The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, March 03, 1906, Image 1

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h eTImen-Warnlft
The Ofllolal Paper of Harney C'.iinly,
has tha.Uritit r
Um fesM iilvi'rtio
i ii is one of
una in Ksatsrn
Wh ewrent ffnrnrt) foimlri
' ara
the I
NO. 15
Lrnrv valley to be encircled
tat Urea ol tflsttrt Hse Rclve
Seek Isttrsrtl .t--nsy lss Twe
Or Mart Track Aeresa
Wtattra Slaws WM kt CmM rs
Sack a felky ta see Caere, si
TIM, Ssys TMk Writer.
'he Times Herald lias it from
lable sources ihnt the pi.
rps of engineers now in lhJ field
I tins section purpose running
lee lines MM tliis valley one
follow around the southern hor-
M directly east and west
Im the ptMi iitul inolher 11.
northern portion Whether
is li he done fot the purpose
MM r. the ntoal nSMIOI
or that valley i la b 1 oe
ilj en In led bj iii- system
huirse n qneaTtrOn Several of
i-llixen have atoutly maiotain
tint the railroad paopic would
uipi .11 li-.iit to hold the entire
llnr aplinsl possible i ompr-
111, ana wihihi ini'icmre cmii-
hc valley. This looks reason-
when one lake into COkasidei -
Li the greal poeeibililiei of the
kit Harney touniiv, and lite
Iher fai I that hostile roads are
Only threatcniti(,', hut arc go
to lap the H.trnrv C utintry M
1 .1-. men plan- win penuu. n
i 11 thai the linal terminal (
ISiiinpiei .1
n. inoaai ...1 like f. H Newell lie RANGE LEASING INEVITABLE
ohfef; he does not like the engineers '
and their method of carrying oat
the law; he tines not like the way Ifajejf si'OOESTrOfrS ANCTT THE
the funds hare been apportioned, PROPOSED LAW.
and he want a general shake-up
There is no politics in the seryice at
preeejit, political pnll cannot get an
allotment of money; it cannot sc
cut.- appointment! for political
henchmen who are unable to cet
jobs elsewhere; in a word political
poll is not recognised, and Mr.
Hiiosbrotirh doe not like it. For
two jears or more lie has heen lab
oring to unseal Chief Engineer
Newell and have some other man
placed in charge, and he loeae no
opportiiiiily to get iti a atari Hut
lie has never made so
The following waa aent ns by a
News bureau conducted at Wash
ington It gives some things that
should receive consideration by the
stockmen of Harney county, aa we
are certainly going up against a
lease law sooner or later:
Western states will be compelled
n. mil pro-I fcs hoe a renfe-leaain- policv in floe as when he passed his swamp ; course of time, if the present trend
I. ill through the Senate ' of events in regard to public domain
Tim reditu. ntiiin law contun- run itiuo N auoh a law will gel
the irrigation of arid lands,
not the reclaiming of swamp lands,
and it is so worded that thi work
shall lie done l. the Kerlametion
Hnrvic. Mr HhiimIi rough's bill
proposes that the drainage scheme
shall Ik oarried out by the Agricul
tural Ib'psrtment, winch bag M
inig.itli.n bureau of ils own.
That feature of the bill aimed at
th tough the present congress, as
the leaders of the two houses are
not ready to precipitate discussion.
but is appearent to observing men
that the time is not distant when
such will he the ease, and leading
stockmen are already preparing for
the issue. Those given to careful
research are endeavoring to get
fuels for presentation Teee, in
the Reclamation Service is the bar career of liberal
chins- requiring that the work of dent treatment of
drainage shall he done "under di- j shining examph
Nation l the Secretary of Agricul 1 leasers. Wyoming's
lure If Mr llansbrnugh were
triving onlv lo have his swamps
reotalraed, he would have teee thnt the work should lie
e .- limns. and',1,,,,,. ,, ,,, 'asjitln HfTllI
and have whatever lafielatlen la
enacted kept upon a plane permit
ting the roost rapid and permanent
western development, many West
ern people are already anticipating
the discussion by gathering data.
Writing in the Paoifle Home
stead Dr. I, I.. Roberts to North
Yakama, Wash, says.
"I anon (band it advisable to get
my wheat in the ground a early in
the spring aa possible, in order to
get the benefit of the moisture from
snow and early spring raine Once
I found mv ground too drj
sprout all the graina, an I resorted
to irrigation and. sis the v
seemed very dry for that time of
the year, I gate if a thorough ail
ling Then the grain came .juick
ly, bat the ground being so bar
baked and much of the ground as
sumed a yellow (over-aater) ap
pearanoe This waa in a measure
overcome In time as ttie ground '
came shaded, but I am con lid en I a
much better crcp would have I. .en
obtained had I sown a ceuple of
weeks earlier
In short, endesvor lo al the
ground shaded by the gruAii.g
. . !-. .L L . U. -L
put. lie lands IS a , wneet nature toe 001 stinaiiiiir. onsre
for the range 'the ground Then Isle irrigation
ASTErSFRS pCEt 10 or v nop IT
ano RAM Bin
4 flee la Haaet at Iscal Peseta was
PaM Mas a Mwese tOsrs far a
- - laiafnVtsi Wsrar Safety.
anil indepen-
k. this is merely A local feed. 1
l.irnmnt. at piescnt hti'h-
1.1, II would be .1 1. 11 lot
(I tin- C'huugn I Northweat-
i!.. Nonliein I'.i. 1I1. , C &
Ii the line PfOjwt tld bj the
nil. 111 federation go through
. a v a
U tlic M . .inollici uuiici.
liUl the I' tern 1. ilciin laud
logs lit nolil bt loie the I. oV I
lists secuie the incaiiM lo ui-
it is not at nil unlikely that
W. V. & C. M. W. R
will he aiipm -d OJ them.
1I1 a case the would
are also being exploited. The cus
toms of the entire country based
upon 1 l.e principle of getting public
land 11. .. the private ownership of
the individual, are being off-red on
opposed lo the
I here are engineers in 1 list service 1 the side of those
.jiiite at competent to drain swainiw leasing system
a to rue. aim the desert, and be leMI 1 be Public Laid (Nuiimia
kuows it. lint he wauled to cur- huh. npnrted in favor of leasing
tall the power of the reclamation ' that part ef the public domain
Service, so be ePOpgead that the' adapted to range pursosea, the poll be reclaimed by the engi- B? to regarded M havingt Adminis
1.1 th. irrigation division of trattoa Imeklng President Kooee
the Auriciihure liepiirltuenl, a bti- vhIi'm rel. fence to the subject in
paaO mlended to determine the In. message was the last endortr-
li serins from Ihe following, tak
rtland J.'tirtisl, Unit
the llirnev country Is eilt r .
the a'lenti 11 of large capUali-U
whi' h Is bat soother Indication
esrl railroad const ruel ion snd ibe
' al and rapid develop
i.n It 1 .
l'ii . ranch Bf
000 OOiea in llart.' county, winch
wa recently taken over by .
load rindicrtte, ia again bemg
-uiiuht !y eslern people who want
lap th. pragaaref on a large
Kcale. It la eaid the proopeal for 1 n.
11 e. fiats lailroad
Inkaftot OresfM ha made the gn si
raadb a desirable priie for capital
lets That tJlticago d Northwesletn,
the Hartiman hue and ihe Ore
operative Christian f-. I. ration are
now projecting rail lit.ea ihrnugh
lite stale, and one ir 111. .re of these
roads will come in cl.xe timi
to the tMirh
1 i. property is now he , l. a
ayndi. ate headae b Harrj L Oar
bell of the Firet National hank.
Portland A--.. laeMI arilaa him are
Charles I'r.itt N. Jfatt, H ilh...
1 1 an lay, Iturn-, M K I'arsona,
its) i
n . sod
be S1.I11 fur irrigating olbet
a cieniiftc wewaVr.
that stand to its atd1
make Ruck leu Arntea (talva a
M the Pair. ma of
1 1 W Pa, of a
1 1 heals
the a " I
cuts, bur.
lrug ft
1 i.-. .,
and salt
will bring its reward
The great fault in irrigation is
Ihe reckless use of wster. that ia, in
many cases using toe much
Many who have come from parts
.tf tlie. i,ntiilri' li. raw irridufinti ta
. .It Lake, and (! K S. V
no. needed and where rains are uf--.
. ... . .. . laud. A lew inonths ago .
ffcletil, seem to think as they have
the water they must use It. I knee " """ fr"'". '
aaaMherein Yakima valley..,,,! "f,"""''"l -"'" - d made a
, . - cash payment n 'm t.t a a 1 i.
one in particular, where a crop of
. . . , . t hrisli hi I. . I. ruin in was aiv
potato - wa entirely tinned, rolled "
J 1 a. .1. .. .1
it, the ,,,,,l. by lee touch and ..a, '""' '" '""" I'l-Pfapar
amount of water needed for irriga
tion under all manner of condition"
ami for all manner of crops, and to
devise means of draining irrigated
lamia (not actually to construct
drainage works) The Reclamation
the laud grant. In fact, it j Harvioc is putting in drainage ays-
I 1 n stated ill. 11 Mich wcic the :.n, on its various irrigation tracts, urgently
In mentioning the filing of
boratiOfl papers by UM Msa
ton Kaiiu.i.' 1 . which is
limed as ine uini.ii etiieipiisc
fedciatlull, the
rbe iiiutr will be from 1 orl
ip the Willumctle valley t.
tf the pusses ill the son
i.uiti.iin, bcie tlu load will
tin- L'mteadc and extend
Ihiuuifh Oii-ooii lo
rio. loiiinviug ai man) us
ic.ilile the L'uacade Moiiuinn
ill.iinctte Vnllet road hum
this work is not dune by the IV
partinenl of Agriculture
iiien', which was eXcled to foice
Ihe ipieHii.ui this t'lingreas As the
--Inn tirawa toward its close,
there seems no room for range leas
ing liefnre the summer adjournment
Tie ,oxt session will be short, and
unless the administration presses
for consideration of this
or pro-leaaing interests
tlie same serrtoe, it is
perform Irrigation Ifpota
loee at bloom lug time need more
mo'stur. giv .1 to tin 111 I'm k.y
then a.-, t . it that they gel no
In arranging for irrigation either
on Ihe farm or in the garden, those
ly anil .Mr I held ,.
weeks lor thai ..... 1 111 p. ndiiLg (tie
completion Ol fin in. .al mi
' that w r- under eav
Thee" arrangement 1. ere dels.
,d and lie ( ..rhell syndicate Im
cams nai.era of ihs pruitirly. nay-
thing, which r. a great deal "l ""' "' U'- "'""
water may be associated t,.g,th.r 'l1,"N-" I '" P-.-ity ouu.-
and all watered toge'hai, that ia, if
prises a number
ran. hi- au nioated
Of IMIlll,
and conuecled
Sa e- n- is in. I ever Itolt
who areata 1 tr",i '
I uigh 1 I'ii ''
i 50 to ai
s.tti who . ll a living
or money
heel ireular lor s-.mi 1 ne
Pr i
tor, III
Kot Sn I l r I. ds III
th.ia'i... in ' i 111 l.aaen, Id has
in bnrne. UMi a. res of fmej isn.l a
I iiea. loa ! it, ilea
east ..I Pun oniinptovril lii"
a. tes near Saddle Rulte with pee
i.l grass slant! ing, I
has a house and g.asl Par
lietilars csu lie obtained at Ibis
II ,i Iq bust-
I will now (urn hi
iillenln 11 to painting and
g aiiu dicils a share of
II- ill also eon
duct a . kbl I ' I 1. 1 or .hop
Oreg.uiiiin - rpe. nil new e.i-
l Wushlngloii, f-nt nut Ihe
ing red tills
ess tin nun of representa-
s more cautious than the sen-
. 11 deathblow- m.i) he
at th 1. itioiiul reuiaitiatiou
rliiuh wi.l not only disrupt
jMiiiittlioo service, 1. ut letsrd
unii.ii prevent tb eomple-
II great irngalinn sy-t- ma now
laouatrtldaton. I a an uugiiuid-
Mueitt, Ihs lliinnhriiugh drain-
Ill was put through the leuab
1' tut. ehghleat ohjtsclioii.
:i.l, if eitaolaii into law, will
1 1 In- wat h.i .1 general 01.-
Lt ut, me roc . oatioa in id.
Aoticipiiting that his bill might , hardly probable that the ahort tertr)
i.-nce rough sledding in the I will orrat the law that ia bound lo
II. life, Mr iiunsbrough had ihe have broad influence upon the en
title amended ao as to convey the tire west.
idea thai the money used for drain- In whatever is done, ihe re are
..go should he taken from the land Mnc to la- provisions that will feoi
reoaiptsof North Dakota rather than ; litate the homesteader Borne ad-
out of the reclamation fund, but this vuuates of leasing believe that Ihe 1
ta a futile ellort at concealment homeateed entry man should have
" th.- right I., enle upon land during
ASItWOOD Ma sku foe $ , . ,
the term of even an annual lease,
One thousand bead of awes at '" P"'K 1"" '"' fide home
. .. i i ...j .- .u- i.i-i . purpoae tlthere are inclined to i
''i ue.iij, iniu in ow ,ud ii,kuiw, -
t.rioe ever paid for range sheep in t,,i,,k ,'"1 M,"1' of lu "-ry
Ibto stale, is th,, latest sale of Cen-0" u,P'v "-1'innrdad by providing
Ural Oaesjea livestock to g.. on re- hl ba homestead entrymau shall
curd. The sheep were purchased il'ven aooeee lo tbe lend only
oi I - Uuinil'on, of Aahwood "tW expiration of a range lease
The Hhsnlko Republican eslimalea Champions of the small atookmat,
It ia dixiral.le to olaul a faw rowa
of one kind pari way eeroaa the " l ""I ' nou-telied
field, the,, ih. remainder of tbe row l'il" "" "- """"''- -d .1,.
With else, ao that boll, ' """"' '"- """'
il.p,.. I. ,l.. Wa
-., m..,.I irri-.ti.,., ,.-..e. ....u.e, .., ,,,ai range , i,e,
I be Laac Star
Bakery in connection
A Secuali ( bbtrl Brews.
i hiu, avetytbiaf
Ihe mark. I n I- N our slr.n
IIP ...' ". .1
-- J.yi ...11
It would be unwise to plant e " ' '"""
Ut of alra.l-rr.e. whi. '.. ... m,i" W,," """!-'
aoaroaly have to., much water, tbe., '" f',ur "" U,-"u
loo continue your row. acr.a,. tbe P"1"""" P- IsllasMlaalfa
field planted lo polatoe, thus fore- J"-"l- ,r'-"
um tlie waa La water from lbs straw
bertlei through tin. potato field, tbe " '" 1V "' ' ''''or,,.., a
latter of which abould not have una '" ' ,Uk '"'' - '
mani.'l'r ran. b (Jeo- !
of fout I
- 'JU feet I
French came lo this eaei
the ItXt.tHK) head of sheep have
been sold out of Crook, Wheeler
and Waaaa cuuliu- and enumerate
over one-lith of that number which
bave been disposed uf by haial
stock luoi throughout tbe Antelope
and Shsniko districts. The Rep-
lll.llCUI. S.I
I in Central Oregon sheep mar
ket ha- op. in .1 up in earnest, and "Uttlry
will also insial that an eulryuiau
taking rang laud, aball be insured
a i;uod range acreage about bis
homestead, winch others cannot
lease The range bomeatead has
been sugg sled as a law that would
encourage the caktle industry at
least, if nut 'he sheep, and reoog
eisV the semi arid Condition uf th
Tins suggeatiuo is to let
drop ,.t
over irrigated,
cucumbers are "hard driuksrs.
A I K el, I . .1
with that old enemy of the race,
couslipaUou, often ends in appeti
dicilia To avoid all serious trou
ble with stomach, liver and bowels,
lake Dr Kings New Life Pills.
Tbey perfectly regulate tbeau or
gans, without pain or discomfort
2.rc at City lrug Htore
water after ihev have
Suuasbee oan Ih. enjily lr"1 "on -"""- wild India,.
bile uiulous and ' "" " ' "' """ eampain
I9in was fought partly mi tin (
perl rr.n. h picked Ih, L.b
Mated and paid for litem in . a.i
purchasing nearly every acre direct
fruit, the government, Today the
1 ' Stales laud laws Would p"
M .. h s segn gallon , f public
1 Oaj individual uf firm
'Ih. i. are lakes and rivers ., th
iMOperly, and a large lumber f
lute awsmp nr Uaer dam
M ..r ils richness A
drainage canal coating about ll'tt).
since February I the field ba. be.u u lu-" mk u Uf- u, M,r,-e
full of Knsie, ,. i.uyers. The lotal B . .manUad. tna limit be .,. aggtegutiug about I00.0UU , '" ',ut:,, P'ubable yield of forage aa
load nl sheep, "justly tearhngs,
i. i .en suld io Waaoo, Cruok
u. i V - uunties, at prices
-raiiuiog from VI in to tf.i is) tasr
II lead the p
id ..iin the wool oil, and are lo
rated after shearing. Tlie thai are n lag paid for
!, ri ert i.
have u-eii received by Oregon wool
growers in ti.'i vear Al tlm pre
Hiut price ot a.. the Mi . p that
hav o in lib set I in of the
country wi!i shaar $2 worth of wool,
which i i ; tin- prioe of a
' yearling U I" I h. ad.
Uuslors are r-uztilcd.
t tin-
weeks ago th. -.-nuu cum
uli irrigation t.ivoi.ibly ro
ll,.' Iiunsbrough bill) I
as to divert fl UtSJlMKt bum
.-lainatluti iutiU lor diaini g
North Dukotu swamps. A
iiy of the uoiuiintt.
kd bill, but to a rc-
r'out of courteay lo enalu
)rough," and afttirwa.ul ex-
b.i lite opinion tn il lln bill
never puas Put, if tbaae
urs believeu it a bad bill, th. fnl rt miirkithh- iccovery of Ken-
t take the precaution I tb Mclver i. Me ., ia
did uol gel ihiuugh the ecu b H lieu inlM ' i" the
I r tbe bill waa called up tbret naedioal traterniijf aula esdeeb
. .1 J 1. 11 . Ll- ..
r days alter ... ing tclioi leu ; menus. , e a:n o, ui cao.
isaed. Tiie'cuuro- "Owing a l"ti uuniatlaji 1
lauabrough" ut least put tin tbe tbruul nfaeltoii Of the
liougii the Senate. It ie ih.iv lungs..! tors g .ye me up to
the House cumuHtlee tu de- di. l,,n us a iasl resoil I was in
rhoiher thio same courteay is ,duoud to try Ut Kiaffs Nctfj Dis-
Iculioo fur again reporting a covery and l au nappv to say it
tat is framed to aocoiuplish a eared i ores tbe worst
laid purpose. coughs and colds, hum. -lulls, weak
llansbrougb ia a very pro- j lungs, buareaoees and lagrippe.
led and a Vuiy delortuined ttuarunteed at 1 be City Drug htore,
of Ihe. reclamation service '5b and 1 UO trial bonh free
tbe average agricultural botuesteaJ
All of the solutions proposed
could not be enumerated in a limit
ed space, but enough bare beeti ad
vanced to prose that when tbe
tim-stion must finally be decided,
there will o.- a wide diversity of
coulees offered Wesu-ru
should hegi u careful study of tiie
situation Thev will lie mt vital
ly Hllecl'.l, and unless ibeir rights
M slates and industrial uuuiuniii
weslths ate ably championed in
the formative hour u! law-making,
hat are utter'y iiupru. ti
oable may Im. forced upon th
There has been such a stir
ibroughi ut the Jast in regard lo
tbe public domain, that radical ac
tion might be expected if tbe true
si tus t.f iIih west is uol made tbe j
subject of cut. stunt education
Many Eastern people regaid the ac-
quisiiiuti of more than 100 scree of'
public laud by one person or com
pany u, "land grabbing." They du
not realise tiie necessities uf a range 1
couutry. V hen luturmed on the
timber acreage requited by a large
lumber concern before erecting a
mill, they are inclined to style the
business precaution a public out
rage. To meet suob yiewe aa lbeae,(
Oregon's whipping post law
vat generally discussed while
congress had a similar measure up
for ihe Dial 1 1, i of Columbia leal
week. The intusuic fur the
national capital (and, but it warn
many supporters while on l,c
o .
If you wiah lo he located oa a
good homestead, aee f. H Jordan
tbe surveyor.
M sS Mr 14 ft. . ..
Watchmaker and Optician.
Second door north of post office.
IBvLrriue, Oiegron
Tht Finest of AH
Tht grtattit of
modern-time bolus
to perfect cooking
(. Ifl tin best ffjft-
Ultt tee werM ever
fw Sak Mi ai
Hotel Burns Bar
A ent, Burns, Ore).
Rotbei i lir s l'n-1
I..1IV D DAI 'ima
i i
First National Bank
k General Ranking Bnsincss Traisactei
tbWraaa tmf4t mt rVSe sastraVrrrk-SV
i 1 1 . i if:
l IViIt.
S t ' srswaler.
i M Unrtwe,
e -ee- ear- iee
1 i.nm I
lltft'tW.! I 'iiul i t
I t"
We Solicit You- Bnnkina Buaineen.
maadet. Wm. Jonew. I M. Teat, f
Wiilieta 1
-. hllol hi II
r y k. v ii
Miller Kratik It
naVr. w
Mowaao tisstr smeatht a
m a roworst. I
J ir$f Hatiot
il Bank
A llenernl hiiiKin,' . I rmtaactesi
anrtttcAN plan
Hlre-PrcMf, Modern, l.l"vs,ant.
Ktia Si.M nnJ Sa 50 per day.
All Outside Kooms Near Depot
was mil) itesarsj to ihe
(tiilih. II,... 1 Monle will tar alweya v
ami 1 ...ii '
l aa Mure OB
Napton St, Boyd
tell bote. .lines anil lisiof. il
fafsrrs, toaa Osriaans ' a. A
llll-l II V I N, I
Xalco XXatevdsqL1
Wine5 Liquorm and l
Billiard a. id Pool Tank.
Club Rooms in ConiiccteO-
1. .. t sua to.wiiaow a at. 1 a
I jf.; H
An Jlf
Main St.,
Bltcksuiiihiiig ili.
Wagon Work.
ANTEEO. Burns, Oregon
Il,aanjkj h ITll.e
0es aOO B wavrt.'
awtrtvst L rlesUia
awaaaaayta. Bj OareHtlsw
a 1 1 is
Hk- I y
IJIas lLad l laraiat
la m)im ewatTaa;
Job Printing.