The Times-^ierald. S' - ts i ■» n aa nr----- — — F J Klink, the telephone lineman ie in tbe city I aas TH« LAMHAST C1M.ULATION or uï NEWSPAPEK tx THIS COCXTY. SATtKUAT »'AEMBIE. J A Bartlett ia over from *ey visiting relatives Drew- Just liks finding goods—Schwartz «t Budelman’s cost sale. 1/» K E Reed is home from a visit to bis tuAther in Washington. Local News. W He Morrison and wife were • down from Harney yeeterday. NOTICE FOR BIDS. Notice is hereby given that tbe County Court of Harney County, Oregon, will receive proposals for the making of an expert examination and report of tbe i condition of all books and record* of Harney County for tbe two year* ending July 1, 1906, and that such bids will be opened and considered by the Court on January 3,1806, at 1:30 o’clock p m. The Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of the Court. S am MoTHEa^HKAO, Clerk. abandoned the same for more than six n. -n .i > prior to the filing of aai.l adldavit. a. . ■in< « the — -lay of March, IM , has b< now ia a fugitive from .uatice foi sho.»- ng at man. and is supposed to be in hiding > . where lu the state of Idaho, and thaï said alkg ed absence from the said lan 1 whs :. employment in the Army, Navy, or Mar Corps of the United .- tatea as a privnte sol . officer, seaman, or marine, during the time war. aaid parties are hereby notified to appvm, respond and offer evidence ------------- touching - ------------- tai i m _T---------------- -- --------------- ition a. gat ion at 10 o'clock o clock a in m ou November, Novemo« > io, I«', 1 It •« • before the Register ai.erty for PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE. Miss Alice Hamilton has gone to ««le Inquire at Schwartz & Bud- • elman’s W e, the undersigned legal voters of Demo W teach. Lake Precinct, Harney County, State of Hank Felton has purchased a Jautee Gilbert was a business Oregon, res)«ctfelly petition the Hon half inter'st in the Meat Market of visitor Ibis week Court < f Harney County, State ot Ore­ Eldon Johnson. gon, to grant a license to Sidney Come- Ixioking for «naps? See Schwartz Miss Cordie Cecil has recovered gvs to Sell Spirituous, Malt and Vinous A Budeltuan's ad from her recent iilne-s sufficient to Liquors in less quantities than one gallon LC Bradfield is spending a few tie out again. in Lake Precinct Harney County, State days in our city of Oregou, for the Period of Three See Adam George at the Burus Months as in duty bound we will ever Dr. W. C. Brown, Dentist Office for pasture. Stuck have free access pray. ojwtaire in Veogtly building. Names Names to water C A Haines Georg* tiiminon* 1 H Holland made a trip to Henry Welcome and wife and Andy Orborne Geo Winters • Canyon this week on businass. eon cam* over from Drewsey the Ethan Allen Frank Cawliield W H Mayfield of Sage Hen has f>r,l of the week Wm Dunn W N Patterson Fay Cornegys R J Haines 20U acres of fine pasture for sale. 1 Mayor Cummins is absent on a Mick Allen 11 H Elliott business trip to the southern part W B. Johnson was over from Edward Anderson Harvey Muller f of the county. Silver creek tbe first of the week F. L. Anderson E. Haver i D P Nutter C Beary and wife and J E Wal­ Don Baker Fay Cornegys and wife were up C M Gaskell F C Livingston from Narrow* a few day* this week, lace have gone to the lakes for a Notice is hereby given that on Mou- few days’ shooting. day, the4th day of Dec., 1905, the un­ A good kiluheu range for sale. Lee Beu who has been connected dersigned will apply to the County Inquire at Schwartz A Budelrnan’s min George with oeorge in the me restaurant resta busi- Court of th* stat* ot < iregon for Harney John Geml>erling and family now neee, ha* gone to China county, for the license mentioned in occupy the H Kelley residence The Times-Herald is authorized the foregoing petition. property. SIDNBY COMEGYS. to announce there will Ge a Thanks- Did you notice Schwartz A Bud- giying ball at Locher hall. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. eiman’s cost sale announcement? (SITED »TATES LAND OFFICE., ♦ lOO.OfM) to loan al 8 per cent on Read it. Burns. Oregon, October 10,1905.1 improved farms and stock ranches f Notice ia hereby given that Jerry M. Merritt, Chae Wilton and John Faira oi Elfe, Oregon, line tiled notice of Intention to N U. Carpenter. Agent. make proof on hie detert land claim No. 444, for ■pent a few days shooting at the the S’* of s«*,. Ser. 30, T 23 H , R 25 E . W M ., lakes this week. Con Wvatt left the first of tbe before the KegiBtrr and Receiver at Burnt, J T Barnes ia preparing to build week for Portland where he goes to He may not return a residence near J O Cawltield a in join bis wife until spring Brown'« addition. Parlies are warned not to tres­ Born—On Nov 5, At the home of Dr and Mre Marsden, to M ih Wm pass upon Section 32 "as thej’ will be prosecuted. Byram a daughter Frank Hackman. An intarwling cointuunieatioa to I C. Cleaver and A E Wilson were Uacherw and i»chool fioard* front here from Prairie City this week Hupt Rigby will appear in nur next 1'xtking over the valley with a view iaaue of investing Dalton Bigg« and G. A. Reinhold Do you need a pair of good are attending a »ration of the Sl>- spectacles to read your news paper? preine court at Pendleton. Call on E. N. Nelson—he will fit IhNj.UUO to loan at b per cent ou you with A1 glasses. improved farina and atock rancheM Mrs Loren Hembree and little N. I J. Carpenter, Agent. daughter and Miss May Beet were tbe guests of relatives and friends special religioua aervicee will be­ in this city this week. gin at the Preabyterian church Mon­ day night Nov 13. Service» will be Alfalfa seed, Alslke clover seed conducted by Rev H A Kotcbum, Timothy seed, Red top seed, Turk- of Baker City. Every body wel- { eyetan alfalfa seed, Red clover seed uoiue. I Call and examine and get prices.— ¡vtra i «wo naiiton naa a line tlln ■ c . .« n......... play of fall «>><1 wlntnr hats at the \V N Jurg««en building and dasirrs the bidies of Burns to call and sen them All membors of inant are requested a meeting Monday Important business G W. th* tire depart- to be present at night at 7:30. Oregon, on Wednesday, the l.Yth day of Novem­ ber. 190.5 lie nainvt the following wltneaaei to prove the complete irrigation and reclamation of said land Ante« Egll and Hoplna Kgli of 2^1. Ore­ gon, Abraham Lincoln Vanderpool, William Burgett of Riley, Oregon. WM. EARRE. Register. mares, colts, gelding, broke or un­ alarm clock broke, one or more at a time. Head­ quarters at Simon Lewis IJvery | Ladies’ and children’s clothing of all kinds as per samples al my store upon orders for a rcsiamsible house Give me a call. Mrs Hattie llastie, Harney Oregon Toliacco dealer» are warned not to sell tabaeeo in anv form to school boys under the uge of 18 years ns they will be prosecuted. By order of the board of school directors A C W ki . com «, Clerk. For the finest quality of English Surprise Seed Oat», Clear from foul seed and wild oats also clean seed rve at 11 cents per pound, call on Chas H. Davie Harney City Oregon NOTICE FOR COST In order to reduce our stcck, as « ur Mr. Budelman will have to leave shortly. This is a bona fide sale and we are commencing it with a New and I p To Date Stock of Goods. ; ■ ( j | . SF.MI-ANNUAL STATEMENT OF COUNTY TREASURER. (Concluded from page two ) CR. By amount paid to supervisor............................ » 2,181 75 • 86 (»3 ---------------$ 256 31 By amount paid '.o Supervisor . . * 232 18 To balance in fund $ 24 13 To balance in fund ROAD DISTRICT XO. 2. DK To balance iu fund March 31«t 1905. . . .... ♦ Received from Sheriff, tax account...................... 19 05 237 26 CR Wii AT MONEY WILL DO FOR i t BLIC’ATL-.N. PRICES Never before heard of in Harney County BCBLICA 1 lo? EOK UNI H l» STATES LAND Oi l ICE Burns, Oregon, October l‘.‘0' » Notice is hereby given th-«t the following named settler iiHs'llIcd notice of his ir.tcnti n to make filial proof in suppoit <»i his c ! h .:■■ mid that «Ri i proof will be n a«le hefoic t ‘<• Register and Reviver, at Burns. <»'.«■ Noveaiin-r 17, viz Anthony . a < dhii Hurns. Oregon. H. E. No ’.'It, for theS,'a N W 14 ands», NE\. Sc. , 1. a » b . R. ;:<• E.. U. M. He ntiiu<-s the following witnesses io p.ove bis continuous residence upon aud cultivation . | 1 If I I James Lu hi i snire, Hubert Smith, all of Burns, iiregon. W m F a aRB, Register. ' , , I In tbe Circuit Court of the State of Ore ; Ron, for Harney County. Etta Hayes, Plaintiff, i vs. II. M. Horton. Defendant.) Notice is hereby given that under «nd ' by virtue of a Decree and order of sale made and entered in the Circuit Court 1 of the St kte of Oregon, on th« 2nd day of Octob r, 19^5, in a suit therein pend­ ing, wherein Etta Hayes was plaintiff, and H. M. Horton was defendant, in ' which said decree and order the under* i signed, Sam Molherahead, wasappointed referee to t-ell the property .described 1 therein, to-wit: the North half of Lot- Seven (7 in block Three (3?, of the City of Burns, Harney County, Oregon, in the same manner required by law for the sale of real property on execution and to distribute the proceeds as ther-nn directed. Now therefore in pursuance to t-aid decree and order of sale I will on the 14th day of November, 19^5, at the hour of 2 o’clock in the afternoon of said day, at the fr mt door of the Court House in Burns, Oregon, sell to the highest ami best bidder for cash in hand th© follow ­ ing described real property, to wit: The North half of Lot Seven (7 in Block Three [3 in the City of Burns, Harney County, Oregon. Dated at ILirn«, Oregon this 7th day of October, SAM MOTHERSHEAD, Referee. Last publication hereof November ltth 19'6. Every possible reductions made for Close, Cash Buyers. ¡Slock Complete in Kverij Department Our New Cash System to all is cer­ tainly a trade winner—especially when you Get More For Your Money. T OUR PRICES. BROWN’S CASH STORE BURNS, OREGON CITY MEAT MARKET H. E. YOUNG, '»opt. SCHOOL DISTRÌCTS. Meats of all Kinds 1,07b 10 743 30 12 00 7,245 00 <1,962 90 1,159 01 362 00 AGOODI RONT if 8,483 91 $ Lunch Goods can be secure 1 by wearing one of our $ 2 0 suits, made to your measure by the celebrated Merchant I ailoiz 594 19 CITY OF BURNS Everything cn hand usually kept by all first class markets. CARL JOSEPH $ 457 17 120 18 ---------------- Ì To balance in fund 8AL7 FISH Butter and Eggs Lard, Tallow, $ '.»,(>78 IO To balance in fund Bv amount paid for Co. Superintendents orders VV ill he sold Hi I UNITED STATES LAND <>FFI<’F. > Burna, Oregon, November 3, 1D0.». | Not lea 1» hereby given that the follow it g uamed «ettiers have tiled notice of their inten tion to make final proof iu aupport of their r< apective claims, and that said proof« will b< made before the Register anrcgon, on December 5,190.’». viz Edward Noble of Venator, Oregon, II E. No 1’293, for the N’a NK^andN?» NW1*, Hee. 4. i 36 H.. K. 32 1., W. M. Ira K. S enator of Narrows, Oregon, II. E. No. 1296, for the Jx)ts 11 and 12, Hee. 3, Lots 12 aud I •. Hee 4, Lot 1, bee. 9, and Lot 2, Sec. 10, 1. 26 S., R 32 E , W M Henry I ami ret h of Narrows, Oregon, II !•’ No. r.9S, for tbe E«’j HW‘ , NW‘ 8E'*, >W* N F.‘*. Sec. », T 26 B., R. 32 E . W. M Joseph!nu (J. Vaiiator, formerlv Josephine *. 8*« SE1.*, See. ^2. an«l SW. SW* See. X’.. T. 25 S , R 32 E . W M They i nine the follow lug w ituesaes io prat < their roiithiuouR resii will !.«■ !.H<-:lie to _ - ;lI i;, ..,\,ri N t 1‘. 1.4i.\ viz Elizabeth - NE‘*. «W'4 N. fl. E. No. 16s;, fur lb NE*4 N\vlt. gee. ;;i, T R 2.» F... W . M i*he names the foliov on and cult I v her continuous residen of said Jami, viz Autou L/tli and Sophia Sop.' Egli Egli, <»reg.> . At’a'H .; ¡ ncvlu (.•■«du Vat . R. r. £., W. M. she names tha following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and culthatiun of said'and. vis: Geo. Mates. C. 1. Neil, c \ Demarias and 'ba*. H. Davis, all of Harney Oregon. W m F abre . Register. DR i .. iii fund March 31st 1905 $ Received from sheriff, special tax account Having secured the agency for a Received to pay coupons............................... reliable firm for made to measure Received transfer ot April apportionment............. $ goods for ladies and children Mrs Hattie llastie of Harney City will CR take measures and orders for cloaks, By amount paid to districts, apportionment ♦ suits and underwear. By amount paid to districts specal tax . Messrs Catterson ':ck in this oBce by Junius J iiigrrsol cun testai ' SsBL.-sisad sntrv N io» made Ap:. Steak 2\- V. >. • .. ■ •.. • ■• 1) 1W/2. for HE- NB-4, Sr.- 1 4 NW‘4 ati 1 and luiK'lt guilds n’ umtsi • «li Nÿj 8WL^, Section 20. Township 2v S , Rangv 1 hy >rancis L Holladay < outeate.*, in prices Everything >■i.<1 fu; «I, It is aLegsd that the said i ian<.»l H< ' i < At tin- Cit. Meet ’■< it. • ■ has . • -. > : .p m Id tra . .- CONTEST NOTICE 577 35 ♦ 548 58 $ 28 77 & COMPANY as OF For sale at reasonable Prices for Cash CHICAGO Perfect flyle, Gt and tuansiiip gixuauced. A stunning array of over 400 patterns to select hum. Lt m measure you. A few days brings the suit ? b ... .. Sample« ar.J FasUou*. • Shown by HAGEY, FENWICK A JACKSON IIRY GOODS, FURNISHINGS, SHOES, HATS AND CAPS’ * 42 (XI $ 20 Ou * 22 00 Fruit, Vegetables, Soft Drinks, Confec­ tionery, Cigars and Tobacco, M. M. CO E. A. P haser , Manager. Ontario, Oregon. Burns, Oregon. main St., MIGRATORY STOCK FUND DR Receiyed from slock inspector..... ............. ♦ < 1 40 71 40 To balance in fund Tot 1 balance in bands of county treasurer Sept. 30th 1905, $18,046 90 RECAPITULATION Pati-onize Home Industry <”1 Make th--ir / foils fr in noine pi> anJ with h me labor. Showing the balance« in the various funds March Slit 1905; the cash receipts and disbursement*, including transfers of funds, and I he balances standing to the credit of the several funds Sent 30th 190> Disburse Balance Tnfal Receipts Balance meute Sept 30 '05 March 31 ’05 County Gen $22,838 34 $12,092 08 $’!4,930 42 $27,315 96 ♦ 7,611 46 2,528 93 9.773 93 7,245 00 7,645 69 2,128 24 Co. school 1,903 86 1 903 86 1,893 80 10 0« State scib ol 682 80 5,772 07 5,089 27 1,384 44 4,387 63 High school 582 66 S47 93 265 27 212 33 68ft 61 Building 3,907 37 8.897 68 4.9!»0.:i 7,611 78 1,285 90 Road 86 03 2,267 78 2.181 75 2,193 42 74 36 24 13 25« 31 232 18 237 26 19 05 Road dis i Nv 2 594 49 9,078 40 8,483 91 8,000 3D School districts 1.078 IU 28 77 577 35 548 58 120 18 457 17 Citv of Burns 8,200 00 8.200 00 8,200 00 State taxes 255 16 ¿55 16 255 16 Tru&t 22 00 42 00 2Oi«» 14 00 28 (M) Institute 71 40 71 40 71 40 Migratory stuck GOODS WILL BE SOLD FOR $46.915 07 $35,959 22 $82,*74 29 $»>4,827 39 $18,046 90 18.046 9!» 46,915 07 CASH ONLY. SCHWARTZ & BUDELMAN. $82,874 29 $82.874 29 STATE OF OREGON^ County of Harney, I J M. Dalton, certify that all the foregoing are true and correct statements uf tbe baluncee March 31*1 1905, tbe amounts received and disbursed since and the balances remaining in the County Treasury September 30th, 1905. Witness my hand this 25th dav of October 1905. J. M. DALTON, County Treasurer. THE HARNEY VALLEY BREWING CO -ZZESTr OTTI2 G-OOZDS They are an good an tbe beat and our prices cannot be met. We cater to the people and not to thuee *Lo ant !•> main­ tain “Forty-Nine pricee.” *1 w TA ¿J JOHN McfPJ LEN We Make a Specialty of Family Trade A' and deliver goods to any ¡ art nf tbe city. 1 G. W. WATERS. Manager. All the ialei't styles and im|»> ------- *Ci use to be had. ph uyiaphy in r’rof •• Cane!., Artist’s Proof and Postelain process. I style upon application '•>■ ned i A11 s:z,. up-to-date from the smallest locket picture upto an b x 1<> '.t.islnd in » * * TflE HOTEL BURNS BAR :♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ : zr'lM BfiiltY. pfap/ietef. fine Wines, Liquors and Ciqais. Dq?nt> for Maryland Ciub Whisky. î £ CLUB ROOMS ¡N CÄCTI0N EVERYTHING FISST-CLflSS. Coürtioüs ahd £¿¡14104 Mixologists. ♦♦♦» ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦A***** ♦♦*♦♦♦«♦*«*«♦♦* Atisto Pialino or on any of the Amc’ • n papers. r> opposti e I irsi Sailor.,! Bank. ♦ ♦ ♦ i $ - 'urns, Oregon. Tile Oregon Hotel AH I"', FirttJelaM aceominodatious «iti. neR*. c'-.ii an i uotnf irta room. Toy invite» bis friend» tosto;, >. itb blm in Burus. Tabi«*,«eli furnished Mesh 2.’, 1 / A 4