The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, February 03, 1906, Image 3

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rrituAY. fkbki'aRv mm.
Local News.
In i;ary is up irom ubwi-o
lend the firemen's dance Fen
Girl wanted at the Overland.
Remember the Are laddies Feb
1 M Davie wu over from Drew
sey during the week
The Overland Hotel ia the heat
place to Mop when in Borne.
Street hata at greatly reduced
prices at aire. C. A. Byrd'a.
Iiookine for nnape? See Schwa rti
All white help at the Overland
Help the Bremen by attending
the dance Feb 14,
A Kudelman's ad
v i Spring heeled school shoes for
ey Hayee ie among our Lewchildren at Fred Hainea A Co.
ttore. , Moet comfortable thing invented ;
Rnrnaflra denartment will . carriage healer J C Welcome
I.r lnin-c Feb It
m I Iraver- io up from hie home j
ho lake on land MMH
r hootn at MM -
t. npiomie m
-Fred Hainea
feed bam,
Williams and W B Johnaon
iver from Silver Creek during
lie, von are invited to see the
BOM good gnoda at Fred j
a A Co'
Lt master Welcome wae on the
iat for several daya thin week,
again at Ml MM of duty.
rtcin ih lieailcuarinra lor
nuta and candiea. A fresh
y juat received for the holiday
Kuchanan was making proof
deaert thin week Win Cat-
I HHHiaii-il one of the wit-
h Hen Aahon haa u fin- 'lie-
if fall Mai wnil'T Imta at the
.lorgeaen building and deeires
idiea of Burns to call and see
A Mill-r is nv-r from Drewsev
RttsM W i '" ;
ii hn raethw varj
in goo l I'oiiilitioii
usy In l-unk hy
I. It llIC4 S 11,111 III .1
UU. II ii vii c ij ( 'mi a-
mik, Hums Urcii
DHakvMM mm up
I.nweii yeeierday to meet
i inniiieruial travelers Mad
mders for spring goodl for
i ... ebiittr-
I n in in ii in each
10 travel, HB signs, advertise
Mr. vii sumples or our gooil a
-e ,w. .1. Ul
irv fi.naj per innniii w
dav for exMiiii'ea. ROYAL
ll'I.Y Co . Dep! W. Chicago,
ii Hill haa retiin. il from a trip
iurado where h w.u.t several
- ki.
a ugo iii compaiit wim mi
ck, with a shipuiuut of horses
tutea tint he I .ul a good (into
s glud to lie home, again.
MJMj oi'il engineer, cou
rt! with the Corvallis A Kast-
lUilroail, wan in this oltj a few
thin week Mr Boot HiloMll-
.,. I mi. . II. mill ttlttt tils Visit
no eign.litii'-' whatever, and
he had nothing for publication
I gentleman stated he had lieen
A K for about two years
! ih giound hog came out early
srday morning """ tuade "'
mud to slay, it will be alright,
U be intended lo be mean
was looking lor ins suauovt
IdeV, IH different tir-iiiU-
tiors tell us if he could not see
low before HI o'clock thut
Would not return to bis bole
remain for forty days longer
nun did mil shine until the
ruuiin vest'-rdav, bui luday it
been very pleasant and it is
t hoped IM log that has hung
this valley for the past sever
ayf has rau-ed for good.
A Sons.
Chaa Wilson has been confined
to his home this week from sick
ness The beat drees over ooata in
Burm for the price at Fred Hainea
A Co't.
Boys and men's felta with over-
' shoee at cost Fred Hainea A Co,
l south main street. Burns.
The Citv Drug Store for Cbriat
MM preeenta. II M Horton, pro
prietor. Look Out (let the safely Incu
bator, now it runs without a lamp.
Mi W. T. Smith about it, Burn
The supreme court haa reversed
the decision of Judge Davis in the
case of Huffman vs Ceo Smyth and
A ladies hand ha been organ h-
I hereby announce myself a can
didate for treasurer of Harney coun
tv alibied to the decision f the
The Overland has a rapatatlon y,,, TOtrt t lh primaries
for cleanliness and comfort. 8ton Md Apri, 190fl
there while in tb city. o R BotTMI.
Old ladies' comfort lined aboee '
at FredHaioM A (Vs. I hreby announce myaelf a can-
Joetlikenndinggooda-Schwartildidate for joint-repreaentatir. of
A Budelman'a ooat sale. j Harney and Malheor coontiee, ann-
n . , . u - -- rtsa ' JMrt to the decision of the rrpiibli-
Dr. W. C. Brown, Dentist. Office
.u i iai ..k f0 'Ot"1 he primaries to be
,n the n'wtone bo.lding north of
the Poet Office. Foao. C. Booim.
O. W. Clevenger A Co have 10-
calved a big lot new furniture whioh , j hby announce myself can
the publio ahould call and sea. ididata for aheriff of Harnev county,
Keep yoor feet warm when out subject to the decieion of the demo
sleighing with one of thoae nne cratlc votera at the primariee to ba
men and
and ask
carriage heaters at J C Welcome A
Alvin Spurlock waa in form his
Malheur river ranch this week.
Bo reports the railroal surveyors
still at work in his section.
Fred Haines A Co, will sail fine
custom made suits for
boys at cost. Come in
"Daddy" about It.
Wool growers are invited to call
on or write W A Goodman. Burns
and get terms for shearing with the
new plant he baa ordered.
J r Withers and Kobt
wateV were over from Harney a
couple of daya thia week looking
oftci business affairs and visiting
with friends.
Alfalfa seed, Alatke oolver seed
held April , I
A. K. Rt maneoM.
1 BO I VM I '1N.
-. the SiTWr ol Slut'
Oregon has ntiti-l me in srlt
Ing that pursuant t" the i
an ai-i enlitleit ' a Act mukinit
istire and rrforenilnni en
ol rV-i-ticii I of Artirte IV i I
tntt'Mt nf he iate of iriegon, si
latiea asasUeaa thevewaslet sn.l
Inf nei. v iuUtloea ol pi
Ithe Ai," appro-l 1,1. -HKtt.
and OrsRon Rqesl H I
Ctatl- n duly filed la hit onY -bar
1Mb, lOflR, an Inltiitlvo i
aontatninir ". " -innsliire. pniperly
atta lied i i mmI mesni-, eav I
lifie-l in erconleare ailh law, item.
lag that a profsaoM awiee '
;ii ih.. '
( I! I 'reuon halt t
alti"t in ibe legal voters
HW0 n for tliiir approval or rejtilion
at the h-i'in ml election to tie told in this
State "n llir lib d et June, IMt, eliirh
aaaad amenJment i lierelnalti
aartleiitarli -t i
Ni . 1 1 refers i aaaabi r
lain, (inventor f (lie State ( n
I beredy announce myaelf a can i Henci tolas
.i:.i. . i u...;r r ll. .n.mtv "'
lliuitfc- lui rt 1 1 -1 ill ii ij .vii.,
i .l i '''"' latiis-
;sub,ect to the decision of the rep., I
lican voters at the prlmsrHf b) M ,
I held April H), 1906. initl
M H ItwtNi .N
., .. slgni Itarhed '
i '.
1 hereby tJWUMM myself a 000
didate for sheriff of Harney OMt , sjottloii at Iba ragasi
subject lo the decision of the repul' b held aw ' irej
i . nnoiii.c . that our new ovlection of Spring and mmtr good will
n for your Inspection on or before the 15111
Nothing v ill be shown except the latest m. rials worn
1 .1 trr irrlvinT this wevk and we sre n
wash rbtids, new rmbnmiVrios. trimminwf. ril-l -neckwear.
beautiful line of new spring CombtV
Our goods will be the bestOur prices to lowest
nisi it
..ii tiilli n iiielliberMbltl of 1 '' at
e,.nn. but whirl, will be increaa- ' Timothy seed, Red top seed, Turk-
eil lo over 'JO in the near future
Frank Paul will be instructor.
For Hale A Clydesdale stallion.
H years old, weight 1R00 Ua; ac-
climaleH to this country and
iron i fir. I getter. Add re
Banking bii Mail. Many
ffOpU all OV i litis County n
have iKlnitiil this niilliiiil
Of dopOtiHng thrir mom If
iriih us Harney County
Hank, Hums Oregon.
lican voters at the primaries to te
held April 20, mm
W. Y Ki!o.
eystan alfalfa seed, Red oloveraeed
Call and examine and get prices
(Jeer A Cummins.
Mrs ittio Shellev came over from
Crane Cret-k the first of the week
She wss accompanied by her sis
ter, tirace Cary and her daughter.
Leu, who remained hire to attend
school They are staying at the
otiii of H K Felton
Having added to my stock ol
Millinery, iiiiimiis and ladies speci
alties a line of Homemade Candies.
1 Mrill rMiuiiva iirilwr-M fur I Iimiti hi tn
J R Jsnklna is over from his you nU Mmplt
Mrs 1 1 alii- I Issue,
Harney Oregon.
There are a few gentlemen here
slock ranches in the Htiin Moun
tain aeotion. He reports bis sheep
doing well and that he has hsard
.d no material loss among his neigh
Job printing The Tmiee-Hcrel.l
Indies' velvet topped shoes Fred
HaiueeiV Co.
Wheal and Alfalfa lauds, al u
uncultivated laudr in the vicinity
of Burns, Ore. Correspondence soli
cited sits A VanDuyn
410 McKay lildg . I'oiilan.l. On
Itpg, said .Ui brlnic II
id mnnth, a prop.i,sl Kinendaienl In
ii?. rtiile 1 1 ..I Ihe Coostitatioa
. I the Ctatr .! Oreaon. sliirhaald pro
I amend in. nt l n I .,
. I mi, I In sll elect i..
al . pr.iidisl foi Hi- t'onslllulloa,
every attlaen ol (he I idled Mtstos, ol the
... I ii.ii, ii.. yeara slid apwaids,
m lui shall have reatdsd in the state dnr
Inf lbs eit month immediately pro-
I . eg anrli rle.ln." ami . -
mow ,.pP
Mil ri nl IINM I MM MINI .Itttttltillllltinnil.
iiii.iriii in
el foreign Math ai the
years and npwnnl-
I In (Ilia state
ninths innueilialeli
-. Ill I
IN ahaT
I hi 1 nrf
proceed! 1 1- am h
Nilice is hereby given that tin re
are funds in the county treasury
for the redemption of all warrants
registered prior to Nov 20. IflQaV
Intel eat on the same will cei n
from Ibis date. January ft, llRHi
Treasurer Harney OoOOtf Oregon
bora Coyotes are numerous a
are causing considerable more dam
t -i to sheep MM than usual
County Clerk Motherahead and
Aataasor Ixiggan are now busy ex
tending the l'.KI.'i aaseesmeiit roll
and will have ll ready lo turn over
to the sheriff some time next week
The law requires that it he in the
hands of the aheriff by March 1,
but this year it will be completed
(Salmon, Ku.ell and Halibut.
Take Point and Olympic Oyalera.
Just arrived at Hohwarlr. A Itudel-man'a
j from Oklahoma looking over this
aaction with a view of locating. As
is hereby given that tlw under
aiaws.Bk.l aar .In la- I aa.l fill It islt r si t ir
the snow is so deep we are informal , (U KiUU , ., Uiaw,
tbey will not decide delniuly csbbbJ. by an order nl the t ooaty Court
aboul luualihg until later Thia is I of Harney (".. m.i OtOJMj MMl
Ilinrv (ioodlow aud family were
the guests of Mr and Mrs W T Hill
a few daya this week. Henry waa
in to niuke proof on his deseri.
His witnesses were Lloyd Johnson I domic
and Ted Hayes ! nounced later
certainly a wise dicisiou
Ditto At the family home in
Harney, yesterday, the four-year-old
daughter of Mr and Mrs Artie
Pool, from scarlet fever. The little
one had been suffering only for a
hurt time. Two other oaaaa io
the same family are reported im
proving. The W. of V ladies have request
ed The Times-Herald to announce
thai tbey will give another maak
hall later. Tbia waa decided upon
owing to the fact that many had
prepared to attend laat night but
ventber 14, I HUB. o.l has duly iualitld
All persona having rlaitna sgalnst said
Kalato are hrraby req aired to present
than, with proper vouchers, within sis
months from the dele of this uotlea, to
tbe anderslgnsd bI Hums, Oregon
Hated burnt, Oregon, Nov. 2A, IWaY
elrrlloa, and -hall have de.Un.1
t. nl ion to become scitiien ol tin
Mala one )eey preoebng surb s
s iiifnrmaliiv te ti s la-..; I
States on tin tabjeet e! aalarallaalloa,
al all la- Vols St sll Ii
I Sad l-i la 1 1 la e r
I. that mi mil- aliall bs
tbe right in vi ie on account
Aldittnnal n -'ran. .ii
i proeiaet reaid
Isw -
I 'lie St MM OOfsMl St 'alrm, thia
I wenty-etghle day ol A I .
I. ii
sigm.i, i.i .. I CHAM
m r
li lie I
,., I I hi M
I .r Id nt -lintel .,id barn, fi
particulars iiotiire i f Mia I'
bree, Riley, (re.
all rsoes
MM ratals
that the mi i I I "ld
sod thst Hi It i I mm,
i named (In- Ih dav al Marvh. tost, al
lbs lone,
nl I l,r,a sMj I MM
Ifain is lbs ataaai
tut I. ii'- passing up
on a il all i
. Ti
lt. I I preaa-1,1 ant ntie. i
-tld st-eotinl, sl
,i I I I. t I i.N
E YOUrlO. fopr
Meats of alS
Butter and Eggs
Lard, Tallow,
lunch floods
l:.ver thing on I
tiauolly kept aj nil
first cleat nno
For sale at re .son.
Prices for Cas
aET. I
rr v -.
m I eW 7
. aaaaaaa ..aaaaafaaa a-aaa l I I I ll II
i sin i-i hi 'r-ira, i
i- v. tsavl la aereb sjseg MM If sssaltaoct
win. ill,- ufvvteiuua . raa ut
Juua I. lala, cut ' 1 1 -
Uri lai.4a IB Ilia "ta
Hailivr WBir ..I 'nig a . i -
UlSuOia aUta..lli atalaaaMI Nb. tS.ltt (I.
were prevented from doing so on wu oi a ,
account of the scarlet fever eul- a M au4 will ugaiwuul tu
- , .... laaaigBI U BaBCa ValUaWa l IU IIBBBat UIBBMM
'lehiiilr date Will be an- i than lur BgrlulluiBiurbiaiaB. aB4 MaBtabllas
mm Bssers taa waaiaiaf ii
le Caldwell will open tbe Win
nor bar immediately at tbe old
aland, but expecta lo be in new
(uarlers later. He has purchased
the property adjoining th ' I'O
eiune building just compleled, and
will erect a atone building UoitiO
fietand hopes to have it ready for market. Mr Venator says be ie
occupancy by Juue 1. This will
mid out more substantial buainess
building lo our city uf a permanent
character. Mote men like Lee
ahould be encouraged in this claas
of work
aauabt ia BBatatt VBIB
bli . lalaa lu aaiil laud Uluia II..- Kaguatai i
-- ' ol Ibu imbV a. Mura. IMbbbbB.
TkBiaeaa, UaBUibdai ul Srlil.i.r) I Bat
, ta,Mau ii m
Hvruia. JufcaSrai asil II r Ibuaiuas all ..(
earns. iltaaaBB
Aur aua all
rnarlral BbOVB 4aHI i
.i...... ib a I.
I all ueriua tlalaalag Bdveraalv lu.
mllaaJ laliita ara ra-JBaatad Ulla ibal
ll, l. ..,. ui. ur balsva aal-l lata Sal
A Venator waa in the olty yeeler-
day it being kas first visit bare
since taking his cattle to
last fall He stale be did very . -.usar.. isss
well with the stock shipped, but I ..
was feeding a large number of steers I1MUKK LAND NOTICK.
near Ontario for the early spring omitiostatm i.aai..irrit a
Is Kaaas kafUbat
feeding a large uuuitter of cattle at wttfc tb
... J""' . la's, s
his rain lie. in t .Ir rnulitV that are inabar laant la I WaBSuaTtu
doing well with no liasa as yel. aaiuallU rai,
huiua OraajiaB, llaramla i l.
Mullia IB bar. b (llrB laaV
aWuBBul IBB ar
IMI-.1 A I. a. .
"In . ' '
I uT aaWaaW te
I MlmJiU I..P Its llvUri
ulereet of the public agru-uitu
luaald laud b. (or I ha aVvgl
..a. A IMM I'l.&vlua I I I I I I I iMlll
ul M illttoaaabMaU ul OragoO.baat
lu ..Bia lila aa..u atSMUlaUl
..I Ibr B , "rlliui.
.i s . asbBB a. M r
, .1..,. II.. a.
BJ : ll
I.. i
... I i... ii.. i
. i.b I y
ui., ..
aata -
a ui
I- lie, (lit.
.solution of Partnership Sale,
Is still on. Our stock is compLtc in almost
alt lineA. Come and net our prices before
purchasing elsewhere
e not only sell as cheap as others,
t give better value for the money.
Send us our mail orders. I hey will receive
our beet attention
schwartz i mm.
lu tbe I
health I desire lo call the attention wf ibis ut. ai n
of the people to oerla'.u matters re
lating In the hesltii laws of tbe
Has. anil lo cerlaiu necesellive .......
that confront the public in the rlaiaia la n
ai,luB) I
mat si oi c nirolliiig the preasut
-pKieii.ii. of ."icarlei VtMmr.
The Inw provides that eyery c
ol infectious dieeaae aball be re-
uorlel lu the health authorities
, ... Nuu Is hereby given thai the aiadri
wilhio ivmnlj -four hours, whether . .
' signed waa duly s-.oUad sitiiiiolslratu
attended by a physician or not. gMl IT-ll-llfJl V nght, Jaaeaee.i
liouseholuers are i to re- U- .. oi IUt
i port cases under penalty of aires: n. isunl MMMfl
. .1 .i.... ... -a wl,r .. ..h- lw'. a.. I b.s dal sltlied All j-er. ..
iciau is in alleiidaooe
H 4-JeV
WC 1 K Jaf 1 K
iWT. i M.
MM. hfX ti' fW .'I
M - v F M
Li--.,;;y; JM
b- is !a
V (,i,rt die grralrsl (Vgrer ladta )) J ' M
fartMO baXauae rt M Itu flglg. Cp I
7 Nylr. dse-Vboa, and padett I- . -T'Mi
every asrwaw V MM - M
H Don't pay (or a sut of our rUhra r i f ,)lA
unlrs you are plletiy BaUJarxJ at , '"e
4 Ask so sea atawa ui out $ I 8 . i Mk 1 1
fl '.MM- 'M-
. a SBBBBBB aaa BSt aM VTsTM
i & COMPANY jrjf -ml -.,.....
Merc hant Tailors, Chicago M m IJ
'- i
.estTvecl t' 'i th
1. A. Fr vsi k, Managi r.
( Ontario, m n.
JOHN iMcriUl.l.HN,
... . lauliaati lllu I
lura aaia rj.i
Ml r.BBS, aVagistsr.
Fruit, Vejget. blea, Soft Drinks, Confoc
tioner. Cigars and Tobacco.
meio St.
Bu ne, Oregon-
Benicia Hancock Disc Plow.
n ''
ft I
llltlMO-IUIL niOllMiKAPIltK
All the Latrat styles ba
use lu b I n4 1 : goals, A
slyle upoa aaisiaiMwi All
hkrl , i AftOtO
i ., i.i CM I
' a-oeassie r wst etaiBS. at aaaaa i bwbbb. K
having t-laiava against said KaU:.
batfrbi iixiuirtd lo i rtaasal theui. Bill.
In this epidemic of rkarlet Fever, w.f ria.gkr. '
as is common in all epidemic, the iat. .- iiu notice, to ihu un-a .
there are many very mild caeee, in sign! ul Mwaat, "resjOM.
hioh the characteriatius of tbe It d 1 arar, Oeagoo Use a, IM.
Jiaaaaa M.m l.nt uiniarei.L In tile Ull- J a. n Man.iil
w -rr
skilled observer, aud it is theee
cases that otter eapecial opportunity
for spread of the contagion In or
del that none of these mild
shall be overlooked it is dtelrablt
that every case of sore throat should
be viewed with susuiciou, and
such cases are reported to tbe un
dersigned tbey will be ioyeetigeled
without charge
If the public will co-operate with WUo u Utu Uodsoiunolkitiuu
the Health Ottict-, aud will report Wfdi ud Dimtl, ., froll) her.
oaaaa of exposure, and all ooaaa ,ig aud CUrk ui iu in
that are m any wav auaptcioua the J
work of huiitiog the spread of the , lmwu ,or wLo ,,,.
utseaw will be very much facihUt- jroa( j,
' ' laii.i aluUlt aSBial as as If BLaK sr I i , BS 1 a. rM
uiaw oaaAXfUB yi -m oitu ymi . "
i aaoj. a ha will rtuiiaio but a uhort liiue
The Taxidermist
il I.
ita.iM hasn-te '
Uairus 1
Job Printing.
W. L. liAsVAUari, M. D.
City and County Health Officer.
Tooth and Disc Harrows
'i homas Disc Drills.
r.n and gvsi nritAfg before nurchaainar.
c. h. voj gtiiY, Burns, Ore. Read. Clubbing Rates.