he 'erald. Dr. W. C Brown, Dentist Offic - opstair» in Veogtly building. Looking fur snaps? See Schwartz Marie Ha-tie: Recitation, Lauri ee The Times-Herald will make Budelman’a ad. McClure; Dtalogu-, What tie this a bargain month ot ¡he n y i Sam graves was in i the citv the Christmas Tree Means; Song San'i subscriptions and baa arrai r i Scott Halev is amorg our visi- «A3 THZ LAKOKST CIRCI LATIOS OF 'Claus; Dialogue, “Dat Christmaa t,> g: v.-th* Seu-i-Wi-i k • 1 i • first of the week. • tor* thia week. AST SEW8PAPEK H THIS COUNTY. Dinner," Zella Irving, Ralph Irv- Rtpu lie friv to an «Ini j An up-to-date line of holiday ---- ----------- ----- — ■ - _i Street hate at greatly reduc'd iag, Pearl Moore, End Tregaakis- arrears and one year in adv.-u.i’e o goods at The Welcome Pharmacy, ucaDAV DC EKhKR» i> , prices at Mrs. C. A. Byrd’s. Dialogue, Going Somewhere, L M‘ - The Times-Herald. New aub*c : Call at Voegtly'a and buy one Dick Nolde ba* been spending a vanne will ni.o Hamilton, Florence Richardson -ere who pay in atì advance Local News. few dayB in our city during the eix different waah machinen for a Hugh Haatie, Theo Coleman; S-tg | receive thia gn at lia ior.aì semi holiday present for your wife. holiday time If Santa Claus was Pa, Pearl Moore wnkiy newspaper and G. W. Clevenger & Co have re- Violetta Goodlow, Mrs Eliza H.i n- magazine in the United State- Goto The Welcome Pharmacy. Most comfortable thing invented for ” » 2 ai d levy your present* — a carriage heater—J 0 Welcome ceived a big lot new furniture which ilton organist; Recitation Christina The two papers one year P Everett; Recitation. Etta McClure; for this month only. the public should call and see. Born—Sunder, l>ec 2-1, to Mr *^001 Song Silvies Lewie, Pearl Moore; at.d Mr. Tom “agi-rs, a daughter. Supt Rigby waH in the citv a 1 be beat dress over coats in Recitation, My sister and her Beau, short time during the week, leaving Adam George and wife were in Burn« for the price at Fred Haines Cecil Irving; Song Good Night the Notice is hereby .¡von that the County for bis home at Lawen Wednes­ 1.1 Wednesday on land business Co’s. school. Just before the dialogue Court of Harney County, Oregon, will day. Stanley Tyler made proof on his “Going Somewhere” Mr. Hamilton receive proposals for th- making of an Boy» boot« at coat—Fred Haines , You will make a mistuke if you called the names of five of hi* expert examination and report of flu luesdav. He wan aeaitted A Co. opp'iaite the feed I barn, by Melvin Parker and L'bald Cote. buy holiday presents before pricing gcflo|arg agked that they couie for- condition of all books and records f Burn* thoee on display at Fred Hainea warj anj Theo Coleman in a few Harney County for the two years ending July 1, ln0E'a. Sec. 8, N‘, Nr? t. Sec 22 8., R. 34 E.W.M., before the RegisUi nd Assessor Loggan and family past week spending the holidays Ke^n’erat BuniB, Oregon, on Wco ••-•lity. ¡’. hpply just received fur the holiday the judge* could not discriminate :>lBt uay of January, 1906. have returned home from their with his family. name« the following witness’ s to prnxc trade ¡and an interesting game was pro- ; the He complete irrigation and reclamation of said yisit with relatives at Harney dur­ I land: William ( atterson of l awen, Orego W L McGonagill will login Fred Haines & Co, will sell fine ! sented each. G?orge Gates. Joseph Buchanan, and .Alma ing Christmas time Buchanan, all of Harney, Oregon. custom made suite for men and teHching a class in penmanship ill \\ m . L a hue , Register. Prof W. !.. McGonagill cloyed Messrs Catterson dr Clay are th* public school building in thin boys at cost. Come in and ask his writing school Saturday after­ the proprietors of a blacksmith and “Daddy" about it . i v i i xt Monday evening noon. Many of his scholars hav< NOTICE FOR I’OBI.lCATio repair shop in Drewaey. They de­ made commet,dable progress in the I N1TED STATIC LAND OIF! E. / Dr W C Brown has moved into Mr* Geo Ashton has a fine dia- sire a snare of the public patronage Burns Oregon, Decernl>er 2«>, l.'0.«.i his new quarters in th» atone build­ short time he g..ve them instruc­ Notice is hereby given that Henry D.Goodiow play of fall and winter hats at lite of Lawen, Oregon, has filed notice of intention The Chrieltnitft bali was a very ing adjoining the post ollice, where tion to make proof on his desert land < laiui No. 32. . W N Jorgesen building and desires for;tbe larts 1 ami J, S’a N'E‘,. fcl ’. 5, 1.21 s., fciijo\i»b|p affair, It was not ao be is very comfortably -ituated R. :'.2'2 E.. W. M .before the Register and Re lli* ladies of Burns to call and tee The Harney Board of Trade will reiver at Burns, Oregon, on Tuesday, theidi'h largely attended as is general, January, P.O6. them A snug bank account to draw on hold a Directors meeting Friday da) He of names the following witnesses to prov- therefore not «o crowded and more the complete irrigation and reclamation of sai I ni- ’ ht Dec 29th at the home of the when you are ; sick or out of work is Miss Della Ddlard, assistant land: Marcellus B. Hayes and Scott Haycsof ratiafactory to the dancers. Lawen, Oregon, Emory Hill of Harney, Oregon, far more satisfactory than any Hon. Roht Drinkwater to which all Biol Lacher in the public school at Lloyd ' ' ' Johnson ' '--------- of ' ’ l.awen, ------- ---- Oregon. U M. FAHRE. Rvgi.-t« r. members are invited pn. Nolit e is hereby given that in compliance have you < dl and «¿ample The common council met in tin with the piovitsiot'S of the act oi (‘ongrtss of is?s, ciiiitled “An net for I he sale of tim­ Mi- H • t.ii» HKatie, ¡IARNEV LOCAIS city hull Tuesday night. Bresent June ber Inn Is in the Suites of i'aliforaia. Orison, Nevada, and Washington Ternlor .," as e.\lciid H.trnev Or» gon Hon Roht Drinkwaler president, ed to all the Public html States by act of Augn-i D'J?, Gustav A. Rembold. of Burns, c>iiiut .•! J i-q» r D.ivie, J M Everett and I! M Eyerelt clerk, Councilmei. 4, lLirney, ‘Tr.,r I’ A Hyde partook of too State of < Megou, has this «'ay filed in L**tr Hamilton amt wife were the guests of relative* Htid friends during the week. Mr Hamilton r.-poits the Harney public schools, ■ f wh ch be is principal, progress­ ing very satisfactory. NOTICE — Any one who knows if any government land anil wants it settled with good neighbors pleHse end the numbers to our office and •nftfr a favor upon yourself, the new comer and L rwis dr S mith , Burns, Oregon. much Chrixtm h turkey, according to hia friend*, and as a tenult hn- ispent the remainder of the week at the hoapital under the care of a phyaician He is improving and Cliaa Mcl’heetera elites will soon i l>e ready to start, another atone ' busineM block for some enterpris- I ing citizen of Burns. Mias Alice Smith niece of Chi«« Mcl’heelers will arrive here thia evening from Mi a >uri where the young ladv has been attending the Normal at Springfield She was formerly engaged in teaching in • this county and her many warm This office acknowledges a plea­ i friends will be glad to welcome her sant call from Mr and Mrs Jasper among them again. Mias Alice hue graduated in typewriting and D.tvis, Mrs Hattie Hastie and Theo bookkeeping C demm last Wednesday. The Arthur Horton of the Electric parly came over from Harney that day for the purpose of getting some Light & Bower Co. informs The photos of Mrs Haelie’s children Times-Herald that there will be The office force was treated to some no lights for several weeks as it ia nice home made candy which Mrs necessary to make a considerable Hattie had made. Mr Coleman amount of repairs and changes in remained here to attend the Mason­ the plant, liesides duplicating much ic installation, while th* others re- of the present machinery Mr. Hor­ ton may find it necessary to visit turned home the same day. \outside point« in order to secure Jam** P mi I was over from his some fixtures Itefore the plant is in 11 ippv valley home a few dava running order again. tlqa week, He «talee that thev \\ iiber Warner ha* returned from up i«e to have the railroad I over a visit to the Willamette valley i in h>* country He • also reporta two i t-w settlers over there, Milt where he went with the intention «I idi. who will go into the onion of buying some high stepping hor­ He found the market a little u.iir-»- and Bob Ward, who ex­ ses high at tho present and decided to Jim in ­ peeta to raise pumpkins. • ted The Times-Herald man over defer his purchases to a later date ■ hi* orchard which ho states However even if thoioogbbred hor­ se* were not to be hud chickens ii iw in hliHvii Don’t know .rand he usee but eoni* of i it were, so Wilber shipped a fine lot «aid to m ike the sagebrush • lUt by the way of Ontario and *av* i k* blossomed rosebushes. he wil' go into the chicken business. To Our Friends and Patrons. We also wish to remind you that although we have done a large busi­ ness since commencing our Dissolution of Partnership Sale, our stock is still complete in many lines. Our Low Prices Continue Current their Russell and Crawford trip to the Portland Company's bill* were passed upon ami war rants drawn for payment Tin artesian well over southeast of this city marshal, G A Smith, was m place ar.d all were enthusiaiitic thorized to care for the janitor sei over the result of heir examination vice of the hall and to he on duty of the premises. .Since the depar­ all night when necessary. ture of W E Burke for Portland The Sunday school Inn! n lighter work has been suspended on the place and there was no person attendance than usual as th< Christmas tree exercises and pres­ there on their arrival but the well ents were so enjoyable many did wie performing its duty very satis not recover from their effects in fac- orily and a continuous st ream of water whs running from the time to come. I.nt there were twenty eight inch pipe from tin- top of the faithful and a collection of thirty­ last well Mr Loggun explained seven cents. Railroad news seems to have felt to us that nt first a well had been sunk and n good vein of water the effect of the snow storms and tapped but it was not thought a holiday week and failed to come to sufficient pressure would be gained time yet our board of trade is stea­ at a depth of 90 feet to supply the dily acquiring information of n quantity of water needed bo at a serviceable nature ami hope to con­ "Throttle.” distance of a few feet another well trol the was lowered in the same basin and on reaching 255 feet it caused the TIMBER LAND NOTICE. water to rise to the top of the ground and apparently the stream UNITED STATES LANDOFEU E. j Burns, Oregon, December 19, 1905. | had been running without cessation Nolice is hereby given tlmt in compliance the provisions of the act of CongreHsof the past two weeks or more. On with June 3, IH7H, entitled “An act tor the sale of timber lands in the states of California, <»regon their arrival Mr Loggan had Nevada mid Washington Territory," hh extend­ to all the Public Land States by act of Aug caulked the space around the eight ed ust 4, lW2.Charles l.ampettuf Portland, county of M'lltnomah State of Oregon, has this «lay tiled inch pipe which was inside the ten in this office his sworn statement No 2K’., for purchase of the SW'4 Section No. 14, in it ich casing ami this caused a the Townahip No. 21 S.. Range No. 24 E., W. M. and will offer proof to snow tiiat the land sought is a'.rimger How from the end of the more valuable for Its timber or stone than for purposes, and to establish hisclaim smaller pipe at the top and in the agricultural to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at Burns. Oregon, on J ues'lay the hour they were eating luncheon 27th dav of Februaay, 1906. He names mb witnesses: Thomas Slinger of Lne rise in the basin eurro unding Portland, Oregon, Thomas Balfour of Fife. Ore­ N. A. Dibble and Frank Slinger of Riley, the wells was over an inch but the | gon, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adxersely the small dam they made to prevent it above-described lands are requested to tile their claims in this office on or Ijefore said ?7thda\ of from running away haying I roken February, 1906. W m . F abre , Register. t he larger part of the stream, flow- nd into the other well und st emed ' ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTIL E. t< > disappear in the bottom which | t hey supposed wa* a sand foi ma- Notice in hereby given that the under­ t on Afterward by some change signed «in duly appointed administrator t hey made the atreum run down of the »täte of John Wright, deeeaa d, borough snow and ice ard showed by an order of the County Conrt of Har­ t.me labor. prod. c‘s JjhN McnU: .’J. < int lmolaie m . ; All thè latcst styk-s and imp: ’ >^r.q>liy In use io b: had. Proli Panel-, Aiti t .- l’roof and Poai elain pi oh ss. Li.otos ¡i dshed in up h.-date style upon application All siz- s fi nn ila sm,diesi locket pitture up to an S s l ■ nnidi ■' n Ari-io Platino or on any of thè Ameri' • ii papi i • I* ry opposl'e First Natio: : ! Baili Oregon. TZT2TZ- OT7Z2 GOODS They are as good as the bent ami our price« car.not be met. We eater to the people ami out to tl.- —- who want to main­ tain “Forty-Nine prices.” We Make a Specially of Family Trade and deliver good6 to any part of ti.e city. G. W. WATERS, Manager AH TOY. Man, ger First,’cla*« accomm dations siili in: l room Toy invites b.s friends to-' p Born«. Table« well forni.bed M-al-- infurta wl.eniu