Tinies«Meralò vhrtfrrnt Jinrnrg tfcuiitiQ D-.-ot,, a . Paper of Haruey County, Lae Ibe Urg vilv in-1 Range ... Klamath F. ii lie granted. , Falls and a jun t U . th the south- 11 home there, Th« building of the Sumpter H arriman officials male dermite ern Pacific iir ..I ■ --..il ¡.- SUCCLMBS TO COMPLICATIONS FOL­ Valley railroad into Grant county WILL BE APPOINTED Hi SUCCEED r .’d t i : ct that ANNOUNCEMENT. •rn base of.the Siskiy Siski-ous. ous. While . ■ quest ione lias changed the travel between SENATOR Mil CHELI . LOWING REMOVAL OF TEETH nothing can now bn officially stated, triple the East. Burns and the railroad to be by it ia confidently < xpi-cled that as tin ... ; rtn.m d to way of Canyon City. The only Hahini Preparations lor Bl( Traffic Which fast ii» one extens n now luthoriz- All ’ s,. .1 o : . ; • u the Efforts Are in Vain to Stop Excessive impediment to the travel over this Will be Choice of Uoveruor Chamberlain Or< gi Is Conlldeatlx EspccUU to Develop Say Those on inside--Will Work ed is compl ' 1, or begun, another Hcmorrhnies Which Wipe Out lhe lmp.i ..ii ■ -:. r.iay afternoon route was the tri-weekly stage be —Work Witt he Rushc4. For Needs of All Parts. Power ol Resistance. will be provided for until the cen­ “When 1 i. .Im . d from vIre- tween Canyon City and Burns, and tral part of the state is adequately to enjoy a better stage service, gon 1 :ml..'itiiitvly found mv.- ..iiutnt ruble questions. meant that it could only be secured th« world ' V .ailroad transporta- United States Senator by asking for an increased mail are being made as to whom Gov­ :'ne :. ties. the lack of which has held it i.n :. I' lhe East ate tiou faciiiiies as soon as the prelim-: back in development for so many Jolm H Mitchell died at the Good ernor Chamberlain will appoint pai tn timi, .it: service. d in Oregon nary lines can tie run from years •SamariUn hospital iu this city at The government is calling for United States Senator to succeed and sal t: «v I. d ..--ured that it Natron through ' he Cascade Moun­ 11:30 o’clock thia morning, death bids for a daily mail service be­ John H. Mitchel! name John M will exp i.ihce i. markable devel­ tllülf PRICE FOR SHEEP. tains saya tbv Oregonian. The resulting from complications which tween Canyon City and Austin and Gearin as the ouo most likely to opment «¡liitn diem xt two nr three Canyon Citv and Burns. The years From i!..- interest that was Klamath Falls district, with its to receive the logo, says the Jour­ The wool growers of this section followed the removal of four teeth stages on the Burns rout« will displayed I .tn ' (lined to believe irrigated fi«lds will tie .n.ade trib- ' of the country ar. at present riding at a dental office yesterday morn- leave Canyon City on the arrival of nal Positively nn statement has that vast am unt- of Eastern capi- ulaiy to Portland and' Portland high on th« tide of prosperity, and "'*• A heiD' rriiage of unusual the Austin stage, and will travel been made by Governor ChamLer- it d will t e inv ted in til’s slat« markets This is the official state­ a number of owners have refused violence followed the removal of on a fiiurteen-hour schedule during lain to any person as to what me next vear. l’h< men with v.hom 1 ment issued yesterday afternoon such high offers as *4 50 per head the teeth ami despite the applica­ the summer and on a sixteen-hour his intentions, and his plans « I! talked invariably askeil about the from the office uf General Manager for young -< w « h thia fall, says the tion of th« moAt powerful styptics schedule during the winter. The i not lie given out until after Senator prop sed railmuds and lhe new J P O’Brien, of lhe Harriman Shaniko Bee. It is the consensus known to dental science, the flow of bids on each of these routee are to Mitchell’s funeral services have country 'dial would ire opened up lines “Ol.lv :. i'eii vents ago, when 1 of opinion among sbeepgrowers of blood could not be stayed. Physi­ be in Washington, D C., by Dec­ ¡been held The governor will then Construction has been authoriz­ name the man at otic« and who­ nasi this locality that wool will sell on cians were summoned to the den­ ember 26—Canyon City Esgle. Or. n was little heard of, ed by Mr Harriman, from Ins East­ ever he lie he will lt isten to Wash- mid v. y leu peisuus seemed to at, average of 25 cents per pound tal office, but the combined scien­ ern offices, of a line 152 miles in i ington in order to get into a posi- think it amounted to much as a at Shaniko next spring am) they tific knowledge of lhe dentiBts ami Furious Fighting. li'iigtli, reaching from Natron along tion to work for tbe affairs of the :ti medicos could not stop the flow of are so certain of this excellent But now it is all changed the Middle Fork of the Willamette : state before congress The ¿over- mid I think tlmt it is due to the blood. The senator ’ s condition “ For seven years, ” writes Deo W price that a numtier of local sheep­ River, through th« Cascade Moun- j Lewi: m.d i .ink Exposition. I men have refused to contract their soon became alarming and it was Hoffman, of Harper, Wash, T hud nor said today: tain to a (Kiint north of Crescent “It is my purpose next next season« clip at 2') cents determined to remove hiur. to the a bitter battle, with chronic stom­ was approached l>v a good many Lake, and thence 111 a g-ueral in a .-paper men during the trip, be­ this fall. Besides the extreme hospital. When the senator reach­ ach and liver trouble, lint at. last I appointment within a southerly direction to the southern high prices being offered for wool ed the hospital he was in a very won, and cured my diseasss, by the situation calls for prompt action, ing al.ranted tome by the reason • nd of the Walker Range. This and sheep the ranges are good this weakened condition and it became use of Electric Bitters. I unhesita­ in order that ill. new senator may that 1 registered from Oregon.”— line will in no place exceed in season and sheep are generally in apparent that. Unless* the flow of tingly recommend them to ail, and familiarize himself with the duties Orcgoonian. grade more than 3 per cent, and blood was anon stopped that life don’t intend in the future to lie and prepare to add hie influence for fine condition. the heavy parts will be short in : would pass out. without them in the house. They the precurement of federal aid for Für Sale—l'ive clmice lots in length, so that a helper service, . Senator Mitchell had long been are certainly a wonderful medicine, Oregon enterprises. On’ari,., jo lot.- iu Lawen, 10 lots A Fearful Fate such as ia used ill the Blue Mouil- “I have not yet decided whom 1 in üurn-: 161) ncret «f goud land a a sufferer from diabetis and other to have cured such a bad case as ta.og, will make lhe hamllirig of shall name. But when he ia an­ pari ..i : ui 'iirnl meadon 10 miies vitiating diseases ami in his weak ­ It is a fearful fate to have to en mine.” Sold under guarantee to tiHiiis h « easy as it now ia over lhe dure the terrible torture of piles. ened physical condition rapidly do Hie same for you, at the City nounced it will be seen that he is e.-i, uf l’.uri.s. unintproved; 160 O It A N. from Baker City to l*a “I can truthfully Hay," writes Har­ succumed to the inevitable weak­ Drug Store, nt 50c r. bottle, Try broad enough to work, nut only fi r acn mar Suddii Butt- wiih pre- («rande. the improvement of the Columbia -ent crop of wild gras- stauding, ry Colson, of Masonville, la , “that ness following such violent hemor- them to lay. It is detlnitely announced by fo- blind, bleeding, itching ami riniges and lapsed into a .tato of and Snake rivers, the Columbia bas a lr ne Par­ Mr O'Brien tlmt this stretch of ! protruding Pili -. Bucklcu’s Arnica semi-coiiRciousness early in the MRS. FRYE S BROTHER DEAD. liar mid the completion of the t'eli- tien:.:! i ui i. ubtaiuc t ul this 152 miles will be constructed as Salve, is the < -t cure made.” Also evening. lo canal ami for thu application of uflic • Last Sunday morning at Prairie more comnion buaiues- sense and - «in ns it is possible to I-gm work lest for elite, burns and t juries, Four physician«, Dr A .1 fliese V, alter lhe final surveys have iieen | 25c in The City Drug Store. Dr George F Wilson, Dr Emil City occurred the death of Sam lees red i ipe in carrying out the completed It is i xp.-ctcil that di« Pohl mid Dr James O C Wiley Berry, after an illness of only one nat otoil irrigation law provisions; The fu­ i>ut lie will be a man who rt>«anis first construction g mgs will be J. H Aii.li rson m.d wife return­ worki 1 over the senator sod about week from pneumonia RESTAURANT started to work in early sprii.g, as ed W,di.'»oi»y firn, a two weeks 7 o’clock last night temporarily neral took place Monday at two the demands of wt Merit and south­ C lino ;«'<»rg •. Proprietor. soon as the weather of the moun-: irip l i tl. I- ..iiu- slock ranch stopped the hemorrhage, but the o’clock p m , being conducted by western Oregon, for recognition of Cor. Main and B Streets. Coos and Yaquina bays as vitally { tain country will p-. nut of such ' in Harm . c mty Ur. Anderson relief was of but short duration ami the Prairie City Masonic Lodge, of HBA1*S RT flbli HOURS work to lie done r ill will see lhe ; (reports atu. : . i . eileul condi­ again th« blood commenced to flow which order the deceased was a necessary to the substantial pro-' member, and the remains were laid first trains running over the new ' tion, .mil -n ti. e H . 'iiey county intermittently, continuing through greM of the state. finkary in connection “Of course, I do not expect to | line. had a l.uni) r i.-y m.d grain crop the evening and through the night. to rest in the cemetery at that A Specially of Shari Orders. For this coimtrodion. uh has 1 liiis y.ar suggest a course of conduct to the ' Al nn early hour this morning a place. w l umber of Ta 1 le fur. • h. 1 with everything Mr Berry was one of the early new senator after lie shall have as­ iieeu pr< viously stated at different! cattle will I ■ i a ng io market severe vomiting spell further weak­ the market ..Hords Your patrou- pioneers of Grant county, having times, the Harriman system has < lining very dull for stock cattle. ened the senator and in became sumed his duties, but it is my own actinide *4,160,0)0. This sum, if j The depth of snow rang*.I from 8 more and more apparent that the been here since the early settlement determination to eclact a mall who ace .•oLcjie... of the county, haying worked dur­ already believes in tile policy I 1 all i* used, will make the average inches.to 2 feet in tb it country — end was approaching cost of const ruction something over Monument Enterprisi . All duri-'g th« night a saline sol­ ing the early days in the mines on have outlined anil who will nut 127,000 a mile. ution was injected into the veins to Canyon creek and Elk creek. For have to be urged to incorporate in a number of years lie has worked a hie program the advocacy of deep­ Thia announcement is, in the Having sold the furniture l.usi- furnish more fluid for the circula­ placer property at Robinsonville.— ening all natural harbors of this opinion of railroad men, prelimin­ tory system ami to stimulate the ness, C. A. Byrd will now turn his Blue Mountain Eagle. Deceased state. ary to the complete development of sluggish circulation. attention to painting and paper “That I conceive to lie the proper Central Oregon. Il means that I hanging and solicits a share of The diabetic coma into which was a brother of Mrs. C. G, Frye of attitude and shall be careful to ap­ from lhe end of the line just an­ your patronage He will also con­ the senator lapsed grew more and this city. nounced, extensions will be made duct a cabinet and repair shop. point a man who will desire to put. more pronounced despite the fre­ soulii into the Klamath district, into practical effect the broader I quent use of powerful stimulants For the finest quality of English east across ll> ■ state to Ontario, and and only occasional evidences of a Surprise Seed Oats, Clear from foul policy uf development that compre | Joe Bush and wife, <«f Paisley certain degree of mental activity north into the different districts seed and wild oats, also clean seed bends the utilization of all that I now waiting for the coming of rail­ took their departure for Burns last rewarded the untiring efforts of the rye at U cents per pound, call on nature has done to make this slate potentially the greatest center ofl roads to make them grow into week, where Mr. Bush formerly physician and nurses in attendance. Chas. 11. Davis. thickly settled farming region« resided before coming to Paisley Several hours before death the in­ Harney City Oregon. commercial activity of all on the’ Pacific slope ’’ One line will tap the Bend and I about three years ago. Joe and jection uf saline solution was dis Prinavill* country; another will his whistle will lie greatly missed continued and more powerful heart Alfalfa seed, Alstke clover seed reach up into lhe Wheeler and fiorn Paisley town —Lakeview Ex­ stimulants resorted to, but with no N. U. CARPENTER INTERVIEWED. Timothy seed, Red top seed, Turk­ Grant County district, while the aminer. effect on the rapidly sinking man. ey stan alfalfa seed, Red clover Beed. main line will pass through the After day light the senator's con­ Call and examine and get prices.— N U. Carpenter, cashier of the Harney and Malheur Valleys for a dition grew worse and pronounced First National Rank, at Burns, $25.00 REWARD $25.00 Geer .t Cummins. junction with the main line at indications of mortification became Ore., is a guest at the Imperial evident and specially in the ankles Ontario. Hole), en route home from an ex­ Torture of a Preacher. Notice is hereby given that hunt­ The present line, us just announc knees and hips. Several hours be­ tended visit in the East. Mr. Car­ ing and shooting upon the enclosed ed, will I h >, to a certain extent, a The story of the torture of Rev penter was formerly of Washington, lamia of the American Land A Live fore death the action of the heart ieui|Mirarv route, for the company at times became almost impercepti ­ O I) Moore, pastor of the Baptiit Stock Co located tn townships 39 now has in it- possession and un­ ble and the breath came iu short • church, of Harpersville. N. Y will A AO S Range 35 E and township der survey a pass through the spasmodic grasps As the end ap­ interest you. He says “I Buffered 3!» S, R 36 E W M, Harney Co mountain« which will let its track proached these symptoms became agonies, Because of a persistent Oregon (lietter known as the Trout more aod more pronounced death cough, resulting from the grip. I into Central t' egon on a 1 per Hat had over 24 years experience as Crevk and Colony Ranches,) is ensuing al 11 :-10 o’clock cenbgrade for the entire diftance, had to sleep sitting up in bed. i strictly forbidden. Any person or Senator Mitchell did not at any tried many remedies, without re­ which will give th« entrance to persona found hunting or trespass­ Portland on practically a water ing with a gun in their posestion time realize the seriousness of his lief, until I took Dr King’s New Second door north of po .t office. grade for the entire distance. This on above described property will condition. When he visited the Discovery for consumption, Coughs route which i" somewhat longer be prosecuted to the full extent of dental office yesterday he was in a and Colds, which entirely cured my Sixxrxs, Ozeg’on. than the one now adopted anil the law. A reward of *25 is here­ weakened condition owing to the cough and saved me from consump­ harder of construction, will be by oil «red for evidence that will several diseases which afflicted him tion ” A grand cure for diseased built a* soon a* lhe development of lead to their arrest and conviction. and his f quest that an anaesthetic conditions of Throat and Lungs The Finest of All be a> suppor tl R y F B. H ii . i R am it M anaueh prove lie free thai Mi 'll i course 00» t of construct mi. harmful The first teet h Words, as soon as the isi or no IL. tin re!—If yon want Io I sell were removed with by liie Ce ilral Or«K'>’> in hr Sale (k.ly al being .i. p-i.js r;v wily don't you I list trouble, tlie flow of ■ .ough income to wai an mill Smith A Lewis? They r will of th' 'normal Th- extra struct! i» of th« H>- oc.l A MATTER OF HEALTH four.Ji tout.« was u -o it n buyers to your one. They l>e built. task n I it wai f.ilfi. ving the re- a til find you a buyer for your ranch Oreg o Tins luvast >n ot Ce lt nr'V . f lhis tooth that lhe viol» nt or city property, your horse«, cat­ by the Nalroi. route , i - P encs, Burns, O e tle r sb. p Call nnl get ac- h m irfcfage manifested itself til« ihoight of ex e -ion wiih them — the latch At Senator Mitchell's la-dside 'quaii ted tn« Columbia Soiitl :. fdF'Ritbci I Bros., Di-.rii,t.ter.- I’ wli n he pas—d :< ' iv were . s - i - « ru g always hangs out. Main St Her branch am* the Ar. > in-law. Ju:.-- W O Chapman of Buris, Uiegon. don branch of the O K T , ■ .m i. \\ . and J. P. Price, a concert rd The H i •> tn p«op e nephew. Miss Lottie Price, a niece, will never build th ...h th moun­ WANTED— Agents, Hustlers nil cf tli - city Several friends of tainous region- • x ling past the Salesmen, Clerks and everybody SUC ESSOR TO.WH SO% ’. A - T N S’nut. r Mil' -li hl I left the bed present termii> . - ■ . t- lines m.d who wants to enjoy a good hearty slnrtii 1» f .re death came into l ei.trs' (>- g'i w l -'i read- of laugh to send 5Gc for “Tips to case .-oiistruettou tn - retched Agents ” Worth *50 to any per­ SFtLRES A DAILY MAIL "utfr . utn- (’. : '■ i Oregon main son who sells goods for a living. line lo tap the e«untri .i.ore direct- Thepeople.f Burn.-, and forthat f '“>l satisfactory your money h and at less co-t Circular for stamp. The 4 i .< matter the people from all that back Absolutely Pure There are two gai gs of surveyors Dr White electric Comb Co., Deca ­ of Harney county, have been ■w m the I’riuevdie-Bend-Madr«s HAS HO SUBSTITUTE part ALL WORKCUAR asking the government for an in tur, III. coui. try, working » uth towards A Cream of Tartar Powder, ANTEED. creased mail -ervice between Burris <>ifi-r surveyor« Walker's Hinge, free from alum or phoo* phatlc acid and Canyon City for some time, Up-to-date job printing at reason- are working west from Ontario to and it appears now that their re- able prices. Buxns, Oregon Walkers Range. Sii’.I other sur- ■ oval casino rewot s co., st* vows. < . (T'MMLXS. Vici B ios First National Bank OF BURMS, OFÎECON. A General Banking Business Transacted ^¿7arrants bought at the fnarAetprice. WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. CHAS. WILSON, POWDER Blacksmithing and i'ursshoeing. Wagon Work. N. U. Carpenter, Il . M. tiortuu, Timinas I »avis. • irotr- .-»»«-i-.-»» «t x-»««-. ♦<- , c <*•<-: • M A i . kxamikk . I‘m mu S i " W m . J ones . V ick 1‘ kicmi > i : nt . I Kntox, Cashier \V. I’ i ait , Asst. Cashia» I I ? FIRST NATIONAL BANK OREGON • ONTARIO » ! I liitei-eet 1’uiil on Time 1 »epor-iti«. , We Solicit Yout» Banking Business. STOCKHOLDERS:—M. Alt iT . Win. Jones, E. II. Teat, i (.’. E. Kenyon, II Alev mder, Estut 1 \l i Robbins, William Miller, Frank It. Coflin, Thon. Turnbull. ! o- ouc; »»» THE CARTER HOUSE. AflLKICAN CLAN ONTARIO, OREGON. Fire-Proof, Modern, Elegant. Rates $2.00 and $2 50 per day. AH Outside Rooms— Near Depot This modern new Intel was only iccently opened to the public. Harney Count} people wi l be always welcome and courteously cared for. A first < la-- I’.tt in connection. LIVERY BAQNIN ' Ho un tom N apton . I? ACTION 1 ' n C arlon B o YD Napton Boyd Mines and Mining O ntario , O kbgos . New V. i -on Urick. Ontario olii.-. THE CAPITAL SALOON, TRISC H A DONEGAN, Proprietor.-. Watchmaker and Optician Hotel Burns Bar 1 >iKKcrr< >ii-4 C. Cummins. J. W. Geary, John 1) Italy, C. A. 1 laines. E. N. NELSON MARYLAND CLUf WHISKY < ‘IKPEXTI'R, C ashier , WEI 1 OME, Aso. Castina. A < Oregon. Bums, ZxÆs-lxe ŒTlxis ZZea.c3.çL-CLa,rtorœ. Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Billiard a •* Pool Tables. Club Rooms in Connection. EETTEK ¿KB M. L LEWIS Vtillbt >lad I» furnish PRACTICALLY lnite'Jiii Over 500 Beautiful Désigné. STONE 1 » 1 - ---- ----- Send tor Price List Zs R/ Circulars. PARTICULARS and PRICES A. I yr Yf MANUrACTv.rn rv MONUMENTAL BRONZE COMPANY, jamsjzi'oai. co»». Set his Handsome DESIGNS. THE TIMES-H *