(far 8tme-krMt(A. ! -HI '' valley, that being ihe nurnbei ol acres nllowrc! for purely griialny ImihI. At that time it is true it was considered grating l.ind. Inn since practical and tUvaraiMl farming pursuits have been taken up it proves (0 be MMM '"( the most desirable land for agricul tural in the valley. It was a mistake hut o.ie that is almost impossible (if MM Mlirtl) iso) 10 rtCtify. If the Indian would realh do lomethins utli i in tin- great exposition held in the matter would not lie deploied. Portland last year was lirst eon- lint this a out of the iiurstion. SATUBDAY. MASU N W, ISM. HtitWCKIlTION IIATCB: Oa. Tear K,t Si MoaUM l.W Taraa MoaUM IVLIAN l HI .... HOME l'KIDE. When the matter of taking part iiinifiirialile, limne-liko place for the people when in from the ennnlrv- The Ovarii ml a..oo REWARD $45 00. -1 MMons. In the OfrfBll Court of I ha (Hats ..f Ore M, f ti tin-( ninh f Harnnv. Itinlta M Wen riuintiff, inn ore by Savages. sidered the people of tins iount saw little chance of realizing any direct lienelit from the large amount that was our portion to ward making up the $500.00(1 state appiopi i.itton fortius pur pose. Even had it been the in This instant e is one ol RMfl) tu.it ho the lack of foresight in hnm.inttv No doubt these In dian allotments i mild have MtCfl made mi purely grating land, or eilhet kept within the limit of the agricultural land alloted to the 'Spahk Of lb" torture to which some of the savage tribes 111 tbs ri.;li,,.Aa u.n,et tlmir enttlivoM v. I'l '" '"J"" '"' li it 11' .. it..r la... .1... :......-.... .r..: I piiii 1 . . 1. i'ik- i' j remieii - rii m i i.'- imvuer pouvi '. Notlobl h- Teh v given that hunt- To Ham I'. Weft i :.-n.Unt: In tie 1 , n,,,r. d for HiarM month from hlg and hooting upon Ihe ncloeeu na" . Yaa .n,!i;(,,n,.llilll. ,,, ., .' berab) required to appear met answer lands of thi AatrloM 1 lid d Lire tl .,,, , .,,, , in ,,. M Sherman, of Cuebina, Me., Co Incited In toOnablps 8fl bore . nltll mil 1 baton tba first notliii'i helped me until I 1 led it in (J Raaga S6 1 and tjwnahlp toy at tlianrxt regular term eJfhOabaft 1 lllttera, three Lotties of DP R 36 E W M. Harney Co eaittlMl ' ' or net.. the wlreh completely cured m- rnrea .'ml .lie i .irn. e-., mm o jro.i mi t" , ,. . i.....i i.ij r and snewvr, tor nit 11,0 r.f. ' mplalnt, .Ivspapsin. blood ptarntifi will tak. at aajaiaal yaa ' nleia at Malaria and restore tin ile 1. -In or 111 plaintiff- .ik ami narvOlM to rolinsi mplalnt, t"-"U . :., .,, . . ,1 nr,ig M 1 Red Man. Ii.i.l tin neoole tm 1 lHilhi.it .,f 1 . ........... .- .....1 .1.. .V....U.I .,.,,..,. ,., ,.... IK ...... ....- . ,,..,. ... .,.. valie) . Mil' 1- 11 we'll' "up . in,. 110 unless someone 1 in sOggeSl .1 .i nut of it. UH'NT CtllUT I'KOCrl IHNliS ing nothing but the real agncnl tiiial products of the countv, it was too I, Hi before detinite action was taken, m rather w.ivs and means provided to secure ,m thing like a 1 reditable showfaltf nl such pi.Hbu.s for the purpoM. ,Vtt1 ()f w , (V(i, , , It was realized tli.it something out, , for . ,,., f n of the ordin.it v mint be p., ; ,t,n ol the county ro l to attract the world la the Mat- la. ,.rwk gr(lll. untr in onie to be bene- rHtfaretOM of lto.nl fitted to am great extent. Metered to throw up art. The Times-Herald took not brnikments along tie- lane between only a business view of this, but tlm lands of C T Miller ami Newt also took into consideration the "never, in order to Magna tba water t the natural eh.une I .snl COsOOgre jjrunti i 11 1 to sell l.ipior at Narrows fur .il of three months -until BnM urantxi B lliiunr MajMM for atx Months- in Wild Horse prn in ( 1 ;.,iu, ..I th. w . . M. to ; in. n robati oi fit. 1 was denied. t'laim ol lr If J G fur servicer, rendered t II laser ami -' in h Mtag itin 1 i 1 1 the holy of Win Longgoi I disal- lowed Claim of Or J I Kepi 1 I 10 for ser aut'inev MM tie MIMM in w m Laoggi 'ii 1i1-.1i known as the Trout mil Colony liinehe",) is forbidden Any person or person hunting or trwpoas inj: with I tun in thir pOMWlOtl i' .jeeerihed pt opart will I,.' em HI lO the full ex'ent of lbs la-.- A toward hare red for eviilence th.il will th h irr.-si iiml eonvlatlon. mi Nil I sn A l.lvt Si. 11 K Co, Hn lor 11 'lull' from tin-0 ( 11 Unt and tl 0" an 1 aaatafi n( tl n, m 1 iiiiil inriitionetl in tin olainl Slid f"r n 'viler -oii'lis is tli'T.li -- sihI ilisaorse in. nt mnmons i- pubirahad in Thr H 'i I, i 1 k aaaapapar, Mh 11. In. i in (In ( 1 ..f I'nrns, llarner N.iti.f f Salt ol S.-heel Dl.trl.l Rol "'". 'iTen that n eertlfl .it. ( Iimil statUoa lichl liv Seho.il I'i.tiiit Nil 1, Harnej Osontjr, (iKynn, "11 tin -'li ihiv Mtii RANon ViMi.ni .. una.. Oregon, oneea week lorstsi ""inn lerriee, p'irt , ,,.! Iwinl ed-. -in,.,, almrrin it in immediate future of the IIbbTMJ country and ipitckK took up the uggestion of a friend a man who is a philosiphcr 111 hi way and one sTM takes .m mi. r.-st in the development of this cowH that a iiille, lion of the gann- bud ofti. rnnntj bo made the ottrac timi f our exhibit. Tins met with approval from the start and aftet considerable work the ioiint oiurt finally consented to give financial aid. That 11 was a wise and profitable decision none can conscientious! deny It done more to brine, this i-olateil section with its unlimited pos liti. 11 the world th..n thing eei aiti-mpted Ii ii.i. been most gratifying in ever' sped and is responsihl. lot al most eer uuuiry 01 individual nulling to us at this time Those who took a persi n.il in terest in making tin exhibu did to at u sacrtticc to then own busi ness affain, but it was a success ami the onh disaointing feature was the inability to dispose of the laxuierrm to an advantage And yet is this .1 matter of regret: It served it pur post- far be ond the hopes of the moat suuguim and still we have a moat magni faient diapbt) at home -one in which all Lake .1 pride When it was found that ilmuld not lie soltl without a ainlne it was brought home This unex pected turn of affairs used up all available funds and the local aaao uatiiui was loath to call upon the urt loi further aid smu n fiiiiui 1 plans had miscarried. The Times Herald (gam took the matter up and uiacd the nei -easary funds In populai ssJssKsifle tion In place the Lollection m 1 tion in a suitable building This has ia-cn done and the people 11. . v have a more complete lollection right at home than thai displayed at the Leu is and (.'lark. It is not only a thing of beaut) , but also a great beneli: in an edui .iiinnal way. The Tnnes-I lerulil lakes pleas ure in making this diuioum eineiit and extending an in nation to the people to visit it. This gical re hgous week Is lakes 411 interest in such matters and is ever read) to advance the uileiesl.s of tin -tun in aus egilimate manner. It has pride in home affairs and ssil. never be found knocking. DI88OMJTIOH NOTK I liven that loe 1 . '-hip heretofore axtatinn hetwee' l; A IHckanaon and II I! flibbard In Ihe n.ilhnc haflm 1 1, n diaeolred i.s tnotoal mh Mr Hil hnril 1. Iirmi; fnon the iilllnuj I'll. . tillil.: llllii I In re pnviil'!" t eiirier of th partner! and the Indebtedi (In linn is MMOMd by II iMek- tnaan I'. A DsMMOM II. Il Hil.l'.r.l Bon .I. Mofoh lnth IMM CARMER & SHAW Burns. Oregon. Real Estate. Timber Cruisers MHIAI AMI DIVERT Locations Made. . r ol Hon III i mm . .if tli Cottflt) I aOtl "I II irn.'v ..mi: sad the state at Ofetoa, inail" ami an tor. ll 'Hi til" it 1 nblteal madr m !. .1 ol I el 1 ;l,v. ! aim Attorney for InintilT. -! MS,.' (I, In Hi- ( 0. of th" -t. itmi. lot tin . ant ol 11 11 Jeea I in . 1. Pi iniiiff. 1 v Kilith rnrajeei n Is ("ti.lsnt.t 1 i .liti i " - u. iMead it the nun. ( Ihe it" ..i nr. .ii tppeai m ' i. Bled ., 1 01 the 1. 'III. ; Mil ' 1 M Is'lori' Il.i nrt das nf the nef eii'iii-siconri. sewn wnor mi. ...... ... r :M its. ol , .-. (ei in lh.it lit nil cli I'tiuli licnl in Said 1 in. ;.ii, day o! Hur., bjdj it 1 ..I nil dlitrirt :.l in. is in .I in t' 1 swat ' i-.ni'l . I 1 liars nili-.l in '.' 1 ondi ti. be Issued in dei "I I i. Hundred 1 . on 11 : . nt in lime, sll of sk! 1 .inils re iinre nt salil eliool it am (late ..Iter ten 10 (nun data 1'rin. i i! am! interest jiay 1 In at tie "' II II I .'. Osansty, Orea as may I Nuk Masai ar, 1 1."-' 1 .11.. I 0 the M s lii wr . 1. 11111 lr .inioin u-anni illy ... 1 01 sny per' 1 u! I nd. Tint'-. - NOTfOI FOB I'liti.i. n. ' l' I- 1IIA0VS Tilt HSII SUMS The death nl -swain. Is nine s.'.ir-ohl il nitfiii l on Mrs. A S. Hwam at 1 home in this civ hast Th . iiftern ' i . the rVVnll from whiel, the litt ne rafferec' for mure thin a i- Sui 1 1. iteen a vers patien1 lit ami thrniijl) her still poM.i had keii tie i reamr wey fur a loofaf period than was UsOOght tW bt bei I imrents and relative- -h. i vouugest of a larjp- fimil. s.( th- lirst to p The Ion. r 1' ... 1 ej r.- In hi . lie- home yeolerdaj alb nig eundueied by lies A .1 Irwin Most hei.otiliil ml i.i.ir , ni'i.n ..- r. 1..I.1 il b Mi U in Karre, Mlaa lis r. in. 11 tVllliaata, Messrs N I ..ior 'Un lUmlali, l'r- M ireaVsa ami Urovm The llor.il nflltfings en BsMl Issauliful for thia OOOM of the vear an I mans friemU r. .r. eut In exleinl th. ir -vnipiili' mil takes last view of their I rm.r rfnl little friend Interment was ma.b in lie I ( () V eametary The u's OMM .11111 la( Tie rooaJtod m the aloctioo of C c uav- mills mas or, J. J. Uoneg ind (ohn fient barling rrrtsarrilmen. M L LaOOral ressvajor, Baaaaott Keeii treaaaarei ami John Tlsoaaaa mn- shall. There sseie US' tin- iK-ld for all tn. officer, and thiee names fin inaishall Tin other candidates were F01 D A. W. tiussan. (.DUimlmen, I cole, M K sniiK. 1 .oilier, I. Woldenberg: lie.isuu-i, liiipkiun; aurabal, Kobt. Hu peth and II I. Tlu.ni. ". "f Ml. ol 1 .Ii.. , 1 .1 ili complaint, t 1I1. Mi araaanHi Thi" rami 1 Herald 1 weekl 1 "'inn 1 will ' tin ais.se We have the Goods f e make the Prices We pt the Trade. JOHN DEERE PMWS DISC PLOWS SULKY PLOW Harrows of Every Description In fact Farming Implements of all Kinds! cook stoves, mm HEATING STOVES, j Camp Stoves. In various Patterns. Sizes and Prices. -' sis Shelf Hardware Builder's Supplies! Doors, Windows, Glass, Paints, Oil. V..rnish, Etc. I CEER A CUMMINS, Burns, Orel Burns Meat Market 1 Ttmrier 1 tvi-i A- l in NOTI01 i-ii: PUBLICATION - pes i want I ,,'1"""71' m ""M" . bonds ii loes I' M I.,r.h..,r.'i.,.( pray. lor In f .,. , ,,,, ,, ... I .... a . I'l'l.' . 1 l' i bond t be dared ti . i . i-ipal ami h lei ill be lileh Ihey slisll bear, Th- . but I- all! not be la i'ii' I lie riu'ht In untatrs i.ANhorrici Minn, mi i 'v i h-rrin am... Uisi In r,itnhllii.i ll. - hi ' nl (..ii al IIO.I "An al l..i lh aala "t North of l'ol Of 1 1. Uteri I'ijt tiftiiipil prrtotu Its. ii l. Si I I. n.U i."l"" thair (worn aUl. Hr!M I ' SIB',. o tl ... lu, i.iw nhl. 3". :suiti, ri. n ( trtedi I'Ucli I III I lllllal U' Si .i..' KM.I. nl (talari " ink ebeel .ii ill. iii.ii.ii w ...I Hi. led .iu I "'"'" flr" I"" : si he. i.f.....,i,. thi I7i asssabais A nVwai l .allrel S v - S ..aihaLawE fOm aesr ' . Vk aW1 saal A r I y, V Am n w mr ate or Pork, icii mil i.(l(l"Ti.l .illll I bsl sw et . h tyAa ' I.icr Siiii.si-t'fl ' ML. I'iirif ill in onr palriiuae solicit. ti. OllillltilV. N V Prop: rn' 'lllfl lio, lt osri ssU NOTI I I "I. PI : i I Austin (1 ,', tilt order nd nl all ,1. tin. Mr Ua ll e,n. .. W Sl,, au. I',. U t ,.. I .til S mill llnlls.il ill II III.. I . i nli i to sal an i c ; u i sv eeeeeeeeeeeet-aeeee eeeeeeeee eaeees.eet TflE HOTEL BURNS BAR. I I mi I'-r i..l ullman Mia. I,. I I'aoS imiat M manni n Ii Hvaxael. .Ii umi-i f Kl'1,1 a'i'l '. I ,,. .i) an t ... ! lao.i- i lali'ilnv a.lM'ra.'!) all . -I lal.'l. ara l.ii. tin hu. ol Ola Uiflr.Ullaa lii llil. ..Sh. on or !(.. ll" Mill LSI. .la m I .mi Itrglaur i; PI l.l.li ATKiN II ial.,i I N I. W :n::::tt:tt:::i: i:::i!i::;-::;::mHtiaiii:;iiui: M NOTIOI P0R Y BLICA1 ISMLI I N LROWN V... SraaMaa' LtON M IISOMN Cknii.JHi.i,.! Hani v Countv Bank. s of Burns, Oregon. Atilhnriid Capital. o4.NMI. -sA-ccovLrits Solicited Wi ' i : ,afs Pd ' ClubWbq. CI.UB ROOMS IN Mm N CUBS Cour svsvsveese . oas" esisi m' livNklSu B MAIL" AN ISrKIAl 1 1: a U If HSJl' .a. ...a. I ::unui a I e.riUi-1 a a S -a f AMI Item I- MOT! II PUBLN AH" i , Ua nan ..ra. i i.imaiiMir S.l Mae, N'T! i: !! BUCA1 . a I .na. i :- '.".. ..;.. .:... Lunaburg I Data's SPRINli AND Simihk GOODS AKl: NOW ARRIVING vS't- arc now ahlc to ehov yiu a larjjet and more Compute lock than ever befon.-. Our pricea are as low as hey can be sold. Our lines in Dkl iO DS and TRIMMINGS I Lumii isc in newest and nost beautiful thing!) out. We'havc also a ncv line of I Limit's' Hisses, lliiltlmi Hats and Caps. z&ewsrm mom seavalakfa1, 4, .,..'. .Vltt lhc Largest and Most Complete Stock , Of drus. in .'lume1.. pi' ." : litU'st wiiii'3 and Ii PUI ; itait lor Anv i criodical PiMilft .. m WKlORi I'KLsCKII'ilii (il ,un. THFCITVDRUG H. M. HORli I IV ,, u. -SvtSV ., VSS4,V , fl i i i i let ;. salt 'be, Trai ebs s, M el J A MISTAKE borne ten or a dozen )ejrs ajjo there appeared in this vicinitt . man sent b our IhsfJt Sam to l.jok atlei the shiftless ami ignoi aut remnant ol what was oiut a 1'iuti tnhe ol Indians and U allot tin in each a icrt.nn amnutti of laml The Tunes-Herald does not understand the law under which this allotment was made, but at any rate it provides that poor Loo is entitled to a car- lain amount of land, the numbers of acre to be jjov emed by the character of the land. Tins is held in trust by the government for a period of 25 years and cannot be disposed of in ein manner during that period. laach Indian wat k" en 160 acres laud iii the very heart of this DIMOLUTION so 1 1 1 Nnttie ip ln:f.'l. gifoa that th co-partnership hereii.fnri- ealaling between l)r I. Mafadati and J V tioary has this du been '': ed liy mutual consent All parties knoaviafl laMaaalaH t.i in- Inatebied to the lirm ot Ma rail eh .V Oean are reipaested to call ami in ik. settlement al once 1. .M.r-ihn. J W. (ie.ry 1 inn. 'N 1 : l.l'ji 1 IK l.i. - W , tie hu. 1. . .!!. .1 leajal . i Ii irtie -uile ul . .s I'tloll) asliiila1 the 'I" ' II in..-. ll. -I I la , Ilr' .- I" M lie. t ."i. nt'. Malt ami .11- i: , - qaaaUiiea than . .mi in Lake i'i- lust Haraes at uly, Stale ul Oregun, In the ri "I in ilnli Uniml bmj ill el N.e. Naiii,- l.nin ml 1 i.ina. I.iiiu- Aii.i.-iM.ii V.I I la horn CALL H0K COL'NTl WAHKANTS. Notio is hereby given that then are funds in the county treasury exact ,or the redemption of all warranlr regiBiored interest on Hie suiue will ceitse from this dale, March 8, liMKJ J M 1A1.IU.N, Treaaurer Harney (nuntv Oregon Ladies', Miaaee end Childreus hals aud oaps at Lunahtirg a I'm I tons ll I' Niitni J. 111 lvj M- l.rl.i-i Uroeaef ! I. Kj.' lllgi;!' nuurme i. .. Uakei l.,larl AinJcr.'.n ...it 1 I I! , M iriiiall I ... ( 'nnieg).- A ll.llna II NOTICE Ktn: I'UBIaU . IS .... I.I, . a I'. Hi ... . i.al i v. .UUIII) ul I (111. ia. II .W -. 111 1. v. 'I a I swamm m ' Rrjoi-ve o 1 I I JV' THA.T TN BUSTtRbRO-VH SToCKINC u i.itvji." 1 aOL rck. OAHT. CXAUkT - WirfeSsV Vftdfc BtJtrllRBBflPN Ut MT T-P XtV jt IMi.afl sV .r --afc... aVAAaiA a.a.a.. . f-wwm9mmmmm4 v .eeeeeaoeeael BURNS LIVERY AND FttU STAiiLt. 1 i.u II l i.aI 1 1 IT, Pi 'i I'd 1 lot Hi, Ji cjsatr Jll f sWH 'lay, . I ti, , in lieil 1 1 1. at" ctnihj invite tie j 111 In to call OK as an. I .-ee .uir gooaU uii.l net eur prtaj. We guurani. . astisfaclioii vVe are here tn bun 1 (I, ml ji .k.-.i I.. .In 11 itli LOW PRICES-SQUARE DEALING. HaOajMai OsaatatoaoM r V . , f . s ;:':. .-. ', ' -- . - Notice la beieb) 'n il.i mi fsatur il .. th- tilth (l.n .' Mai.li, liajc. Hie UiularaigaMd ill a.l la lliu mini. 1 ul n( Ihe Sis to of Oregon fur llarne) ,. nui), (01 tin- hctfUsi asenlioi .1 in the 1i11.11 HlhNi ;i CiHll.i.V.- t;i-t'i-iltite inh printing at reason nlili prioea. i,t 11, . un Tl. 11, liarr , lliu Williaim. -jI ,u alul a aOi, ,-laiu.M in tli Ma, IS :: Mm I'taur I. I ulo SMI IN. SLKVI1UM Itacentii lijdiagrapher U tin nr 1 ianiil, Irngali.Jii ami (. iii-ral tS.irryin Water lapvij ami itraaaa Meamiiciucnt DraflUag. .;;:nttt!ttB;ttm::.'inr-tmtinmnwniu:;'..:u:mu:t:Ht.'Kt:iatat:ur::utm':tnut.i' G. W. Clevenger & Co. FURNITURE, PIANOS, UNDERTAKING. CAMim MAI liNUS. MALI. PAPER, liO CAR1S, MAI IRESStS. RLlkllil.KA IURS, UULUIMi aad CARPET PAPER, ROOFINli. Our Stock is complete in Every Particular See us tirst aud gol prices. Main Hi , Burns, Oregon :utuitwuttuutiuwMUfltutaUtttitmui::-:- -':!:tuun;titauur?ts:Rtnmttuuutit j Special UtMtiM Oiveu : to Cunductiug Minerals mm Ann AU.LKAIL nAI MALIi IN CONNECTION WITH BARN t I . a BURNS MILLING CO.I MUKIUIU AS :-.,, pt6. DrMlvk esJ r . . $ -vv.&.i anu ure sea fnber, Rustic, Flooring, Wioulding, Finishing Lumber. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Ccod Road. Lumber Yard in Burns.