigation lav lui- wa forwarded to Washington b) k .mniy C'ierk Mi-thershcid at the rcijuc-t Bj the I Tlu week he receiv ed a letter irom the So jarledgfcaj receipt ol it and in his letter he stated that tiie government ould not take tm matter up M tin- una- aarhag H fact that the Klamath and I ni.i lill.i project- would require ai. available (aada. He also spoke of it isolation and Nraatad thai vshen we had iranspoitalion it would facilitate matter-. ! I intiinateii tha' the nvciniii at would withdraw should private capital arieh to take the project in hand. It seems stranye that tin rec lamation department would with draw Jrcat taut ol land and con tinue to hold it without making any effort to go ahead with the work 1 1 in. government i- not jjomy to put irngaiion ivoik- wii not release the laud and let home seekers the privilege of taking n up: The geological survey cov ered a bMM scope of counfy in that section that could and wuulo be reclaimed in loo ui .JO acre hy actual homesteail.-i - il pet milted to do so I'nder pre Sent coudlli jiis hu.ei-i , they do not desire to go to such an ex pense ami possibly a- MOB a- the had their irrigation plan-completed the po ernment would take up the work and th, settler be taxed ills proportion for the work. If the department isn't gom in do tin .vork release the land -it t. the taaidermy display 14 in- pevilllOII will e.ievo ebeaieei thn' the l aal ergai -' ii. I-- ii -ouni.t I thM of J K Walha Mr Wallc n- eertaialj - I tli.r.iiigh workman and h i- Artistic laate la arraagiag d -I tin- aetata n in - . . tail ikkiiib thf bird I nm lis - in a ni.t nttura. mannet mi i ' and it srms it wmiid i- Impeeel Improve aa hi- aarl pet 1'uriiiK in- laag employ incut witii Bt li- -I'm in tl i.i a vry beaomiai meaner II- lookru to the bet latereata f tl-; acsocistlon nn.i n in. i..- tag ir.iiiir- i,:- Bead n.irk is n re in mating ti r.- will hMNJ " an at Id thir.'Ugh workuisn-liii crsdil Th Timrs-iiersld regrai i resnt unfav.iial.i. m eeadlUeaa peoeoat a gnnra. viali .if our paaph i" viw ihif beaoUful display at tin-, tin. and h.n xel,.ioi ehUdrea f Ibis rkdnii soon hiv lb'' pla- . ! .f tii I a portion ui th "tilth wain sr- BO in in leprrprul a l.u with mi.-. timtwr, rooks. le where tie and iiiuiai- an- meal in1 Kiouuil wito t. . i. n i leieejreaed Tha 'Ik aad beat will Ik- psaaed with tion ae i i this i. p r, . eae dollar . ar any one m.iv 1 1 . v ll. privilege of Ihe annex With the Mtartalaataal now an l-r pi parell n the noml Looks will be ureatiy laaaaaaed at I r will h grown t proportiOM that a librarian will .nl- ilntf- to look Th- idi- ar- m d aaaiag .i ml ih' of t irtin pablie library and if praperly enaooraaad bj Ihe g"nral puhlle of ihle eit ii. -ii ooo Id ix ecoofapllehed A soitah j for t; drawhack. but pOMibiy tbf i.i- at -er far 111" lA't fill- 1" l that heald be given n iMuraa l thniight by our Th- I . Il th- mall salarv ol" librarian together with tin1 laeidental "iitertain-iilent- 'itribiitim . I ours, Iho aafaBj ' r th lakl i'. the i Pll II . i in - ik"ii oader ad via thai Hum- niv have : rary in a iborl time LITERAR SOCIET I ' in. I il..- t. nn.i m- t.-r.,! : I'"""- Vtl. ri:... for . . I I II PI l.l.ii 'A l'l 1 NOTICE I "i: i l N fc.ivili Hint i. ii,,ti held iiv aehool I N. I . I!i! . i n' . . . I 'III .1.11 L-esaml lb mi ' I' 'ii. "I" -rein It i ill Mill I ' I ' ' ,, - ii,l ili-lri.t . -.mi "t lire Una .ins- I nin i !,.xil Itttrl aterert py- ii. at th. i ni" ( i II Ihr nam i .iiiiiiin. in tl iii-ii ill t will i !' M ! lh ' Ith .1 1) "f -I nt Ml . . . .. n fl,o irni iUn Tradn We have the Goods---We make tne mces n--. .- . . JOHN DEERE PliOWS nifiC PLOWS SULKY PLOWl Harrows of Every Description In fact Farming Implements of all Kinds. COOK STOVES, HEATING STOVES, Camp Stoves. In various Patterns. Sizes and Prices. Shelf Hardware Builder's Supplies, Doors, Windows, Oluss, Paints, Oil. Varnish, Etc. GEER & CUMMiNS, Burns, Ore, Burns Meat Market w . T Be 'v. yfii si MMDNH. In iho Clreatl ."in .if lbs Sim. ou nt ..I Hire,'. I argwoa, ri ilatIB, , I.hll. Kurifon. ii, lN'frii.Utit.1 1 .III I UIK U l.-il'l..lil In , . . n in. I III Stata I llrej'in, i. " -i b) r..inr. il I- wpr nn.i miioer . i . .-inl inn In UI .. .. -ii'iil-l ,iill "it or ilor.' in.' in" I '. I-.' ! ' I Norlli ol I'.ul llfliw. ". .''. .i '' BKW nt - III M. I BBBISiaf '''Ml' "I tl- ,,. tin t.r lh-' A fall t- . appear and annvr. for want thereof, :' all! Ink.) ju.ltfiiK'ilt BJBla nM' t..r lit 1. htttlllll m ,.. YmwJ -" ' ' . .-..i.ii.isiiii. f n "r paireeam; swiui.u it decree of dKoroe ab. hit" from , . th- ! '''"' WtttlMtftf -wwwwwwwwwwwww- lurk. Yii'iim BOrQBfl .111(1 Liver Saubaad e k j Hi all Qnantil . CM N Prop MOTH i lOB PUBLI .i,ii.i,..i ii ' i,n,". Beta -I. i w.'-kiN aeaepsp tin.. -oi i vb IBM "' ll"ni" Ihirtifv .nil. .mi.ivn , orsaon. oaoe a ateek lor iix f llMlr. il. ....... mi Ii 1 1 3 1 aa :ji i t'n iui ri sv . i i t I'"" I' 0. Leven.. iettj . on. ol narney coniui m Baaaa wahi al lae! ' .i, ii..- ejaJ aaveil Naaarv, iaa,taa Stat paeUcaUea hr..,l n mad.-.m th" i .'Ith. of rBfBIJ ItW. -IUM..MI . Allori-.i-y ha i !alntifr I ir.d. i Wat- :rsm it r I'm . printing at n . A TEKWBLt STOWM WUODMAN HO! The Woodmen of the World is a life protective fraternity that has ii.nhed the top of the lad dei financially in the United States -r ex-I---I-I. -ii at thi Mason of year visited un aeatioa dariaf th - hen f.illurt latter cold eih"r I aias general, covering th- -nln i.. rlhweel ai I oa ising i damsK" H In thi lo li laubes I. n m H the .I.i an i had d had Iweii turnrii n tii" ri ge but lortun .' oa'- th- lock were near enough I i.o k- tetl Magaa n.l vi th t wepllan raavBarae. Tl ill a - I in my h"iir ami ha yel caught up with th Three feet ot BBI BBO on Hen leer BMWUt kin lad Asat Wotdenborg i mlhorit; fur laal th n. .nl i- ' -iug brought aeros Mi- Iron, .i t Hi" ...luiii are ad eaeouragiug dock conditio - .ti i rape r'- nothing hai.' yet -tartcl. While th" winter i. long anil tin i a .in i.' periad ai leael day.- longer than usual, n . wt-alh' r Old resident- have n.-vtr esper lenceil sucii a winter i none hav- seen more MBM lfl II '! ouniv. The prtsent ,.ttl,i if yery discouraging, of course, hut I hi.- in very unusual and not con fined to thin section particularly Thousand of acres of grain arill have to be sown in the Arlington I. I.ll. r irv ' a .1 i" . ling of minuses -i lael ti.-- f'tillowiiig pri.r ... , . . I Ciirr. Neil Snntl. , - Hynl Knv i bat the I altad Atlinn.U .. M t- i Smii . . twan and l Harry Hi; k A la Nu i 1 Seal aad Bonma Muller ii .i . trvin,; V '. ... I . aid aad Ttrril!. r of the negati loba Bayer 'ong i LIpides . ; . . I raak K Herk D dtaa Tii, preeidenl Vleiaa Jordan .pit- inte.l ; i Marls I la I ion in i i ".:. sttnuntmmttMtmiiiuratrmttattu::. : -. him stnBBaaaJg l MOWN THE HOTEL BURNS BAR. h a- frtiMlitl LION M OWN Cn J " ii Con n I v of Burns, Oregon AullMrucd Capital. JSOJ Accounts Solicited. '-KINO BV MUL" AN tSPECIAL FtAllHI KOK "I III.H - i V,rt.4' I m ink. : i j 4 nanunntmi - ; P e f 5flM V, U i CLUB ROOMS IN C Wl I i CLAS5 Cot'f. . ae - a ''" '' v .- v Saj.oo kEW-xkU $J5 oo. hereby given that hunt ing and Sheallng upon the enclosed i.i. tin I A l.i-.e Ski .1 in Ion ti-hi.- SB i. i.d I iw.xhlp P.U I W M II ' .,-1 Trmil i k I; .. - . 1 1 . ny ,. .. i. iiing " Ireep .- -, . in their i - i in. pr- j."rl- tlf full alll i ii i .1 i.', Ilere.l lor evtih ic. that will arr-i and oonvietioii l aaa I I lei Brorg . By K n lln .i R vn. ii M in inaa D1BBOLI PlOh sl . ). i Nti. - I LH I rW I - ' Lunaburg t Dak M'KING AND iiUODS ARC NOW AKMVINu' i- arc ih'ns ftW to liw you a larger and more i t,CK til r n firf. 'U' irii.c ait ID be sold. Our line- In and IRIMMINOS cuiimi.,l5 tii tiewestand most beautiful nut. NSCIiuvi also a new line ot adies' Misses, Children Hats and Caps, ihe Largest lete Stock Of dr: pit i tines: wind snd Ik purj ats fur Any Periodical Fubiisbuu. .01 K llOCHlirS PRbCHIPTH) . .ON. THf CITY DRUGSTORI H. M. HC' 1 .opt.,-t.' a svweva-. . - h.-lehy given that llr on psrlasrehip heretofore existing ii 1'. A link. 'II H ii. limg i.i. .eciion as iho winur wheat in kil. ""- ' Uluai "' ed. In Umatilla county man Mr HiLh .r.l tin.g from Hi" h"., I, Mil Iteeii sheared and a larae businea. The aeeOWHt il'l" thi ll wgTfiJ$l .! -.. BURNS UVfcRV AND iAdu:. l.l w ; , day, urn . -r NOTICK i't'K . , ,, tl un n- aad M our $ . sa- vu ga ; VVo .i buii I ui mt 1 1 II with LOW PRICES -SQUARE DEALING. seafaieai i - ''- im ,-.--. H&C30&$$'sy, J I I M - ' i.etl. ' - I Special Riiofl liivcu li 1 a'. r-j.i. . . ; iu umuueuog i unii ait W MalaL' a un s iaiBa iii .- a.i ..., i new Ailli AtUKAK IIA1 M.AI.tb fit CONNtCllO.N V.Jfh BAKN I M i lit aMMMPi r:ti::u:mxiammii..mana:a:aaiUtt;uimKmnttjttt. and is second in number only. It I loas is feai.d is the sirouiitst order ol its kind:'""1 cl," are also succuuihing to nn tlsiu I fr 'srl1 llv IlllHkl.'.l .siiil I ' Ull IIIW WUI( Uim ! ...ewww .. rapidly increasing funds already Bad $1,800,000. This is held a guarantee that ith members The early lambs cf u "' ur' payable to eitn-r oi lln- uaiiuerr and thi- indel.leiliieaj. of ll tiro . i.v li a Hick It A Dickenson 11. II Hihbard. HuniM Oregon, March 10th 1906 cold. The same condition- prevail in liaker county and in th" vicinity of Werner, Idaho Juh prriutiug The Tiiuea-11. aid in i Utuis in this otti.'f u.. luaa. G. W. Clevenger & Co. FURNITURE, PIANOS, UNDERTAKING. CARPUS, MAI IINOS, ViALL PAPER, liOCARlS, MAI IRENES. KLI-HluEKAllHfc, BllLWNG ami CARPET PAPER, RlMIEINti. 0u Stock is complete in Every Particular Hee us iirst and get prieee. Main Ht , Baaaa, UeegM (uuttttttimamtauatartitiMmimi:!: -.mnt:ttimuut:i::;i;iiuiitttuiu! BURNS IVIILUP CO. HORTON 6l &? j pts. , Rough and Dre.sed I mber Rustic. Flooring, Moulding, Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Good Roa Lumber Yard in Burns. l