Times- Jlerald. it t AROtrr circhi.attom or intimAmK in tuts courrrt. Thfi Overland ii the popular te! in Burns. ho- V are Utubdat. march io i Local News. wanted at tho Overland at Igniter Hamilton and wife. over from Harney. I -ooking for snap.? See Schwarti A Rndelman's ad. Alfalfa at Over Comntln.. LadieV v.lvat topped shoes Hsrlne. Co. W T Hill bee been qeile nick at hia home in thia city. Street bata at greatly i earing prices at Mm. C. A. BytdV Hoof, n v. pickled pig feet and i: .... .1 -. W J U.l.u 4. ;" " - - - j jM. ,ik, flndir,t good.-4VAw.ru V- i Bndelman's coat Ml For Hale. Baby's high chair POLiTTCAl, ANNO'TNOKMKNTH The WinfW her i g ... . I under thu rnA-igeiiti' of the old time -nloott matt, I.ee Caldwell lie Would hejbeMern o h tve Ma I oall at'd ore him. DOWN'S" "THE SATISFACTORY 8TOKI 'f.HOWN'S" I hereby announce myaelf a a oandidate for commissioner of Har ney county, nnhjeel to the decision , of the democratic voters at the pri marie Io be held April 20, 1906 ). R JVNK1RV jr unaerr-airw A Co'a. Iriflin wit a vUittir from Nar- lliix week. Aslos ehoea for men and old cnmlort hocs . Fred Haine Fred Br"! crib Inquire at Schwarte A ! Riidelman'a. Remember the 9t Patrick Friday night at Loeher'e ball Roth Commissioners Miller and Beet were in attendance upon court ' thin week. C W Loggan ia now assisting Assessor Loggan in lifting the Ml- -4KM. city, March 6, to property Campaign ofTer Oregon Daily Journal until July I for 12 See John McMullen. A private letter from Canyon City announced the arrival of a ton at the home of Dr. and Mra Rrownton on March ft Mra Homer Reed, a daagh- cribe for the Deeigner, re- Ito 60 oenta a year. Brhwarli liuan. II. Rrown, the Mianiond lari. snout several days in l thla ween fw mr(. cuatom made gar- will he aaaured of a good merit for men and boya left that Itid a comfortable room if yon I wifl ho sold for oaeh. Fred Malnee i the Overland when in Hurna oVCn. :v.nk i..iu,).ii baa rnturn-V Ralph rlvram. lather ol Mra vt . r linmn in Si vim after u l. Nier.ian. ia . ""w " " my .am aa a cendhlete (or ceamMoner on the IVreoeratie bell ueket aad pledge f rt"' "n the office to the heat of mv aeiltty MT Lnna raak.lana in llarnav t'onnly tia Horsemen should aee the pedi- gpm m9 mn intimate kw.wle.tge of the gree of Fillmore Chief the trotting awsdeot its growing popelntton aoii le atkllion 1 talent reewaresaand t will at all T1MRKR LANI NOTICK IN III eer l-i Re, n-l' V tmnee alrive to act with the idea in view J"lof swlwedlnstlng pecsonel Intoreeta to during Debttcaood Aa a member of the conn ty mart I woaM try to make ay poat ttoa known on all sabjects before that Omc- K. aa nmnlal aetum at all Uaiea. ' Jam lAVt. over from hia viait with friends in thia rowers are invited to can hie W A Goodman. Rurna terms for aharing with the tut he has ordered H Benedict and wife, of Canyon Creek to the latter home oo a visit Im, Waah, were by Carmer A For Sale 8 acres land (gunranted). can file oo any less than 16 acres. Add Oriffin, NarrowaOre Hr Maraden waa called to I .a wen scrip pieoe G A located on thia morning to see the family of Mhaw thia 'Out Out the safety Incu it runs T Hmiih lice Hau.illon h.m return from the snuthern psrt of I gry and wife are going to owa ne it week to occupy their fgVd Mrs lisary has been 'Hhouh time I'm in ituprov- f llawley alout Ulluiore lie llinroiii;liii'eil iroiiinir He will Htsrid thia aenaon ir lt.iiiiiiIi- inlitf a pr.uiiiiifiit ul Raker City, ia here on Mr Wmfreo was a lorm rtiierof circuit Judge Ham R R Hits. It was feared they were suffering from scarlet fever. The Tima-Herald has printed ithout a lamp, petitions for the candidates to cir- hnut it. Hurnx lCulate inorder to be placed on the primary elrction ballots The card of K N Hmitli. a olvil engineer until recently in the IT 8 Reclamation service, appeara in this issue Mr Hmlth ts now per manently located at Vale Fillmore Chief, the handaome thoroughbred stallion will make the stand at the fairgrounds in this city this aeaann. Thoee interested should call on 1). F. Hawley for particulars Married Yesterday at the home of the bride in this city , Albert F Htilaoii and Mrs Clue Parker, Jua tice Jitmesnn performing the cere mony Tbey have the heal wishes ..I The Times Herald for a life of happiness. Jamaj) Mahon was here a few days thia week, leaving this morn ing ill company with County Hut veyor Jordan. Jim says his daugh ter, Miss Pearl intended sending us oata butter oupa to show they lived in (ind'a country, but had neglected it. P C Peterson spent a fe with his family in thia oity the week Or W.C. Rrown, DenUst in the new stone boilding north of the Post Office. I hereby aeaoanre my fell a candidate Robt Rixby is here from the big tor the nomination for the ofBe of eoaa- stook ranch of tb American I -nod i ty ladge of Harney County. Oregon . A Live Htook Co - Io the deetetoa of the refrnMieen i voters at the primary election Io be held O. W. Clevenger A Co have re ,, ln oth dav of April iwrtt; oe'.ved a big lot new furniture whloh , Should I receive am-h noioinstion I , the public should oall and see. proealea.to make a vigorrwa. and honev art rempaign and If you wiah to be located en a u aiorted will qaallfy and pleii(e my good homestead, aee F. M. Jordan, self to give the office my very bi at , the surveyor. teaUon at all timea ami will ! av ver managing the aflaira of the count Mr and Mrs Chas Wilson will go Bpoa paraif boaiaess prineiplee at a'i to their ranch near Dog Mountain times hewing to tbe Hue letting the neit week to look after the aprlng I chips fall where thev assy. .l Wllboat casting any rwnecliooe arm worn . .... , , . , . . , ethers, I believe It la the internet of eco- 0 I' Newman and bia niece, Misa ' noay and good roads to divide lh oain Mary Lucas, were over from Crane j J eesalUr rood dUtrirt. an.l will .( Vmnfc 11 lBI. ' in at Wmrv aM WAh iai WaV I . Rvetatvr ITOTICI FOR PUBLICATIC Br -Txm's Cscsli. S' ore. Ml) SPRINO ooons ON MSRLAVi tli iiiiimn I .iwtis, BiitMtii, Clmnbrnys. Silk H i ttcd Tf$, D - Mic. Dimltie. "lullifs. Nd finghams. I). AlUititnts, r-i'ncf"; in Bbtk 1 tn'mini;, m the ! t .M.ililf. iiul t -lir mfk1 t I -ifsi--rri. V rk r jn rr first ctlSS goods Wo w HI b :Ut to sntl earn plea to our out of town cu.tiom ra on rtquaat I vs Btl PRICES FOW BhTTt kV OOOM l0 CASH. BROWN'S CASH STCME. we I,.-. i . . llmW' I an.l. r Jin . IRJu. KOffOl FOR PUBLICATION, t i i . i - 4f-t-& m Oa 1 saaVV HZ yiw BURNS. ORE.ON. Creek during the week of friends. the gueal elected favor a diviaioa of mod district Number 1 so as to iaelnde lrew.- and Pine Creek precincts in one rood dia- O J Darat was io tbe oity a few " days this week He has been in I am in favor t Rood r.d aale ' A - - - mwA ! (WnlFBi'tlllll ttlllnVIT the Trout creek mining section tbe pomihW .,, wort ,, (W,orn,.llon tbere paat winter. J or, all coo tract to he let to the loweet Ike Hchwarti will leave for Port-"'-f " rd - bond . bet believioa we have cnmMlMit land neat Monday where he foee boilders In thU cooaty would favor on buaineaa connected with hia boeae btddets where possible. mercfciitile establiahmnl here i "" "T t ha i lalmlPi KIT- w. nl W H Riddle, an old lime resident of the Hlein Mountain section is in the city. This offioe acknowledges a short call from tbe gentleman. Oh I hereby announce myself a can didate for comiasioner of llarury county, subject to tbe decision of the democrat voters at the pri Davis has returned to his mtttm u he held April J. IWHI .uvXr.ll., 01. . ib lai.j.ni, v.. i m I l. lit. . R yi f1" added to mv slock of notions mid ladies apeoi- iin-oi Homemade Candies. live orders for them or to oall and eamplc. Mra II at in Hnatie, Harney Oregon. tllaue left tbia morning pme In I'malia lie nau iuitc Ihikv amce tun n -the Iewia and Clark fair had charge of Harney ilnl.it, mid put n.' many f luiidermy fur liK-al lieaidr making iniun roti-r.ili.-n Ilia work is first rerv particular and highly ry kradeu & Geary have dia- huerebip Holb will oon- praotiue innlnioc here, I 'i Maraden remaining in of the old liim and lr II i.roupy offices in the Williams building on I. I b brm has enjoy - ty lutrulive practice anu i been niisociated for sev- Ibeir relations lieiug laid. Alfred D Cridge, district organ iser of the Woodmen of tbe World, ia here for the purpose of re organ iciug tin- local camp aar i rioge BdJ VU Ul NJia an old-time newspaper man iMiaiueaa ol I. K. User had the misfortune to J0 U'0. "V" liaalnaaa ol Una "Mow gel a pieoe of steel in hie eye tbe mty u lWoeisteoi miiii u,e sfficient aud FOR HALE The following fur niture at the Carpenter residence, at reasonable prices: 2 oak dresav ers and waahslanda. S chain, 6 latupe, 2 oak center tables, 1 oak aide board. 1 oak I section book oaee glass front, 1 iron baby bed itud mattreea with drop aides, 1 ba af high chair, 1 large mirror, 'i toilet sets. I Viotor phonograph aud M plates Geo Waters took his departure for Weiaer, Idaho, test Wednesday morning, going nut by way of Can yon City Ha waa called out by a 'phono mesaage announcing tbe d.alh of t apt A W Waters, tbe old pioneer attorney who waa formerly located here. Tbe inauy friends of the doeaaed will be aorry to learo uf bis demise. Tbe Timea-Haraid has learned none uf tbe particulars. I........ l lla.ti.u aria, atnaimH 1 ..a ,...... mm ......... .. r, ..... aevera) weeks here aaaisting J. K Wallace and taking a courae in taxidermy. Win. Nevis, who baa been spend ing the winter with G. W Hbaw the timber oruieer and real estate man. baa returned to hia former home in Wisconsin L N. Htaii ahi j. E WALLACE. The Taxidermist, Nulli I Ol I l l. I I I I I Ml 1 In lbs i. .i nlon 1 1 1 lit ,. - I' . I . I lU-d eatale tiiai id.' in I aaM " al accoual lierwin, and that II' ip Ii ' I ! mil J edge of Harm Iteeama, iia MMMw the ll March. IWi, al !h. I, ui if Ian " tin. . and t IgM "the It'liR", Main naajB), aa the plana, for I ..ins up nlei- n.-l iltt-t . any obiertraw llial lln-i ii. .ii i . nil account, Hi "SJWM, I I I I I 1 1 I I ' I Ml 'in.tn liClllii: 1 bora!') iuumiim myself a casdidal for tbe offioe of County Judge of llarn. C'ottnty, Ore , anbjerl to the choice of the voters at tha demoi relic primary April (D, l00. If elected 1 will endeavor to discharge lite datles of tbe nflloa imperially, am. Ing to give tbe whole people a 'sMaare , mi(m ,. Im , r1sn -1( . ,,MM deal i uu-Jucltug niyaall aa a aervaoi . - ,... of the people and nl a totd ol any la lion I will Rita ooneianl attention t.. esseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeea aseeea aeeaaaeeeeeeesa eeeeee the deltas of l In- office Imlnu ever rrel e Iraaaect tbe daily roeliua of hnameaa j ml mi.iiiil.,1 Hi.. landa.'iii'.olr,li.,o "itiirdaaud iiiimili cnl from beretn the lnla and i Ur. fair, la aaao. I in,- ItiiriiiK In" elai lie aill m. iweiniens for ant l,.,,. .ir. an) Mai oIlB ' ragairom akiim ..I nut annual , f,,a mm alanji nvtnw and at iwrn, m. atallhsa. engl.t IsnOQ lbs, ac ii.iv and a 1,1 reea t bis CITY MEAT MA a F YOUNt . f ivjj. j: i i lYiedt Ol ell' SALT FISH Butter and Egg-. Lard, Tallow. Unch (.(Mills I wrythlnir, on lunnl uaiiill kpt hv nil flmt claaa miirb For sale M rcsorKle Prices for Cash. ' "ttUI'llUJtalfaRaMeaRRRwSRaM 11 ' aTsaMBmaw KET. ? (mds i -' IS , be "out of loam," when I n. Ii nature 1. to be Iran. ' ill eondnct the ically aa, : : ! Burns Flouring Mill'; JOB UTURTBVnNT, Ptopr. other day neceesilating bis calling a physician. Tbe steal was removed without material injury to tbe eye sight The dancing public will please be on baud at Ixjcber's ball precunei annum. irauon oi innmo a lairr , looking always to ths welfare and beet interests R' ths ptMwSi iao. I'. II .'S' ! J I'. M:.l.a I hereby aunouuoa myaelf a can next didate forjudge of Harney county Friday night, March 10, to be ready subject to the to receive Ht Patrick at midnight, cratic votere You will find good music and a held April 'JO, jolly lime tha entire evening fi. ......i kilaal aimakla. .at 1 1 hereby am.eunoe utyeelfa can- having if efle, t upon tbe .now botJWUu fof rf Hmf(r fJ-B it ia a very alow and unaatiafaotory obj-cl b d-cWgi of lb Nill,. way of gelling rid of the white nan- . mfn pHuimtim u tie that baa so long covered the .j AK iwjt valley Htoukuieu are getting an- (' W limuwtn. ilous to turu out .I0!II.II. KULI El MILL PBOCtSS IS I Slill fully khiihiI in fi't 1 1 jiii lii uhii mill n sHjjivicnt iiii'i'iln ! tuiily tin jni a radio a ''' mil in I ' i XLT-w. w 5 FLOUR, ROLLED BARLLY. CHOP, AND at tbe primaries to be ' ). f.-. All Kinds of Mill lied alwaw on Hand : Til ttMi -MLM IAIIET mill I'tlO MIR birt Mil I.IMj CUSTOM WORK DONE nur : : a e Reserved t i the M. M. CO. Ei A. I k.si r, Manager ( Hiiario, On m : Good Seed Wheat for Sale J A Veal, a prominent skeapaaaa ' I hereby auoouuc myeelf a oau- of tbe southern pert of tbe county 'didate for judge of Harney county, and former stock inspector, waa a subject to the decision of lite repul. yisilor to our oily this weak. Hi hem votere at the primaries la to reports hia abeep doing well hold April iff), IbtN). While here Mr Vest waa initiated I Iiiakt TM..sr into tbe Kebekab lodge There will he work in tbe ascend "'"J nuoouoe myaelf a cau dsgraeby Hurna Lodge No 97 A f -i--4 fof -- ot lU,,,m' cou,,lv A A M on Wednesday evening, ubject to the decision of tlvsrepub- March M nod alao at the regular - "n 'l ,U W " - . ..uiinuuicaUon on Saturday, March b,d A"nl ,w 0&!b 17. All Master Masons are invit ed to lie preeeut. A C Wati.cot.e-, Hecy his will Remind You of our ikon of Partnership Sale, ild change the name of our aale, but w could not reduce the prices. e advantage of it now, oo Good to last much nger, and it won't. 'ARIZ BUM. Wai.tkr UaAY. I hereby announoe myaelf a can didate for treasurer of Harney oouu- Wm Miller and Wuj Han ley look ty, , object to tbe deriaiou of the their departure yeaterday otoruiog rMblicau voters al the priiuanee by private uonverauce for tbe rail- u, u m& April '2. Itf06 road. Mr Miller goes to Ontario W. K II and ale on private businees aud j - Mr Hanle will likely inert other I hereby announce uiyeelf a can point, before returning. didate for joinlrepieaerilaltvi 4 One party of the railroad survey- "-'"' W4 --Ibrur cou,. ore i. now camped st the laland i" '" ' ' i'1"" "f raLch and working in lb y.c.nlly ---- Jjj ""....ne. ... be of tbe Embree bridge We are in-. u"ld A'1 m .. M u turuied Uv uiKifi4Mrat tvrv uiitklug ItevA .li.a..,l Bmamaml HLm.AAl. Uilt Ia , , i hereby auuounie ii,.f j can s.Ke Hen I here are . men lu , . . , .. this perty ;didate tor ah.riH ol Hum. v county suojeel l" live necialoii Ol lue oeiuo Cbtu.Johi.aon has bought the c4Uc vori l (m( pnm-rlr, lo i Burns Meal Market from Hank ! j A,, , iVob Keltou and Eidou Johnson (baa A K Kn ll.ai.ao. ia uow in charge of the bueiuees but as yet baa not douaed an aproa. He aim ply looks on nod tells the didate for elteriff of Hsntey iunt uuetomers it is not tough steak subject u. the devision of the repub duooees to you Chan. 1... voU,, .. m ,;-,.,.. i, i . held April JO. IMUtt A J j V' Gtvcs the greetea dreyee ol ante IsatUua because w Low. right. fj Style, dtataviaai, aad pcaWt bt in every geramaw. Don't pay U a am. al our cbaiie uniom you ate pcrhvdy teutned, qAt.toaMMeneolfiuf$lB lastletas. CARL JOSEPH & COMPANY ') r 'l L w Marchaat Tailors, Chicago oaocaa TAKJM and SAatl'LfJa iitoWN BY ISSMMS JOHN McHULLI-N, ft" TdE4lPTO-DAlt PHOTIMiKAPIIFI 1 rw All ihr latc.l .tylt. si . hi utr In k Ii. I'uaweUm ii'H.s I 'but iela alylr ujMm applk atutti Alt sieee I untiles ktcnvl I -Vitasu lllMf'HlK "i.u- iwsaw. a - - ....;. JOHN DEE ESULKY PLOW Senicia Hancock Disc Plows. HAKY, FKNWHK il JACKWV DRY DS, FlIMSMINiS, SHOPS, MATS ANU CAPS I beredy aunounce tuyself e can Ffilit. Vtf ItOttilbleSf Soft Drlnkttp COllfOC tlonery, Clears and Tobacco Olalo t, Burna, ocegon. -J-aaf aTawmBa- it i r - . i kW M H bttaRTo.s Jobu Kobioeon was in froat bia abeep range at Clover Mwaii during tha wank. Ha inlarava ue the abeep are doing well, although tbey - aJaw.BO myaelf a can lost about 200 bend duriua tbe bia didate for aherih of Harney county anew stonu Tbia, boweeer, waa ubist n-RlBl i- rnpub- uot a vary heavy loas considering L" olr', tb" "" " b the uuutbar tbey had and the on- - Auil M, Ibwo. usual weather W. Y Ki.t. . ' '" ar ' w'r'V ev"R,, f "ntaLe. OroiaTCia Hotel AH TOY, Manager Pir.t'rlaasaccoaii.ii Gallon, ail! reew). fny u.iu-.in. frteoUsito .. win. htej ueaia liurua. Tsblss'nell furul.l.ad Meals He l.. UJAUKINO tUOUi I OP HaOVfl (THIHI. Tooth arid Disc Harrows Thomas Disc Drills. Oall and get orlcea before purchaaing. C. He VOEGTI.Y, Burns, Ore.