Wh aTlmae-lterala The Official Paper of.Harney Onnty, , haa the Urmtt eirrulation and la on of the foot advertising mediums in Kaslein Oregon. mt xmti- Mttalk ; eeeee.e ; 7h rtm Warn 7otMtrtj S (-vara an art vf I 'an! Mi.) J toentr. .'ami Inws I ha I nlled Stale. tlt(0MtHti VOL. XIX. IJURNS. MARNKY COUNTY. ORIt .ON. ! t m eta . i'n iSK FOR NEW MDS ON MAIL Won have shown such intert In MAl.Hfil)R PROJECT MAY 00 bn matl pul.lir.it i-generallv un- SI:TTI.I:RS RENT Pl'Hl IC I tbe proposition that tb association haa already 600 member, ft ia FTTBR FROM POST OFPICfi DEPART MENT ON SUBJECT. aarerl I larerevs Oee Wall Ssrvk As Aaka Ceaearatl f all Wka Are Csscsrses la Wetter. proposed to organic local divieione ACTION THE JESUIT 0 THE n ' 'mlf r date .f Jannary 2 the Sec net Aaaietant Postmaster General rote I'oetmaaier rrana neionte, i thia citr, a follow: Sir: No satisfactory propoaal living been received in thia oilioe uder the advertisement of Novem- fr 25, 1!05, for service from July . 11HMJ, on the atar route from On .iriu to Hums, Oregon, another ad- rthwmat haa thia day lwn issued r the eervioe in question. The alter ia brought to your attention it h instructions that vou endeayor have a reaaonable and aatiafac r Lid submitted for tlin servir mlvertised, and it ia desired that pfOBeaal shall lie submitted from i ohm tide resident "on or near the ouie, a conte ropiatea iy me erniK ol ttio advertisement i ne cpartment ia endeavoring to pro da an expedited service over th pUoUlioili turns " 'niaric :oui ana n i' hi savoring to improve the mail fecil- liii-M for the patron of Kurn nd he several offices in Harney conn- I.) ..Hording incraaaed frequency ir, service lietween Canyon City liurua. It ia nnosasary tb it hcpartmeiit ahuuld have tbe anient oo-operulion ol the poet asters and other concerned in i' improving of tbe postal faeili a to the territory eervi'd by lbene ntea, mid an earnest effort ahould innile to eeoure a very eiiliefar rj prnMaal for I hi- service as ad r r i ! " riie second advertisement elates al Imla will lie received until the nb of (hi month and that a I ond 110,000 will be required with eh Lid. The advertiaeniunl calla lima a week under the follow- K ethedule: Mav 1 to October 31 eiioh vaar, leave Ontario dally at i ut, Amva at burn in 30 hour, uvea Hum daily at tl a ui, ir- ve at Ontario in III lnura Nov nber I to April 30, in each year, ..v.- Ontario daily at 0 a m. ar- al Hum in 36 hour l.aave urna daily at 0 a m, arrive al On- ..in .'to bnura. I'iie petitiou and demands of the "pln hero have had a good effect, abowu by tb foregoing ltlr. in each of th town and spread tbe idea throughout the entire Pan handle. The di finite object of lb olab are to find out what kinds of tree are beat adapted to the region and hoar they shall be planted, and to obtain the neceaaary material in the moat advantageous way. The forest service baa agreed to send a competent man to advise th peo ple on all tbeae point, and when definite plan for planting ehall have been made the individual member will combine and pur chase their stock in large quanti ties from the nurserymen The club idea haa !een followed for the furtherance of many other project, but this ia perhaps the first time that it ha been brought to the advancement of tree plant ing. Aa an encouragement to other aecliona to work in the same way, tbe forest eervioe at Washing ton directly offers to furnish e- SFNATOtS' WOM They ltsr Besa Peretsteet aa Dree War 0 Saislkr I less II Nsthlsi tetter were PessiMs at TMs Twae. A Washington diepateh eaya: Oregon ia practically aaaured an other reclamation project, although not on auch a cle aa at Hart con templated Ofiioial of the interior department are working on tbe Malheur project detail, and while official announcement has not been made, the completion of work on the final lines is almost certain As adopted, eliminating road lands and acreage affected by the Cnrvallie dr Ksatern right of way, tli Malheur project will embrace j about 20.U00 acres and coat epproxi I mately $1,000,000, which sum it ia i understood is ready for immediate uae. After eliminating the land named, and executing th work a modified, engineers believe that the cost per acre will he but slightly above iba last estimate of the bu- deratood that the company will posh tbe Mad so aj to stand Its service n the fob Dav Valley. Tbe Bnmpfer a It y with th.O K .v N at Baker t and f.r a time its track merelv tended from ibe (gtsON Cit Sumpler, a dist-i '-0 mile. I.ater it ws continued in a eouth weeterly direction from Sumpler, crossing the divide between Ih Burnt and Ponder River valley, and entering Whitney, tb divide being more than MMO feet above the level of the sea In UK.,1 the road HI PFRMMS i.mIV-i i. IRRHUHI I USA, Msaiart Hill frcmi Miassallrlst si Bit trsl k emit atafi--l Art I U liailtt I ran ltm ssjpM n 'nod t Waahlnglon iipatch I Portland Journal under teceot elate. Ilepfeeenist've I.n man of tli hooae oonimli oi Iks landa. haa sj bill to gram viainu piivilcere to home. was pushed from llptM R Mtrt , , o , arbl laud reg. Auatln. the W hltncv I ipto. irOja In the neciion naving oe.-n coosirucieu in ((,,. IWM and 1904. The work d.n in the year just A Ku.,,. , .kri) , cloeed coat 1125.000, and this was Thar is considerable area in Eastern Oregon wbiob will receive material additions later from irri-l pert advice whenever a community shall orgatiiin a club of this kind anil lii'lieata iLa ilanira to Mlat.liah ' I riTii. I'ntil all estimates are finished lb cot cannot b stated with any certainly, but it is not expected to in havimd I4.I and at the hiehitat gation, where to nece..ity for tree j $ v ,t , fortuuu tbat Planling will he readily appraoal. , .n,,,,, ,,,, do ol (nvo,Te d. The movement thai baa been I mmM j(( of tartad by th Texaa people, and , , .in umnuii evuailiiil ill ne , j allll,JB lepartuieni ! agriculture, throogu it forest Service, are mailers too Chairman I .ace r 'a lull and n carried on under the aujerviaion of , iIIiro-j ,, .,, .... ,,.,, , , Joseph Barton, who is general sup- ,, ,, ,,,,,, k-i,W ( n a at I I I si al a i j . .. .1 ,,1 I I,., m a It..... . "mw'' u hr ,,irved of ,l II, . ,., direct the operating and traffic d. hr ;11, ,ri.t ,,, Prln'n, Idling Ihie new U ,. ting i. n bad nm i ii ti i nu hi i p nil! all t -1. !! I off Ibe follow- I. is ini.-rlted 'i by Ira I by rV.ee at worthy to be ooneidered connection Telegram- in thia OREWSEV DMN0S Tbe New Year baa om with New Year weather and aleigbing is gooil and everylio.lv ia enjoying Ibe U t annua oi in interior ae- I parlment is fell to be there-ultof tb persistant work of Senators Fulton and (leariu They bav urged its completion on th lines indicated, if nothing better were IKMsilde, and tin fact that they were unit. .1 and so persistent over M ng f aulioaiby that bad been arouvsd againai the pro- pleaaure il afford. Felix Brkly and W. 1) Baker ralurued from Burns Saturday U Olson has opened a photo graph gallery next door to lb Post Oflios and is doing some nice work. John Oil and wife start for Port land tomorrow to spend the winter. The teachers repoit tbe atleu- I'ldcaa unforiaeen diffcultiee in tervene, the work should be 00a meucid soon in earnest. In cocMMMlioti with lb- I'luatilla pr. sci in Oregon, the ijor,.iry f ' tbe interior haa withdrawn from any form of disposition wbatarar, under tbe public land laws, Willa mette meridian, 7S0 scree in town- sbip 6, iange 29, and 7241 acre in i township 4, range 2U These land dance gcnl and the ecbool doing ' hh1 in connection with good work. Tbe scholars aa wall ! tb Cld Springs reservoir site llhougb the time is not cut dowu j . . - m. . as the teachers have benefited by pereoua ll.al have wade eo- tin- vacation The Town Council met in regu- Ibat aaked for, tbe new schedule ar aeeaieu Saturday January ti Tbe fullowin bualneas was Irans nforiu to Ibe running time of tb . ,. -.. -, ail trains and bring us the mail I, Q M hM offl0 fof ,, early a possible, lite line ne- BUiuiof v,ar W j) Baker, ma) or, ecu here and Ontario could be u HlUu rworder. R. A Miller nde one of the inoel profi'.abl in .Murrr TUe u,eu,Urs of tbe new .stern Oregon by equippiug It l.l)U11(.1, fcr, M D,vil L N Olson, o,M.rly and looking particularly ! Hmrry Vmty amJ j R. Urewilt will. JUU ','n',u" the comfort of pissengera and () , Kj-Ul allj M Taylor as 'Bftu"u mllblu .. i.. .,n,.. ,.r f,.i.f ... of aucb notice try of lands aiilnu tins withdrawal, ! prior to the preliminary withdraw al and who have not acquired vest ed rights thereto, have leeu notifi ed of the appropriation of their lauds fur irrigation purposes, and that tbeii eutiiea will be cancelled and their improvemenla paid fur I by the government aa provided in etciionsH and 11 of the circular of June ii, I'll', unless sufficient cause 00 dsys from dale The Portland papers announce that still another railroad ia head.) for Portland from the east A press dispatch from I'enver is published in which il is slated that David II Moffatt. who is building a railroad through Northern Colorado and Clah to Salt Lake, baa made the following annoonoomenl "I intend to extend Ih Dm Northwcelern Si Pacific Kailroad to Portland. Or I want to gel up in to thai aeclioii for the liuilter a well as for an outlet lo the P Ooeau. I will begin ti ion when I am through to I'tah.' I.ater Mr. Moffatt no.dilied ibis j Ut in. ni 1 . pulling la the provi. ion that euoh ware hie plana if tin otbe' roada invaded bit t w hid. i th:eat nod. It i quit, i v ,li.l It. mi the . Of tl I pspers that t; hope, un I io ... i . vj.'-ct Moffatl's territory U be invaded by bo-roads Moffatt i .i nitb being a strenuous' railn i d ouild.r and n he alalia in dill (fiU tl)' in a lively manner He haa already aooom pllsh. I f. at- in railroad building tbat bud liesii pion . po.n- ble, and has a repuinliou for over coming every obstacle SbuuUI In determine to ptiah un to lh cuaat he will Hod ih lliruey -..Untry in bis way Although we now have the aaauraiuu of at least two rail road into thia aectinu immediately, we'll make room lor him little bit ItelfW." 5kkwlag klrlag I .la ii bad hi . n i ..iiiiing a voung woman ( i mm tin was loo bisbful I. .o...,.. ii, finally concliid.d to ask lor iv lei ephoue to many him Ii. calbsl bt ii. and eanl. I love egg , r, much and olag : mtr Og ... i you bsve inst" Sue answered itnm Ij It4 U who is line, pl Richard-, aou .1 f nn leasing l.i.l. for i author ng . f tb caul pul.li. I Ive ibe rsaatious mm dialing hi saian of the . ni. he land' of U fenialiv I tee; 'a lull n -cite that its I mis tbe the an I rogoin - in ur da rn and the in ;sa;' bj II n-i- . t It pt BJ f l e an I Ian may b laae.l f r el k raisiru,' , jpoae. Under II. neslei I. oi'lieiul anil it.. , Ph .i li shall r. eed- iug to 3,211" auree lo an) otM . i- lit! I II Mljl whose Ian- i i ibe landr. i Ulated by ibe Seir I I i ir I , cording to the grass i , who ii th. i i. i.n iii iv laooll . tin ii. . i petferm- el bl lo re- f w day I in Ih back kiti ben a. ng lb fam- ' li'e I uteh The killena I, nt sei I gO! "ho J ih hlng tin ' ' i ding ni '.'ell, . want JnllN i nt Poo v .. a l-HS alwo. First National Bank OF BURNS, ORECON. A general Baaking BsskoH Traatsaai WF. WANT YOUR BUSINESS. Dim - i k- i ii. r renin. 1 h.oii.. r ii HWfslsS, rw- rooo m c -riee -see-' -cieer. tN a J.aas. i l:f vael la ItenwnJ FIRST NATIONAL BANK ONTARIO OREGON lltttlM I'll.. I ..I. I Wo Solicit Vouc Banking Ruoinooo stimkikh im i; m v I M , Miller Krauk II ' olllu. Tb demand than I on h MOM miniata tor a blncMi and aj uvh aa lr King's N '" Pills. jut what . and livr . Ill gu Irani pml.lv id Knglib j ou foul I .ill on j I P gon j Ik l.atv I RE8TAURANT jk una.- jo - ooa . a ' rC-C- C C- s: wowano at ant rmeieiHT or a ate - a a rn " Tli rf " first natiotiiil Bank CALDV IDAHO A General llnni - llualnr-s Trananctod 9 CUHPRsruMnlNCll INVITtO m T Inf. lo (An AT AULi HOUR Bakery in connection A Stuiali t f Mnwl oVoon. i ildng r pal I """waa " ' a 1 m n .. in i 11 x im THE CARTER HOUSE. mnko i "MAIVIO, ORI Fire-Proof, Moilern, I levant. nfetsa $j.oo and ,s r l. All Outside RiMim.S" Near Depot Ibis i pill" II. I I on, I I , ,,(,' and .nil leoii'K t.ii.ilf.o A LIVERY BARN IN CONNECTION. owe o ibe wrkoaac 3- I , handling of freight The proposed increased frequency the mail via Canyon Cuy will aae mat a very ueeirauie ouo- aot, alao, ami vniy materially un lit tbe patron of the various iet oihuee. l'he Times- Herald gives this pub- hold overs W J South is the new marshal. It A Miller was apoint d Fire Chief for tbe ensuing year. I M . Davi and iler ar expect home from Bums in a few days Iteeently Cmuiuiaeioner Leu p of 'the Indian oflice detailed Inepectur Mtl.augliliii of the Indian strvice , to make an effort lo sscore an agreement from Indians occupying Lemhi reservation in Idaho lo re- L. N . Kialard naa in it) with the hope that il will be ranch today be aays cattle are do ken up by some legitimate andjingBue. eoouaible bidder ibi.l Will till the .juiieiuents .1 the law in such alter and who will perform Ibe my in a mauner that will uot ouly ve prolllahle lo ibe contractor, il highly saiiala. toiy lo the pal and a credit to the country (lay 4 Caltereon have building bob aleds all week A Orta. Tregee-y from lb "" lu rl "" reetrvalion and ooosgl lands in aevarally with Ibe main branch of Ibe tribe of Ban nock a on ibal lerv Word was received by the Indian office loday from McLaughlin that tbe Indiana bad reached au agree I. ceo meni lo remove and bad signed in lhouaai.de of ,u' re1uet Rs Ur wishes claiu.a in mMjiL carried into efiecl Tbe removal ia daily enacted, huu.es, as llealli iitruct should not go Leg- one, another victim of oouaumpllun " ueae inoiaus, uumiwring about ukbeuoue couaidera the proa- or Pneumonia But wheu coughs 50li' " relieve I.embi oouuty. ciaofabig lucreaae In the travel uud colds are propel ly treated, the "here their presence bas bean a and from the railioad poiuU and tragedy ia averted. V G Uuutley, uurce of considerable annoyance. curreapouding iucr...re.lu fieighl. of Oak landou , lud, antes: 'My " wife had ih . mauuipuou, aud Ipoaeal bar Peasitv. Orgaau. Tra.Pl..tiai Clak. tbra dortor. gave her up FUoll, I " ""-" she took lit. King's New Discovery u ague and Malaria, eai. bt rein ed and cured with Kle trie Hitter- Tbiaia a pure. Ionic medicine, oi """' I' relating lo miner especial benefit in malaria, for n ' mU- " H"1"1 P'lttiag eiert a true curative mlluenea on "f l'"" ' I rtgklel ay I Ibe diss, driving it entirely out '' '- I "" ' of the a) el. in Ilia Uiinll to Rg ' '-ln.il. preferred to Quinine, having none of Ibis drug's bad after-ell. I B Monday, of Kecrieita Tea, Alfalfa sued. Ilgige clover aad write: "My brother was very low 'I in I top seed ; with malarial fever and jaunln -. till be look Kleotri. Ilittci.. which aaved bis life At the City Drug '(leer .V store; price 'eUc, guaranteed. ' aystan alfalfa aessl, rbd Call un i etamine and get pr, Nat J ITIWM MM M TKt fa waooasc ratal, staaa. o.ai ll.aseeue Me.. 91 Napton &, Boyd leal Estate. lira its ludag. L I' W . lit t-l&-jr Hi nMe4MMaaNBaMraW9r4 sua RsfB W .'awjiftS B WANTE.') Agel.la. II. Haleauien, Clerks and everybody who wants to enjoy a good hearty laugh lo send 'c for "Tip lo Ageols " Worth I 0 lo any per aou who sella gooda (nt a living. If not aaliefactory your in back Circular for stamp Dr WbiUi electric Comb Co , l tur, 111 IxKiking for aoapa Sea .-. I. a 1 A Bu Jeliuai.'s ad. THE CAPITAL SALOON, E. N. NELSON H..S...... M, TBI- II l Watchmaker and Optician. " TWL Second door north of post office. mJsm X2a.lav awta at a xrrLG, Oxearon vvine5. Liquors anu v-tjfars. liilliarcl anil Pool i ubk. York, at one tim,- had her heaun e. :. .. .j r ... .1 i lor roiiruuiiillon eoo.hi. and cold . ... r .. ... iu io. u,e ,.lu.o,a - - ' .pulled will. kli. Iroubl hbe writ- the eparacly luuuied aSOtl I cutad her and today .he IS J . l in Olegon There uae h.-tn rl1 '"' u' U "" l ,. 8lnktu ' I,UB "' ' (" 'lo" for years, but nothing sun i i it, UOtll I Uer.J BU k.rli- An Kalv. A n ui. k and aura bealer . sortM-. i ibe Cuy Drug 6 IMC IRUaUM HAS MTE NfcOS. van I Zed on the liie.r Ulne tu Teaae what is It t.ua...n .e.- al Mle .nd tree planting mil The ..:, .... ol , ' uu ' "" ' Dru I jeorgauiaiion sullicmn ' '' in ire I I'urpoee.. It h Rfoaad aae esful to the pollil wheie In . For Sale Five cin-lce laM VI iraliot. of the national forealrv Ontario, -tu lots in Lawou, lu lota rvjoa haa been secured. in I turns; loU aci. - I go.d Und a Huri.r. lb luntt v t tr.uers' cot.greas naa uelo in 1"'- of il aallltal gieadoe lu miie. Byi luttV heoiue coiioected with iowii of this 'I. i..e di.iiict last i of Bums, um.oproved, 10u (h. tHitaide aorio m another year uuimer, al wnich iher. alUuaea a " . .ar oaaoie null.- WHO pre- through I h uulpl. r Vaili y Ka.;- nester trom the deparlmcnl of , eui . rop ol wild grum ii.n.li..g. fu-j. huh is now heiuiin for ucullure The suggestion was 00 a houee end good Li.oe. Par- Canyon C;ly, on tbe John Day e thai the people organise a titulars can be ublaiue-l at this Kiver. likewise fur Prairie Citv fur the puipoae of establish-! oftjoe. say the Telegram rovea of trees on then (anus. Duimg l!o the Hompter Valley region is naturally treeless, l-k Dul Uot tbe aafely Incu- buju goj mliun o( roj D(1 here is every reaaon lo Ulieve oalor, now it runs without a lamp. ' Mjded lh-l re,ioui- or certain aueoio ul ireee will i NV ' s"'"' 'l it, huru Lr.i ;.;.. miu, o...o w if tney are propetiy piauled Oregon. u OD4,ratiou WLl tue ,;.,, oared for The people of tbe Job priuting The Times-Herald to be undertaken this year bav not AUATTEROFHIALTH W &AKIN0 POWDER AtMlutsiy Pure HAS M SUBSTITUTE A Cream of Tartar Pawdar, free from alum er price - pttatio oeld aovsi, asjuno eewoca oo., aaw veaa. j The Finest of All 4 MARYLAND CLUB WHISKY l.r Sale Vol; a! Hotel Burns Bar A ents, Burns, Orm. taT" '. "CHAS WILSON,- ii(;..0l.wniui.t . i a Blacksuii thing uni Club Rooms in Couinxtion. I I flSl 4h A tia aMaoiT S umua tnrtmu jMauiana rumciU!Qk or iitmtBB 1 ' inn alRalKll 4 ' , liKraj l4l 0agjfi. I CMroudcv. aaawaaaaaBaBBaeaa i BwRawH eaiaa-Taw i li "aaaa' MOMiatajdHrBBfaoai AH Y. "ir'i,i,wT rtiia. m- i . i - 1 1 .. LEWIS at. twe ama PAKI1CIUKS and PRICES INIOK.nAllON. Db'SKiNS. Main at, Uerstkaciag. Wagon Work. '"TSR&W THE TIMES-HERALD. Burns. Oregjon Job Printing. a