The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 27, 1906, Image 3

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    he Times-Jierald.
s THB I,AWawr timii.A i I'm ur
ihy nfwpapf.r iNTHiirotnrnr.
Local News.
Attend the firemen's dance Feb
Remember the fire laddit Feb
Hnpt Righv wm up from Lawen
daring the week
Street hmte at greatly redacted
prices at Mr. C. A. Byrd't.
Invoking for snaps? See Sohwartr,
A Rudelman'a ad.
Spring heeled school shoes for
children at Fred Hainea A Co.
Buy jour rubber foot wear now.
Kverv thine reduced at Browne'
I Caah Store.
Embroidery eale at Brow' Caah
Help the firemen by attending
the dance Feb 14.
Thoe Bain waa over from Harney
Old ladies' comfort lined shoes held April 90. 1906
at Fred Haines A Co's Fra.ik C
J A Robertson waa orer from the
O O ranch this week.
I hereby ami- ' self oan-
didate f..r toint-renresentetive of
Harney and Malbeor ooontle. stil
jeot to the decision of the repnhli
can Totem at the primaries to he
1 Km I.AM UM..V
. .
i id
i o.. ,.
r.iani !
' an I reftvretnl"
ol Batttun t .-i trite i ( the t
HltSSti ol the "tale of Oief
latlnf eierlin. linn-Mi ,. r mil
Hm Baaaltlee let rlar! i
- - ltpMt(l fVI
I k.r.1,. annmvnsa. mtwlf 1 Pill- lOreeor. Koonl Muffrae
A K Richardson is over from
"ImSt'ip Harris Ore department will Most oomfortable thing invented
pre the dance Fob 14. I a carriage heater J C Welcome
lllnys boots at cost Fred Hainea j 8nn"
I Co. opposite the feed barn, James Gilbert, road master in
r!,,,. ' this district, was in the city Tburs-
. .. . ,1,.,
1 .ester Hnmiltnn and wile are the "
eats f lie former's parents in
I city.
oilies, you nm invited to see the
a anode- Bond anode at Frrol
Inee A Co's.
M Horton and family are over'
m Diamond, the guests of rele-
ee and friends
Horton'e Is headquarters for
eh nuts and candies. A fresh
The beet dress over cnata in
Burns for the price at Fred Hainea
A Co1.
A . -- U.. V. .J SA ..
n null wan innu mi mi auv .
A R Mason at Fnrlland last Satur
day, Jan 90
Itrandom A Nelson invite their
patrons to call and get a lenae
cleaner free.
Dr Marsileu hss gone to
.ply jtit received for the holiday in his official capacity as
La wen
filiate for sheriff of Harnev oountr.
Wm Oeorge waa up from Lawen mt . ... . ,. H,MM, of , Arm(t.
cratic voters at th primaries to he
held April 90. 1906.
A K Richampbo.
the first of the weak
Born Thursday, to Mr and Mrs
Ceo Hopkins, a daughter.
Clifford Cleveland is in the oily '
from the Sod House ranch.
Just like finding goods Schwarti
A Hudelman's coat sale.
I heredv announce myself a can
didate for sheriff of Harney county,
subject to the decision of the re pub-
it led ia hlsewW
bar ISth. im. m laMatl
containing o, H signatures, pry-perl)
tti hrd to n eopr u( .! meeaere, est
la aecnrdati.e with law, di
I'M that a Bfopriwed a mem I
Beetle 1 of Article II of the (
t:'n i f ' i,. -t if Oral ball be sun
Milted to the ssgal vnti i f i
vlican votei
rwrn-inureoay. to r ana Mrs h,d April n 190g.
I herebv announce inreelf a -an
didale for sheriff of Harney county,
returned Tuesday 'object to the decision of the repub
lican voters at the primaries to ne
held April 10, I
health officer.
K I, Hunter contemplates going
be P Ranch where lie will likely
e a Doeiti'in an
ir li iii'
Mayor, whnWools dealer in
f tobacco, of Sen Francisco, spent prietnr
w davs in this cilv this week
guest nf his diiiighter. Mrs I. M
Mf (li-n Ashtnii line n fine ilia-
af full anil winter hats at the
Roys and men's fells with over
shoes at cost Fred Haines A Co,
1 remain for eouih main street, Rurns
The Citv Drug Store for Christ
mas presents. II M Horton, pro-
Question is: Will we float awav
with the spring flood or is the wa
ter going to be so "awful" high
Wntch for tin- circiiUrs that Bran
don iV Nolsnn will circulate Tesl
your own eyes and then oall and
linvi Mi. in attended In before they
II v Reed, of Ontario, orrivrd in I, ,,
Tl li II'- mforma ,.,,,,. .. N
W iii 1 1 nil lev s tarn whs another
. iner-llMrald t'mi ii is i
i .in Imglotakea tumble from an
SIIUI'V-'i no- 'iuiini ""-
Jnrgesen building anil desires
I idles of Burnt to oall and see
Robt Irving, at Harney, a son
Goo Ashton, the I'-Ranch black
smith, is here on a visit to his family.
Choa Smith
from a business trip to southern
Rom Thursday at the hospital
in this city, to Mr and Mrs I. R
Culp, a son
Dr. W.C. Brown, Dentist. Offlc-
in the new stone building north of
the IVsl Office.
O. W. Clevenger A Co have re
calved a big lot new furniture which
the pulilic should oall and see
Rev A. J Irwin went to Dreweey Wi
last Monday In conduct a series of
religious meetings
I'rTsi-liing eervioee at the Baptist
Church. Sunday Jan 210, both
iimming and fvcuing
Clarence Drink water was up from
Lawen a fi-w daya this week,
returned home Tuesday
lican voters at the primaries to be
M II. Bskntos
state n (lie Ith .U nl June, I an,
snnl i reaWSed smeinln itiillu
psi i larty est I
I'lierelnre, I ie K liaaiN r
vet in. r of Hie Male . U
h , ....
lore ftrl m
I and Issue litis 11
I .ii. at Um Atoeaol I
sin i.r.'i, ing that tin' raid Hreaow Hqnal
ulTrairv Association has flint istri
W. Y. Ktv ' i-'ii'" adtl
laatarss therata sitaehed a'traaat'
Ilia II. St tlteif li . .! I., :l... !..!
under the , r,nr. 1 1 - Stats ,.i
Mills- -
Tka W ,,..!.. .r ftar
v , , . , ,- t iri-tsrp i ' ii e imsis
management of Smith Bros . is om approval i reje- II net the i
of the pleasant resorts nf this i ,1
where customers are courteous l.i
treated The stipplv f liiitors si l
cigars sre the liest Drop in sml
feel at home
SroTxrrL's Csusli Store.
Com im of dress goods and trimmings offered
at a reduction
We are prepared for a big 1906 Gash Business with
a larger stock and Gash Prices Everything possible
in our store has been reduced and we want everybody
10 come a gei our
In lite mstti-T n( lit Kslate ol Thornton
Williams. Icesed.
Nntlre is lirr. In tTen to all per. is
liileraaleil Ill lite atxnre entitled estate
that the iiiiilersls-neil einntril nl ssiil
s ate lias fllisl Iter final ai-rouot lirrein.
lie .1 oe the 4ll. .l.
' si. I .1 - i
MM uiiiil . i pi ipsa -I ami-i
Meatloa 2 v '
"f ll" lilch Ml i
. ai ,1 SHU "' III. at
'i "i I ' . .
lie I ml.
i laeiiit- hi. tears si tl npwanls,
li- hall lian t led la ,r
lug Hie sit tin. t Hi. mm., .it .i, li .
Ii( sin li el.i
of ton inn lirlli .i lhs v ol Is
sr ami tipsar.l. wtsS shall
n-alilsu In ,. 'larwa Mm i
maalhs iiiiiiisslis'.it .r..,i
V lilffliaw
ami that Hun II. (' lvrns, i
Me .linlTn( Hsrnrv t nunly. lias election, ami situ! : liavt
nanir.l His Mh day a March, ll"-. ' ' u " to become sun r
I Ika siiuis nf Sa. n'.diuib am BWa aa ll.a llnta laaai oha BtSaOl
li" nvftu n iii ii wiaaai, ill. soar siivr imv , aaiai "in ,v w- ' - n 'tti'H Fill
Toe roada are improved uieal ir County Jo.lur,. nfBee, limns, '
"in., the snow has packed and we llernsr (minlv, iiragnn, as p SsSBi, HtaMaealhi lil aalnrallaali
uitii in this aaotinii snni" tiim-
W'l'l I' I" awl
li trav-l. bjmI -inns, it.lvertisu
goo i
I i ve s inltlts ut tun
are 7."iiHI psi month
,fo ).. ni'i
''. i l .t W
overdose of snow on the rnnf For
tnnati'lv the 20 head gf horses kepi
in the barn nt night were all nut at
now reoeive mall every day.
I'lie ronlata Queen Rslber it
lur hearing ob)eetlnna to ibe
on aaiil arominl ; anil all
l aaleil In sal. I natale are li
ing n-heareed and will he product! l apaar an-l treaenl aar
For Ihr cniiriHU'nri
itomers living out
wn, irr ftay particular ut
Popill coming from school clis-
KOYAL triots where contageous diseases
'li"'K", ,.,,1 wi ,,t U u I lowed to enter
the puhlu Ht'hiMil of Hums mill!
m irotnr fli i are taken to disinfect
"' and oilwr regulations of the law
re comp'.ird with. By
lifiou In lln II kin Ul Aluil the scdiool hoard
II u men County Bunk,
in ns, Oregon.
In- It A (' basket ball team do
t.d ll." Harney team laat night, Res W
seme being '20 to ' Those at
ding from Hume report a fine
and are mm h pleased with
hospitality nml entortaintuont
- -B-tirdi ,1 tin in lt the Harney boys.
A. C. Wku-omr, Clerk.
Look Out (iet tbe safety luru-
"si'ii. now ii runs wiiiiinii m iauii
here the latter pait of next uiunth.
K' i'p your feet warm when out
tleighilig with one of those fllie
ga healers si J (' YVelooOM A
Huiicsii McLeod of the Wm Han
lev t.'u . look his depsrture Thurs
day for Hnki-r to lie absent only s
order of short MM.
Fred Haines A Co, will anil flue
custom made suits for men and
boys at ooel Come In and ask
"I'addv" about it.
ine "p
ii inl.i
1...I f- I
h.-i II..H-
tliat they may havi to ssnl acroant, al
the linn ami plaoe above nam.-.l
lame and datad at Hums, 'r. .
Ml IMh .lav ol Janaair. MM
K.iiiulrli ol Ida Kslate ol I I
Wlllia-ns, tlereaaeil
T. Minil. about it, Hurna
Miss Hertba Williams baa been
chosen tbe candidate for this oily
'in thr Oregouiao Yellow Htone
i n..L -..... tl. r i l.
v. i ats i iniirpi tin' wirwijiiiaii tins oonoern ia fell here regard-1 ,,, ll( 0Ill) u llUII1., llf 0UI,a
the condiliona of stock on -'o adjb-t t,e National park during
.art It is reporteil that an O"" ! --...liun and the coi.uwl ia .!.
. titi Is hiTi-lo giveii that MM im
Ifmsl was iluly appniitte I adatinlayator
. ihr Kaute nl Williiim I iinggllli I li
eaaaad, by an order nt ilia 'only avrt
ol llaraay isiiitilv . (Irngon, dati-d 1st
r U, list.'-, ami has duly utialill. I
elavll Is-1 I . lots at all el.v
. I h
i .
tddttlonal ijual I
and aeadnet MaMsnes ma) I.
I 'as.
I - a'
n .
vi li .l'i I 'li
Hi il
(SlSllnl I I IH
For Rent H
parin ulars .(Hire nf M , . II
All parMins havniK rlsims aa ilnst aald "& '
Wool growers are invited H call I Hrraby required u. prraaal .
.,, . , tliem, v it li iiroiwr yum hsis. within tit
or ante A (toodmau. Burns . ...
e roufto 'i0t.
Meats of dll Kinds
Butter and Kggs
Liird. Tallow,
Lunch (ioods
BvcrthliiK in liar. I
Uwiially ktpt by nil
firat tl.i.ea nmrkcla.
a WrV " law
months (rum the daU ol this notice, lo
ml amount of anow has fallmt
H und that iinliss sheep wan
nidi' i" mnv" th"ir slock to feed
Oliot) a Ian :ent will he
t. It is alsn feared that many
tie and horses that have been
uiii ii. 'd I" wintering on the
lll .1... Balak
f-(l Will ll"l. irnrl
tilliipai-l during! ,
lines similar to tboae of the Journ
al in its reoeut llawaian conlaat.
Unre I1111I1I1114!-
week from Iks) heavy weight
bti on tin- rmiii- "cnwartz a
liii-liuun'i- wnrehtitisD w nt down
ll miiin glMl4l ,VI '' ni'.rt- or less
iMg'd 'I itey will loose coiitid-
ililt-urani. (ii.iShua. barn at
ranch eon nf this CHv fell
M .a .ri s
.. 1, Creek home went down
June Ingersoll came over from
Hrewsey Wedneeday lo convey
Thomas Howard nd wife over
The former ia suffering from dia
betic gangrene of the toes of hie
ight fool and come lo the hospital
hat he might lie nuar his physician
Italed burns, Oregon, Nov. U'.'i, I'.a
. haaaa,
" AdaaiuUtrator
and gel terma for shearing with the , ahderatgnad at ll.irns, Oregon
new plant he has ordered
l-Vank Oowan left last week to
again lake up bis preparatory
course at Annapolis His many
friends here hope he will be suc
cessful George Umilh cause over from
Diamond the first of the week on
business and to visit bis family a
lew daya He reporM all the enow
gone in Uiamoud valley.
.1 1 1 1
I Mill -111!
Murii ... pM
Smlea la karat.) atM
sun. um i.iuitai.. -
Juu. . IS. 1-atllla.l A.
b. is His aiaisa
NsvaU .1. I aaaloi.i..i
su 1.. all 11.. 1
tiaatai A aasatai
llisn ! aarlialln
1... . ..... I.- .
1 Mrs Howard came over to aaaist in
nursing her husband
Miss Zella Baker, daughter ol K
I) linker and wifa, mot a Ith a t-
ion- and painful acoideul Tbura-
:(1 day hho was dressing her hair
.....1 1..1 i. i;.... ...... r.11 ... ....i.
nun, al hie """ '"- '' "" " -
a manner lhal the hut iron struck
In r in the i-yi . Her physician ciiii-
1 aa
im ai. i i.u.i
Tbe a. a. and barlev roller - ...d sill ut.
' asaabtU
nf Austin I nod 111 an la kept busy
with orders ahead all tbe time
,Hee lo it that your wood is sawd
and boused Iwfore the stormy
i weather acts in
lora I iv evi niiiv Mr Ktcwnrt
.1 ik. I,..f, i ll... I. n..i iinl 11 ve,j ran-miie i urai.uui
im- Maw
Uliatclv KOI a'l his -I.K-k uutla- """ u- " vu,,-..-.u., ,,- ,
1 V King lias gon. oourageu anu uope. u, save tne
to assist 1 building 11. eight
Tbe Times Herald has been re
quested lo extend the thanks of O
K Thompson and wife to Ibe kind
friends who extended their sympa
thy and assistance during thair re
rent bereavement We are inform
ed the nilii-i children of the family
ho were teriuualy I'l are lu.prov-
.. .. s
.a l'..l II
aaaalss a Ihla isa. . a
Tburad.) Ik. I Ml. Oat !
Its aamss as aiiasaaas
Haruw. juka aayw sal ll
Saraa. oeaaaai.
aui aaSaJI aaaaaaat aU
alasvs luirlliljasala art tsaaaai
I I.l I
I ..I II. .
. saauasui.ii. 1
I.. Ksgisus sail
ill,. n.g..u ....
nisi) 1MB.
1 I. 'il. I. II VI
Thus isasi all ul
''-' la Iku
al fsi-rua'i".'..r.uL.:, 1
UaSaaauaor WI.
I Ik.
a raaas
UITIII BTaTr-a 1 1 . 1 .. 1 , 1 ,
Saras, orsaua. Oseasiks. ,
atlas M) aaasar st-s taai m
lissolution of Partnership Sale,
Is still on. Our stock is complete in almost
all lines. Come and get our prices before
purchasing elsewhere.
'e not only sell as cheap as others.
ut give better value for the money.
Send us tour mall orders. They will receive
our bet attention
Married Thursday evening al
the baptist parsonage, H M Hm
ton and Mrs Maude ( ardwell Hey.
A H Minaker oltioialing It was
quite a surprise to lbs friends of
the contracting parlies, but con
gratulations are nevertlielaas just
a hearty They need 00 inlroduc
MaS to our readers, both being
old time residents
tuile a number went over I'
Harniy laat night with the B Al
basketball team to aae the gam
o tin local team aud Har
ney's 1 link players. Several of
the high school students were
auioiiK llnse abo went and J r.
lib Iks arsTlalu.
Juar . : -
usi.i lasSs Ml I
. Hi. I'uk
u 1. las. . 1.. 1 1.
ol M-illSui.i.i. -
itti ii. 1
k aurraasa a4
1 11. a
il.. I
.1 in. .
' ;.
(J Catves the ajtajta rliasi 1 ei aaia
laaioa because . is Uaii right
Style. caaSaiwiat. aad patsaa at an
every gannasS.
IXai't y lur a suit of our clothes
nairii you are BttWcMg awawad.
Ask to taw aoaaa ol our $ I 8
Merchant Tailors, Chicago
For sale at reasonable
Prices for Cash.
nuii mum' 1:..
served for the
M. M. CO.
Et A. I kasi Ri Managers
Ontario, c regi in.
. 1. ..1
il Bllay
" i.. h tan, i.
AIMIMIrTatATOK " 1 i 1
dk (ioous, rnrMSMiN(isniuMiis ami caps
GBOCEieir. l
Fruit, Vegetables. Soft Drinks, Confec
tionery. Cigars and lobacco.
attain St . Bu'Ti aa
Nollie ia liarebv glveu llal las uadi 1
signed Mas duly atpniiiLd adaelaiatretui
o( ibeKetaleof Jobn VVnli
Wallace a.iH I lias llawia k i..kii " ' ' ' "' '! ' "in
oil work mi the taxidermy iibil-it " " --t i.
iw.i, aiei lias iiui qualineu. All psrs-n-
haviug ilaiais against aanj Salal are
lsirb leqoirsd to praattrt tlsoui, a ill.
, I" llir
Benicia Hancock Disc Plows.!
to lake 'it in
Mrt A K Voung has contrihutad
si volumes 10 vue tauns annex 01 orvp. , ...
the I. idles AfU-fiioon Club The tbe ilati-uf ili.
I mo -Herald la luforiued there aigoa"! at lli.s .y, Ureaiuii
.1 .ii viiluuiea in ttn library
whu-h is certainly a gtd allowing
and is much appreciated by tboae
who have taken advantage of its
liberal ooiiditious extended to peo
ple who desire to join The ladies
feel gars graUtful to Mrs Young for
tier generous donatiuu
list d Sill 6, Ilk..
Jto.u .
aaaaW SaaaaAtaaaVaaau
kw aaaaMgaBBaifllBS
ataaSaaaaf r
7. fei i
int. 1 1-1. ruoiuwi
All the laic ti- assw lm ijshy ia
style is 1
I'slll ,
I'Ui. 1
Mry aar ! awMfc
Mstwaa ,l
im m
The Taxidermist,
Who auounted tbs baodaomr collet tkui
for tbe redemption of all warrants , Wro "" als sent MM I
registered prior to Nov 90, HK)5 "" '" uu """ ""'' "M!U '"
" Unrn. II... .... 1... ..... I... ...II . . t
Interest on tbe same will mV muy ,, du-1. ,, ..
from this dule, January 6, 1906. ; rugi i,om lna of native animal. Sew
T ftaff It 1 1 aivai I L.I u..a .J. .' ..I- 'I -
Treasurer Harney Couuty Oregou. i-soo a lie will remain but a ibol lima. Q, JHaC, VOEGi'TIa'Y, Bit 111.8, Ol.
r 11. t
I .ii.,
ilsUs n MaaJe ta
Notice is hereby given that there
are funds in the county treasury
Tooth and Diso Harrows
'S '
Thomas Disc Drills. THE TIMES-HERALD.
Oall and get prices before purchasing.
Job Printing.