The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929, January 20, 1906, Image 1

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    The OflMa' Ppor ot.Harney C-nnnty.
lias Ihe lrgct circulation ami is nn f
tlip bpst n.lrerthnng mrslluais in Eaesein
; 9 rl ffmrnetj CoatOrf
5 ) i I
r limit 1
: '
I lU
,, " " ' sw ' "
NO. .
........ ....- ...... ..
PRESS OF THE STATE UNITED trouble nd pmI . tigmii upon th WAV ELECT U. S. SENATOR Drumheller-i,earow eompanv W WH-S I M4M) l-UK WlriMHI'
whole state of Oregon jcently bought Und of 300 eh
Immediately upon hi arrival mares and here started la raise
.,r.,rn,n cu m iip iNniPFNI). Senator dentin tk th ...attr .... VOTFBS OP OftFOON MAY REALLY DO ronle for the market on e Urge Dt' I lOPWV LPIiDRg
ncnjrnrm im..' ,.-... . - .-.- , ..,
Tsk tocMee SUM a Psti Mesltla
AmI Pelltbtel AersrllslBf-Ostile,
Dow i Ufltlaatc Rsi
quietly with Hwretary Hitcboock THIS IN JUNE. NM on their Immww rancn in
and, with Assistant Attorney-Gene- Crab creek country.
rel Heney. worked on i indaetri- R prominent .tockroe.t m
oaely. He was highly gratified to !9eer Nee la S.s.t.ri.1 siftl ImN the northwest are beginning o
At Inst 'hi newspaper mm of
Oregon hove "taken a tumble"
.ml have started out on the right
receive the assurance that tbe
blanket ordor of Ma'di 5 would im
mediately be modifi-d, to the e
tent of permitting all unobjection
aile mineral entries to proceed to
patent, and a further prouiiae that
01 frtawry law-Is tfttsiaisr
Srll te Neati.
ines to conduct their sheets upon i homestead entries probably will be
mmand P''" on ,ne a' basis The
federal order in reference tn miner-
. l
. IX
i M
I. mines lines that will co
recognition and respect from all
i lasses. The pubht bus seeming
. .looked the fact thai the
newspaper man if in tbe field for
bsjrigeMI and there is something
' to it than boosting coium
individuals in a political, aocial or
business way for fun. While the
tbe local paper is advertising the
country, exploiting its resources,
directing the attention of capitalist-
t i possible enterprises within
its county, aaaisting more than
any other source in bringing new
life and business to its communi
ty, thereby benefitting every busi
ness man located within the terri
tory, it is entitled to consideration
m a husineat way and upon a le-
im.ite basis.
The Oregon Press Association
is just closed u session in I'ort-
I !1 iUl-
..met, .11 wnicn some vny bcii.iu.c
esolutions were adopted. One
f the daily papers of that ity has
i.i i . .i.
oven a report oi tnc uumui m .m
ollowing munnet
1'ii.m this M l.'itb Uic pi. tent
nedicine man tif IM MM EmI,
bo Ins been at i uitomed to buy
.dveilising space in the muntiv
iM-eklies for anv ok! BflOR Ins
M i. in would RewM and the
ditor'a cryinu necessities
nil In KOCept, will find himself up
gainst the real, real tiling in the
,';n of rule and iliaigc- limn
n forth, likewise, the needy
iiiinty publialier wilt ccaaciocut
ii ci'titempoiaiy's tin oat, i. tela- apenkmg, h' law I Ma
i of securing the county print-
.!. Anil lani, Kill not ICHl,
ncefortli the leading citixen wlio
. to bold public ollicc will
ud ihe rural iournaliat lioM
ter this most profltsble Mttlrt
! and within a devade tba nortbweal
will be one of th biggest mule
I markets in the United Statea
Aa an inatanee of what a gool
HM If.
Wi Bcairr Prafesea sa a Saaalltalr
nitlarkaHr taretst la sfyskallaa
Ta Orfa aa4 tit CliUtst.
II rmftrr it will be bad f
not seditious, for nn.
Statement No. 1, of the direct pri
mary law, which pledge legisla
tive candidates to vote for the peo-
al entriee will be promulgated early pie's choice fnr "nited Htatca Sana
next week and the order affeclinR m-. uarlv Immm will be cntirel? re-
other entries is expected to follow
Si Ptaaket" Was Tired ol Walklat
Should the nat legislative
Assetnhh be composed of members
elected under the provisions of I ,,, worlhi 1m1 8.l0r,lay. W.s- '" " "' .'
,tbe '-. gnu Picus f n-lsli.'
ley I.loyil solo a young nroaen , . w.i.r, , ,.,. ....
i i ..:. ... i . emu ...I. " i trie term ttir..ot rstste, as si -mills
in this city for f 1HU cash
iron, r t
coint i fi nmh IN ma. '' "V b"r
dared nicknsuv i
I I following is a statement n
the expense of r
Ibaye.r 1905:
County court ami eoin-
Inoveil an.) Ke.tiblii:ses and Iemn
crata will le kaaagal alike tn vote
for tbe men chosen by the people,
without regard to political affilia
tion, snys the Teletra n.
Undw 'his state of affairs should
Senator John M (learin go lfore
the people and defeat the Republi
can candidate, the next Legislative
A. O. Ankeuey, a sort of travel
ing Iwrber, poolplayer, ex-baae-ballitt
and all around sport, was
arrested in Monument a few days
ago and returned to Canyon City, Assembly, even should it be solidly
oharged with obtaining board and R.,,ul,icaii, would he obliged to
lodging with intent to defraud ,r,i btm back to the Senate, or
The complaint was eworn out by ,r,, aj pledge to the people, and
Sam Bauer, proprietor of tba Elk- ,,hud Jonathan Bourne, for in
horn Hotel in Canyon City, Mi laajjsjga), carry the Republican noini
this is the first caae In Grant coun- ,,.! --,r li.-ocrMi elected un-
ty arising under the new law mak
ing such attempts a felony. Ank
eney was afoot and apparently
headed for Heppnar when appre-
dar the provisions of Statement No.
1 I I I " - aa , kin.
Hie primary law makes pmvi
'mi for candidates for the United
lieiuled an.: returoeu u. answer lor Htstea Senate to auter the primary
hi conduct Kilher be himself or ,.,,.,., , y d,yll before tbe general
others for him claims that he Is a ajgajlga, and (he man receiving the
relative of Senator Ankeney of ibnst number of votes in each
li t v primary Incomes tin choice
of his psriv at the primaries, and is
Walla Walla, Wash
The above is a dispatch from
John Iay to the Iregonian It is
reported here that "Si I'lutik.i '
(Ankeney) was oalled by 'phone
when he reaohii IMS l'ay and
told that if be did not return tin.
sheriff would be -ent alter him. bi
told then, to hurry and send the
nfiicer foi he was tired of walking.
then en titled to go upon tbe ticket
and kg N at Ihe general
. June
Should Bourne, Judge
I. K Webster and Judge Stephen
A I. MM 1! i ihlictu candi
dates lit Ihe primaries, and SeiiHlor
tiesiio Hi the I'emocratic luiiua
' mo
J her fcautv.
. ; -
1 with skii "'
m or Raasaaa
H i II II,
JkIIN I'M V Paaa
i itirtst.
First National Bank
A General Rankin Business Triisictei
Crrv.S tmft ml t mm
WH Want your business.
I 1 1 I ; -a
n ivdt.
0. A. Ill
t haw
t' r
M If
II. la a wa.l known character ffcaj, and any one of tba three Re
intarior Oregon h h.. has been pretty uubicans receive tbe nomination
successful in obtaining a living l.v ' ba) WoU( tbe party u mioe
his ready wit. Si would bring ,g,in.t , , relic candidate
tears to the eyoa of any -- jt aj, ajeagajaj ajgglgaj
hearted individual when his re- Cnder a strict luUrpreUlion ot
ami rcea were running low and baa j th( dirp,.t rmlI,ry mm the man
the reputklii f "aorkiug" people , ohtm t the Juno !. -lion il en-
iu tbia pluoe that would refuse lo
help a widow
her children.
wli" needed food for
olioieil le.iiiin- l Uil"K
ulfs .is exllllil Ms ibe dodo
A (Inm Tragedy
tbouaands ol
tilled lo the voir of every member
of the Assemli. tMMJ Mi
pledge cunti.ine. I in Statement No
ut regs. n
Siat.-iuti.' N.i I linn baa placed
earl, toe neiiaiunal eltualion in such a
ta daily enacted, in
bomee. aa Death clam., in
.1 -l lllll.llltl' .M MM rilllr.MVM
ri. ....!..;. ; ... I ..ii... w.l l. one, auulliei vi.ttin ol cousuuitilluii -
ii .1.1.... or Pneumonia But when coughs " I further state lo the eple of aolid cob, a hard a ak
III l.elii II 111 II. I I. 11 ail MUUUUI w
Circuit court
Justices' court .
Sheriff office .
Clerk's office
Treasurer's office
Coroner's office
School superintendent's
Stock inspector
Assessor's office
Aeaeeameut and collec
tion of taxee
Tat rebate
Current eipcnees
Courthouse eei sea
Poor, care of
Election expanses
High schiH'l, purrhaee of
building, leachera' aal-
ries. etc
Pair appro.. rialioua for
LmIj ami Clark fair
Pair appropriation
miutu list Harney i o
Itoa.l siiwrvors lalanea
Roads and bridges
in .1 in the pail .1" il.- i
eisl club veslei.lsi ..
anlianons Went on r.
2.145 'sU agilnst the use I
I 4tH) 2 wh'i h nil.. -in O k n'l
KjdOOQP "r caste a slur on lie . baracler oi
1,40000 hi i cittreiiH, in. In. bog n A on
7m) m) oi e menu ii
I ii he sea
moii oi in. i res Associait
Tti.t 4-1 afternoon th aetata) Ink-n at lb
44.'l 77 J"1"' IM ( lint h .1 bj
il .ption of n hsl ll.s
; B-aver. . ginal e m,
g n be a lupted, ami thai
A U i.f "ll....,t. M .l.l.mti,.t. a. ..I !.,-
m - , ,; ' '
1,6 i h, wrioaiiy corren im sop: lea 10 in e
50A I '2
Mil 1.1 wealth I
4 (Ml The sell n j
im -,, was taken 01 moll"
mei.l l.e.(.i . d ilni ,
,, '.i,; harm hu I bees
loilial. me : .,.
1 .Til? .'. .". 'M'1 si .1 i that I
Mndi oi dollai
., ; , pliculloil of .1 llh .
! male was i
ree, 2.V nl
r ctee- cnaje
i i i e a, Pea.
W - Josaa, V. !'.
making r
rae, I'll i.ol
i ulltl
In ll.-msaul
I than
. i b .o.i and -i.
. Ir King's
I'll!.. I Lev an- jual what
. and liver
'. ii
I' ngtUh
I l 1st
W Solicit You- anking Puimigg.
,.i Kll'l I'l i 4
Miller. Prank I.
one.- -e e-
, ....
I i
Mowano iissn ec..aari w meata.v
m a mapis .:
Tirsi national Bank i
A Ocnrral liauknv; iSunincno TranMactad T
'! '!)
Total ei,H-nae f..r Ihe vear disagreeabb . v..
t0 .'!'.', 313 '.''. annual laiufall of the slata ess le.s
- ihan that . f maiiv
-ir.l Corstok Pla. 'lo to.
Tbe Aral ceracwb pipe waa made foil, , M.
inlhHilhy Ii Tiblre, of Waehing- ibe r-tuem,,- ..
ton. Missouri He died a abort t.. ter" to nl . of
lima ago, rub The businesa has aafajMl sieaUni debntee l
grown from practically nothing tn ,m, i ,(,. rlo-u.g it.,
at. output of alHiui l.'i'"'n- jioi and
uually raiaed in tbe Sii.-nin river , ,, .
bolloma and wilhin rndlu g ..ti
'.htrli nibs around Waabingl
flie cm on this cob is not unusual, t, ,
Tkt LencNir
. . . and h M'
Bakery in aunnaatlon
A iui ill; of Orggfi.
Tire Proof, Modern. I v.ant.
efatsn fj. ou mid f t 50 ptr day.
All Outside Rooms Near Depot
I pen) In ihe
a I. .one
.111.1 1 ..
'.' . .,lai.dooldaar properly treated, the f'regm. a well a to tbe people of U.ra have lakeu the seed ami
e .cicves leVMg. ibe EMM i. ay.rt-l f tl Huntley ' leg.slattve district, that during , templed to raise lb. cm in
I the local newspaper! at com-1 fl,fc, ,,, iu writ, -.Sy my term of ..thee I will always vote I ..... ,..,t. ,.f ih. I .. i.. -11.. ,
eniai uuvci'ianiK ..-., u. .... . . ,uilllilll,ll ,. for the eamli.laU for I ml. .1 lale.
e acceptance ol audi pnU hi!ii- . , , , IggalM la Congress who baa re-
il .ulvertisiiio bind ihe newapa- .i.t.ji n, .,,'. ,; l.,-....u.. ' he higt.vsl number of the
-MW .. - . . - ... m , rm - v.. ....
r 10 auppoil the i.iiidtd.ite who ' ,iif coiuu,pU,HI cough and told, people ' votes for that positioa at
.ts tbe bill. Like ihe proverb- . which cured her, and today eh 1. lhe ''"'"n oet the
worm, Ibe do n-U otlden coun- w-j mm) girong " It kills Uaa MaMM af a aMW a OMJMt,
c.liio. Ml mi 11 eel, and heme- gBri of all MM), One doe ""J"t rru lu a-wWIfjl
th he Will exact his pine wilh reheres (iuarauteed at 50c and preierean business 1.1KJ by the City Urug Btore bile it is dool.lful whether the
I rial ooiiie iree iiauioi ui no- taw iianj
-------- auob a cuiialruction to be placed ou
For Hale Pive choice lot .11
ii.g about Ihe same aa any other .,),,,
seed 'in, Ml 11 1 sn esiremrlv
'mil 0,1 I ideal
nil at- ... , ..l 111-vad ballet
'" tie of issiidiir us
but il,.. 1
uaveaiwavs iatie.i 10 man . ibat .
cobs properly Afi.-r lhe cots are u ,'., an.) local j 1 .
brought in from the farms tby are J WJ looajaf .tan
aeneoned from oi.e I . three years u,
uriere may are ready to ie p ped
K '
inciplea, and tlie motto, "Live
d Lei Live," ul the masthead
1 his front page will mean just
but it aay.
This, in uhstuuee, is what was
olved upon b) tbe weekly new
it, and wl.ile it is probably not in
Ontario, 40 Iota iu I.awen, 10 Iota accord ub the .pull of the net,
in Burns, I14J acre of good land a it"l beiug lo make the Jej
aial of it ualural meadow 10 miles l,ou " O.rougb thore of tUr 11.U1-a-a
of Hum ... .......roved : ltUi vidual parties, tela literal mier
per cditoii and MaMMW of -t.f- llW Haddle Bull with pre PfUUon ol tbe act r.uima all
r stale at tlie closing session ui Belll uro.l f wjj ras standing, pledged members of tbe Aaeembly
i- nnuual couxenUou ol lhe Ore bM a houst and good fence Par- vo4 Mtbe jwople have directed,
11 Preaa Asaocialion The meet- .icu)M- Oao be oblaiued al this bulber tbe parly line suite ibem
j was lhe largest and moat en- office. individually or not
usiaslic m the history of the as- '"'""" "'" u" ' "
!.k... foran.ii'' iramers or ine law ana one ol a
.tui.on, and though many other
ittera ami things ol importance
line craft were said anil done,
formation ul .1 ilbUd
jmbiuaiioi. In B- gad inaiiilain
les for lhe aaalkatioo of foreign
.ci using, legal notices ami po
1 .tl unuouucemeiilb will go dotsn
kbc aimals of iU'Vpape.doiu as
I11.-.1 step toward the euiauii-
(1011 of the rnnalrj editor from
Word wee resvived ... this ciiv
Wed need ay of the death of Kd 1
Caldwell al the l...,e of I'
Noyer iu tbe north gafl of ih
oounty He wae well known in
this city sud at Bums If bad
been In poor health for several
yean Hi h xue bum th time be I
waa twelve years of age until he
grew to uiauhood waa wi'.h Mr umi
Mr Newt Livingston Kl In.
many friends in Clrant cwui.t who
will regret to bear of bis death
Canyon City Eagle
Ak.aJag 5hivertag I .1
printing llei
-.ed, Al"i
: i' .
eeslan alfalfa eeed, I:
dear a
'' Jn bai ets. . 1. W
yrc.vE.Nar .. , 5
mupxon a- ooyu
Real EsUlc. Ii Hi lifif g. 1
j invui AMt mi fan 08 w
a, ax g aaai J9n bmW mS
owsoorta r-cca. nana, u.n.4. X v
fln at a-, Tl
aaBJ -. , K -!. IBJIS , vvi I - iib fBH
tfypjESB 4,' Onlawte ae - sViea.
fcw-MawiaaaMaBMBBagaaM , . , ; n
. 4 id f
A Budoluia-iYs ad.
.if Miiig flri -. la.
COUiUillt IrO iieV4-4 Oil 11 ttfUr It WU 1
1 -A mt..i nr.. I ass 1 1 k ll l. mux i , 1 I . ., .
v 1 ut 1 'i wmu Kiel nn mil1 r
Will Issue Laae fatcal.
ei.ator Ciearin has aecur. u ft u.
v ll.tcbcuck au Hup..
I ol Hon. tin
t nee, a..d trouble uo-
.1 io. 1. tbe . .'ry u.eii U
Jandij bate been laUru for
larch tif.b la.t, io view of ibe;
tuiud disclo.ure. in Oregon,
try Hitcluock I'jund il noc-
II lo l.i-ue 11 ulntikel order wilb-
Img from pat. 1.. all Oregon
entriee. Tins served tbe pur-
j ,t checking the t'raudleul eu-
iiui il also caused lhe iuuo-
l.iiid bona tide eutryuien much
light and
drawn up, said today that wbil-
Intent 01 lbs law waa proba uoi
asneti) a bat it require, ret, io hie
judgment, tbe election of a heua-
""bie ia a pe "s.
a. -I ' .. Ii.
HT. ..we cuiative
Watchmaker and Optician.
Second door north of post office.
23a.m., Orogron
li,M Jl'-j- II .ii.i.mIu ...
tori... 1 ui... .teat the general polls,
..f lb- ll IU II IS II.-..
a. 1111 p. iii- . inuiLf, ouuuu aii
member), of the Igi.latu.e, wilh
out regard to politics, to support
the people candidate au long as
they bad ..gutU Hlnteuiuul No 1 IHauee' ter Metes
are aaede with
Uailsburg, W aehingt-jii,
...- givee lhe following a to lhe
mub raising buaiueaa in eaateru
V aebiugi
' '1'he deujanl fuf mule, tu ibe
lolai d kujpi.e bua beoome ao in-
Bi-iinl that
gone into
U.mera have
prefer 11 1 t.. Quinine, oaving uune 1
of ll K
I i !. I ..lella I "My brotlMr waa v. rt M
wila malarial .Veer ,.( j ,
till Im- look I- -, which
jaaved hi. .it" At n. Urug
latore; price oOe, guarsi.
w I, Hustler.
H.le.u.i n Ceik. ami r. ......1.
j who wauti to nj'.y a riud 1 arty
, laugh lo Uks for 'Tip U
Agents " W.i.lh oO lo any .
The Finest of AJ1
rr ak taly al
Hotel Burns Bar
A cnts, Barns, Ore.
MU..tb.-i I Mr. 1
EUrUS, BeWal
Rattatfyeiieytici may be eaten
without lacnnvealenca
ny pnranan
with gellcale
,..M,l ml U1VI. .JBTV . ... a A
...11 M .,.. .e.lri U..MI' t .1 f I.V1..0 1
.1,.. l,....n .. l
. ..., ... ..., .. .Hll.f,. .,.,,. , ,,
alM ror tbe inurket Uurmg lhe u, .
Ia.t year u. naandi f i,ae- mueb Ut
i work aniiuaU have beeu,(Urjj,
shipped fro- tbeeacl lo supply lhe
ever-iuoreaaiog .iiuiamt iteoe.U.y Having sold the furniture bust
u,uny of the shrewd .tuck meu of utl-) Q( a. liyrd will now turn bis
the at te have sold out of thecal attention to painting and paper
Ueaudhor. raising buaineeajiud . and .oliciu a share of
are now devoting their time to tbe your patronage He will also co.i-l
mule iuduatry exclusively. Tbeducl a cabinet and repair shop.
au nu
1 f BiacktuilhioR aud
Wines liquors ami Cigars.
Billiard and Jabl.
Club Rooms In Connection.
wiUb. ii te aaraicfe
U M)MWraj
Vk 4H
WairAti WkiL
IT Ukvll ' VI sa
a sa a a -sasii--
Ova? now H aeaui er
We-a) - ' H a aaeM fc " a
-. an x '
all workouar. THE TIMES-HERALD.
Main St.,
Burnti, Orejgon
Job Printing.