4leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee h lima-l.ara.ia The. Official Paper of;Hsrnn County, ha the.lrg,H!trirrnlnti'ii n,l I one of , th hert advprtiiifiK'mritiiitnfltn KMtorn J 2 Omp-ii. ........... W xmt$ttalk th rt nt lHrrnQ rontttrg lovrf efl nrru ( J UimI. t J we of Ihr Inf. I e VOL. XIX. 8VRNS. HARNEY COUNTY, ORKOON, MARrll 10, 19. NO, 16 NMOTtts op scheme saouine of (KGAT success Two week spo upon Wni Han- ' YCm PlflWMMf JTSflMBVV WW take ta Ftaai Fifty Mill. "rtjoo ftlrftaM THAT CAREY ACT SFXFXTION time it wM wiih.ir.wn from entry FEDERATION BONOS ISSUED hy the- application of the Harney 1 Vallsy Improvement Co., it u not ; DO THE PEOPLE WANT IT CANCLLED in dmand particnlorljr, M very OR DO TIIEV NOT? little wa known of thu section a an Agricultural district at that time In fact very few if any suc- Mr. Hl. l Tae Haraty Valky la.ror-! cesaful or profitable crop had ben weal C.. Want- l.lt at raised here at that time without Hare, ta Ilde Kaft.r. irrigation. t WM before the enact- . n.ent of the soverment irrigation Inw II wim mnilp nt a limp when ley arrival home from an exte...i-1 . (f , rMerToir of 8Wiw I .I visit to nut.idr points, a ropre-1 VIPT fr the purpose of reolaiin HHntalivf of Tlio Tiines-Hi-rnld hud ing the entiro Harney Valley was I tulle with him rpfritrditiR the. in- considered too gigantic a acbeme lentiim of the Harney VhII-v Im- fur private capital, even though it prov.111.nt Dt in going aheml with hid been pronounced feasible and mi Himirniie situation lor sucn an prise Since then the govern ment hits invest igati-d the project to nscerlaiu its feasibility under tin government irrigation law This brought the people to a realicetioti ' great possibilities of this val l.'V. noil pnur- whs brought to 'tlio project lo radium tie tug segre gation of land under the ('nrey Ml i tin' lime Mr lliinl J XtMUU .1 .1. iie to tniike 11 stst'in. nt .through tliew rolii-nn and nsking ir an expression rf lit" people up- ku the merit- ol Mm project, ""it through interruption w. I tiled to leeure tliin M t'einsnt nt that lime liear upon the loral people to have .rrv selection cancelled, but without success This caused some ml ttMa b;iv- MM uniible lo get ho iiiiiM.r in sIimin- for iiiIi.ii:hIioii Mr Henley gnve The Tunes-ller-; OKeWI the llnnley t o with hav ing ,-ituseil the iil'Siidonuienl 01 the lid aonie insinuation as to the atti ml. of hi eompiitii , nntl lift Hot project by the government ami in 'is manner retarding the develop- inlav evenine asked that a InweliiiB he r.'lnl where lie mold ment of the country the Inert the husiness men of t lit - cil) nid i.thera In the vicinity who were , K'"l Hie Hanlev people taking itsreste.l mid go over Mm situation from Hilvlee liver for Ibis Irrl- .. - - - - -- - .1.1....- . a..la i.vteiiiiti in, oner, Hint all , k"""" """. "'""""K " right under a decision of the U. 8. circuit court. This interference is the real cause of the application of the Haulev Hiople being held Up in Washington Thoae intereeted In the Co-Operm-tive Christian Federation feel that the enterprise boa taken auch de finite shape that it la no longer a project on paper. The faith of the men wh. are associsted with the federation is unshaken and they firmly believe in its ultimate suc ceea, eaya the Oregon iao. They predict that within flee yeere tlie Mid-Oregon Railway will have been constructed, arid the model city In the heart of the Willamette Valley established along with sev eral other smaller colonies in East ern Oregon Ihiritig the laat few days arrange menu have been made for the bond issue of the federation Bonds ag gregating (.SO 000,000 will he placed on the market and the disposition of them i the leaat of the troubles TIMBER RH I KIM whe it is softened up daring the MEW dav and then at night it feeetes bard again which gradually cane" Ihia tidge to pile up higher all the n MOPE 0 ITS WVIVAL AT THIS time Times SESSION WOOL CONWTIOHS mv understand it. The Time Herald protiii" il MM pt-Mng, but wince Mi ll.mh't hnx een called away on business and rill be unable In attend eiicb no "I ig for about two weeks However, lie matter might be taken up and liscussed ill the meantime in order will gel H in spile of the I' L. B. utt l! may consider it ini.M.gent n thnt he can Iwal ihem in the when brought Up courts A Mr llnnley desire such a H'- img nud ax it is a matter of ttt trlfte llilMfliafa.il in IhaanUsnsiaa nino Up. M ... .. r ... let' aV fllMW rill avM set raa.lilt' !ivo Slock Co h filed ft protit - . .... - . . a , 1 , i , T ,,. I ..... i , a IB. a, . a ua i.l.. wn n,., .,, a,,- ..,.,,,. ,na, nnr tiaiiii on the market for several. yeara. The New York Financing 8yndi oate will undertake to float the bonds and the officials of the com pany believe tbey will In-sold with out difficulty. It is expected by those of the there is sufficient surplus water In reclaim this big tract and that he i. II. ..I.- ..!.;..! "" "T7 federation that the bonds will he Mild mostly through the medium of popular subsoritioo. Tbey will be offered for aale in every pert of the I'nile.l .States The firel step taken to di-pose of the I hiii ds will he the I ii. I imes-Herald dims not pre- ,j,ffuHiiig and the popularising of I.....I to know anything about the, tnfy vim,p niJ lurlM,a-a (,r ik, f-d- i. il interest to tlii- people ol the leenl pliime- of llei esse or Mr Han- -,...,,.. uiiiv.be shinilil lii given ii In ;ir ey'a ability to em a suit in oourt, ! This cumpoien of ail vertisii.e will in oribir tint tie- uinU-i My hut if cli itctioii should delay the : fo, fmrrj.)j 0 uhli; the mnple ere settled Hell Uleli .mil lliereov ,v,,rt lor mi linletlnlle tune II would thoronirhlv miiuihU .,il, .1,. ... .1. -a,...... -.... .... i cilitMte the iill'alr, bringing It to . a (.triio-iit lo the cutiutrv lue at oiii-i Harney county's participetion at The Times Herald bos no mcli il, Iewis and Clark fair, together ition to .nticipnte Mr Hiiulev a, the descriptive print. il matter Ruining i. be! Ihnt In tnnkebiHowii .,! j ooiinection, and the activity item ol, but will state for th u railruud work in this section, has knui.i of those intcre-ti I ih.n u is . widely advertised the (ireat Harney tactically up to lb- bualuees men ( , l)tit uud htiudreds of boiue- 1 this section lo ileteruiine tin- nt.kers will tluck hem during this Lai otiicome of this project it spring and summer. We must see I he arranged so that eeveral persona 111 he uilher pushed lo com piel ion nimii located aint this section pro- can cooperate in the tturohi abandoned n' their suggestion perly and ipuickl) developed Wei them. Mr 1 1 mil v m expressed u Re ehould luvestigaUi the merits of the Hackers of the federation purposu of the federation and the great benefit which will be derived by the uonsuiualiou of this vast en terprise. It is believed that tba plans of the federation are so mani festly feasible that the people will be very anxious lo eubeonbe for them. Mingle bunds will not be is sued fur leas than $1,000 but it will of ssv that some or the moat prominent financier- in the country have in vestigated the bonds to be issued Ishes to submit bin plane, or rath- Harm y Valley Improvement Co. He plan of the Harney Valley project look into tin- law and see iprnveiiiHiit Co., to the btia.MM what privileges are vested in people -n of Hum. nud if they -.m-nlei Hho contract to reclaim laud under : for the federation and that thev all llu the hesl .lilcreel of the colli.- the Carey ucl Let Us give Mr. are unaiilm.mslv of tl il... .ocel Ibis mmuo it eill Haitley s hearing uud settle the tbey offer an excellent opportunity done within tweutv days Olh uiAllet. There are people here at for ti, nnnirntl . . ise, if be onii convince IbosV at this lime and nmre coming that nitikiim fund will tie esuh'ishsd at kit bis company can and will re rtI,..l some of ibis vast body of laud ,,rot4,ol , .ubeoriUrs from loee and lrt tier cent of tbe money re- iiliti their inor.il euppirl and uso their inllueuce lo inli-i ih the work. Is a further proof of his , lii. h nt.tli il lh.it it the law would reived from tbe aale of tbe bonds will be turned over into the safe keeping of the federation truet This will be kept 60 years when it i expected at compound iulereal lo be sufficient to redeem the bonds at their face value at maturity. The bonds are to draw iatereet at the rale of U per oeut and if tbe federation proves to be a financial success ibe holders uf tbe bonds will receive au additional & per asul on their investment ic Ku.rU im this tract and put actual set that is tied up. There are mauy rs upon it within a reasonable who would lake it up under the gth ol lime, that they are act- public laud laws and nut loee any in good faith with every inl.ui sleep over getting water for irriga- n il implying wi'.lt tiie law; lion, for lliey are uouviuoad that t the project is feasible and will crops can he raised without such a iMMiulil to lie- coiiiilrv by bring- irrigation. On the oilier band there in settlement and developing are people wliu would gladly pay great tract, he will ask them to 7.10 an acre for the laud and oO cents au auie fur water each year if Mr. Hunley should succeed in secur ing ins contract 1 be Harney Board of Trade held a meeting last week at which time nut it. tin- i' i(ni- could place Mr. Hauley addressed them but number of settlers upon ibis with what result The Times-Herald legation al lln- or any luluri- doesu I know, other than whst was e ami lb it bis company would given by lie Hartley correspondent The remarkable recovery of Ken ure Ihem protection o far f iaei issue Tins, however, haa uo nelh Mclver, of Vanueboro, Ms., is y were concerned .v,. old put oranng upon the mailer al line be subject of much interest to the a bond pledging tiie .-oinpiny . ,oio Mr Henley proposes thai medical fraternity and a wide cir- tlispoite of tin- .ui -r-se.tioii of the bu.nu men of Burns decide ,e of friends. He say of his case 1 to the urn o tli. ig ' u;i and u noil tbej oliouid go inlu lite mat- "Uwinc lo severe intlamuialion of proving il, i-i. o. ild 'i op . MiBcieuieously with ibe beet ije throat and congestion of the coed in reclaim IUJ .. and -Imtuil lotereels of the country ae Hie first lunge three doctors gave aee up to .......ul .. ...I.i.l t...l..r I 1... --. -' I'. ..ul la.u...l !.... , , 1 a , i ii ini, ii uii. ,' . .1. biiiiDiuuin.i'.n - ....Hi,, i . ,,.. e ii y uie rtleu Me a I I reirl I Was Should h ii.-.ipi.- fail or animosity a hm. Ill uave no , .a ductd lo try lr Kiuf's New Iii- uake good and lie- laud revert in deciding this luiporlunl iiueslion covery and I am hsppy to say. 11 h - goveriiiueut, III woo tiad I ;,e Tuner-11 raid feels ei.. in esved my life" Cure the worst file such settlement would of staling foi tl this coughs nud cold-, hi un.hilis, weak irse look to ibe goveriiui oil) lltal te await Mi Hauley' lung, hoarseuees and Jagrippe fins looks like a fait prot-o.i pleasure. -are ready lo uiu-i al Guaranteed at The (,'ilv I iron Hlxttt, '- ---1 i if it can he dm -e W oil Id any HUM I -igoiiuand give 6k- and l UO trial bottle free. law permit riich a pr biu. ovei li We have i the Harney Valley Ioii ove- giowu iircd ol lue waiuug and waul y HlttLlA rtftNOMtnOe) lit Co eoler into such an agree- thai big u act ol lanJ v;cupidby It? The Ittiul tl'i - nit be .l.g actual relt.. - e,. . Iioneal pur hem uulll it lii" been reclaim- poses ...' t .ia eon s uud lii Ih law c iitipl.- I . :h in e Vi I crejiac ! liai net utninly Whether or not the farmer are wiee in refusing to sell the wool ta the sheep' back i a matter for argument, the majority of dealers, of course, believing that gwwtr would consult their beet intereet by selling ahead, but the market is o strong now and the proapeota are en good that the average woolraiser mail willing lo take hie chance eaya tbe Oregon i an. In considering this phase of tie iiueslion, tbe Hos'nn C-ommeirlal Bulletin, a rec.Tgni.ed authonn tbe trade, eaya: ' Kven admitting the strong posi tion of the American as well a the foreign market, sheepmen must re member thai there is a limit at which eastern wool dealers can op erele profitably, and at which mii ufsdurers are likely to buy do mestic wools are near the import ing point, and it would not be judi cicu to force tbe later to become too accustomed to foreign wools " Home contracting is still being done in Idaho, where in the I ida Springs district il is said thnt a I'hiladalplna firm lately picket! up 10.000 fleeces at !..' rents to reported thai 10)1,000 pound of Utah wool was cont-artrd for re st THeesr St 1. 1 I .is IsM ey PeMk Ue4s CetMasrivt UlSrlll tlllll It. ' I i ii-l hes-'y I In to any i son v I o srll I r r living If nol satisl money lot, k ' p The lr i tor. Ill Hv a vole of tt to 4 Ih House i ,,. n puhlie lands comanittee v..' tame ine mil to repeal the limhei , trn. ,.,. ,i , niel stone set and substitnt. th. .,,,, ., .,,,,. Ul,do lo i. for lsw.fcsulboriiing the sale ,,f ,,, , , , (l ,,., msuire public .Umber at It. ip ecres near Hs.bile Hulls with ore- wild grass standing. iis a h.n'-i and . I'i pned value. Ths action ol the eojnmillee i in line with II Mil i. n the lat t'.inerees, siel it kills Hie endiiii( bill, which was inilored h ill. 'i dent St.. I by the Public l.nno I mission The committee's ai maker, ii impossible to bring lie hill up on the floor of the home, even for ducussion It i vihe that Chairman tacev, who fstor the tipesl of lie-limlx-r 00 1, mav sk uosniinon con, ni to discharge his ommithe from consideration of this bill nn.l in Ih it wiy hiingif into the H hit single objection aill Ihi" move, nnd there i- liula ,,r... peel llnil the bill ceil be pniishieretl Tbe siiion of the hoiiae committee mean thai a similar bill, if passed It is al ''"' ,'", oeeins probable. would he likewise killed in the house .- in-iiiii.T. because of lie IIMIN 1 tl I I ' I'se -' I'. Av. Cj National Bank OF BURNS. OREGON. A tieicral Rank in Business Trafsactei tmft at A mt pxtf. WE WANT YOUR BUSlNBSi. i i ic i i i i, J.d.n l I'. 0 I llslne. tfassie Them p 1 II ih ft.a. e -er -ee lrnciv Honiara can be iiuiauied t this I RaKI'R COUNTY MIR Th.- iiiemliers of l he linker ( ho Ii csntly at 21 cent by a Ht Louisop-'""rw",m "" '"J"'T -lainei it srsior In Arizona the Imiring of the present clip continues with 'JO cents the average price Doe lot of aiiiin... I.-.. . .1.1 I.. i .L l ne iiicinii-irn ol Hi linker I oiiu F,'e nt niiiius wbi ei iaj- -w-eev t at 21 1-2 tienU and 22 cent wa. re- T r",r " MH "-" raewung fused for ad,.. oftel.iHUIoou.ids "l "" """' ,f S""'"V.' Th easier., in trkel- sre h.l.litm Tties.l.y nlgbtOrsf filed upon upingootlalyleand the lie tlm., J ' "" isbeliev.Ml io have riff Ill the lhs- liottom .r price- tliifcl tri llllj '' i,. o i..,h. t,i ,. ... ily beooiiitng smaller .t- the noils " Jl,1 -' ' s.,1 I ainht.l. lie i. make libera! purcha-e. Aooonl- will Ih-one barii.. ,t ..,.., I, ,ly ing to Ibe latest advices some small l,)" rNl "(lU" P'-ft'sin give,, line of Oregon Valley wools Still ovet to the sprintes In conjoin remaining in Hm ll.-ion market "" iHi ibe raoe cards there will are being taken al 2M 'M cent, be a big vamUille fJMPMal each Kaslern Oreeon slaobi and clothms Jay. Ibe deleil. ol which will wools ale not to tie obtuiiied there Even tainted money may makc a tidy sum. The nearer a man jjcts lo (an r the smaller it looks. (Jui itb-u ul u miserable man il a unset who is in love. Truth is stranger than fiction to the average inained woman. Time is niont-v, bui it's beltci lo be in a hurry than broae. Only one kind ol women tlo th i care lor pi city iiuii.ea de-ut one. Man hopes lot the best, but woman intuits ho better. th" detail of -.hid, Will I norke.loiil Inter To look 'after the taiious features of ibis program i committee consisting of J It Koger. M. I Bond and H ( rell, weie uailied The regular esiMMilion and pro gram is scliedul.il fi Heptenkw Kol tlnse.eiit some early cloaing slake will shortly be an nounced Tbe date i pen U.r I .-l. in Oregon. Hasten, Waal, ington and Idaho circuit I. a lirande, Walla Walls, laisnn and Boise, following u, th. ii, in ., I Huntington Herald Kmi-I'ili. I Paai-r An Uleetrsii . t .. this l i irain. Iowa "Tie II . i . n mail a i . I in to. I. i In. .el edge it. and t At at iim P., eh w -i Cask lav at FIRST NATIONAL BANK ONTAMH JON. Illl I oil I IM, W Solicit Vou" Banking Huainaci. -im KIMI I" I I'll 1 1 ' Miller. I rank It OaA II real. ' Ilia . - j eiiteet y., I rreO ii W I a aerial I i . Ilki it VJ bl aa;iii in t 1 ..I 'tie Mee ef a emu (Ittln aoas initnlrt-ia ef oillea as sini i wiM-t le frt fWli I. el a ' Ure ti i t " ajwaee - OM.ni In l.n ' c Hoeo acaerr estmeiNT w e m a fowtt'i i lie Law Star RESTAURANT MBALii AT ABU HOHI BsiWary in onnHon A Satcially ( bawrt Irain. a' ' fu ul, every thing the m'. it M patron Sge nln it. d ' first national Bank CAI I . IDAHO A Ocncral llmikm - Itu , i 1 r.in-acted T rr tltlil'!- ItK.i-lN'1 I V Ii ,- A.tMKIi lu in .tale to travel, poet signs, odverli. e tx aii,,les of our good I alsrv IT ' i-r uionth I'll'' suinellliu ,, ,l,v fl)f eipenoes. ItDVAI. HUPPLY Co, Depl W Clilc.g III A woman is never satisfied uu til hei liiisiiaod u rated in the Having sold the furniture hui so. iety blue book. A Hyrtl will now turn hi Some ivri.ple in, airuie th.,t ih. "enu.m io painting ami ,.,- i are never talked shout tbey ntver hear il Chuan New. because Icnngiug and solicits a share pBironsge Mr will -I-.. , duet a cabinet and repair simp s i ! --g-gj-gjaajBaaaBBBBaaaw-faai HaMillW A ) ' Li f . -as- a, i I e I I i IOOL Oft, asaaaWaeasaaaB -aswaayaasaaaaaaaal THri CARTI M HOUSE. II ln s II IN VI Wlo, OR! . N. Plre-Proaf, AWcHlern, lileiant. Watta Sj.iiu nnd $i go per day. All Outside kooms Near Depot This modern new Intel .s, mil ) open. I in ibe publn ii i iti peopl. ijra wrlVwaM ,ml xlllllli.ll.l) . LIVERY BARN IN CONNECTION. B Hoaam Mi i...,m f Napton &. Boyd leal tslatc. Niecs end Mlilnf. i W I-.,.. . Oat, 'laoeiis. A B ., ..ti. . . j aw A lively Tnaste with thai o!d enemy of tbe rate oonslipaleoii, often ends lu apian dicili Tu avoid ,11 seiiou trot, hie with stomach, l.ver and le.wel Uke Dr King's New l.ifs Mb They perfectly regulate tbeee or gat,, without iu.ii, ur diseomfuri. 'I'm: at City lrug .U.re I,1 J5 A Sckat.fii wtalcr, One of tbe peculiar phenomena of oature can now ls aeeu along the east ojig of While Lake. There is a ridge of ioe thrown uo along lue side of the lake from two to five (eel high in the shape of the roof of 1 1 eland lo itn credit a house which resembles a dike uiuke Buck, an, Arnica Halve a thrown up by the baud of turn. tin) laud under the public bind sciunlilic wonder, it cured K K At the pier it is noticeable Tbe is and take their own chances as Mulfoni. lecturer for ibe I'.ttrons of ice hoe lifted the piles out Of ibe a- . . , . . .. . I .., . I. , J -J , J ..- , leciii inc sulhcieiii wilier lor irrl nusiianury, yy ity ncsuoro, ih. ui t grouuu anu uesveu ine pier uu Ion purposes uisires-ing cnos ol piiue it tieals uignt teet in one piece until it is fhis selection was made in I'.HJ-' Mum., Sores, I5o;Ib I iuera just the shape of a roof Tbe only iiAS been u greut hindriuice tu cut", burn. , t'hilbiuius and salt expiaimliou of this phenomena is I settlement ufthie vitlltiy as it is rheum Only 2c at The City that tbe action of the south wiud tlcuUr and tor m. II v the author Hi upphui for patent. Gould, or lid home seeker tnke such Lnoaw, or would they put', r tak Hot-Breads Light and Sweet are a aee w Ice. ROYAL BAKING POWDER E. N. NELSON Mm a - 14 . . Watchmaker and Optician. Second door north of pout office. Bums, Oroeron The Finest of All .n MARYLAND CLUB WHISKY for bk aaJ ai Hotel Burns Bar Agents, Rums, Ore. MasT'KollM.i I Hm.Im.h - e I THE CAPITAL SALOON, I RIM H Burns, Oregon. Wines liquors an. I Cigars. Billiard and Pool .ablet. Club Rooms in Connection. CHAS. WILSON, six tsoaro.wusOM 4 s. i a Blacksmititing and utuei avuilaiilu laud. At the Urng Store crowd the ice toward this side fJaaMs.ayfrtci ooey fce eelen mlUftont Uceae I ae even by perootw aTltfe 4atcU UanUa it. Jl- " ' Horsshoeiif. Wagon Work. EauUaVi J IT P KTm AM MDTU11U JL l ia AIL-,.... Over boo f M 9m4 aeelfie. M 1 t-""'- i i P " T I W V . " - OtUNUSit lT l eoti,t t i.tr'AN i 1. L UWIS ftH tU.., laraaa PARIICliLAKS and PRICES la atitat aWring IMUKtHAIION. 3aaer.liiiii.ii UliSIGNS. 00 .-.. ae, Maint. AtLrr?AoOAR THE TIMES-HERALD. Burns, Oregon Job Printing.