fchf (Timrs-ftaCd. SATURDAY. MAM. II W, IfSt. HlTHHOKIlTION KATKH One TMt n SI MxtiIKi ICO Three MootM ... ?5 JULIAN MTMI - -- - Meeee.r Gossip is n humming bird with eagle- wings and ,t oii I likr a fog horn. It i an MJ heard from I). in to Mershuha and has iaut'il mon trouble than all the bedbugs, ticks, Urns, mosquitoes, CO otes, grass hoppers, rattlesnakes, sharks, sore toes, ri lonet, eartlupiakes, bli- WOMIKKFl'l, INVENTION." Snndavs oOnrh month II n m ll i interesting to note th tunes are frequently ni-.u. inVPiititm of iirlirli's nl mumr iii POTUUM. Many of th) MM p , ular davit-en uro tlinao duainnl In lenflt pvQPW I ltd HMtl populai conditions, and niv of tli .mil ',".'!) in. school al 10 :i in 1 1 dli morn) PfMohin iba Beptril church Morning and evanluf Bendi luildav lit 1" i n I DlMtiUf evi'rv iv.-iimu I !)' pastor . terestinn of th.ese thSUMM lit third Bund Invented is thd lr white Bltctric Ciini. patented -Ian 1 aiMHlwful DetBhi oiiri .i.ini'riift, hair MHnf out, -i.'k Mid nervon Ii'miImcIh".. and with lr Whii iHc Ran brush Ml MMltif nt. -i Ik make siraiftht Mill Ufl) Ul dayi i mi-. I'ln-n ateotrfa oonbi bsva -"!il in tin- various ItiM of tl in, and nth. and at Van tli- hli Bui ! iy Ulttil flirllr i ; niik.r. P . xards, smallpox, yellow fever, gout or indigestion that this great lira demand i- United States has ever kmvn or ui (nr aient :tr. rapid If l ever will know . In other Vronb, easWtaf, ru-h Mlling til it has both w.n .in. I - I,.,. L,l Th-v lv.itiv.-h up m the ilmn.-i. yelling Io, n '" '"''I' " M witer -Kl iii.iii i''ii ivion .ii' oi- tr.s-iiiiii,' thoin.i I ii Whit- The Mr Willi Kclifloes Ser omi i - r illn-i i lit ii " i ttir, III spindiTs. A n d when t Ii e pCOfl to ,i good advantage A dollai in .i women's hands MN twice M)Im a- a ilollai in the First Clinn-h Ch bands of a man. lfou want to vi. . '' p n. ftuiirln) I' ret meal save monev lit votli MN be (he leg Wl " m Ml Kink i Th -is for the man who WiM'1 " ' W E. HUSTON Dealer in Groceries, Provisions. Tropical nd Domestic Fruits when in Season. E ALSO HAS A LINE OF GENTS FURNISHINGS, Hats, Shirts, Clothing Underwear Get Prices CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. Rt! klnde of Fnash Vegetables in Season, iVE HIM A CALL. Dork Main Street r II I ( -r .. ' m i1 j iiiu.ki" nrT XiTlIi' TTXilUOVil HIP .jShA t . . ,i HI ii otraoN gets SJSjMJl out of a job and for the man who gSM a sni,ir MJ Si a position This if for the wurk ingmau. whether he labors with his h MMM in toils with his brain This is for the married man of the man about to Ml married It is for men in everv class of lit. .mil every walk of life. It is II ndvue fn the average m.-.i- I when rm, i on wheels are -.ipiill in. reusing in the ediKjttve tein of the MMs Tlie nietliod of a mi ing forth information horn SSStari of le.i'iiiu and brtuiiig it cloae home to the people In means of a truinloatl of proi ind oliiet experts with their apparatu- ot in- truitio'. i i thing to i expected of a pi OgrcMivi i unit r o! im mense expanse, gridiorued with tteel nj A new experiment in that was is actually to happen this month. On the 4th of Mar.li a ti.un will leave St 1'aui bound tor the Paci i coast, bearing a staff of experts in tin art of grain production The staff of teachers is provided by the Minnesota and North Da kot.i l.iinin- Institute, and tin train and n i rew h the restore compam BSGMMI h MjlisjMM We MhjeetrVSJ eftad of the tup will re sult in mu. ii .luun-utcd husinee for the road . In connection with this vi. item of interesting information it found in .i leient bulletin sen from the university of Minm department of aricultuie, inn gard to jjiiod sesult." obtained In seed selection In exK-riment carried through tw tin average gain in favor of mJm tm; heavy seed was 4.6 bushels It is estimated that one bushel per I will pa for the labor uf cleaning and selecting the M ee and leave a very handsome prolit. It is set down as a reasonable expectation that from two to 10 bushels pei MJMJ Mil wBI MJ add ed to the lurscst if seed rain is piop.ii -elected. A an argu ment to ttu tai mers 11 is pointed out to them that in stoi k (needing they arc very careful to select the verv best specimens to reproduce their herd and llnck? from. This is a useful illustration, foi farmers have so long been ami, toniei! to keeping up the quellt) of llu .iiiiiii.ii In that Method thes do not question 11- nei but with the fact tli.it tin -mi, piuiciph hu.ds in greht eeWciion the) are Hi -t so faiiuii 11 . Tlie ke lures from llii I II 1 irainload of experts in iy brhw 10 the bUMeri much intoiinatioii thai the) would not go far out of their wa) to jjet The results of that applied information will ! not alone to then advantage, but will h-l the ii .ul and all the business ol me weal, l.. ; -Il-r lid ntln-. Rev , I Irwi'i will pi Hani") the MM ninnth at 11 a. m. and 7 .: p ,,, Sabbath MMM p. m The llarni'v Bnndaj Mb at I o'etosk e.v'h Bond geHtol tnvit-it lot 1 1 wrhn ' . li. At the lv Itiirn-. Rev. A .1 Irv, in 1 services thi 'bird and Extraordinartj Clubbing Proposition Tltf Tiiio - (It Io public nmi 1 1 1 1 y "ii'' ol 1 In fol lowing UI'f- Ho R8.00 H paid tin-in. -in i. Tin Si'ini U. .kl ' ! -l-mi .l.iiiitial of Portland, i if v. . I'tiiii. i Bxumiiwr Tlirlii o u .s-k .w urk w orld. Tl..- Tit... -itiltil to Dtnke lux 11 la month ami 1 iBhi wuie -o t Kittal I'ltililiing rule.-. I win. pus their HiiltM-ription .mi. rtj in ndvam - i tin- niiiiitli uo will -oinl ; Tw n n Week Uuiulli Loufcf, an eta in- yeoi Thih will I..- given new eribsn uinl 1 1 ones bo n-1 11. u during tin- uoutfa The Tints Herald, the Ih public and W iregfonion one Norn for$H OOil paid month. 1 4, to.-ar.wiaa inland jfair (u tlin DO IT NOW The Tin,. --M.ratd will in ik lli.s a barKum iiiunth in lie iva ul BUlsMvipliOM and ban arranged to give ti,e Hesst-WesKb I lUptlhlU) free to all who pay up MSMM and one sear in advance (.. The Ti mm-Herald. New Mubacih ers who pay in advance will uUo receive this ureal national seam weekly newwpaper and family uagaiiue in the CnKcd Hlalee Tin two papers one year for If for ttiin month only. Neuralgia And Other Pain. All pain in any disease is nerve pain, the re nil .: :t ttr -Indent condition o( ihi'ie The stabbing, darting, burning, pain that come- from ' ment nerve bran lies, Ol sory nerves, Ii n and is the "big brother" of all the other pain- Dr. Miles' -Anti-l'ain PilU rarely ever fail to re!: pains by soothing thi nerves, and restoring their tianpiilitv. Dr. -Miles' Anti-Pain Tills leave no bad after-effeer ,, and are a reliable remedy I kind of pain, such a-, In attache, backschSj stomachache, -tea, riieumatiam and They also relieve !; zitt Sleeiiiessness, ickness, and Dial - af ter eating. "For niNny years I have bean a con stant sufferer fi able m aud OHi'Melea. i 1 tiii.l 1 Thy alwaya cure tnv I Cahier ial Ndi 1. ...K -,lj- Dr. Mllet' Antl-Paln Plllt are aal your diuygttt. who w.ll guarantee l it the tirtt paefcaue will banefit. If it fail iia will return your money. S) Sent. SS cente. Never sold In bulk. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind i s MANl 00L1 in ::: i:::::;u:r.::ai:tj. DROP : I 1 A-K v,r IN AND LOOK mers with the u ill v hen desiring 1TTHIN6 IN MY LINE. and I' i in i lot ks, ' lU kinds, i . . I laiulp.unteil t inna at . .:riQ.toerlira.g-. ,.....,... ... . - rtttiuuuiiiiiiiiittttnttrtt'tiuiiuiun ' Don't Overlook the Special Inducements Offered . e i bj ii (or itiiytliinn PKOPR9HlONAf, TAlt' Wm. MILLER, ATTOKNKV AT I, AW ttnrii", (tregon. i Mm first door weet of HsnV. , w M, DAI.TON I Biggs & Bigg ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, b rns, sasses, Practire in nil ItM court' of Ore CollentintiR promptlv MMM ... a Rawrocn , . I'tSIII'H PARRISH&REMBOLD, Alterneji at-Lew, llrirna (ami Canyon ( (y, On .'". raelle. in lb, marls "( Hamey '"' illllM. aint 111 Ihi- - lati.lufllrr. . ii,. Ontafio-f Stage bio inr daily mi. Anfv iy ir.'.n vmrr,ii , tfiry thronjrh r railfe l-ir i-otnM arrtnn , distat' S. .s. II.I.M MS, R ; i.. m nn-riorrr' ar . , ( 'im.. 1 1. I rsonard, Attoiinky-at-i AW, f'aret'ul attention ffven to I tinns and Rt niitters. i ii. in ii- . Nntiirv Public Hi UNS. (,i:o s. HIZKMORI, ATlel HI BtrssSj c,,l,r,!,,s- latnd " RaUIS hi i'"- protui lp DR. M. J. CFRDES. I,.ll..r., P Mrilteil'. Baiftrj . al. .r.ini.ll SMMSfM l ir. )-, (ir.'..ii. B. W. Ml! .1 NOTaiKy PUBLIC. Iturns, - - - OreffSS. J 0OLRMAN, Steiingrnph.r and Notary P( III RNI - OKI iinii .Orech -: j mmUlMHtm beeartler;' Till I I S W i Wails. e.i.a. MXllSDEM I GEARY. Phvsk i md Bti inn aST ' d im vi i: I sM s iW tl old snrpH Mill r? I- V, (nf'tn . OssjfMjsj i Ian. I an ' II ik BULLS FOR S4LE Nearlings and Two-Yea r-Olds Quantities to Suit. THE BURNS HOTEL ... r, THOMPSON, P-opt. nit lean rvii als. Comfortable m, CourtvMitu I tcutn vnt. Special Accjmmodatlons for the FIRST I EVER. KAiniriJLAl. in Your Pev ge Solicited. II s ir.i. I 1 1 lit ..nil .V tr. i nt. .ii I ) ;v orii.. W. C. BHOM DE1TTIST. y . i. xt i HOI 111 i i I Meeta evcr Ural .. r,i ,mli, "ii I Ms i. ii Meet, erer) aeeon.l an. I .-ran b.-. roresi Re . i I anil FBENCU'G) CO. B " tt ONT LIVEkV, FEED AND SALE m Core Your Cough stop your Lung Irritation, rehevu your Sore Throu: sod drive out your Chronic Cold, with the only cer tain, mi striotly scientific, Cure tor Cough: and Colus; DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY FOR CONSUMPTION A . WIS & McGEE, Propts. r i m.ii. , ITLVM KKHKK. Meelaeveri ! i ' ateet. i . W A !,. Ml; Meet, rat) l.,,i,i . loueWi,,,,,.,.,-!.,,. H. nj net Of I 0 lS sl t nrs Jim is MN t.M lost, :i. pjt-MVti 'he best of care trom 'Xperncad hands, n ivei'y turnouts. uiiug tarties Hccommodattd ses Bought and bold. Almost in Despair. "Our little daughter was givou u uy two physicians with consumption of the throat, and we were almost lu despair, when our druggist recommended Dr. King s New Discovery. After taking four bottles she was perfectly cured and has had no throat trouble since.' 010. A. EYLER, Cumberland, Md. Price, soc aud Si.oc TRIAL BOTTLES FREE RICOMMISDID, CUMRANTaaO astitULOSi The City Drug Store. ' .vV V6i)eyvWW' i ::wis- j FIRE INSURANCE. . tenls 'h iter Ci., tl New York, Liverpool, London & (Jlobf, Assti Co , Philadelphia. rVmi t'KiCS & ItllHIS. Ba ns, Oregon ii ., l.uiiabu it & Oalton's. &!& rw X tan l W I ,i '-v JOHN (ii:jiiii;i u Hi, "wuler. oi.ti.-iui. Miitriiiv ii raw uaii Kin.,1,,,,.1 uilty. B. W. HAMILTON. Steca Isspccier. Ilaracy Uaaiy. HeSM ailii, iran. I , a. If. iiiuu lasiUi : v. i.nniiiii Aieliie M.l.uHan I ithktMdj so yeaA i JMaTsmi i rM m a I ipmm ': J ' I 1 I I rTVTs CofVBi SkVj afl I Mo mwM m I l44rtUH I mAmj ' It IIS SI -J HsTttMnaMMTIaglosj suaktbould Hive the lua.-.t1 r m...r, .., ,, ,,,, (((i -Isya' aoUcc. Hull. OaWitt't JKSSi 8i tor ru, BXirua, I