The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 17, 1906, Image 1

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    J The'OfricisI Paper or.llsmoy County,
list Ihe largx-st circulation mlit one o( J
the heel mlverlipitiK meilium in Eastern
, g, s mmm- in
ffh rrftt Hnrneq founlrtj
ln.l. i
e i. ;
: :
NO. 17
COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL H n.,uim Wash where he isprao
ng dentistry passed through
here onronte home after locating
timher claim on Silver Crack.
Wm. Nerina of Waupacoe Wis,
after upending the winter in Burn
and filing on a timber claim on
Silver creek returned eastward for
Wisconsin Thursday morning.
Mis Klita Lonan it visiting for
ing the session of commie- t frw weeks at Metaohan station
court last week tbe ci.,.ty 1 with her friend Mrs Frank Metsrh-
Hohool Board also held a J an
g and re-elected Pit I. W. j w l,MBn bas been in Burns
principal and Prof H A. ; lhj) WM,k MJ(ti ,n ol..jOB work
le.trecter. tti-Utts rsr Ike Csialr.s
r. Bat Mutt lcrte Pst.lty
Altsadascc lacrtaslaf.
1.1 Hrst assistant for the com- u h pmfmmTP om.
r ronstiltlng wlifa the leach
d learning from the Kebrwiry
I. ,....,,, n( ninhlh irrtllll' llllllils
school would he nicreaawai
Mor more than . H " "" ,l",l'
Hon J H Ioggan made a trip
to Hilvie valley Sunday returning
Wi'ilnesday evening and registered
Tw Server New
Oat la VitwI
Crete la as
number of students, it was I We are informed the surveyors
toliegin investigation look- have moved their rump from Mai -
the enlargement of the pre- heur river and are now at work
i.L uA I I....1.I. . m ntlc iivpr rniiurl I.HWr.ii No ilnotit the
. , . ,. . 1 running through the Harnev ootin
larters. I he lioaril iliscussen nexi ann nnai rouie io ne
C 1. Millar, the eiginser io
charje of the division of the Oregon
A Kattern railroad rurvnyors now
working between this oily and the
Island Ranch, wm a visitor during
the week. Mr Millar talked fraely
with our people regarding the move
ments of the surveying party end
was pleased t" gel information re
garding the lay of the country to
the weal of this valley
While he did not pretend to know
the exact plans of his people he
stated it was more than likely. In
fact tbe intention to have trains
Lew VataaMea see Nits Tit Uwt Arv
Net issaea Usee wire Paver ay
locottftm ivWwWw9fs
r.abilitv of disKsing of the will take in Harney Cltr.
bunding and er clings new The j,0rj of lr(ld(, received a
1 owing to unsettled eninii- ntt,.r froni Nlirlh Carolina party
In account of railroad pros- 1 wh av he wj ;, al hmn tlm
fl was not known whelh. 1 I .pri,,,: '1 a practical miller of sev
uld he made that would justi- ora mri ,., M.ience and will take
amove or. it The Times- ! . inUlM.t in a n,m lf ,jtabla
is not informed n definite Hp - o Mng ymrli fTftni,
hut believes the kSJMw is wi,h liirn and wishes to locate on
nring the proposition 01 sua- i,rov 1(i
:ithcr room at the present
Lowever would be inadequate
irt tin..
II Ala.. I.a. liBOMIBliri' III llllfl
III Bir'i 'T- ..... r--w wv -.
.. ,. g usiiirv nourci 01 1 rane aim w.e
teacher lo the faculty for
.. ..... -ki-k -;.. liW-tr IPP"" o' ma wreai narnev
..M ,. ; w.. . ., (. ... ..( him.
ip at the Slav lorm 01
We exHTt to remind tbe Rail-
bffMf OMKsy High School 'road that Harnoy will be glad to
rn in from tb -tart see that) OMM into this valley.
proven a great benclit to thu
f tbe county It is si. 10-
1 llmt npN-al to VfwfJ
receiving the support of all
l gratifying nun r For
try in two years His party of sur
veyors will continue on to the west
by way of Sage Hen, keeping to the
north of that creek and getting to
ward the timber and as high up aa
imeeihle in order to make not a one
per cent grade to reach the highest
ixiiiit on the divide to the weal
Mr Millar slated to several that his
corps of engineers would investi
gate every possible pas out to the
milea at the least calculation
We should post onraalve on tfcsat
matter and be prepared lo eivetbe
chief engineer such information fn
a manner that will caue investiga
tion. The railroad people want all
tbe information poaaible and it lata
oar interest to furnish it accurately
Jamee Martain. a Swiss sheep
harder, was shot and killed Mon
day evening in the McNulty saloon,
in Dayvlllc, by W. L. Orewnwell,
the bartender, in an attempt t
hold up and ran Mr Oraenwell
A coroner's jury composed of K.
A Cummins, Wm. Wyllie. Ward jf""" Ibeir rising ire this spring as
Swift, Mont Stewart, T M High-1 he asaaaaor's deputies come urn I
I. ...I mil K I. Officer was imin- " li' heir proper I r for iasati .11
eled Tuesday morning by JtJgMM
of the Peace Snow, and after an in
vestigation, returned a verdict, tbe
subatanoe of which ia as follows
They found the deceased person
name to be James Martain, and
about .V) year of age, and a native
of Switierland That he Came to
Marion County will he aaaaaasd
t full cash value thia year,
ing In the Salem Statesman, a lib
C tains the following mention of
subject in ita issue of Thins. lax
Mar. I I
jafWwv ronevtv owners of Mari.wi
count 1 will he called open to keep
WANT! Iliitr
S.ile. 1, vislv
1 g.l hearty
IsukI. I 'I lo
x $Q .. .1.
... eli.i.!,i g.xhU for a living
If noi Mtlaraeiory .ur aMMf
baeh iir.m r fof stamp. The
lr U I,,!. . I I
tor. Ill
Kor Sale Five ch.ics loia In
Onlari- in l.aweo, l lots
in llurnv 1 ""'
! -i 1 1 u.isdoe MJ o.lle
Mat of Ituins iiolniprovrd, Itkl
a. 11 si. ear Sad. He llulle with pre-
.1 n Id grass standing.
has a hoiin- and (.nl fence Pat
UonUn .... ha uhulnna at il.i
.tl. e
ledges a communication from ihe
pamphlet of "The Ureal Harnev
Milwaukee A' Si Paul Ry aok now- j and most feasible route out and oyer
lo the headwater of Crooked river,
a they were beaded for Prineville
and did not want lo touch the
deeert. as has lieen the impression
He talked with several who
were acquainted with the topo
graphy of the country and aeemed
impressed with poaaibilities of the
unite up Silvia River to Emigrant
and out through a saddle or pass
across lo Twelve mile or the head
o.iriiose A in plan of a
1 nient lis Ixecn adopted and it 1 in
accordance not only with the letter
and spirit o thu law, but with Ho
liest m. ...... ideas of taxation
everywhere Proiierly is to be, l.t
id bv the assessor at its reasonable
.ash xalue or nearly en that i.
his death 111 March 5, llHW, in this I the cash value is to he the basi -f
county, from a gun-shot wound, to- "II eeereenienl
wit: A bullet from a pistol, said Thi may not lie iwipiilar In 1 .
bullel entering slightly lo right of " " ml a g.... many persons
upper lip and lodging ust under "' be inclined to feel hint, when
the akin in back of the neck, and 'hy " their valuation largely In-
breaking the spinal column Ttat creased over that of past years, but
be waa in the act of attempting to o long as the valuations are in
commit a felony and that Ibe ahol equal proiH.rtion throughout tbe
J K.iirlir-g, President Chicago west a they deaire to find ihe best 1 that killed him was fired bv W I. county, the system is the best and
Ureenwell in aelf defense and that moe equiUhls thai can he follow
said W I. I'reenwell was justified ed. and 111 (he end will make ....
In the act. difference 1.. tic an t or prnix.r-
There ware no witness.-, lo tbe Hon of indix .dual is 1
hooting and according to the atate- """ "tai.o -. f the county alua
n.eniof Mr. (Jreei.well it oocorr.Ki io be :) millions, n will ba necie
Just as he was dosing his place ,f "O- ' cur-third a manj
huine Mondav evening bIm.iu n.ills on the dollar to raise the nan
nine o'.-lock He had just taken eeenry 1 ,u 11 .,r Male lai r
his purse aril put ii In hia cat chs.l tax a would ls uecesse.y if
pocket, and when he turned aroun.l 'l valuation a. re u milh,. ..
MarUin bad him covered with a will the liroportii, f t. m.livl.lm.l
revolver, and sal.l. I wa I your ' " greater. ...It n.
money" tireenwell say, "What Multnomah county tin. .... . an
do you aMtftT Martain replied. "I ''lustration, where Ibe levy 1 on..
want your money. I mean It ", 15 mill altogether, whereae it ha
grabix-il tl.
Martain s revolver and
of Beaver creek. From In conver
The Kast Oregonianaay: Judge i(lj01 it WM lnfumi lhal the road
d east of Buck
hey evidently want
to keep wit Inn or near the timber ;rr,.,, m,
belt Mr Millar espUined how ee
eeutial it waa to make ibe most
direct line poaaible, a every foot
deviated from tbe course meant
Iv Ihe inalruumrs have l-J. Blr,hl1, A ,.ow., foriDI)r judga of woul(, ,,,,, ,
led, .1 ,..d bux J give,. . m - 1 llH. JuHjc((ll d.lncli ...j 0 of lb ! MounUjn mnd ,h1
kll.iucnoii. iiuyiiiii-ma " m. .,...,.,. mnA !.,!
mpidly. at the same time j . f ,- .
borough The Tloana-Her-I. . .. ,nUllltioll of k-.
pleased with the pros- candidate for lb. office of
iba imutuuiMi ir tnecoui- ,.uileJ 8ut naUir fr0B1 Qragoi.
and preu.elH that it will oujit,mtion ,lwjtion I p rond
oe...ry to .-,.,,.l,.y four 1, , ,, ,,.,, A,nl g JJ
before the end of tbe lieit
arm Mich an eitiicuiiouui
ir tbe past month Judge Uwell I w t0 con,inUB oll lh, preaent
ll'iH ,. 1 1 WMVtTllHf lflWfHll lH OWIi LwwuvaA .;! aaaakinn iba hiaiiii.
1 aa t-inji Wr aiiii 1 irpi iini aiivr rn- sua-
on I. a credit m IhU WUaMiflMI not tll wn, candidate, . ulnoUi rogionf ,0 tU 9m mhuu
tliat will pluy an important
Hthe future of this aection
ay, Mnr III, tun a rod
fKiv to :' Christian Sientlat
it i ty occasioned by the unit
Bi.' two o'gHiiizalioos known
B Church of Christ
Hriatiau Science Society ol
re line 1 a union great
d on the part of those in
and wus brought about l
ere ..i I'outen
ly mljusteil be organiu
uw complete under the ar-
H iiiciTpiiruiioi. ami 1 luiru-i
ir.l 1 ol v.liriHl Mclenieet.
er and readers were eh-ci-
Suiulay school organized
desire to do so are cordially
to ulteiid the services of
rcli Notice of both lino-
e of meeting may be found
hurch directory of tin
II 1., Clerk.
end the plea of bis friend to enter
the race and finally cunseuU-d to
accept the nomination if tendered
to I. im by the people and ao will
make an active cuuvasa through
out the stale
I I,, other candidate for thi ohoaeti, aa it will mean a aaving of
place are 11 M Cake and Jonathan several mile of road, bringing the
Bourne, republican, and John M line lo the summit at an eaay grade
tie.! in, all of Portland in much shorter distance and more
The demand for an eaaiern Ore- direct in the general course.
igon wen for the Uniled Stale sen- Chief engineer Wagner i enunci
ate wa never eo strong through ed to arrive neat week and make
' Dr.-gou as today and Judge Lowell hi headquarter in tbiv city for an
io... neing aai- h(w notlvt)(i ut$ttui ),,, aDCi i. j iudofioila lime Wheo be arrive
grama from prominent men iu all lies aituatiou will lie gone over with
pari of the slate asking him to Im- him and ucl
to get hia own gun from under the
bar, and juat he reached it, the
robber je, ked away from h. in, and
aa he did an lie llred. the bullet
wounding I ireen well's baud Ureen
well fired, resulting in the death
of bis ae.ailant aa stated in tbe
coroner' jury venlict
tiarrel ol Isien in mill heretofore
a'.tetupted There is no rimm! argument 1 -
seeing pro-rtv at nue-lbird o'
let ol it value Tin re i. nolbii .,
to gain by it and there ia a great
d to lose First, Ibe valuation
of a county or elate makes a poor
showing abroad, and second, there
is always a high levy on a low
valuation, which frightens
JOHN I' I'M less
. . t lis-
N I .
a ' nr
National Bank
k General Bakiif, Bai.ess Triisactei
sMterwea tamfit ml f mrmt prft.
1 i w
John I) !
x llalnea.
isjsS rnsjo sr ir vasr asr- -riwv
xi tii lima. I'au
a J.xisa. n I'sr
StaestleSae Is Sssrr
An , .r ri.,. irvrl of this
aravevti r.uiii.l ia Mi j u llertrani'.
book. "Tl,. 11 . Bag n
lhal , r law e.ten
site OV I ..(laii.l
f a mat
wl... i. , .... . ,ii., i,-a
slati..,,. . , fr.,iai.
bin, all 1 Ln..l
it,.- 11 1, --',.! ro
tin- gteae , .r ihe ami
there - . ,,r iinpiureiweal
...... ....
sr, 1. i.r liunier I l I
eta. 1, tii ,1 hi . 1
that gsacv 1 .,.- rears tw. k i.
f..iii.. ' .Islra lhal !
at a cri lain . .. , 1,. . . iikrlf I
I.. le f. i.,.., unimiial I
bis BjSjSal I,, s.-e.t lis ImmIs i.
The shlllia l.ugl.e.1 at lb l.tea
r a man lltlui . r.-, f
allien sw) au.l telling iiit-m wbere le
(,- I SBB, .,, aa ' e swat
tl.e tbl ? I " I I a... I .I..
qjeti.e WSs Mial Ih.y iv I ... 1 1
BSertilns I ..
Jonra. .1 rsssiii. r xx 1 1 irr. ami srnssr gx
I tlll't'CVt I 'ixi.l in. . le
W Soliwir Your Bankimi ntminaaa.
MTlMKIInl I'M,- M e,, ' I II Test, J
C K Kenyoi. II tv William J
Miller Krank It Cillli. II.
J isH.'
, 4 v44
y Hoeraary 11..11 ear skin. x esarv
vy n a ceweia, I
first m?M Bank
A (lenerni lUnkin, l.ti l
1 1 '(
TwtUwt Sur
1 1,1,1a ' -. is-.' l'r..iHistor.
BnWnry in onnkion
k Sfttiilly ( bUrt aVsan.
Table fur isb.l with everything
lbs mark, t ..(lode V..ur patron
age solo .'.
- : -
tbey were to return and reoouiioiter Martain cams lo the Day villa
thsoountry directly west aud north I ouutry from I'rinoville and has no
of Hums Should tbe line up known relatives 10 this country
through the Emigrant or Willow His remain were buried Tuee-lay
oraek county prove at all feasible it (.ft,, ,ue in,uest was held Hlu.
is ex peeled this will be Ibe route m 1.
IViHtors are Peualeel.
lide of our streets these rheum '' 1
oni'g days To further ihe i'ron Stole.
eviiic. d io County affairs
llaviu caiiduiale lor coo
r think h free discussion
... lliie h l.n tea.,
IV ixll.iire Wol, III lie lit ,. II-
Ihal a out-::, mc-.-tmg ... "uL
The lemarkable recovery of Ken
neth Molver, of Vanoehoro, Me . is
the subject of much interval to the
medical fraternity and a wide cir
Ols of fl"i4l. lis says of iiis t aas
"Owing to aavore inilammation of
the throat and oongealion of lbs
information as bs ' lung, three doctors gave me op to
come n candidate for Ibe position J may desire will bo furuishsd die,, when as a Isst resort I was 11.
Indtr the pressure of this wide- Those who are acquainted with the duced to try Ur King's New ..
spread public demaud, Judge country are ..tubed tbey can show uovery and I am liapp
Lowell ba decided to enter the the engineers ib- ad vantages of tbe aaved my life." Cures tbe worst
race, although he iiad practically line through the mountains to lbs coughs and cold, bronehiti. weak
sd nut lo stand for the nomi- north of the present eurvey lung. hoarseness and lagrlppe
nation r roui the fact that there are two .Guaranteed at The City Drug Hiore, i a popular fa vo- surveying parties and that one is '60c and II 00 trial boltle free
rite all over the stale of Oregon, for beaded for Prineville, instead of'
hi. determinec1 aland In favor of going lo ihe southwest to jnn the WANTKIi 10 men in ea b
all forms of Hjlitiua! decency and Natron line aero, tbe 'na4i 'gnU to travel poel .,gi... advertise
straightforwardness, for hie high tbe belief lhal a junction will be mti, , v .ample of our good,
ideal of maiiiiiKxl and character made at the Crane oroek pas snd , Halary ITbOU per month. I'l OU
and for hi fearleaa advocacy of tbe oi.a line ao aoulh of the lakes acrota Pr y tur eapenoee. KOVAI.
" 1 unuai v r rv. . . u' im :.
ibe desert and ibe other to join ?1Vrr," ' " ' "'
.. . .. .. . ... .1
auolber in tbe rrinevllle country
is alrenghlened Of course tbia 1.
merely speculative, as no intima
tion ha. Iseen given by any one In
I in- . nen th.ii stin. I to it crdit MUih.,ni solar aa Tbe Tlsae-
make Huckle. . Salx- s Her-;d mm lou NevsrtbaU.s
scientiric wonder It cured E R tUe Usine. mtu of this city are
l..'...r.l lsn..,,.r f.-r 'I. 1'.!. ., ii a .
....,...,.... -.. - ijuucIj biicouragrii siimwi learning
that the urvey is p. br made to
A iuuioi is current on ibe streets
that tb railroad oeoulv bars imii-
' r" OHJ . in, Koad LaiKi Grant and
thai the line will follow this graul
a. closely as possible. There seem.
d wi.l oiake;i"besome ground for such a ru-
tuor, as it would sa.e tbe railroad
live bocueeeekera and investors
An b, .ileal cash value eieeasMMni,
ith an economical ,
ofatlatr. make ibe beat con
lion f..r in y county
i f
A llvsly I aw tie
ill, thai old enemy of the race
wMMlipaleon, often ends in spuen- j
Uiciiis To svoid all serious trou-1
ble with eluiusvb, liver and bowsl.
Uke Dr King's Nsw Life Pills
1 h. y perfaclly regulate these or
'gsns, without psin or disoomforl,
'.'' at t'lty Drug Mori
Havnig sold the furmturs bttsi i
, I rd will now turn In
atlentioii to painting and pap l
bsngiug sud solicits a share if
y,,.n patronage II will also awn
duel a cabinet and repair .liufx.
at ali times and under all cir-
I'lllll.tUlK. .
A Sctsalillc wonder.
lUuded for I. I saMt )
week xx ill be the lust of Una
.Clio i .in,-- iii. iirucioirt
SjtMtillUi .1
for next Fnday and tlie
ui.xi friends xxul kJ !-
i alien. 1 them The rtlleii-
lliursday in Mr Hamilton's
io ana in iie uiiiardr. U8t,ulldr,, l'..,ofa
I- J1 1 - ,u esiljayaj It tknaU
Uiaiueiip ... v. iir j. a"aas
a engage the alleiitioij id lb. worst Hums, Hows, Boils Ulcer
na who coiikrt-i!,i!i ,.n tin- cuts, bur., t and salt
Firc-Prcxrf, iWodern. :ipi;ant.
Watca Jj.imj and $j sj p- r titty,
AH Outside Rooms Near Depot
i 'hi hum Lin new Intel was unlv , , ! In the)
puMu x I'.niiitx psopW '
and i iMiitcnnslv , ,,,ll i A In MMCtags
ii n
Napton A, Boyd
leal EsUte. Km tiiil Stisint
P.isrrs, Is
Usjlafiv aaVe ew w lewn IM.
Ma) be wvr J4
see- r
Watchmaker and Optician.
Second door north of post office.
Light and
an annate vita)
u. in, tli - ' I, ' av of
,, considerable trouble in it rigbl-of-.inil
has ;,rr ,.,ged "
.out ball... .., MaluuSlai .'W'iii,riii.-at... si liui.
a goo.1 pUcoto have all Hepui-Hc fi. e lo all who pa. up
didalee meet and mddrt , ""r. aud .,ne i oar n. lo
Ibe I iu, II. .aid. Ne .ubsclb-
way and the land would double in
- - - - ;.l. - .juu... .r .
There l. uo question of lbs ad
.iiswi me vaiiousaunjecie -laabilitv of inn anasl coroina dir
cided by the voter at the ." " '" v"cu ao -
irceix. linn great 11a.l101.4l eeiul- MJl Uoui -' Oram cros ills
atioii It ibis lueeU tbe wfc,.kl 11B-MIel. lld uu.ilv vallev to the uortbwest. as it ia a
of the oeoole some steps,,,,. in il... -,,u,A Ki.Imw .1.. - " " " ----
lie taken at once P. arrange Tb.- lx., paper one year for t'Z . butler road bed across the val-
a meeting Let olh.r give for this month only.
living slieaiue with uiuob lass
Street hsU at greatly reduoed ...okaa,, .utl ,,. it over the divide
iproval uf the suggeeliou
te the meeti. g a go.
H. boiiedioi aud wifauf.'ri:t,i"t,l,i f'-A Br,,
at a saving of more than tbenty-five(
aTuaUedyarnnt'Ci aany nn
wiUnut Incnnvl
van ky yarafw
wtUi dalicnta
- -
.asanas- Mttill Stss
sjat The Finest of All
Km- Uk til M
Hotel Burns Bar
FK lnts, Burns, 0f.
4yil.,iliri I I'-r. s I i-' !.,
1 lu-i 11
Burnt. - Oregon.
Wines Liquors and ClMI
liilliurd and PiMil i able.
Club Rooms ill Connect. of..
uc 1 nsoa lo.wuaoN 4 am
BlatksiuilhiuK ui
Wagon Work.
Bums, Oregon
mctudjm jr I
' imtmm KK m
O.or BOO I '
Benwtifwt IIk i I
Paaaane. ' 3 m -""'
MNaiattN AMY,
tlH av Lni M tsVaM
Is asjeuafcaka.
Job Printing;.