♦ i’ll» (Tiuiea-Hernlò li.» Oihv.al Paper of Hamcy (Jonnty, L aa the largiti circulation, and in one <4 the I* wt advertising ruediumbin Eastern Oregon. ti lye <*>renl Mnrnrtj Couutrv / <3 G ■' BURNS, HARNEY COUNTY,OREGON, OCTOBER VOL. XVIII. Cvxers an im-.i of fì,42S,SOO acre« of lumi. 4,71'1.(W iu les y< t vacant subject to entry under Ilio | ublic land laws of • a the United Stat«». a Se V NO. 49- 1.. ----- BT—------------------------------ ■ — < f . July N . V. CARPEN TER, C asrikk , ■;d .-■ . f August sufficient JOHN 1' DALY. 1'iu.s ,Some miles south of Narrows are ' the Union Pocific magnate A ■ WEI I OJIE, A sst . ( AMUCK C. CUMMINS. V ick I' hes [t.> ¡mure .t «’rep some cliffs which are said to be cov­ “My information is th it Mr i .!« i'll Herald would suggest DESoSIP I ION (IE HARNFY COUNTY BY ered with hieroglyphics stained on COLI MBIA SOUTHERN WILL NOT BE Hammond owns 50 |ier ce .t in the Bld iO 000 ACRE IdACT C ARET SELLA ■ arlv i _ iiioo * t ibis tract TION ON MARKET. AGNES CAWLHELD. the rock in various colors These Astoria, and General Hubbard and EXTENDED THROUGH. I l itei by lord people who may do not seem to have faded at all. H E Huntington the other 50 per -.cor. choice seleclions before a Il is euppoled lo be the work of the cent. A Ninth tirade Studcat ol Ike Might School Aztecs. “The hesitancy on the part of The (treat Hartley Couutry Dotta'! 'Vati for i gem r.il rush of people comes from Priimineot Railroad Man Dedarea That D< (iorernincni aid to Reclaiat Iler mil-m poin'.s lo-take advantage of Awarded Firal Prias for Originality, The climate of Harney County is Mr Harriman to make extensions claioa to Exited was Effected b> Many Fertile Acres. War rants òct/gAi at tÀe market price. Thoughl aad I.«proxies. th opportunity. I lint they will Neccaaity, Not Seatimeat. himself is due to the fact that if he moderate neither loo warin nor too iime there is no question. The; were to make the Corvallis or the cold to he healthful It is rather WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. The Times Herald is authorized The Hart.ey County Fair Aasoci- "E II Marriman has an option Astoria road hie own and a part of Tin.-s-He: aid is in receipt of nine 1 RFXJTO LiW f i- quir.- this week regard­ alion offered 1 prize for the most storms. on the Corvallis A Eastern railway, the ORAN or the Southern Pac- fine body of land seb'Ct.-d bv the' N. U. Carpenter, C. Cummins, John H Daly, ing the p.s.-ib, ■ of securing concise ami original essay descrip­ The soil of Harney County is and can take over the Astoria ld daughter of Mr and is the lack of a railroad. The Wil not lie extended southward. add to his haul without increasing the work made the stat- mei t I -t patch of Inst week this project has .-»«->.-»•«-> -"»SO O» O ■<»•<« 40« r.-HC •uri»«'*’"»**'» Mis J. (> C iwlfield, of this «•ily. lamette Valley ami Cascade Mount “If the Harriman interests tra­ his receipts on freight originating Tuesday morning This was one been recommended by the Govern­ 1 . K« won , Cashier M. A lsxamikk , 1* b «: mi > knt ment Reclamation Service and this She ent «red the high school last am Military Road goes through the verse central Oregon, with a road of in the territory rerved exclusively of the first contracts to be approved (’. \V. l’l . ait , Aunt. Cashier W m . Josas, VicE-t*HKaiUKKT. alone will attact many. month ami 1« in th« ninth inili«! northern end of Harney County by : tbeir own construction, it will be by those roads. in Oregon and contains some of the After witnessing the dilatory me­ “Nevertheless I believe lie will very best agricultural land in tin Burns. The Oregon Central Mili­ tin Corvallis line that will be built Tlia • -ay follows: thods of the Government Reclama- i extend the Corvallis line onward to whole of Eastern Oregon Harney County is in the som h tary Road goes through the south­ onward to Ontario.” lion Service The Times-Herald long It is ern end of the County. The foregoing statement made Ontario and open the interior of eastern purl of Oregon The proposed plan of irrigation relief from that OREGON has considered ONTARIO p The natural resources of Harney yesterday by one of the best inform­ • Oregon. liouiid'd on the north by (Irani has been approved by the govern­ developieg the source toward “If the Corvallis line be extend- ment and is ready lor inepiictiou and Crook Counties, mi th«- weal by Courtly are forests of pine and fir ed railroad men of the west, who > Intefe^t Paid on Time l)epofitn. country out of Harney Crook and Lake Counties, on the which grow on the mountains in has been in a position to learn the > ed, as 1 am certain it will be, a by tile state engineer. Mr Burke Groat placed ils hopes We Soiled Your Banking Business. S'.iilh I'jr Nevada, and on the east the north eastern part of the Coun- facts relating to building plans branch would be built northward guarantees m«>re water per acre the question and in the efforts <.f private enterprises STOCKHOLDERS:—M. Alexander, Wm Jones, E. II. Test, tiy M ilh’-ur County It ih the ly. Wild hay which grows where His .pinion is regarded as worthy from the western slope of the Cas­ than the contract speciti ■», there is that seemed to realize the advan­ I C. E. Kenyon, II. Alexander, Estât f X!-n t Robbing, William large-' County in Or. gon. It ia , the land is flooded every year and of acceptance and his statement of cades to Portland, probaldv through no question of its approval by th,, tages ami possibilities here. It Miller, Frank It. Collin, Thos. Turnbull. al full Silverton or some point near that anything as fact is taken ab.mt one hundred and fifty miles minerals gold silver in the south­ state official. would not sanction any “wild eat’’ v - usvjm . <_»••_- J su- -js*_-a ■• <_*» .»•*_■ .-«a. long and sixty four miles wide, ern part of the County at Pueblo value, says the Portland Journal town. The Portland Company has liven scheme that did not seem feasible, “Take the map and study the one of the conscientious concerns to “I happen to know just why Mr having un area of alioul nine thou­ and chalk in the north eastern pail but is ready at all times to lend a Harriman doesn't extend the CoJ- geography of the state and you will take hold of the reclamation of our sand and six hundre.l square miles I of the County. helping hand where the pYomoters see that the Corvallis extension, as unibia Southern — it ’ s because he Tiie products of Harney County its altitude IS almut four thousand arid land and it is entitled to much show a disposition to carry out tho h HOWARD SEBREE. PMCSIuL".» W. H StLREE.ViCi *» «SIDENT are cattle, horses, sheep, grain— knows th .1 the ,grades are almost I have indicated, would give an al­ credit for its persistant« uuder ad­ two hundred feel. terms of the contract according to »j R. A COWDEN, CASHIER The principal mountain» of Har­ chiefly barley and wheat—alfalfa, prohibitive 011 Inat line and that most airline'.between Portland and verse circumstances. Tiie pumping the provisions of the act in good ney Comity aie Steins Mountains. potatoes, fruit, ami nearly all kimls the Corvallis & Eastern can be Ontario, with 30 to 40 miles less plants are a success, but the com­ faith. built to Ontario from Idanha, the distance and lighter grades than They are in the southern pait of of garden vegetables. pany will not stop at its present in­ pr. nt western terminus, crossing inai i) are now encountered on the 1 The chief industries of ilarnev the County They are about nine vestigations of the water supply. \\ ANTED— Agents, Hustlers thousand and two hundred feel 1 Conn'.y are stock raising and farm­ the Ca.-cade range of mountains, line of the O It «V N through i the Other plans are being considered to Salesmen, Clerks and everybody ami maximum grade that would Blue mountains. above sea level ami about five thou­ ing inake the pi-oj. < t one of the safest “Railroad men must obey the in the state. Mr Burke may put a who wants to enjoy a good hearty The manufactories are four saw be i iicoimtered would be 2 per cent sand t.‘«t above the plat<-aii on which it stands They are one of mills, one flour mill, two breweries, on tho western side of the range command of the engineer who sur- power plant in tho mountains and laugh to send 50c for “Tips to A General Bankin;, Bu iness Transacted Agents.” Worth $50 tn any per­ the liighest mountain ranges in an electric light plant, two soda- and I I per cent on the eastern side veys the lines. It is not the opera­ operate his pumps by electricity correspondence : invited ‘ 1'here is no mystery in his alti­ tor in Wall street, but the rough- Easteri. Oregon. These mountains water works and a borax works in The problem of irrigating that son who sells goods tor a living If not satisfactory your money tude toward the Columbia South ­ dressed and scientific surveyor, when their tops are snow clad are the southern part of the County. tract does not depend upon other bnck Circular for stamp. The very picturesque ami beautiful. The trade of 11 irney County is car­ ern. It is not a matter of feeling who determines where railroads facilities, however, t hat lias been Dr. White electric Comb Co., Deca­ nor of am thing else than mere to ­ shall run. And they are the fel ­ ried on in freight wagons in the settled t 1 the entire satisfaction There are other iiuiuntaiiiH The principal city of Harney pography of the country and eco­ lows who have issued the ukase promoters anil the reclamation of tur, 111. north riiwlern part of the County that central Oregon must be enter­ the land is an absolute certainty hut they are n*»t. no high aa Stein *» 1 Comity is Burns. It is in the north nomy of operation. “The Columbia Southern now ed via the Corvallis extension rath­ In fact the company is .'■> certain Alfalfa al (leer A Cummins Mountain. Th«v an a spur of the ■ .central part of th« county. It is runs from Biggs on the Cc ’ urn bi a United er than via the Columbia Southern .the Comity seal aixl has a _____ that it is ready to guaianl.'.- wilt ' Bln» Mountain* ’there are sever- ■ AfttRIGAN PLAN An placea riv -r southward to Shaniko. over prohibitive grades. ” ,, States Land Office. Other in abundance to prospective pur- ||ie Lt,tic Star I mountain peaks in ddl'ient ONTARIO, OREGON. It is understood that the Harri­ chasers. This land will be sold in places ova r the County for example: : are Narrows almut thirty miles ordinary freight engine can pull about only -ix or seven loaded care, 1m- man interests may select the pass ; south of Burns and Lawen K.O acre tracts or less, with a small Habl Mt in th« th siulhern part. nginea railroad hauling the im- farther south through the Cascades payment down and the balance 011 China George, Proprietor. ,.f lb*- 1‘uiiiil« ami Jump* r Mt in t twenty mites south of Burns Cor. Main and B Streets. | There is a daily mail between , Iimr.se traffic that will «levelop ill counectlug wUh the Southern Paci­ easy terms. Purchasers i re to pay the western part of the I ounty. Rates $2.oo and $2 50 per day. central Oregon over grades that en ­ Burns and Ontario and mail thre«* fic near Albany, but The Journal s an annual maintainance fie of a MBAliS AT fl Lt Lt HOURS Ilarnev Valiev is the principal valley • Harney County. It is in times a week lietween the following tail such heavv expense for motive informant inclinnl to the belief nominal sum per aero and upon the Bakery in eonneetion ml Canyun City, power and such slow running time. that the entrance would be in the last payment of tin purchase price the i! .< 11 proven that County. Buri s has a good public ami bear enormous expense of op­ or city property, your horses, cat­ crops of various kinds can tie rais- KA . 1 her* successfully. Very little school with about one hundred and «■ration. tle or sheep Call and get ac­ “For instance, the reason J antee quainted with them—the latch irrigation ia uw-sary any place in seventy five pupils. Wo also have the valley. S mm of the smaller a very good high school with atten- J Hill comes down the north bank string always Langs out. Main St [I' i C ahi . ob Born of the Columbia is to have the ad- Burns, Oregon. valleys of Harney County are Cat- dauce of about forty. There are eighteen precincts in vantage of lighter grades than he of low valley ill the soullmrli part | Harney County and about nine encounters in crossing the Cascade th. County and Diamond valley in Don’t Borrow Trouble. hundred voters. The officers are mountains in going to the sound. th. . iitenril part of tlm County. Commissioners, and when all has been said about Clerk, Treasurer, rim principal streams of Harney It is a bad habit to borrow any­ Sillier the north bank plan, the only real Ctmr.ly are Hilviea River and Dun­ three in number. Assessor, thing, but the worst thing you can motive that remains, after the pro­ in r ami Blilzen River. The Sil- inteiident and Stock Inspector. possibly borrow, is trouble. When cess of elirnin. tion has been carried vita River is in the northe'n part sick, sore, heavv, weary and worn- out, is the easy grade. Naw Cure For Cancer. of the County and flows south into “Mr Harriman never will extend out by the pains and poisons of dy- Malheur 1. ike It ia about »evenly now th. Columbia Southern because he pepsia, biliousness, Bright’s disease surface cancers aro P atctte , I daho . All OtTAHlO, Ouano*. five niiiea lol g Dunner and Blit­ and similar internal disorders, knows that it would be bad rail ­ known to lie curable, by llucklen a Sea Wilson Brick. zeu River riws in the aouthern part road judgment, but I am informed don’t sit down and brood over your of the County and tlowa north into Arnica Salve Jas. Walters, of symptons, but fly for relief to Elec­ that he wants to extend the Cor­ Duffield, Va., writes. “1 had a can­ Malheur Lake. It is about fifty cer on my lip for years that seemed vallis it Eastern because thereby he tric Bitters. Here you will find 1 tulles long. Silver I reek in the incurable, till Bucklen’s Arnica would g“t into centra) Oregon from sure and permanent forgetfulness north-weal« ru part of the County Salve healed it. and now it is per­ western Oregon al the minimum of of all your troubles, and your body­ and Trout Cree k in the south east­ grades and attain the object aimed will not be burdened by a load of ern part of the County are smaller fectly well.” Guarantee«! cure for at with less expense of operation debt disease. At the city drug •treama of Harm y County. There cuts ami burns. 25c at the city TRISCII Jit DONEGAN, Proprietors. “It has been proved by the engi- store. Price 50c. Guaranteed. are many smaller atreama all over drug store. ueers that the Corvallis Eastern the County. ■ * Having sold the furniture busi­ Up-to-date iob printing at i< neon may be extended from Idanha, the The principal lakes of Harney terminus on the western slope of ness, C. A. Byrd will now turn his County are Harney 1 and Malheur able prices. the Cascades, to the summit of the attention to painting and paper Lakes. They are in the central mountains through the Minto pass, hanging and solicits a share of Les Vanderbool ami wife ariived Malheur is part of the County between the Three Sistern and your patronage. He will also con­ the larger and there is much swamp here from l’rinville Monday where Mount Jefferson, with a maximum duct a cabinet and repair shop. they have resided fir the p:i-t year. land atmul it These swamp* ars grade of 2 per cent; cross the covered with tul. sai <1 oilier swamp Th- v were called here by the quite N Brown A- Sons sell Goltber, Mrs Venator.—Lakeview f 14 t* Il per cent until the great Herald like. Il has -amiv s! r«s like that ¿fe t«.i" . ..f t .-ntrai Oregon is reached. ..I’ th- sea sh >r" Th water in it is 1er '. ale Only at w lo 1 th. r id would run in BETTER AND ENDOKSED BY • lit. It i- about tike, n mil«-» I. Iiy . . 1 I .. I <-om i t • Ontario. V « ill be ’’lad to furnish and four mile* wide. SCIENTISTS AS 11 1| .1 h'-ur n er .0 I If smue vnu iprisi«.,. cilii. . lie • a- ern ter.iiious mCTICALLY wouiU pul " en. ill ■«•mi V >11 'll 1 < load Would tie beltei Harney Lake wmt in. I let» I f mu i ralegic poiot of view than STONE IadestnicUùie ■ v. Hooking 1 i f -i 1 mk« mbia Southern. t<>o. for th« < Send for Over 500 f <1. r> could tw built north au.l Il Price Liat * Beautiful 1 yerve -ou ■ from th* main line to Tn anyone desiring H V Circulara. Designs. v-r. < m r of the 5fi,(tOi’. •q 11 a re md-« of <-ou:itry in «he 1 central p nt of tic state tba. now has toi igt SUC'E*SOR TOZWllSO J 4 A r.T N rail titles S;e ! is H andarne i at Mr Hartiinan is io J f I ' O i Hi -, r the Corvallis a p. »l till A Hi- ■ >r. a' anv time he elects K . >n » ho owns th - lo.iii Mr H K MONUMENTAL bronze company i > tu .Mr II irnman in s in - SUSaZfO&T. CQBJt. nnn.e - írsete of redwood in Cal­ I t >