¿he íiiufs-luraíd SATVZDAT. XoVtMUtK 1». lwr> made bo far as qualificatoti a SCHEDILE OF EXPENDITURES. rrr conce! ned. LEWIS &. Continued from first page.) T » M i ' I.M’ d AM’? AÎ.’WD Cranberries at Hueton e. SMITH Real Estate. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION VSITKD STATES I tXl> OFFICE,! Buru, Oregon, OrtotMr 31.1904.J Xotlev ia herein given that the iollowiug- naiier . 5.1:0'. viz J. h:. I'. Farra oi Burna, “re koii . H K. So KL7. for lhe t S SE'pre v ». i- -3 s . R 31 E , W M. He Minn the following wltneMea io prove hi. eontlni.oua residence u|«.n and cultivation of aal rland.viz: George Fry.- a ar Cavender. William M. Stewart and Joeeph Cavender all of Burna, Oregon. „ W m F ahr «. Register. We have the Goods We make the Prices—We get the Trade. JOHN DEERE PEOWS ’ REAO OLE BARGAIN LIST: H E Thompaoo, board of 19 50 ¡/Tieon-rs 19 50 for the evtablisl.rncitt of the fi |2,OK)—Business property on Main St, H M Horton, supplies exhibit that has been return Lot 50x100. building 36x80 feet LÍ) fur county. .... Dr MJ Gerdt«, medi­ front the I.t rti' and Claik in ti |6,000— Hotel, 24 r. oms fine furniture, [am county cal attendance poor 1 > 00 10 00 every room ventilated—a snap. city a* a permanent exhibit. Electric Light «V Power >4,000—An ideal h< me, 200x200 feet of Time»-1 lerald i» plra.ecj to nde Co. li.ht* six months ISM 13 25 VI er 9» 00 ground, bouev 32x44, 10 rooms, 151) fruit lhe interest manifested in the mat lorn Allen, jailers fees 9« 00 huariz ial, section lowusuip 21b -to., along with startling regularity and j Section : .-4, l, Township make money on any of these, We also 1903 Ranged E . by Mart N. ilei.liy, . out--ree. in B« n Brown for warrant which it ih alleged that said Marl N. Deadly sheep, etc. the great religious is taking on 1 handle tour burses, cattle. No 751 lost High lias wholly abandoned the same for more than HMJND OtAl). School fund............... If yon want to sell list with us—if you six months prior to this date, and has been ab­ age rapidly. ¡'he business of lhe sent for lb month.-, and has departed John GeinBerlin# re­ w ant to buy examine our list or w rite us from therefrom this State and has been absent from this past year has been very satisfac­ pairing clock.... State about is months, and that his present for particulars. I he body <4 Wm [.onggood D W Yoder, 2 months whereabouts are unknown to this affiant: ami tory to the management, and it ihat 8»id alleged absence from said land was «alary . .......... vaa found near the lu.ui at Tub not due to his employment in the Army, N’avv, H A Did .rd dito feels grateful toward the people ot or Marine Corps <>f the United states as n pri Spring between the Allnow plate 11 (’ livens, cash for NOTICE FOR BIOS vale soldier, officer, seaman, or marine during the Great Harney Country lor lhe and Agency last Friday the war with Spain, or any other war in which .... At first I freight ........ the United States may be engaged; said parties H W Welcome & Co do Noticeia hereby given that the County are hereby notified to appear, respond and of­ pber.il support accorded. it was thought he had been killed Dodd, Meade«kCo books evidence touching said allegation at io Court of Harney County, Oregon, will o fer ’clock a. m. on December 12, 190'». before the The Times-1 feraid takes the by his tram, hut after an exami­ for High School.......... Register and Receiver at Burns, Oregon receive proposals for the making of an L WoldenbergJr freight The said contestant having, in n proper affi­ credit ol doing at least its share nation by Dr Gerdes that the on books..................... expert examination ami report of the davit, filed October 2S, l'.»u.>. set forth facts , cause of death was heart failure. Geer & Cummin«, eup- which show that after dm* diligence personal i toward the development of this condition of all books and records of service of this notice ca»» i be wade, it is | Deceased had l»een to the railroad plien for High School hereby ordered and direc'. ! nat su< l> notice | Harney County for the two years ending section and bringing its many ad­ after freight and had been met Cha Wils in, roils for be gistn By due and prop« i | ubihaiion July 1, 1906, and that such bids will be A. W m . wan . Rec« iwr 8‘ hool Building vantages to the attention of out the evening before by the stage Il M Horton supplies opened and considered by the Court on for school side capital and liomeseekers. It driver just above «he spring w here January 3, 1906, at 1:30 o’clock p ni. Burns Milling < o lum­ The Court reserves the right to reject NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. will continue in Ibis work with he had left his wagon and was ber lor school UNITED STATES LAND Ol'FICEJ any and all bids. lhe hearty support of the leading bringing his freight team down to I, M K «rpentur labor Burns, Oregou, October 80, 1905,i 1 on building IS 50 By order of the Court. water. That was the last time Notice is hereby given that the following | Union School Fur Co business men and public-spirited nautetl settler has llle«l notice of her intention | SAM MoTHEKriHEAD, he was seen alive. The body Desks ........................ 52 20 to make final proof in suprairt of her claim, and . Clerk. citizens of lhe county. that said t roof will be made before lhe Register • was found by Ted Hayes and Malheur Mercantile Co und Reviver, at Burns. Oregon. .>n Deeeniber freight on desks....... The work along this line during wife the following day. 16. I'.O g , viz Alina L. Bower of Harney. Oregon. iG R Southworth labor II E. No. 22'.«6, for the SE' ,, See. 32, T. 22 S., R- i PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. Deceased had been a resilient : on building. 33 E. W. M. the past year lias been most grat­ She names the following witnesses to prove ; : John Worlow moving (liO<(t. i of this section for a number of her continuous residence upon aud cultivation ifying and encouraging to I....... | To the Hon. County Court of Harney of said land, viz: f.eo Gab s, U I. Neil, C. A. I wood............................ years, was about 56 years old and 1 Mrs K J Winters, jani- Deinaries and Chas. H. Davis, all of Hurney • county. who have interested themselves i Oregou. i unmarried He had followed | :wuo U m . 1 arhe . R gister. ( We, the undersigned legal voters of and today the prospects are very It aming for a livelihood for some I Harney \ alley Lumber Peuablo precinct, Harney county, i Co, lumber road fund flattering for rapid development time and also owned a house, ' 1 Chas Wilson Libor for 271 91 Oregon, do hereby petition your Honor­ road supervisor able Court, to grant a license to J. C. and settlement ot this promising barn and some lots in Morrison’s ’ i R Drewett, hauling Peterman, to sell spirituous, malt and H addition. He had no relatives N BX'.Wi. BEN IROWN, The Tillie*- Ilei alii new country lumber ............. Pr..id..l Vie».Pr..id<»« vinous liquors in less quantities than H here but a brother over in Idaho Di ink wat< r \ < lav la- Nurth al Fast Office on Main St. ha» weathered the slot ills for the one gallon in Peuablo precin t, Har ­ l»or for road Snpv.... ha» been communicated 1 with. past eighteen years with increa - C A Haines, repairing ney county, Or«gon, lor a period of six The remains were buried I nt Narrows bridge......... months, as in duty Ixnind we ever pray, ing patronage and adding vigor Drewsey. Schwartz & Budelman it •' • Names. Names. supplie« for rd supv with age. It enjoys the confi­ Robert < iilhani Doc Cate Authorized Capital. $5U.WW.W. 1 M Jordan surveying Joe King dence of the people and will con­ Fred Allen O G Frye viewing roads WILLIAM L. CLARK DEAD. Burns, Harney County, Oregon. 1 V Jordan, chainman J M Taylor Joseph Cat low tinue in it» humble way to serve LEON M 11 .OWN, Csshio'and Manager F M Jordan surveying Edw W Callow * A Denio Burns Milling Co, lum­ (Harntty Correspondent.) 'J wen tv-one Vet tvs :n Hurney County. them honestly and conscientiously. W A Monroe A Adrian ber ............................... The interment of lhe remains of ( lias Wilson, labor for F Adrain C E Maliinix Wm L Clark took place at the road suny.................... Fred Holo way J G Holoway h Correspondents: London-Paris American Bank, San Francisco, CaL, The Times-Herald ba» been Hartley City cemetery at noon Harney Valley Lumber Vene Deffenbaugh John Geary First National B; nk, Portland, Ore., First National Bank, Caldwell, Co lumber ................ asked by several prominent busi­ Thursday A selected choir con­ g Idaho. J II O’Connor Dan Defenbatigli Geer A Cummins, sup­ sisting of Mrs J K Haines, Mrs ness men of this city to again lake L C Peterman Bob Doane plies for road supv . MitKgif Bower, Mr» Juliu Clark and C < i Frye, hauling lum­ M M Doane up the mailer of re organizing the JOHNSON & > ELTON. Prcpts. four patronage selkited. ber ............................ Messrs A K Ricbnrdsoii, Alma and Notice is hereby given tIrit on Mon- Board of Trade in order to be in D 1. Davis who rendered several Newt Hoover bai due «lay, tne 4th day of Dec., 1905, the un- on report..................... > dersigned will apply to the County readiness to look after the interests appropriate selections while the Tom Allen, stamps ¡Court of the state of Oregon for Harney hotly was lieing removed from the 4_j Z V building fund............. of this s< ier Davis J. C. P eterman . Toni Howard, janitor . 31 85 railroad developments and the delivered a few remarks eulogistic Burns Coach Ilorse Co FRAX -, CO . Propt. of lhe virtues of the deceased after Premium at Harney pretence of surveying parties in County fair .............. an intimate acquaintance of over F - the immediate vicinity, this is most twenty years. n dito given the attention of lhe business Tregaskis ami Robt Irvinif. HATES: • Mrs llarrv Smith dito < men of thia tily at once. The William L Clark w>r Klar ch Terril dito....... -«•■’ts.tl C Xt ts . 4L. cient importance to cause the pul>- Eugene during Ina boyhood In Mrs Lackman washing for primmer ............... lit spirited citizens to make some 1865 he enlisted in Co K , Firs’ <ì W ( levcn^ei it Co. Oregon Vulilnloers acling us a scoi l burial oi Jack Satoris 55 00 «>5 Oo effort at least toward bringing in the war with the Piute» un I Newt lloov« r, salary as RESOLVE E> ! about desired results. I nnake Indians rua«l supv Cit team hire 362 00 362 (50 THAT The BUSTER BROWN STOCKING Of drugs, medicines, druggists s indii 15 A. BOON TO MOTHERS Mt> A SNAP The energetic people of Har­ February 12, 1867 lie wag mar- Geer ct Cummins, «up- plies for county FOR JAHTA CLAW* * evirerai HU ' ried to Miss Nancy E Ogle whu perfumes, stationery, books, school sup­ a Tioce/aO ovaet Pacific States T» I Ct Tel BU5TER BßÖj?N ney will oi g.mize a Board of Trade TOW*‘( tVt^/ came acroas lhe plains tn 1864 kornt.ll KsO'Sy ( ’<>. Tel service Nov. plies, etc., ever brought to Burns, this evening and the people of this He learned lhe Wagontuakers trade D N \ aridi, salary a« lar-r wwarrTast CtAHV fcUSTtRM»* 120 00 supervisor.. ... finest wines and liquors for med place should be ready to co-oper­ willed be folioweu for a number of Marsden Gearv In­ ate with out sister city in further­ years and tn 1885 he came to Har­ purposes always on hand. vestigation of death ney county entering a ipi.tiler Bee­ of Adam Goebel KM) Dit 100 00 * We can't all ing the inutual interests—that of lion of land near Lawm which he R B ('arv,constable fees 10 00 IS 00 advancing the development of the cultivated with marked success | State vs Lamb......... said Brother Sii! Malheur County, costs (»real Harney Country. The in­ Fur four years be was mail contrac­ fi >t ( ol veil 2229 17 Con’t’d TOUR DOCTOR’S.PRESCRIPTION GIVEN SPECIAL Al' dlllN. can at lease IcoK as '> tor for the route tielween Burns and Dalia Turner Juror. .. 14 50 8 00 terests of the two places are com­ We respectfully invite the public to call on us an 8 . It . I E . W M take an active interest, and there­ in th» Harney hotel until the hour I. Hr iiiiiu. s tiir following witnesses to prove Ins e.M iinuouM residence upon and cultivation fore would not assume responsi­ of interment should arrive at 12 of hhd I laud, viz Nancy J. simmons. of Burns. 1 o'clock Thursday morning. Tie Oregon, l>on l ater. 1». Alber» cavrlfield ana bilities that should be shared by Edward kndersi’n all of Narrows, Oregon. arnvJl of the mou-ning cortege w «s W m E arbe . Register. CARPtlS. MATTINGS. WALL PAPER. GO CARTS, MATTRESSES, C every business, man in the city. almost the first intimation iu this REFRiGERATORS, BUILDING and CARPET PAPER, ROOFING. The Timez-Herald will canvass vicinity of Mr Clark's decease aud NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. the city next week anil next issue a feeling of deep sadness and hear­ Ou" Stock is complete in Every Particular UNITED STATES LAND OFFD’Ej ty sympathy with the family qniok- Burns, Oregon, November 21, i hopes to have every business con ly prevailed the coniinunity wIp-re See us first and get prices. Main St, Burns, Oregon Notice is hereby given that Stanley E. Tyler, tiled notitf of Intent in Bui ns pledged to Ire pre sent at be had atone time resided and was 'o make prod on his ■ desert-land FlkiT CEA.' .);.!eceinber, 19U5. their regard for his noble qualities on He I uesdHy. nnmo the billowing witnesses to prove re-oi gamzing lhe Board of Grade aud especially of his uprightness in the 1 omp etc irrig ti.»n and reclamation of said l.»nd: N tell llali, I »Id Cote. Stanlou Tyler and m.tkihg an active body that business relations. The call for his and Melvin Parker, al! of Burns. Oregon. ¡•.cd. Your i W m . E ar re . Register. departure has been sudden and he will keep up m interest and of suf­ . II ttie II -li ’ . re entlj fron Illinois, would reap* ctfully an . » »-gon. will he greatly missed among his South M ficient standing to make it a factor neighbors and in the county nounee to tin* ladle? of Harney County that »he will open a com­ C rt J NOTICE EOU PUBLICATION plete stock ecaufa­ < f I awen. Oregon, I.ee Carpenter of Narrows, Oregon The ippointment of Associate ther? are no bad accounts WM. FARKK. Register. ju-tue («everton of the Oregon Remember Brown's Cash Store is Our line ol AI >M IN isti : ATOK'S noth e Mipieme i>uil to the Federal a etricl ly Cash Store not Cash for Hzrite-y in ntskinj; ;t sltoi “ I DISC PLOWS SULKY PLOWS Harrows of Every description In fact Farming Implements COOK STOVES HEATING Camp Stoves In various Patterns, Sizes and Prices Shelf Hardware Builder’ Supplies Doors, Windows, Gl. ss, Paints, Oil. Varnish, Etc. GEER & CUMMINS, urns, Ore. urns Meat Market ! Hainuv County Bank | WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINE8S in anv■ Quantity. I HE OVERLAND L DRESS GOODS and TRIMMINGS ¡^BUSTER BROWN 1 i I j Largest and Most Complete Stock ; Agents for Any Periodical PubliskJ THE CITY DRUG STOR. LOW PRICES -SQUARE DEALING C» ari Joseph I G. w. Clevenger « Co. & Go Merc’à&m Tat iw. ago Special . e on Given to Conducting Funerals Hagey. Fenwick & Jackson. was one and credit to the other but Cash Nutict is bertbv given that th? under- «»>. owed by the appointment of F to all signed was duly appt intel adtniuifctrator G H.dev. of Pendleton to fill the oi the Lstate of William Longguod, de- A letter received by hie family ft se«.l. by an orJ« • f the County Court vacancy on the supreme court oi Harney Count\. Oregon, dated No­ bench bv Governor Chamberlain. veeterday from Tboa. Arnold state» vember 24, 19t»5 ard baa duly qualified. that hie father T L Arnold was very Both app intments seem to meet Cl p<-r-<>ns having claim* against said low with pneumonia at hie home ic V -tate are hereby required to present the approval ol the people in gen­ Agency valley with little hope for them, u ith proper vouchers, within eix eral and the politicians particular­ hi* recovery Dr. Gerdes ha* been months from t‘ «• date f this notice, to ly. Hew ever, leaving politics in constant attendance for the paet the onde it** signed at Burns, Oregon. l ate-l arn?, Oregon, Nov. 25, 1905. it of the question entirely, no several day* and doing all poeeible C. A. Swux, bettei m lections could have been for hu relief. I Administrator. Judgeship on lhe 21st inst THE HOTEL BURNS BAR General Merchandise was never more complete BURIMS MILL1IMC HORTON SAYER, Promts. Rough and Dressed Lumber» Rustic, Flooring, Moulding* Finishing Lumber. Just rtc ived fresh line of Ile»dqu.irteie for Î i CLUB-ROOMS IN CWCT10N. EVERYTHIN FK5T-CLflS; Courteous arid obligiD^ Mixologists. Nearest Sawmill to Burns. Good Road- Lumber Yard in Burns.