The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 10, 1906, Image 1

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    5 Pfc1irH sTimaw-lerwl6
5 Tl.i Dili. ':il Paper el Harney County,
Iibr the lrk!i'i .i.culntien sml in one if
ig medluBsetn Kaatarn
rrtrr' Hnmrtj rowntrg
i., .
the i '
Lave proceeded every slop of the
way in Ror.d faiih, and whan yre
UN STF.m'oF .IM) MILES STRETCH reach Portland rre shall expect the
ACROSS STATE penpl- of thin city to meet ui half
'Way In a spirit of welcome and co
operation. YVayark nothing that la
Hun Ssrvtyro. Prsstaliti ssd I'roptrtl't nol f,4jr Rl j(, n,H an. ,,nt eek-
Srcirtd and Arst iettls K'il ilg fillHn(ill ltnr,.e
Of Way-JUran Tapped. fc ., rf
nt out from the easl have
line We F. C, BRO
Bandar'a Portland Journal
a nrailm
Ivl'l,'!, Will I" I
- orta a
'.I'll l
aim, of iiiilnraeiiieiita
highly favorable to Oregon and the
. 11 gignniti i.'iicr 1, ini' ot Die line. Prom investigation
Ontario, Ore . Jan 28th 1W6
Prompted liy what I truat ia a laud-
" in. .-who have worked at this end "e .... ami at ihe requeei
of friend. I dTlsre my intention
. I. . S a flT.i l. t
n ID m Strotohlnf nornm rentra) mado thoy havo found in every in- m"plr "" ' "
-1 n that the actual oonditiona "- '"- "-
position of Ki presenlntl ve ol Mai'
bast and Harney counties, aod
Iherrfoie n k vnnr good will nd
rintinn vie
PLATFORM give mi whole time and energy t
' vour service while the legislature
la In aaaaien. discharging the duties
CANDIDATE ( JOINT of the nCTtce cnnactentloosiy ann hi
the. beet of mv abiliiv, seeking
every opportunity to promoia the
growth of our industries, population
Tar Oaterle Mss Mtt Ma Vkwt aa Tat ( and property, that Malheur and
Prlaiary la aae Stattt a Will 1 Harney o untie may hecome two
n(ve His Waste Tlsss. ,,f the iiehet and moat powerful.
and populous counties in the elate,
1 1 Lie prt) t" acquaint it mem
her with hie view, relative to hi
gun and the arm reaching up
I down tli" coH-i line from Port- were more favorable than ehown t.y
1 1,, .., Pranol li j tha advance ropreraniationo. They
...... . . . tin,-.' imiii ini'i'it 'ern emu tiiiii ,
n-wi.iirHiMMirimi-.iiM. - ,- ;.. ,, !....,
.1 . I .1 -I. I llr.tit.tii ..rt.M.i.ifu ...IX l til.'
- oiwirio'iioii "i tmkhi 11 r"ii ,.,b"" i-.v-,.....- . . - u; . ,i. .
.. ,. , 1 A candidate seeking a nuitr.a-
iii. Hon.- moat pronilaiog Brlda in la Unilad .? .
, in under t li primary law, owee It
....... ..1. 1,,,.. ..f vK(MHi. .- lor railroad cunetruchiot and
1 1 y I awi -- 1
I In or 1 . level. ipi I
. if 11... ft mm imniiMMI f. . 1 ...
..I r.,,,11.. ...l - -. r-l . ,. ,,,.. f .h.
,,,,1 .-laiuling liinher in Oregon, tin
nri) , IIP lllli.nw ..I lliro., Muyiin-
;ind the ninnner 111 which ha
ioulil conduct the oflice, for which
- neeklng the nomination, if en
doraad ! the partv. and elected by
iio pnopH
I Min a native aon of Oiegon, and
have alway heeu a aleadlaat ad
herent of the principal and poli-
tn lirpuiiiican partv, a oon-
if i'i oandidataa
and (he leading eounlkaa of tha
Pacific coast.
Truly and Reapmlfully,
F. C B.
Tract ot Laa4 Slaklat
AtM.ut ten mile below Mt Vei
Tk Saaiptfr Valhty al tttaaa la Wahr
H Pay IM Tat Ntwa tetftar
Han la rat alarttr.
It ll rather diacouiaging to hear
tie manager of the only NeltMaad
eyettio that offera any I,
tranaportaiioi. lo the John l.
rallei nl the prarent time eay 1h.1t
(tenaion meaua a falling oil
(a in eprralbm, if 1
inae Vm that la what H water-
lion, near the John Iav rirar, ia a iuteiident Juaeph Marlon aayi
rection of country that haa attract- lrie reoenl etleneiona of the twtwf
ad oon.hl-r.hle attent. ... dunng ,r V,ey road ... thia dimt.on
the paal lew inontna irorn me laci
1 li" h i'i of ll, el
Q gon 1 ui Baotarn will tap
Hid . lo-trui-ti .11. an n
wti 10 Hie vioriii 111
IT A lw ll, I
JMI,(MNMHK) fiel. and, II. addition
tie nien-
.d at tin- liHM are.! I. (fcwl Mr. Wilaey
Yoik. RR'praaidanl of
Brooklyn Knpid Trenail .m-
iini .r William II I
m, York; linker A Crabtn
nearly all the licheel coal and
mineral field in Um Mite," rid
Railroade will pi
irlwro then- 1 tonnage, and ikll
M guided DJ in laving out
ibl route of ll.n- rinlr. ml At tin-
h"r.i.uiug il win- the in Volition ol
ibnakon abooa aWoohai tbaprojootl
OOMpanlx tli".. ll bleb. tl.cromllo PortaMd, hut the plan
i lo luik" th" prinoipal P 10IB1
-i ! rintnal I - I
1 . , t In run the
... iim io Portland It mti
Iowa 11
,,! . pin. away t a
Tlin c ml line run-
will I'.ix tl.rni,
I ...,, I.
in. I.
in 1 mt Ik 1, I i' rtUnd
ru.lroud Irrinioiilit olihl ...
li, ! Will '"'' ''''
IMtrj Khiinalh,
Laki .11 tintlaa ;
that il ii allowing aigna i,f ainkiug
Thia haa baaii referred to ki
many who have rieited that local 1
tv, an.l there can be no qneation
about the ror'ectnee M the state
merit. From the lent information
that can he obtained by the Hlue
Mountain Kagle the traet of land
ia located north of the John lay
rivet and oontatna an area of about
ten acree It began linking early
laai tear, and when lael noticed, il
had aunk in place aa much M
um i'
.I, who-li i 1
.! th 11
two ywa 1
:,,, o..l.i in. gren- -i af .1 ...
,.".1 in any eta
Ml , h lo A U, io. 11 1 01 tin. oil will he
t 1. 1 .
Ill , 1 I"."""" '.
, tin '".' railroad 11 will pan
. : h Oar county with He rant
W J 'ip..y,M
in, I 1 i..l mining
it a, agricultural n and
mineral weal. I. mtj . w itn
tor, wl... ",--1- "f Pl"Wi ''" ' 11.
ipii-lr 1 , ka.
.111 tin -
I - '
' -
. tie prop, .-1
l at
look, and ua il.inwni! nd ac.i'i.l
tin. . . ..: .i.-. .. o and aplandld
11 Imrl.or; LilK .In oount , with
III t inner ami agriOlllturt !
!. witll It", coul, lie'
.ml ,n;ri.t.ltural 11-
wawkaajoih- I anba have i,,l .. ailili
l;. x , Cri 1-. " I' "" '"'"" '"' tmltt ra , .
. . . ...L N.i.i.,,.. ill, ri. ..-.! 1.. I I...
pata up
1 ., .,,,,1 '"... naaaai m
M, u ,, ,, will i..p mineral an.t tim-
liur lu)'. fiinl li. ilaan .! iiiatltin.
...11. .1.' ayuillciil. ton.
dt-tancea and reaou
iNwiliai to tin - ol
" 1 . ' , '
aaaaaBBg - .... ja. aa 1 n, -
' B3ML 1 Pv JtK rf '.
- f mSRKJV wHBJn9DHaHBal
I t BROWN, Rcjiulilitan Ciiiidulatc f. 1 Reprrr.rntalive
There ia no dioiiiion to ipir
11 .11 the entire truth of Mr Itari. o'
tatemenU hut the condition of
hia road en route and at an ol.j, .
live an. an dlaeimilar that they aV
aerve consideration
The present conditions point to
loss aa certamh a an objat
terminal prnmimM gain.
I I ad was not built to hit
ney, to Tiptor, Ml I.. Am till for
Ibe alue of the towi to ll,.,
for there were neither town n,,r
nerd of them Ai le fnou the
through Irclli. 'here was little '
had in tonnage. All liie watlt
countrj nfferrd was a
umber I he w.-r. m.i . raw iir-t
IWM logKU'it sImIiohs
It i 1. Mti. .i.Im aim thai 1.
tlieee alatio.i wir near an ogh the
a uroe of trartic lo coinm , I
than a mnn,
oloo.t . hill. .11 I .1.11 g
freitflit I'tllli )1 ll" .,..,
goods, lie I oil .
amko ui II. p
tu tie i.' 1 band at l i
rea. h ' .- John 1 1
I .1 1 1.. 1, I. .l r.d' The .In
.1.- il.. ran oi.
ibe w. altbk ' I'v. -'.. k noli.
'It'' A ,. ilwta place ag'l-
eult il ,. Ik irtioultui l pro 1
a- I egging 1 to um..
ket Iio might y mountain ah.
'Jil miles, are
gioann.g with tim.,er. H - and lo'
ly grown, walling fur Iranipoi
lo run mad f,.r lumber
I 1..'' mine and 11. .Idled
tar in languiah for anil
laaMsaaaakers, all t. n rue nee If
mi no 1. ie me iramc, mo- in irai
alranae action '" ''"' ,l1''' baud, the coal uf
1 n v ., o k p a
I my wife
conghii.K and hi ih hinge;
ard I .i"- the
World gt.n . Pr Kn'
New I'
who It I ino w ft in 1 tMrirni' nl
if take.. In i.'iie
V' rlrat
U.ltle Mot W4 If,
the cm 1 1 owghja
and oold . I. At
the fin ! '"'
THa itAr IV. ee rteiei
red, It
lrar n cli
malaria wat 1 the 1
from d l' e g . ,1 effee-
lira ran . - m l.tfe
I - . ' I 0 r.ire all ill
eaar .1 .t.a poison nod
Oolf'tpAtl' It '.U I'rng
Ontario, 4 lots In 1 10 lot
In Burns; li an. -of go.-l land
pill ol 1 natural meadoa 10 milei
esst of iluin ii' I IIUI
acres - lie Hull" with p"
Id grai standing.
has a I. 1 Par-
il lid
I ; h ngllen
ui,r H foul
'' "I !
Aarr 1 itaiaa
First National Bank
k ficncraf Banking Business Transacted
iim 1
D I si' INrawwtaa,
1 11. J w
1 r-n.
; - ' tsawgjfjwa
-rfjaja .fwocv -aw r oatr ratr -raw oaw raa)awfjaw
is1.. "5
r IV) J..VB. aimer X
lnti.T-l I Vh.I .-r, I
W Solicit Yous Banking Puiham.
- I'M kiii;.ii 1: m
' I- K.v II ; miler
M'ller Krank K foflln
. a
II I'sat,
s jet
Ik: hi. I
Mi nuij HOUR'S
Bakery In mnot
ASffXtallv alskarl wtwMi.
Howaao irsan iiinstat
a co
w 11
iaT Ml
first nafionaS Batik
A Ocncrfll Bnnl 1 - u tctl T
-. :
1 .
tha in '
1 .' patron
It nominated and alooawi I will
vote for 1 koiaa for
'I 1,. p. 111, IT !.. enacted by the
...lild in sub
Mann am:
M.11 nietl bv ail. and havioa faith
l.ak., Hnruajr, Crook, ,,.,,.,,,,..',,,
mug 'to-. Klan utli,
'tl ...... .. r,.r ..u -ujw h , ( i..,,, ,,.pu' and full
rawirll of til thl ' '"' l'"J''-. ( llrl..,. , lli( Ir UIU u, it
i bamnt rattda nnaVr wi ewaorblal , .i.r tbi U tha
A railroad arab Mia of daaalopmon through m ,.rt.oe.s,. I
. m. . -' ivi a warn tua tha gitww by traaaga K .,ep. d.oi-
n Portl """ nvjilltlaj 1( I :f u ,. ,r lUMI1 j
lei'.., om lo tin "Diegoii haa her greatnsl liiatory gggg fsTTfTlf rH 1jt ItsWtgl"
aom uai.f uoaat countiaa, and before bai I in- atute is jn- I pledge
I Uno touch- ginni ig lo attract and m'l.yu.i.- ;, ,,,,,. .;,,..,. . support and aatur-
cilo ikUa ' eastern tinai.i or-, vshuae capital is BtlCOi i,a. ,,,,., WJ work u.ore
through necessary to its complete and rupm ooienliously for his
Oregoi i i. d vtiiopment," said Mr. W . , lUUl j Ml;
old BTtW Book ' Vou con go into th. ajgajl of j, j SIUU, bj nominated by my with i. on on Wall nine' today ami !ind ptrty . nnii mid iioiuinalion be an-
rlinglna M theiu M Woll p.wted OB the leeuurc- Jursil t y the poopie I prouiiee to
dloWyaming uby, the wJt rapraw WMfta ai Malheur
1 usses 01 uregon us np 4n, . in etriot wan
'a builders ll kk Uv here and make a for,n( ,. !, and U
no lo , 1 .tti'lvl ksga If TO bring .quarr kod bouoatlf by every
1, Umm will usually 1 !,tri-
" t' ' ,1... . .11 the
1 knowlodgw gonairwing tko pi4rr
three feat
No caoar f..i tin
mi be assigned, lino, mi earth ' ' the mouittii, ,,, ,,
quake hmk ha ever been felt equal mau 1 limea the ouet along
aloi.K the John lav vallei nt lra And il,
not in recent year rat, on on the mountain la sev-
Near Hamilton a Iraol of land eral tiun a ibe nal in the valley
U followed und sunk 11. a manner atmilar toll. I"1 mslrut lion
many yejirs ago, and today raaeut- a,d operation, and th many fold
ble an old Volcano crater ll ia " I. no. age would Mr liar
groan up with Irei a and busbes at luu eav that ll... eii.i.-ioo netii.l
pagajajl but the marks ul what bad him aluaW
atone lime taken idare are still Tbei come on, Mr liar too, a. ..I
plainly visible lilue Ml Kagle do 1. ( lose your francbi.n an I
jliadehy sijiiain iing the year
"tMXj sfy av bP
11.1.M . 1 ,n. ,,
II Baaan - - JkM ewsawBi Bswwwaa kat 1
I '. I I
ITARIO, oi .
Pift-Proof, Modem, l. want.
k t I.- $ 1.00 and $j 50 pit clay.
AM Outifck k'otms iNeiir Depot
I hi in" , I 1 1 iha
piililn 11
ami 1. um '
in a trait
l.t.g li Mi o
I ni mem boon in
is V. . lorn WUU D "I
Ill), - irol do
, nurti, 1 ... ;h t ui ry , the .
1 1 ik no! ' tbroogb hiw
r l land 1 poraieuml ;
oi'irii J' sees do
.ugh tin
1 -tore
".olleS. . ,,.il y.ilory 1. I, id its luOWAV
roaU will ll lion iu Auguai, 100-1 in n small
I to 1I.1 ii be
I lit' on or i,., ,.-,, 1 1 I'.d.r the
led liuc, fiilil Vli t libcy. name of 1 he . V . .
Kl. ctrii company .
portion of Oreg 11. It uon ha furmod m nuch m 01 the
ineot 1 ! oldt Imj with gre.Httr pli'ii and under j
inn ! liups now tin- tt.nk of surrey ing and soquir
wily clooLii do mil o uwry. mg righta (ii onriied on for man
.I" 11 will bulla on to Sau ui'ii i l pany was
co, keeping ciuiu to the l-mg since aouuUouucl, having serv-
llio. At t ui I uuU ll will C011- edits iiurposu.
1 will
WASTE:) Agente, Hustlers
Suleauii-n 1 leika and everybuily
a bo wants In enjoy a good hearty
lauith lo aer.d 60c for "Tips lo
Agent Worth ' lo any per
son who sells goals for a living.
If not satisfactory your moisay
La. k t'ircular lor stsn.i In.
Df White aJajatrJa oak " . Ieca
in r. Hi
Tbe t rritoi , g 11. . Mgl
.1 will be jumped
: now- tim,
1-- Imi U
- saOttatH. Me e
it. m.1 .km il mi wig
V E. N r
j limn Malt all TtaX N.
oswooaca raua. ataaa. u.a.
4, aV
tan 11 TT R
Belli r. P f Si
ws .' v:
Frigntfsjlly Faraaal.
1 ire, a macbinisi, of
Kurd ( in I'a, had bis hand Iri.l.l
fully burned in an el ulrictl fur
1 ick leu's 1
the usual 1. -oil . "a
I - alest
Ua and J' 'Ibo at
lb. - lrug .Store.
Mat ktatj MV M ' "'
Watchmaker and Optician.
8econd door north of post office.
Iff ' sm
fA BMaoasj n.. sw
Napton .1 Boyd
Real I -ui.. Hats and Mining. t.
A FeaVamt, It J
W 'm aVrtfa.
sj The Finest oi All
tor Sale Oily at.
Hotel Burns Bar
fl icnts, Burns, Ore.
gaVlt. I.i'i I Mr. I .vliil i.t. ur I
Makes delicious hot biscuit,
griddle cakes, rolls a id muffins.
An abfcottrteJy pore, cum of tagttur
so a lO.wnsOK a a
aoA4 aAKOM evwwta '
Main 8t.,
Hlacksinilhiii? aod
Wagon Work.
ANTEED. Burns, Oregon
I Itlil II A a
Burns, - - Ortgon.
etico TtLlm XZectdLq.iaeLxti
Wine5 Liquors mii! Cigars.
liilliiinl and Pool iuhle.
Club kooins in Connection
l t. LUh
di k 1 tw s. (aroww
To jfago asaVasg noN.
mman W imuui
tflommAi j .
Uwmf 0OO f i 'J (r
saulilul hi BrcLUI
Pwatwnai. Jj OSrautatu.
Job Printing.