Simon Lewi«, Burn», cattle “I. on ri^ht side, mark, crop and under bit in b it rar, crop and under hair crop oft right. ce-ved a big lot new furniture wh John Witsell. Burna, horse», W bar on right atifle. cattle, diamoml bar on left hip: mark: the public should call and see •plit iu ea< h ear, wattle under chin. ■ à TCXUAY. NOVXMRlk 111. ISM .M McMenamy, Burna, horses, reverse L ou Pre • liirqi services at the Baptist left D «Ufle. cattle. «.■•? <>u left hip; mark, mt lai tag in each ear W ith full name ami siidrea < i. ,ri h ever. 1st and 2nd .Sundays, Man’* UnrMAonablene«s Varieu Bru«., home». LF on right aiiflt; cattle • CIMUKimuN KATKo LF on right hip; mark, crop, upperbit and un­ morning and evening Sunday derbit iu right ear it nflffn a« ** wnmffn’»*. l x (a Ous Y»a/ echool every Sunday at 10 a. iu . J A William», Van, huraea, 71 bar on at: sis Musths Ltt Thus. S Austin. .Mgr. i ( the ii P* cattle, bar IL on left riba; mark,underbit iu led TWss Buatta n under slope iu right. uhlican,” of Leaven worth, Ind , prayer, meeting everv Thursday ear, H Elliott, Burna horMs, H-i combined on left .... evening The pastor will preach at stifle; cattle,^ on left «ide; murk, underbit iu wits not unraaaonsblf* wh- n I right ear, left split in half lower part lopped »1 LI AH Bi Ml» — - - M aaagsr fuwd to allow the doctor« to <>|H » “ Silver Creek the third Sunday of doW n against side of head. C 8 Johnson, Van, horaeS, SJ on leftshoulder; ale un hi« wife, for female troeihh* 'be tn .nth, and at \ an the 4th Sun- I cattie, bJ on leit hip; murk, crop and uuder i K. W. Dixon, special agent of i.iy until further notice.— Rev. A half crop iu right ear, underbit in left. ‘‘Inatead,” he BaVO, *‘ww conclude 1 C J Jonnaon, Kiley, cattle, O Lar on left nip; ; marks, swallow fork in right ear, split iu left. the interior department, who has , to try Electric Bitter« My wife! B M maker. Pahtor. W B Johnsou, cattle, JK combined on left hip; made such a flurry among the was then no sick, th»* coul l hirdly mark, crop oft" right ear, two splits and under I half crop In left. stockmen of the interior during leave h*r bed, and live[5] |»hy«i-l W A Campbell, Narrows, horses, NCcombined j 1 on left shoulder: < uttie, bar S'c combined ou ; the past two years, came in last ciao« had failed to relieve her ! [ left shoulder; mark, upper half crop in left ear. i OFFICIAL DIRECTORY I John Buoy, Burns, horse«, 2B on left shoulder; eveuing from the southern part of | After inking Electric Bitter«, rhe I < attle, 2B on right hip or side; mark, er

:r city." Geo E. Davis J W McCulloch CH Leonaid Dealer in ............. Ontario-Burns Stage bine. Wm. MILLER, Groceries, Provisions ATTORNEY AT LAW. Tropical and Domestic Fruits when in Season. DALTON BIGGS J. W BIGGS. The only through passeiigez ani transfer route fr in Burns to ths railroad. Biggs & Biggs HE ALSO HAS A LINE OF ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW, CENTS FURNISHINGS, Hats, Shirts, Clothing, Underwear—Get Prices B RN8, ---- ---- ---- ---- OREGON. First-class accotutuodiition» »¡u Practice in all the court? of Ore. good eating statinns at emw.-,-eot distances slung tlie route Collections promptly made. j. A . RE^B o LD 8. 8. WILLIAMS, Gm Jlgr, Dreweev.ur,^ C. W. PAfcBlSH PARRISH & REMBOLD, L. Woldenberg Jr., Agent., Burns (and Canyon City,) Oregon. CHILDREN’S CLOTHINC. A ill practice in the court» of Harney and riant counties and in the supreme court oi the state. au.> Y J J making I r. iCT Miller either toop below Y) same place or on left jaw; ca tie I fW I. B-»t bat Fon left shoulder or libs; muik two under- | bit a in left and cue in right. also : w o un .orbits < i-ui.ty < «»mt mvtta the tirwt Wednesday in iu tach ear January. Mu t h. May, July, September and Darst A Woldenberg Jr.. Burns, cattle three Sovem i»er. angles on right hip. mark crop <>fl each car; ’ horses same brand od right stifle. HAKKKV U. ». LAKH OVFICV: I Geo bhaw. Burns, t attle brand G S on right earmarks square crop in both ears with U-gihicr W in Farre I hip; in left, also crop ami uuderbit in right . A W Gowan underbit Receiver ami upper hal.f ciop in left; horses G S on right shoulder. < ITY. — BURN«' H Kelley, Burns, horse brand circle 5, also F Dr J. W. Geary. left h w Miner on left stifle; also K on left shoulder. F 8 Miller, Burns, horses, dumb-bell on V J Hopkinn stifle; ( al'le same on lefl hip. hip J W Bevedge W M Stuart, Burns, cattle, 7 L <»n right {(* E MrPheeter« mark uuderbit In right ear, dewlud on brisket Councilinen : J .................. C Eoley . ....... brand.7 ' • .................. L on left stifle. Bimon Lewi», I 1 r horse W Clevenger I m*rk, crop in left under bait crop in right F G Blume A Son, Burns, cattle >1 on left hip ( G “ ‘ __L on wattle ----- le,t jaw . z. ; ---- horsts, *-- *--** 51 on — left - Stille. ear MreUug» of the Council every Second and E P Sylvester, Burns, cattle C on left hip. Fourth Wednesday. Roy McGee, Burn«, cattle AD connected left hip, mark crop oft left upper bit iu right ear; horses, same left shoulder. J H Anderson, Monumeut, cattle a right Bide BRANI» COLUMN I and hip: horses X right stifle. A WONDERFUL INVENTION J P Farrc, Burns, cattle JP connected, spear icier leniena, Burn», horses, PC on leftsti head with bar under on left hip, mark upper fle; ratue aautr on either hip; ea t marka crop half crop in each ear; borsea same brand on left It ih interesting to note that for­ ami split in left rar, »wallow fork andaquare stifle. i under bit in right. W H Maj fleld. Bums cattle, EX either hip or tunes are frequently mud« by the 1 am prepared to furnish iny customers with the usual mark crop and split in left ear under 31upe M Fenwirk, Burna, horses, double dot vertic side, 1 al bar on left »houldvr, cattle. L on right hip in right; horses EX left shoulder. high class goods and invite the public to call when desiring invention of articles of minor im­ « armai k», two underbita in each ear; also Bom J W Shown HarncN, cattle L’S left ,hlp mark and two splits in right ear: horses US left b tr T on right ribs, earmark, unde crop 1 portance. Many of the more pop­ branth-d half crop in left ear. I ■title. I) if Smyth, Smith, cattle triangle, bar J, HB .1 H Buuvafd, Burna, cattle, 7 on left hip; ear ular devices are those designed to marks, crop off left car, swallow fork iu right. connected, < < any place, horses same. benefit people ami meet popular J I’ Witlicra, Harney, horaes. combined TJP Frank Matney, Burna, cattle, quarter circle on left abouldvr. cattle, half citelr ctomm on Diamond on either hip; uimk, under iialf < rop ccndilione, and one of the most in­ cither hip earmark». up]rtn left stifle Cost. Take a peep at my windows. jaw, »!■<> some brauded cir< le N on right aide Comb, patented Jan. 1, ’99 These o L Bhinglederker. Burns, horses, 5 on lef '>n right side and hip, ear wonderful Combs jtositively cure ■boul marks, crop ott' right ear, crop ami under half 1 dandruff, hair foiling out, sick and (•rop off left. Fre»l Deustedt, Burn», horses, FI) on the left W anted —T rustworthy men and nervous headaches, and when used shoulder; cattle FD on left »i- legitimate, paying mail order business. ing towards head on upper aid«; wattlaoa lef Largest More Retween Portland and Bois*. It tells you what to do and how to do i The Dr White Electric Condi Co., side of neck; all animals dehorned < F Rutherford, Burns, cattle, bar 2 on left it succey fully. Send us 50c today , Decatur, III. side, earmark, under half crop right ear; horses and we will send you the book, and a bar 2 on left shoulder. Thos Wingfield, Burns, horses,0 (chainlink) valuable nu i th v toarnai m ■ veic free <»n left shoulder; cattle, same uifleftside, mark C entury PuBLiBtits.i u>. i-ox 73, • rop off left ear, short overslope in right. Keliyioas Services. John Craddock, Silvies, horses, 8-8 on the left H er in L ake M inx shoulder; cattle, 8-8 on right side; mark, crop <>ff right t ar, swallow fork in left, dewlap on R«v A J. Irwin will preach at brisket. W E 8mlth, Burns, cattle, XI on right side: Harney the 2nd Bunday of each mark, split in right ear, wattle on nose. month at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. tn. G Hudspeth, Burns, cattle, scissors on right side, mark, crop and split in each «ar. county, anil oiders were given by I him for the fences to come down. | He has iiecn in the interior since Augu't, and has been all o>er Grant as well a» the south end of H im county. Two yeai s ago hr investigated the operations of the 3. (?. L. L. b. A L. Co, and other large concerns in Wheele' county, and as a result maleiiaily interfered with the operation» of F ruii H aines . those companies S W Mn I ► it Of lirte inspector Dixon ha»' been giving consul, ¡able attention • I Thank The Lord!*' to homesteads, ami in many cases cried Hannah Plant, of Little Ruck, where he lias found them aband­ Ark., “for th« relief I got from on« d he has had the entiles can­ Buekletid'H Arnica Salve. It cured celled. In cases where fencisl my fearful running sores, which have inclosed government land he1 nothing else would heal, and from has ordered gaps made, ami which I hud sufTerud for 5 years.” where they have been found on Il ia a marvulous healer for cuts, government land he has ordered burns and wound« Guaranteed at them turndown. - East Oregoni­ the city drug store; 25c. an. bi»irirt Ju Ue Dlsinc-t Attorney Deputy Dial Vtly PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. E. HUSTON rundete of each month at 11 a. n>. and 7 .<> p. ua. babbalh school at 10 u tu. every Sa’>i»atb morning. B urns , I GEO. 8. SIZEMORE, THE.WINDSOK OREGON j StiORJUNf O regon . ATTORNEY, B urns , A nu union P acific O regon ....................... llec:iui>-, Land business, and R«al Estate matter promt tlv attended to. DR. M. J. GERDES. General Priu tie« of Medicine and Surgery. Office and residence, Cor. Main 4 B Sts. 'Phone Main 71. Burns, Oregon. S. W. MILLER, NOTARY PUBLIC. TIME M Hl DI I KK ihKIU From Huntington (irr fr#B Chicago- Porti nd Fpecial 12:35 a. ir. Salt Lake.Deliver, Ft. Worth, Omaha. Kau sas City, St Lo'iis. Chicago and Eot. 1:45im Atlantic Exprca» 2:10 t> tu Sait Lake.Df uvei i\. Worth, Omaha. Km 3:35 sas City, St Lmd- p Chicago ai.d Fast Wal) • Walia, !.. • i-’ " St. Paul E nt Mail ton. Spokane. 'I.i.n li':3J 1-45 ¡spolia, St. Paul, Jiu- a. m, luth Milwaukee, Cli cago and East. Oregon. Burns, Dapart Tor W. J. COLEMAN, Stenographer and Notary Public B urns , - O regon . Office i«i Citizens Bank Building. W. L. MAKMiKN, LOOK JUHNW .UK4KV 8 p m MARSDEN & GEARY. 14 p. iu. Physicians and Surgeons. BURNS, Oj/ii f at r< sidi aiv. ANYTHING IN MY LINE. OREGON. I p. m. Except - unday. L. E. Hibbard H. 8. Brownton [ Gittt>unice the Goods and Prices Columbia River 8 p. in Kteauierw Ex Sun. To Astoria anti Way Saturd’y Landings. 10 p. n. []f' 1‘honf No. tO Hibbard C. A. Byrd, N. G. F. r. Ih-vine aervices the 'hird and fontth •What 1.« the»ecret of succe ask d the Sphinx. “Push,” Slid the button. “Take pains,” said the window. “Never be led,’’ said the pen- Neuralgia Cll. ••Be up to date,” ».nd the calen­ dar. “Alwats keep cool," »avs the ice Do business on tkk." said the URNS HOTEL ••Ik> a driving business,’ -.i d the hamniar. “Make light of eveiything,” said the tire. “Make much of small things,*’ said the microM'ope “Never do anything” said the mirror. He sharp in your dealings,*’ said the Knife “Find a good thing and M ck to it,” said the glue. -•Strive to make a go, Hl i m- prcssiou,” saiilthc seal. -Ex Civ- 1 BULLS FOR SALE \earlings and Two-Year-Olds Quantities to Suit. Reasonable Rates, Good Clean Meals, Comfortable Rooms, Courteous Treatment; Special Accommodations Traveling; Men. for FIRST CLASS LN EVERY PARTICULAR in Your Patronage Solicited, For S de BURNS LODGE N o 47 A. O. U. W. Meets every second and fourth rrldav. o A. C. Welcome, M. W. C.N. Cochran, Recorder. Forest reserve ecri| , in tracts of 40 acraa and upward, ready for iiuinediaU UM and guaranteed. Willbny Boldiers' land warrantsgiw» ORDER OF WABAINGTON. for services in all Indian wars ana Mex­ Metts every first and third Friday, In Brown Hv‘- , „ . C. P- Katherford, Preside" ican and War of 1812 Pearl Vulgatnore, Secretary. burns CHAPTER NO. 40, O. E. s. Keels every aecond and fourth Moudava In tifi MARQUflM BUDG. M»s<,,,H. lln". H,,,, WoldenbSi, wyM »Marie Carpenter, Secretary. FRENCH-8LENK LIVE STOCK CO. LEWIS & McGEE, Propts 50 Y KARS’ EXPEF ii KNSE T rade M arks OCSICNS, CoPVRICHTaaC. Anyone sending a sketch and j0?! quickly ascertain our ppimon frkC wkCiMjtH flivention 1« probably jftWglgL ttoos strict] tjytonndentCJ. Kanttbtok«iirM^ x •ent free. Ç. —». „ Pateuts ta'tcsa'-KS'SfffsS. taken — - notice* without Chars ts ofc I Nt TULI: < i iU’i.K .No. i< Met I«, every fourth lone \\ Itili ng, Clerk Scientific' jfine'Rcaa Main_St., IIurii»(’Or«gon. from experienced hands. Elegant Mem Livery turnouts. uting Parties Accommodated stop your Lung Irritation, relieve your Sore Throat and drive out your Chronic Cold, with the only cer­ tain, and strictly scientific. Cure for Coughs and Colds: NEW DISCOVERY * L. ! IS A FIRE INSURANCE. FOR CONSUMPTION Almost In Despair. Price, 50c and $1.00 4? Spe V 3^00 AdUliiOT; I □ B- W. HAMILTON Stuck laspector, Harney Lunnly. ... Represents the.... Home addrcRH, Burn?, Oregon. Home Insurance Co., of New York, Liverpool, London & Globe, Fire Assurance Co., Philadelphia OFFICE WITH JiKidS & UIOUS. But ns, Oregon. Corner South <( t.unabu.g & Dalton’s. RKCOMMENOID.CUARAMTECD AMD MOLD BV $11)00 Revi Horses Bought and Sold. DR. KING’S “Our little daughter was given up by two physicians with consumption of the throat, and we were almost in despair, when our druggist recommended Dr. King's New Discovery. After taking four bottles she was perfectly cured and has had no throat trouble since.” —GEO. A. EYLER. Cumberland, Id. A handsomely 11’ istratod weekly euiation of any •tolentifln totjinal. T r mon* be, fl. Sold by a’Lp’ Ko. 361 Broadway, m F st.. Wrtli 'S' Horses receive the best of care Core Your Cough r-0P.T2flND Ú«** rs* harnky valley < ami - N o s » i , w.ofgw SÌ h -I r every tir,t »nd aeeond Tueailay. <-■• W. McCiain, Com. W. A. Gowan, Clerk. Pain. Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart, Ind Forest Reserve Scrip SYLVIA REBEKAH DEGREE No.43. Meetsevery lat and 3d Wednesday. V ,11 O. .. Irnuise Byrd, N. O. E Allee King. Ree. Rec'y. the ball« can be seen at the “I”’ Ranch, and persons desiring to purchase should inquire there of F. II. Howell, Asaietant to the <■ neral Manager, who will furuiah information as to prices an l will Hell the fame. And Other For many years I have been a con- a.d >-t ft • iffvrer f: ;n n> uralgla — 1 headtu’hr. and have ne\’*r been alle to obtain ar *M fr-»m various ht-adache pow .nd cap«.lies, untU 1 tiled I _________ PUla They always ci — ' my — headacho - • - - - In five euro minute» time" _______ - FKKl) H SWING LEY, Cashier IM Nat Baah KUunson. NeU Dr. M l©«’ Antl-Paln PHI« are »old by {ffur druQflltt. who w 11 ouara-tee tnaf he *rtt packago will oenebV If It ♦ail» ha w i return your money. 25 oo»e». 25 cents. New ar *' d In bu’.R. the INLAND LODGE NO. 70 K. of P. Meets every Thursday evening in the Brown »*] • H. M. Horton, C. C. I.. M. Brown, K. R. 8. H. B. Compson- * STABLE. All pain in any disease is nerve pain, the result of a tur­ bulent condition of the nerves. The stabbing. lacerating, darting, burning, agonizing pain that conies from the prom­ inent nerve branches, or sen­ sory nerves, is neuralgia, and is the ‘‘big brother” of all the other pains. Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills rarely ever fail to relieve these pains by soothing these larger nerves, and restoring their tianquility. Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills leave no bad after-effects, and are a reliable remedy for every kind of pain, such as headache, backache, stomachache, sciat­ ica. rheumatism and neuralgia. They also relieve Dizziness, Sleeplessness, Nervousness, Car-Sickness, and Distress af­ ter eating. C m X k . For Plies, Burns, Sores. A N. H oar , Huntington. Oregon A. L. CRAIG, Gen. Pass. Ag’t, Portland. Ougon A. L. MOHLER, Presiti nt. BUKNSLODGE NO. 97, A F. A M , Meet. every Saturday evening in Maaoul. Hall. e. Cummins, W. M. W. C. .McKinney, secretary. H. E. THOMPSON, Propt. DeWitt’s » Salve Leave Naaky Riparia, 120 a in Riparia t< 1 ’ SOCIETIES. ILsixxo. THE Willarnettr Rlv*r. 6 a. »n. Tuesday Portland Curvali' Thur« <& and Way-Landing1 Sat »et. «O» ■ rant Thompson ... ........... Laweu A. E. Brown.................. Venator 1:. A. Smith..................... .... Andrews A. Lundin......................... ........... Denio Archie McGowan......... ............. Burns Parties intending to move Mock should give the Inspector or nearest deputy ten days’ notice. •i nor repoFiCi, D The Times Merabi. M m ; I I DeWitt’s 11 be re* paper- < lepbvu® S Salve For Pilei, Burns, Sore».