■■ 11 She Simes-iieuíd »ATCMPAY. PK'EMt 1M6 Mt BtoCKI PT1OX I'.ATK.- O b * Year ei* Monn», Tkre, Mot.'La iniAN N V M r> ,7 txj i.a. . .74 Maaagar There are many rumors now being circulated regarding the probable route of the railroad across this valley as well as its ap­ proach from the east It has al­ ways been the general opinion up Malheur canyon and through Crane Creek gap was the only feasible route, but it now develop*, that there are other possibilities. 1» is claimed that a good pass is afforded to the north on a vert reasonable grade that has thr ad­ vantage of keeping in easy reach of limber and also >ie a more direc t line with water and limber within reach to the west ot Harney Val­ ley as against the desert where the former survey was made. An­ other loutc has also been men tioned in fact the assertion is made by individuals writing from Malheur county--that the road will come out through (Barren Valley, across to Barton lake, then down the Blitzen and cross to the north side of Harney lake at Narrows and out through Sil­ ver creek to the west. People who are acquainted with the Bar­ ren Valley section slate it is not a feasible route and will certainly not come that way. Some think it possible that the new owner» of the French-Glenn property have offered imine enients to the rail­ road people to take up that route ■ " — — —— — is smaller than the hole above, which allow* the water ton mm h freedom for any f -rce. N ver the less to get a flow at a depth les» than 300 feet is very encour- agmg and is conclusive evidence that this is an artesian ba in. The Timei-Herald would sug­ gest that the Board of Trade < f this city and also the Harney or­ ganization take the matter U| with a view of interesting the gov­ ern oaent geological depaitment making a thorough test of the artesian water possibilities < f this valley. Such work >» provided for by the government anil we should use «•very ctfor sin h aid as the exper prove beneficial. We an piish this by proper work « GOOD PROSPECTS FOK DEVELOPMENT. N I . Carpenter of the bust National Bank of thus city has just returned from an extended visit through the east and where he was able to do good mission- ary work for the Great Harney country. While he biiugs no definite plans of action he found much attention given this big un­ developed section by capitalists and is satisfied we are on the eve of much active work looking to the settlement and the tapping of tin-, inland empire by a railroad. During Ins absence be visited Denver, Chicago, Cincinatti, Bos ton, Washington D C , New York and was in Portland twice. He was asked many questions re­ garding the resources of this sec­ tion amt the opportunity foi in­ vestment and is satisfied that much activity will be shown here in the early spring. Mi Carpenter had a very plea­ The political bee has begun to sant trip and most gratifying so buu ami a few candidates have far as his persona) business cr- slatted grooming themselves for rands were concerned. the race. Under the new primary law aapiranls must get into the HARNEV LOCALS field earlier than usual and they are now nominated by thr entire Tur religious services this wi k vote of the respective political have been conducted by Rev H A. parties instead of conventions a* Ketchuni. whose earnest thought­ heretofore. While the new law ful sermons have furnished i-erious has many advantages, it is also reflection ns well as awakening de- lacking in some respects as well. Hires ill I he hearts of ninny of hie The result of the spring pi unary Ivarers to know more of the Wav The meetings will con- elections will determine its merits. of Life tinue nil this week till Sunday night. Rev A I Irwin hail bii-n Tax payer* of this school dis­ called tn Burns la-t we.-k mid am - trict should remember the election unable to ♦. irn until I’liu.- bi. , called for next Tuesday at whic h feeling the < fleets of a cohl working 11« will assist during time they arc to decide on the ilpm him the remainder of the meetings proposition of taking up the pre­ sent bonded nidvlitediiess of the district It seems some are un­ der the impression that the elec­ tion is for the purpose of placing more bonds, ‘ ut such is rot the case The proposition is to take up the pi esent bonds and rebond at a lower rate of interest. Without taking into considera­ tion the guilt or innocence of the late- Senator Mitchell the people of this state must admit he was a very useful man to Oregon and that he accomplished much for his constituents during his long public life. His worst enemies will admit this. He may have had faults, but he also had many good qualities that overshadow any short comings. Governor Chamberlain has ap­ pointed John M. Gearin U. S. Senator to succeed the late Sena­ tor Mitchell, as predicted by the article from the Journal on the first page of this issue. The new senator is a very popular man and capable in every respect. Judge L. R Webster, who has been in this city the past week on legal business made the assertion to a representative of this Great Religious that the governor could make no belter «election from any political party in Oregon. It is asset ted by the Portland papers that Judge Webster has his eye <11 this particular plum if things come his way at election lime. Whether a condidate or not Judge Webster lias many warm fi lends in this county who would be glad to give him a boost tor the place should opportunity offer. The artesian flow recently »(tuck by \\ E Buike on his Cary segregation is still as strong as at first according to J. II Loggan who has recently visited the well. As near as he could ascertain the tlow is in the neighborhood of 700 gallons an hour. This well is hardly a (air test, however, as it is not properly cased, besides the lower portion weighing 1300 to 1500 lbs. From . • ;. if. ♦. f buyers in thife coun- try J a ’. i Iv Harney county is a good field for equine preduct». M.«- Alim Bower came in from h r r«' > h Wednesday evening and it is r. | rted she caugh' the co'.d sl.< brought with her tri. le engaged in laying out a town Stv and plan­ ning location of streets and lots on anticipation of the her ranch railroad People c lining o . City are said to around II t-rs for the futuie have tnme and the I retieent a. mation ones are very sourcen of infer- Prof L M. Hamilton reports ihe followi wing pupil" were neither ab- sent ■ 01 tardy for the third month f » .' Ralph Irving. Zellu Irving. Myrtlo Irving. Cecil Irving an'l Ri| h Bain Miss Delta Dill-] >ird iiifor.ns us her roll of honor fi r tie1 t ime month consists of Her-i * rt Irving anil Marie Haslie. LEWIS &. SMITH Cranberri. ;. at Hugion’«. Real Estate. CX1TKD STATE.- LAND OFFICE.) Bun1», Oregon, December 1,19053 ice is hereby given that Alvin c. spurlock ' ’Ude. Mnlh. :■ ■ on ii :v, Oregon, has filed ■ f i: Tvutionio make proof on hisdxsert- \ SW’i ■ . - , ' i - . l; 7 F.. U M . •'fu Ftegisf. . a:. 1 Ret eivur ;t Burns, Ore- n Thursday, tlie Uth day of January, lu06 names the follcuiug witnesses to prove •b.piet'■ irrigation and reclamation of said ' orli i ti ie«nt David Turner, Robert o< k and «’lay Luce. <11 of Riverside, Ore- READ OCR BARGAIN LIST: |2,0u0—Ba«tne«s prop rty on Main S', 1x4 50x100. building SttxSO feet ,000—Hotel, 21 rooms, tine furniture , every room ventilated—a snap. JOHK DEERE PLOW! I ! } DISC PLOWS ' T'lie secretary of the Harney Board of Trade has sent out sever­ al inquiries to parties who have various industries that would be available fur development in this valley and ns correspondence opt-m d from time to lime the suits will be made public as fast practicable, “For the railroad coming this way’’ mid soon will be heard the snort of The Bunday School did no huv - The Iron Horse. the usual attendance last Sunday but th -re wer. tw«n-y present and the exercises weie interesting t > th .-e w ho came. Adv iti.—'d letter* for the I Last Friday night the enlled ending Dec 1st 1905. meeting of The 11 >rney Board of Gardener, A J Trade met at the residence of lion Hamilton, R I. Robert Drink water on East Main Hugh-*, Paul Stieel Of the fifteen members Hog, Hugh who had signed for sixteen shares Hensley, C B (cards, 3) of stock nine were in attendance, Riggins, Willie four sent proxies and iwo were ub- Robb, Torn (3) -ent from the city. The by laws Lung .Sing Sing were reported by Jhe committee Turner, Auther and adopted as a whole Articles Persons calling for the above of incorjioratioo prepared under' will please say, Advertised. direction of Biegs A Biggs were F W Welcome, 1’ M. read and approved and the direc­ tors were instructed to complete LOCAL AND PERSONAL. the organisation by tiling copies of the 411111» with the secretary of state Roland Hankins and wife are in and county clerk as specified !>v the city. law in such cases made and pro­ vided The officer« chos.-n w- Looking for snaps? See Schwartz president. Jasper Davis; vice-presi­ A Budelman’s ad. dent. C. W Loggan; secretary, Little Jack Lewis is reported suf­ rheo Coleman; treasurer, Mrs S E fering front rheumatism. Drinkwater, who with .1 C. Buck­ An up-to-date line of holiday land, A K Richardson, and Dai 11 goods at The Welcome Pharmacy. Giblw constitute the lioard of direc­ tors and IncoriHirator« A vote of, Mrs. C Beary has been ill this thanks was tendered Hon .1 H week nut is reported improving at Loggan for services as notary pub­ this time. lic in taking acknowledgement of 1 ruled your eyes from the glar- the execution of the article'- of in , i -now l>y securing a pair of co!« corporation \V I). Huffman of ureil g!a--es at .XeUon’a. Wild Horse was present and gave E B Hill, general manager of the his encouraging commendation of American l.aml A Livestock Co , the purposes of the association and wim have extensive holdings in the and in the course of conversation southern part of the county, is up engaged in by all present, g..te fr n the home ranch on business some ideas as to the p ssibilities The Windsor Bar, under the of production in Harney county by -ayiug that lie had raised corn on in I'lagement of Smith Bros . is one five or six acres of ground which of the pleasant resorts of this city yielded an average of 35 bushels where customers are courteously per acre, and that he could produce treated. Tile supply of liquors and potatoes abundantly enough to cig.trs are the best. Drop in and supply the county as it was as easy feel at home to produce 40 acres of potatoes as Price Withers made this oily a 40 acres of corn. lly.ng vi-it y.su-rday afternoon. E Rinehart, from the Willamette H. retains stock doing will and Mr Wilbers is Valley, came over from Burns Sun­ < - rvllung love v day morning to visit the families oi. of our old time stockmen who of Robt. Drinkwater and Price i* progressing. \\ 11here who are hi» relatives and ktb 'iig the handsome calendars . while be made inquiries for pur­ . ,r the coming year so far received chasing a ear load or two of horses at this office are those of the Wel- for shipment Wednesday he c >ui“ Pharmacy and G. W. Cieven started via Burns stage over to­ r-i r Jt I Both are beautiful de- wards Lawen and N arrows to see if - gus and are attractive advertise- I he could tiud horses broke to work' ' ments. Harrows of Every Description In fact Fanning implements COOK HEATING Camp Stoves , ’.•. hereab-.tins are nnkiion n to this ¡illiant: and ' i hat s lid alleged absence from said land was > • ' '■ etnpto mriit in the Auny. Navy, or Marine Cori s ot tie? United States its a pri- • v » e feoldit r, oilieer, seuman. or marine tim ing i the war with S, «in, or any other war in which , ti:>' I’nitv. L-iesMiiy be engaged; said parties re hereb) urn ¡lied to appear, respotid and oi- 1 r evidence touching said allegation nt 10 • > clock a. ni. on December 12, 190r., before the Regiatci and Receiver at Burns, Oregon. Th. fc.ud contestant having, in a proper afh- I IVH. il' I Uelobcr iMOo, set forth facts , which si w th it alter ►, viz- Alma L ¡lower ot Harnev, Oregon, 11 I No<■, for the SF', <<•<• : .’, T 22 S„ II. : E. W. M. She imines the fol'owiug witni-sHes to prove her <-«»itiniious re.sidenre upon and cultivation of S lid nt. I , iz: • eo Gnics, (' I Neil, C. Demaries and < ’ h .- II. hiivit,, all of Hurnej Oregon. A' u. F ariie . Kt gifcter. [ I ii t: :: ;« it :: A -^Z'a-lfeïrù.g’ 14,000—An ideal h .me, 200x200 feet < I ground, house 32x44, 10 rooms, 15) fruit W m F arre , Register, j tress, bain, chicken house, wind mill, , e’.c. CONTEST NOTICE 10 small residences—tell us wh it y< u want. fXITEDSTATBB LAND OFFICE, I ' Burns Oregon, October 2S, 1905. t Improved and unimproved ranches A niTii it- t contestHthduvit having been tiled oftb by Irving (J. Raymond, contestant, galore from 160 to 35,000acres. You c;t. ng- U gli this lUbi fio met .strml t ntry No. 19l<«, made May .5. .for w . Section . ; lownship 24 S., I make money on any of these. We also r.hj Range .7 E , by Mart N. Hendly, contes'ee. in handle 5otir horses, caltl1, eheep, etc. which »1 i>7 alleged that said Mart >. lleudly v. .ii'ily u bit lid oiicd the bAiite for more than If yon want to sell list with ns- f von ai as .a months prior tt» this date, nud has been ab- therein in for is months and has departed want to buy . xaminv our list or *rit • u* I sent from this State and han been absent from this -•ate • boot 1- month«, ami that his present for particulars. Extraordinary Clubbind SULKY Shelf Hardware Builder’ Doors, Windows, Gì ss, Paints, Oil, Varnish, Etc. MS, f re. GEER & Burns Meat Market B'.N mown, N 8 \ W . President Vice-President I liarncj County Authorized Capital. $5f,NI.N. Bums, Harney County, Oregon. LEON M. li OWN. Cashia. and Manager A’ wentv-one Voai 1« :n Haritev <’ounty. WE SOUGH YOUR BUSINESS Corre. p ilcnt-: L »ni‘ the “maid”- to-mca- ure and NOT the READY- MADE that PONT.” Write 1 Stop at the Ov A Of drugs, medicines, druggists perfumes, stationery, books, sent.« ; plies, etc., ever brought to Burr finest wines and liquors for purposes always on ha’id. Agents for Any Periodical Publish Mwsnwo j . \OLH DOCTOR’S PRESCRIPTION GIVEN SPECIAL .'.i X ..<»V We respectfully invite the public to call on us ami see our goods and get oiir'pri es. We guarantee satisfaction. We are here to buil t up our business anil propos» to do it witli THF CiTY DRUG ST0R LOW PRICES--SQU ARE DEALING H. M. HORTOÍ , r • Pt $ ! ! Í ! Carl Joseph & Co Merchant Tailor- Chicago /or copy of their booklet "Brother Bill, Duds=oio. p'‘c.-," or call on us. FURNITURE, PIANOS. UNDERTAKING CARPI TS. MATTINGS. WALL PAPER. GO CARTS, MATTRESSES. REFRIGERATORS, BLILDING and CARPET PAPER, ROOFING. T.,. Our Stock is complete in Every Particular See uh first and get prices. Horses kf, . Wc have totue “inside lnfor- tnadon’’ relating •é to the new CARi. JOSEPH & CO. niade- • ••■ lea-ure clothes, which we \v nt U> give to the man who iii < to lie well dtessed. hundreds of the Very Latest st; les of fabrics to choose from. IVe are Carl Joseph &■ ~o.'s exclusive agents. kiiy, Main St, Burns, Oregon FIRST CUS1 iJ't $ di t A! iil< iredc or menili. . Ft OUi Your p Mr. II .tt recently fron Illinois, would respectfully an nounce to the ladies of Harney County that she will open a com­ plete slock ot first class Millinery goods and notions about Nov. 1 in the old Tremont Hotel building. Harney, Oregon. She will lo ve on exhibition the latest Fall and Winter Hats as well as various N .veil Vs suitable to the season. Prices leasonab'.e an . saiisfaetb 1 guaranteed. Call and see me. Main Street, South Mi. ♦ « o 4 4 <• ♦ ♦ « ZEZa/tti© ZZastie.- Harney, Oregon. Special 4 J i i n Given to Conducting Fanerais NEW AND ACCURATE HAY SCALES IN UINNECIIO.N WITH BARN. Haçev, Fenwick & Jackson Our line of 4 General Merchandis was never mere complete. Just received fresi» line of 5RM BAILEY, proprietor. Fips Wipes, Liquors apd Ciqars. flints for Maryland Crub Whisky. CLUB ROOM? Ili CJBNECTION EVERYTHING FÜH-ClflSS Courteous and oblitjiofj Mixologists. e ♦ ♦ > ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ BURNS MILLING C X HORTON & SAYER, Rough and Dressed Lumber, Rustic, Flooring, Moulding) Finishing Lumber. ; Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Ì s . C od - ■oad* Lumber Yard in Bums.