•.rx Dai» bucks at Voegtly'» C A Bonnett and wife are in the Hackleman up: Casebet-r. Ander­ entries was pu. id off a , 1 as new. Enquire at this for pasture. to water Stock have free accès» Brown son, Thompson up: Baby May. Caine A- Brisbois, Caine up li: Dandy, Moore, Price up; Slog«, In­ gersoll, Magilton up. Slugo ««- left at the poet causing some little dissatisfaction. Although Babv May was a favorite in the mutual' Grav Dandy, the local veteran of of the track was the first ui i< r . wire with the little mare second j-rnile dash for maidens was won by Wade Hampton with Red .Ja .- et a half-brother, second. Wad Hampton became a general fav r- in ile from the first with the . . i the grand stand and continued s throughout the meet, He is a Vi ry promising colt owned by Courtney Officer, Although he did not win every race he started in, he made the best showing of any horse on the track. Wade Hampton will b, taken to Oakland ami raced this winter. He will make a record sure, as be is capable of traveling in any company. The third entry in the maiden race was Red Kock by Kiley. Kino again walked > Il wi’h Uie ‘ . ut Tin Indian' were i> .t -> : - with six p--i :i.' tb ni l,- .1 I >> i< around the cuutre ..eeoli.pat .I by a dog. I.euey’s i ax ms - th- 'li­ ner, as usua I. BROWN’S BROWN’S DOWN’S CASH STORE. •vfcmgthe Best-Prices Lowest t’SITEB STATE' I. ISO »m. vis Am new Land office budding. ofni.l I«: Esll. Or. Ralph Curl is here from his HI. I Will] Dr W.C. Brown, Ih-nliat Offic ■ home at Prairie City. He reports Mrs Hattie Haetie will open a UpaUir^ in v* /’ly building, his father s health very poor. millinery and novelty »tore in Har­ ney about Nov 1. See her an- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATl V Caw held wan over from Hap Cattlemen are ask.d to read the noiincement in thia teeue UNITEU STATES LAND t»KFl( E. py Valley on busineaa thia week i ad of the French-Glenn Livestock Burnt*, Oregon. October 9, 1! Notice is hereby given th it the folio The Windsor, under the manage ­ ITiey are again Ju«t arri-, i at Brown’s, Dr»" ICo, in this i--m- nuinetl net tier ha« filed no i < of h> intel i to make final proof in bUpport of d ; h ■ > ment of C. B. Smith r> ad your new« paprr? vs. of the storm the day before and the II. M. Horton. Defendant. I AIW A COMPLETE SUCCESS. Janie* Pani wnn Minong the visi­ Call on E N Nflsoii — will fit horses had very poor footing In Notice is hereby given that under and tor» during tin week and played you with Al ghiH'ea spite of this il was a horse race fiom bv virtue of a Decree and order of sale (Continued from page two) the rHc-x Jim in not onlv a good the start. Babv May was first tind­ , made and entered in the Circuit Court Dr MniHif.-o mad** a p'ofessional judge of sheep, tor hll- nil id« a h» interesting Tiiere were six single er the wire, but Hampton made s ich of the State of Oregon, on the 2nd day trip io i- k k thli wifk to can guet*» lb - winner in »wrv rae» driving horses coiD|>eted for this a close second that for a time it was of October. IIIO5. 111 a -nit tli rein pe’d- Mi - F. J Lauxhliu 11« report« • He’ll leniti imiter a in grow« older prize and the judge« Anally decid­ not known which was realiv i ntitied ing, wherein Etta Hayes »as plaintiff, to first place. fin.- batty iMtrii to th« family and H. M. llorton was defendant, in 1BIHD DAY »Inch .-aid decree and order the under- For Sate—Eight ve:.r oil) Clv- ed in f.ivur of Mrs 1. Wo’deliberg’s Mr Hi d Mr E F. I’urriugton and j-u.ile da'Ii for saddle horses: signed, Sam Mothers: . . I, uusnppoi -d defldiite Stallion Da.k-Ba . hor-e oi account of his general car­ littio daugnl* r 11« o n .n< home ' Buster, by Mace, Brice up; Prince, referee to Mell the properly ckfirribed weight 1750 IL b . ha» good record riage ai.d yentiei-ess from a vieil io rel»liv»-H hi l’ei.dl le- Five teania wi re entered to com­ j Peterson, Riley up; Sullivan, Cieui- therein, to-wit: the North half of but for colt» and im a bargain. Address Seven (7i in block Three (3), of the City tm> and the L'Wis uid Clark fair ; pete for the silver loving cup offer­ iens. Came up; Snip, Whiting, Jones P (> Box 193, Arlington Ore. up Sullivan first, Buster secoud of Burn«, Harney County, Oregon, in ed by The Times-Herald for the Mrs Geo Ashton has a fin« dlH j-miie dash tree for all: John R. the same manner required by law for John Hendrickson, the t»heep •• -t driving team and Joe Tupker Ingersoll, Thompson up; Surprise, the*! sale of real property on execution the play <>f fall and a mt- r hsiH at huwr took hi- (Ifp.iriur»* for Outa e .rrn d off th- prize. There will be Caine -a Brisbois, Caine up; Mon­ and to dihtribnt the proceed as tlier in W N J..rg • n ombl iga d d- ■ ires ri<» I t-t To sdav morning 11 ho: uiipetition for tlrs trophy day, Hardman Surprise first, Mon­ dii ecte I III*- Lidie« 1 f Buriis lu c >11 and Now therefore in putHUance to >aid bought h* v<*rai thousand bend of day second. next si .-on a" many who did not them 3 mile novelty race: Sunday, A G decree and order <>f sale I will on the *li r|» and stiihd ihuL he expected) ■in - r.-'-i. 1 tht condition* of the Lit r 11; Keno, Hardman; Bill Cl.uk 14th day of November, l'l ;3, at the hour J J Burhrtdge, ih* ru nog to b with U ugaiii n xt March -•out- -1 « ill enter the lists Caliietk Brisbois; Keno fit.l bed the of 2 o’clock in the afternoon of »aid day, «•tute ni.ni of Ontano, was in this race before Bill Clark got through at the fr >nt r of the (’<»u: t Hom e in From the interest aroused in tbi» John McMullen is home from his city a short lime llu < n rk Burns, Oregon, ell to the higucst and _. Sunday took second. -r plea-ant and profit f .r vatiou-ev.-uts and driving teams | jj j,- uaw|ey. __ _ ______ ; Fennellii, Felton, North half of Lot S.*ven (7) in Block thè gre.it Ijarn-'V io,nitri . able trip. During hi absence I be will Im a special feature at the at.- Hughes driver. This was a walk- Three [3 in the City of Burn», Harney .e sure and call and see and get prices before purchasing ' over for Filmore Chief, Fennella b. • County, (Iregon A change in metli 'da of doing took in th* fair and attended a con­ nual i'uirs in the future. I>4.ted at. Burns, Oregon this 7th day For the most concise, original [ ing given second place. busn.e" wh.-re the belieiit« of thè vention of the photographers of the ¡ of October, 1905. EOt'KTIl DAY. and practical essay desoriptive of chni.ge are in favor <>f 111.- consumer Northwest. SAM MOT1IERSHEAP, If you wish to be located on a atnanuttn»:::;:::. ::::n:':;t::n:tt: .: .... -I j-furlongs: Wade Hampton, by > Harney county, there were 40 com- r sh.iuld he appr» ciati-I Browna «ave lliderec. good hom< stead, see F. M. Jordan Officer, Price up: Surprise, Caine & Died At the llarii.-y county p ,. t i toril f roni t b >> high school. The Last publication hereof \* vein’ *r 1 lth yoti luoi.ev by their New t ash » Brisbois, Caine up; Munday, Hard I I.- . Ul ve-, or. hospital la t Hunday. Gel 15 lobo iht. e gentlemen appointed to de- System. man; Surprise took the race with ' S.itorin Di C 'iised bruì boi n ri re-i- .•i.Je which were lhe best two had u Monday second Hampton’s rider A. E. YOUfiG, P¡opt. Mrs Meu.f e, a sist.-r deot of ibi-, m climi for noverili yearn difficult tiuk and only made the was a bad actor that day and ie ) Sun« Duoli, arrtv. d bere 011 i beiog mimi of I In- ti mi- in the t m- i ... a few minutes before the blamed for the horse not winning !• 19 III dar'« «tage The l» l v " The l-iu-le trot or p..ce heat re. > H- «•« ploy of ||>>' i‘ I. S Co i > nnimunee '!»»■ •IJIIt'»' the I IIV WHIIIVIO winners I . ... x . , , ! ’ Ul'C Hill I wa- given to Lucille, tne local pac- t.'olorad1. and Itila *- Il ug- >nd bad nr I Mo •botti 50 year n vi(. F ., ,.ri..... ...... , Ago. - ( .wlh.ld .» Ih. 1.1 »as award.-d awarmo i I ■....... (~are , wUh lhtore Cbi(,f .. se6oud tliesslei' hav. l*en I re stiviH h< ie | firat prize for originality, thought [ Eennella also started HO »est i. Hnu will s FIFTH DAY. Mis» Blanche Mis« Alice Morri II young. »I hi id expression lime !.. re. ¿-mile dash for ponies: Corbitt, [daughter of Tom Mot risoti, tin Terrill awarded second prize on the Mr« H C Brown, a former re»i-‘ veteran stag« driver mid owner of Baine grounds. The committee also Clemens; Jack. Everett; Ted, by Corbett Barnes; Bart, Vickers d.-nt of Harn.-y, but now making, Morrison's addition to Burns, is at Joe Thompson, Mary Otley, first, Bart second. bur hotu« in Elgin, waa a gue«lof| prt--. nt the «11 U of Mr. anil Mrs Marv Neal, Emma Muller, Ger- jj-mile dash free for all: Hamp the hospitable lion.« "I C I- M.-Kin W C I’- , rd Home Sugai Cared The young lady is trude Barnes, Ada Neal, Helene ton, Monday, Red Jacket and Red i.ey thi« w«.-k Mi* Brown came to making h«r first vndt to the home Swain, Floy Thompeon, Henry Rock were the starters. Hampton can be secured by wearing one attend th« we.liliug of her troi. Bur-1 ofher cliildhood tn 13 year«. D .lton, Myra King, Merle Dalton, took the lead from the start and of our $20 suits, made Io kept it the entire distance around bank Clay to M i - i l.ulah Loggnn.' your measure I y the c-dcbrakd , . , Neil Smith, honorable mention for the track. He had the entire grand 1 he band of line ranis recently . , ,,. Merchant 1 ailors Pt M J Garde« ba« gone to | neatness, correct form and spelling, stand with him. Never before had brought hereby \\ in Huffman are Th prize eMgy win be pubn,hed there been such enthusiasm shown Drea.-y wlm he expect« lore- lieing sold wry rapidly and he tn nMt The Time8. or a horse more vigorously cheered main pet man. ntlv imd lake up the I form* Thn TiinfM-Hwrald he has .. on the course. Monday took sec­ pravlic. of mmiicitie. Since Dr.: hut ...ventv left !• our were plac- Mrg v j HopkinH bnby boy was ond place. Standi«« « departure Dreweev ha* j I ed on exhibition at the fair grounds awarde(J (im prize a( (he baby Another uovelty race with three OF CH i CAC. O b«t-ii'without u resident physician: with the result that they took both ah(>w anJ Mrg Harry Brjg(jo,g baby W I H 'l •' ' and Dr Gerd«« con«i• i rt ftdeil upon ss'-l trat-i hl ■ " our city tbi' w.-. k, taktng his . bus be«-n, and »..-gun b 'liwk.-pu g III ill. G. org. ironing races were rather tauie- since Sample» and 1 euhiont now la a fugitive from justice for stiooting at a iio.ni Mr Fr.»er ha* tunny warm Sh.-ll.-v r.-'idenie The 1’1111.— not la-cause of the horses, for we man, and is supposed to be in hiding rmiii- where in the state of Idaho, and that said alle f Shown by personal fn. ml • in H.i-ney county Herald is |>leae«d to . xt.-i.d coo- had three of the best steppers in ed absence from the said land was not due i o his Pati Tits receive every attenti n when placed employment in the Army. Navy, or Mariue who are alwavs glad to welcome the I nitad states as a private a., r. gratulati- I s .nd '.lop.-s Mr and Mrs Eastern Dr.-gon—but they were u.-t t'orpeof officer, seaman, or marine, during the time of hun up-.o bi- occaaional visits. said parties arc hereby noli tied to appear, under our care. Good comfortable rooms. Bearv a pr-.-|H ,ius and happy ». d- .ill in the same class, therefore the war. respond and otter evident v tout-hit.2 sn. l a Hi» ,« -»onal 1 .polarity ha» been a d.-d Ilf.. The bride was fonnerelv contest was not spirited The sec- Kit ion at 10 O’clock a. m. on Novem! er, 1", 1 • . ■fore the Register and Receiver at the l. nltc-i factor tn retidilialnng a very ex­ Qurgicaland mudi , al cases. Terms reasonable Land Office in Burns. Oregon. a telegraph operater and the couple ond trot was not satisfactory to the States The said conteatant having, in a proper afll tensive busu *■-» tor hi» concern in ■re old tin. friends of child-hood, crowd, as Filmore Vhi«f, the hand- davit, tiled October is, r.-f set forth futtb whit h show that after due diligence personal this ciiun'y _____ - tne stallion of D F Hawley was service of th‘s notice can not be m-.de, it is hereby ordere t and directed that such noth a favorite with the grand stand and he given by due and proper publication wm . F ahke , R' gister. he allowed Lucille to take both main St., Burns, Oregon. _ beats. At the time of starting the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION EXPERIENCED NURSES IN ATTENDANCE ( driver chose hie gait and informed FNITE1» STATES LAND ol 1 H E.* Burns Oregon, October jo, p . h ).'>.i •I.- judges lie was going to trot No«i< e i« hereby given that Jerr\ M 'Irrriib Ft! m pi>r!i«m »>t of Eifc. ureuou. has filed notice •■( intenti >n to make proof on hi» de*ert-land «daini No nt. for Burns, Orego,.. u rn«“‘ H - tin* the of ec. 1.0. T -3 S . R ■ E . U '! , 1 ’:it rolli zi• I Ioni- Indiisti’V latore the Register und Recehc at Buri.», »'t.u d u rn » ij.e^ou on Wednesday, the 15th day f Noveiu 19U5. . »Hid pidcc even thimgu hr beul ber. He names the following witnesses to prov the complete irrigation and reclamation of said thr Jill r iiinrr a quarter, bo in or- land Autcn Egli and Sophia Egli of Egli, ore ds fi m '.me products gou. Abraham Lincoln Vanderpool, Vilhr.ic Make th der t . give an exhibition down the Hurgett of Riley, Oregon. WM FAHRE Register. li me lai or. and wit st retell he held hie horse back ’TZe’Z’ OVB Gi-OOZOS Filmore Chief is one of the hand­ No l it E FOB Bl Bi.b A i IO a \ They tire a- good ae the best and our prices cannot be met. somest animals ever brought here We eater to the people and not to thot ■ w ho want to main­ F5ITED STATES LAND OkFIUEJ and at once wuu the admiration of Burn». Oregon, September 29. i tain “Forty-Nine price.«.”- ' Notice in hereby given that the following all the fair visitor«. He has a fine named settler has tiled notice of I.is intention to mage tinal proof in support of his > ¡aim, and color ai.d an excellent disposition that »aid proof will be made before tl»c Register amt ROMlter. at Hun a. Oregon, . u >»• • •< < and deliver goods to any part of the city. at .1 was a general favorite with the 1905, viz Robert J. McKinnon, Jr., of Burins, All the late't styles and improved photography In I Oregon. H. E No la*., f.»r the NE'* la lies, several of whom had the NwF4bE' 4. Lot« 1, 2, S. and •. Sec. I . R G. W. WATERS, Manager. use to be had. Profile Panel*, Artist’s Proof and :«» F M l>t .vilege of driving him during the He names the following winn en> to proo Poaielain piocess Photos finished in up-to-date hib continuous residence upon and cult.. ation I week •of said 1-1. viz: E porter -ylveatc.. Lut- Parker. John M. Parker and Sam KP gall of style upon application. All sizes from the smallest SI'EKl) PROGRAM Sons We can positively save you money— Cive us a chance to do so under our SYSTEM -REMEMBEr- the DATE BURNS. OREGON e up-to Use a Jones The only Binder with Fly Wheel. Chain Mower, Lever Binders pu any htilv. r JDAIJXT C. H VOEGTLY, Burns, Oregon N Prof 3 1 HI w.< U i.*’ r5 -S 4U ¡i« * * . . #1'. ■ '-"J tr -- * ■ ï Í lliock I » : ! CITY MEAT MARKET Fresh I i i I I I NN. ! I i : fopt » and Salt Meat Always on hand Corned-Beef, Bologna Sausag HAMS Home made Lard and Bacon. Beef sold by the Quarter. CARL JOSEPh & COMPANY ■M Machine Ex tras, Machine O>l in Stock. Kakes, Sickle Grinders and inder Twine See for sale, delivered free Ì Harney County Hospital IIAI-EY. FEMVK'K : .1 .WKSOX PRY MOPS, FURNISHINGS, SHO' S, HATS 4N0 CAPS Fruit- Vegetables, Soft Drinks, Confec­ tionery, Cigars and ■. obacco. Pleasant Quarters provided for | Obstetrical Cases. ( has. E. McPheeters, Propt. THE HARNEY VALLEY BREWING CO Headquarters tor JOHN McnULLEN SCHILLING S BEST We Make a Specialty oi Family Trade THE TP III 1HIL fltOI(IGÜAPHF.R Coftees, Tori'S, Burna, oregou ?.o I I h bet' ing» C ESxitT YOUR MONEY BACK IF NOT SATIS- FACTORY. Wc Solkit Your wants in the GROCERY LINE il ■ Toe first race was f mile dash f>: - 1,1 • horses. Entries: bnow NOTICE . FOR m . F arp . e . Regieter. PUBLICATION V Dot Davis; Black Baby. (Isolated Tract) Public Land sale. Earl Withers: Grover, Cal Clemens; | Notice iff hereby given that in purveanceof Bust, r. Lute Mace. Whiting rider; infftructiuuff from the Coinmifftiuiicro' ' he Gen­ eral Land office, under authority vest* in him Prime, Peterson Kiley rider. The by Section 2455, F. S. Rev. Stat., us amended by the act vf Congrew approved February 26,1* . horses horses got away at once with u t will proceed to offer at publu »ale <.n ibe 4th day of NovamLwr. next at th* Lour ■ f b- a fine start and three came under o'cliK-k a. m at tbi* office, the follow itig tra-.t of land, to wit SE' 4 - 12. and NE . x E * the wire in a bunch with Black The - T. 26 R 31 E , * M. North of Malheur Lak. Any and all peraon« claiming adversely th- Baby first, Buster second and Gro alx-ve de»( ribed lands art adviaed to file their ver th:rd. The winner made a kil­ claims in thia office on or before the day and hour above deFif natwd for the commencement ling in the mutuals, being a 21 to 1 of »aid 6ale, otherwise their rights will be for­ feited. W m . F abre , Register. «hot. The second race was j mile free for all with Grandma by Cecil, A. W. G owan . Receiver. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, / Bgraa Oregon, September 1905. * locket picture up to an 8 x io finishtd in Aristo Platino oi on any of Ahe American papers. THE HOTEL BURNS BHR «f Oallcry oppMlte First Natioia! Bank. •Burns, Oregon. 5fiM BAILEY. Proprietor. fino Wipes, UqJois and Ciqars fìqepts for /»'afqiand Club Whisky. CLUB ROOM? IN OÄCTION EVERYTHING FR5T-CLASS. Courtïods a;«! obli^ Mixologists. Tne Oregon. Hotel AH TOY, Manager Firat'claes accommodation» with neat, c!e#n and comforta- room. Toy invite» h;» friends jo »top with him when in Burns. Tablet’well f unite bed Meals 23 rente.