The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 17, 1906, Image 1

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    Wh VimllrIft
The Offlclsl Psper of Harney County,
lias the.tarftvst circulation and it on of
tl brst .lvertlinK,medliinja in Eastern
a....... a f.s
J h Vajl ttrrnsQ Connlff
V MM H ,4J w0 Aft.S of
A Lilt .1 Sf nylt Mlitart. Tsfttssr Wlfk
Mtth.41 at Prtaaraflaa as Tlai
Of Asslketl 1I.
The following is clipped from the
(Irani County Newt: A good mii.y
people believe that the process of
spraying fruit trees is resorted to
(inly bh a means of destroying pests,
or, possibly, preventing them. Hut
practice in many parts of the coun
try has proven that one of the most
valuable results of spraying ia to
ricrcaoe the udd hxpcrimimts
inml. ly the government exiwrts
how thai when one half of a tree is
prayed and tin- other half not, Bl
oat double the normal yield
alhered from the aide that was
prayed Of course the miality la
ttch Htiterior
I'liini lire like sheep scabhies,
ran their living from the body
bat is infected Every particle of
ubitaucc taken to "import the
arusite, lessens by just so imu'li
he vitality of the body, he it that
fa plant or of an animal Thus,
n trees, substance that should go
o the making of fruit is converted
ltd body material for thn poat, and
H fruit crop must suffer to that
xteni And these minute enemies
re alw.iys present in a roster or
as quantities Thus killing them
lib spray destroys the nourcr 01
raft" and turns them mid olhei
tram. ma substances into fertili-
In order to accommodate those
io might wish to give this inex-
nsive proc'MH a trial, a list of
raying mixturse, together with
1'lhodn ol preparation ami lime of
'plication, is publmlied following:
benefit of these sprays oq fruit
tree is equally troe of a!l vegeta
tion. Shrubbery, rose bush and
plants, of all kinds, vegetable and
flower, will be made more healthy
tnd productive by thei proper as
The oot of these mixtures varies
in different parts of the countries,
but ia trifling anywhere The Bor
deaux mixture oiay be prepared
for slightly more than 60 cent per
60 gallon, or a cent a gallon
Nst Tes NmMm at Tas Pitawij
Pwill Asesl x.
0OPMM sii.iiiatk
The copper sulphite mixture,
hnoially known as blueslone. is
isde by disulvinii one i.uinitl of
npii.ue in 'jo gallon of water.
The Portland Journal says H.
M. Cak, president of the Commer
cial club, may become a condldate
for the Republican nomination for
United Stale senator. Prominent
business men of this city have urged
him to enter the race, and the mat
ter is under serious consideration
The movement in his behalf baa
been conducted earnestly but quiet
ly, and few of the politicians have
suspected the possibility of bis can
The secret leaked nut early this
afternoon, and while it was impos
sible to obtain confirmation from
Mr Cake, it was learned from relia
ble sources that it is highly proba
ble that he will decide to enter the
His wide acquaintance snd his
prominence in all public undertak
ings for promoting the growth and
development of the city and slate
will doubtless commend Mr. Cake
to the voter snd will make him a
strong competitor for the senatorial
nomination Mr. Cake is a staunch
Republican, but ha taken no con
spicous part in the factional fight
of rsoent years. Me has been aav
lively interested in the efforts to ss
cure an omiu river from Portland to
the sea, and i in close touch with
the commercial interest of this
(Baker City Herald)
Harvey K Frown, for the past
foor years sheriff of Baker coun
ty, announce himself s candidal
for the nomination for governor on
the republican ticket subject to th
voter and not the machine of the
party at the primaries on April 10,
Hi platfoioi ia follows
The primary Isw and the election
of all officers by direot vote of the
Abolishment of all machines and
bosses and let the people nils.
Enforcement of all law, city.
county, state and United States and
the repealing of the same if not tbe
proper laws for the people.
Tbe abolishment ol tbe use of
money for campaign fund and
purposes by any candidate, faction
or corporation, only aa actual legiti
mate exnenoee
And last but not least, woman
doraeajient of the Western Live
stock association, provides tint
livestock In transit shall not lie
confined to cars without unloading
for rest, water and feeding for a
longer period than 28 consecutive
hours, excepting upon th written
request of the owner or person in
custody for that particular shipment
when the time of confinement may
he extended to 36 hours
It is provided that in caas of ess
.k k..i ;...: rtk. n Attorney lieneral Crew
n wiiwwrt v uvii iw AMiw'it'ii vs wsxww
'1s Ws t Rseetst el Mats Hsans
sir--Fleas Pall t leckj PV
sktssflstest rtewas.
A .Salem dispatch ! the Oft
time limit occurs at nigbt, they
may he allowed to continue In Iran-
ar.. 1 . 1 s a
ioru touay rendered an i
holding that it is mnd..r ii.
ail until daylight, if by so doing county curt to sppoml county
O... ! - - l . L
....j .... o-.u . piecr. wnere .n, h,..h .. .....t.r Ik. .vl.i
can be properly fed, watered and , , 19uft Tl( ,.,
cared for. ., ,
. ... - elates that the county judge ami
It also provides that, barring de- ,4-. . ,. ,.
, . r lommissini.ers shall oonstllut a
lays from storms or other sob . ...
al caass. stock trains oont lining ... .
employ a aecretarv. who mui
ten or mors csrs of livestock shall .. ,., , . . . ,
'gradual of s reputable medical
he run at an average minimum rale ... , , ,
7 ''e and a reaulailv been, d
if speed of not less than In mi es ... , .. -,. . ,, .
V . .physician I he secrelarv shall be
per hour from the lime iveetock is lk. ... ,, , ,,
the iissllh olhrer of the board and
loaded upon the cars and made .1..,. -j. , .,
. r , , shall receive from ibe inmili iiuai-
part of such train until it reaches , . 11 ... ,. ..
"" "f ' . -i ijmi. IMF
its destination
Bscklag sVssKtMs Scsrcc
ids outlaw home 01 yesr past. A ibi
the hero of brum ho-bin k ing in Ibe mount lo I
Dead Pells on Ike leucc.
Duncan MacLeial, the sheep buy
er from Harney county, is in Baker
City, making deals and contract
for sheep with tbe large grower,
MWhsj according to strength -uon as W ti. Ay re of Durkee, who
kuirel It is used 10 kill fungus
MTtlst) and only la-fore foliage
line, about the middle of March
Ire. Mosae. blights, weak vitaii
are brought to right at onoe
iTbis mixture i- ued in both wel
dry form. For wut Pari
ha several baud of many thou
sands, the Lee brother of Baker
City, Middlebrook .V Croup of Eagle
valley, and i oflering top-notch
market price on inspeciiou of tbe
baud He extols to clou a Jargs
uumber of ootitracts in Baksr
It is slated that lbs ibiuwent of
in. i pound, lime 4 pound, wa- he will not !-.; ;i -
M gal Dry. Paris green, 1 .bearing lime, which will th,. .,
und. lime or Hour H pounds. It probable be Ibe brat of M.v U lu.
applied on foliage lo destroy all ker county.
ing inasoU, aa caterui liars, worm ..r - - u ,
'.lim ..I VUUID U Ull .KIMiri
!... i-v. 1. 1. , T
nun ji, 11 may im unxeaisucei 111
n u weax itonteaiix mixture, -been. Marl.! ...t k. ..t. i " Vni "u " petiple at J.arse
up against some lunnv things. A A"d " ' Wl to UP" tb rpub
hort time ago, while visiting the ' l,c"' prlv '" ""' unly '
- -r -' ... ! 1 1 ale the riffht kind nf iit.r. f,.r
!- "f .rd aoap in I ' " " " ? "S " '" I BIld ' ..,., "" Z
gallon Luilinw water, and .t.r! " "' mumoV "nsruu lor sal, he I L '. -
I i.tuu.i . H....L. 1. a
two gallons of keruMiir. This is 1 "T "UUJUr ' I" iuug on
me inncu 10 dry. Till
ippliud a fruit is attacked
I believe in our new primery law
because it gives ths people a ohano
to select wbo tbey want, they are
not compelled now to take wbal th
old machine and bosses put up for
(hem al the old convention
1 am a Roosevelt republican who
in inv opinion ia one mau wbo i
strict! v honest and one that money
does not tempt and I think it time
the republicans of Oregon were
turning down tbe old machines snd
bosses and getting in line with ths
people because if tbey do not they
will turn them all down a they
have evidently done in Portland,
and get men from another part
who will do a tb uoopls want
The use of money for campaign
purpose I am strictly opposed to,
only as actual legitimate expenses.
Because people for ths right don't
put up money for that purpose but
corporations, wholesale and retail
ers in 11 11 1 igi innate business and
gsmblers will put up mooey to do
limit to bold onto and further their
interests in the city, county, lt
and tbe United Biatea A ad if
tbey ilni.t put up tbe money and a
1 candidate does he generally, aa
past reourds will show, by grafting
I or using public money will go
...- !... .1 J... I .
1...., 1. ..r' "'" "j- i" iu oeiiimeni 01
U.IJI1. Ui I .
toe parly and the people a
strong to use, but may tie dilut
to required strength In getmr-
making about a 16 per cent sol-
ion. It is lo be used on tbe toll
, for soft .milled sinking insects,
iny a which are to small to kg
In It I a ureal fertilizer to the
Phe moat highly valued of all
ty for general use, ia the Hor
sy were from
aheap thai had been killed, and
while he wa discussing price with
the farmer, an inspector cam along
on horseback and through bis gog
gles, eying the pelt, exclaimed,
"Well I see you have got tbe scab
here aud bavs bung some of them
ou tbe fence. There is a lot of dsad
ones." Tbe farmer without wink
ing an eye laconically replied.
pelts are dead
ou at ths next general election
Now lost of all but out least,
woman suffrage I bslieve iu it be
cause if a mother is capable of
raising a boy from tbe cradle to
mauhoud sbs is also capable of
votiug aud helping to make lawa
that help govern tbe hoys after
tbey are men. And ifauyous in
the world has any luflueuue over
men for the betterment of mankind
and good government it ia a aood
population of Ibe up lo tO,
, K. penpl. , Ibe (equitation lielng
determined by muliipl ii.i, the
uumber of school age by four
compsoaalio 1 will
cents per caiuia net
south and west is rapidly la-ooming ,Car, the office created by that act
a thing of tb past, and iu 10 .rears will be a tiesirabls on iu numler
will be more caroe than tbe fast of ooutities of the UU sine
dying buffalo and the old time row act require, lbs ail
noy, according to John M. Kuykeu- every incorporated town la rtapioi
.1.11 i 1 . . - . .
.... wuo . .peciaiiy Ol pro- health nfii.rr , ,. , ,,,. (1,
curing lbs wildest horses that car. ruaiuai. u
U procured for buoking contests No'coui 1 , . n pay it. health
"Ten year ago the outlaw was fflrer le than floi swas.assi
a plsnUful as jack rabbiU." said MskJ or Iowa kjag ibs., s I
Mr Kuyksndall, "but I have U- n far none of ths aajaji i
abls to get only about U real buck- have ftkk any silent. on the law.
ers lhal will put up a good fight but as this op n was rendered si
out of .'iO.IUXI horses I have l.s.ked Mr fTfjjiarl rf lbs list llai
at during the year. Th outlaw and Hoard of llsllh, H ia probsble
horse comes rrom Ibe poorest bl..od lhal eotialj 000 rU will U cmpell.
that loams lluj ranges of the West, ed to observe n
He is a crimuai among horses just Alloruey-ii. mrrl t'raw f
as surely as men who go wrong that mandamus procedm.
bavs bad blood iu their veins His Lroighi a , otnie count . ouris lo
pareuU are io nearly every case mi under iho law
musUug' and ths slook i the Tbe duty of the Health Officer is
am a that which roamed the to keep vital statistic, see lhal as
plains of ibe West in the ssrly daj gulalions of th Htal Hoard aj
and degenerated through useless Health n asj, ami look sfler
ess. i ,. i, ..imr.t I, ..III. .i- - ,
"Nearly any horse will buck if the count v or city
you turn lum looas iu a pasture
several months and then try to rid l.r Drsll Hersss.
him, but be will kick up only a few
time and then qu.t The outlaw Three c.rl,. of JgasaasjajajgssJ
will buck, though. efUr he ha. boen through lm city il... .....r..i..g fram
nddou .ucoessfully. just ss .oon as .., o,,.,,, , w .,. .v-,u
another man get on hi bck It wUri)lrv WM u ,,Uc.., ,, ,h.
Ukss year, to bre.k him of the ,u,k.1
habn aud be is nsvsr safs. If be . .., ..... .11 1 i-r. 1
-j "-.. ss-r as w uinii aw-n
snd will lie sold lo routl 1
I vn .. .t, re-M.
I'm tee ! . ii n- ksn-
1 my wife
. 'I the lungs;
Si.d I oar o the
worlds km . Dr kma'a
. .. M I know if in - r'.nce will
I Isle, I
tba tmrr" an . gjai
refunded. Al
Ibe OHl Drug Hit PJ Mk ami 91 tsi
The rllew (tsr as.
! AS r-r -ni; I . .. .1, ft
hear a I
a germ I h. -n o
Pill l.usrai.i I . , oie all die
rases due 1 .1 alii. a poia-un and
eonslipation I il, DtUg
r'-o .1 e lots in
Ontario, ID ..le in Lawen, l b.l
10 Kuril, hill a. 1. of g.Mid land a
part ol .1 natural meadow ! mile
el ,.f Huin. unimproved, ItMl
arn r. . ear Si, Idle Unite with pre
sent crop of wlbl grass niaiol.i.g,
ha a buoas and rl f.m-w Par-
' 'lineal at Hi"
' 'I I'ogl'.b
1 'al I . 11 fr.on foul
seed and wild n.'it. also 1 lean seed
r)e st I
I IU,,
II r or) 1 . 1 v ( IregrSH
JollN (Mi v I'
l. 1
vT c
First National Bank
A fieneral Baikiag Beslsess TrMMctel
y mt Me wswrye
Jh l lUly.
C. A Msiees.
so) r (ir oaw t nr
a I'swaamwa. ...
w J. .
I lll'l-l I '.in I 0 I mi..
W Solltir Vour Banking Bun ).
RTOCKIfni ! 1, M r. ,,.. w T-4.
' ' ' r K Williuaa
Miller Prank 1
ItoOt- ows
Ibe L Mat
11 Mrtwla.
Bakery in onntlon
k bfuMll) of bawl wTiari.
.il. 1 very thing
H iMlron
-V:C cs.
a a iowdcn,
?ir$i national MA
A (Jenernl ItanUm: Huai nn.Msctrd
cemnmoHiMNcx i-,vitkp X
lbs maitel afford
age .,
' NTAKIO, 0 ..
PfotProof, Mfukin. Blfgcanta
Rat'. a Jjiio and )j 50 per day.
All Outside Rooms Near Depot
I hi mialrrn new I ..irl .is ,i j uprnul to ib
l''l: H.. I miv awepss Ail be gray
ami I ., vy bar in Connrcll 11.
g.U a cbano be will start ..If buck
ing again and he alw)a I dsnger
"Vuu rarely bear u( a famous
huoker now, although lOur i years
ag svsr) largs range had several
outlaws that no body could n I.
working nu the north bank railr
Th- rhipiuenl were made J tie
following panic Klb Idm-harl,
on- carload ftmu Imblir. t'nloi.
o-'Uut I'm. bam, one carlo.! from
II III. I IfiWllill and !f.,r. I. ..... ....
Tb cowboys can rids as goisl s I ,.l from Huniingio... W'.lla Walla
tbe old time oowboy., aud ib.y are ,., , (11w ,,u.llia . x
not degenerating The breed J ,., . . oVrr ,.;.,, jJ,lli .,
""" "trouguoui me country 1. K. m-rLe, . ... ..
b wry good
is ssni
'Yes those pelu are dead" Tbe ! "n""""- ""' daogbtsr, sislsr or
UX UilXlure. The inuredient luspsolor soou took a bint and rode "-""". -" " -' " vo
easily remembered by tbe nuin- ! sal i" high dudgoou -Baker Dem- duiil ""' vr Ur ""J"
of -V appearing in tbe forinu- "! ' nl ',,a UI orn In our glori-
Blus-tone, 6 pounds, unUokd ou. oiu wregou, my nail, slat
Job prmUng-Th Times-Herald W " Ior y "oofa " U b"t
B in baker county, from childhood.
le n pounds; water 5U gallons.
solve tbe blue elone in 25 k1- i
of iiier Slack Ibe lime
rly, getting a cream-like sub- ;
aoe. I be u add tint lemsiuder
he "Jo gallons of .iter and mix
I the blueslone en lotion I .
strength before leaves open and
strength or less, alter tbe Iree
V leaf It I a remedy for bliabt :
ild, fuugi. moths, itu. It worst
It i that it bjafW spots ou the '
ii order to supply u nod sorav
r fruit is formed, ibo Copper-
ouia carbonate is recommended
the same puraose aa (be li..r-
UX It will not deface LI.., i. ....
ust folisge.
Iissolve live iiniiiu.' of coooer
nimiie in juat as little uuionia
Il lake it up This is about
p int.. This is enough for 5U
lo al .,f waler, but should be kept
(in corked and diluted to that
Ingth as needed, Moat of tbe
'or sprays uiuat be uaed sunn
'hat has Lueu said as to the
Light and
in Bo v Ilk
AsJsssalassssy ssW
aU.ysUi saaybo
wstttout laces. vasUoavca
avaa by pamasia
urltk delicate
And as lo my record as sbsriff 1
have done the best 1 could for lb
people under lbs circuuislancss
and oan say I am one man that ia
just as free today as 1 was lb day
I waut in otticc aud I will admit I
am uo oialor or put lie speaker but
on of the best su.gU banded talk
ers iu tine county ou thnae subjeoU
aud 1 eipici sum great criticism
from our learned men of lbs suds
Tbasa few reason for my plat
firm are froui my own personal ex
perience aud is tbe outcome of my
going into office as sberif ol Baker
county, determined to bud out tbe
resell) why our law were uol en
forced aud why a majority of all
officers go wrong.
One of tbe people,
Mtle-flNU uvesrocg.
A Wasbingtou dispatch says:
Senator Warren, was authorised by
the senate committee ou sgriculturs
lo report favorably ou tbe Heybu0
bill to preveut cruelty to animals
wbils in transit by ths railroad.
This bill, wbicb baa bad lbs iu-
improviug steadily and tin- i lb-
death knell to tbe outlaw It will
take away sums of the most pictui- i.j,,, Hipjgiltl f j
esque W'estorn life when Ibey go 1,rtAc
entirely, hut that is going rapidly
anyway, and lbs horse owners will
bs lbs gainer " Denver News
sjrisi Csiilc is aiaae
t bat. al greatly reduced
-l Mr. i A Hvr I -
Saal r'pa?'aaXBaaaaajSM
T'blsM - in
aaaaaVv'1sU Saaal
11 1 -3 aaaUaaaaaal ' ' ..' ,
. - jl sbs l
... j 9 H a,s t tausi atom W
Saw sto isseSaSl 1 SaSSsS aSs I jj
Mllll, rwisil MIISSB. Mmm. I to
aa atawsaa I jl- tJ
Napton &r Boyd i
Kcal hslaic. Mlaes mi Kaki. i
? A m
i si mis aim. am im
a sea I mm .",,
unnom raun, aaw. u . a . n V
LBBza--BB-J OB PavSTTa, In
Z?0i '" -'rJrT aasat Ww wtfi tWUk. J
aUiMdjaS SFBeaaysgagaxygagagBSBaBBSBBgssaaBBaBBBB .agSBBSBBf
mmmmmmmmmimWmmmmmmmmmmmmmm , Llil
A A Kobbins, SV.lUr M Osflga)
and Thomas J purchased
in Kmiuett, Idaho, HO head of cat
tle last wask. says a Vele dispstch
Among animals bought were saver
al Jerseys and Hols. en. a and tb
price averaged $Ui .; a head Th
oatlle will be moved to tb Mal
heur raogas. tllockmeu nesr Kn
melt are short ot bay and are
iug their cattle at a remark.
low figure
UAVik,:- Ag.nle, Ho.ll.r.
Malesmi-u, I'lerks and averylajly
wbo wants Ui enjoy a good nearly
laugh lo send 6Uc for Tip. u.
ngeina yyoitl. fWJ lo any p. r-
sou who sella guuds for s living
If le.l laaOfaasSaTf your mnney
back Circular lor a'.smp I b
Dr. Wbiu. electric Comb Cm , Daeav
tur, Hi
M., .
l-righttMUy f-twujd.
Watchmaker and Optician.
Second door north of post office.
Svizzie, Oxoercn.
mmwmmmm ' saaaawaaa..wasa-.asaBSi a-asasaaaawawaaaawaaaaa-aaw, i im ,
o The Finest of All
Fay Ngk fair ai
Hotel Burns
A Tents, Burns, Ore.
gUsKoibci J Itr. s I lalributen i
Cbas W Moore, a, of
ford City, Pa, had hi band In l.t
fully burned iu an eleclnctl fur-
rtM. lie applied Buck leu's Arni
ca Halve i b the usuul reauli a
quick and perfect cur " (ireateel
beaier ou earth for Burns, Wouuds,
Sores, Eciema and Piles. 25c at
lbs City Drug Htore.
sue f -sos ro.wuso s a , r a
Uirl wautad at Um Oyariaud.
f W JmmmmmWmWJTS '
I J O ili
rmuM a i
Biirni, Ongon.
Wlne5 IJiiiors and CiK8.
Billiard and fool Tabic.
Club Rooms in Connection.'
. a, (tid to fa
T Itoaaa ijajrigg
wnn 99 ixmiAii
B MRmil CfiXlfUTiii
SllfWlllfaaafl laaaff 1WV
saw aWO f j j B ftaaU tor
--..,. . UssMalsUI M IwifskaiA
gtoaugsws. S. I agwsjMiar.
atUSi.MriTAL AKDsl2Fi:.i
-"" ' ' "
Main St..
Bljcksafitlbin aid
Wagon Work.
ALL WORK QUARytftl and i orioos before purchasing.
mm . mmu. H VOEOIXY, Bui us, Ore
Burns, Ommet
oma isc Drills.