eeeeeeeeeeeee .?ft Wm99ltrmlb The Offlrlnl l'aner of Harney f 'mitity, 1ih the Urgent rirralntlon ami is eM l (lio l-t advertising Kliii Oregon. 4 L mimtllefai ; he Mresit h.untQ f nlr j WU MM Of S ' mhjset f .1 i. VOL. XIX. BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY.ORKtiON. 1 I.HRUARY 3, OMnSEEKf'RS BY THOUSAND met mien than we had Wet season. Our correspond snce indicate the increase will be hevy. The wide OLONISTS RATES PROMISE HEAVY advertising Oregon is getting on AN WILL TEST DRY FARMING STOCKMEN WANT MORE TIMI NO. 11 TRAVEt. TO OREOON. tor Mars Travel to Nertkwest Tkaa Ever Briar el Wko Detlrt i l.scalr Her. account of its railroad development has drawn the attention of eery many settlers.'' W. Stinger, cite ticket agent Oevereeseet of the O. R i I . is just as enthu- j " aiaa'ic "Colonist travel promises to he bigger titan ever before," said he. "This is no doubt due largely to the Fair and to the fact that risi APPROPRIATION TO TRY CAMP BELL SYSTEM. T lk SawMrM West An Oregonisn Washington dis patch says: H hits the Department BNwver Iwfon has Oregon eMI so trated, sImiuI Dreg. hi within a shoit regions II adv'rtiHpil in all parts of the si rfs it now is. The exposition ImiI this cnnditii.ii no little and tore here have called the attention OI Rr'cuuur does not deny mere of their friends to the attractions of '' mttii in what is known as the Campbell system of dry farming North Pacific I ,H .1,11a It la bHMIm that .It armA. That the movement of settlers 10 Oregon will ha the heaviest jring the coming spring thst the te has ever known in a season is belief of passenger officials of , the oounin . r-.i , 1 11 . a I c roans entering 1 oruenn ana n . v oetonreii, lulling Coast traffic They are a 1 coast agent nt the lew York: UMH jt for lnBt comparatively etw eys- 111 in ilenlanug that, as indicated irgj lines, said tnai, aumnign a ten. nhall go to its instigator, there v Inquiries from all parts of the, long whv from Portland, his com- j strong belief in the n.inds of in. try and particularly the Mid (.any does a tremendous amount of irrigation officials of that depart- ill -1, the exodus of Oregon and advertising of the northwest. In s ment that the system should be Northwest, heginning February 'statement recently submitted he carefally etudied Dy the Uovern- lv those who intern! to make lound that the four track "P. tnenl in order that its limiutions 1 Pacific slope their permanent ll , will lie unparalleled fellow across the tracks and a cou ple of blocks away before he gar up the Idea that he wee leaving the boss. But what we started to tell bout was the trick Prince, Janes Me Bain's big horse played on the 1 Test j family Nat Sunday. January Slot. The folks drove to the Opera house j to meeting, tying Prince to a tele phone pole near the' entrance In some way he be, ante untied and turned deliberate! r around and . .' .11 k-i 1 lf ' sli. kitten of Idaho, wh-.sie Ill'lUt-, IWVIIIH HI. 'MmiMtllVW and keeping iu the road carefully. When he reached the gate be posh ed against it until he broke theWM latch and went om through, tuinmir "The present law compels ilr.iv out carefully to pass a wagon in er t.. unload tbeii ' the road, giving it a wide Her'h. hours, while en route Ml cars (run went on to the barn where be wait- one pat of the Ofttti Irj to so. e.l until the folks came home .01 in order the -iniumls ma UNLOADIMC FMRV T!Mll.iM HOtRS TM III Ih BUtarMat Shxk at Sack Meet laitr.alt Osly takta Taw NtneefTatj Wast Tklrtvtli Near I v-"tnek men of the northwest ore in ace. o.l with tin Hew in Washington, trying at gci pse 38 h..ur law evtetiiled to make inf ' ' afford II, . .,!! a letter .fold I I he II. p poet 1. .it a de thai figure. TW who . will bring fro'. 1 ai lo well vr for the woel- gfo The rli.-m Pvter (kttwt. JOII1 l ll Or. ill. .sii nte, aesni First National Bank OF BURNS. OREGON. k General Raikiag Risiiess TfitsacteA tt'mrrmmt, mmmfmt ml Imm mmrmm paste WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. I 1 1 11 .- -i n 0 A. Hoi v. IteHee). foot from the meeting. The interesting feature of the cir M Ali s 1 mffr-r rot the want of ai I water," said t'hss P Hill of thi ns n ' '1 the "Tin I Ihi -item pnbliaheil l. tin New York lilies, , . WP M jh, ,,.nefita may be laid oometance was the care which the city, bad pnntel 15 nlicles, well illus- hare to the farmers of the serni-srid Bills are no pending in liftie, while scores of short items ; Co-igrrss authorising (tnvernmsut wero used in the same publication experiments under the Campbell about this state. Me b lieyee that system in various states and und-r The colonist rates offered this Congress that some farmers, having season are as attractive ss the usu- only a general knowledge of tbo i t1 lxat Kiiitt almisx the road ex- arrive at their destination in mo. h large nni'.nnl of advertising .evey from "way down hast the all manner of conditions prevailing rend ili'-'it by the iiiilrimil- to get travel to the onset will be unusual- in the emi-arid counlrv .. ....... . I ell bus sa l.o.l a laeimg el-, ly heavy. It has come to the attention of 1 ihi.t will biinn many westward M the colonist lutes become eft live the tindill- of in xt inonth Pi ipls hsve rend the nrltil s ux- iling this section that the innga - 11 nd rsilrnnd publicnlinns in such laige iiniiilrs ilur ihe past year a who all tided tlte exiioei- l.ecnilin ngeiils of exploitation 1 glowing taleh upon tlieir horse exercised in going around "Thi boo 1, rocks and other obstructions in the- cause train- are OfV R aV la e. n el way, showing a high degree of In do not accomplish mole than l" telllgence. Rg. h lira of travel in ?S hours I .. .listurh rhe.p ,r cattle bf unload- A Lively Caaae. mg them at such short intervals . .-illy makes them nervous I. Fiak station, the terminus of lie- oito.t eat 01 drink BMll lit Bumpier Valley railroad will make come bur grv or thirsty, ami 1I1. v nl I ....cessions the railroads of the Camplssll system, have unoertaken country annually make to intend- the cultivation of orons that can las settlers. The fare for one-way . not be grown except with an abuu tiokets from Chicago to Portland dance of water, in other instances aril' ! MS; Itt fri... Omaha, Kan- 'farmers have undertaken ciiltiva sas City and St Paul mid $.'10 from uon in soils not adapted to dry Ht Louis Tliey will be offered I farming In consequence there Iron, February lilt April 7, and has been some loes and there will it is expected thnl .... certain days be more until the farmers fullv real- cept Bumpter, is the opinion of poorer condition than slim l.-M ..i. those who have seen the little tonus ' oard for .'10 hours, along ths road spring up int.. ex- "' axel Uttr . s-e they are huc- iatance, thrive and ilnurish for a gry gnd foo.1 d.K-athem ..,..1 brief period and then go glimmer- "Btockm. 11 r, as a rule ing down through the dream of alssj are n..i sJN to ehu-ing their things that were animals 1.. f..t n 1 1 pay Much activity even now. in the a use them with cruelly. SMfg. ih. .. four feel of snow that mantles the no motives of humnuiiy The bet irn leune until friends were n round trip fllel nsm fare fmro OMsXato "ill ' " for 71 50, who I. sill p.ov. altraclive to the a. il Oreg .man 1 to see fnr ttieiii""! V" t lu ll I r v where it is always H.iuilner i wiiu-b n.viies souk rs li.ll.U. I'lie trsvel to the Const will be v I.- ..vv willimil a iloHi.l ne a i the Colonist r.i'e Inr mtr I'll-i'l Ml KS I XtlNATI0N. I he and urn. to know when snd wbers il i. ! osed, and what aropa il will prod in i under various climatic II c .minions To lb..! , ml n is prohahle thai an . - . . ,. , , ... appropriation of .'mnmi wj;i t i- hereby given that I w ill ' . .um.i.- ,,i ,,i- nK, ii ii ii . ii hi iiLirnii.i- II H I!,,, seiieral nueiil l"'1'1 "" r-gulai exiiiiiinatiou of ' " unwi , g in rai ugi in . alion bid lor lust this sort uf ex. applicniitH lor atuli and count . ,, . . u wrimitta Such an approptin- papers, at the court house. Bums, vy v liar.,. 4 I Oeen A. nil. t"'" 0uld ''" P ' ")al- ixe the limiutions of dry farming i surrounding country, is manifest '" sheep and cattle sr. i Ihicago, Milwaukee A St ll 'While the large proport In newcomers will In iniinding tiers, there will be u greater nber of tourists iliiin during for yea ia. The movement now on in the Knsl to induce travelers America before going ul.road hear fruit. Travel nun lie au- ipllNheil so l.llnilv on this coast, ing and aleepiiig-cars, boiOM, isle, everillling necessary to comfort of tin- tourist is an ex- nt, thst I. MM i,i nl Insilali. to k- the tr.p for feajT of di-com- od uowbi-re does the lour- i t -nil. i. ..In. .in .-nt. to make tup null such scenery, such iery, such wn(. rwalle, such for , such rivci" and all natural at- tiona as ex.ii in the North KOII HiATK I.M'KUS. Nowl.en- in lbc.uiitryphviii0(, (;eogr(lplo. Saturday: liolany, 1w. no's wiieie irrigsuon is not practic ed and where it ia n -t likely to be undertaken, but where conditions Commencing Wednesday, Fel.- ' are favorable to dry farming. Once ruary 14, at H o'clock a in uontiuu- the govt rnmonl ascertains what ing until Sutur. lay, I'.l.ruarr 17, at crops will grow by this method 4 o'clock . in and what will not, farmers can We. In .m. lay I'eiiui innbip, bis to- safely undertake farming by this r'. spell. ng, algel m, reading, school ' u.etl,..d The'tiovernmeui experi lew. ineiits are in no way reflection on 1'hurxdav : . Written srill tic, I the promoters of the Campbell eye- Theory of teaching, grammar, book-1 tern, but will aid them. Inasmuch keepine, physics, civil government, as they will t.uid lo reduce the Friday: Physiology, geography, meutul aritbinetic, comiHjsition, and is an agreeable surprise even while en route sen ountry to those who were most optm - kwtlef Ibey do Where stook over the fuluie of the little place i' fed and wnt. n d nt i The new station is pulpily situat- ' ''' MsisTsRas MM 1 it tie in ed as not only gets the trav-I i m weight, but when iihIoh ing this way but is at the jni.-t.... pftgM tw tlMSJssMt wwfff Msd wniia of several mads leading loOranile, bave a bad ellict on tli.-ni I how Susanville and iu fact thai entire l,,r ' srill i- aim MM liming country. Aa the read Hi. hours' Journal, now from Flak's to Burns is shorter tl.un any other haul, much of tie Bsaaer War for Weetfrewn. Harney count , liude wiii cinii' till way wbiub ill make the new sl lie II-n has tin lion a conapicious place in (iiai.t 'w ' County al mil rate for the time In woo! ing ami MgsjiUl for all tune. N I UoM iu tin- I Mormw Prairie City KlnM u.ity bss tin i l-.uksd so bright Never in. in il' . ,- naoet eftVo- I l'e I eaaee - i g. -... ami it th I . V llrug - i kstf iu HI Iota of giesi land a l ll nieadoi Kl miles impioved. HVl acres Unit "ll. l re : wild grass alaiuling. has a 1. I 6s)gsj Par- U'mH St this I qualll) ol Kiigliab front foul III I Will r)e at I il on II l II I i-gon ; or -"iee" oe .-ssaer.- FIRST NATIONAL BANK ONTARIO N Inti-i . i i . i . , Mfs) Solicit Vour nUtn Huainasj. SI-IM KIIOI I'l K- M C K Keny.n. II I Miller. Frank It I ea oee.- isst ji a i M rsei. W.lliasn Mosvaoo etenit ptif..MT W h agg, VMM liKkicat AUm le Aikaesea ' I'm the luckiest man in Arkuu- I r, e ol sheep Ireen SO high ne I. . not III ll.aiiv aa," writes II I. Stanley, of Brum., 'sinoe tin- i. .'ration ol my wif s has wi J Uorli. , traveling paasenger lit of the )oiiv. i .V Kio Qraitds, km. expectant of n heavy travel tward this npriug "I received lieruus inquiries today," said M llo ..tine tin i.- i- it widespread Irest in the country Kvery day plane gen iiietry, general Ii. story, Kiiglish la made, it is apt lo be continued literature, psychology from year to year, until the Cov in county papkiu. eruuieiil shall have demonstrated Commencing Wednesday. Febru-' ll' l""biliiies of dry farming ell ury M, at 11 o'clock a in, and con liuuiug until Fnduy, February Hi, at 4 o'clock, p in flRST, SKl'iiNK, AMI. TIIIHIi RgUaM I'KKTIKIi ATKS Wednesday: Penmanship liisto pour in from eveiy quarter tf ry, ortborgraphy, reading 1' Staiet. Our mad will Thursday Written arithmetic. on a through tourist sleeper theory of leading, gramar, pbysi ice tin middle of February it. ology. Dtodele this trallic, connecting l Friday: Otingrnphv, mental ari- ienver wilii the Burlington, tbinetic, school law, civil govern Irtlund and luioii I'acltic, inunt Willi the .Nliseouri 1'acilic uml I'KIMAHY CK'KTIfH'ATg. s Te nl t'Ut l.lo 1 liHik loi Hu ll i ..lonist Havel we have ever number of failures and be a guide lo those who are earnestly striving .. and I o 1,1 M ,r,klftA Mllll, M Onlll ara. ...... I . . . , worlds greateetsBMRoin r I of water. Once Ibis appropriation L, ,. Tww 'New Discovery fix i.i.liiu. which I know fnun experience will cure coneumptio . if taken in lime My wife improvfii from the lux bottle Mild twelve bottles completed the cure." Curs the worae cough. and colds or money refunded. At the City Drug Blore 6Uc and II is. Trial bottle free. Brother Dicks? a Pellesaeey "i aesMMawoa eucii high ligllle I ... no' . my Nils , , . .. . . ,i t... .. ,i.. I. at.t. .Ilu, li I'l. HBlM .I -I - ... I . II ..!. .... . . r . , ll'II.U.MIR coughing ami iileeilu.g at the lungs. we my uiesl fortune lo Ilia uiiii over the west. It is a good work, it coats but little and iu beiiebls will be greatly iu exoees of lbs coal As lalclli.csl Bars There are those who Iwlieve that the lower animals have souls ths same aa the human race Those that are laithful, geulle and kindly disposed wiil associate with tin.' class of butuau beings, while law vicious, unruly, untamable brutes will lie sent to perdition with the 1 same class uf humanity Wednesday : Pei.uisnsbii, orlho- W,,ile do "ol believe any such he ii it il. I leal feer, m.d in a .ll-tio t wh-re "si i..unda ait , I SaV h year, thai live tents a suud in i: self means a nig profit lo the grow eia But even that does i.t . pgsj profit, as ll. . grow, r has made a small margin on hi beep in yeara when Wo o eejs sj ten Oei.U per p..ud MMN than It .--ar n ly will the pnc- ol w s high, but s. will the V Tie I ion-- MM Ilk -OgSlol. t ' llnllie of l,,. - liewpejSW Tkc Lmn Star RE3TAURANT RINU1 n ' AUU HOUR kpy In nnsjti A Sfwl!) ( jJsifl trgiri. il.eniart , I .kla. Ill T I ssvsswOxai n a rnveotai, r .asHta X Tim national M& CALDWIiM., IDAHO j A Ocnctnl linnkino; Buln hk Tron&sKtod OOstWUrONCMNCal I'.MTIO A . r TH: CARThk HOUSE. 11 Ol.. N I ' I I ' i r. i roof, i1' i . All Outside pulnn 1 1 -Iv I ar LlVrx irrmihv. unt I... i-t i,- reariinu 'riinrhilav : Art of noe.l -nuiotr ' rtnti.rt' or Imui.Ii.ii. i.Ii t-Ml,.!,. . .' -- rj"mj even ting tnc Heavy ,. .... . ..i diffurence l.t.-,i ....... ..I. ....I i the difference between the conduct M K Uigby, ol me same animal under the care ) School u,.i uiil.-iident Harney Co ami treat ..lent of two different pt-r- i sous. A railroader once owned a cay use i of the Adeonalli'ii of J'rav.ling oger AguuU last Kepleiubtir .. lit i.ieiidoiii- .ilverli..emeiil i -ountry 1 In- i. gents were latorablv i.iiprer-i'd with tin lua t i in ) rs bound to Ii uuwi wefllwetd.1 i-t ih. i piwiiiou . I IU live Ul en. laid II b.okai.n, Ip.tsaeiigi'i ami lioket agent of It it N.o Hi. rn "1 Iu j r thorougi. g Oregon lean ve i. larger proporlio .-i . In- iinuud Havel i hun t:vi r." uisld Swtitbi I'm ilm.i1 bii-i . .t ho I. .- ia-l i. iiii.i d oil during 1. s ll.'k- .1 Urpriseo ..l li i m .nir. their inleu it' n is every iiiiIk alum nl a I', travel on tlo- sullleli. ittle. A 1 I h.ulloii, usfislaut gen- iiinMBiig. r ugeiil ol liiu .orlh- I iioiho. 'The thounttiida wlio lo the fair told so well of lbs er of the Northwest that we let u hoavitir trnvul ou Ibc cujo thllitf. it ia liilrrrilll.u to nolo iKa . ..,, " " ,ei you wants lei.imi III .iIah) lr wise enough trr pit k out j soft place ter fall. Dar'a lots er lulls tei iltmb in die worl', but some lolks k-rgits, i,f il. ,- lUittt rrtfariln. Ilo-.t iI,m k Simi. I,lk . .ftt.141 tinii. ti l....l hi.. I uvariablv, ilw anrwr mil. m rat Ixiut Inrm .lad .SaU... ..,,', ,, , () ., dollj fJ tree shuts dey eyes miKht iij-l.t P, , ,rr ,ar is Mgsj M v rn de collection plate is passin' Some pcnplc Irirsso bard trr be happy dry gits miserable in tic attempt You may iiumr wings Irr My, l V bAftNJN :.ONf .' XV . .SH ( I I Mm JStjaS JT. t I T at. sTS I rM . j-ij ri-' i .. 1 1 fM a laelMSM. - Ml w -': i Napton ii Boyd - i leal bUli. lists and aislci. I Jw 9 ajr raia.i. "avasv. h rZrT. -aWaWaWBar"- W ,,m caaUe V YTyrWjS - m "sasBxefcSsxexs&aMkMMMMMB" ' 1.M - J ITEVIH assU AN TOM. M. 9- O w)a1 MaW OMiooeat salls. waso. u. a. a. E. N. NELSON Me. . I . J4 tst'i f' Hot-Breads Light and Sweet ere swede with ROYAL BAKING POWDER Watchmaker and Optician. Second door north of post office. BvLmje, Oregon when dry Uu'a at lr lop, .Ul di ) ever wax at dr bottom. )t is about llappioraa w.ii t i.'i oit, iy, niiii li ) on got hi it I. In ale ii; gsj wen v on iib li O little- )TOU . . !t I I lies MO) l.i. A ' -Atl. ii. t.i t Hi-iiiuti WAMK: Agei.t. Hustlsrs rialtsuien L'lerha and ev. rylisly I bo wnnl- to . i,j.,y k g h! liearty laugh It gMal irV for "I I us to Age., is.' Ui 60 to any per- . sou who aelb, gutsMI for a (iir.g. i . . t ii noi sewic-iorjr your o back ' ireulnr i..r steawja, 11.. t U'blU elect. io I'oi.ib Co , Uec-e-lur, III ssattsalyeweptici suay be eeteai wltweut lacoa vewlewce vest by pereeee wltb steJlcete ttlweetlew OeWAA ftajksMtt IsWsjsUM Ms.. Mbw MMHa hose likes and dislikes were the I US niiced of any animal he ev. . -. iie once drove him m lOWO. bl tip. d t one of the bank wbets be .i- tede ewus work. His wise, Mho aei.t n.tli lilu., in.. I l... wish'. I t 0 furlher, d. re ou about a o.ock twlore liiliy diaoovor ! - J . I ... --" -a-- . . . ... .l. ni atts iM'i'.'auri war nut 10 tuc earl, when despite tin- ui.t slreuu- uus i-ifoitsof the woman to the ooo trary Hillv turned around and u iu--ii.iuk lo the hank and would not : leave uutil hi.- inner came out of the building, turned bun ai und and slapping biui on the aide, aid on itillv " lie gave her no more trouble but weol on as if ii ithing hull happened muu'a daughter was in ihe I.mI.IL ol .-.0.11..0 ul-i.r Inn. in Cli.j U 41 .... . . .. ---o .... ... .v x..w . . 'ui, n iu... liiiJiai, ul evening to the freight depot, end Kurd t.ity, Pa, bad his hand fii ht one evening bis wife came early to 1 fully burn -i iu an electric 1 fur visit a frieud in lowo liefoie time uaoe. iie applied Hut kirn. Arm for biui logo home. Wueu she ca Helve wi b the usual result. a passed the depot Billy determined : quick and perfect cure " Greatest lo pull up to the hitching place and j heeler on earth for bums, Wounds, it took the united efforts of two I Sores, Koxeiua and Piles. '25c at husky brakemen to lead the little, the City Diu- Store. a The Finest ol All MARYLAND CLUB WHISKY Hr Sak Daly ai Hotel Burns Bar Agents, Bums, One. .faflTK-'hci I hi THE CAPITAL SALOON, nUSCU I'SMMMj. Bums, - - Oitgoa. Wines LtaiKNTl anil Cigars. Billiard and PooJ lable. Club ktioms in Connection, I rightfully Kuresd CHAS. WILSON, toe ioa lo.wuso- i n Blacksnitbiiijt jo. llufibo;ii. Wagou Work. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. I Jrt'tifj f i liiV i UisiiO IT V litTLl a 13 niniciuiM H unr Oees-MM I wesw Hu eeiHHul P : ! Wa efl ' V ''L aaH. , aViMsUssNI COMPAMY, . I. LEWIS 141 as gUd le fefMa. lAR 1'ICULAIS and PKICES I MIJNbsw MasTsaf INI-OKMATION. SaMtiiSiai DfcSlliNS. Main St., Burns. Oregon THE TIMES-HERALD. Job Printing.