The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 27, 1906, Image 1

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    h f im-ftralft
TIik Official Paper of.Harney ronty.
the bMt adverttaing'medluBas'.in Eastern
teeeeeeeeee.eeeeee e
Oregon. Lf;i i 'i r d .
r ty wj tk & A f w ' "v
" "' u "" - r-nw luaaRta-ani ia .a..
i ,
ah wWrnl Unrrtrg eyoMtttffj
ew of
H.ECTING OPPORTUNITIES I to .tUnd dr,ce in the noighbor-
Keeetrr to LniM-Mmt Men ere
Wastiei lelerejetlee.
hood They Infl the children
in bed. When they returned about
12 o'clock, tin; little one were gone.
An all-night search failed to locate
them, bnt in the morning they were
found nenr the house in the enow.
Irea .1 isih Ceerter, ! Heresy The hoys feet were en badly froeen
Bin Timeo-Mereld continues '.0
tve MNfl in(iiiriet regarding
(orent Harney Country and par
(larly ahout the amount and
'AOier ol VCnv government
how located, the dietance
HiiniK. croe, etc. nine the
nf the present nieiith
n inquiries have 1
hie ollioe alone
nil answered
Thin i not all
inquiries thai ere receiveo in
oit lv any means. The local
office reoeivee lettere by the
n each mail; the poet mauler
vne maiiv sarh week, while the
elerv ol tlte local li-V"iypui'iii
ne g.-ta iiiiiuireiie in i.'o it
In for bin to properly care
the immenae correepondence
look after hie own luisinees ef-
, therefore the correspond, m
luring the past two yeare The
tee Herald haa aent out nun
la of ample copina to every part
fhe 1'niced Hlatea in response to
ll.-alions, and many of tbeae
),- l.erome Mihacnlicr auice. not
ic-mtul "f the sp'ciel iiterite of
(treat Koliginus, hut through
r interest in the possibilities of
i.ti and a desire to learn more
its reaoiirosM That many nf
mr eople nave neeu lavoraoiy
m-ssud ia evidenced ly the an-
ncemenl of several of their de
finition to come to Il.irney
nty to make their home It la
to lUte, alio, that tin omce
thn t both had to lie amputated at
the nnklea The little girl had to
have all her toee taken off The
reaaon that her feet were not froien
waa due to the fact that her brother
had put a pair of atockinga on her
before they left tlie houae, while he
went barefoot in the enow. When
found, and asked why they had
left home, tbe boy eaid they were
"looking for mamma" Montnelier
(Idaho) Examiner.
Notice ia hereby given that I will
bold the regular examination of
applioante for elate and county
papere, at the court houae. Huma.
Harney County, Oregon A fol
DESTINIES OF EAST OREGON in Prlneville. M reported bv tbe
Crook County Journal.
In eapport of thie view tbe W-
IT IS VAST, BEAimTL AND LITTLE lowing reeolnlmri and preamiuo
UNDERSTOOD, were pohliahea
Wbereae. the Crook County HtR
Orowera' Aeaociation, an organiia-
eee tion compoeed of the cattle and
beep intereeU of end county, and
.listing for the purpoee of eaeiat-
ling ia the protection of the range
for uch IntereeU and believing the
foreet reerrve policy of the govern-
by Judge H. A Lowell of Pendleton I ,,( has greatly aaeieled . In tbe
at the meeting of the Oregon Devel-! raising and handling of euch ttoafc
by ite grating privileges on eooh
reeer vra, and believing it for the
Jeegt Unl
AMeaHee to Oar weeMMM,
Mesas see teeelreawei.
Tbe following paragraph are
Commencing Wednesday, Feb
ruary M, at ! o'clock a m oonlinu
iug until Saturday, February 1?, at
4 o'olook p m
Wedneeday: Penmanthip, histo-1 thousand people
opmenl league The magnificent
water power on the Minium, the
Wallowa and tbe Grand Round
rivera will aome day e turned upon
the wheela of a hundred faotnriee,
and Oregon'e great industrial com
munity will be located aomewbere
near thi confluence of tbeae atreama
There will lie the Mancheeter of the
west Not only will the abundant
power command thia result, but the
wealth nf forests and minerals in
the adjacent mountains, the build
ing atone of Union and the marble
of Wallowa, supplemented by the
wonderful agricultural and horti
cultural possibilities of these conn
tie, will .naure diversity and per
l-eel intervals of all concerned as
well as of the stock raiser, farmer
and all induatriee that such fores'
reaerre policies should be continued
thereby protecting the grsss liml-r
and watersheds, H is Ihe sense of
this aesocation that the goven -ment
should without fail create an
make permanent tbe Hlue Moun
tain reerrve
"Resolved by the ssid Associa
tion that we are in hearty sympa
thy and accord with the govern
ment reserve policy."
Ofler Cask Prist far Essay.
.M...n,u Ia aa ilae t" an rti.iiira
tlltirCH-T V itJ VI ! Ulliniiani I
the stale da. ne wreK"" cui" ou "c'"r
ry, spelling, algebra, reading, school
Thursday: Written arithmetic.
Safety may be predicted similar
centers of industry, oommeroe and
Theory of leaching, grammar, book-1 population In the Klamath basin In
keeping, physics, civil government.
l-rnlay. Physiology, geography,
mental aiilhmotic, cnmioaition,
Physical Geography.
Saturday: liotany, plane geo
metry, g neral history, English
literature, psychology.
Commencing Wednesday, Febru
ary M, nt '.1 o'olook a m, and uon-
the sotithweet, upon the Dee Chutes
in the central portion of the state,
upon the Hnake river in tbe south
weal end in the great Harney val
ley in the enulh Natural condi
tions in these several sections, tbe
construction of railroads, tbe e
tending nf ayatema of irrigation,
will ull unite to fulfill in completes!
measure a prophecy like this.
The don, 11. ant Industry of eastern
Mag si Csesstratsr Veervlf ls Can
tteer4 se4 niwrl(ki eeet Vat
Oet--Sretoei Eiseeee.
A recent Kansas diapatrb.
r K olrnce of lh- I
tlte rtockyrds in this
organirV.i'Mi of nv-t, in defraud
I a at elein of overweijili'"
nnd bud 'r weights was tiiaohwwd in
the trial here of J. I Millet,
trefler charged with Berjury
Miller's trial ia the llrel ease ol I I 1
weighs end others at the
Hinck vaide indn at ml la-t x ar fol
lowing an invesligatlon '
I onmiltre of tbe Trailer- I t
hange. Millet t- stint ! bei
grand jury that indicted Ibe in n
that he knew mulling of 1 1 -anee
of the nil-tied i'.l
no I tle pra- nii'ii ia Irving to
prove that he did
A J Judy, pn nit . Iiairman of
Ihe finance committee of the Trader-
Ktrhange, admitted ci,,
on the Stand that he kin'W aK nil
the oomMoe; that he profit
the theft and wa part
n i iw, 1 , a aa
MMi 1 m is tiii
the ''ant
1 farOvMag
Mr. r 1 -c rtlf
,-riW-J her t'taaty.
NO. m.
ceived iniiiirie. concerning tinning until Friday, February 1(5, Oregon la yet and for a decade
ry conceivable husineaa anler-
sc not represented in the adver-
ug columns. All such letters
rcNpoiided to encouraging aome,
ouraging othors as Ibe case may
H'ltl 10 business judginunt of the
he Tiiuee-Herald lakee no ured-
0 11- If for this work nor asks
pUtldits nf ite patrons and sub-
it.xre, for it consider such work
Uie with it duty and in keep
wilh Its policy thai of develop
the Great Hurney Country In
work It baa In en ably support
and encouraged by the subetan
business men of Hums who
iv their apprn uition by ihe llb-
uulrniiMge ol it advertising
union bverv wiui-awaau aim I
. a l
lilu spirilnl buaiueee anil profe
ual man in thie kUtal city is
resented in tbe Great Rnligiou
kVbilr Ibis i duly appteciaUd, i
e Times-Herald would like to in
mI these same liusiuees men fur
r in this must important cause
would like to Impress upon them
looesaily of taking a personal
d aotive part in this movement
t has grown beyond tbe few who
e taken the mailer in band If
it- men could but rva'ne that we
going to see more people here
king for huiues and opportunities
investment during the coming
ing and summer months than
ve been here on a similar mission
the past live years, lliev might
lir themselves.
at 4 o'clock, p n,
yet to come will he Ibe growing of
tiiihp ORAM livestock The facile grewih nf al-
l :.: I u.. .... 1.. il.
nssociaiiiHi nci cuj unci i" m
High School pupils throughout the jujv itnl-d that Carl IFrlgkHa
state a price of twenty dollars for weighmater. anJ one nf tl,,
the best eaaay on the au. eel. under imliclment. hail asked aval
In to enter Ihe aaggMna, and I
tlOM eo.
lie loh! ins,' kwtltad J ml
"all ai.oul the i,i(iii, in hi thai
had leen arranged to short ami
ovarweigb He i i.l there were al
r, al i aatab r of men -.: kt
a ho were al ii TSat eheii thv
b ugbl ontlls the att 1 " Il '
weighed. (Oil al.ili tin V so, I l,v
wera overweiglu -d. Hi . -! T. r I 1
He Ha lo
1 HUTU ll ATI h
Weilueeday: Pouniauebip, bisto
ry, orlhorgraphy, reading:.
Thursday Written arithmetic,
tbeorv nf taaehii.g, grainar. phyai
ology. Friday Geography, mental ari
thmetic, achool law. civil govern
ment. PltlMAHV I Kid lio ATg.
Wednesday, Penmanship, ortho
graphy, arithmetic, reading.
Thursday: Art of questioning,
theory or teaching, physiology.
M K Kigby.
School Huperintetident Harney Co
A Uriea lis.dy
falfa in the valleys, the fattening
buuehgrase of llin bills, the el ten
sive pasturage upon the government
domain, the mild winters, the dry
atmosphere, and hitherto eparsely
settled condition of ihe country,
have made tbe greet eastern coun
ties of our commonwealth a para
dise for the herdsman and the
liockmaster. Tbe pastoral Ufa,
however, ha in all the hietory of
the race yielded to tbe onflow nf
sople, and with tbe incoming of
transportation lioee aud tlte immi
gration which will promptly follow
iu their train, and vaat land hold
ings of the livestock companies will
lie subdivided suJ 10,000 homes
will spring into being The wilder
nees of lodav will he the graiu field
is daily enacted, in thousands of ir tomorrow
homes, ae Death claims, in each 1 Oregon needs people. Either of
oue, another victim of consumption , n,r grwil valleys the V, illatuetle
Reasons (or Equal Stiffen
The conditions are a follows:
No eaaay shall contain leas titan
twelve hundred nor more thin
fifteen ords.
All essays must be comph le
and in Ibe hand ol the tommittee
by Apt il the fifteenth
Dniions to Ik- h mh icd b
May the first
LiUi.iluic "ii the tibjrtl n, i ,,llt ,. ,.t 1
Ih- olitameil lice ha ,,pplu .ili,,n 1,1 tOpataasHl
the Oregon Kqual Siiffcr.ijjc to reiai 1
Serneil ith St New
Yoik. ' 11 bad her lieauty
epoiled i iklfi IfiMsUl Hhe writ-
,, , I , ., m
, .0 .1 . ore
Salve' A q'lick and uie beabr
for cute, luirna and sores. 1A at
1 ,t in
Onta-i. , ID lot in 1 ,i I- la
10 ttlr 'I land a
1 , ,,t.i. il mllf
., j ,., I 1 1 I
llutli- w th pta
nip of ell, I graas stall ling
baa a I Par
lit-nUr .1, I- ol taiin'1 at thia
l le Isswiaaa.
JOMt l IvAl
1 1 I MM' I'aea
National Bank
A neutral Baiting Bnsiness Traisactfi
aMtrrweAr mf4 m Me auraeSSa,
I gin :-
Jenn l 1
1 I Harne
tt M Heetaa,
1 ii"v
"r 4iir -oo-r r- -rtr'
-W.I. I
M A"fa. Wgaasj
. Ci a
llttM-r.t I 'i.i.l 11 I ItH
W Solicit Your Ranking Buningisa.
1101 i" n
n, it. k 11 v
Miilsr Krank It '
la. ,- -uat.-
K II Tea,
1 Willlaai
i-tt ,-
Wsl '
Nntblna I ii, ni-ire denial, d than.
meet, modern 4 i5'':4H,,,,'",fi
11, in blood And sys-j .Br IX
Ileudqunrters, Preas Department,
Stearns Building, Sixth and Mm
rison Streets, I'ottl.ind, Oreg-n
As Kqual Sulfeiage vill cotne U--
take the mmw) md di lad it
laiiglu d Hie cattle at
the men wh
I u i
Judy testified to having p
InniuS lea I T,ui least Vl I UMIilta BR 1 1 4
- . m -mm. III'MO IU I I ' I ITS lk
lore tbe people ol Oregon as j ... .
r , hum V ' i It doiflei lr iuk,i,f'
vital questuMi nel June, for udop- . .. . .
I ' ! t weight lo Wfilnh he f
Hun in 1 1 jet lion al the polls, we jjj
believe it shouUI receive its share
of attention in the educational in Mfalfa seed, Alsike clover seed
tluenic ol the day, ami irapect- TlmoUij si-eil, I ted top aed, Turk-
fullv and cordially invite out Co- eyatan alfalfa see!, IC-d clover saad.
opetation toward that end.
Hon nt Ii as lb King's
ll.ey arejusl what
. i and liver
tron i the Citv
I I ngliah
Oat (Meal ""in I
in seed
rye all) on
I ' I' IV IS
. I lr. gon :
Ik Lm: Star
lad H S'irases.
Btskary i'i onntlon
A Sfcsully ( Mwrt tfsV.
i' i. i t ,r patron
Nowaao at antr raieiettr
w a iaaf t . vtee e
a a rneti
first Rational Bank t
A Ocnml linnkliivr Hualin TraniMctad A
PI !
Sincere!) N'ours,
Uebn K Spalding,
Chairman Committee l'n l-s.,y
Gaar tV t oinmiii-
, Hit, f
t.NI Vk'lH. 0
Piri'-Proof, Modern, l.ant.
KstUa Sa.uo and j $o jerr Jny.
AM Outside Rooms- Nenr Depot
This modem new I ottl was only m colly opeaed U Ina
pol'ln II v t'"iinti pROgda aid tie ala weksMRMt
and tourteoul), - Imi m cnaaaclaaa.
Mtksalng hUrlng I I.
II tying sold the furniture boat
i lis ,1 will ie. tnni hi
atttnt to painting .,
iinnttiiik' in- I lit it a hai-
your ti ktrouaga He wul ,,l
of ague and Malaria, tan I rl,
(II,. .I , lilt, l.l I Ulnl IllltMlf klllll.
;ed and cored with Km in.
This is a pure, tonic medicine of
yi ifj iqj
J -w - . a --g2 saaaeaRaRRMfRRfaRaRassRaRSjsasRRRRaei
aaRaPaa x J a rsTaRaii'
4fV ii ' ' ' ' ' "
aataJiV ru r mmmmmmmmmm
aRaaavK ' g- S ij PBAsBRaRaRanaal
Im aat f -"' mm. I T& J
,77i! : Mi tV
i ..l, .In. oini a lr --' mr
i l tWinMg II
.. -.. im-m w- I I v ar
tatw. ataaaaa. fS
IfatRrt- ffl- Men H iieea Itkek. J
-m ' fw
or Pneumonia Hut wl.iu coughs
and colds are properly treated, the
tragedy is averted. I (J. Uuutley,
of Oakleiidou Ind, aritae: "My
wife had the oouaumptiou, and
three dcolors gave her up. Finally
he look Dr. King's New Discovery
for consumption, cough and colds,
which cured ber, and today aha is
well and strong" it kills the
germs of all diseases. One doe
relieves Guaranteed at 50c and
$1.00 by the City Drug Store.
Trie! bottle free.
Job printing The Times-Herald
If the letters uf inquiry averag
L more thau hftv each weak at uartiuurg euroute u
le uro.eni lime, could be prompt-1 ' Wua sat lLagie.
aud fully answered, giving e oh
ke careful and pniinulur attenu n
je them, giving detailed infoima-
in and setting f,,r: Imoi dilions as
ley really exist at mi i.inr, u
Liuld help ton .ml t'.e desired re
lit very materially Tbe exhibit
th.- Lewis aud (Mark fair, togeth
er ith the Ueecriptiso pumphlela
il in connection, nave sccom-
lisin-d mure right now than waa
MM d tor by ite promoteis and ilie
til effect of It cannot be expected
br some inn- yel i tin iiiuro.ui
L-tivily is also ieH,nslble for much
the atteiiiiou. Thir, l.owevir, be
lt , nrined particulurlv lo tin sur-
liunding stales tol the immediate
ia nil'- int. io'd as n
llunit bill to bring llo iu utter to the
llleoliuo of our husineaa men wh
pill cartaiuh Is b W lined by the
lllemenl and develoinnent of Ibis
Were Utokiag rur Maatau."
A I i Ifcl , ... ma ii.m -- --'
ft II I lllllll BUM Y 1. Ill- I, lll'lll 1,11
Irly, in thin uouuly A couple liv
tig there have two children, a boy
If six and a girl of two yoajs- A
IU nights ago tbe paltmlo decided
or the Harney, properly devel5ped,
can support in comfort tbe entire
population of tbe aiale today The
crowded east needs Oregon; needs
its vacant, fertile acres fur the over
How of population there.
There are couuliee in that por
tion of tbe slate denominated eeet
ern Oregon, containing an aggre
gate of 65,0X1 square miles, iu wbtcb
reside leas than 1. 50,(100 people
One of tbeae counties is larger
than Ibe entire a lata of Maaaaehu
a its, another extends over greater
area than all of Vermont, while
Julius Wioks aod C. D. Pose ar- tner0 Bf tW(J tuotmi mmCh of wbjcb
! rived in the oily Wedueadey from XOBWj j (I(wlt jn lUut Rhode
i rt .. ..
teaalr) la rVeeperee
( l.a I r it Uii. ol 'i I
Cigar company, who baa just M -
especial benefit in malaria, for i'.
eserts a true curathre influenoe on
tbe dieaaae, driving H entirely out
of lite s atem ll is much lo l
nf.,.H l tio.i.ii.. I,.vii, him. tun... I from a trip to Ibe nlein..,
of ibis drug's bail after-effects. K
H Muudav, of lleiirii lla Tea ,
writes: "My brother was very low
with malarial fever and j.iuiei
ll ug l'r
t I Hum., tal that tin
ggejoti ' 4i in ruth i ,
,. union a n is
till be look Kle.t... Itintrs.wbi.i. ' " ' H
a.ead Li. life Al tlte Drua- " K-"-'"ll '" evwgnar.
slore, price aOc, guaranteed sighing is
M as haataf aaa al
t w r
e. e ae
- pleasure!, lr
Harney val-
Light and
aresaaae wlta
rol ilATE icNATOt
e. e sea i i -w
I oiisoorn raixa, autaa. u. a a. j
VrWLMf not
I'aiwrta, I
Napton & Boyd
Icll Estate. lines and Hieing.
' 14 (' ,
Hlale Hetiator John L. lla ml is
now iu Portland It is expected on j
aVl -4...... bWhama ia. aa tmmmml aleRa I aa
will announce bit t W tChmKG X And ODtlCian.
Second door north of post offices
Island aud Connecticut combined,
and two others, each as large as electiou ie a republican stale sens
Delaware, while tbe sioaJUet of lor. It baa been intimated that be
them all contains TUtj square miles ; might aapire fur congressional bon
All tli stale will welcome tboea or but all speculation iu tin r.
who come law-abiding. luU-lligent, ' gard may be put at feel, since In
piogreaaive, industrious, God-fear ' has stated lo his friends thai if Ic
ing, willing U) make tbe sacrifice, 'announced bimeelf for anv off
hJLXTJJB. Oxouon.
hear lh- i,,.rdena and assume ihe
raflpuusibililiee atlenduiit upon
Oiaiiileiiiing lite umeaic of Ibe Pur
iUn u id ( uvaller as then fathers
haye pi, mi, d it here
Tbe) Keenest Reserve
would be for tbe renatorsbip
liukt-r 1'ily Demot rel.
VVANIK: Agenl-, liualler
Balesun n, Clerks ami M
who wan U t" enjoy a good hearty
laugh to .-end .5Hi' l.i
Agei.i. W .ill, fb lo ana ,
gga alio a 1..-. gtaai Cm a living
If i, ,- your i.i -Hi v
back Circular tor s'.suip l
I . . ..
Hti-4ynaa.iei way ba
w about laconvaaianna
avaa by namaan
wltb delicate
avat ! sc ta u. inas
I plan of the agricultural de
partment lo charge a small fee, only
u nominal suui, li.av not meet with
universal approval frcui urs of the i)f While electric Con
ranges, leal there Is a marked dif- tur. 111
ference in the manner ,n which
auch pfi.poi-ed paisaf on ibe part of Vet Kelssy, of Kna-eite, gig
the govcruu.ei.t is met by uloc-ktneu the ciiy yeetrrdav. la n.g ani --'e to ,
now from that of a few years since the Narrows. Ii tlity, an
After much discussion and wordy buaine- Mr. Kel-ay ft.ruitrly ft -
war, the stockmen best informed sided nenr feMef t' and is known
are said lo look upon a cbargeofajto many people ol 1......1 ,oiintj,
small fee for the use of government He was accompanied by Nale Try on,
reserve ranges as the most beuefi-la beepmau of Wslloeu county.
The Finest of All ji
ror Sak wait M
Hotel Burns Bar
A int, Burns, Ore.
jcial measure applied to tbe use of
public laud in a vory loug period.
This ie tbe view adopted by tbe
Crook County Slock Urower' At- good homestead, see
sooiatiou al a meetiug recenUv held' the surveyor
Biuu Ml Kagie
If you wish to
be located ou a
P. M Jordan,
gejgeigiaag Ijjgn MR 1 1 ' M
HlatckmitbiiaK kui
Wagon Work.
Burns. Oregon
1 1
Main St.. - -
ru ii
BUrHl, OltfCae.
V3C TTZLmM XXsMl.smJrtTa,
Wines Liquors iiinl Cijcars.
Billiard i Pool Tables.
Club Rooms In Connection
1. 1 urn
tat to (gfakik
Is Mtatl fcjfcinf.
truer ROT ,jn f?( tw..i
anuiHwi V; ' eNk.e tiai
!'' H I I Cervutai.
Job Printing.