die 'Fiinct-Htralò you hate plenty o! time to dress yourself carefully on lhe child that is as great and --Pavilion Satisfacior) Place to lor the theater. With this mar Display h at Present. far reaching; that the aesthetic Q^arrants bought at tAe market price. gill of ti-:p-, Henrietta, you can nature of the child is sacrificed at A Washington dispatch to th- Ht*t* Superintendent of Instruc­ Hurney, Ore. Nov. 2-S, 1905 surely ’. ■■ \ e Uo excuse lor being uu WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. LACK OF TEACHERS IN THIS COUNTY, the lime when it is the most respon­ Oreg'-niaii .-»>•: In an interview tion Ackerman has in thi* months sive—namely when he has just Julian Byrd, Secret; ry Lewis an I prepared at the last moment, a Dili IX ”K >li^ 11 ai - v. ■ ■ !y eoi-'iti- d Io y our sex.” ■nth Senator Fulton, Secretary | County School Superintendent Clark Fair A'socl-ition. issue of the American School Board been promoted from one book to John I» Daly, C. Cummins. N. U. Carpenter, "Yes. dear, I u start dressing Dear sir:—In tho lust issue of Hitch' "' It renewed Lis declaration Rigby informs the Times-Herald Journal a masterly article review­ another, «nd every sense is alert in C . .A. Hainer. J. W. Geary, II. M. Horton, right now," said his helpmeet du­ Thomas Davis. of onwiJingners to authorize con- that there are seven school district* ing the advantages and disadvan­ happv anticipation of that event The Timee-Herald 1 find an editor­ tifully. in this county without schools at ial reply to my litter in regard to "And I myself will show you a which can never come to him—the •trnction of the I instills irrigation this time on account of a lack of tages of the free text-book system possession of a new book—by giv­ the disposition of till Harney good example in promptness,” project in eastern Oregon on the teacher*. So fur itH h* knows every i’lie ini|H>rtance of the paper lies in S'piillioli. kindly. "I'll start ing him a book which is more or county exhibit, wh-ch presents tlie s •■x^-onr; %-»•«■> .-»• r> -■»««'. .«sterr .,-*««■> -. t ««-. -#ec^Ota-« ground that lie has airvany au- available individual holding a cer­ thi fm-l thai th« system of free i i in now myself. By the way, itwitc r in a very satisfactory lijhl less defaced instead of one Hint is M. A lkxasuek . I' rkhiuknt . C. E. Kuxios, Cashier ihorize'l the "gpHi.diture of 12.000,- ’ tificate in th* county is now teach­ text-book* may lie seriously con- ; .e my shirts?” AU I desire is that after th« I W Wit. J ori > C. YV. P latt , V-t. Vin-hier 1 a delight to the eye. “ Here they .ire." i-'klofOrr on monev on the KIs- ing mid tie is very oesirous of ti ling sid*r«d by th« next legislature. Third, that the sanitary condi­ trouble ami expense to tVllich the ; “Put the shirt studs in it, will I’rofiHHOr Aekerman’s article fol­ urilh project which he deem, »in- th* vacancies tions are not observed by the sys­ citizens and county were oblig' d to I you? Ami -er t>v the way. this lows: p!e recognition for th* stat* Mt this 1 hi* condition is very unusual tem of free text-books, as a child I resort that the good effects result­ dress suit is rather rumpled. 1 111* free text-book question lias ■ imr Although h>- had no "ppi.r- arid without a precedent in Harney is forced to use a book that may ing from its display at Portland must have tossed it around in the OREGON ONTARIO, been a mooted one for many years, iiiiiii . ’u obtain map. and u state- county II i« certainly to lie de­ have been used by one not at all sh i’l tint lie loss by disolving the drawer. Y ou are rather bandy at and many arguments for and m.iii fr- n th* r*<-lnm ition sen iei- plored a» al this season of lb* year Interest l’aid on I'iim- i»e]>os«itH. cleanlv or by one afflicted by a exhibit into individual ownership those things, Henrietta — iau'1 -I , m mg th* llil*rslat* ihurai-ler of • very child of school age should against the system have Imeu ad­ contagious disease, ami in all pro­ nor into th« control of . ntsid' par­ you press it into some sort of We Solieit You? Banking Business. Per­ ' sha|s'?" th* K Ism.th project. Mr I* niton and could tie in school The ina- vanced from time to time babilities trajismitte-J by in'-.tiis of ties but that it mav remain a» the sonally I have not had the opportu ­ "All right, dear." ■g uh lo.isted that it was unfair to portalion of .1 few good teacher* STOCKHOLDERS;—M. Alexnn.l W in. .Jom«, E. II. Test, the book. It is true that in most property of Harney county ami if "A ml. » hili- y ou are at it, fix the C. E. Kinyon. H. Alcxatid'r, Ertate nt Al.n-r Rohlins, William charge the eo«t of that whole se^ioa absolutely uecesaary Ml this nity to inspect its practical work­ |thi lair gi mud pavilion is consid ­ schools where lhe system is in Miller. Frank It Collin. TI i k . Turnbull. ]» irls in my shirt front. Ginger! project to Oregon liu*** and the Tintea-Harald hope* ings. hence cannot speak from ex­ yogue the book» are periodically ered the best place f- r its disposi I w ish y ou ’ d chase up my cuff but ­ 2 -oe«.- <»•<.- ♦ ->«w ecj perience, so what I shall say on the Th* Secretary combated this can !>« a compii-had nt uncu. subjected to a roasting process to -tion lor the present I will be satis- tons." subject ha* been gleaned from pedu with tin declaration that tin- 12,- tied with that until such time as minimize the danger of contagion, Mrs. Squilbob flew around with gogmal literature ami from the re­ 101,1111.1 whu-h had hewn allotted but many parents admit that there the Gout.ty Court or citizens gener­ deft and willing hands, gathering ports of state sujierintendente of and i-bargi-d to Oregon represent*, I is a possibility of a germ or two ally can give it a place that will the masculine apparel together, Oreg i.'. share in the project Th» It is a fearful fate to have to en states having the free text-book which may not haye been suili- fully represent lhe growth and re­ while Squilbob calmly dressed Ii in i sei I in the intervals of bis rap­ entire project ns planned, will cost dure the terrible torture of piler system, and from what my own ciently roasted to make them harm­ sources of Harney county. J asi - ek D avis id lire directions. “Got Illi top I i" ii .O'-O m,d it is the Secretary's "I can truthfully say,” writes Har- judgment may dictate. less. Then, again, where the sys­ hat? lie asked. “Good. Now ' l he argument usually given in • 1.1 11 later on to luk> 12000,000 ry Colaon, of Masonville, la , “that tem is general, many schools would EARLY FEEDINU CAUSED BY SNOW STORM. please fix niy necktie and—why— favor of the system are: First, of California's nm.iey to complete fo- blind, bleeding, itching anil entirely neglect to fumigate the er—er—” ’ it protruding Piles. Bucklvti’a Arnica that it is more economical in that books and ali sanitary precautions S j ii i I bob gasped in surprise, re­ The unusual snow storm of L.et Mr Fulton however, ineisted Halve, is the best cure made.” Also the parents of different families be neglected with deadly results lates the New York Sun, looked at Wednesday will cause tn -nv of the thalli w»H unfair to charge ths test for cuts, burns and i. juries, need not necessarily purchase a dif­ Summing up the argument for stockmen to begin feeding much the clock hands, which pointed ferent text-book for each child pas­ w hoi* of the present allotment to 25c al Th* City Drug Store. uud against free text-books, I am earlier thnii is the custom A General Banking Business Transacted From eight, and then surveyed the flur- sing ucees-ively through the same i i' ll lit I le woman. Oregon, especially as the land to rather disposed to be not in favor of reports it is ¡earned that stock «re grade, as the • line book can be used "Ginger!" he said, in fine scorn, I ccdiag Six Ueekt Early. l>e irrigated under the canals which the system in stales having stale in fine condition mid < nter winter "aren't you dressed yet? Well, by -evernl children, thereby tnater- this m-'tiey will build lie on Iroth uniformity in the selection of its q'larters unusually fat if that isn't just like a woman!” (teurgo V Lt igliloii lidH returned L'ibv dkininishiu^ lhe per capita side» of the state line If all the text-books, but would strongly in­ It is a! i a matter ol gratifica number of hoiks to be purchased, land to lie irrigated with this cline towurd its adoption in all tion to learn that h.iv is quite plen­ The I.on2 Star said over in col> - quently the aggregate expen.-e *2,000.000 expenditure were Ore- near cases in which text-books are adop­ tiful and the local stockmen antici­ be ------ le»* ' that section sheepmen were having lo the district is diminished. Again gon land, there would — ted in any other niunmr. It is pate no bad results from the earlj ' - that the state or districts will he ground for objection, but the fact! to feed from a mouth to six weeks only fair to say, however, that sb feeding and all iveio in leidii -ss Chil e i i'org. , Proprietor. IS this money will I"- »i>.-nt for the earlier than last year and that al- abl- to purchase I ioo U h at whole­ far as 1 know no state or district for storms Of course tho snow Alli RICAN PLAN Cor. Main and B streets. reclamation of Ca'iforiiiii as well as readv nearly all th* hay in the sale rates, thereby reducing the per has returned to the old method may not lay on as th-- ground was ONT ARIO, OREGON. MERuS AT AbU HOURS Oregon laud, and on tin» basis the Payette valley had been bought up. capita expense, and that book com­ after adopting the free text book not. frozen to any depth If it panies will gladly furnish books at Senator insists that part of the al- Mr Leighton said hu commenced system, which is a sliong argu­ should disappear it will be a great B ikery in connection Intmeiit should be charged to Cali feeding his lanil-s on the 10th of, a reduction, owing to the fact that ment in its favor. benefit to both stockmen and farm A Specialty of Short Orders. (lie- thing thul l*‘*' state or district is a responsible the present month toruia. Ratus $2.oo and $2 50 per day. ets ami that amount of moisture Ta -le furii- lied with everything Late lliia evt iiing the Serial- r is helping out the >h- pineu there, P*rty and that fewer losses will be Torture of a Preacher. will be stored for next season. the market .■ fiords Your patron­ oil, -s tliht the incurred »tMnir- I facta from lhe K ■ l.iinalion said Mr Lt- Second, th-- free text book sys- age solicited. The story of the torture of Rev of th ip; r country Service which will establiali the in •beeptn Furious Fighting. This modern new Intel was only recently opened to the leralate character uf the Klamath were n< bringing tin....... rds down tern tend- greatly to make school O D Moore, pastor of the Baptist public. Harney Count, people will be always welcome “ For seven years. ” writes (•«-> W project and tomorrow will renew his to th" v Iley lor wi nter f. ling ,>s work umr-' tlficient. as it enables church, of Harpersville. N. Y will and courteously earn! for. A first < lass bar in connection. the tea hers t - have all pupils »up- Hoffman, of Harper, Waab, “ I had interest you. He says “I suffered ■ s- - uring urgumeut before the secretary in they usually do, hill ’X a bitter battle, with chronic stom ­ plied at ont-e with th ■ needful an I . ’ >* 4 Me agonies, because of a persistent r.nn Mr. nearer their the hop* of having the allot ment fee.t necessary iaaiks, thus euabling c >ugb, resulting from the grip. I ach and liver trouble, but at last I divided an that part of Oregon a re- - laiighti -i said th it probablv con­ them to begin work uuinediately. had to sleep sitting up in bed I won, and cured my diseaer», by the strii-ted fund can be used lor build­ ■idernble corn would fi« shipped in As it is. they are compelled to wait I unhesita­ t-ied many remedies, without re­ use of Electric Bitters 'N? for b ed later in the winter. Hay ing the Cuiatillu project tingly recommend them to all, and F ’ ;... the action of the parents, who may lief, until 1 took Dr King ’ s New Mr. Hitchcock is more deter- is elling for I I a ton generally. neglect or may not lie able to sup­ Discovery for consumption, Coughs don't intend in the future to be mil < d than ever before to put aside but he tried to purchase two or ;<Æ ply their children at the first. and Colds, which entirely cured my without them in the house. They I fe I the Malli- lir |>roj'ct, I'Ccauss uf lhe three small lots of hay and could wl in uui,: STEVENS Moreover, by bavin« books for cough and saved me from consump­ are certainly a wonderful medicine. •y ’. I 1 S ' .a si bit Bull's-T yes iu;il bringing liooaTou N am - on . attitude tak< 1 b, the wagon road not secure it for less than $ I 50.— I M n C ahiam B o TD .. . a .i yi. . All rctjiiibits firearm vir- distribution at ali times many more tion.” A grand cure for diseased I-1 have cured such a bad case a- j . < -ht-d ii our famous hue cf landowuera, and for other reaaoua Boise Statesman. -...« « 'L.w can . if ! l rot3 and SHOTGUNS. H. children will attend school for conditions of Throat and Lungs. mine.” .Sold under guarantee to I y h 1 • 1.; I i.tn ., the tua;k when shooting shot a In disi'Ussing this matter, he shows 8 T E. V “ ” do the same for you. at the City! E. N S ? , mure diivs tn the year, making u At The City Drug Store; price 50. < twi'ierable fe ling, exhibiting »a- Having sold the furniture bust- Ask your dealer anti in-1 Send 4 cents Postage io« ra ri' i 'c illustrated and $1 00, guaranteed. Trial bot­ Drug Store, at 50c u buttle, Try sKt un our jm .'¡i i . If new p isl hostility Inward C E 8 Wood ....... C A Byrd will now turn bis -I' - t i g . iin in school economy. b I I VI. NS book; de- . you cannot t ’4a?n the s f r-s entire output, all them today. • io my mind the lietler euicincy tle free. i-1 litiu»es. He does not Notice is hereby given that hunt­ text-books used in schools the bur son, of Burns, Ore , and Mamie sent crop of wild grass standing, i sxp< cl them to do *0 immediately, ing and shooting Upon the enclosed den rests upon the parents who McFadden of Athena, took place has a bouse and good fence Par- I V*t b- in unwilling t" divert money lauds of lhe American Land A Live change from one couuty to another | yesterday a* the Golden Rule ticnlars can ire obtained at this. from ths Malheur allotment for use Slock Co located in townships 39 and from one district to another, ’ Hotel. Rev N. H Brooks officiat­ office. on other works in Oregon. If he sition, j ton and were present at the cere­ ing with a gun in their posession cerned. TI zlïs llw *2,MO,UOO allotment remains The principal argument io oppo­ mony. The groom lias resided on above described property will tort! up ami cannot I-« expended for tie prosecuted to the full extent of sition to the free text-book system several years in Harney county the b< nellt of Oreg' n or any other where he is successfully conduct the law A reward of «25 it here­ ar* iu the main as follows: state. First, the school district has per­ ing lhe business of ramming and by offered for evidence that will The couple will lead to their arrest snd e-uivicli.'i formed it, whole responsibility atockraising I toping Couple Arri - ed at Austin. A meuic an L and < k to. when i: Iris provided each and leave in a few days for Burns, I within its jurisdiction which place will be their flit lit B y K B. Hu t .B am •« M anager . ; every • Looking down tin mur le of a »chool sites, school houses and borne revolver aa long as v ur arm is n< t g ioertaios a pleasant sensati" when eloping IL> iher-!—If yon want i - p ¡1 to good schools exe-pt books, and For Sale Only al Howev*r BETTER AND with your l•eet girl EliJORCED BY th >t it -■ the duty of lhe pirents to your properly why don't jolt list • uch » 1 i. the experience of D M ■11 b: "lad to furnisli A MATTER OF HEALTH bear th- urden ol furoishing the it with Smith A- Lewis? Th - ' ll SCIENTISTS AS 5 CUM TTiBi Auslin win wlc at h- liilier al Awim -; that a great principle see len buyers to your oi.e. They text-li ïkbSÏ ANY breakfast ta*- '• I»1 H I» niorn- PRACTICALLY | is vi-'la cl 1er Over 500 year- »Id daughter of C ’ K I -Price LfM SUC' E«SOR TO.WILSON 4 A r T N. b i>s-. id iii -t states have made Sah --lien. Clerk? and everybody trip trail -in m n- : to legislative enact- in . a.uits to enjoy a good hearty Sec bis Haad'ome i khcr If t O 1 homat*. un-til laugh to send 5Uc for “ Tips t< ■- from Maiiieur county, Second, ii.,’. the system deprives Ageule ” Worth $50 to any per­ ■rile after burn leached Aust 11 lhe child -if a sen-v of ownership, son who -ells g.xids for a living. MANUFACTI'KED BY but th"ir midnight Friday i-lg MONUMENTAL BRONZE COMPANY, one of .he civic virtue* that should > If not satisfactory your money BBisasrciii. cosn. k> mi to presence was not nix becult.iated early; that he will back Absolutely Pure Circular Uir stamp. The all were the runaway p*ir ui n it t the same nt c«»*tty of caring Dr. Whit* electric Comb Co., Deca­ taLie the seated st the break! MS for . property of lhe diainct as tur, III. i a com- i fill win; morning, » A Cream of Tartar Powder, he would of h.s own, and that of .. free from alum or phon* 111 a nd, “Hands up," bis own book he may retain poaes- phatlo acid Up-to-date iub printing at reagon- sloping joum« v I" sn abrupt ini’. - eion and prize the highest of hisable prices. aovAi bakino povrots co., etw veaw M Kilburn started homeward at 1 «’ DISCUSSES FREE TEXT BOOKS the Sumpter valley tr -.in steamed out < f h' i. ; teriu u* Sunday irti kl.AMATtt PROJECT (AKES 01 if •firm on, th ■ Mr Miller STATE SI PI KINTENDENT ACKERMAN RECLAMATION FLINQjj. >ha -kb d bau 1 and fo A THE CARTER HOUSE. Fire-Proof, Modern, Elegant. All Outside Rooms— Near Depot LIVERY BARN IN CONNECTION. r* Ü! Napton & Boyd Mines and Mining. E. N. NELSON Watchmaker and Optician Second door north of post office. ZB-CLxrxs,. Oregon The Finest of All Bums, Oregon. Q XÆalce ZEZGâLclqL-uLSirtœxe. Wines. Liquors and Cigars. Bilhard c .1 Pool t ables. Club Rooms in Co «inaction«'' L LEWIS Hotel Burns Bar CHAS. WILSON PARTICULARS and PRICES INFORMATION Blacksmithing and Horsshoeing PDWD£rl ' WINS. Wagon Work. HO SUBSTITUTE ! Main St., ALL WORKCUAR- ANTEED. Burns, Oregon THE TIMES-HERALD Job Printing.